Analisis Ketidakpatuhan

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JULI 2011

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011



Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk Memperoleh Gelar
Sarjana Humaniora
JULI, 2011

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


Skripsi ini adalah hasil karya sa ya sendir i,

Skripsi ini adalah hasil karya saya sendiri,

dan semua sumber baik yang dikutip maupun dirujuk

dan semua sumber baik yang dikutip maupun dirujuk

telah saya nyatakandengan
dengan benar.

telah saya nyatakan




: Tartisa Sulistiani

: Tartisa Sulistiani


: 0706295765




: 12 Juli 2011


Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Skripsi ini diajukan oleh

: Tartisa Sulistiani


: 0706295765

Program Studi

: Inggris







Kaitannya dengan Strategi Kesantunan dalam Oprah


Winfrey Show

Winfrey Show
telah berhasil dipertahankan

di hadapan Dewan Penguji dan diterima sebagai

persyaratan yang diperlukan untuk meperoleh gelar Sarjana Humaniora pada Program
Studi Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia.




: Diding Fahrudin, M.A.


: Bulayat C. Sembi ring, M.A (

: Junaidi, M.A
Ditetapkan di



12. Jvli 101I



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(insyaAllah, Amin).

„Thesis Friends‟

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011




Sebagai sivitas akademika Universitas Indonesia, saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah

: Tartisa Sulistiani


: 0706295765

Program Studi

: Inggris


: Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya

Jenis Karya

: Skripsi

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Hak Bebas Royalti Noneksklusif




(Non-exclusive Royalty-Free

Right) atas karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

Analisis Ketidakpatuhan Prinsip Kerjasama dalam Kaitannya dengan Strategi
Kesantunan dalam Oprah Winfrey Show

Analisis Ketidakpatuhan Prinsip Kerjasama

dalam Kaitannya dengan Strategi

Kesantunan dalam Oprah Winfrey Show
beserta perangkat yang ada (jika diperlukan). Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Noneksklusif
ini Universitas Indonesia bedrahtaakbamseenyimpan, mengalihmedialformatkan, mengelola
dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database), merawat, dan mempublikasikan tugas akhir
saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis/pencipta dan sebagai
pemilik Hak Cipta.
Demikian pemyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenamya,
Dibuat di : Depok
Pada tanggal: 12 Juli 2011


Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

prah Winfrey Show

Analysis of the Non-Observance of Cooperative Principles Rel
the Politeness Strategy in Oprah Winfrey Show.

Oprah Winfrey Show

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

ated to

HALAMAN JUDUL ……………………………………………………………….. i
ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………………… ….vii
DAFTAR BAGAN DAN TABEL.……………………...………………………
… ix
…... 1

BAB 2 LANDASAN TEORI ……………………………………………………..... 11

BAB 3 ANALISIS…………………………………………………………………... 33

BAB 4 PENUTUP …………………………………………………………………...59

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ………………………………………………………………63

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


1.1 Latar Belakang
Manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kegiatan berkomunikasi. Ruben dan Stewart
(1998:16) secara khusus menjelaskan bahwa “human communication is the process
through which individuals – in relationship, groups, organizations, and

societies –

respond to and create messages to adapt to the environment and one another.” Proses
yang terjadi dalam komunikasi terjadi secara dinamis ketika seseorang menyampaikan
dan mengintepretasikan informasi. Watzlawick, Beavin, dan Jackson (dalam Ruben dan
Stewart,1998:31) juga menjelaskan bahwa proses dalam komunikasi melibatkan
pertukaran pesan antara manusia. Pandangan ini menekankan bahwa komunikasi adalah
sesuatu yang bukan terjadi karena sengaja melainkan terjadi secara alami dalam diri
Bahasa merupakan alat yang digunakan manusia untuk mencapai suatu tujuan
dalam berkomunikasi. Tujuan-tujuan tersebut contohnya adalah mengungkapkan suatu
pendapat, mempertahankan jalinan sosial, mempengaruhi orang lain, memperoleh
informasi, dan sebagainya.

Dalam menggunakan bahasa, seorang pengguna bahasa

harus mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan bahasa dengan tepat agar tujuan dalam
berkomunikasi dapat tercapai.
Chomsky (1965) menjelaskan bahwa penguasaan bahasa dilandasi oleh
pengetahuan tentang kaidah-kaidah gramatikal yang direalisasikan dalam situasi yang
nyata. Akan tetapi, pengetahuan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan penggunaannya karena
hanya berpusat pada kaidah sintaksis atau kalimat. Oleh sebab itu, Hymes (1972)
membantah pendapat Chomsky tersebut dengan mengungkapkan bahwa seorang
pengguna bahasa juga harus memiliki kompetensi lain yang disebut dengan kompetensi
komunikatif yang melingkupi pengetahuan bahasa dalam penggunaannya. Berdasarkan

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

“something that is
emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be
constantly attended to in interaction“

(Face Threatening Act / FTA )

Politeness :
Some Universals in Language Usage
Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


talk show


talk show

talk show

Analisis Tindak
Pengancam Muka dengan Kesantunan Positif dalam wawancara BBC dengan Putri

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Pengaruh Solidaritas Terhadap Strategi Melindun gi Muka
alam Drama A Doll‟s House : Sebuah Analisis Pragmatik


.2 Rumusan Masalah

talk show

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

1.3 Tujuan

talk show

.4 Batasan Masalah



.5 Manfaat dan Kemaknawian Penelitian

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

1.6 Metodologi Penelitian

Winfrey Show

Eclipse Stars on Oprah.
Oprah Winfrey


talk show

Tennessee State University
talk show
Translation Analysis of English Interrogative Sentences in Three Episodes of Oprah
Winfrey Show

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Oprah Winfrey Show

wh- question


Oprah Winfrey Show
Hedges Occur in Michael Jackson Interview of Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey Show

Oprah Winfrey Show
Eclipse Stars on Oprah

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


talk show

.7. Definisi Operasional

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

.8 Sistematika Penulisan

Oprah Winfrey Show


Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


.1 Konsep Pragmatik

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

what does X

what did you mean by X

what time is it now?‟

what time is it now?‟

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

2. 2 Implikatur dan Prinsip Kerja Sama

ut keep their

„They have to change th eir look


“Make your conversational
contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the
accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged !”

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

(Maxim of Quantity)

Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purposes of
the exchange
Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

: Where do you live ?
: I live in California. California is one of the densest cities in th e United
States. Obama was from California, too. I‟m so proud to be Calif ornian.

„ I live in California‟
(Maxim Of Quality )

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Do not say what you believe to be false;
Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence

Prince William is now single and he lives in Indonesia.

(Maxim of relevance)


A : Do you know how to make a twitter account ?
B : I „m so hungry.

„Yes , I know‟

„No, I don‟t‟ .

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

(maxim of manner)

Avoid obscurity of expression;
Avoid ambiguity;
Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity);
Be orderly.

He gave me lots of medicine. I got a sorethroat, so I went to doctor la st night.
Hopefully I can be healthy soon.

(Opting out a maxim)

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Violating maxim)

(Infringing maxim)

Flouting a maxim)

(suspending maxim

2.3 Teori Strategi Kesantunan

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Face Threatening Acts)

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

On record

1. Without
redressive action,baldly.
with redressive action

Do the FTA

4. Off record



Don‟t dothe FTA

„face loss‟

(on record)
(on record)
( bald on record without redressive action)
(with redressive action

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

(off record).

(bald on record);

(off record);

Pengaruh Solidaritas Terhadap Strategi
Melindungi Muka dalam Drama A Doll‟s House : Sebuah Analisis Pragmatik

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

„Oh, you must be tired, come and sit down here‟

„really‟ „absolutely‟ „exactly‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

What a really great talent you have !‟

“I walked away that street, and you know what ?I met your boyfriend w ith other
girl “.

„mate‟, „fella‟, „sweetheart‟, „dear‟ „pa l‟

A: I have done my homework in five minutes.
B : Five minutes, okay.

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

„Yes, You look gorgeous but the colour should be darker „
„you new hair is very bad‟

(white lies)
„I don‟t tell her your secret‟
white lies

„The show was nice, right?‟

„Don‟t you want a new computer?‟

„Hey, your Jimmy Choo should be mine‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

I know that you avoid ice cream, but it is different. It‟s vegetarian ic e cream.
You must like it‟

„I will send the book tomorrow.„
„Need a hand ?‟

„No problem, everything are under control. „



Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


„kami‟, „kita‟, „us‟, „our‟

Let‟s do this assignment‟
„We should take vitamins

„Why don‟t we go to that restaurant?„

I‟ll do X for you if you do Y for me.„
„I will go with you if you do my homework‟ ,
did X for you last week , so you do Y for me this week.‟
„Since I have performed the group presentation, you have to do it on next week.‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

I am sorry to hear your father‟s death‟
„I am happy for your achievement in class ‟.

