Dictionar N-Y

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1. For want of a NAIL the shoe is lost; for want of a shoe the horse is lost; for want of a horse the rider is lost. Pentru un cui pierzi o potcoavã. Cine nu se îndurã de un cui pierde si potcoava. Din lipsa unui cui se pierde carul. Pentru una a pierdut Stan cãciula. Sim. Oft times for sparing of a little cost a man has lost the large coat for the hood. 2. One NAIL drives out another. Cui pe cui se scoate. Cuiul cel nou scoate pe cel vechi afarã. Sim. One poison drives out another. Cf. One DEVIL drives out another / LIKE cures like. 3. No NAKED man is sought after to be rifled. O sutã de tâlhari nu pot despuia pe un sãrac gol. Mii si sute de voinici nu pot dezbrãca pe cel gol si despuiat. Cf. The E!!"# ma$ sin% &efore the thief. 4. A good NAME is better than riches. Numele bun e mai bun ca aurul. Var. " %ood name is &etter than %old. Sim. !ood name is &etter than a %ood face. !roverbs 22" # $ !ilde 22" # %. He that has an ill NAME is half hanged. Mai bine sã&ti iasã un ochi decât un nume rãu. 'ecât sã&ti iasã nume rãu" mai bine ochii din cap. Sim. Ill deemed' half han%ed / "n ill (ound is cured' not an ill name. (. NAT !E does nothing in vain. )irea *n zadar ceva a face nu se osteneste" nici de lucrul fãcut vreodatã se cãieste. +. NE"E##IT$ has no la%. Nevoia schimbã legea. ,ipsa frânge legea. -. NE"E##IT$ is the mother of invention. Nevoia e mama nãscocirilor. Nevoia *nvatã pe om. Sim. The &ell$ teaches all arts / )un%er is the teacher of the arts. Cf. *OVE#T+ is the mother of all arts. .. NEED ma&es the old %ife trot. Nevoia te duce si pe unde nu ti&e voia. Sim. "dversit$ makes stran%e &edfello(s / ,eed makes the naked man run and sorro( makes (e&sters spin. #/. 'hen NEED is highest( )od*s hel+ is nighest. ,a barza chioarã face 'umnezeu cuib. Sim. -hen the ni%ht.s darkest' the da(n.s nearest.

##. A good NEI)H,O !( a good morro%. 0ecin bun ai nimerit" mare bine&ai dobândit. Sim. "ll is (ell (ith him (ho is &eloved of his nei%h&ours / +ou must ask $our nei%h&our if $ou shall live in peace. Cf. " near ,EI!) O/# is &etter than a far0d(ellin% kinsman. #2. A near NEI)H,O ! is better than a far-d%elling &insman. Mai bun e un vecin aproape de tine" decât un frate departe. Var. etter is a nei%h&our that is near than a &rother far off. Sim. "ll is (ell (ith him (ho is &eloved of his nei%h&ours. Cf. " %ood 1#IE,D is m$ nearest relation / " %ood ,EI!) O/#' a %ood morro(. !roverbs 2+" #/ $ !ilde 2+" #/ #3. Love th. NEI)H,O ! as th.self. 1ubeste pe aproapele tãu ca pe tine *nsuti. ,eviticus #." #- $ ,eviticul #." #Matthe2 #." #.3 22" 3. $ Matei #." #.3 22" 3. Mar4 #2" 3#"33 $ Marcu #2" 3#"33 ,u4e #2" 2+ $ ,uca #2" 2+ 5omans #3" . $ 5omani #3" . 6alatians %" #4 $ 6alateni %" #4 #4. $ou must as& .our NEI)H,O ! if .ou shall live in +eace. 7ã cumperi vecinii *ntâi si apoi casa. 8tâta tine pacea" pânã vrea vecinul. #%. Loo& to th.self %hen th. NEI)H,O !*s house is on fire. ,a casa aprinsã si vecinul vrã9mas aleargã sã o stingã. #(. He d%ells far from NEI)H,O !# that is fain to +raise himself. Cel ce are vecini rãi se laudã singur. #+. In vain the NET is s+read in the sight of an. bird. :adarnic se *ntind curse *n vãzul pãsãrilor; !roverbs #" #+ $ !ilde #" #+ #-. Ever.thing NE' is fine. Ce e nou e si frumos. Sim. ,e( thin%s are fair. #.. ,ad NE'# has %ings. 0estea rea se duce ca glontul. Var. ad ne(s travels fast. Cf. Ill ,E-S comes apace. 2/. Ill NE'# comes a+ace. 5ãul s&aude lesne. 0orba rea fuge mai tare ca cea bunã. Var. Ill ne(s comes unsent for. Cf. ad ,E-S has (in%s. 2#. Ill NE'# is too often true. 0orba de rãu mai lesne se crede.

22. NI)HT is the mother of counsel. Noaptea este sfetnic bun. Sim. To take counsel of 2consult (ith3 one.s pillo(. 23. The NI)HT comes %hen no man can %or&. 0ine noaptea când nimeni nu poate sã lucreze. <ohn ." 4 $ 1oan ." 4 24. 'hat is done b. NI)HT a++ears b. da.. Ce se naste pe *ntuneric trebuie sã se vadã la luminã. :iua multe descoperã. ,u4e #2" 3 $ ,uca #2" 3 2%. He that has NOTHIN) need fear to lose nothing. 'e la cel ce n&are nu vei lua. Sim. +ou cannot lose (hat $ou never had. Cf. " man cannot !IVE (hat he hasn.t %ot / -here nothin% is' the KI,! must lose his ri%ht. 2(. NOTHIN) comes of nothing. 'in nimic" nimic rãsare. 'in nimic" tot nimic iese. Var. 1rom nothin% nothin% can come. Sim. ,ou%ht la$ do(n' nou%ht take up. 2+. N !T !E +asses nature. #coala face pe omul" om si altoiul pomul" pom. Cf. "#T improves nature.

1. An OAK is not felled at one stroke. Copacul nu cade dintr-o loviturã. Numai c-o loviturã copacul nu cade. Sim. Many strokes fell great (tall) oaks. 2. OAK# ma. fall %hen reeds stand the storm. 0ântul la pãmânt n&aruncã buruieni" ci pe cei mai mari copaci. 3. He that cannot O,E$ cannot command. =nainte de a porunci *nvatã a te supune. Sim. )e commands enou%h that o&e$s a (ise man / ,o man can &e a %ood ruler unless he has first &een ruled. 4. He that measures OIL shall anoint his fingers. 8 bãga mâna *n miere si a nu&ti linge degetele nu se poate. Cine&si bagã mâna&n miere si nu&si linge degetele> Cf. )e that has to do (ith (hat is 1O/L never comes a(a$ clean / )e that touches *ITC) shall &e defiled. %. /ouring OIL on the fire is not the %a. to 0uench it. Nu turna spirt pe foc. Nu mai turna foc peste para aprinsã. (. If .ou %ould not live to be OLD( .ou must be hanged %hen .ou are .oung. Cine nu vrea sã *mbãtrâneascã" sã se spânzure.

+. Never too OLD to learn. Nu e omul niciodatã bãtrân" când e vorba de *nvãtãturã. 8 *nvãta nicicând nu e târziu. Cf. LIVE and learn. -. None so OLD that he ho+es not for a .ear of life. Omul cât sã&mbãtrâneascã" tot cere sã mai trãiascã. .. OLD men are t%ice children. Omul când *mbãtrâneste" copilãreste. #/. Though OLD and %ise( .et still advise. #i trecut fiind *n vârstã nu vei gresi ascultând. ##. ONE and none is all one. ?nul ca nici unul. ?nul singur ca nici unul. Sim. One is no num&er. #2. ONE does the scathe( and another has the scorn. ?nul face si altul trage. #3. O//O!T NIT$ ma&es the thief. Ocazia face pe hot. !rile9ul te face hot. Sim. Ease makes thief / The hole calls the thief. Cf. "n open DOO# ma$ tempt a saint / The &ack DOO# ro&s the house. #4. O//!E##ION ma&es a %ise man mad. 8suprirea poate sã facã nebun pe un *ntelept. @cclesiastes +" + $ @cclesiastul +" + #%. An O N"E of fortune is %orth a +ound of forecast. Mai bine un dram de noroc decât un car de minte. ,a un car de minte trebuie douã de noroc. Var. "n ounce of %ood fortune is (orth a pound of discretion. #(. An old O1 ma&es a straight furro%. Aoii bãtrâni fac brazda dreaptã. #+. An O1 is ta&en b. the horns( and a man b. the tongue. Aoul se leagã de coarne si omul de limbã. Aoii se leagã cu funia" si oamenii cu vorba. Sim. -ords &ind men. #-. Mu22le not the O1EN*s mouth. 7ã nu legi gura dobitocului ce treierã. 0itei care treierã nu i se leagã gura. Aoul nu treierã cu gura legatã. 'euteronomB 2%" 4 $ 'euteronomul 2%" 4

1. No PAINS, no gains. Nimica nu-i fãrã ostenealã. Totul cu ostenealã se dobândeste pe drumuri nu se !ãseste. Var. Nothing to be got without pains.

Sim. A horse that will not carry a saddle must ha e no oats. !f. No S"##$ without some sweat % &e that will not "O'( shall not eat. 2. /A/E! endures all. Cârtia multe rabdã. Sim. *aper (on.t &lush / *ens ma$ &lot' &ut the$ cannot &lush. 3. He that %ill enter into /A!ADI#E must have a good &e.. Cu chei de aur si de argint se deschid portile raiului. 4. /A!DONIN) the bad is in3uring the good. Când cei rãi nu se pedepsesc" cei buni se nãpãstuiesc. Var. -ho pardons the &ad' in4ures the %ood. Sim. )e that helps the evil hurts the %ood / 5erc$ to the criminal ma$ &e cruelt$ to the people. %. The /A!#ON al%a.s christens his o%n child first. )iecare mãturã *ntâi *naintea portii lui. ,ãutarul cântã mai bine când *si cântã lui. (. The end of /A##ION is the beginning of re+entance. )inea mâniei e *nceputul credintei. +. /ATIEN"E is a remed. for ever. grief. 5ãbdarea e cea mai bunã doctorie. Ca rãbdarea la necaz" nici un leac mai bun. Var. *atience is a plaster for all sores / *atience is the &est remed$. -. /ATIEN"E is a virtue. 5ãbdarea&i din rai. 5ãbdarea e mântuire. .. /ATIEN"E overcomes all things. Cu rãbdarea treci si marea. Omul cu rãbdarea" trece chiar si marea. Sim. *atient men (in the da$. #/. 4rom a bad /A$MA#TE! get %hat .ou can. 'e la un rãu platnic si cu cenusa dupã vatrã sã te multumesti. Cf. Of ill DE TO#S men take oats. ##. He that %ould live in /EA"E and rest( must hear( and see( and sa. the best. Cine vrea sã trãiascã *n pace aude" vede si tace. 7ã auzi" sã vezi si sã taci" dacã vrei sã petreci cu pace. Sim. -ide ears and a short ton%ue / )ear and see and sa$ nothin%. Cf. )E"# much' speak little. #2. The /EA"O"K hath fair feathers( but foul feet. !ãunul pene frumoase" dar picioare urâte. #3. 'hen the /EA! is ri+e( it falls. !ara dupã ce se coace trebuie sã cadã. #4. Do not thro% /EA!L# to s%ine. Nu arunca mãrgãritarul *naintea porcilor. Var. To cast pearls &efore s(ine. Matthe2 +" ( $ Matei +" (

