Blizzsc An: Tudor Stanescu/Mr15016 Silviu Georgescu/Mr15027

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BlizzSc an  T  Tudor udor Stanescu/MR15016 Silviu Ge Georgescu/MR15027 orgescu/MR15027



All sentences or passages quoted in this coursework from other people's work have b

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#ecutive &ummery

Blizzscan S.G.T Tech or!oration" #Blizzard$Scan" %eaning &Scanner o' the (rozen)* has develo!ed a ver+ innovative and ground$,ra-ing device that addresses to ,usinesses 'ro% the oRea environ%ent. The develo!ed device has the !ur!ose to reduce or even eli%inate ti%e and cost dela+s hen ins!ecting the e!iring dates o' the !roducts" hich are !laced in -itchen re'rigerators o' all restaurants" and ca'eterias and eli%inating ti%e consu%ing !eriods hen the ordering !rocess o' the ne ite%s occurs.  The target %ar-et o' the ne device" as stated ,e'ore is the oRea environ%ent. 'ter ,rie+ anal+sing the %ar-et" it could ,e seen that Bucharest is the %ost a!!ro!riate %ar-et due to the 'act that it hosts a!!roi%atel+ 3200 co%!anies hich had declared 4 4  under under the 'or% 'or% o' rest restaur aurant ants s and other other 'ood 'ood servic service e activi activitie ties. s. Mor Moreov eover er Bucharest is Ro%anias largest cit+" in ter%s o' !o!ulation" the average salar+ eceeds 809 o' the countr+s average" the une%!lo+%ent rate is %ini%al" li-eise the ca!ital attrac att racts ts the larges largestt nu%,er nu%,er o' Ro%ania o%anian n and 'oreig 'oreign n touris tourists. ts. Buchar Bucharest est recei receives ves annuall+ 2.88 %illion tourists o' hich 1.: %illion are 'oreigners. Su,se;uentl+" the need on the %ar-et 'or an innovative !roduct such as Blizzscan is high" due to the 'act that there are no co%!etitors ho o<er a !roduct ho shares Blizzscan 'eatures eclusivel+ 'or the oRea environ%ent. Blizzscan" ,elieves that the ne develo!ed !roduct" is hat the current %ar-et needs due to the 'act" that it resolves and deals ith to o' the %ost i%!ortant as!ect in a ,usiness here custo%ers" ti%e and costs have to ,e strictl+ valued and a!!reciated.

ontents =deas > Goals......... Goals.................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ...........5 5

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?e%ogra!hic" cono%ic" Sociological" Technological" cological and @olitical 'actors.................. 'actors....... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ......................................... .................................. .... 7 =ndustr+ anal+sis....... anal+sis.................. ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................. ...... 10 @otential o' ne co%!etitors....... co%!etitors.................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................................... ...........................11 11 Rivalr+ a%ong c co%!etitor o%!etitor Ar%s............ Ar%s....................... ..................... ..................... ..................................... .......................... 12 usto%er nal+sis...... nal+sis................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................................... .......................... 18 anvas Business %odel......... %odel................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................................... .......................... 16 Mar-eting %i #The 8@s @rinci!les*...... @rinci!les*................ ..................... ..................... ..................... ................................ .....................28 28 (inancial.......... inancial.................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............................................. .................................... .. 35 onclusions................ onclusions..... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................ ...... 3C Bi,liogra!h+................... Bi,liogra!h+........ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .......................80 .............80

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"deas ) *oals   $li%%&can 8


 The 'ood and ,everage industr+ has evolved evolved a lot in the last decade" as %or %ore e and %ore !roducts and recei!ts have ,een develo!ed and integrated in the %ar-et. The ,iggest consu%er o' these !roducts and goods is the oRea environ%ent" hich co%!rises %illions o' hotels" restaurants and ca'eterias orldide. BlizzScan is a !roduct destined 'or the custo%ers active in the oRea environ%ent" hich 'acilitates o!ti%izing the ti%e units used 'or the dail+ o!erations in such locations. BlizzScan is the solution 'or all restaurants %anagers and oners in order to increase inco%es and o!ti%ize or-. =n other ords BlizzScan is a uni;uel+ created device that has to o<er %uch 'or the oRea environ%ent. =t is an a!!lication develo!ed to or- on the android o!erating s+ste% its %ain !ur!ose is to control the o o' %erchandise in an+ location it activates. dditiona ddi tionall+ ll+ it is develo!ed develo!ed to also anal+se the ,ar code o' each individual individual !roduct !roduct and the ,ar code 'or each individual location. Moreover" BlizzScan as not onl+ created to control the %erchandise u in location here he re active active"" ,ut to also also creat create e !atter !atterns ns o' the histor histor+ + o' !ro !roduc ductt o. o. This This gives gives BlizzScan the uni;ue o!!ortunit+ to create orders ,ased on !revious ones. Blizzscan can do this ,+ controlling date o' rece!tion and the date on hich the !roduct as !ut on the %ar-et. dditionall+ BlizzScan o<ers %ulti!le units o' %easure%ent and a 'eral control o'  e!iration date. =n conclusion" BlizzScan" is an innovative solution 'or all enter!rises active in the oRea environ%ent hich hel!s to save costs and at the sa%e ti%e e innovating e!erience o'  dining to custo%ers.

Demographic, conomic, &ociological, +echnological, cological and olitical factors

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Buchares Bucha restt receives receives annuall+ 2.88 %illion %illion tourists tourists o' hich 1.: %illion %illion are 'oreigners" 'oreigners" either 'or ,usiness or 'or vacation" the+Dre re!resenting a third o' the total nu%,er o'  visitors co%ing to Ro%ania" according to the calculations o' the in'or%ation !rovided ,+ Ro%anias 4ational =nstitute o' Statistics #4ational =nstitute o' Statistics" 2018*. The data is also also reec reected ted in the oRea oRea envir environ% on%ent ent"" throug through h the reven revenue ue strea% strea% o' local local restaurants" ,ars and ca'es. (alloing Bucharest the net !osition in revenues co%ing 'ro% the oRea environ%ent are onstanta" Brasov" luE$4a!oca and Ti%isoara #4ational =nstitute o' Statistics" 2018*. Fhile at the o!!osite !ole there is =alo%ita "SalaE" aras$Severin and alarasi here revenues co%ing 'ro% restaurants" ,ars and ca'es are 100 ti%es loer than in Bucharest #4ational =nstitute o' Statistics" 2018*. These counties are a%ong the !oorest in Ro%ania" ith high rates o' une%!lo+%ent" ith loer salaries u! to one$third o' the national average. Bucharest hosts over 3800 restaurants" ca'es and ,ars" ith an annual ,usiness inco%e o' nearl+ 2"5 ,illion lei" ,eing ,+ 'ar the %ost i%!ortant %ar-et 'or local !la+ers 'ro% the oRea environ%ent #=nstitutul 4ational de Statisitca" 2018*. onsidering that Bucharest is Ro%anias largest cit+" in ter%s o' !o!ulation" the average salar+ eceeds 809 o' the countr+s average" the une%!lo+%ent rate is %ini%al" %oreover the ca!ital attracts the largest nu%,er o' Ro%anian and 'oreign tourists #=nstitutul 4ational de Statistica" 2015*.  There are currentl+ active in Bucharest 3102 restaurants restaurants 'alloed ,+ 32: ,ars and ca'es" according to data !rovided ,+ the national authorit+ o' health and 'ood sa'et+ #Aciul 4ational al Registrului o%ertului" 2018*. ccording to data 'ro% the co%%ercial register" in Bucharest there ere at the end o'  2013 20 13 a!!ro a!!roi% i%ate atel+ l+ 3200 3200 co%!an co%!anies ies hich hich had declar declared ed 4 4 under under the 'or% 'or% o'  restaurants and other 'ood service activities" ith cu%ulative ,usiness o' 2"5 ,illion lei #Aciul 4ational al Registrului o%ertului" 2018*. The Agure includes such co%!anies thatt have tha have activi activitie ties s in resta restaura urants nts"" ca'Hs" ca'Hs" ,ars" ,ars" as el elll as can cantee teens ns and caterin catering g co%!anies. conomic:

urrentl+ in Ro%ania there are a!!roi%atel+ 28800 Ar%s" hich have their %ain activit+ do%ain as restaurants and other 'ood service activities last +ear having a cu%ulative turnov tur nover er o' 6.7 ,il ,illio lion n Ie Iei" i" accord according ing to data data 'ro% 'ro% the co co%%e %%erc rcial ial regis register ter #Aciu #Aciull 4ation 4at ional al al Registr egistrulu uluii o%ert o%ertulu ului" i" 2018*. 2018*. The Agure Agures s includ include e onl+ onl+ co co%!a %!anie nies s that that declared Anancial state%ents 'or the +ear 2013.

