Dorian Gray

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3 Read these sentences. Then listen to Chapter 1 and decide If they are true (T) or false (F) PAG.9

T 1 &

We first eet !asil "all#ard sittin$ in front of the picture of %orian Gray. "e et %orian Gray at an interestin$ party.


!asi !asill ssee eess % %o o ria rian n e e eery ry a atu turd rdaa y y..


+or +ord d " "enr enry y is is h hap appy py to is isss lunc lunch h at Au Aunt nt A A$at $atha,s ha,s hou house. se.


% or or ia ia n G ra ra y i s s it it ti ti n$ n$ on on th th e s o off a. a.

+o +ord rd " "ee nry nry tth h in in / /ss %ori %oriaa n G Gra ra y is e e ry ry h haa nd nd sso o ee .


+o +ord rd "en "en rry y te te lls lls %ori %oriaa n to sit sit in in th th e sun sun .

Whe n % or ian sseees


% or or ia ia n t he he n 4 ec ec o o es es a n$ n$r y y..


The 4ut 4utler ler 4rin$s 4rin$s cof coffee fee for the en. en.

the  port  portrait rait22




h is firs t r eact ion is 3oy.


CHAPTER 1 1. Look at the descriptions e!o" #ro$ Chapter 1 and sa% i# each one descries Basi! Ha!!"ard& Lord Henr% 'otton or Dorian (ra%. PA(. 1)

1 "e is 4eautiful. Dorian * "e has an intellectual face. Basi! 3 "is eneies respect hi Lord Henr% + "e plays the piano  Dorian , "is eotions #ere ore interestin$ than an initation to lunch  Basi!............ - "e is a 4ad influence.   Lord Henr%  "is eyes #ere 4ri$ht  Dorian ) "e #as aa6ed. Basi! / "e seeed 7uite an $ry. Dorian 15 A loo/ of pain cae into his eyes Basi! . Look

a t t h e s e n t e n c e s a  o 0 t " h a t h a p p e n s i n C h a p t e r * & a n d d i s c 0 s s tto o  e t h e r " h i cch h is

proa!% the correct end. PA(. *1



+ or or d " en en rry y $ oe oe s t o  i si si t h iiss u n ncc l e  4e ca us e


At llu u nc nc h hti tiee +o +ord rd " "eenry $oes


At llu u n cch h th thee o tth h e r $ u eests sts tth h in in / +o +ord rd "enry is


8 ne ne  o o nt nt h llaa te te r % o orr ia ia n ttee ll ll s tth h aatt he he


%ori %oriaa n #en #en t to a th th eeaa tre tre a n nd d sa sa #

Centro de Idiomas UNSA

Página 1


Dorian Gray A.  he #ants oney for %orian !.  he #ants inforation a4out %orian C.  he #ants to introduce hi to %orian A.  to Aunt A$atha,s house !.  to his clu4 C.  to %orian,s house



A.   4orin$ and stupid


Centro de Idiomas UNSA

Página 2


Dorian Gray !.  ery $ood loo/in$ C.  cleer and funny


A.  intends to oe to Paris !.  is in loe C.  #ants to 4uy the picture 4y !asil A.  opera !.  a usical coedy C.  a play 4y ha/espeare


Centro de Idiomas UNSA

Página 3


CHAPTER * 1. P0t these e2ents #ro$ Chapter * nto the correct order. PA(. 34 A.

0   %orian tells +ord "enry that he is in loe.


'   +ord "enry $oes to his A Aunt unt A A$atha,s $atha,s house for lunch.




1   +ord "enry Wo Wotton tton $oes to isit his uncle.



15 +ord "enry receies a tele$ra fro %orian.


&   +ord "enry hears %orian,s story fro his uncle.


-   %orian Gray leaes +ady A$atha,s house #ith +ord "enry.


%orian descri4es his eenin$ in a horri4le theatre.



The $uests spea/ a4out Aericans.

+ord "enry a$rees to $o to the theatre #ith %orian.