#%. Ever. /EDLA! +raises his needles. Dot tiganul *si laudã ciocanul. Dot olarul laudã oala sa. #(. Let ever. /EDLA! carr. his o%n burden. Dot mãgarul *si poartã samarul. Var. Let ever$ pedlar carr$ his o(n pack. #+. A /ENN$ at a +inch is %orth a +ound. Când n&ai" cãmila de un ban e scumpã. #-. A /ENN$ saved is a +enn. gained. 8dunã cu firu ca sã ai cu grãmada. Sim. Sparin% is the first %ainin%. #.. In for a /ENN$( in for a +ound. ?nde merge mia" merge si suta. 2/. /ENN$ and +enn. laid u+ %ill be man.. Aãnut cu bãnut se face florinul. 'in bãnuti se face suta. Cf. 5an$ D#O*S make a sho(er / 5",+ small make a %reat. 2#. /ENN$ %ise and +ound foolish. 7cump la tãrâte si ieftin la fãinã. Sim. Spare at the spi%ot' and let it out at the &un%0hole. 22. 'ho %ill not &ee+ a /ENN$( never shall have man.. Cine nu pretuieste filerul nu va numãra nici florinul. Sim. Take care of the pence' and the pounds (ill take care of themselves. 23. He %ho has +lent. of /E//E! %ill +e++er his cabbage. Cine are piper mult bagã si *n terci. 24. /E//E! is blac& and hath a good smac&. #i piperu e negru" dar mãnâncã vodã cu el la masã. Var. Spice is &lack' &ut it has a s(eet smack. 2%. He that forecasts all /E!IL# %ill never sail the sea. Cui i&e fricã de orice nor nici o cãlãtorie nu face. Var. )e that forecasts all perils (ill (in no (orship. Sim. )e that (ill sail (ithout dan%er must never come upon the main sea / )e that is afraid of (ounds must not come ni%h a &attle / )e that fears leaves' let him not %o into the (ood. 2(. No /H$#I"IAN li&e a true friend. Nimic alt mai bun pe lume decât un prieten bun. 2+. /H$#I"IAN( heal th.self5 'octore" vindecã&te *ntâi pe tine. ,u4e 4" 23 $ ,uca 4" 23 2-. The. that be %hole need not a /H$#I"IAN( but the. that are sic&. Nu cei sãnãtosi au nevoie de doctor" ci cei bolnavi. Matthe2 ." #2 $ Matei ." #2 Mar4 2" #+ $ Marcu 2" #+ ,u4e %" 3# $ ,uca %" 3#

2.. /H$#I"IAN#* faults are covered %ith earth. Cosciugul acoperã greselile doctorilor. Sim. If the doctor cures' the sun sees it6 &ut if he kills' the earth hides it. 3/. Never bu. a /I) in a +o&e. Nu cumpãra pisica *n traistã. 3#. 'e don*t &ill a /I) ever. da.. Nu se mãnâncã *n toate zilele plãcinte. 32. 'hen the /I) is +roffered( hold u+ the +o&e. 'u&te cu sacul când *ti fãgãduie purcelul. 33. He that %ill steal a /IN %ill steal a better thing. Cine furã azi un ac mâine furã un gânsac. Cf. )e that (ill steal an E!! (ill steal an o7. 34. )ive the /I/E! a +enn. to +la. and t%o +ence to leave off. Cu un ban s&a prins *n horã si cu zece nu poate scãpa. 3%. He %ho digs a /IT for others falls in himself. Cine sapã groapa altuia cade el *ntr&*nsa. Cf. To make a S,"#E for another and fall into it oneself. !roverbs 2(" 2+ $ !ilde 2(" 2+ 3(. He that touches /IT"H shall be defiled. Nu poti umbla cu smoalã si sã nu te ungi. Cine s&atinge de smoalã si nu se mân9este> Cu pãcurarul când trãiesti" trebuie sã te mân9esti. Cf. )e that has to do (ith (hat is 1O/L never comes a(a$ clean / )e that measures OIL shall anoint his fin%ers. @cclesiasticus #3" # $ 7irah #3" # 3+. The /IT"HE! goes so often to the %ell that it is bro&en at last. ?lciorul nu merge de multe ori la apã Ecãci ori se sparge" ori se crapãF. 3-. 'hether the /IT"HE! stri&es the stone( or the stone the +itcher( it is bad for the +itcher. Ori cu capu&n piatrã" ori cu piatra de cap" totuna e. 3.. There is no /LA"E li&e home. Nicãieri ca la casa omului. Ca acasã la tine nu&i nicãieri bine. Sim. East' (est' home.s &est / )ome is home' thou%h it &e never so homel$. Cf. "n E,!LIS)5",.s home is his castle / One.s o(n )E"#T) is %o(d.s (orth. 4/. Hand /LA$( churls* +la.. Cu mâna te 9oci" mo9ic te arãti. 6lumeste numai cu gura" iar nu si cu&mbrâncitura. 4#. $ou can*t /LEA#E ever.one. Nu poti face pe gustul tuturora. Sim. It is hard to please all parties / )e that all men (ill please shall never find ease / )e (ho pleased ever$&od$ died &efore he (as &orn / )e has need rise &etimes that (ould please ever$&od$. 42. After /LEA# !E comes +ain. 'upã plãcere vine durere.

Sim. "fter $our flin%' (atch for the stin%. Cf. "fter 8O+ comes anno$ / ,o *LE"S/#E (ithout pain. 43. No /LEA# !E %ithout +ain. Nu e plãcere fãrã durere. Var. ,o pleasure (ithout repentance. Cf. "fter 8O+ comes anno$ / "fter *LE"S/#E comes pain. 44. #hort /LEA# !E( long +ain. !lãcerea scurtã" cãintã lungã. 'upã o scurtã plãcere urmeazã o lungã durere. Sim. In (ar' huntin%' and love men for one pleasure a thousand %riefs prove. 4%. 'ho %ill in time +resent /LEA# !E refrain( shall in time to come the more +leasure obtain. 'e vrei sã te 9oci la bãtrânete" pãzeste&te la tinerete. 4(. The /LEA# !E# of the might. are the tears of the +oor. Aogatul greseste si sãracul cere iertare. Vartears of the poor. 4+. He that has /LENT$ of good shall have more. Ainele vine la bine precum albinele la cosnitã. Cf. The 5O#E $ou %et' the more $ou (ant / 5/C) (ould have more. 4-. /LENT$ brings +ride. Aogãtia stricã pe omul slab. 4.. /LO )H dee+( %hile sluggards slee+6 and .ou shall have corn to sell and &ee+. 8rãtura cu sudoare" desi te doare" dar *n urmã veselie are. %/. The /LO )H gets not %ell if the +loughman hold it not. Cine voieste sã se *mbogãteascã din plug trebuie sã&l poarte de coarne. %#. #tanding /OOL# gather filth. 8pa linã face mult noroi" iar cea repede si pietrele le spalã. %2. A /OO! man has no friends. 7ãracul nici frate" nici prieteni n&are. Sim. *oor folk.s friends soon misken them / *overt$ parts fello(ship / *rosperit$ makes freinds' adversit$ tries them. Cf. In time of *#OS*E#IT+ friends (ill &e plent$6 in time of adversit$ not one amon%st t(ent$. %3. A /OO! man %ants some things( a covetous man all things. :gârcitul e totdeauna sãrac. %4. A /OO! man*s tale cannot be heard. 0orba de om sãrac nimeni n&o ascultã" fie cât de scumpã. Sim. The reasons of the poor (ei%h not. %%. )iving much to the /OO! doth enrich a man*s store. Ce dai sãracilor tie&ti dai. %(. He is not /OO! that has little( but he that desires much. Nu se&ntelege sãrac cel ce are mai putin" ci cel ce nu se multumeste cu putin si râvneste la mai mult. %+. He that hath +it. u+on the /OO! lendeth unto the Lord. Cine dã sãracilor *mprumutã pe 'umnezeu.

Cel ce miluieste pe sãrac" dã *mprumut lui 'umnezeu. !roverbs #." #+ $ !ilde #." #+ %-. /OO! fol&s are glad of +orridge. Omul sãrac dacã n&are colac mãnâncã si pâine. %.. The /OO! man is a.e +ut to the %orst. ,a omul sãrac nici boii nu trag. 7ãracului nici boii nu&i trag. (/. The /OO! man turns his ca&e and another comes and ta&es it a%a.. ?n om macinã" altul face azimã din fãina lui. ?nii tes la pânzã si altii o poartã. Cf. One &eats the /S) and another catches the &irds. (#. The /OO! man*s shilling is but a +enn.. 7ãracul cumpãrã mai scump. (2. Ever. /OT has its cover. Capacul" dupã oalã. (3. The earthen /OT must &ee+ clear of the brass &ettle. 'eparte oala de cãldare" ca nu cumva lovindu&se" sã se spargã. @cclesiasticus #3" 3 $ 7irah #3" 3 (4. /O7E!T$ is no vice but an inconvenience. 7ãrãcia nu&i pãcat. Sim. *overt$ is no sin 2crime3. (%. /O7E!T$ is not a shame6 but the being ashamed of it is. 7ãrãcia nu&i rusine. 8 fi sãrac nu e rusine" ci a fi necinstit. Sim. *overt$ is no dis%race. ((. /O7E!T$ is the mother of all arts. 7ãrãcia aflã mestesuguri. 'ãscãlita sãrãcie *nvatã pe om meserie. Sim. The &ell$ teaches all arts / )un%er is the teacher of all arts. Cf. ,ECESSIT+ is the mother of invention. (+. 'hen /O7E!T$ comes in at the door( love flies out of the %indo%. 7ãrãcia intrã pe usã si dragostea iese pe fereastrã. Sim. Love lasts as lon% as mone$ endures. (-. /!A"TI"E ma&es +erfect. Multa lucrare face pe mester bun. Sim. /se makes master$. (.. A man*s /!AI#E in his o%n mouth stin&s. ,auda de sine nu miroase a bine. ,auda de sine pute. Cf. )e that *#"ISES himself spatters himself / SEL10*#"ISE is no recommendation. +/. /!AI#E no man till he is dead. Numai când moare omul se cunoaste ce&a fost. Omul dupã ce moare" atunci darul i se cunoaste. Cf. Call no man )"**+ till he dies. @cclesiasticus ##" 2- $ 7irah ##" 2-

+#. /!AI#E to the face is o+en disgrace. ,auda *n fatã e 9umãtate ocarã. 8 lãuda *n fatã e a bat9ocori. +2. He that /!AI#E# himself s+atters himself. Cine se laudã pe sine" mai tare se *n9oseste. Cine se laudã singur" se ocãrãste pe sine. Cf. " man.s *#"ISE in his o(n mouth stinks / SEL10*#"ISE is no recommendation. !roverbs 2+" 2 $ !ilde 2+" 2 +3. He that %ould learn to /!A$( let him go to sea. Care nu stie rugãciunea meargã pe mare. +4. The /!A$E!# of the %ic&ed %on*t +revail. 5uga pãcãtosului n&a9unge la cer. 6lasul nebunului nu se aude&n cer. Cf. The #"+I,! of an ass does not reach heaven. +%. /!ETTINE## dies first. )rumusetea musafir" cum vine asa se duce. Sim. eaut$ is &ut a &lossom. Cf. E"/T+ fades like a flo(er. +(. /!IDE goes before a fall. Mândria vine *naintea cãderii. Drufia e trâmbita cãderii. Sim. *ride never left his master (ithout a fall. !roverbs #(" #- $ !ilde #(" #++. /!IDE goes before( and shame follo%s. )udulia intrã&n casã" sãrãcia&i dupã usã. +-. /!O"!A#TINATION is the thief of time. 8mânarea e hotul timpului. +.. /!OMI#E is debt. )ãgãduiala datã e datorie curatã. Cine fãgãduieste se leagã. -/. )reat /!OMI#E# and small +erformances. =i fãgãduieste marea cu sarea" si&i dã ce nu curge pe apã. Sim. )e promises mountains and performs molehills. -#. He that /!OMI#E# too much means nothing. Cine promite mult dã putin. -2. ,et%een /!OMI#IN) and +erforming a man ma. marr. his daughter. ?na e a promite EfãgãduiF si alta a *mplini. -3. A /!O/HET is not %ithout honour save in his o%n countr.. Nimeni nu&i profet *n patria sa. Var. " prophet has no honour in his o(n countr$. ,u4e 4" 24 $ ,uca 4" 24 Matthe2 #3" %+ $ Matei #3" %+ Mar4 (" 4 $ Marcu (" 4 <ohn 4" 44 $ 1oan 4" 44