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ccording to data 'ro% the co%%ercial register" in Bucharest there ere at the end o'  2013 20 13 a!!ro a!!roi% i%ate atel+ l+ 3200 3200 co%!an co%!anies ies hich hich had declar declared ed 4 4 under under the 'or% 'or% o'  restaurants and other 'ood service activities" ith cu%ulative ,usiness o' J 560 %illion #Aciul 4ational al Registrului o%ertului" 2018* . The Agure includes such co%!anies thatt have tha have activi activitie ties s in resta restaura urants nts"" ca'Hs" ca'Hs" ,ars" ,ars" as el elll as can cantee teens ns and caterin catering g co%!anies. t a cu%ulative ,usiness o' 2"5 ,illion lei consisting o' 3800 restaurant" ,ars and ca'es" the averag average e turnov turnover er !er unit unit declar declared ed is J167" J167"000 000 #Aciu #Aciull 4ation 4ational al al Regi egistr strulu uluii o%ertului" 2018*.The average turnover is a s%all one in the contet that in this industr+ there is still a large share o' nonoKcial revenue. n one hand there are several dozen restaurants" ,ars and ca'es ith an annual ,usiness inco%e o' over 1%ilion euros" hile on the other hand the turnover o' the re%aining ones dro!s Eust ,elo this average #Aciul 4ational al Registrului o%ertului" 2018*. &ociological

ne out o' three Ro%anians as at least once in a restaurant in the last 'our ee-s" according to a stud+ o' Lisionise onsulting" ?aedalus grou!. n one hand there are +oung adults u! to 28 +ears o' age ho choose to cross the thresh thr eshold old o' a 'ast 'ast 'ood 'ood resta restaura urant nt in a higher higher rating rating than than the rest o' the sa%!le sa%!le #Lisionise onsulting " 200C*. n the other hand there are !eo!le ,eteen 28$38 +ears o' age age ho ho sc scor ored ed high higher er ra rati ting ngs s at choo choosi sing ng a cl clas assi sica call re rest stau aura rant nt #Lis #Lisio ion nis ise e onsulting " 200C*. Moreover according to the stud+" a,out :/100 Ro%anians have ,een Ave or %ore ti%es in a restaurant in the last 'our ee-s #Lisionise onsulting " 200C*. =n general" Ro%anians had lunch at restaurant 2" C ti%es in the last 8 ee-s hile +oung !eo!le u! to 1C +ears o' age ere dining 3"8 ti%es #Lisionise onsulting " 200C*. verall +oung Ro%anians choose to eat at restaurants in order to socialize ith 'riends" hoever Ro%anians over the age o' 55 choose to dine in restaurants in order to conduct ,usiness %eetings and have dinner ith their 'a%ilies #Lisionise onsulting " 200C*. dditionall+ ;ualit+ o' 'ood and ;ualit+ o' service are on the Arst !lace a%ong the criterias 'or classiAcation o' the restaurants according to Lisionise onsulting stud+ stud+.. +echnological

urrentl+ the orld is e!anding" and it ill continue to e!and. @eo!le have a di<erent !ers!ective o' ti%e than the+ once did. More and %ore !eo!le are ,eco%ing victi%s o'  the glo,alized orld e leave in" e!ecting to o!ti%ize ti%e in such a a+ that the+ could convert %ost o' their schedule in or-ing hours. Thus the 'ood ,usiness is an i%!ortant and thrilling %ar-et 'or all the individuals that ant to eat good ;ualit+ 'ood

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hile s!ending less ti%e. onse;uentl+ Blizzscan ould ,e the !er'ect !roduct in ter%s o' technological criterias 'or the 'ood and ,everage ,usiness. Blizzscan is a co%!le !roduct that o<ers great 'eatures to its users. =ts %ain 'uture is that it is ti%e eKcient. Fhen or-ing in the oRea s+ste% ti%e is not on ones side. Blizzscan hel!s its users ,+ underta-ing !art o' its users %ain tas-s and resolving the% ,+ itsel'" %oreover it also i%!roves the%. There'ore its user has %ore ti%e to 'ocus on other tas-s" hile the once that once !resented the u! %ost i%!ortance are done ,+ Blizzscan. The tas-s that Blizzs Bli zzscan can undert undertaa-es es ar are e the 'allo 'alloing ing anal+s anal+sing ing the !r !rodu oducts cts users users !lace !lace in their their re'rigerators" deter%ine !roducts e!iration dates auto%aticall+" additionall+ it creates a histor+ o' ho the !roducts ere consu%ed. The histor+ hel!s Blizzscan auto%aticall+ order !roducts 'ro% distri,utors 'ro% !revious !atters o' the !roducts sale strea%. cological

ccording to the uro!ean o%%ission" currentl+" the astage o' 'ood in the  is C: %ill %i llio ion n -i -ilo logr gra% a%s s !er !er +e +ear ar"" hic hich h %ean %eans s 17: 17: -ilo -ilogr gra% a%s s !er !er ca!i ca!ita ta #ur #uro! o!ea ean n o%%ission" 2015*. Moreover" it is esti%ated that" ithout a!!ro!riate %easures" ,+ 2020 it ill register an increase o' 80 !er cent astage hich ill lead to 12C %illion tons #uro!ean o%%ission" 2015*. =n order to reduce 'ood aste" ne and innovative ideas %ust co%e to light "the !u,lic has to ,e aare o' 'ood aste" and should get hel! on ho to avoid asting 'ood. Through anal+sing the histor+ o' sales strea% o' !revies %onth Blizzscans is a,le to esti%ate the !ercentage o' 'ood restaurants have to ,u+ in the net %onths or da+s. Through the stud+ o' !revious orders Blizzscan is ca!a,le to sto! 'ood aste ,+ controlling the u o' 'uture orders. olitical

Ro%ania has ell$constructed 'ood sa'et+ legislation. ording to the legislation i%!le%ented on 13 Nune 2002" hich as a!!roved ,+ decision 573/2002 573/2002 authorizing the o!eration o' dealers #ha%,er o' ?e!uties" 2003*. ll o!erations involving ali%entar+ transactions need to ,e a!!roved ,+ the 'ood and sa'et+ authorities .B+ utilizing Blizzscan an+ restaurant" ,ar "ca'H or catering service !roves that it !roceeds in the deter%ined criterias" res!ecting the% ith 'ull co%%it%ent.

"ndustry analysis  To  To ,etter anal+se the industr+ @orters @orters ( (ive ive (orce (orce Model ill ,e used.

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orters -ive -orces ./odel of ompetiton

 Threats o' 4e 4e ntrants 1. t this ti%e the !atented technolog+ ,rought ,+ Blizzscans is a ,arrier 'or e%erging Ar%s on the %ar-et. 2. The cost o' creating si%ilar !roducts holding 'eatures such as Blizzscan are high.

Rivalr+ %ong isting (ir%s

?eter%ents o' Su!!liers ?eter%ents @oer 1.The uni;ueness o' the !roduct gives su!!liers a higher ,argaining !oer. 2.Sitching to another another su!!lier ill

?eter%ents o' Bu+er @oer

1. There is no direct co%!etitor on the %ar-et.

1. Fillingness to s!end %one+"

2. Blizzscan is di<erentiating itsel' through its uni;ue and

2. igh nu%,er o' !otential ,u+ers.

 Threat o' Su,stitute Su,stitute @r @roducts oducts 1.The technolog+ eists" the !ro,a,ilit+ o' ne !roducts e%erging is high.

@orters (ive (orces



=ndustr+ @roAta,ilit+

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Rivalr+ a%ong co%!etitive Ar%s


 The so'tare so'tare Blizzscan is ,ased on is co%%on in the retail %ar-et. Blizzscan is ai ai%e %ed d 'or 'or the the oR oRea ea envi enviro ron% n%en ent" t" it or-s on a loer scale and it re;uires a loer invest%ent than 'a%iliar so'tares o!er o! erat ating ing in re reta tail. il. ons onse;u e;uen entl tl+ + the the threat thr eat o' rival rival co co%!e %!etit titors ors is lo.Fh lo.Fhile ile


Bl Bliz izzs zsca can n its its the the Ars Ars on the the %ar%ar-et et to directl+ target the oRe oRea a environ%ent.

@otential o' ne co%!etitors


Bl Bliz izzs zsca can n its its the the Arst Arst o' its its -ind -ind"" thus thus there is no certaint+ that the %ar-et ill su su!! !!or ortt it. it. 4eve 4evert rthe hele less ss it is ,uil ,uiltt to sa sati tis' s'+ + its its user users s need needs. s. More Moreov over er"" to crea creatte a ne ne and inno innova vati tiv ve a+ a+ o'  o!ti%i o!t i%izin zing g the or-lo or-load ad in resta restaura urants nts"" ca'Hs and ,ar ,ars. The threat o' ne co%!etitors is high" due to the 'act that


the technolog+ Blizzscan is ,ased on is -non to the retail %ar-et 'or so%e ti%e.


ven though ven though the techno technolog log+ + eist eists" s" the costs cos ts o' creat creating ing co%!le co%!le  so't so'tar are e ar are e high highOO addi additi tion onal all+ l+ the the %a %ain inte tena nanc nce e is e e!en !ensiv sive e too. too. 4evert 4everthel heless ess there there is a !ossi, !os si,ili ilit+ t+ that that su,sti su,stitut tute e !r !rodu oducts cts ill ill develo!" ,ut it ont ,e !ossi,le 'or those !roducts to !rovide the sa%e 'eatures as Blizzscan !rovides at loer cost.




o' su!!liers

Blizzscan is not grounding itsel' ,+ using su!!liers" though at !oints it %a+ use su!!liers the+ ill not have a strong ,argaining !oer.