„Could you please make a glass of smoothies for me? „

around, about, approximately, sort of, kind of, quite, fairly, dan rather, modal seperti
may, could, I suppose that, I guess that, I believe that , I imagine that , I‟m afraid that ,
I think that, serta it seems to me, in fact, don‟t you agree, if you would, dan if you don‟t

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

„There is a great concert, but I‟m afraid you can go there‟.

„I just want to ask you if I can move this box .‟


Sir Ma‟am,

Sorry, I was wrong, but I didn‟t mean to do it‟ ; „Firstly, I would like to back
your pardon for my terrible dinner.‟


„One must not touch this plate‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

„You must not touch this plate‟
„ This bicycle has to be repaired‟

„Your bicycle has to repaired‟ .

„Passengers will please refrain from flushing toilets on the train‟

„The House of Representative warns the local governor to apply the rule .‟

We don‟t use chopsticks here, we use spoon, Mike‟.
„ Don‟t touch this cable‟.

„You danced well last night and we got amazed. „

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Your dancing well last night amazed us‟

Your good dance last night amazed us.‟

I‟ll never be able to repay you if you make those dresses

„I would easily do that for you.‟

„What a boring movie!‟
(I don‟t like it! Let‟s leave!).

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

„I am‟
I am a student

„Are you a student?‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


Data yang digunakan untuk analisis adalah transkrip percakapan Eclipse Star on
Oprah Winfrey Show yang terdiri dari percakapan Oprah Winfrey dengan empa t pemain
film Eclipse yaitu Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, dan Dakota
Fanning. Film tersebut merupakan film box office yang diangkat dari seri novel Twilight
Saga 5yang sukses di pasaran. Dalam episode ini, penulis menemukan adanya 1 4 tuturan
Oprah Winfrey yang dijadikan korpus. Korpus tersebut dilihat dari ketidakpat uhannya
terhadap prinsip kerjasama Grice. Korpus tersebut kemudian dianalisis ber dasarkan
kaitannya dengan strategi kesantunan Brown dan Levinson dan dilihat implikatu rnya.
.1. Analisis
Korpus 1

: Oprah, seorang pembawa acara dalam acara Oprah
Winfrey Show, sedang berbicara dengan Robert P attinson,
seorang aktor dalam film Eclipse. Tuturan terjadi di studio
saat siaran berlangsung. Tuturan terjadi setela h Oprah
berhasil menenangkan suasana yang gaduh di dalam
studio setelah mereka melihat kedatangan pemain-pemain
film Eclipse. Topik pembicaraan adalah hiruk pikuk
penggemar yang diterima oleh Robert.

OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Hello. Hello. Okay. Okay. You just want to do that for an
hour, or can I talk? All right. Welcome,welcome,
welcome. So does this happen everywhere you go?

: Not everywhere.

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Analisis :
So does this happen everywhere you go?‟




New Moon

New Moon

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Korpus 2

Winfrey Show,
„not everywhere‟

Not everywhere.
Not everywhere. I will say this: everybody in the
audience saw “Eclipse” last night.

„not everywhere‟
I will say
this: everybody in the audience saw “Eclipse” last night‟.
not everywhere‟

‟I will say this: everybody in the audience saw “Eclipse” last night
„not everywhere‟

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


(off record)

Korpus 3
K onteks

Winfrey Show
Oprah Winfrey Show.
You guys joined forces. That was good to see. Good to
see. So, what does it feel like, Taylor, to be in the
midst of this phenomenon? It really is a phenomenon,
and you know, the closest thing that I can recall, my
generation, was the Beatles. And I was one of those
people screaming for Paul McCartney, and now
people are screaming for you.

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

You guys joined forces. That was good to see. Good to see‟

You guys joined forces. That was
good to see‟

„good to see‟

You guys joined forces. That was good to see. Good to see‟
„good to

what does it feel like, Taylor, to be in the midst of this pheno menon?‟
“…It really is a phenomenon, and you know, th e closest
th I can recall, my generation, was the Beatles. And I was one of thos
ing that
reaming for Paul McCartney, and now people are screaming for you”



what does it feel like, Taylor, to be in the

midst of

this phenomenon?‟
„…It really is a phenomenon, and you know, the closest thing that I can recall, my
generation, was the Beatles. And I was one of those people screaming for Paul
McCartney, and now people are screaming for you‟.
what does it feel like, Taylor, to be in the midst of this phenomenon?‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

It really is a phenomenon, and you know, the closest thing that I can
recall, my generation, was the Beatles‟.

And I was one of those people
screaming for Paul McCartney, and now people are screaming for you‟.

Korpus 4
K onteks

Winfrey Show,

It‟s really unlike anything else, I mean, obviously, but
it‟s amazing. I mean, I know over the past two years,
I‟ve had the time of my life, so I mean, I couldn‟t be
more thankful.
But what does it feel like? Does it feel like being in the–I
can‟t imagine–like in the eye of a storm or something? I
don‟t know.
Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


But what does it
fe el like? Does it feel like being in the–I can‟t imagine–like in the eye of a storm or
something? I don‟t know‟.



„the eye of a stom‟

I can‟t imagine–like in the eye of a s
mething?I don‟t know‟

„the eye of a sto

torm or

Korpus 5

Winfrey Show
Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


You could be a part of two phenomenons or three in your
lifetime, but it is a phenomenon. And you seem to be, you
know, there‟s so much written about you being shy, so
does it feel overwhelming to you? Is it difficult for you to
just fully embrace it?
I get so nervous, and…
Okay, let me give you a hug. Let me give you a hug. It‟s
okay. It‟s okay. Yeah. Really? Okay, and you‟re
nervous why? Tell me why.


Okay, let me give you a hug. Let
me give you a hug. It‟s okay. It‟s okay. Yeah. Really? Okay, and you‟re nervo us why?
Tell me why...‟.
let me give you a hug. Let me give you a hug‟
give you a hug. Let me give you a hug…‟; „its‟s okay

Okay, let me

„…It‟s okay. It‟s okay….‟,

why? Tell me why‟.
„Okay, Let me give you a hug. It‟s okay. Tell m why? „

(You could be a part of two phenomenons or three in your
lifetime, but it is a phenomenon. And you seem to be, you know, there‟s so much written
about you being shy, so does it feel overwhelming to you? Is it difficult for you to just
fully embrace it?)
Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

„ I got so nervous and…‟

Okay, let
me give you a hug. Let me give you a hug. It‟s okay. It‟s okay. Yeah. Really? O kay, and
you‟re nervous why? Tell me why .

Korpus 6

Oprah Winfrey

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Well, you know, this means a lot to you guys, and it‟s the
same deal for me. I understand that your words have
weight, and I mince them when I know that everybody‟s
waiting for them. You know what I mean? It‟s, like…
: Well, really, we‟re just waiting for your truth. We just
want you to be whoever you want us to know you to be,
because I understand that being in front of the camera, a
person can‟t know your whole life, but I don ‟t think
anybody‟s waiting for anything other than for you just to
sort of be yourself. So feel really at home. Just fe el really
at home. Feel comfortable with that.But we can tell that
you really care so much for the character. Yo u really
care so much for who Bella is.


just‟, „well‟, „really‟ „sort of‟
„Well, really, we‟re just waiting
for your truth. We just want you to be whoever you want us to know you to be, b ecause
I understand that being in front of the camera, a person can‟t know your whole life, but
I don‟t think anybody‟s waiting for anything other than for you just to sort of be
yourself. So feel really at home. Just feel really at home. Feel comfortable with that.
But we can tell that you really care so much for the character. You really care so
much for who
Bella is
„you don‟t need to feel anything but relax, it‟s gonna
be okay‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

just‟, „well‟, „really‟ „sort of‟

Korpus 7
K onteks

Winfrey Show

And so, yeah, the cadence and everything. I used to
do an American accent and transpose my voice down,
and there‟s a few key words, and then I think if you–
like, “water.”
Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Yeah. As soon as you can say “water” in an American
accent, then that‟s–you‟re,like,halfway there.
So they tell you to say “wadder.”
Yeah. That‟s Chicago, right?
That was a little Chicago mixed with Tennessee, but
okay, yeah.

was a little Chicago mixed with Tennessee, but okay, yeah.‟


That was a little Chicago mixed with
Tennessee, but okay, yeah‟.



Yeah. That‟s

but okay, yeah‟

That was a little
Chicago mixed with Tennessee

but okay, yeah‟

That was a little Chicago mixed with Tennessee, but okay,

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Korpus 8
Oprah Winfrey Show,




I have no reason to influence people. I j ust want
to have it all for myself. I just want someone to pat
me on the back. (laugh) It‟s crazy. I mean, it‟s the
same thing as what‟s Taylor‟s saying. It seems just
completely ridiculous. I don‟t know why. I mean,
three years ago, I wouldn‟t be able to influence my
dog to walk.