-4. ,e%are of false /!O/HET#. )eriti&vã de proorocii mincinosi. Matthe2 +" #%3 24" ##"24 $ Matei +" #%3 24" ##"24 Mar4 #3" 22 $ Matei #3" 22 11 !eter 2" # $ 11 !etru 2" # 1 <ohn 4" # $ 1 1oan 4" # 5evelation #(" #3 $ 8pocalipsa #(" #3 -%. He %ho s%ells in /!O#/E!IT$ %ill shrin& in adversit.. Nu tot pe moale" ca sã poti suferi si cele tari. -(. In time of /!O#/E!IT$ friends %ill be +lent.6 in time of adversit. not one amongst t%ent.. 8i bani" ai prieteni3 n&ai bani" n&ai prieteni. ,a belsug ai prieteni cu duiumul" la vreme de restriste toti te pãrãsesc. !ânã&i bine multi cu tine" dar la nevoi *napoi. Sim. *overt$ parts fello(ship / *rosperit$ makes friends' adversit$ tries them. Cf. " *OO# man has no friends. -+. /!O#/E!IT$ lets go the bridle. Aelsugul aduce desfrânare. --. I /!O D and thou +roud( %ho shall bear the ashes out8 @u domn" tu domn" cine sã ducã sacul> Du mare" eu mare" cine&o sã ne tragã cizmele> -.. Ma&e am+le /!O7I#ION for old age. 8dunã la tinerete ca sã ai la bãtrânete. 7eamãnã la tinerete ca sã ai ce culege la bãtrânete. Sim. Keep somethin% for him that rides on the (hite horse / Spare (hen $ou.re $oun% and spend (hen $ou.re old. Cf. 1or "!E and (ant save (hile $ou ma$9 no mornin% sun lasts a (hole da$ / Keep SO5ET)I,! for a rain$ da$. ./. /!O7I#ION in season ma&es a rich house. 8gonisirea la vreme *nlãturã lipsa si nevoia. .#. ,etter some of a / DDIN) than none of a +ie. Araga ne rãcoreste *n lipsã de *nghetatã. Cf. SO5ET)I,! is &etter than nothin%. .2. It is easier to / LL DO'N than to build. @ mai usor a strica ca a drege. .3. To the / !E all things are +ure. Doate sunt curate pentru cei curati. Ditus #" #% $ Dit #" #% .4. He that has a full / !#E never %anted a friend. Aanul *si câstigã prieteni. Cf. #IC) folk have man$ friends. .%. $ou cannot ma&e a sil& / !#E of a so%*s ear. 'in coadã de câine sitã de mãtase nu se mai face. 'in coada pisicii sitã de mãtase nu se face. Sim. +ou cannot make a horn of a pi%.s tail / +ou cannot make a sieve of an ass.s tail.

1. Like QUES ION, like answer. Cum e întrebarea asa e si rãspunsul. 2. He that nothing 9 E#TION#( nothing learns. =ntrebarea trece marea. Cine *ntreabã nu greseste. 3. 9 IETNE## is a great treasure. Dãcerea e ca mierea. Sim. :uietness is &est. Cf. SILE,CE is %olden.

1. he !A"E is not to the swift, nor the #attle to the strong. "zbânda în aler!are nu este a celor iuti si biruinta a celor vite#i. $ %cclesiastes & 11 ' %cclesiastul & 11 2. !A)E is %ithout reason. Mânia la om nu e bunã. 3. !AIN before seven6 fine before eleven. !loaia de dimineatã nu tine mult. 4. !AT# desert a sin&ing shi+. Când corabia se *neacã" soarecii fug. Sim. #ats desert a fallin% house. %. He that ta&es the !A7EN for his guide %ill light on carrion. Cine se ia dupã muscã a9unge la bãlegar. (. The !E"EI7E! is as bad as the thief. Ori furã" ori tine sacul" e tot lotru. Cine pe altul a9utã sã fure" fur si el se *ntelege. Sim. ,o receiver' no thief. +. #hort !E"KONIN)# ma&e long friends. 7ocoteala deasã e frãtie aleasã. Cârnatul lung e bun" dar socoteala lungã nu e bunã. Var. Even reckonin% makes lon% friends. -. Ever. !EED %ill not ma&e a +i+e. Nu poti face fluier din orice lemn *ti place. 'in orice lemn nu se face bucium. Orice lemn nu face tãpus la bute. Sim. Ever$ &lock (ill not make a 5ercur$. .. 'here there are !EED#( there is %ater. ?nde sunt broaste trebuie sã fie si lac. #/. The !EMED$ ma. be %orse than the disease. ,eacul mai rãu decât rana. Sim. The doctor is often more to &e feared than the disease.

##. There is a !EMED$ for ever.thing but death. Moartea&i fãrã leac. Numai moartea&i fãrã leac. Sim. " deadl$ disease neither ph$sician nor ph$sic can ease / There is no medicine a%ainst death. #2. There is no !EMED$ for fear. ,eac de fricã nu&i. 'e fricã nu se descântã. #3. 'ho !E/AI!# not his gutter re+airs his %hole house. Cine nu cârpeste spãrtura micã are necaz sã dreagã borta mare. Sim. )e that repairs not a part &uilds all / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. Cf. " STITC) in time saves nine. #4. !E/ENTAN"E comes too late. Cãinta târzie&i de prisos. Cãinta de pe urmã vine tot cam cu daunã. #%. As long as I am !I"H re+uted( %ith solemn voice I am saluted. Omul cel bogat e mai lãudat. #(. Ever.one is a&in to the !I"H man. Aogatului i se aratã multe rude. Cu bogatul fiecare voieste sã fie rudã. Cf. #IC) folk have man$ friends. #+. !I"H fol& have man. friends. Aogatul prieteni destui are. Cine are bani are prieteni. Sim. The rich hath man$ friends. Cf. )e that has a full */#SE never (anted a friend / Ever$one is akin to the #IC) man. !roverbs #4" 2/3 #." 4 $ !ilde #4" 2/3 #." 4 #-. !I"H man ma. dine %hen he %ill( the +oor man %hen he ma.. Cel bogat mãnâncã când vrea" dar cel sãrac când are. Aogatul manâncã când voieste si sãracul când gãseste. #.. !I"HE# bring care and fears. Cu cât averea ti se *nmulteste" cu atât si gri9i mai mari te topeste. 'e ai turme mari de oi" ai si turme de nevoi. Sim. 5uch coin' much care. 2/. !I"HE# have %ings. Aogãtia face aripi. !roverbs 23" % $ !ilde 23" 4 2#. All !I7E!# run into the sea. Doate râurile curg *n mare. @cclesiastes #" + $ @cclesiastul #" + 22. To !O, /eter to +a. /aul. 0oieste sã dezbrace un sfânt si sã *mbrace pe altul. 1a dintr&un sân si bagã&n altul.

23. #+are the !OD and s+oil the child. Cine nu se *ndurã de vargã pierde copilul. Copilul nepedepsit a9unge neprocopsit. Sim. The man (ho has not &een flo%%ed is not educated / " pitiful mother makes a sca&&$ dau%hter. Cf. etter C)ILD#E, (eep than old men. !roverbs #3" 24 $ !ilde #3" 24 @cclesiasticus 3/" # $ 7irah 3/" # 24. !OME %as not built in a da.. ,umea nu s&a fãcut *ntr&o zi. 2%. 'hen in !OME( do as the !omans do. 'upã a locului obicei" sã te porti si tu *n orice bordei. Var. -hen $ou are at #ome' do as the #omans do. Sim. -hen $ou %o throu%h the countr$ of the one0e$ed' &e one0e$ed. 2(. Never mention !O/E in the house of a man %ho has been hanged. Nu vorbi de funie *n casa spânzuratului. Var. ,ame not a rope in his house that han%ed himself. 2+. No !O#E %ithout a thorn. Nu e trandafir fãrã spini. Nici un trandafir fãrã ghimpi. 2-. The fairest !O#E at last is %ithered. Drandafirul cu cât mai frumos" cu atât mai putin tine. Drandafirii se scuturã" dar spinul rãmâne. 2.. He that fights and ! N# a%a.( ma. live to fight another da.. )uga e rusinoasã" dar e sãnãtoasã. 3/. He that ! N# fast %ill not run long. Cine se grãbeste curând osteneste. 3#. ! #T eats u+ iron. 5ugina moale roade ferul tare. Cf. I#O, not used soon rusts.

1. An e$%t& SA"K 'annot stand (%right. Sacul !ol nu stã în picioare. Var. #mpty sacks will ne er stand upright. 2. #ADNE## and gladness succeed each other. Dotdeauna desfãtarea are sorã *ntristarea. Sim. "fter 4o$ comes anno$ / / )e that sin%s on 1rida$ (ill (eep on Sunda$ / Sorro( treads upon the heels of mirth. Cf. L"/!) &efore &reakfast' $ou.ll cr$ &efore supper. !roverbs #4" #3 $ !ilde #4" #3 3. He came #A4E from the East Indies( and %as dro%ned in the Thames. Tiganul când a a9uns la mal atunci s&a *necat.

4. Easier #AID than done. ?sor de zis" greu de fãcut. ,esne a zice" greu a face. %. No sooner #AID than done. :is si fãcut. (. Li&e #AINT( li&e offering. Cum e sfântul asa si tãmâia. +. All are not #AINT# that go to church. Nu tot ce poartã rasã si camilafcã e cãlugar. Sim. "ll are not merr$ that dance li%htl$. Cf. "ll are not )/,TE#S that &lo( the horn. -. Do not offer #ALT or brains. 7are" pânã nu cere" sã nu&i dai cuiva. Var. )elp $ou to salt' help $ou to sorro(. .. #ALT seasons all things. 7area&i bunã *n fierturã" *nsã nu peste mãsurã. #/. #A$IN) and doing are t%o things. 8 zice si a face nu&i totuna. Cf. S"+I,! is one thin%' and doin% another / 1rom -O#D to deed is a %reat space. ##. #A$IN) is one thing( and doing another. 8 zice e una" a face e alta. Cf. S"+I,! and doin% are t(o thin%s / 1rom -O#D to deed is a %reat space. #2. 'ho #A$# A must sa. ,. Cine zice una trebuie sã zicã si douã. Var. +ou cannot sa$ " (ithout sa$in% . #3. There is a #"O!/ION under ever. stone. 7ub piatra cea mai frumoasã" scorpia ascunsã zace. Sim. Snake in the %rass. #4. #"!AT"H %here it itches. ?nde nu te mâncã" nu te scãrpina. Var. I scratch 2cla(3 (here it itches not. #%. /raise the #EA( but &ee+ on land. )rumos sã privesti furtuna pe mare" dar cam de departe. Sim. *raise the hill' &ut keep &elo(. #(. Ever.thing is good in its #EA#ON. Orice lucru este bun la timpul sãu. Doate *si au vremea lor. #+. A #E"!ET is too little for one( enough for t%o( too much for three. ,ucrul cunoscut de doi" trei" nu mai rãmâne *ntre ei. Sim. Three ma$ keep counsel if t(o &e a(a$ / T(o ma$ keep counsel if one &e a(a$. #-. He that so%eth good #EED shall rea+ good corn. 7ãmânta bunã" bun rod *ti dã. #.. #EEIN) is believing. Nici un lucru sã nu crezi" cu ochii pânã nu vezi.