Bargaining !oer o' consu%ers

nderstanding that Blizzscan ill ,e a ne !roduct on the %ar-et" hich has a s!eciAc target grou!" the ,argaining !oer o' its consu%ers is relativel+ high.

@otential develo!%ent o'  su,stitute !roducts

Bargaining !oer



4ivalry among competitor rms:

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 The 'alloing Ar%s that develo! so'tare so'tare ai%ed 'or the %anage%ent o' %erchandise o ere ere chosen chosen as su,sti su,stitut tute e co%!et co%!etito itors rs 'or Blizzs Blizzscan can.. =n or order der to have have a ,etter ,etter assess%ent o' the co%!etitors a ta,le is used in order to co%!are hat Blizzscan has to o<er to the Ro%anian %ar-et in contrast to the alread+ eisting actors on the %ar-et.  The Ar%s ill ,e %ar-et ith grades 'or% 1$8O #s 'ollos:

1$ver+ !oorO 2 $!oorO 3$

averageO 8$high*. =tgenetics


Still MMS






























 Target  Target grou!  Total  Total

(irstl+ it is to ,e understood that the a,ove co%!etitors are so'tare Ar%s s!ecialized in 'a 'aci cili lita tati ting ng the the re reta tail il ,usin ,usines esse ses" s" s! s!ec eciA iAca call ll+ + ,ig ,ig re reta tail il stor stores es ith ith a high high rate rate o'  %erchandise o. o. s it can ,e seen =tgenetics scored the highest in the 'eatures that the so'tare so'tar e !rovides. The 'eatures =tgenetics o<ers are the 'olloing #=tgenetics" 2015* 1. 2. 3. 8.

nal+sing nal+sing the the ,ar ,ar code code 'or each individual individual !rod !roduct uct nal+s nal+sing ing the the ,ar code code 'or 'or each each locati location on ontr ontroll olling ing the the e!i e!irat ration ion date date ontr ontroll olling ing date date o' rece! rece!tio tion n and the date on hich the !r !rodu oduct ct as !ut on the

5. 6. 7. C. :.

%ar-et T+!e o' !roducts !roducts and and i%ages i%ages related related to the% the% Multi! Multi!le le unit units s o' o' %eas %easure ure%en %entt Iist Iist o' o' locat location ion and !r !rodu oducts cts =n =nve vent ntor or+ + ,+ !ro !rodu duct ct t+! t+!e e ist istor or+ + o' tran transa sact ctio ions ns

Fhile =tgenetics !rovides a co%!le list o' 'eatures" this does not re!resent a threat toards Blizzscan. Blizzscan onl+ re;uires certain 'eatures in order to satis'+ its target

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grou!" grou !" the oRea oRea environ%en environ%ent. t. The 'eatures 'eatures that BlizzScan BlizzScan re;uires re;uires are 'eatures 'eatures nu%,er 1"2"3"8"6" as highlighted a,ove. Thus even though =tgenetics scored the highest ith the 'eatures it has to o<er" it does not re!resent an i%!edi%ent 'or Blizzscan" %oreover =tgenetics does not target the oRea s+ste% it onl+ targets ,ig retail stores" hich have a high u o' di<erent variet+ !roducts. Secondl+ hen ta-ing a loo- at the innovative as!ects o' a !roduct" it is necessar+ to understand ho each !roduct di<erentiate itsel' 'ro% the co%!etitor" ith the value it adds in order to ,ring a higher satis'action to its consu%er. The technolog+ used ,+ Blizzscan and its co%!etitor Ar%s contains the sa%e characteristics. =t is a so'tare that !rovides a variet+ o' services to its consu%ers" services that are sha!ed in order to !lease its consu%er !articular re;uire%ents" hile the technolog+ it uses is ,ased on the sa%e criterias o' its co%!etitor Ar%s.  Thirdl+ there is the %ar-eting %ar-eting as!ect" here 4eo% 4eo%anager anager had the higher score. =t is to ,e understood that 4eo%anager targets =.T. storesO additionall+ the co%!an+ is o!en 'or dealing ith an+ other !articular consu%er #So'tare Transart" 2015*. The high score given to 4eo%anager is a result o' its trans!arenc+ on the %ar-et. 4eo%anager -nos ho to %a-e itsel' visi,le and eas+ to reach 'or its custo%ers" not onl+ that it contains a ell$structured e,site here it ,rie+ e!lains its !roducts 'eatures and -e+ resources ,ut also has a ra!id custo%er res!onse s+ste% #So'tare Transart" 2015*. Moreover it also has an oKce in Ro%ania here it can elco%e its clients and conduct ,usiness %eeting ith the%. dditionall+ it has a custo%er oriented core value hich 'ocuses on its client necessities on the long run #So'tare Transart" 2015*. Thus it can 'acilitate di<erent sales !ro%otions ith lo !rices in order to %otivate clients to a long and 'ruit'ul e!erience alongside 4eo%anager. Blizzscan does not have the luur+ to !rovide at the ti%e such lo !rice !ro%otion" hich can ,e an ea-ness. Ii-eise 4eo%anger is illing to acce!t consu%ers co%ing 'ro% di<erent %ar-ets" as the ones co%ing 'ro% the oRea environ%ent. Iast ,ut not least" there is the target grou! anal+sis here Blizzscan registered the highest score. This is due to the 'act that Blizzscan onl+ 'ocuses on a certain target !attern" hich is the oRea environ%ent.  target grou! that other co%!etitor Ar%s arent that intrigued u!on" ,ecause it does not o<er as %uch revenue as the ,ig retail co%!anies. 4evertheless Blizzscan is a ne entrant on the %ar-et" thus sha!ing itsel' to satis'+ing eclusive needs o' the oRea environ%ent ould %a-e it the Arst o' its -ind in the Ro%anian %ar-et.

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ustomer Analysis Blizzsccan target %ar-et is the oRea environ%ent" environ%ent" %ore s!eciAc restaurants" !u,s and ca'es that see- aide in o!ti%izing their eKcienc+ in controlling the %erchandise o. t Arst Blizzscan ill 'ocus on several i%!ortant restaurants 'ro% Bucharest. To ,e %ore s!eciAc Blizzscan targets restaurants" ca'es and !u,s that have a high u o' clients. ccording to a %ar-et anal+sis created ,+ Restogra' hich is a e,site that researches the gastrono%+ in Bucharest the 'alloing restaurants have scored the highest results #Restogra'" 2015* •

5e#e 2018 +ear restaurant in Bucharest$Ro%ania

4ed Angus &teakhouse The ,est %erican -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

Damascus alace The ,est -itchen" slee!ing in Bucharest in 2018

6 lemente:Best hinese -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

0e -in alais 4oyal The ,est (rench -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

Die Deutsche 7neipe The ,est Ger%an -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

Amvrosia The ,est Gree- -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

 8oseph by 8oseph 3adad   The ,est international cuisine in Bucharest in 2018 1steria *ioia The ,est =talian cuisine in i n Bucharest in 2018  9oshi  9oshi The ,est Na!anese -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

-our &easons The ,est Na!anese -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

atra ;eamului The ,est Ro%anian in Bucharest in 2018

l uerto "berico The ,est S!anish -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

3arem The ,est Tur-ish -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

+he Artist The ,est -itchen nons!eciAc in Bucharest B ucharest in 2018

Alt &hift The ,est ur,an -itchen in Bucharest in 2018

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herhanaua Ancora The ,est Ash restaurant in Bucharest in 2018

Moreov Mor eover er acc accor ordin ding g to Restogr estogra' a' anal+s anal+ses es the a,ove a,ove resta restaura urants nts have have the highes highestt custo%er o. o. Thus the+ re!resent a direct target grou! 'or Blizzscan. 3ow many potential customers are there<

t Arst Blizzscan ill 'ocus on Restaurants" !u,s and ca'es 'ro% Bucharest. There are currentl+ active in Bucharest 3102 restaurants 'alloed ,+ 32: ,ars and ca'es" according to data !rovided ,+ the national authorit+ o' health and 'ood sa'et+ #Aciul 4ational al Registrului o%ertului" 2018*. ut o' hich the 17 restaurants that had the highest score in the research created ,e Restrogra' ere chosen to ,e the Arst Blizzscan ould target. 2hat is the income or business revenue that the customer has<