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

: And now you‟re one of world‟s–listed as one of
the world‟s most influential people. It was 100
most influential in the world.


I have no reason to influence people…‟
And now you‟re one of world‟s–listed as one of the world‟s most in fluential
eople. It was 100 most influential in the world‟.
And now
you‟re one of world‟s–listed as one of the world‟s most influential people. It


ostminfluential in the world‟,



Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


Korpus 9
K onteks



Winfrey Show

So, yeah, it required, obviously, a lot of time in the gym,
but, you know, mainly eating changes.
There‟s the moment. There‟s the moment. That‟s what
that was. Don‟t get embarrassed now. Long time in the
gym? What did you do? What did you eat or not eat to
get that way?

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011


There‟s the
moment. There‟s the moment. That‟s what that was. Don‟t get embarrassed now. Long
time in the gym? What did you do? What did you eat or not eat to get that way?
There‟s the moment‟


time in the gym? What did you do? What did you eat or not eat to get that wa y?

„Don‟t get embarrassed now‟

Korpus 10



Winfrey Show

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

“No. I‟m not howling.” Robert, is it true that you wanted
to quit? I heard that, but you can‟t believe anything you
read, so I have to ask you. Is it true that you thought
about quitting acting before you did this audition?


is it true that you wanted to quit? I heard that, but you can‟t believe anything y ou read,
so I have to ask you.‟

I heard

that, but you can‟t believe anything you read, so I have to ask you‟

Robert, is it true that you wanted to
quit? I heard that, but you can‟t believe anything you read, so I have to ask y ou. Is
itue that you thought about quitting acting before you did this audition?‟

I heard that,
but you can‟t believe anything you read, so I have to ask you‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Korpus 11
K onteks

Winfrey Show

Is it true you read all four of these books in one week?
I did. Yes.
What a luxury. What a luxury. Did you just re ad them
one right after the other?

What a luxury. What a luxury. Did you just read them one right after the

what a luxury‟

Universitas Indonesia

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Did you just read them one right after the other?‟
What a luxury. What a luxury‟

Korpus 12
K onteks

Winfrey Show


the Runaways.

So you and Kristen worked together on another movie
that‟s really, “The Runaways,” right? And you‟ve
become good friends. How would you describe her?
How would you describe her?


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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

How would you describe
her? How would you describe her?‟.
„how would you describe her?‟

How would you describe her? How would you describe

„The Runaways‟

So you and Kristen worked together on another

movie that‟s really, “The Runaways,” right?‟

Korpus 13
K onteks

Winfrey Show,

Well, Dakota–do you feel, Dakota–I‟ve heard other
actors say this of you. Not only are you, you know, one
terrific actress but that there‟s something about you
Universitas Indonesia

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that carries the aura of actually being much older. I
remember, you know, hearing other actors say that
about you.

Well, Dakota–do you feel, Dakota–I‟ve heard other actors sa y this of
you. Not only are you, you know, one terrific actress but that there‟s somethin


u that carries the aura of actually being much older. I remember, you know,


ot say that about you‟
her actors
„you know
Not only are you, you now,
terrific actres‟

but that

there‟s something about you that carries the aura of actually being much


I re
member, you know, hearing other actors say that about you‟
„other actors‟
Well, Dakota–do you feel, Dakota–I‟ve heard other actors say this of you. Not only are
you, you know, one terrific actress but that there‟s something about you that ca


uraa of actually being much older. I remember, you know, hearing other actors


a you‟.

„I‟ve hea


ctors say that you have the aura that makes you look much older‟

„you know‟

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

other actors
other actors‟
„other actors‟


orpus 14

Winfrey Show

e movies
Very nice. Now, so many people who watch th
ou were
want you to either pick one or the other. If y
uld that
choosing the ideal woman for yourself, who wo
I have to choose a lady right now?
No, specifically, what would those qualities be?

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If you were choosing the ideal woman for yourself, who would that b e?‟
No, specifically, what
would those qualities be?‟



If you were choosing the ideal woman for
y urself, who would that be?


I have to

c oose a lady right now?
specifically, what would those qualities be?‟.

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.1 Kesimpulan

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talk show

Oprah Winfrey Show

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4.2 Saran

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Tiga Dimensi Kesantunan Berbahasa: Tinjauan Terkini.

Politeness : Some Universals in Languag e Usage.

Pragmatic Stylistics .
Aspects of The Theory Syntax
Logic and Conversation
Syntax and Semantics Vol 3: Speech Acts
Full Transcript of “Eclipse Stars on Oprah.

It's Not What You Sign, It's How You Sign It .

On Communicative Competence‟

Universitas Indonesia
Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Analisis Strategi Melindungi Muka dalam Wawancara BBC dengan
Putri Diana.

Pesona Bahasa : Langkah
Awal Memahami Linguistik.
Pengaruh Solidaritas Terhadap Strategi Melindungi Muka dalam
Drama A Doll‟s House : Sebuah Analisis Pragmatik. .

Sign, Language, And Behavior.
The Translation Analysis Of English Interrogative Sentences
In Three Episodes Of Oprah Winfrey Show.

Oprah Winfrey: Talk show Host and Media Magnate.

Communiation and Human Behaviour.

Hedges Occur in Michael Jackson Interview of Oprah Winfrey
Metode Penelitian Sosial

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Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Modul Dasar-Dasar Jurnalistik Televisi

Gender ,Language and Culture.

Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics


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Full Transcript of “Eclipse” stars on Oprah
5:53 pm, May 13th, 2010
ANNOUNCER: Today, all new. For the first time, the worldwide Twilight phenomenon (1)
comes to “Oprah.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): They are the hottest thing on the planet. Robert Pattinson. You
know there are all these rumors about the two of you dating. Is it true? Kristen Stewart,
Taylor Lautner, and Dakota Fanning. We sent them knocking on doors.
GROUP (GIRLS): (scream)
FATHER: Oh, my god.
GIRL‟S MOTHER: He‟s so hot.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Walking into your houses.


GROUP (GIRLS): (scream)
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Why grown women say this has revved up their love lives.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Okay, So I just want to say this. Unless you‟ve been living
under a rock, you already know this, but it is really the hottest thing going on in the world
right now. It defines the word “phenomenon.” Eighty-five million books sold. Can you
believe that?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Eighty-five million books, which so excites me that people are
reading. Box-office records just shattered, crushed, and it has unleashed a worldw ide
yearning for romance. Viewers tell us that it‟s literally changed their relationships.
Mo ms are bonding with their daughters. Wives are reconnecting with their husbands.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): “The Twilight Saga” is more than a best-selling sensation or
billion-dollar blockbuster.
GROUP (FANS): Edward. Edward. Edward.
FAN: We‟ve been here since 4 A.M.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): It is the phenomenon that sparked a frenzy around the world.
“Twilight‟s” explosive popularity is giving Beatlemania a run for its money, turning its stars–
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner–into the most popular actors on our

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OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): This epic love story has grown women swooning like
STEPHANIE (41): I‟m a mother of two, a corporate attorney, and a closet “Twilight” junkie.
WANDA (45): It just makes me want to ooh ahh.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): They are yearning for every detail of the tortured romance
between a sexy vampire, his girlfriend, and a werewolf with abs of steel. For those who have
a thirst for action, passion, and heart-stopping suspense…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): …”Twilight‟s” vampires and werewolves do not disappoint.
ROBERT PATTINSON (AS EDWARD CULLEN): You‟re my only reason to stay alive (40)
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Ho ho ho. Okay. The stars of “Eclipse” are here. Robert
Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner. They are here.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Hello. Hello. Okay. Okay. You just want to do that for an
hour, or can I talk? All right. Welcome, welcome, welcome. So does this happen everywhere
you go?
ROBERT PATTINSON: Not everywhere.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Not everywhere. I will say this: everybody in the audience saw
“Eclipse” last night.
ROBERT PATTINSON: I didn‟t even know that.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You didn‟t know that?


ROBERT PATTINSON: I had no idea.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That‟s because you were going around knocking on doors.
You didn‟t. Everybody saw the movie last night, and I guess we liked it, right?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You guys joined forces. That was good to see. Good to see.
So, what does it feel like, Taylor, to be in the midst of this phenomenon? It really is a
phenomenon, and you know, the closest thing that I can recall, my generation, was the
Beatles. And I was one of those people screaming for Paul McCartney, and now people are
screaming for you.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: It‟s really unlike anything else, I mean, obviously, but it‟s amazing. I
mean, I know over the past two years, I‟ve had the time of my life, so I mean, I couldn‟t ( 60)
be more thankful.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): But what does it feel like? Does it feel like being in the–I can‟t
imagine–like in the eye of a storm or something? I don‟t know.