Cf. One E+E-IT,ESS is &etter than ten hear0so.s. <ohn 2/" 2. $ 1oan 2/" 2. 2/. He that #EEK# finds. Cine cautã gaseste. Cel ce cautã" va afla. Sim. The do% that trots finds a &one. Matthe2 +" +&- $ Matei +" +&,u4e ##" #/ $ ,uca ##" #/ 2#. #EL4-/!AI#E is no recommendation. Nu&ti lãuda singur faptele" cã *ti pierzi rodul. Cf. " man.s *#"ISE in his o(n mouth stinks / )e that *#"ISES himself spatters himself. 22. He that has been bitten b. a #E!/ENT is afraid of a ro+e. !e cine l&a muscat câinele se teme si de lãtrãturã. Sim. Once &itten' t(ice sh$. Cf. " scalded C"T fears cold (ater / " &urnt C)ILD dreads the fire / " scalded DO! fears cold (ater / -hom a SE#*E,T has &itten' a li;ard alarms. 23. 'hom a #E!/ENT has bitten( a li2ard alarms. Cine e muscat de sarpe se pãzeste si de sopârlã. Sim. Once &itten' t(ice sh$. Cf. " scalded C"T fears cold (ater / " &urnt C)ILD dreads the fire / " scalded DO! fears cold (ater / )e that has &een &itten &$ a SE#*E,T is afraid of a rope.. 24. It is good to stri&e the #E!/ENT*s head %ith .our enem.*s hand. 8 prinde sarpele cu mâna altuia EnebunuluiF. Cf. Take the C)EST,/TS out of the fire (ith the cat.s pa(. 2%. ,e .e therefore %ise as #E!/ENT#( and harmless as doves. =ntelept ca sarpele si curat ca porumbita" pururea sã te arãti; )ii *ntelept ca sarpele" muncitor ca albina si doritor ca turturica. Matthe2 #/" #( $ Matei #/" #( 2(. #o man. #E!7ANT#( so man. enemies. Câte slugi ai" atâtia dusmani hrãnesti. 2+. He %ho has not seen #E7ILLE has not seen a %onder. Cel ce nu vede Aucurestii si nu *ncalecã cal alb" nu stie ce e frumos *n lumea asta. 2-. "atch not at the #HADO' and lose the substance. Cine se razimã de umbrã dã&ndatã peste cap tumbã. 2.. He is afraid of his o%n #HADO'. 7e sperie de umbra lui" si se uitã&n urma lui. 3/. All that #HAKE# falls not. Drestia care se pleacã vântului" niciodatã nu se frânge. Cf. etter E,D than &reak. 3#. He that ma&es himself a #HEE/ shall be eaten b. the %olf. Cine se face oaie *l mãnâncã lupul. Cf. 5ake $ourself all )O,E+ and the flies (ill devour $ou.

32. One scabbed #HEE/ %ill mar a %hole floc&. Oaia râioasã umple turma toatã. O vacã râioasã stricã toatã cireada. 33. The lone #HEE/ is in danger of the %olf. Oaia care rãmâne de turmã o mãnâncã lupul. Oaia retrasã de turmã" lupii o iau dupã urmã. Var. The lone man is in dan%er of the (olf. 34. There are blac& #HEE/ in ever. floc&. Nu e pãdure fãrã uscãturi. 3%. 'here ever. hand fleeceth( the #HEE/ goes na&ed. Oaia s&o tunzi" iar nu s&o razi. Cf. " %ood S)E*)E#D must fleece his sheep' not fla$ them. 3(. A good #HE/HE!D must fleece his shee+( not fla. them. !ãstorul cel bun" cel ce tunde si nu beleste. !ãstorul cel bun" cel ce tunde oaia si nu o 9upoaie. Cf. -here ever$ hand fleeceth' the S)EE* %oes naked. 3+. A great #HI/ as&s dee+ %aters. !entru corabie mare trebuie apã multã. 3-. If m. #HI!T &ne% m. design I*d burn it. Nu te *ncrede nici *n cãmasa ta. Cãciula ta" când va afla taina" *n foc s&o bagi. Var. If m$ skirt kne( m$ desi%n I.d &urn it. 3.. Near is m. #HI!T( but nearer is m. s&in. Mai aproape&i pielea decât cãmasa. Sim. ,ear is m$ dou&let 2kirtle' petticoat3' &ut nearer is m$ smock. Cf. ,ear is m$ CO"T' &ut nearer is m$ shirt. 4/. Ever. #HOE fits not ever. foot. Orice ham nu *ncape pe orice cal. 4#. Ever.one &no%s best %here his o%n #HOE +inches. )iecare stie unde&l strânge ciubota. )iecare singur stie unde *l strânge opinca. Cf. ,o one &ut the (earer kno(s (here the S)OE pinches. 42. No one but the %earer &no%s %here the #HOE +inches. Nimeni nu stie mai bine unde&l strânge cizma decât cel ce o poartã. Cf. Ever$one kno(s &est (here his o(n S)OE pinches. 43. None more bare than the #HOEMAKE!*s %ife and the smith*s mare. Cizmarul umblã cu ghetele rupte si croitorul cu haina descusutã. Croitorul umblã rupt si ciubotarul umblã descult. Cizmarul umblã cu cizmele sparte. 44. ,etter %ear out #HOE# than sheets. Mai bine sã&ti spargi papucii decât sã&i tii *nveliti. 4%. He that %aits for dead men*s #HOE# ma. go long enough barefoot. Cel ce asteaptã sã mosteneascã *ncãltãrile mortului" umblã toatã viata descult. Var. It.s ill (aitin% for dead men.s shoes. Sim. )e pulls (ith a lon% rope that (aits for another.s death.

4(. Out of #I)HT( out of mind. Ochii care nu se vãd se uitã. Sim. 1ar from e$e' far from heart / Seldom seen' soon for%otten / Salt (ater and a&sence (ash a(a$ love. Cf. Lon% " SE,T' soon for%otten / -hat the E+E doesn.t see' the heart doesn.t %rieve over. 4+. The #I)N invites .ou in( but .our mone. redeem .ou out. !ânã a nu intra socoteste cum ai sã iesi. Cine intrã fãrã tocmealã iese fãrã socotealã. 4-. #ILEN"E does seldom harm. Dãcerea nu sparge capul. Cine tace merge&n pace. Cf. 5ore have repented S*EEC) than silence. 4.. #ILEN"E is golden. Dãcerea e de aur. Cf. :/IET,ESS is a %reat treasure / S*EEC) is silver' &ut silence is %olden. %/. #ILEN"E is often the best ans%er. Nerãspunsul *ncã e un rãspuns. 'e multe ori tãcerea e mai bunã decât rãspunsul. Cf. S*E"K fitl$' or &e silent (isel$ / ,o -ISDO5 to silence. %#. #ILEN"E means consent. Cine tace primeste. Var. Silence %ives consent. %2. He that fights %ith #IL7E! arms is sure to overcome. Aate&te cu sãgeti de argint" de voiesti sã biruiesti. Aate&te cu sulita de argint cã vei birui. 7abia de aur taie mai tare ca cea de fier. %3. Ever. #IN brings its +unishment %ith it. Dot pãcatul *si cautã vinovatul. Sim. "s a man sinneth' so is his punishment. %4. Old #IN ma&es ne% shame. !ãcatul vechi aduce rusine nouã. %%. #LANDE! leaves a score behind it. 0orba de rãu se duce peste nouã tãri si nouã mãri. Sim. If the &all does not stick to the (all' it (ill at least leave a mark. %(. #LEE/ is the brother of death. 7omnul e rupt din moarte. 7omnul cu moartea" frati gemeni s&au nãscut. Cf. SLEE* is the ima%e of death. %+. #LEE/ is the image of death. 7omnul e oglinda mortii. Cf. SLEE* is the &rother of death. %-. A #LEE/IN) man is not hungr.. Cine doarme nu&i e foame. %.. #LOTH( li&e rust( consumes faster than labour %ears. ,enea e la om ca si rugina la fier.

(/. The #LOTH4 L man is the beggar*s brother. ,enesul e frate cu cersetorul. Cf. IDLE,ESS is the ke$ to povert$. (#. #LO' but sure. =ncetul cu *ncetul" departe a9ungi. Sim. 1air and softl$ %oes far. Cf. )e that !OES softl$ %oes safel$ / Soft pace !OES far. (2. No #MOKE %ithout fire. Nu iese fum fãrã foc. 'e unde nu&i foc nici fum nu iese. Sim. ,o 1I#E' no smoke. (3. The #MOKE of a man*s o%n house is better than the fire of another*s. 'ecât *n tarã strãinã" cu pitã si cu slãninã" mai bine *n satul tãu cu mãlaiu cât de rãu. (4. Three things drive a man out of his house - #MOKE( rain and a scolding %ife. Drei lucruri te scot din casãG fumul" muierea rea si picãtura. )umul" femeia rea si picusul te scot din casã. Drei lucruri nu lasã *n pace pe omG vinul" femeia si banul. Sim. Dicin%' dra&&in% and drinkin% &rin% men to destruction / *la$' (omen' and (ine undo men lau%hin%. Cf. !"5I,!' (omen and (ine' (hile the$ lau%h' the$ make men pine. !roverbs #/" 2(3 #." #33 2+" #% $ !ilde #/" 2(3 #." #33 2+" #% (%. To nourish a #NAKE in one*s bosom. Creste sarpele *n sân" ca mai bine sã te muste. Cf. reed up a C#O- and he (ill tear out $our e$es. ((. To ma&e a #NA!E for another and fall into it oneself. Cel care *ntinde cursã se va prinde *n ea. Cf. )e (ho di%s a *IT for others falls in himself. @cclesiasticus 2+" 2( $ 7irah 2+" 2( !salms ." #%3 34" (&+3 %(" -&.3 #4/" . $ !salmii ." #%3 34" (&+3 %(" -&.3 #4/" . (+. 'hat #O,E!NE## conceals( drun&enness reveals. Ce e *n inima treazului este *n gura beatului. ,a betie se spune adevãrul. Sim. )e speaks in his drink (hat he thou%ht in his drouth. (-. Kee+ #OMETHIN) for a rain. da.. 7trânge bani albi pentru zile negre. Var. La$ up a%ainst a rain$ da$. Sim. Keep somethin% for him that rides on the (hite horse / Spare (hen $ou.re $oun% and spend (hen $ou.re old. Cf. 1or "!E and (ant save (hile $ou ma$9 no mornin% sun lasts a (hole da$ / 5ake ample *#OVISIO, for old a%e. (.. #OMETHIN) is better than nothing. Mai bine ceva decât nimic. Mai bine un pic decât nimic.

Sim. )alf a loaf is &etter than no &read. Cf. etter some of a */DDI,! than none of a pie. +/. Marr. .our #ON %hen .ou %ill( .our daughter %hen .ou can. =nsoarã când vrei" mãritã când poti. +#. #O!!O' for a husband is li&e a +ain in the elbo%( shar+ and short. 7ãrace bãrbate" cã asearã murisi si nu te mai putui uita. +2. #mall #O!!O'# s+ea&6 great ones are silent. 'urerile mari sunt mute. Var. Little %riefs are loud' %reat %riefs are silent / Little cares speak' %reat ones are dum&. +3. 'hen #O!!O' is aslee+( %a&e it not. Când nenorocirea doarme" fereste&te s&o destepti. +4. As .ou #O'( so .ou rea+. Cum sameni" asa culegi. Cum vei semãna" asa vei si secera. 6alatians (" + $ 6alateni (" + +%. #O' thin and mo% thin. Cel ce seamãnã putin" putin si secerã. 5ãu de vei semãna" mai rãu vei secera. +(. 4orbear not #O'IN) because of birds. Cine se teme de vrãbii nu seamãnã mãlai. Cine vrea sã semene mãlai nu se teme de vrãbii. ++. One #O'# and another rea+s. 'e multe ori unii samãnã si altii secerã. ?nul macinã" altul mãnâncã. Sim. Little do%s start the hare' the %reat %et her. Cf. One &eats the /S) and another catches the &irds. <ohn 4" 3+ $ 1oan 4" 3+ +-. ,etter #/A!E at brim than at bottom. 7acul de la gurã se pãstreazã. ,eagã sacu pânã&i rotund" nu când *i dai de fund. +.. #/A!E %ell and have %ell. Cine nu crutã când are va rãbda la lipsã mare. -/. Of a small #/A!K a great fire. 'in scânteia micã se aprinde focul mare. 8desea scânteia micã face flacãrã mare. Sim. " little spark kindles a %reat fire. Cf. " little 1I#E &urns up a %reat deal of corn. @cclesiasticus ##" 32 $ 7irah ##" 34 <ames 3" % $ 1acov 3" % -#. #/EAK fitl.( or be silent %isel.. 7au taci sau zi ceva mai bun decât tãcerea. Mai bine sã taci decât sã vorbesti rãu. Sim. e still' and have th$ (ill. Cf. SILE,CE is often the &est ans(er / ,o -ISDO5 to silence.