Fhen re'erring to the oRea environ%ent one %ust ta-e into account %ore than Eust the restaurant !er sa+. (irst o' all it is i%!ortant to research the histor+ o' the oRea environ%ent and see ho it evolved. =n Ro%ania there are a!!roi%atel+ 28800 Ar%s" hich have their %ain activit+ do%ain as restaurants and other 'ood service activities last +ear having a cu%ulative turnover o' 6.7 ,illion Iei" according to data 'ro% the co%%ercial register #Aciul 4ational al Registrului o%ertului" 2018*. The Agures include onl+ co%!anies that declared Anancial state%ents 'or the +ear 2018. ccording to data 'ro% the co%%ercial register" in Bucharest there ere at the end o' 2013 a!!roi%atel+ 3200 co%!anies hich had declared 4 under the 'or% o' restaurants and other 'ood se serv rvic ice e ac acti tivi viti ties es" " i ith th cu%u cu%ula lati tive ve ,usi ,usine ness ss o' J 560 560 %ill %illio ion n #Ac #Aciu iull 4a 4ati tion onal al al Registrului o%ertului" 2018* . The Agure includes such co%!anies that have activities in restaurants" ca'Hs" ,ars" as ell as canteens and catering co%!anies. "s price important to this group of potential customers<

 Pes  Pes !rice is i%!ortant. t this ti%e ,usiness under the oRea oRea u%,rella can And aid in other co%!anies to hel! the% o!ti%ize the or-load" ,ut %ost o' the co%!anies charge too %uch ,ecause their !roducts are not %eant eclusivel+ to restaurants" ,ars and ca'es. This is the di<erence ,eteen Blizzscan and other !roduct/service creators that can ,e seen as co%!etitors. "s the customer likely to seek out numerous products or services to compare them<

(or ortu tuna nate tel+ l+ Bl Bliz izzs zsca can n o< o<er ers s a uni; uni;ue ue se serv rvic ice e in the the Ro%an o%ania ian n %ar%ar-et et..  se serv rvic ice e concerning s!eciAcall+ the oRea environ%ent. There are co%!anies ho %anu'acture si%ila si% ilarr !r !rodu oducts cts"" the di<ere di<erence nce is that that their their !r !rodu oduct ct does does not target target the oRea oRea

  $li%%&can 1 8


environ%ent" thus it is sha!ed 'or the de%ands o' other %ar-ets. dditionall+ the cost to resha!es so'tare that as %eant 'or di<erent %ar-ets is titanic.

anvas $usiness model Q cor!orate strateg+

=n order to deAne in %ore de!th the %ar-et anal+sis o' the ne !roduct" the ne 'ounded co%!an+ %erges to create a ,usiness canvas %odel in order to list all the insights o' the co%!an+ 'or a ,etter develo!%ent o' the ne Anal !roduct.

 The ,usiness canvas %odel ill !resent all the i%!ortant as!ects 'or the creation o' the !roduct. This ill include the !resentation o'


e+ !artners and su!!liers involved" hich are those" and their contri,utionO


e+ activities Q @resenting the !roduct 'eatures and ;ualitiesO


Lalue @ro!osition Q @resenting the value it creates 'or the usage o' the targeted usersO


usto%er Relationshi!s Relationshi!s Q The co%!an+ interaction ith its custo%ersO


ust u sto% o%er er Seg% Seg%en ents ts Q ?esc ?escri ri,in ,ing" g" 'or 'or ho% ho% the the !rod !roduc uctt is desi design gned ed and and develo!edO


e+ resources resources Q =ndis!ensa,le resources o' the co%!an+


hannels Q lear a+s o' distri,uting the !roducts to its end$usersO


ost Structure Q osts involved 'or the develo!%ent o' the co%!an+O


Revenue strea% strea% Q Fa+s ,+ hich the co%!an+ ill sale the !roduct to its usersO

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  $li%%&can 1 6


7ey artners

s !reviousl+ stated" the ,usiness canvas %odel !resents the -e+ !artners and su!!liers involved and also their contri,ution in develo!ing the !roduct.

=n the !rocess o' develo!ing the Anal !roduct" -e+ !artners ill occu!+ a critical !lace in our organisation.

+echnological companies

(o (orr cr creat eating ing the gr groun ound,r d,reaea-ing ing device device"" the co%!an co%!an+ + ill ill col colla, la,ora orate te ith ith one or %ulti!le co%!anies in order to ac;uire the ,est and %ost %odern %aterials in ter%s o'  technolog+ 'or creating the out!ut device.

 !ri%e co%!an+ that has ,een targeted is &=ntel). The s!eciAed co%!an+ !roduces and !ro%otes %ost advanced !roducts in the technological industr+. BlizzScan ould li-e to !rocure all the !ri%e %aterials 'ro% &=ntel).


nothe no therr colla, colla,ora oratio tion n s+ste% s+ste% ill ill ,e set ith ith a %anu' %anu'act actur ure e organi organisat sation ion that that ill ill !roduce the actual device 'ro% the %aterials o,tained 'ro% &So't Tehnica) co%!an+.

 The device ill ,e %anu'acture entirel+ ,+ the &So't Tehnica) co%!an+ that have co%!lied ith all re;uests o' BlizzScan" in ter%s o' !roduct" 'eatures and assistance. The ne 'ounded co%!an+ ill set s!eciAc and strict deadlines 'or the Anishing asse%,l+ o'  the Anal !roduct. 3o4ea environment

s the ne !r !rodu oduct ct il illl ,e s!r s!read ead along the oRea oRea sector" sector" oRea oRea !la+s a ver+ ver+ i%!ortant role as the co%!an+ -e+ !artners.

4esearch and Development

  $li%%&can 1 7


ven i' the launch o' the Anal !roduct ill ,e an !ioneering s+ste% in the 'ood and ,everages industr+" BlizzScan ishes to continuall+ i%!rove the s+ste% and to !ro%ote %ore 'eatures 'or the Anal !roduct.

 To  To reach the set standards" research research and develo!%ent seg%ent is crucial to the organisation. organisat ion. ?ue to these varia,les" varia,les" the organisat organisation ion ill colla,orate colla,orate again ith the colossal technological organisation &=ntel).

&=ntel &=n tel)) ill ill !r !rovi ovide de the ,est !racti !ractices ces and !roced !rocedur ures es in or order der to co%!l+ co%!l+ it ith h the co%!an+ re;uire%ents.

7ey Activities

Su,tracting 'ro% the canvas ,usiness %odel" it can ,e noticed that several -e+ activities are crucial in the develo!%ent o' the entire !roduct" and i%!licit o' the co%!an+. co%!an+.

s the co%!an+ 'ocuses on develo!ing a revolutionar+ and innovative !roduct" this has several vital 'eatures. The ne !roduct ill ,e !laced inside the industrial re'rigerators on the ,ac- !art o' it. B+ %ounting it there" the device ill ,e a,le to scan the !roducts hen !lacing the% on the shelves 'or !roduct in'or%ation and li'ec+cle dates.

Moreover the device ill ,e connected to a s!ecial end$user a!!lication that ill ,e installed on the custo%er delegate 'or this assign%ent. The device" ill raise alerts 'or ,oth e!ired ite% #or hen an ite% is a!!roaching its e!iring date*" and also ill identi'+ and raise alerts hen it ill auto%aticall+ %a-e !urchase o' the ne stoc-" re!lacing the old ite%s ith ne 'resh !roducts.  The device ill ,e lin-ed directl+ through an eternal =@ address to the co%!an+ data,ase cloud" here assigned %e%,ers can trace all the orders the device is !lacing.

alue roposition

 The value !ro!osition o' the ,usiness is to !rovide health and sa'et+ %easures and !rocedures 'or the 'ood and ,everages industr+ that involves !erisha,le ite%s.

  $li%%&can 1 C


B+ ado!ting this technological device" restaurant/,ars/ca'es locations can reduce or even eli%inate the ris- o' serving e!ired ite%s and !roducts to its clients.

 The enter!rise" serves ,oth the custo%ers and consu%ers needs. 4oada+s" %an+ restaurants in the industr+ are closing due to the lac- o' h+giene. B+ !rocuring the innovative s+ste%" oRea environ%ent can reduce such ris-s" and also consu%ers are %ore !rotect in ter%s o' health issues. Moreover the device s+ste% ill signiAcantl+ di%inish the ti%e and cost dela+s occurred ,+ the users in !rocessing and !lacing orders 'or restoc-ing the ite%s needed 'ro% their individual su!!liers.

ustomer 4elationships

 The organisation ai%s to construct to t+!es o' custo%er relationshi!s ith its 'olloing custo%ers. The ,usiness should consider the ,est !ossi,le a+ to co%%unicate ith its custo%ers" as this is a ver+ i%!ortant i %!ortant !art o' the ,usiness groth. n the Arst hand" the co%!an+ ishes to !rovide dedicated assistance 'or each o'  custo%er that holds a device. The dedicated assistance is re!resented ,+ the relation ,eteen ;ualiAed sta< o' the enter!rise ith the t he custo%er ad%inistrative delegate Secondl+" an auto%ated service ill ,e !ut in !lace" here the virtual data,ase ill Alter !reset !re'erences !re'erences o' the users in order to avoid ti%e dela+s in !rocessing !re$orders and also to avoid etra costs that the users could incur incur..

ustomer &egments

Regarding the costu%er seg%ent" on hich the co%!an+ ill 'ocus" is a niche %ar-et" re!resented ,+ the otels" Restaurants and a'es #oRea* environ%ent.

oRea environ%ent is a %assive consu%er in ter%s o' 'ood and ,everages" and the co%!an+ ,elieves that the !roduct ill ,e ,eneAcial 'or the users o' the s+ste%.