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TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah, it‟s different. It‟s almost like you live two different worlds.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: You go into that world, and then you completely vanish and you go
back to your regular life.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Yeah. And for you, sir, you really do go into a different world
and come back, yeah?
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. I mean, that‟s a good way of putting it. I mean, I think (70)
it‟s weird. I think as we‟ve been so sort of central to the whole thing since the beginning, and
it started really when no one knew anything about it.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Right. Right. Right.
ROBERT PATTINSON: And so now it does feel like you‟re in a kind of eye of the storm,
and I don‟t know. I still, to this day, can‟t really connect to all the craziness.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Wrap your brain around it? Yeah.
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. And it‟s a great position to be in because you can appreciate
it. All of a sudden, you walk into a room, and everybody‟s screaming, and, like, it doesn‟t–
and it‟s not really about you, so it never really goes to your head, and it‟s kind of–a nd you can
kindof participate in it.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Because it doesn‟t feel like it‟s about you? Does it feel like it‟s
about Edward? Does it feel like it‟s about the character, it‟s about the phenomenon itself?
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah, and it‟s about the fans themselves as well because I think a
lot of the people, you know, they just like doing “Twilight”-related things.
KRISTEN STEWART: And, like, doing it together. I mean, the other thing is, you know,
I‟ve done movies that I‟ve put everything that I am into, and then, you know, it fee ls like 10
people get to see them, and they probably love this movie. I mean, I don‟t want to say more
than me, because it‟s, like, something that‟s so personal and something that I‟ve worked so
hard on. It feels like a part of my life, and, like, most people‟s favorite book is not a part (90)
of their lives. So, like, I‟m never going to have an opportunity to share something like that on
such a level. I mean, it‟s never going to happen again.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You never know.
KRISTEN STEWART: Probably not.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You could be a part of two phenomenons or three in your
lifetime, but it is a phenomenon. And you seem to be, you know, there‟s so much written
about you being shy, so does it feel overwhelming to you? Is it difficult for you to just fully
embrace it?

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KRISTEN STEWART: I get so nervous, and…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Okay, let me give you a hug.


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Let me give you a hug. It‟s okay. It‟s okay. Yeah. Really?
Okay, and you‟re nervous why? Tell me why.
KRISTEN STEWART: Well, you know, this means a lot to you guys, and it‟s the same deal
for me. I understand that your words have weight, and I mince them when I know that
everybody‟s waiting for them. You know what I mean? It‟s, like…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Well, really, we‟re just waiting for your truth. We just want
you to be whoever you want us to know you to be, because I understand that being in front of
the camera, a person can‟t know your whole life, but I don‟t think anybody‟s waiting for
anything other than for you just to sort of be yourself. So feel really at home.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Just feel really at home. Feel comfortable with that.


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): But we can tell that you really care so much for the character.
You really care so much for who Bella is.
KRISTEN STEWART: I feel like I probably bring more of myself to Bella than Ihave to
any other character, but that‟s all I can do. I mean, you really project yourself ontoher
because it‟s a very vicarious read. I mean, you are her. And I can also completely r elate to the
fact that she‟s totally awkward, but that she owns that and that she‟s not going to say anything
that she doesn‟t mean.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And I think what‟s so great about it, and the reason why
everybody is so relating to her, is because we‟ve all had that awkwardness, we‟ve all had
those feelings, we all can relate. It‟s more difficult to relate to your character, howe ver. (120)
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): More difficult for that. And isn‟t it true that when Robert
opens his mouth, you expect him to sound like Edward? You do, and then this Brit ish
es com
out. So I‟m curious about this. How do they teach you to speak American?
you have to, like, flatten out your tongue or something? I don‟t know. Ho
What is that
id of
do you
r accent?


ROBERT PATTINSON: Kristen thinks I do the most terrible American accent in the world.
KRISTEN STEWART: (laugh) No, I don‟t. Occasionally some word will come out, and I‟ll
be like, “We don‟t say that.”
ROBERT PATTINSON: I don‟t know. I just always–I grew up watching American (130)
movies and stuff, and I don‟t know. And also, I used to–I think what the main thing was, I
used to want to be a rapper…
ROBERT PATTINSON: …when I was, like, 14.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): No, you didn‟t.

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ROBERT PATTINSON: I swear to god. I have a lot of recordings of it.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Oh, I wish I had know that.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You‟d be playing them right now if I‟d have known that.
ROBERT PATTINSON: And so, yeah, the cadence and everything. I used to do an
American accent and transpose my voice down, and there‟s a few key words, and t hen (140)
I think if you–like, “water.”
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. As soon as you can say “water” in an American accent, then
that‟s–you‟re, like, halfway there.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So they tell you to say “wadder.”
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. That‟s Chicago, right?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That was a little Chicago mixed with Tennessee, but okay,
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. There‟s, like, a few key words, and once you start getting
that you‟ve got it.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So water is one. What would be another?
KRISTEN STEWART: That one‟s really tough, actually.
ROBERT PATTINSON: All right. Nachos.
ROBERT PATTINSON: I can‟t think of the other ones.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Okay. Well, two weeks ago, Robert was named–I don‟t know
if you all know this or not. He was named one of “Time” magazine‟s “Most Influential
People In The World.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And one of the world‟s most beautiful by “People” magazine.
One of the most beautiful and one of the most influential, which one meant the most to you?
ROBERT PATTINSON: Definitely beautiful.

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ROBERT PATTINSON: I have no reason to influence people. I just want to have it all for
myself. I just want someone to pat me on the back. (laugh) It‟s crazy. I mean, it‟s the same
thing as what‟s Taylor‟s saying. It seems just completely ridiculous. I don‟t know why. I
mean, three years ago, I wouldn‟t be able to influence my dog to walk.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And now you‟re one of world‟s–listed as one of the world‟s
most influential people. It was 100 most influential in the world.
ROBERT PATTINSON: I was above Obama. I was like, I have to agree with that. I
totally agree. (laugh) But it‟s completely insane.


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): We‟ll be right back with the cast of “Eclipse.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Coming up, what would you do if Robert Pattinson knocked
on your front door?
GROUP (GIRLS): (scream)
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And later, Taylor Lautner surprises some unsuspecting
sorority sisters.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): It‟s the moment Twihards have been counting down for
TAYLOR LAUTNER (AS JACOB BLACK): I‟m here to warn you.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): “Eclipse,” the third movie in the “Twilight” saga
phenomenon, is on the horizon. The epic story continues with Bella Swan torn bet ween
her vam
pire boyfriend Edward…
ROBERT PATTINSON (AS EDWARD CULLEN): Isabella Swan, I promise to love you
every moment forever.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): …and Jacob, her best friend, who‟s also a werewolf.
TAYLOR LAUTNER (AS JACOB BLACK): You wouldn‟t have to change for me, Bella.
I‟m in love with you. I want you to pick me instead of him.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): While their love triangle heats up…


ROBERT PATTINSON (AS EDWARD CULLEN): Doesn‟t he own a shirt?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): …longtime enemies, vampires and werewolves must join
forces to protect Bella from an army of bloodthirsty killers.

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PETER FACINELLI (AS CARLISLE CULLEN): This means an ugly fight with lives lost.
TAYLOR LAUTNER (AS JACOB BLACK): We‟re in as long as we get to kill some
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): But Bella can‟t escape the most important decision of her life.
KRISTEN STEWART (AS BELLA SWAN): Why are you so against me coming like (200)
ROBERT PATTINSON (AS EDWARD CULLEN): I know the consequences of the choice
you‟re making.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): The consequences. Okay. The third movie in the “Twilight
Saga,” “Eclipse.” I don‟t even have to tell you, but I will–it opens in theaters on Ju ne 30. I
know you all will be camped out. Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor La utner are
all here. I love that shot where you‟re by the car for the first time as we see you wi th the
shirt off.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And just when I saw that edit, I thought, in that moment, did
they say, All right. Flex?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): “All right. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it.” So you really buffed
yourself up. You did the work.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah. It was definitely a lot of work, and, yeah, when I was filming
“Twilight,” I knew where my character went physically…
TAYLOR LAUTNER: …and I definitely wasn‟t there, so, yeah, it was about a ye ar‟s worth
of work.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Look at that shot right there.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Put that shot back, guys. Look at that shot right there.
Taylor, whoo.


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That is a six pack plus. Yes.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: So, yeah, it required, obviously, a lot of time in the gym, but, you
know, mainly eating changes.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): There‟s the moment. There‟s the moment. That‟s what that
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Don‟t get embarrassed now. Long time in the gym? What did
you do? What did you eat or not eat to get that way?