-2. He that #/EAK# so%s and he that holds his +eace gathers. Cine vorbeste seamãnã" cine ascultã culege. -3. He that #/EAK# the thing he should not hears the thing he %ould not. Cine vorbeste ce&i place" acela sã audã si ce&l supãrã. Var. )e (ho sa$s (hat he likes shall hear (hat he does not like. -4. More have re+ented #/EE"H than silence. Mai bine sã&ti parã rãu cã ai tãcut decât cã ai zis. Niciodatã nu te vei cãi cã ai tãcut. Cf. SILE,CE does seldom harm. -%. #/EE"H is silver( but silence is golden. 0orba e de argint" tãcerea e de aur. Cf. SILE,CE is %olden. -(. 'ho more than he is %orth doth #/END( he ma&es a ro+e his life to end. Cine cheltuie peste ce câstigã" n&are&n casã mãmãligã. -+. In #/ENDIN) lies the advantage. Cei mai rãi bani sunt cei ne*ntrebuintati. Aanul ascuns *n pãmânt" nici creste nici rodeste. --. The #/I!IT is %illing( but the flesh is %ea&. 'uhul este osârduitor" dar trupul neputincios. 7ufletul bucuros este sã intre *n rai" numai pãcatele nu&l lasã. Matthe2 2(" 4# $ Matei 2(" 4# Mar4 #4" 3- $ Marcu #4" 3<ohn (" (3 $ 1oan (" (3 -.. 'ho #/IT# against the %ind( it falls in his face. Cine scuipã *n sus *i cade *n obraz. Cine scuipã *mpotriva vântului *si scuipã mustãtile EbarbaF. Var. -ho spits a%ainst the heaven' it falls in his face. Sim. Evil that comes out of th$ mouth flieth into th$ &osom / *iss not a%ainst the (ind / *uff not a%ainst the (ind. Cf. "n "##O- shot upri%ht falls on the shooter.s head. ./. Thro% out a #/!AT to catch a mac&erel. !estele mare cu *mbucãtura micã se prinde. Cu râma micã se prinde pestele mare. Var. Thro( out a sprat to catch a salmon 2herrin%' (hale3 / ait a sprat to catch a herrin%. .#. It is too late to shut the #TA,LE-DOO! after the horse has bolted. 'upã ce au furat caii *n zadar *ncui gra9dul. Var. It is too late to shut the sta&le0door (hen the steed is stolen. Cf. -hen a thin% is done' "DVICE comes too late / -hen the )O/SE is &urned do(n' $ou &rin% (ater / It is eas$ to &e -ISE after the event. .2. It is the first #TE/ that is difficult. =nceputu&i anevoie" urma vine de la sine. Sim. The %reatest step is that out of doors. Cf. Ever$ E!I,,I,! is hard. .3. #TE/ after ste+ the ladder is ascended. Dreaptã cu treaptã te urci pe scarã.

.4. It is eas. to find a #TI"K to beat a dog. Cine vrea sã&si batã câinele" bâtã gãseste. Sim. " staff is <uickl$ found to &eat a do%. Cf. )e that (ould han% his DO! %ives out first that he is mad. .%. ,e #TILL( and have th. %ill. Cine tace merge&n pace. .(. A #TIT"H in time saves nine. 7pãrtura pânã e micã trebuie cârpitã. Sim. )e that repairs not a part' &uilds all / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch. Cf. -ho #E*"I#S not his %utter' repairs his (hole house. .+. He has t%o #TOMA"H# to eat and one to %or&. ,a plãcinte *nainte si la rãzboi *napoi. .-. A little #TONE in the %a. overturns a great %ain. !iatra EAuturugaF micã rãstoarnã carul mare. Sim. Little strokes fell %reat oaks. Cf. " small LE"K (ill sink a %reat ship. ... A rolling #TONE gathers no moss. !iatra care se rostogoleste din loc *n loc nu prinde muschi. #//. 'ho remove #TONE# bruise their fingers. Cel ce sfãrâmã pietre se poate rãni cu ele. Cf. )e that handles T)O#,S shall prick his fin%ers. @cclesiastes #/" . $ @cclesiastul #/" . #/#. ,et%een t%o #TOOL# one falls to the ground. Cine sade pe douã scaune cade rãu" când cade. Cine umblã *n douã luntri cade *n apã. #/2. After a #TO!M comes a calm. 'upã furtunã" vine si vreme bunã. 'upã ploaie asteaptã si senin. Cf. "fter &lack CLO/DS' clear (eather. #/3. The shar+er the #TO!M( the sooner it*s over. 'e ploaie repede sã nu te sperii. #/4. "ross the #T!EAM %here it is ebbest. Nu trece gârla dacã nu&i vezi fundul. Sim. ,o safe (adin% in an unkno(n (ater. #/%. He #T! "K at Tib( but do%n fell Tom. ?nde dai si unde crapã. #/(. # 44E! and e:+ect. 5abdã inimã si taci. #/+. Although the # N shine( leave not th. cloa& at home. !e vremea cea mai bunã" ipingeaua sã fie cu tine. #/-. Never let the # N go do%n on .our anger. Mânia e bine sã apuie odatã cu soarele. 7oarele sã nu apunã peste mânia voastrã. Var. Let not the sun %o do(n upon $our (rath. @phesians 4" 2( $ @feseni 4" 2(

#/.. The # N does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once. 7oarele cã e soare si tot nu poate lumina toate vãile. ##/. The # N shines u+on all ali&e. 7oarele nu rãsare numai pentru un om. 7oarele *ncãlzeste si pe buni si pe rãi. Matthe2 %" 4% $ Matei %" 4% ###. There is nothing ne% under the # N. Dotu&i nou si totu&i vechi. Nu este nimic nou sub soare. Var. ,othin% ne( under the sun. @cclesiastes #" . $ @cclesiastul #" . ##2. 'here the # N enters( the doctor does not. ?nde nu intrã soarele intrã boalele. ##3. He that is # !ET$ for a stranger shall smart for it. Celui ce se pune chezas pentru un strãin *i merge rãu. !roverbs ##" #% $ !ilde ##" #% ##4. One #'ALLO' does not ma&e a summer. Cu o rândunicã nu se face primãvara EvaraF. Cf. One 1LO-E# makes no %arland. ##%. He that %ill #'EA! %ill lie. Cine 9urã lesne" minte. ##(. #'EE/ before .our o%n door. Mãture fiecare la usa sa. Sim. If ever$ man (ould s(eep his o(n doorstep the cit$ (ould soon &e clean. ##+. He deserves not the #'EET that %ill not taste the sour. Cine n&a gustat amarul" nu stie ce e zaharul EdulceleF. Sim. )e kno(s &est (hat !OOD is that has endured evil. ##-. No #'EET %ithout some s%eat. Cine nu munceste" nu mãnâncã. Var. If $ou (on.t (ork' $ou shan.t eat. Sim. ,o mill' no meal / " horse that (ill not carr$ the saddle must have no oats. Cf. ,o *"I,S' no %ains / )e that (ill not -O#K shall not eat. ##.. He is li&e a #'INE( he*ll never do good %hile he lives. ,a porc si la scump *i iei folosul dupã moarte. !orcul tocma dupã ce moare" pe toti saturã de unsoare. Cf. " COVETO/S man does nothin% that he should till he dies. #2/. All the. that ta&e the #'O!D shall +erish %ith the s%ord. Doti cei ce scot sabia" de sabie vor pieri. Cf. )e (ho lives &$ the S-O#D dies &$ the s(ord. Matthe2 2(" %2 $ Matei 2(" %2 5evelation #3" #/ $ 8pocalipsa #3" #/ #2#. He %ho lives b. the #'O!D dies b. the s%ord. Cine scoate sabia" de sabie va pieri. Var. )e that strikes (ith the s(ord shall &e stricken (ith the sca&&ard. Cf. "ll the$ that take the S-O#D shall perish (ith the s(ord.

#22. It is ill +utting a #'O!D in a madman*s hand. Nu da sabia *n mâna vrã9masului. Nu da ciomag cui nu&i esti drag" nici sabia *n mâna vrã9masului. Var. Do not put a s(ord into $our enem$.s hands / It is ill puttin% a s(ord in a child.s hand. #23. The. shall beat their #'O!D# into +loughshares. !reface&vor sãbiile *n fiare de pluguri si lãncile lor *n cosoare. 1saiah 2" 4 $ 1saia 2" 4

1. )ho de%ends (%on another $an*s A+LE often dines late. (ãu te )rãnesti cu mâncarea în traista altuia. Cine tine pâinea în sânul altuia de multe ori rabdã de foame. Sim. &e that waits upon another)s trencher makes many a little dinner. !f. &e that is fed at another)s &AN* may stay long ere he be full. 2. One ;TAKE IT; is more %orth than t%o ;Thou shalt have it;. Mai bine o datãG na; decât totG stai cã ti&oi da; 'ecât doi ti&oi da" mai bine un na. Sim. etter to have than (ish / One toda$ is (orth t(o tomorro(s. 3. Al%a.s TAKIN) O T of the meal-tub( and never +utting in( soon comes to the bottom. 'e unde tot iei si nu pui" curând se isprãveste. 7acul din care tot iei si nu mai pui se goleste. 4. A great TALKE! is a great liar. 0orba multã nu e fãrã minciuni. Var. !reat talkers are %reat liars. !roverbs #/" #. $ !ilde #/" #. %. The greatest TALKE!# are the least doers. Cine spune mult face putin. Var. The$ &ra% most that can do least. Sim. 5uch &ruit and little fruit / !reat &oast and little roast / 5uch cr$ and little (ool. Cf. !reat #"!!E#S' little doers / " lon% TO,!/E is a si%n of a short hand. (. Ever. man to his TA#TE. )iecare cu gustul lui. Sim. Ever$one as the$ like &est / Tastes differ. Cf. There is no "CCO/,TI,! for tastes. +. TEA"HIN) others teacheth .ourself. Când *nveti pe altul" tu atunci mai mult *nveti. =nvãt*nd pe altul" tu atunci mai mult *nveti. Var. One learns in teachin%. -. A THIE4 &no%s a thief as a %olf &no%s a %olf. Cot pe hot cunoaste.