Moreover" the co%!an+ ill develo! its e!ansion in several !hases

1. (ir irs stl tl+" +" th the e !r !ro oduct duct ill ill ,e relea elease sed d in Buch Buchar ares estt ci cit+ t+"" her here e th ther ere e ar are e a!!r a! !ro oi%a i%ate tel+ l+ 3500 3500 res esta taura urant nts s #= #=ns nsti titu tutu tull 4a 4ati tion onal al de Stat Statis isit itca ca"" 2018 2018** .

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oever" the !roduct ill concentrate on the restaurants and environ%ents that are over,oo-ed :09 o' the ti%e. This %easure is ta-en due to the 'act that there is a ,igger o o' ite%s consu%ed than in other !laces.


Seco Secondl ndl+" +" the !rod !roduc uctt i ill ll s! s!re read ad over all the re;u re;ues ests ts %ade o' the the se serv rvic ices es"" tr+ing to cover entirel+ the targeted %ar-et in the ca!ital cit+.


'ter 'ter this !hase" !hase" the co%!an co%!an+ + ill ill !r !ro!o o!ose se a nation national al e!ansi e!ansion" on" cov coveri ering ng %aEor %aEor cit cities ies"" s!eciA s!eciAcal call+ l+ #onst #onstant anta" a" Braso Brasov" v" luE$4a luE$4a!oc !oca a and Ti%is Ti%isoar oara* a* and a'ter a'ter su,sidiaries o' those.


s a long$t long$ti%e i%e !roEec !roEectio tion n the co%!a co%!an+ n+ ill also also include" include" a orld$i orld$ide de e!ansi e!ansion on as the !roduct can ,e re;uested ,+ 'oreign environ%ents due to its intelligent caring s+ste% in ter%s o' 'ood and ,everages" hich is a ver+ i%!ortant industr+ in our dail+ lives.

7ey resources

   The -e+ resources identiAed ,+ the co%!an+ co%!rehend the technological device and the data,ase.

 The technological device is s!eciAcall+ the device that ill ,e %ounted in the industrial re'rigerators in order to scan all the !roducts !laced inside. 'ter scanning the !roducts" the device ill send all the in'or%ation to the cloud data,ase here all !roducts ill ,e calculated accordingl+.

 The data,ase s!eciAed ,e'ore ,e'ore ill !la+ the %ost i%!ortant !art in the Anal conce!t. ' 'ter ter the data,ase Anishes anal+zing all the as!ect 'ro% one !roduct" ill start sending alerts to the end user a!!lication #that ill ,e or-ing on ,oth =S and ndroid !lat'or%s*. dditionall+ the s+ste% ill conduct the ordering 'or the ne !roducts henever these are needed ,ased on a ver+ strict result 'ro% the calculations.

 The co%!an+ relies on ,oth s+ste%s 'or a !er' !er'ect ect 'unctioning o' the organis%. organis%. hannels

  $li%%&can 2 0


=n or order der to reach reach our custo% custo%er er e!ect e!ectat ation ions s and to delive deliverr the !r !rodu oduct ct ithin ithin a %ini%u% ti%e 'ra%e" the co%!an+ 'ocused on an in$house distri,ution s+ste%" here a trained sta< ill re!resent the organization henever a !roduct is re;uested in one o'  the users location.

orres!ondingl+" the ,usiness ill also 'ocus on !roviding e!erienced oRea !artners devi device ces" s" su such ch as hen henev ever er"" the+ the+ ar are e %ore %ore a!!r a!!roa oach cha, a,le le due due to di<e di<ere rent nt 'act 'actor ors s #geogra!hic #geo gra!hicall+" all+" environ%ental environ%entall+" l+" etc.*" etc.*" the+ could act as co%!an+ co%!an+ delega delegate te %e%,ers. %e%,ers. lso" using their e!erience and connections ithin the industr+" the enter!rise is %ore li-el+ to 'ace a greater groth in ter%s o' custo%ers and !roAta,ilit+.

ost &tructure

s the co%!an+ holds a su,stantial !rivate invest%ent ca!ital" this ill 'acilitate a direct Anancing and covering o' the costs 'or the e%!oering stages o' the ,usiness.

 The co%!an+ ill incur ,oth Aed Aed and varia,le costs.

(ied ied cos costs ts ill ill ,e 'or%ed 'or%ed 'ro% 'ro% the ad%ini ad%inistr strat ative ive and genera generall %ainte %aintenan nance ce o' the head;uarter o' the enter!rise as 'acilit+ services" oKce su!!lies" cleaning services" and securit+. 4evertheless" Aed costs ill also cover the !a+ sli!s o' the !ersonnel and distri,ution service.

@artner artnershi shi!s !s agree% agree%ent ents s ill ill ,e alloca allocated ted also also to Aed Aed costs. costs. gree% gree%ent ents s ill ill ,e negotiated ,eteen the co%!an+ and the second !art+ that ill carr+ the s!eciAc service 'or the ,usiness. The organisation ill negotiate the !rices each three +ears" and the costs ill ,e change accordingl+.

Si Si%i %ila larr to the the !art !artne ners rshi hi! ! agre agree% e%en ents ts"" res esea earrch and and deve develo lo!% !%en entt se serv rvic ices es and and %anu'a %an u'actu cture re o' the device device servic services es ill ill co%!l+ co%!l+ ith ith the sa%e sa%e strate strateg+ g+ in ter%s ter%s o'  contract negotiation.

Shi't Shi 'ting ing to varia, varia,le le costs" costs" this this ill ill ,e 'or%ed 'or%ed 'ro% 'ro% %ar-e %ar-etin ting" g" advert advertisi ising ng and @R e e!en !enses ses.. ach ach %ar-e %ar-ett stud+" stud+" or ne advert advertisi ising ng ca%!ai ca%!aign gn ill ill re;ui re;uire re di<ere di<erent nt e!enditure and these costs ill ,e allocated annuall+ 'or each o' the su,Eects.

4evenue &treams

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=n ter%s o' the revenue strea%s o' the !roduct and i%!licit o' the co%!an+" the users ill ,e su,Eect to a series o' !a+%ents due to the co%!leit+ o' the !roduct.

sers ill ,e 'acing an instal%ent 'ee o' the !roduct" hich ill ,e %ade ,+ s!ecialised !ersonnel o' the enter!rise. The instal%ent 'ees ill cover all the instal%ent !rocedure" technological scanning device" training o' the sta< and also the device %aintenance on an agreed ti%eline ,eteen the oner and the user. user.

Besides the instal%ent 'ee stated" the users o' the !roduct ill 'ace another cost that is re!r re!rese esente nted d ,+ the usage usage 'ee. 'ee. The usage usage 'ee illustrat illustrates es the co costs sts"" re;uir re;uired ed 'or the so'tare !lat'or% data,ase" server hosting" and also 'or the choose order data,ase" as the !roduct ill order auto%aticall+ ite%s henever needed.

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/arketing mi# (+he =>s rinciples 4oada+s %ar-eting %ar-s a ver+ i%!ortant su,Eect in the li'e c+cle and groth o' all co%! co%!an anie ies s and and or orga gani nisa sati tion ons. s. c ctu tual all+ l+"" %ar%ar-et etin ing g is the the !art !art o' the the co%! co%!an an+ + or organisation that sells the !roducts develo!ed.

 To  To deAne it in si%!le ords" %ar-eting is !utting ! utting the right !roduct in the right !lace" at the right !rice" at the right ti%e #leveris%" 2018*. ven i' the deAnition sounds ;uite si%!le" !utting it in !ractice involved a lot o' e<ort. =n the event that one o' one o' the 'our seg%ents is out o' !lace" a ver+ encouraging Anal result can ,e su,Eect to 'ailure #leveris%" 2018*.

=n order to co%,ine the 'our 'actors illustrated ,e'ore #!roduct" !lace" !rice" ti%e*" the %ar-eting %i %atri have ,een created" hich i%!lies the 8@s Q !roduct" !lace" !rice" !ro%otion. The %ar-eting %i ter% is clai%ing to ,e coined ,+ 4eil Borden in 1:68 #leveris%" 2018*. =n the the re rese sear arch ch condu conduct cted ed ,+ Goi Goi .I .I #200 #200:* :*"" the the auth author or %ar%ar-s s the the 'act 'act that that the the %ar%a r-et etin ing g %i %i have have star starte ted d ith ith an orig origin inat atin ing g @ that that sh sho os s the the !r !ric ice e in the the %icroecono%ic theor+.