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TAYLOR LAUTNER: I basically ate a lot, as much as I could. If I was busy, if I was on set
or if I was in L.A. and I had meetings, I‟d have to carry around this little miniature (230)
cooler and I would carry around, like, beef patties and almonds.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah, seriously, just beef patties, and it‟s so weird. I‟ll be, like,
talking to somebody. All of a sudden, I‟ll just be like, “Yeah, yeah. Can you hold on one sec?
I got to eat a beef patty.” So.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So you were working out how many hours a day?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: At one point, I was in the gym, like, almost three hours, and that‟s
when I realized that I was actually overworking myself, and I had to cut back. So i t ended up
being about an hour and 15, hour and a half a day, about five days a week.


KRISTEN STEWART: He was losing weight, he was working so hard.
KRISTEN STEWART: It was like he would start to sweat, and we‟d be like, “You better be
careful because you‟re going to burn, like, five calories just sitting there.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Yeah. It is true that women when you see them when you‟re
out in public people ask you to howl?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: At one point, and I forget where I said that I don‟t enjoy h owling, but
they‟ve stopped, so I do appreciate it, everyone.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Yes. You say to people, “It‟s a character, people. It‟s a
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah. On the red carpet, it happened once. It was, like, I was on the
red carpet, and they were like, “Can you howl for us?” I was like, “No.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): “No. I‟m not howling.” Robert, is it true that you wanted to
quit? I heard that, but you can‟t believe anything you read, so I have to ask you. Is it true that
you thought about quitting acting before you did this audition?
ROBERT PATTINSON: I mean, I think I was always, like, going to, because I kind of fell
into it, and then if you say you‟re an actor and you‟re going to auditions and stuff and not
getting parts, then you‟re not an actor. (laugh) And so I guess that was what my predicament
was, but, yeah, there was one. When I came out to L.A. to do the “Twilight” audition, I was,
like, flat broke. Everything was kind of rubbish in London, and…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Rubbish. You all say “rubbish” a lot. That‟s good.

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ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah, and I came up for a different audition and then flew out. I‟d
done a tape in London for it and thought it was going to be great and then turned up, and it
was absolutely awful. And then I called my parents, and I was like, “Oh, that‟s it,” and then I
was going to fly home the next day, and my parents are like, “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Okay. That‟s
fine,” which is completely the wrong thing to say. So I‟m like, “No, I really want to do it
now.” And then so I went to another audition, and the next audition was “Twilight.” I had met
Kristen and Catherine Hardwick, and it just seemed like a really–I don‟t know. It just went
down really, really well, and, yeah, it was kind of the only job I wanted to do for years.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So thousands auditioned for the role of the romantic (270)
vampire Edward Cullen and, Kristen, I hear you instantly knew that he was the one . Tell us
TAYLOR LAUTNER: His six pack.
KRISTEN STEWART: Auditioning is such a weird thing to begin with. I mean, Idon‟t
know. There‟s just so many expectations, and you‟re never yourself because you‟re nervous,
and I knew that this was the only thing that mattered in the movie. I mean, there w ere things
that could fall short, and the movie would still stand, I think. Like, what I loved ab out the
movie would be okay if this was okay. I guess it was just a gut thing. I mean, it wa s (280)
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): What‟d you all do for the audition?
KRISTEN STEWART: We read some scenes.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Mm-hmm. Did you have to kiss?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): For the audition?
ROBERT PATTINSON: And that wasn‟t in the… And they didn‟t prepare us for that.
KRISTEN STEWART: We had to. (both laugh)
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. Catherine hadn‟t told me, anyway. I know she probably told
you. Yeah. She‟d done it with a whole bunch of guys before. (laugh)
KRISTEN STEWART: I‟d done it with a bunch of guys. He was the last one that came in.
(laugh) No. He really was actually a little scared.
ROBERT PATTINSON: Get the sloppy seconds.
KRISTEN STEWART: Ew, that‟s so gross.

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OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Well, you know there are all these rumors about the two of
you. I‟m not going to ask her because she‟s so shy, she‟s not going to tell me, but there are all
these rumors about the two of you dating. Is it true?
KRISTEN STEWART: I might (Rob is laughing, Oprah is speaking over her)
OPRAH WINFREY: but there are all these rumors about the two of you dating. Is it true?
ROBERT PATTINSON: Kristen‟s pregnant


KRISTEN STEWART: He likes to–he really loves to, like, shock people because he thinks
No, no, no. We‟ve actually had this conv–he‟s having the baby, because I can‟t.
it‟s unny.
I‟mtoo–I mean, imagine a baby coming out of this thing. I mean, like, that‟s just n ot going to
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So you‟re going to have the baby.
KRISTEN STEWART: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Yeah. We know that the newborns are harder to deal with.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Well, last night after we landed in Chicago, Robert did
something I thought–I was really couldn‟t believe you actually agreed to do it, but he did
because our producers will ask you to do anything, and he agreed to go knock on
TAYLOR LAUTNER: That‟s amazing.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Yeah. Isn‟t it amazing? So he did this for some of
“Twilight‟s” biggest fans, and watch what happened when Robert Pattinson comes knocking
on strangers‟ doors.
ROBERT PATTINSON: We have heard that there are a lot of “Twilight” fans in t he vicinity,
andwe‟re going to surprise a number of them and invite them to the show. Well, th is is
probably going to be very embarrassing. Is there any kind of protocol for these thin gs?
(doorbell) This is terrifying. Hello? Should we just break into the house?
GROUP (GIRLS): (scream)


GIRL ONE: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
ROBERT PATTINSON: I was ringing the doorbell for, like, 10 minutes. No one came down.
GIRL TWO: I‟m sorry. We were in the basement.

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GIRL THREE: We don‟t know what to say. You always think about what you‟re going to
say to them once you meet them, but when you meet them, you don‟t really know what to
ROBERT PATTINSON: Yeah. I have no idea what to say, either. I was goning break into
your house a few minutes ago.
GROUP (GIRLS): Oh. (laugh)
ROBERT PATTINSON: So you guys know what‟s going to happen tomorrow. You all have
tickets to “The Oprah Show.”
GROUP (GIRLS): (scream)
GIRL ONE: Thank you.
ROBERT PATTINSON: I‟ll see you tomorrow. See you. Bye.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Next stop–the house of an unsuspecting birthday girl.
ROBERT PATTINSON: Okay. Oh, god, they got a dog.
ROBERT PATTINSON: They‟re going to open the door. Hey. Ruff. (laugh) Hey, how (340)
are ou?

L ONE: Good. Oh, my god.

GIRL‟S MOTHER: Oh, my god. He is so hot.
GIRL ONE: Oh, my god, he‟s so hot. Oh, god. Oh, my god.
GIRBERT PATTINSON: For your birthday, we didn‟t have the tickets on us, so I
RO L ONE: Oh, my god, what does it say? Oh, my god. We‟re going to see “The wrote one.
GIRL‟S MOTHER: Thank you so much.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Rob‟s last knock of the night–an entire family of fans.
FATHER: Oh, my god.
FAMILY: (scream)
ROBERT PATTINSON: How you guys doing? It‟s what?
MOTHER: You‟re beautiful.
GIRL ONE: You‟re so tall. I never thought you‟d be that tall.
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ROBERT PATTINSON: You all have tickets to the show tomorrow.
FAMILY: Oh, my god. Oprah.
MOTHER: Tomorrow we‟ll look totally different.
ROBERT PATTINSON: They were really nice. That was nice. I kind of wanted to stay there
and have dinner.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That‟s nice. No. I think the only way we could convince (360)
you because you‟re so jetlagged, right? You‟d just gotten off the plane.
ROBERT PATTINSON: I just got in the car, and there‟s already a camera crew, and they‟re
like, “Okay, so we‟re going to go to these houses.” I was like, “Okay.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Thank you. We‟ll be right back. That‟s fun. We‟ll be right
back. Crazy.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Coming up, “Twilight” is taking over college campuses.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): See what happens when Taylor drops in on a sorority house.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): “Twilight” is a far-reaching phenomenon that trans cends
generations. As you saw in the shot, you know, people‟s mothers are screaming as loud (370)
as they are. Grown women are devouring the “Twilight” series and living vicarious
story. Last week, our own Ali Wentworth, mother of two, went on special
assignment to investigate the fantasy.
ALI WENTWORTH: I‟m here in southern Illinois to talk to four moms about this obsession
withthe “Twilight” movies. I don‟t get it, but I‟m going to go in there and find out what all
this craziness is about. Oh, my god.
WOMAN ONE: Nice to meet you. Welcome to my house.
ALI WENTWORTH: The twimoms.
WOMAN ONE: The twimoms. Welcome to our…
WOMAN ONE: We have a little invitation for you, if you want to join us.
ALI WENTWORTH: This is my “Eclipse.”

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WOMAN ONE: Because we‟re gonna get you hooked. We have our little Twi-mom party set
up for you.
ALI WENTWORTH: Look at that. How often do we have these little soirees?
WOMAN TWO: Usually before a movie comes out, but whenever we feel like it, really.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Right. So, and the strawberries? Oh, Edward?
WOMAN TWO: The white ones are Edward and the dark ones are Jacob.