.. A THIE4 +asses for a gentleman %hen stealing has made him rich. Cotul nedovedit e negustor cinstit. #/. Once a THIE4( al%a.s a thief. Cine furã o datã e fur totdeauna. Sim. Once a knave' and ever a knave / )e that has done ill once (ill do it a%ain. ##. #ave a THIE4 from the gallo%s and he %ill hel+ to hang .ou. !e cel ce nu&l lasi sã moarã" acela te omoarã. !e cine nu&l lasi sã moarã" nu te lasã sã trãiesti. 7capã&l din foc" ca sã te bage *n foc. Var. Save a thief from the %allo(s and he (ill hate $ou. Sim. Save a stran%er from the sea' and he.ll turn $our enem$. Cf. Let an ill 5", lie in th$ stra(' and he looks to &e th$ heir. #2. The THIE4 does fear each bush an officer. Omul nedrept se teme de toti. )ricosu se sperie de umbra sa. Sim. " %uilt$ CO,SCIE,CE feels continual fear. #3. Little THIE7E# are hanged( but great ones esca+e. Dâlharul cel mic se spânzurã si cel mare scapã. Var. *ett$ thieves are han%ed' the %reat ones %o free. Sim. La(s catch flies &ut let hornets %o free. #4. )ood THIN)# come to some %hen the. are aslee+. ,a omul cu noroc fierbe oala fãrã foc. 'acã are omul noroc" mãcar sã samene si cãrbuni si tot se face. Cf. -hom !OD loves' his &itch &rin%s forth pi%s. #%. The best THIN)# come in small +ac&ages. =n butilce mici" vinul cel mai bun. Var. !ood thin%s are (rapped up in small parcels. #(. 4irst THINK( and then s+ea&. 6ândeste *ntâi" apoi vorbeste. Cugetã bine *nainte de a vorbi. Var. Think first and speak after(ards. Cf. Think on the E,D &efore $ou &e%in. #+. He that so%s THI#TLE# shall rea+ +ric&les. Cine seamãnã spini" spini culege. #-. Men cut large THON)# of other men*s leather. 'in pielea altuia se fac curele lungi. Sim. "ll men are free of other men.s %oods / 5en are ver$ %enerous (ith (hat costs them nothin% / To cut lar%e shives of another.s loaf. #.. He that goes barefoot must not +lant THO!N#. !rintre spini trebuie sã umbli *ncãltat. 2/. He that handles THO!N# shall +ric& his fingers. Cine culege trandafiri" trebuie sã se&nghimpe. Cf. -ho remove STO,ES &ruise their fin%ers. 2#. THO )HT is free. !entru cugete nu ia nime vamã. Var. Thou%hts &e free from toll.

22. #econd THO )HT# are best. 'ã&mi" 'oamne" mintea românului cea de pe urmã. Cf. It is eas$ to &e -ISE after the event. 23. The TH!EAD brea&s %here it is %ea&est. ?nde e ata mai subtire" acolo se rupe. Cf. The C)"I, is no stron%er than its (eakest link. 24. Knott. TIM,E! must have shar+ %edges. ,a lemnul tare trebuie secure ascutitã. Sim. " cra&&ed knot must have a cra&&ed (ed%e. 2%. He that has TIME and loo&s for time( loses time. Cine cautã vreme pierde vremea. Cine are vreme sã n&o piarzã. 2(. There is a TIME for ever.thing. Dot lucrul la vremea lui. Doate *si au vremea lor. Sim. Ever$thin% has its time. @cclesiastes 3" # $ @cclesiastul 3" # 2+. There is a TIME to be born( and a time to die. 0reme este sã te nasti si vreme sã mori. @cclesiastes 3" 2 $ @cclesiastul 3" 2 2-. There is a TIME to love( and a time to hate. 0reme este sã iubesti si vreme sã urãsti. @cclesiastes 3" - $ @cclesiastul 3" 2.. There is a TIME to s+ea&( and a time to be silent. 0reme este sã taci si vreme sã grãiesti. @cclesiastes 3" + $ @cclesiastul 3" + 3/. There is a TIME to %ee+( and a time to laugh. 0reme e a râde" vreme e a plânge. @cclesiastes 3" 4 $ @cclesiastul 3" 4 3#. TIME and stra% ma&e medlars ri+e. Cu rãbdare si cu tãcere se face agurida miere. =ncetul cu *ncetul se face otetul. Cf. -ith TI5E and art the leaf of the mul&err$0tree &ecomes satin. 32. TIME( as he gro%s old( teaches man. lessons. 0remea este cel mai bun *nvãtãtor. Var. Time shall teach thee all thin%s. 33. TIME cures all things. 0remea vindecã toate. Sim. Time is a %reat healer. 34. TIME devours all things. 0remea toate le gãseste si toate le topeste. Dimpul face si desface. 3%. TIME discloses all things. Dimpul descoperã toate. Sim. Time (ill tell.

Matthe2 #/" 2( $ Matei #/" 2( Mar4 4" 22 $ Marcu 4" 22 3(. TIME flies. 0remea vine" vremea trece. 0remea anevoie vine si fuge numaidecât. Var. Time flees a(a$ (ithout dela$ / Time has (in%s. 3+. TIME is a file that %ears and ma&es no noise. Dimpul are dinti de otel. 3-. TIME is mone.. Dimpul e bani. 3.. TIME lost cannot be %on again. Dimpul pierdut nu se mai *ntoarce. Sim. "n occasion lost cannot &e redeemed. 4/. TIME tries truth. 0remea descoperã adevãrul. Sim. Time is the father of truth / Truth is time.s dau%hter. 4#. TIME %or&s %onders. Dimpul *ndreaptã toate. 42. 'ith TIME and art the leaf of the mulberr.-tree becomes satin. Cu vreme si cu rãbdare si frunza de dud se face mãtase. Cf. TI5E and stra( make medlars ripe. 43. Other TIME#( other manners. 8ltã fãinã se macinã acum la moarã. 44. TIME# change and %e %ith them. Cu timpul toate se schimbã. 4%. Here TODA$ and gone tomorro%. 8stãzi esti" mâine nu esti. 8zi pe pãmânt" mâine *n mormânt. Var. Toda$ %old' tomorro( dust. Sim. Toda$ a man' tomorro( none. 4(. I TODA$( .ou tomorro%. 8zi mie" mâine tie. @cclesiasticus 3-" 22 $ 7irah 3-" 24 4+. #tuff TODA$ and starve tomorro%. 8stãzi când are parale mãnâncã zaharicale3 când se cautã mâine" n&are cu ce sã&si ia pâine. 8zi are" saturã zece" si mâine flãmând petrece. 8zi *ntinde pân&o rupe" mâine n&are s&o astupe. 4-. Never +ut off till TOMO!!O' %hat .ou can do toda.. Nu lãsa pe mâine ce poti face astãzi. Sim. -ork toda$' for $ou kno( not ho( much $ou ma$ &e hindered tomorro(. 4.. $e &no% not %hat shall be on the TOMO!!O'. Nu stiti ce se va *ntâmpla mâine. <ames 4" #4 $ 1acov 4" #4 %/. A hone. TON) E( a heart of gall. 'ulce la limbã" amar la inimã.

=n buze miere si&n inimã fiere. Sim. )e has hone$ in the mouth and the ra;or at the %irdle. %#. A long TON) E is a sign of a short hand. Aun de gurã" rãu de lucru EmânãF. Var. The$ &ra% most that can do least. Sim. 5uch &ruit and little fruit / !reat &oast and little roast / 5uch cr$ and little (ool. Cf. !reat #"!!E#S' little doers / The %reatest T"LKE#S are the least doers. %2. The lame TON) E gets nothing. Omul cu rusine piere" nimeni nu&i dã pân nu&i cere. Sim. )e that cannot ask' cannot live / Dum& men %et no land. %3. The TON) E ever turns to the aching tooth. ,imba izbeste *n dintele ce te doare. ,a mãseaua care te doare te loveste limba mai des. %4. The TON) E tal&s at the head*s cost. Cine&si pãzeste limba *si pãzeste capul. 6ura de multe ori capul 9os l&aruncã. Sim. " fool.s ton%ue is lon% enou%h to cut his o(n throat. !roverbs #3" 33 2#" 23 $ !ilde #3" 33 2#" 23 %%. TON) E brea&s bone and herself has none. ,imba oase n&are" dar oase sfãrâmã. ,imba oase n&are" dar unde&atinge doare. Var. The ton%ue is not steel' $et it cuts. !roverbs 2%" #% $ !ilde 2%" #% @cclesiasticus 2-" #- $ @cclesiasticus 2-" #%(. 4oolish TON) E# tal& b. the do2en. ,imba nebunului este o moarã fãrã grãunte. %+. $ou can have TOO M "H of a good thing. Ce&i prea mult nu&i sãnãtos. Ce&i prea mult stricã. Sim. 5ore than enou%h is too much / Too much &reaks the &a%. Cf. COVETO/S,ESS &reaks the &a% . %-. An handful of T!ADE is an handful of gold. Meseria e brãtarã de aur. %.. He that learns a T!ADE has a +urchase made. Omul cu mestesug nu piere. Cine are o meserie are o mosie. (/. T!ADE is the mother of mone.. Cu mestesugul nu mori de foame. Mestesugarul e totdeauna cu banul *n mânã. Sim. " trade is &etter than service. (#. T%o of a T!ADE seldom agree. Cei de&o meserie stau *n gâlcevie. Sim. The herrin%man hates the fisherman. (2. A man of man. T!ADE# begs his bread on #unda.. 'ouãsprezece meserii" treisprezece sãrãcii.

Celui cu meserii multe" casa&i este fãrã curte. Cf. 8ack of all T#"DES' and master of none. (3. <ac& of all T!ADE# and master of none. Multe stie" multe croieste si nici una nu isprãveste. Cf. " man of man$ T#"DES &e%s his &read on Sunda$. (4. A T!A7ELLE! ma. lie %ith authorit.. Cel din tarã strãinã poate spune câte&i va plãcea. Sim. Old men 2soldiers3 and travellers ma$ lie &$ authorit$ / Lon% (a$s' lon% lies. (%. He that T!A7EL# far &no%s much. Nu cine trãieste mult stie multe" ci cine umblã mult stie multe. @cclesiasticus 34" #/ $ 7irah 34" #/ ((. T!EA"HE!$ %ill come home to the traitor. Cine pe altul cautã sã *nsele el mai *ntâi se *nsealã. Cine vrea sã *nsele se *nsealã. (+. 'here .our T!EA# !E is( there %ill .our heart be also. ?nde este comoara voastrã" acolo este si inima voastrã. ?nde este comoara ta" acolo va fi si inima ta. Matthe2 (" 2# $ Matei (" 2# (-. La. not u+ for .ourselves T!EA# !E# u+on earth. Nu vã adunati comori pe pamânt. Matthe2 (" #. $ Matei (" #. (.. A good T!EE cannot bring forth evil fruit. Nu poate pom bun sã facã roade rele. Matthe2 +" #- $ Matei +" #Sim. !ood fruit of a %ood tree. +/. A T!EE is &no%n b. its fruit. !omul dupã roade se cunoaste. Copacul dupã fruct se cunoaste. Matthe2 +" #.3 #2" 33 $ Matei +" #.3 #2" 33 +#. In the +lace %here the T!EE falleth( there it shall be. Copacul unde a cãzut" acolo rãmâne. Var. "s a tree falls' so shall it lie. @cclesiastes ##" 3 $ @cclesiastul ##" 3 +2. It is onl. at the T!EE loaded %ith fruit that +eo+le thro% stones. ,a copacul fãrã poame nimenea nu aruncã piatra. +3. Li&e T!EE( li&e fruit. Cum e pomul si rodul. !omul din rodul lui se cunoaste" de e bun sau de e rãu. +4. The highest T!EE hath the greatest fall. 8rborele mare cade tare. Sim. The post of honour is the post of dan%er. +%. 'hen the T!EE is fallen ever. one runs to it %ith his a:e. ,a copacul cãzut toti aleargã sã taie crengi. Copacul când cade 9os" toti cu topoarele pe el se pun. +(. He that see&s T!O ,LE( never misses. Cine cautã ceartã gãseste bãtaie.