Goii . I #200 Go #200:* :* e e!l !lai ains ns that that the the %ar%ar-et etin ing g %i %i is not not a sc scie ient ntiA iAc c theo theor+ r+"" ,u ,utt an a!!lic a!! lica,l a,le e struct structur ure e in the li'e li'e c+cle c+cle o' an or organ ganisa isatio tion" n" !r !rovi ovidin ding g i%!ort i%!ortant ant and 'unda%ental decision %a-ing in %eeting the needs o' the consu%ers.

Singh M. #2012* e!ress that the %ar-eting %i is a %iture o' a %ultitude decisions and !rocedures used ,+ a co%!an+ to sell and %ar-et its goods and !roducts to the !u,lic.

$li%%&can 2 3


Moreov Mor eover er Singh Singh M. #2012 #2012** states states that the %ar-eti %ar-eting ng %i is a grou! grou! o' %an %anage agea,l a,le e varia,les" hich the organisation can use to sti%ulate its custo%er decision on a s!eciAc !roduct.

ccording to Singh M. #2012* the %ar-eting decisions that have to ,e ta-en ,+ the %ar-eting %anagers in order to achieve the o,Eectives o' the co%!an+ are grou!ed into the 8@s #!roduct" !rice" !ro%otion and !lace*.

Singh M. #2012* have illustrate in the ,elo ta,le ill !resent the decision ta-en into consideration 'or the 'our categories.








S!ecial o<ers









?irect sales


ser trials


@eer to !eer


?irect %ailing


Multi channel

Ioss leader


 Technolog+  T echnolog+


(ree (r ee gi'ts gi 'ts




 Noint Lenture Lenture

+able ? @ lements of ='s

ven i' the 8@s %ar-eting %atri is seen as a ver+ ,eneAcial structure 'or !ro%oting %ar-et goods and !roducts" there are !resent critics o' the %atri.

Goi .I #200:* states that even i' the 8@s se!arates distinct areas o' interests" and is a ver+ ell deAned %anage%ent !rocess" the eecution o' the 'our @s is still a tas- o'  di<erent divisions and sta< o' each de!art%ent to deal ith. nother signiAcant as!ect that is %entioned is that the custo%er inter'eres ith the e<ects o' each o' the 8@s %ostl+ individual rather than an integrated s+ste% #Goi .I" 200:*.

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=t is also %entioned that even i' the 8@s structure o<er a strong su!!ort" this should ,e re!laced ith another s+ste% %ar-ed as the 7@s 'ra%eor-.

 To  To conclude" even i' there are nu%erous criticis% on the current @s 'ra%eor-" and several suggestion o' change have ,een %ade #as the 7@s s+ste%*" the 'our @ s+ste% re%ains a ,etter overvie o' the hole organisation and also a ,etter structure to integrate 'or the develo!%ent o' the ne !roduct" des!ite all its li%itations.   Applying =>s to product

 The ne 'ounded co%!an+ ill develo! its %ar-eting strateg+ ,ased on the 8@s %atri s+ste% in order to list all decision and attri,utes that have to ,e ta-en in order to !ro%ote the !roduct !roduct to the %ai%u% !ossi,le. !ossi,le. The 8@s sections are are the !roduct" !roduct" !rice" !lace and !ro%otion.

 The !roduct develo!ed ill ,e su,Eect to the in'or%ation o' ta,le 1 'ound a,ove. To !recisel+ %eet all the co%!an+ o,Eectives" the !roduct ill ,e su,Eect to other decisions as ell.


=n theor+ the ter% &!roduct) re'ers to !h+sical entit+ or service 'or hich a !erson is illing and !re!ared to !a+ 'or o,tain it #Singh M." 2012*.

s a !roduct is ,eing develo!ed" the ne !roducts hold a strict li'e c+cle that is ver+ i%!ortant to ,e understood ,+ the %ar-eters. Mar-eters roles are to understand the !roduct" its !hases and to !re!are the !lans 'or each stage. Fhen !ro%oting an ite%/a !roduct" custo%ers %ust understand all the uni;ue 'eatures and in'or%ation that the !roducts have. BlizzScan" the ne 'ounded co%!an+ o<ers a ver+ innovative and high$end !roduct" designed 'or the 'ood and ,everages industr+. The !roduct designed is a device that ill ,e !laced in industrial re'rigerators. =n ter% ter%s s o' the the co%! co%!an an+ + lo logo go"" this this is 'or% 'or%ed ed Eust Eust 'ro% 'ro% the the na%e na%e o' the the co%! co%!an an+ + BlizzScan" hich is a condensed 'or% 'ro% Blizzard Scanning. The ord &Blizzard) ould

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li-e to sho the environ%ent here the !roduct ill ,e situated" and &Scanning shos eactl+ hat the !roduct ill do.  The


ill !resent

logo the

a,ove na%es associated


re re!r !res esen enta tati tive ve colo colour urs. s. The The colo colour urs s used used ar are e ,lue ,lue and and hit hite" e" sh sho oin ing g the the arti artic c environ%ent o' the re'rigerators.

 The develo!ed !roduct" ai%s to resolve and %anage a ver+ ,ig !ro,le% in the oRea oRea environ%en envir on%ent" t" and this is" the health health and sa'et+ sa'et+ o' the consu%ers consu%ers in ter%s ter%s o' 'oods and ,everages !roducts" ithin the environ%ent.

$li%%&can 2 6


B+ ado!ting the device and so'tare !rovided" hotels" restaurants and ca'es can eli%inate all ris- o' 'ood/,eve 'ood/,everages rages e!iring e!iring ter%s" ter%s" !rotect !rotect its custo%ers custo%ers against an+ e!ired e!ired !r !rodu oducts cts"" i%!le% i%!le%ent ent %ore %ore health health and sa'et+ sa'et+ !r !roce ocedur dures" es" and also also reduc reduce e or eve even n eli%inate ti%e dela+s and etra costs" hen re$ordering !roducts stoc-s.  The !ro!osed !roducts ill have a rectangular design that ill contain three scanning ca%e ca%era ras s on the the 'aca 'acade de o' the the devi device ce.. The The thr three ca%e ca%era ras s ill ill sc scan an the the !rod !roduc ucts ts introduced in the re'rigerator" and ill auto%aticall+ send in'or%ation to the cloud server and also ill auto%aticall+ start calculating hen the net ite% order ill ,e dis!osed to su!!liers ,ased on the e!iring dates on the ite%s.  The integrated s+ste% ill 'unction 'unction as 'ollo 'ollo

1. Fhenev Fhenever er a !r !rodu oduct ct is introdu introduced ced in the re'rige re'rigerat rator" or" the a,ove a,ove device device ill start start scanning and searching 'or !roduct in'or%ation #!roducer" t+!e o' !roduct" e!iration date" 'a,rication date" su!!liers*.

2. 'ter 'ter gather gathering ing all the in'or%at in'or%ation ion"" the device device ill ill send send all the in'or%a in'or%atio tion n to the cloud server" here an auto%ated algorith% ill start calculating all the essential in'or%ation" 'or sending alerts o' e!ired !roducts" ite%s !re$orders" and s+ste% in'or%ation.

3. l ler erts ts o' e e!i !ire red d !rod !roduc ucts ts and ne stoc stoc- !urc !urcha hase se ill ,e se sent nt to an end$us end$user er !lat'or% #=S and ndroid co%!ati,le*. The end$user !lat'or% ill ,e %ade availa,le

  $li%%&can 2 7


to the ad%inistrator o' the !lace or to the delegated assistant" hich is in charge ith the ordering stoc-s in ter%s o' 'oods and ,everages !roducts.

8. oeve oever" r" hen the net net stoc-s stoc-s !reord !reorder er is read+ read+ to ,e sen sent" t" the ad%inis ad%inistra trator tor or delega del egate te has to a!!ro a!!rove ve the transa transacti ction on ,e'or ,e'ore e the s+ste% s+ste% to !lace !lace the net net !urchase.


s stated in the !roduct su,categor+" the !rice reects the a%ount a so%eone is illing and !re!ared to s!end to ac;uire the !roduce. orres!ondingl+ the reected !rice o' the ite% should ,e d+na%ic" so it can ,e a,le to ra!idl+ and constantl+ adEust to the changes in the li'e c+cle duration d uration o' the !roduct #Singh M." 2012*.