%orian Gray eets +ord "enry,s #ife2 ictoria

+ Look at the #irst part o# sentences #ro$ chapter * and $atch the$ to the correct endin. PA(. 31 1.

D   +ord Feror had t#o lar$e houses.


F  Poor :ar$aret died soon after2


( 8n her left #as : r ;rs/ine of Treadly2 an old an


A  An d #h e n 4 a d Ae ric a n s d ie


E  he #anted to 4e pictures7ue


H  The pro4le is that today people /no# the price of eerythin$


C  In +ondon there are only fi e intelli$ent #oen2


B  I returned the ne<t eenin$ a they $o to Aerica.  and he #as happy to see e. c and t#o of the cannot enter polite society. d  4ut he pre ferred fer red to li e i n t he hotel. hot el. e  4ut her clo the s # ere al# ays unt id y. # and left her son alone.  #ho #as intelli$ent and charin$2 4ut ery silent. h and the ale of nothin$.

these ese sent sentence encess and 0es 0esss the corr correct ect o opti ption. on. Then Then !i ste n to Cha pte r 3 an d ch ec k . PAG. '' ). Look at th 1.

At the 4e$innin$2 #e eet youn$ i4yl ane ane # #ith ith her other in her sittin$ ro o = 4edroo.


i4yl as/s her other a4out her 4rother = father.


>aes2 i4yl,s 4rother2 is irritated = happy #ith his other.


>aes and i4yl ta/e a #al/ in the par/ = alon$ the rier.



>a e s p ro ise s to 4 e a t = / ill %o ria n Gra y if h e h u rts i4 y l.


>a e s le a  e s fo r Au stra lia = Ae ric a .


"all#ard thin/s %orian,s en$a$eent is a 4ad = #onderful idea.


Th e e n $ a $ e e n t is p u 4 lic n e #s = a se c re t.


When %orian is #ith i4yl2 he feels $ood = artistic.

14. After hearin$ the ne#s2 "all#ard feels old = sic/.

CHAPTER 3 1 Look at these sentences #ro$ Chapter 3 and p0t the$ into the correct order. PA PA(. (. +*


,   >aes carried his trun/ to the ca4 at the door.


-   %o ria n a rri e d .

C.   * >aes  

and i4yl #ent to the Par/ 


+ ,:other2 I #ant to as/ a 7uestion2, said >aes. Were you arried to y father?,


3 >aes tried to loo/2 4ut another carria$e passed in front of hi.

F. G. ".

)  "e felt that %orian #as lost to hi. "e felt old.   ,@o2, ans#ered %orian. ,I #ill see her toni$ht., 1 What does oney atter?, cried i4 yl. ,+oe is ore than oney.,

/ Look at these sentences. n each sentence there s a $istake. Read Chapter + and then 0nder!ine the $istake $istake and correct it. PA( +,

1. "all#ard thou$ht the people in the theatre #ere ele$ant. ele$ant .  Ha!!"ard tho0ht the peop!e in the *. 3. +. ,. -. . ). /.

theatre "ere 20!ar The 4alcony scone #as a success success..  The a!con% scene "as a co$p!ete #ai!0re %orian says he #ill al#ays thin/ o# i4yl.  Dorian sa%s he "i!! a!"a%s think o# 6i%! ne2er %orian #al/ed to the fruit ar/et  Dorian "a!ked to the #!o"er $arket. When he loo/ed at the portrait2 he sa# that it #as Identical. 'hen he !ooked at the portrait& he sa" that it "as di##erent. %orian receies a isit fro !asil "all#ard .  Dorian recei2es a 2isit #ro$ Lord Henr%. i4yl /illed herself 4y  3u pi n$ fr o a #i #ind nd o# .  6i%! ki!!ed herse!# % drinkin so$ethin +ord "enry 4eliees that #oen hat e crue lt y . Lord Henr% e!ie2es that "o$en !ike cr0e!t%. That eenin$2 %orian sta ys at hoe . That e2enin& Dorian oes to the Opera

CHAPTER + 1. Look at these sentences ao0t Chapter + and decide # the% are tr0e or #a!se. PA(. ,+  


1.%orian thin/s that the orchestra is ery 4ad. &."all#ard $ies ore iportance to art than to loe


'. i4yl thin/s that actin$ and the theatre are false 4ecause no# she understands real loe.