Cine cautã pe dracu *ntotdeauna *l gãseste. Sim. )arm (atch' harm catch. ++. In T! #T is treason. Cine mult se *ncrede *n altii adeseori se si *nsealã. Sim. :uick &elievers need &road shoulders / Distrust is the mother of safet$ / Trust is the mother of deceit / )e (ho trusteth not is not deceived. +-. /ut not .our T! #T in +rinces. Nu vã *ncredeti *n cei puternici. !salms #4(" 3 $ !salmii #4(" 3 +.. 4ace to face( the T! TH comes out. 8devãrul este cum te vãd si cum mã vezi. -/. Nothing hurts li&e the T! TH. 8devãrul supãrã pe om. -#. There is T! TH in %ine. 8rama omului la betie se aratã. Var. In (ine there is truth. -2. T! TH and oil are ever above. 8devãrul iese ca untdelemnul la suprafatã. Cf. T#/T) is mi%ht$ and (ill prevail / T#/T) (ill out. -3. T! TH finds foes( %here it ma&es none. 8devãrul a spune" vrã9masi dobândesti. 6ura aduce ura. -4. T! TH has a scratched face. 8devãrul umblã cu capul spart. Sim. 1ollo( not truth too near the heels' lest it dash out th$ teeth. -%. T! TH is might. and %ill +revail. 8devãrul decât toate mai tare este. Cf. T#/T) and oil are ever a&ove / T#/T) (ill out. -(. T! TH ma. be blamed( but cannot be shamed. 'reptatea niciodatã nu piere. -+. T! TH needs not man. %ords. 8devãrul *ntr&un cuvânt" iar minciuna *n mii si sute. Sim. In man$ (ords the truth %oes &$. --. T! TH %ill out. 8devãrul pe la sfârsit pururea se cunoaste. Cf. T#/T) and oil are ever a&ove / T#/T) is mi%ht$ and (ill prevail. -.. All T! TH# are not to be told. Orice adevãr nu e bun de spus. ./. The more .ou stir a T !D( the %orse it stin&s. 7cârna" de ce o scormonesti mai mult" mai mult si pute. .#. One good T !N deserves another. Ainele cu bine se rãsplãteste. Cf. " %ood DEED is never lost / DO (ell and have (ell. .2. One ill T !N deserves =as&s( re0uires> another. 5ãu cu rãu se vindecã.

5ãu faci" rãu gãsesti. 5ãul cu rãu se goneste. .3. ,est to bend %hile it is a T'I). !omul se&ndrepteazã de mic" nu de mare. =ndoaie teiul pânã e tânãr. .4. No man cand do T'O things at once. 8 9uca la douã nunti nu se poate. Nu poti tine doi pepeni *ntr&o mânã. .%. T'O bigs %ill not go in one bag. 'ouã mâte *n sac nu *ncap. .(. T'O s+arro%s on one ear of corn ma&e an ill agreement. 'oi insi pe&o sfoarã anevoie pot 9uca.

1. +etter UN+O!N than (nta(ght. Nu e orfan cel fãrã tatã si mamã ci cel fãrã învãtãturã. 2. NION is strength. =n unire stã tãria. Când sunt doi puterea creste. Var. In union 2concord3 is stren%th. Sim. /nited (e stand' divided (e fall.

1. ,ANI - of .anities, all is .anit&. Desertãciunea desertãciunilor toate sunt desertãciuni* $ %cclesiastes 1 + ' %cclesiastul 1 + 2. The noblest 7EN)EAN"E is to forgive. 1ertarea e rãzbunarea cea mai bunã. Sim. *ardons and pleasantness are %reat reven%es of slanders. 3. Em+t. 7E##EL# ma&e the greatest sound. Autia goalã sunã mai tare. Autile goale mai mult zgomot fac. Var. Empt$ vessels make the most sound. 4. The 7INE brings forth three gra+es? the first of +leasure( the second of drun&enness( the third of sorro%. ,a buciumul vitei trei vlãstari crescG unul al sãnãtãtii" altul al veseliei si altul al turbãrii. %. Ma&e a 7I!T E of necessit.. 8 face haz de necaz. )ace voie de nevoie si haz de necaz. Sim. To make the &est of a &ad 4o&. (. 7I!T E is a 3e%el of great +rice. Omenia&i mai scumpã ca avutia.

+. 7I!T E is its o%n re%ard. Omenia omenie cere" si cinstea cinste. -. The 7OI"E of the +eo+le( the voice of )od. 0ocea poporului" vocea cerului. 'aniel #/" ( $ 'aniel #/" ( 5evelation #." ( $ 8pocalipsa #." (

1. All things 'o$e to those who )AI . Cine poate astepta are tot ce vrea. Var. # erything comes to him who waits. 2. A %hite 'ALL is a fool*s +a+er. :idul alb e hârtia nebunilor. 3. 'ALL# have ears. :idurile au urechi. !eretii au urechi si ferestrele ochi. Cf. 1IELDS have e$es' and (oods have ears. 4. 'A! is death*s feast. 5ãzboiul" lup nesãtios. %. )ood 'A!E ma&es 0uic& mar&ets. Marfa sã fie bunã" musterii nu lipsesc. 0aca bunã se vinde din staul. (. )ood 'AT"H +revents misfortune. !aza bunã trece prime9dia rea. +. Dirt. 'ATE! %ill 0uench fire. 8pa cât de tulbure" tot stinge focul. Doatã apa stinge focul. @cclesiasticus 3" 3/ $ 7irah 3" 2. -. 4oul 'ATE! as soon as fair %ill 0uench hot fire. ,a vreme de nevoie si cu lãturi poti stinge cel mai mare foc. .. 'ATE! afar off 0uenches not fire. 8pa depãrtatã nu stinge focul. #/. 'e never &no% the %orth of 'ATE! till the %ell is dr.. Când seacã apa se cunoaste pretul fântânii. Var. +ou never miss the (ater till the (ell runs dr$. Cf. The CO- kno(s not (hat her tail is (orth till she hath lost it / " !OOD thin% lost is a %ood thin% valued. ##. #till 'ATE!# run dee+. 8pele line sunt adânci. Ca apa linã" nici o prime9die mai rea. Sim. Take heed of still (aters' the <uick pass a(a$. #2. #tolen 'ATE!# are s%eet. 8pa furatã e mai plãcutã. Var. Stolen pleasures are s(eet.

Cf. 1or&idden 1#/IT is s(eet. !roverbs ." #+ $ !ilde ." #+ #3. The longest 'A$ round is the shortest %a. home. Cine *ncon9oarã a9unge mai curând. #4. The greatest 'EALTH is contentment %ith a little. )ericit acela care se multumeste cu putin. Sim. )e hath enou%h (ho is contented (ith little / Content is more than a kin%dom / )e is rich enou%h that (ants nothin%. #%. In fair 'EATHE! +re+are for foul. Omul cuminte *si cumpãrã vara sanie si iarna car. #(. Ill 'EED# gro% a+ace. Auruiana rea creste curând. Aãlãria creste repede. #+. Ill 'EED# %a: %ell. 1arba rea nu piere. #-. All*s 'ELL that ends %ell. )inea bunã" toate bune. #.. Never be %ear. of 'ELL doing. 7ã nu *ncetãm de a face binele. 6alatians (" . $ 6alateni (" . 2/. The %orst 'HEEL of a cart crea&s most. 5oata cea mai proastã" aceea mai rãu scârt*ie. 5oata stricatã face zgomot mai mare. Var. The (orst (heel of a cart makes most noise. 2#. He %ho greases his 'HEEL# hel+s his o:en. ?nge osia ca sã nu scârt*ie carul. ?nge rotile dacã vrei sã meargã carul. 22. Ever. 'HITE hath its blac&( and ever. s%eet its sour. Nu e miere fãrã fiere. 23. Ever. 'H$ has its %herefore. Doatã *ntrebarea are si un rãspuns. 24. A fair 'I4E and a frontier castle breed 0uarrels. )emeia frumoasã este pagubã la casã. Nevasta frumoasã e belea *n casã. 2%. A good 'I4E*s a goodl. +ri2e( saith #olomon the %ise. )emeia cinstitã e coroana bãrbatului. Nevasta cu mintea bunã e bãrbatului cununã. )emeia bunã e plug de aur *n casa omului. !roverbs #2" 43 #-" 223 3#" #/ $ !ilde #2" 43 #-" 223 3#" #/ 2(. !efuse a 'I4E %ith one fault( and ta&e one %ith t%o. Cine cautã nevastã fãrã cusur ne*nsurat rãmâne. 2+. The cunning 'I4E ma&es her husband her a+ron. 0ai de casa unde bãrbatul e muere. 2-. He that 'ILL not %hen he ma.( %hen he %ill he shall have na.. Cine nu face când poate" nu face când vrea.

2.. 'here there*s a 'ILL( there*s a %a.. 0oieste si vei putea. 'acã vrei" poti. Sim. " (ilful man (ill have his (a$. Cf. ,othin% is impossi&le to a (illin% )E"#T. 3/. 'here .our 'ILL is read.( .our feet are light. 0ointa inimii dã aripi picioarelor. 1nima voioasã" picioare agere. 3#. ,lo% the 'IND never so fast( it %ill fall at last. !loaia care vine cu putere mare nu dureazã mult. !loaia mãrunticã multã vreme tine" iar cea repede" cum vine" asa se duce. 32. "ome %ith the 'IND( go %ith the %ater. 'in vânt a venit" *n vânt s&a dus. 0ântul aduce" vântul duce. Sim. Li%ht come' li%ht %o. Cf. E"S+ come' eas$ %o / LI!)TL+ %ained' <uickl$ lost. 33. The. that so% the 'IND shall rea+ the %hirl%ind. Cine seamãnã vânt culege furtunã. Cosea -" + $ Osea -" + 34. )ood 'INE needs no bush. 0inul bun de sine se laudã. 3%. The best 'INE is that a bod. drin&s of another man*s cost. Cine bea *n datorie se *mbatã *ndoit. 3(. 'hen the 'INE is in( the %it is out. 0inul *l bei de bun si el te face nebun. 3+. 'INE is a turncoat. !rieteni ai mesei" iar nu ai nevoii. Var. -ine is a turncoat' first a friend' then an enem$. 3-. 'INE ma&es glad the heart of man. 0inul veseleste inima omului. !salms #/4" #% $ !salmii #/3" #( :echariah #/" + $ :aharia #/" + @cclesiastes #/" #. $ @cclesiastul #/" #. 3.. He covers me %ith his 'IN)#( and bites me %ith his bill. Cu lingura *ti dã dulceatã si cu coada *ti scoate ochii. =n ochi cu gura te linge" *n dos cu acu te&mpunge. !e din fatã te linge" pe din dos te frige. 4/. A fair da. in 'INTE! is the mother of a storm. ,a vremea cea caldã din mi9locul iernii sã nu te&ncrezi. 4#. Learn 'I#DOM b. the follies of others. 'in nebunia strãinã sã inveti minte. 42. No 'I#DOM to silence. Cine tace" acela e mai *ntelept. Cf. SILE,CE is often the &est ans(er / S*E"K fitl$' or &e silent (isel$ / " -ISE head makes a close mouth. @cclesiasticus 2/" %&( $ 7irah 2/" %&(

43. 'I#DOM is better than strength. Mai bunã este *ntelepciunea decât puterea. @cclesiastes ." #( $ @cclesiastul ." #( !roverbs 24" % $ !ilde 24" % 44. A 'I#E head ma&es a close mouth. =nteleptul tace si face. Cf. SILE,CE is often the &est ans(er / S*E"K fitl$' or &e silent (isel$ / ,o -ISDO5 to silence. 4%. He is 'I#E that is rich. Omul bogat este *ntelept *n ochii lui. !roverbs 2-" ## $ !ilde 2-" ## 4(. It is eas. to be 'I#E after the event. 'upã ce s&a *ntâmplat ceva" atunci fiece babã poate proroci. 'upã bãtãlie multi vite9i se aratã. Cf. -hen a thin% is done' "DVICE comes too late / -hen the )O/SE is &urned do(n' $ou &rin% (ater / It is too late to shut the ST" LE0DOO# after the horse has &olted. 4+. No man is 'I#E at all times. Chiar si *nteleptii smintesc câteodatã. Cf. Ever$ man is a 1OOL sometimes and none at all times / Ever$ man is 5"D on some point. 4-. 'I#E men have their mouth in their heart( fools their heart in their mouth. 1nima *nteleptului e *n limbã si a nebunului *n gurã. 1nima nebunului este *n gura lui" iar gura *nteleptului este *n inima lui. @cclesiasticus 2#" 2( $ 7irah 2#" 24.. 'I#E men learn b. other men*s harms6 fools( b. their o%n. =nteleptul *nvatã din pãtania altora" nesocotitul nici din a sa. Sim. It is %ood to &e(are &$ other men.s harms / It is %ood to learn at other men.s cost / )e is happ$ (hom other men.s perils make (ar$. Cf. LE"#, (isdom &$ the follies of others. %/. A 'OL4 in shee+*s clothing. ,up *mbrãcat *n piele de oaie. Matthe2 +" #% $ Matei +" #% %#. It never troubles a 'OL4 ho% man. the shee+ be. ,upul nu cautã cã oile sunt numãrate. ,upul duce mielul si *nsemnat. %2. Tal& of the 'OL4( and his tail a++ears. 0orbesti de lup si lupul la usã. 'e lup când se grãieste" coada i se iveste. Cf. Talk of the DEVIL' and he is &ound to appear. %3. The 'OL4 ma. lose his teeth( but never his nature. ,upul *si schimbã pãrul" dar nãravul ba. ,upul *si pierde mãselele" dar nu obiceiurile. Cf. The 1O= ma$ %ro( %re$' &ut never %ood. %4. The 'OL4 +re.s farthest from his home. ,upul nu mãnâncã niciodatã la gaurã.