ALI WENTWORTH: Okay. All right. That‟s not weird at all.
ALI WENTWORTH: So this is what I need to understand a little bit more. What i s it about
the Twi-moms?
WOMAN THREE: I think you miss the passion of the first love. The first love, it‟ s just so
passionate. You‟re married, you have kids. We‟re running to school, we‟re making dinner.
WOMAN TWO: It‟s a 24/7 job and it‟s not always appreciated.
ALI WENTWORTH: And it‟s an escape, it‟s a way to relive your passion, and yo u‟re not
WOMAN ONE: We‟re not.


ALI WENTWORTH: So we‟re going down to a basement? That‟s not scary.
WOMAN ONE: This is where we have our premiere parties.
WOMAN ONE: So we walk the red carpet.
WOMAN ONE: We take pictures with our Edward.
ALI WENTWORTH: All right, I‟m gonna sit here. Let me see some of your favorite scenes.
WOMAN TWO: All right, this is one of our favorites.
WOMAN TWO: My inside is tingling.
ALI WENTWORTH: Really? What‟s happening?

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WOMAN TWO: I just–I just have a physical– (all talking at once)
ALI WENTWORTH: These “Twilight” sagas have really made an impact on your life in
other ways, too, right?
WOMAN THREE: I never used to read. I was too busy. I‟m a reader now, thanks to
WOMAN FOUR: Now we‟ve bonded over something completely different.
WOMAN ONE: All right, so the kids are home from lunch.
ALI WENTWORTH: Oh, your kids are home now?
WOMAN ONE: We have to make them lunch.


ALI WENTWORTH: Okay. Hey, kids. Come here. Kneel down like I‟m your grandmother.
So your moms are obsessed with these “Twilight” movies. You know that, right?
GIRL: Yes. It takes hours. She watches only the Edward scenes.
GIRL TWO: My dad gets so mad. He‟s, like, “You love Edward more than me.”
ALI WENTWORTH: Oh, no, he didn‟t. So, anyway, thank you for letting me be h ere. When
are you guys seeing “Eclipse” June 30?
WOMAN ONE: June 30.
ALI WENTWORTH: Wait. I have a much better idea. Why don‟t you come to the show
WOMEN: (scream)


ALI WENTWORTH: It‟s gonna be so–oh, my god, because Edward, Jacob, and Bella will
be there.
WOMEN: (scream)
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): My goodness, my goodness. My goodness, my goodness.
There‟s Lisa, Liz, Eden, and Renee are all here. So Ali, are you tapped into the appeal now?
What do you–it‟s really a phenomenon.
ALI WENTWORTH: Listen. Really nice to meet you. I‟ve heard a lot about you. But it
wasn‟t on my radar, so when I was gonna go hang out with the Twi-moms, I watched the
movies, and I understand it. I do. I understand it. It brings up the first love so, you know, they
are obsessed with Edward and Jacob. I mean, I had a thing for Henry Kissinger when I (440)
was little, so I get it. But also, it‟s a safe love. It‟s safe, especially if you‟re obsessed with the
character, and it‟s this kind of unrequited, forbidden love, but also, I found vicariously
through them it conjured up feelings of when I was that age. So you do feel the feelings that
you had when you were first in love. And also, just for a middle-aged woman that, you know,

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could use a little work in her face, the idea of being frozen in time I get. I really get, Kristen. I
would, you know, I would‟ve taken the bite right away.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That‟s great. That‟s great. Well, now we understand it a little
bit more. I think it‟s fantastic. This is what I want to know. If I were to look in on your–if I
were to look through the window of your house on a Saturday night, what would I see?
ROBERT PATTINSON: I was saying to someone earlier, probably desperately calling (450)
up everyone in my phone book, like, seeing if anyone at all was doing something. Anyone
who I‟ve ever met was doing something, because no one would‟ve called me. So…
ROBERT PATTINSON: I ask myself that every time it happens.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So we peek in on a Saturday night. What are we going to see?
KRISTEN STEWART: I‟m such a lame person. I‟ll probably be–I‟m obsessed wi th my cat,
and I don‟t spend a whole lot of time at home, and so I‟d probably be with–I have a Edward
and–I have a very Edward and Bella relationship. It‟s like, very co-dependent with my cat, so
I‟d probably be with him.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Okay. We‟re looking through the window. First of all,
are you home?


TAYLOR LAUTNER: I wish it was a Tuesday or Wednesday, because I‟d be watching
“American Idol.”
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Sunday I‟d be watching “Celebrity Apprentice.”
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Saturdays is a little difficult for me. I don‟t know. I‟m bored on
Sat rdays.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Would you be home Saturday night?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah, most likely.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): What you doing?


TAYLOR LAUTNER: I‟m seeing if anybody wants to hang out with me, too. I mean, it‟s…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You all should call each other.
ROBERT PATTINSON: (laugh) I know right.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: That‟s a fantastic idea.

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OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Talk about another good sport. Let‟s take a look at what
happened when we sent Taylor out for a surprise drop-in. Look at this.
SORORITY GIRL ONE: Theta girls are passionate about “Twilight.” Theta girls are
SORORITY GIRL TWO: Oh, my god. I am obsessed with “Twilight.” This is our
“Twilight” room. We got the “New Moon” posters. We got everything. Like, all the (480)
Thetas love it. So we all get together and, like, “Twilight” decorate. I know, I can‟t believe
I‟m saying that out loud, but we do.
SORORITY GIRL THREE: We probably watch the movie, like, at least every weekend.
SORORITY GIRL FOUR: Oh, I‟m definitely team Jacob. It has a lot to do with the abs. I‟m
not going to lie.
SORORITY GIRL THREE: That‟s just a bonus. I lay like this and then he‟s, like, right there
so he looks like my boyfriend.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): This sorority is practically majoring in “Twilight.”
SORORITY GIRL FIVE: I‟m thinking we might have to, like, have, like, a study group.
SORORITY GIRL SIX: In the Twi-hard center.


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So when “New Moon” held its world premier just blocks from
campus, well, classes would just have to wait.
SORORITY GIRL ONE: Everyone was camped out for, like, seriously, like three days
before the premiere.
SORORITY GIRL THREE: I waited for about 24 hours and I was behind, like, 40 people,
and unfortunately a little too short to see, like, over their heads, because I really wanted to see
Taylor Lautner, basically. Obviously. I was hoping that Taylor Lautner would fall in love
with me and that we would live happily ever after, and that was what I was thinking.


SORORITY GIRL THREE: No, because look at those muscles.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): While the unsuspecting sorority sisters gush over Taylor…
SORORITY GIRL ONE: I don‟t know how he got himself so muscle-y for this movie, but it
was amazing.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You-know-who is just outside the door.

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TAYLOR LAUTNER: All right. We‟re here at the theta house right now. They don‟t know
I‟m here, but I‟m going to hop in there and we‟ll see what happens. Here we go.
SORORITY GIRL ONE: Did Taylor do all of his own, like, stunt scenes in this? Like, he did
all of his own, like…


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): They haven‟t even heard the best part.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: So I heard a rumor that some of you might‟ve camped out last year at
the premiere.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: A couple? Yeah? Well, everybody that is in this room right now, I
can guarantee you that you will be attending…
TAYLOR LAUTNER: …the world premiere of “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.” All right.
That was fun.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): I was a little scared for you going in that room. That was fun.
Was that fun?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Honestly, it was a lot of fun. They were all–they were great.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): They were great. I was a little scared for you going in that
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Thought they might rip your shirt off. We‟ll be right back.
Back in a moment. That‟s great.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Coming up, from America‟s sweetheart to an evil vampire.
Dakota Fanning joins the cast party. Next.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Dakota Fanning plays an evil Volturi vampire in the (530)
new movie “Eclipse,” which opens June 30. She says it was the role that she‟d been dying to
VOLTURI VAMPIRE: Others may begin to question the Volturi‟s effectiveness.
VOLTURI VAMPIRE: Maybe we should consult with Aro.

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DAKOTA FANNING (AS JANE): Aro‟s decisions are being watched. Either we let them do
what they were created for or we end them.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Welcome, Dakota Fanning. There is little Dakota, all grown


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So I understand this was a side of you we hadn‟t seen. You‟re
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Is it fun to be evil?
DAKOTA FANNING: It is. It‟s very fun. It‟s very obviously a different role than I‟ve ever
played and I loved that I got to be one of the bad vampires with the red eyes and th e cool
costume and I loved getting to play, like, a real character.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Is it true you read all four of these books in one week?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): What a luxury. What a luxury. Did you just read them
one right after the other?