*. i4yl #ants %orian to stay #ith her.


-.%orian thin/s the portrait has a ne#2 /inder e<pression


.%orian #rites a poe to i4yl.


0.%orian decides to 4e $ood and arry i4yl. .+ord "enry inites %orian to dinner.





14. Look at these sentences. Yo0 "i!! hear the stor% o# Chapter ,. Decide i# each sentence s correct or ncorrect. # t s correct p0t a tick n n the  o7 o7 0n 0nder derA. ## t is not correct p0t a tick n the o7 B B.. PA( ,



(the morning)

1 !asil "all#ard isits %orian at dinner tie. * !asil "all#ard tells %orian that he Is #ron$ not to 4e sad.


(she killed hersel) (he !ants to sho! it in

3 %orian tells !asil "all#ard that i4yl #as urdered. + !asil "all#ard e<plains to %orian tha thatt he still still re refu fuses ses to ssho# ho# the pic pictur ture. e. , %orian as/s the house/eeper for the /ey to the schoolroo. ,


( also his assistant)

- The The fra aee a/ a/eer and %or oria ian n carry arry the pict ictur uree to the sch school olro roo o..  %orian spends the afternoon readin$ a fascinatin$ 4oo/ fro +ord "enry.


) %orian $oes out to hae dinner #ith +ord "enry.


CHAPTER , 1. Choose the correct ans"er #or each 80estion. PA(. -1 'ho did Dorian $eet #or the #irst ti$e at the Opera9 A an opera sin$er B +ord "enry,s sister 

C +o r d "e nr y,s c o u si n D +ady Radley

  * 'hat does Dorian !o2e $ore than ea0ti#0! thins and p!aces9 A a r t i s t i c pe op l e B 4eautiful people

C a r t i s ti c t h i n $s D #ealthy people

3 'hen Basi! sa%s he "ants to e7hiit the paintin& paintin& ho" does Dorian Doria n #ee!9 A ery happy

C 4ored

B curious

D in dan$er 

  + Basi! e7p!ains that he didn:t "ant to sho" the pict0re eca0se A he put too uch soul in it B it #as terri4le.

C h e #a s 3 e a l o u s o f i t D it #as too alua4le

, The ho0sekeeper c!osed the schoo!roo$ "hen A %o r ian s top pe d st ud yi n$ C % o r i a n ,s $ r a n d f a t h e r d i e d B %orian oed to another house

D %orian #ent to school

- Dorian thinks that Basi!:s !o2e is A ad i r at i on of 4e au t y B no4le and real

C literar y D selfish and arro$ant

 The #ra$e $aker "ants to

A s e l l % o r i a n a pa i n t i n $

C t a /e % o r i a n to an e<hi4ition

! 4uy %orian,s picture

% sell %orian a frae

) Dorian thinks the ook Lord Henr% sends hi$ s A fascinatin$ C 4orin$

  ! 4eautif 4eautiful ul


% intel intellect lectual ual

). Read Chapter -. For each 80estion p0t a tick in the correct o7. PA(.-/ 1 %orian loed the 4oo/ and ade coers for it in different


A colour s

C si6es

! aterials

& %orian lied for  A fa s hi o n

! the senses

C oney

' %orian #as fascinated 4y the Church,s A 4eli e fs

C architecture

! 4eauty

* "e read stories a4out A cl ot hes

C  p e r f u  e

! 3e#els

- oeties %orian disappeared to a place that #as A t er ri 4le ! 4eauti ful  oeties he loo/ed at the old pictures in his A +ondon house ! house in France

C in Africa

C country hoe

0 Fro his other %orian inherited his

!  4 e a u t y

 A intellect

C character 


&. Look at the sentences ao0t Chapter - and decide i# the% are Tr0e ;T< or Fa!se ;F<. PA(. ) T







 %orian soeties loo/ed at a portrait of his 4eautiful other.