,upul *mpre9urul lui nu stricã. Sim. The fo7 pre$s farthest from his home 2den3. %%. To set the 'OL4 to &ee+ the shee+. Nu da oaia *n paza lupului. !une lupul pãzitor la oi. Var. +ou %ive the (olf the (ether to keep. Sim. )e sets the 1O= to keep his %eese. Matthe2 #/" #( $ Matei #/" #( %(. 'ho &ee+s com+an. %ith the 'OL4 %ill learn to ho%l. Cine se bagã *ntre lupi trebuie sã urle. Var. One must ho(l (ith the (olves. %+. A bad 'OMAN is %orse than a bad man. Cea mai bunã muiere" ca cel mai rãu bãrbat. %-. A fair 'OMAN %ithout virtue is li&e +alled %ine. )rumusetea fãrã *ntelepciune este ca o floare *n tinã. %.. A 'OMAN( a dog( and a %alnut tree( the more .ou beat them the better the. be. )emeia nebãtutã e ca moara neferecatã. Cu calul si cu nevasta nebãtutã nu faci nici pe dracul. Muierea e ca coasa" dacã n&o bati" nu ascultã. Var. " spaniel' a (oman' and a (alnut0tree' the more the$.re &eaten the &etter the$ &e. (/. Dall. not %ith 'OMEN or mone.. Cu femeile si copiii sã nu glumesti. (#. Never choose .our 'OMEN or .our linen b. candlelight. Nici pânzã nici muiere sã nu alegi la lumânare. !ânzã si nevastã noaptea sã nu&ti alegi. Var. Choose neither a (oman nor linen &$ the candle0li%ht. (2. Three 'OMEN and a goose ma&e a mar&et. Când trei femei se *ntâlnesc" mai mult decât o sutã de gâste gârâlesc. 'ouã muieri si o gâscã fac târgul cucului. )emeile" când se adunã" parcã&s gâstele la pârâu. Sim. 5an$ (omen' man$ (ords6 man$ %eese' man$ turds / -here there are (omen and %eese' there (ants no noise. (3. 'hen an ass climbs a ladder( %e ma. find %isdom in 'OMEN. Când mãrãcinii vor scoate rodii" atunci si muierile cuvinte de ispravã. (4. 'OMEN are as changeable as the %ind. Nimic mai schimbãcios ca vremea si ca muierile. Var. -omen are as (averin% as the (ind. Sim. " (oman is a (eathercock / " (oman.s mind and (inter (ind chan%e oft. (%. 'OMEN are the devil*s nets. )emeia e calul Escula" soraF dracului. ((. He cannot see the 'OOD for the trees. Nu vede pãdurea din cauza copacilor. Var. +ou cannot see the (ood for the trees. Sim. +ou cannot see the cit$ for the houses.

(+. Li&e 'OOD( li&e arro%. 'upã arc" si sãgeata. (-. ,etter give the 'OOL than the shee+. Mai bine lâna s&o dai decât oaia s&o pierzi. (.. A 'O!D and a stone let go cannot be called bac&. 0orba ce zboarã odatã nu se mai *ntoarce. 0orba dac&o scapi din gurã n&o mai poti prinde. Sim. " (ord spoken is past recallin% / -ords have (in%s and cannot &e recalled. +/. A 'O!D to a %ise man is enough. O singurã vorbã e de a9uns celui ce va sã te *nteleagã. Sim. )alf a (ord is enou%h for a (ise man. Cf. 1e( -O#DS to the (ise suffice. +#. An honest man*s 'O!D is as good as his bond. 0orba unui om cinstit face mai mult ca un *nscris. 'e la omul cinstit e destul un cuvânt. +2. 4rom 'O!D to deed is a great s+ace. 'e la zisã pân&la faptã" tot mai este o bucatã. 'e la vorbã pânã la faptã" ca de la pãmânt la cer. Cf. S"+I,! and doin% are t(o thin%s / S"+I,! is one thin%' and doin% another. +3. Man. a true 'O!D is s+o&en in 3est. 8devãrul se spune glumind. Multe adevãruri se spun *n glumã. +4. 4air =#oft> 'O!D# brea& no bones. 0orba dulce oase frânge. +%. 4air 'O!D# fill not the bell.. 0orbele nu potolesc foamea. Cf. !ood -O#DS fill not a sack. +(. 4air 'O!D# hurt not the mouth. 'e vorba bunã nu te doare gura. Cf. 1air -O#DS &reak no &ones. ++. 4e% 'O!D# to the %ise suffice. 'e putine vorbe *nteleptul *ntelege" iar cel nebun nici când urechile i le spargi. Cf. " -O#D to a (ise man is enou%h. +-. 4ine 'O!D# butter no +arsni+s. Oala nu se umple cu vorbe. +.. )ood 'O!D# anoint us( and ill do un3oint us. Cuvântul bun unge si cel rãu *mpunge. -/. )ood 'O!D# cool more than cold %ater. O vorbã bunã stinge focul mai curând decât o bute de apã. Cf. " soft ",S-E# turneth a(a$ (rath. -#. )ood 'O!D# fill not a sac&. 0orba goalã nu umple sacul. Cf. 1air -O#DS fill not the &ell$ / 5an$ -O#DS (ill not fill a &ushel. -2. Kind 'O!D# go a long %a.. Cu vorbe dulci mai multã pâine mãnânci. Cu vorba bunã si pe dracul *mblânzesti.

Sim. " man.s hat in his hand' never did him an$ harm. Cf. LI*0)O,O/# costs little' $et ma$ &rin% in much. -3. Man. 'O!D# %ill not fill a bushel. Nu multimea cuvintelor umple dimerlia. Cf. !ood -O#DS fill not a sack. -4. 'O!D# and feathers the %ind carries a%a.. 6ura zice" vântul duce. Sim. -ords are &ut (ind / -ords fl$' (ritin%s remain. -%. 'O!D# cut more than s%ords. O vorbã rea rãneste mai mult decât o sabie ascutitã. ,imba taie mai rãu ca sabia. @cclesiasticus 2-" #- $ 7irah 2-" #. -(. After the 'O!K is done( re+ose is s%eet. 'upã lucru e bun repausul. 'upã muncã" odihna plãcere dulce ne aduce. -+. As the 'O!K( so the +a.. Cum ti&e lucru" asa ti&e plata. Cum muncesti" asa ti se plãteste. 1 Corinthians 3" - $ 1 Corinteni 3" 11 Corinthians %" #/ $ 11 Corinteni %" #/ 5evelation 22" #2 $ 8pocalipsa 22" #2 !salms (2" #2 $ !salmii (#" ## !roverbs 24" #2"2. $ !ilde 24" #2"2. <eremiah 2%" #4 $ 1eremia 2%" #4 Matthe2 #(" 2+ $ Matei #(" 2+ 11 DimothB 4" #4 $ 11 Dimotei 4" #4 --. He that %ill not 'O!K shall not eat. Cine nu munceste" nu mãnâncã. Var. If $ou (on.t (ork' $ou shan.t eat. Sim. ,o mill' no meal / " horse that (ill not carr$ the saddle must have no oats. Cf. ,o *"I,S' no %ains / ,o S-EET (ithout some s(eat. 11 Dhessalonians $ 11 Desaloniceni 3" #/ -.. The 'O!K sho%s the %or&man. ,ucrul laudã pe mester. ,a treabã se vede omul ce poate. Cf. The -O#K5", is kno(n &$ his (ork. ./. 'O!K toda.( for .ou &no% not ho% much .ou ma. be hindered tomorro%. Ce poti lucra astãzi nu lãsa pe mâine. .#. A bad 'O!KMAN 0uarrels %ith his tools. 0izitiul prost bate calul bun. .2. The 'O!KMAN is &no%n b. his %or&. Mesterul se cunoaste la lucru. ,a treabã se vede omul ce poate. Cf. The -O#K sho(s the (orkman. .3. The 'O!LD is a ladder for some to go u+ and some do%n. 8sa e roata lumii" unii suie" altii coboarã.

,umea e ca un put cu douã ciuturi3 când se urcã cea plinã" se coboarã cea desartã. Sim. Thus fareth the (orld' that one %oeth up and another %oeth do(n / In the (orld' (ho kno(s not to s(im %oes to the &ottom. .4. Even a 'O!M %ill turn. #i râma" când o calci" ridicã capul sã te muste. Var. Tread on a (orm and it (ill turn. Cf. The 1L+ has her spleen and the ant her %all. .%. It is not %ise to o+en old 'O ND#. 5ana" dacã se deschide" anevoie se *nchide. 5ana veche usor sângereazã.

1. It will #e all the sa$e a h(ndred -EA!S hen'e. ,pa tra!e la matcã si omul la teapã. Var. +t will be all one a thousand years hence. 2. $EA!# &no% more than boo&s. Ca vremea nici un dascãl mai bun. 3. ,etter be the head of the $EOMAN!$ than the tail of the gentr.. Mai bine tãran *n picioare decât boier *n genunchi. 4. $E#TE!DA$ %ill not be called again. Doate sunt trecãtoare ca ziua de ieri. %. If the $O N) man %ould and the old man could( there %ould be nothing undone. 'ã&mi" 'oamne" puterea tânãrului si mintea bãtrânului. (. If .ou lie u+on roses %hen $O N)( .ou*ll lie u+on thorns %hen old. Cine la tinerete e lenes suferã la bãtrânete. Cf. "n idle +O/T)' a need$ a%e. +. 'hat*s $O !# is mine( and %hat*s mine is m. o%n. Ce&i al tãu e si al meu" tu la mine parte n&ai. <ohn #+" #/ $ 1oan #+" #/ -. An idle $O TH( a need. age. ,a tinerete cine nu lucreazã" la bãtrânete râiazã. Cine n&aleargã la tinerete nu odihneste la bãtrânete. Var. " $oun% courtier' an old &e%%ar. Cf. If $ou la$ upon roses (hen +O/,!' $ou.ll lie upon thorns (hen old. @cclesiasticus 2%" 3 $ 7irah 2%" % .. Eident@ $O TH ma&es eas. age. Cine *nvatã la tinerete se odihneste la bãtrânete. Cine munceste la tinerete o sã aibã la bãtrânete. >dili%ent #/. 'hat $O TH is used to( age remembers. 'eprinderea din tinerete rãmâne si la bãtrânete. Sim. -hoso learneth $oun% for%ets not (hen he is old. Cf. -hat (e first LE"#,' (e &est kno(. !roverbs 22" ( $ !ilde 22" (

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