DAKOTA FANNING: Yeah, I just read them one right after the other. I was doin
g press for
another film at the time, and so I was on, like, a lot of airplanes, and I read really fast anyway,
so I just read it and I was hooked.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): What do you love about this story?
DAKOTA FANNING: I love about the story that–I mean, like you‟ve seen on the show,
peo ple of so many ages appreciate it and love it. I mean, I know from experience with myself,
but also my sister is 12 and her and her best friend are obsessed with everything and they
have the cut-outs of Rob and Taylor. And, you know, they‟re actually–they‟re mak ing a robot
at school and they named it “Rob-bot Pattinson.”
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Wow. That and the most beautiful people. I don‟t know what
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): So you and Kristen worked together on another movie that‟s
really, “The Runaways,” right? And you‟ve become good friends.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): How would you describe her? How would you describe her?
DAKOTA FANNING: Well, I mean, I‟ve gotten to know her very well. And, I mean,
especially doing “The Runaways.” I mean, the relationship that we have in the movie is so

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important, and you can‟t help but become close to that person in your life, and, I mean, she‟s
become one of my best friends and I love her.
KRISTEN STEWART: She would never tell you what I‟m really like.
KRISTEN STEWART: She‟s my friend.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Well, we obviously know she‟s shy. Yeah. But I understand
you look up to her, too. You look up to her?
KRISTEN STEWART: Yes, definitely. I‟m 20, Dakota‟s 16. And it, like, I‟ve alw ays had
friends that are older than me, and I literally don‟t even feel–I call her for advice w
I‟m, either freaking out or not sure of something. I mean, it‟s like, “What do I do?”
RAH WINFREY (HOST): Well, Dakota–do you feel, Dakota–I‟ve heard other
OP of you. Not only are you, you know, one terrific actress but that there‟s someth actors say
this that carries the aura of actually being much older. I remember, you know, hear ing about
you r actors say that about you.
ing (580)
RAH WINFREY (HOST): Yeah. So do you feel like you grew up faster than y
OP mally would have had you not been an actress?
KOTA FANNING: I mean, I think I definitely grew up differently. I mean, I‟v
DA king since I was six and, I mean, I have a very different life than other, you kn e been
worage when I‟m working. But when I come home, it‟s so normal. I mean, like yoow, people
my ng, I just go home and have, you know, a completely normal family that‟s not u were all
sayiusiness in any way, I mean, besides my sister. And so I think it‟s nice to maint involved in
the bthat helps. And so, no, I don‟t think I‟ve grown up faster. I think I‟ve been so ain that
and y to have had the childhood that I‟ve had. I‟ve seen so many things and met so
luckple, and I think my life has only, you know, been better because of it.
RAH WINFREY (HOST): Yeah, but you seem wise beyond your years. I reme
OP se told me once that you were 12 when he was working with you, but you wer mber Tom
e 12 going
on 3
DAKOTA FANNING: I mean, I don‟t know–some people say that about me. I feel the age
that I am, you know? I don‟t know.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): We‟ll be right back. Be right back. Be right back.


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Coming up, Taylor talks relationships. If you were choosing
the ideal woman for yourself, who would that be?

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OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): I wanted to ask you, do you have–we always read about this
squeaky clean image of yours, that you‟ve never smoked a cigarette, never had a drink.
Never, never, never. Is that true?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah. I mean, I guess so. It‟s kind of just…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): You guess so?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Like, not even behind–no, really, like, not even behind the barn (610)
or something? You never had or tried a cigarette when you were, you know, with y
our frien
KRISTEN STEWART: That‟s a good spot for it.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah, honestly, no. I mean, I guess it‟s just the way I was raised by
my parents and my family.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Good family. Good, good.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Very nice. Now, so many people who watch the movies want
youto either pick one or the other. If you were choosing the ideal woman for yours elf, who
would that be?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Specifically?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: I have to choose a lady right now?
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): No, specifically, what would those qualities be?
ROBERT PATTINSON: From the audience.
KRISTEN STEWART: From the audience. That‟s what I was…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): No, what are the qualities you are looking for, for a
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Obviously, loyalty.

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ROBERT PATTINSON: Must like beef patties?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: That was number two.
KRISTEN STEWART: Must make delicious beef patties.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Loyalty, honesty, somebody–but, you know, really important to me is
somebody who can totally let loose and pretty much be themselves and have fun.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Is funny a part–do they need to be funny?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Yeah, definitely.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Or would you be–are you the funny one in the relationship?
TAYLOR LAUTNER: I don‟t find myself very funny, so I–they‟d definitely…


OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Well, you‟d know if you were funny or not.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: Then I guess I‟m not funny.
TAYLOR LAUTNER: So they better be pretty funny.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Okay. Back in a moment. That‟s great.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Coming up, she flew 2500 miles just to get a glimpse of
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): A few weeks ago, I got an email from 15-year-old Atiya Nels
on, who
her own
shellsays that Bella‟s willingness to be herself inspired her to come out of
does .she
meacame here today from the Caribbean just to see Kristen. So, Atiya, wha
n to you? Where are you, Atiya? Hi, Atiya.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Hi. Hi, Atiya. So, what does the character Bella mean to you?
What does that character Bella mean to you?
ATIYA NELSON: Well, she means everything to me. I think she likes to be her own person
and not try to change herself to try to fit in with other kids. And she‟s really in love with
Edward, and I like that.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): And so were you a different kind of girl before you started
reading and watching these movies? Reading the books and watching the movies?
ATIYA NELSON: Well, I never really used to talk to much people. And now, since
“Twilight,” I can discuss it with my friends, and it‟s really cool.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Terrific. You can come get a picture with Kristen. You can
come do that.

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OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Yes. Yes. So you brought a little something? You brought
KRISTEN STEWART: Yeah, yeah. Totally. Okay. I have a–I wear a ring in the movie.
KRISTEN STEWART: And this is the first one that I wore. And…
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That‟s just great.
KRISTEN STEWART: Yeah. It‟s cut, because my hand grew from the second–from
the first to the second one, and we have more.


ATIYA NELSON: Thank you. Can I hug you?
KRISTEN STEWART: Yeah, come on. Of course.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): That‟s so sweet. We‟ll be right back. We‟ll be right back.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): Teen superstar Justin Bieber just got his driver‟s license.
OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): He is not going to text and drive. That makes me so proud.
Now, that‟s really something to go crazy over.
ROBERT PATTINSON (AS EDWARD CULLEN): If you ever touch her against her (680)
will again…
KRISTEN STEWART (AS BELLA SWAN): Edward, don‟t do this to him.
TAYLOR LAUTNER (AS JACOB BLACK): She‟s not sure what she wants.
ROBERT PATTINSON (AS EDWARD CULLEN): Well, let me give you a clue. Wait for
her to say the words.
KRISTEN STEWART (AS BELLA SWAN): Jacob, just go, okay?
BILLY BURKE (AS CHARLIE SWAN): Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Easy, guys. Easy. Let‟s
take it down a notch. All right? What‟s going on?

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OPRAH WINFREY (HOST): I kissed Bella. She broke her hand. I want to say thank you to
Robert Pattinson, to Kristen Stewart, to Taylor Lautner, and Dakota Fanning. “Eclipse” opens
June 30. Bye, everybody. Bye, everybody.

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16,4 Juta Orang Tonton Episode Terakhir Oprah
Salah satu episode 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' dengan rating tertinggi.
Jum'at, 10 Juni 2011, 12:53 WIB
Maya Sofia

Oprah Winfrey (AP)
VIVAnews - Tayangan 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' telah berakhir pada 25 Mei 2011. D alam
episode terakhir acara talkshow itu, suasana berlangsung mengharukan dan sang presen ter,
Oprah Winfrey bahkan sempat meneteskan air mata. Seperti dikutip dari USmagazine, episode
terakhir Oprah 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' itu mampu menarik jutaan penonton.
Dalam laporan perusahaan riset Nielsen yang dirilis Rabu, 8 Juni 2011 waktu setempat,episode
'The Oprah Winfrey Show' ditonton sekitar 16,4 juta penonton. Hal ini menjadikan episode
terakhir itu sebagai salah satu episode 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' dengan rating terting gi.
Adapun, episode 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' dengan rating tertinggi masih dipegang 'Why I
Love Older Women' yang ditayangkan pada 1993. Episode tersebut ditonton hingga 17,3 juta
Dalam episode terakhir, Oprah mengungkapkan betapa berartinya para penggemar bagi dirinya
selama 25 tahun ini. Salah seorang penonton yang hadir di Harpo Studios di Chicago, Amy
Kroin mengungkapkan, Oprah meneteskan air mata saat mengucapkan terima kasih kep ada para
penonton yang hadir.