0 %orian en3oyed the chapters in the 4oo/ a4out the past in Italy.



  1 %orian #ent to Church 4ecause he #as ery reli$ious. & %orian chan$ed his interests often. ' %orian li/ed to spend tie alone at his country house. * %orian soeties disappeared for periods of tie.

- %orian en3oyed loo/in$ at the portraits of his friends  In his country house.

 The 4oo/ tal/ed a4out #ays of poisonin$ people in France.

/. L ook at t hes e s ent ences ences . L is t en and $ at cch h each pers on "it h t he in# o r$ at ion ao0t t he$ i n Chapt er . P A( )1  






The %u/e of !er#ic/ 



+ord t aely



+ady G#endoline


!a si l " a l l a # a r d





The serant



b Alan Cap4ell


d +ady @ar4orou$h



a +ord "enry



c T he c a 4 dr i e r  




a s /s /s # ha h a t %o % o r iiaa n d id id t he h e e e  e n iin n $ 4 ef ef o rree .

 4 .

d id n ,t #a n t t o co  e t o %o ri an ,s ho u s e a $a in .


s aay y s tth he d dee sstt iin n aatt iio o n is is t oo oo f ar ar .


i s c l e e  eerr an an d u $ $ll y y..


l e aa es the roo o  #h # h e n % o ri r i a n e n ttee r ss..


c rrii ed ed i n h o orr r o rr..


s a ys ys n o # o a a n c aan n $ o n e aarr % %o o r iiaa n .


i s t h iirr ty t y B ei e i $ ht ht th t h e n e <t <t da da y y..


c aan, n,tt hae hae h hee r chi chi lldr dr een n t o li li e # it it h he he r. r.

 3 .

an s #e re d th e d oo r.

CHAPTER  1. P0t these sentences #ro$ Chapter  nto the correct order. order. PA(. /4


1 "all#ard #ent upstairs #ith %orian. They entered the schoolroo.


3 That ni$ht he slept #ell2 peacefully2 peacefully2 and at nine o,cloc/ his serant #o/e hi.


, It #as after seen #hen Cap4ell cae 4ac/ to the li4rar y.


+ ou ust destroy the thin$ upstairs. @o4ody sa# hi coe into the house.


) At idni$ht he left his house and stopped a ca4.

F. G.

* "e sa# a /nife on the ta4le. "e too/ it 2 and sta44ed "all#ard "all#ard22 a$ain and a$ain. - "e #ent upstairs. There #as a sell of nitric acid2 4ut the thin$ #as $one.


 That eenin$ at ei$htBthirty2 4eautifully dressed2 %orian Gray arried at +ady @ar4orou$h,s party.

. Ta!k in pairs or s$a!! ro0ps. Decide #or each sentence i# endin A or B happens in the e2ents o# Chapter ). Then read and check. PA(./3 1 %orian ta/es a ca4 to the A rich theatre district of +ondon  * %orian eets a friend #ho is A ✓ c o p le te ly ru in e d


poorest area of +ondon

 e ry h a p p y a n d su c c e ssfu l


 3 The sailor attac/s %orian 4ecause he hears the nae A

Prin c e Ch a rin $

%o ria n Gra y


 + The sailor doesn,t /ill %orian 4ecause A B he for$ies hi

he thin/s %orian is a youn$ 4oy

, %orian li/es the %uchess of :onouth 4ecause she is

in te lli$ e n t


- +ord "enry thin/s that loe is A  e ry ip o rta n t


 The %uchess is loo/in$ for  A  p e a c e



✓ ✓

 pr e t t y a n illu sio n a ne# hus4and

) At the conseratory #indo# %orian sees the face of A

>aes ane

i4yl a ane ne

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