 The !erceived value is a ver+ i%!ortant as!ect in the !ricing o' the !roduct. =' the !rice does not reect the Anal !roducts !roduction costs" this cannot ,e over!riced ,ut neither loer lo ered. ed. =' custo% custo%ers ers unders understan tand d the !roduc !roduct" t" and ar are e ha!!+ ha!!+ ith ith the 'eatur 'eatures es it !rovides" than the !roduct can ,e advertise at a higher !rice than the !roduction costs. ontrariise i' custo%ers see little value o' the Anal !roduct" the !rices ill ,e reduced under the !roduction costs in order to ,e sold. But this strateg+ ill not ,e !roAta,le 'or the organisation. @rices should ,e ver+ ell designed and co%!ound in order to reect the Anal !roduct and also to ta-e into account distri,ution !lans" co%!etitor !roducts !rices and chain value costs #leveris%" 2018*. @ricing is %entend to su!!ort all the ele%ents that 'or% the %ar-eting %i" and in ter%s o' reecting the su!!l+ and de%and ra!!ort this is re;uires a lot o' de%and 'ull or#Iearn Mar-eting" no date*. @ricing !lans a* 41 subscription (or the %onthl+ a%ount o' U110 custo%ers can ,eneAt 'ro% a @R su,scri!tion that includes a license to use Blizzscan. This cost also includes the ini initia tiall i%!le% i%!le%ent entat ation ion in the locati location. on. dditi dditiona onall+ ll+ in the a,ove a,ove !rice !rice the co%!an+ !rovides a service o' technical su!!ort ,+ !hone. -eatures: • • •

nal+sing the ,ar code 'or each individual !roduct nal+sing the ,ar code code 'or each location location ontrolling the e!iration date

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,* 4/" 4/"/ / subscription subscription (o (orr the %onthl+ %onthl+ a%ount a%ount o' U2 U210" 10" custo custo%er %ers s can ,eneAt 'ro% a @RM=M su,scri!tion that includes a license to use Blizzscan. This costt also cos also includ includes es the ini initia tiall i%!le% i%!le%ent entati ation on in the locatio location. n.

Servic Service e ill ill ,e

o<ered ,oth ,+ !hone and location de!ending on the !ro,le% in ;uestion.

-eatures:   • • •

nal+sing the ,ar code 'or each individual !roduct nal+sing the ,ar code 'or each location ontrolling the e!iration date ontrolling date o' rece!tion and the date on hich the !roduct as !ut on the %ar-et

c* *10D subscription (or the %onthl+ a%ount o' U300" custo%ers can ,eneAt 'ro% a Gold su,scri!tion that includes a license to use Blizzscan. This cost also includes the initial i%!le%entation i%!le%entation in the location. location. Service ill ,e o<er o<ered ed ,oth ,+ !hone and location henever re;uired 28/7. -eatures:   • • •

• •

nal+sing the ,ar code 'or each individual !roduct nal+sing the ,ar code 'or each location ontrolling the e!iration date ontrolling date o' rece!tion and the date on hich the !roduct as !ut on the %ar-et Multi!le units o' %easure%ent istor+ o' transactions


@lacing section %ar-s the %echanis% o' ho the co%!an+ ill deliver its goods and !roducts to its custo%ers #S%all Business ?evelo!%ent or!oration" 2015*. @lace re'ers to distri,ution netor-s" storing 'acilities" trans!ortation" logistics and %anage%ent o'  delivering !roducts to the end users.

ach ach se seg% g%en ent" t" as &@ &@la laci cing ng)" )" &@r @ric icin ing) g)"" and and &@ &@ro roduc duct) t) have have to sta+ sta+ in a !er' !er'ec ectt e;uili,riu%" due to the 'act that each section relies on another one.

=' an+ varia,le ill change" there ill ,e inevita,le changes onto the other ones. =' the !ricing o' the !roduct ill increase" this ill a<ect the distri,ution netor-" as there ill

  $li%%&can 2 :


,e not as %an+ re;uests as !reviousl+" and this ill %ean that advisor+ tea%s ill not ,e de!l de!lo+ o+ed ed to cust custo% o%er ers. s. This This i ill ll re resu sult lt in e etr tra a cost costs s 'or 'or sta< sta< and and !ers !erson onne nel. l. ver ver+t +thi hing ng is conne connect cted ed to ea each ch ot othe her" r" and and a good good %ana %anage ge%e %ent nt o' the the 8@ 8@s s ill ill deli,erate a ver+ good tactic to 'ollo 'or the co%!an+ Anal !roduct #Singh M." 2012*. Based on the distri,ution strateg+ o' the !roduct" this ill rel+ on the custo%er seg%ents 'ro% the canvas ,usiness !lan. s the Arst and second stage is to a!!roach al%ost all oRea ter%inals 'ro% Bucharest it+" the distri,ution s+ste% ill ,e realised directl+ 'ro% the co%!an+ to the custo%er location. s the co%!an+ e!ansion ill gro" and %aEor cities in the countr+ ill ,e covered" the organisation !lans to develo! oKces to co!e ith the re;uests 'ro% the s!eciAc areas.  The organisation has structured its on distri,ution s+ste%" here trained sta< ill re!resent the co%!an+ as soon as !ossi,le a'ter the !roduct has ,een re;uested. l lso so"" in or orde derr to cove coverr a ,igge ,iggerr ar area ea o' dist distri ri,ut ,utio ion" n" the the co%! co%!an an+ + has has disc discus usse sed d colla, col la,ora oratio tion n ith ith oRea oRea su!!li su!!liers ers and !artne !artners" rs" that that ill ill re!re re!resen sentt the ,usine ,usiness ss henever needed.  The Anal !roduct #device* and the cloud service can ,e %ade onl+ ,+ 'or%al re;uest to the co%!an+ head;uarter" cit+ ter%inals or through our oRea !artners. =t ill not ,e a,le to order the s+ste% via the co%!an+ e,site or through other a+s. romotion

Regardi egarding ng the !r !ro%o o%otio tion n secto sector" r" this this is one o' the %ost %ost i%!ort i%!ortant ant as!ec as!ects ts in the %ar-eting %i. =n si%!le ords" !ro%otions %eans advertising" and ho the !roduct ill ,e !ro%oted to the !u,lic" %ain custo%ers and !otential sta-eholders #S%all Business ?evelo!%ent or!oration" 2015*.

4oada+s hen the econo%ic conditions are li%ited and !oor" custo%ers tend to 'ocus %ore on %essages o' generic !roductsdue to the high level o' ination #Iee" heng" and hen" 200C*.

Fhen %entioning !ro%otion" this includes advertising" sales !ro%otion" @R" and other as!ects that can %a-e a di<erence in !ro%oting a !roduct #leveris%" 2018*.

 The %ost i%!ortant 'act a,out !ro%otion" and hat this is tr+ing to achieve is %ainl+ to send a %essage to the !u,lic and to %a-e the% aare a,out the !roduct" to %a-e the !u,lic 'eel !ositive a,out it" and to let the% re%e%,er it. @ro%otion is all a,out e<ective

  $li%%&can 3 0


co%%unicat co%%u nication. ion. =' the right in'or%ation in'or%ation targets the right grou! o' !eo!le" !eo!le" in the right ti%e and right !lace" the !roduct ill ,e success'ul #Bussines #Bussines  ase Studies" no date*

s !reviousl+ stated" all as!ects in the %ar-eting %i #8@s* are interconnected to each other oth er.. This This @s should should oror- togeth together" er" as %ostl+ %ostl+ decisi decision on on one o' the 'acto 'actors rs ill ill inuence others and vice versa. Mar-eting is a !art o' the ,usiness that ill never end" ,ut it ill have to ada!t constantl+ in order to %eet the co%!an+ o,Eectives #h%-e" (ulton" and Ius-" 2005*. Advertising

s a ne 'ounded co%!an+" !ro%otion o' BlizzScan is a ver+ i%!ortant as!ect 'or the organisat orga nisation. ion. The co%!an+ co%!an+ target is to !ro%ote !ro%ote the innovative innovative device to the targeted targeted %ar-et discussed a,ove in the %ar-eting %i !lan. lso the ai% o' the ,usiness is to educate the !u,lic a,out the !roduct and also to attract !otential custo%ers ,ased on the 'eatures o' the Anal !roduct.

Based Bas ed on the 'o 'our ur rules rules o' advert advertisi ising ng the co%!an co%!an+ + ishes ishes to in'or in'or% % the !otentia !otentiall custo%ers on the ne !roduct availa,le in the %ar-et and to !ursue the% to ac;uire the !roduct.

BlizzScan co%%unicates ith !otential custo%ers ,+ various a+s. ?etails" in'or%ation and other as!ects as!ects o' the ,usiness ,usiness and the !roduct !roduct develo! develo!ed ed ar are e availa,le on the internet" ,+ direct %ails and also via sending co%!an+ delegates to s!eciAc locations.  locations. 

onc o nclu ludi ding ng the the ,usi ,usine ness ss i ill ll re resu su%e %e to thes these e %ean %eans s 'or 'or conn connec ecti ting ng to !ote !otent ntia iall custo%ers and ,u+ers o' the !roduct. The organisation ,elieves that not having direct co%!etitors this t+!e o' advertising ill ,e the %ost eKcient and e<ectiveness a+ to !ro%ote the Anal !roduct. &elling

=n ter%s o' selling" the co%!an+ ill ado!t di<erent a+s 'or this !ur!ose. @ros!ecting custo%ers that ill ,e li-el+ to ac;uire the !roduct and direct a!!roach o' the custo%ers.

s %entio %entioned ned ,e'or ,e'ore" e" in the custo% custo%er er seg%en seg%ents ts o' the canvas canvas ,usiness ,usiness !lan" !lan" the co%!an+ stated its e!ansion !hases.