Sumber : terakhir-oprah (9 Juli 2011)

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Robert Pattinson Biography
Robert Pattinson
( 1986 – )
Actor. Born Robert Thomas Pattinson on May 13, 1986, in London, England. Pattinsonis the
youngest of three children and the only son born to Robert and Clare Pattinson. Duringhis
childhood his father ran a car importing business and his mother worked for a modeling agency.
Despite his sometimes shy personality, Pattinson wanted to be a performer from an earl y age;
first as a musician like his older sister Lizzy Pattinson. It was his father who strongly
encouraged him to try out acting. During one memorable night out for dinner with his d ad, the
two found themselves sitting next to a group of young girls who told Pattinson they'd ju st
returned from the Barnes Theater Club, a renowned theater program at the Harrodian S chool, a
private school in Barnes, England, just outside of London.
"Since then he had nagged me about attending," says Pattinson. "At one point he said he would
pay me." Pattinson didn't bite on the payment offer, but did end up attending Harrodian as a
teenager and joined its theater program. There, he took on starring roles in plays such as Out
Town, Tess of the d'Urbervilles, and Anything Goes.
His performances drew notice and in 2003, at the age of 17, he jumped from the stage t o the
screen, nabbing a role in the TV movie, Ring of the Nibelungs. The work required him to move
to South Africa for several months, where the movie was being filmed. An unaccredite d role in
the movie Vanity Fair (2004) followed.
Around the same time he was finishing up work on those two projects, Pattinson met with Mike
Newell, the eventual director of 2005's, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The meeting and
subsequent audition earned Pattinson the role of Cedric Diggory, Harry Potter's friend and a
fellow wizard.
The movie and the role propelled Pattinson's life and career forward in unimaginable w ays.
Teen People magazine called him "the next Jude Law" while Screen International magazine
labeled him a "British Star of Tomorrow." It was heady stuff and, as Pattinson freely admits, it
did indeed go to his head a bit.
A big Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson fan, Robert Pattinson's post-Potter plan was to take on
smaller roles in plays or films that could let him explore unique characters. But things did not
follow course. He did go on to play a shell-shocked World War II veteran in the BBC thriller,
The Haunted Airman (2005); a student with a teacher crush in The Bad Mother's Handbook
(2006); and make a small cameo as Diggory in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(2007). But he was also fired from a play in London and, before Pattinson knew it, he was in
Los Angeles sleeping on his agent's couch and trying to figure out his next step.
What followed was a shot at the film Twilight. His audition for the role of Edward Cullen, a
century-old vampire in love, took place in the bedroom of the movie's director Catherine

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Hardwicke. Pattinson wowed both Hardwicke and his future co-star, Kristen Stewart, with his
performance. "Everybody came in doing something empty and shallow and thoughtless,"
Stewart told GQ. "But Rob understood that it wasn't a frivolous rol. (8 Juli 2011)
R obert Thomas Pattinson, also commonly known as Rob (or Rpattz as fans call him)was born
on May 13, 1986 in London, England. He is the youngest out of three children; with two older
sisters, Lizzy and Victoria.
At the age of fifteen, Rob joined the Barnes Theatre Company after persuasion from his father
after spotting a group of girls from the theatre company. He started out backstage befor e
such plays
in as Macbeth and Tess of the D‟Urbervilles, where he was then discovered
ob landed his first film role as Giselher in Ring of the Nibelungs, before moving on to
R der Rawdy Crawley in Vanity Fair (his scenes were later cut and only shown on the
play the
ol 2003, Rob landed one of the roles he‟s most known for, Cedric Diggory in Harry Po
e Goblet of Fire. After the film premiered in 2005, Rob then moved on to play Toby J
Inhe Haunted Airman and Daniel Gale in The Bad Mother‟s Handbook, both of which wtter and
thade for TV movies.
ugg in
mp next came the roles of Richard in the short film The Summer House, Art in How to
alvador Dali in Little Ashes.
Be, and
S 2008, Rob was announced as the choice for Edward Cullen in the highly anticipated
wilight, based on the popular book series. Along with being cast in the movie, Rob als
Inhance to record two tracks for the soundtrack, Never Think (written by Rob and Sam movie
Tnd Let Me Sign (written by Bobby Long and Marcus Foster).
o got the
a lso in 2008, Rob won two awards – the New Hollywood Award and the Best Actor
at the Strasbourg Film Festival for his role as Art in How To Be.


In late 2008, Rob was announced to continue his role as Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga:
New Moon after Twilight became a box office hit.
In early 2009, Rob won several more awards. He won the First Glance Film Festival‟s Best
Actor Award for his role in How To Be as well as winning the Bravo A-List Breakout
Award. At the 2009 MTV Movie Awards, Rob took home every award he was nominated for
including, Best Make Breakthrough Performance, Best Kiss and Best Fight for his role in
Along with filming The Twilight Saga: New Moon in early 2009, Rob signed on to star in
Remember Me (he was also executive producer), and filmed The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the
third installment in the Twilight Saga (which has a release date of June 30, 2010).

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

In late 2009, Rob won more awards at the Teen Choice Awards, as well as the Scream
In early 2010, Rob started filming Bel Ami, a film based off of the novel by Guy de Maupassant.
He also filmed Water For Elephants, which is set to be released on April 22, 2011.
In 2011, Rob was announced to star in David Cronenberg‟s Cosmopolis. He will also c omplete
filming on The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part One) and The Twilight Saga: Brea king
Dawn (Part Two).

Sumber : (8 Juli 2 011)

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

Oprah Winfrey Biography

O prah Winfrey came from a humble background to become one of America's most inf luential
women. Winfrey has amassed a great fortune through her media and publishing interest s and
uses her fame and wealth to positively influence the lives of people in need.
Born Orpah (after a character from the Bible) Winfrey on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusk o,
Mississippi - USA, but now goes by the name of Oprah. At a young age Winfrey's pare nts
separated and sent her to live with grandparents in very poor surroundings until the age of 6
when she moved to live with her mother. She was consequently se-xually mol-ested by male
relatives at a young age and endured the hardship up until she was 14 when Winfrey m oved to
live with her father in Nashville Tennessee.
Living with her father did not eliminate her problems even though he was loving (yet strict)
towards her. Winfrey struggled with dr-ugs and rebellious behavior and lost a baby after giving
birth to it prematurely. Although her wild behavior conflicted with her father's strict rules and
high standards she eventually began to settle after being awarded a University Scholars hip.
"I knew there was a way out. I knew there was another kind of life because I had read a bout it. I
knew there were other places, and there was another way of being." Oprah Winfrey
Winfrey studied at the Tennessee State University and received a BA in Speech and Performing
Arts. Her father's high standards inspired her to aim for and achieve more from life. Winfrey
became involved in several groups and pursued her interests in media and journalism while at
University. Even though her early years in life where filled with hardship, she was always gifted
with intelligence and she graduated as an honors student.
Oprah Winfrey's career in the media industry began as a news anchor and reporter for a
television station in Nashville (although she also worked in radio during high school as a
newscaster). She was the first black African American woman television news anchor to work
in Nashville on the WTVF-TV station at the young age of 19. Winfrey never felt comfortable in
her position as a news anchor and only began to enjoy her work when she was moved to the
early morning talk show "People are Talking" at WJZ-TV in Baltimore where she was able to
be herself and express her own opinions and share her true feelings about topics that moved her.
Winfrey's career really began to take off after moving to Chicago in 1984 to host "AM
Chicago", an early morning talk show at WLS-TV's. It went on to become the number one
ranked talk show shortly after she started and it was renamed "The Oprah Winfrey Show" after
one year.

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

The Oprah Winfrey Show went on to become one of the most successful and highest ranked
television talk show programs in history. The program is viewed by more than 20 million
Americans (USA) every week and broadcast Internationally to more than one hundred countries
worldwide. Winfrey's production company "Harpo Productions, Inc" produces the program and
she is the host.
The daytime talk show focuses on issues close to Winfrey's heart and she has continued to cover
topics of value to her mostly female audience for more than 17 successful seasons of
broadcasting. The Oprah Winfrey Show started the wildly influential "Oprah's Book Cl ub" in
1996 where Oprah endorses what she considers to be books of value. Books that receiv ed the
Oprah endorsement often suddenly went to number 1.
Winfrey's business and personal interests are wide ranging and she has managed to accomplish
success in several areas. Apart from being a successful Talk show host she is also a producer,
successful actress, Founder of the successful "O, the Oprah Magazine", co founder of "Oxygen
Media", and a generous Philanthropist. Her entrepreneurial spirit and desire to change society
for the better have brought her and her numerous companies many awards and achieve ments.
"What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that
really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, butin other
people's lives." Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey continues to follow her dreams through her many business and media in terests.
She is one of the wealthiest women in the United States of America and is regularly pla ced high
up on the Forbes magazine Rich List each year. Winfrey continues to influence and ins pire
people worldwide with her example of overcoming great odds to achieve great success
financially, spiritually and socially.

sumber : (22 Feb 2011 ).

Analisis ketidakpatuhan ..., Tartisa Sulistiani, FIB UI, 2011

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