  $li%%&can 3 1


s the Arst stage is to release the !roduct onl+ in Bucharest it+" here there are al%ost 3500 restaurants"  restaurants"   it ill ,e direct 'orard 'or the co%!an+ directl+ a!!roach custo%ers o' hotels" restaurants and ca'es" as the area is not de%anding a high e<ort 'or the sta< o' the organisation. s the e e!an !ansio sion n ill ill incre increase ase nation national al the co%!an co%!an+ + ill ill ,ase ,ase its sellin selling g strate strateg+ g+ !ros!ecting the !otential custo%ers that ould li-e the !roduct" and also the ones hich ill a<ord to !urchase it as the covering area ill ver+ large and %ore de%anding 'or a direct a!!roach.

(urther e!ansion e!ansion #orld$ide* ill re;uire re;uire a ver+ in$de!th anal+sis o' ho the co%!an+ ill set its selling strateg+" ,ased on the a,ove tactics.

Moreover" i' there are custo%ers" that have ,een not included in the direct a!!roach or on the !ros!ecting !otential custo%ers list" and the+ ould li-e to ac;uire the !roduct" the organisation ill ha!!il+ ,e involved in discussing all in'or%ation and details ith the !otential ,u+er.

=n the eventual case" o' a custo%er as-ing 'or a de%onstration and !resentation ithin the custo%er !re%ises" trained sta< o' BlizzScan ill ,e delegated to !resent the !roduct and also to negotiate an+ 'urther !urchase contracts. Sales @ro%otion

 The organisation has has develo!ed a ver+ strict sales sales !ro%otion" and and this ill ,e a!!lica,le  Eust to our current current custo%ers that have !urchased !urchased the !roduct. us usto%ers to%ers ill ,eneAce o' training !rogra%s and or-sho!s ,ased on the s+ste% coo!eration ,eteen the device and the cloud data,ase" also" custo%ers that have ac;uired a ,ig a%ount o' devices to ,e %ounted" ill gain g ain lo+alt+ reards !rogra%s. ublic 4elations

BlizzScan ill ala+s tr+ ,uilding good relationshi!s ith its custo%ers and ,u+ers" and 'or this" !u,lic relations is a ver+ i%!ortant !art o' the organisation !ro%otion !lan.

BlizzScan ill !roduce ;uarterl+ re!orts" ,rochures" and %agazines that ill !resent the last nes o' the co%!an+ !roducts and u!dates or 'uture in'or%ation a,out the co%!an+ !lans.

$li%%&can 3 2


Moreover" henever a ne !roduct ill ,e released or an u!date version o' the !roduct ill ,e develo!ed" the ,usiness ill organise !resentations and s!ecial events here all the custo%ers o' the co%!an+ ill ,e invited to see and discover the ne !roducts or u!dates.

oever" the co%!an+ !lans to organise a ,ig s!ecial event 'or the ,iggest custo%ers o'  the !roduct" here all the i%!ortant %e%,ers o' the oRea oRea environ%ent ill ,e invited

-inancial: Detatils

sta,lish%ent costs #taes" sta%!s" ,an- account"



B ty Bt











etc.*  The initial so'tare so'tare develo!%ent services services

  $li%%&can 3 3



Brand strateg+ and co%%unication conce!t



U:000 ?esign > gra!hical inter'ace










!erating S+ste% license





Kce !ac-





Google develo!er !ortal account Google @la+





@urchase internet do%ain.





@urchase internet do%ain 'or 3 +ears





Realization Realizati on o' d+na%ic /e,site #conce!t" gra!hic





S services and online !ro%otion osting e,site

%onth %onth

3 3

U2000 U80

U6000 U120

ccounting services





Fage costs 'or technical su!!ort !erson Salar+ costs sales !erson

%onth %onth

5 8

U2C00 U3C00

U18000 U15200

Salar+ costs sales !erson





=ndirect costs associated ith sales





design" co!+right" i%!le%entation*




?6@ -ebruary




Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 8

Month 5

t +


To t

t +


To t

t +


To t

t +



t +



  $li%%&can 3 8


41 subscrip tion

U1 10

U1 10

U1 10


U1 10

U55 0

1 0

U1 10

U1 100

remiu m subscrip

U2 10

U2 10

U2 10

2 5

U2 10

U52 50

3 0

U2 10

U630 0

U3 00

U3 00

U3 00


U3 00

U15 00

1 0

U3 00

U300 0

tion *old subscrip tion

 Total  Total Sales









?6@ &eptember


Month 6

Month 7

Month C

Month :

Month 10  t +



 t +



 t +



 t +



 t +

@ c

41 subscri ption

1 0

U1 10

U11 00

1 0

U1 10

U11 00

1 0

U1 10

U11 00

1 5

1 1 0

U16 50

1 5

U1 10

U16 50

remiu m subscri ption

5 0

U2 10

U10 500

5 0

U2 10

U10 500

5 U2  0t+. 10

U10 @c. 500

6 0

2 U12 Tot. 600 1 0 U::00

6 0

U2 10

U12 600

*old subscri ption

&ubscription 1remium U3 U30 1 U3 U30 0*old 00 &ubscription 00 0 00 00

U210 1 U30 00 U300 5

UC0CU85 50 3 0 U33000 0 0

1 5

U3 00

U85 00


ro &ubscription

31C5 U3 101 00

U127"350 U18 600

+otal &ales

 Total  Total Sales

186 00


U18 600

 Tot  Tot

U1C 750

1 +ear  Total  Total

U1C 750 2 +ear  Total  Total




ro &ubscription




remium &ubscription




*old &ubscription




  $li%%&can 3 5



+otal &ales

3 +ear Total t+.



ro &ubscription




remium &ubscription




*old &ubscription




+otal &ales


  $li%%&can 3 6


onclusions  The creation and develo!%ent o' the ne !ioneering s+ste% designed eclusive 'or the 'ood and ,everage industr+" BlizzScan S.G.T Tech rganisation" has assured its !osition as leadi leading ng and and disr disru!t u!tiv ive e co%! co%!an an+ + conc concer erni ning ng heal health th and and sa'e sa'et+ t+ !rac !racti tice ces s and and !rocedures o' oRea environ%ent" and also concerning the diKcult %anage%ent o' all ,usiness that !resent activit+ in the 'ood and ,everage industr+. industr+.  The device !ro%ulgated ,+ Blizzscan" has the !ur!ose to narro and even to eli%inate the ga! o' 'ood and ,everage control and also 'or a ,etter %anage%ent o' cost and ti%e overruns.  The organization sets a ver+ high standard in co%!arison to co%!etitors. Blizzscan does not have direct co%!etitors" ,ut there are indirect co%!etitors" that have 'ocused %ore on the %anage%ent$econo%ical !art o' the ,usinesses that have a oRea character. character.  The ne device concentrates on resolving to !ro,le%s" health and sa'et+ issues and !roviding a ,etter %anage%ent o' ti%e and costs dela+s that occurs hen !rocessing ne order 'or re$stoc-ing. ealth and sa'et+ Setting good !ractice and !rocedures ill !rovide a ,etter or even a !er'ect 'unctioning o' the services o<ered. ealth and sa'et+ in the 'ood and ,everage industr+ can ,e crucial" due to the 'act that +our custo%ers %ust 'eel !rotected and sa'e.  The s+ste% develo!ed" has has %ulti!le !hases o' running. (irstl+" the device anal+zes the !roducts !laced in the re'rigerators. Secondl+ the in'or%ation is sent to a data,ase" here calculations are %ade in order to deliver e!iration dates and also to create a histor+ o' hat !roducts are consu%ed regularl+. Manage%ent s s!eciAed ,e'ore" the s+ste% also tac-les the %anage%ent !art o' the ,usiness. This is done don e ,+ the third third !hase" !hase" here here the organi organis% s% auto%a auto%atic ticall all+ + orders orders !roduc !roducts ts 'or re$ re$ stoc-ing 'olloing !revious !atterns o' the sale strea%.

  $li%%&can 3 7


Ioo-ing on the Anancial !art" the co%!an+ has set its !roduct !rices. The !rices are ,ased ,as ed on three three !lans. !lans.  !r !ro o su,scr su,scri!t i!tion ion"" a !r !re%i e%iu% u% su,scr su,scri!t i!tion ion and also also a gol gold d su,scri!tion" that have ,een discussed in the Mar-eting Mi section. Blizzscan" ,elieves that it !rovides ;ualit+ and value services that targets to %aEor su,Eec su, Eects ts that that ca can n arise arise severa severall critic critical al ris-s ris-s i' the+ the+ ar are e not %anage %anaged d !r !ro!e o!erl+ rl+.. The !ur!ose o' Blizzscan is to relieve hotels" restaurants" !u,s" ca'es o' these !ro,le%s" and let all these as!ects in the organization hand.  The co%!an+ is !roud to ,e one o' the cor!orations that actuall+ deals ith real !ro,le%s in the industr+" and also it is !roud o' its integrit+ and re!utation" created due to the %odern and re%ar-a,le !roduct develo!ed.

  $li%%&can 3 C


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