Excerpt Secret Alchemy Mary Magdalene Chptr 4

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© Copyright William Hearth All Rights Reserved © Copyright William Hearth- Excerpts may be reprinted so long as the full title and author's name is included at the beginning or end of the quotation: "ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) ~ William Hearth" 37 chapter four ~ maryam magdalene’s icons The White Dove of Peace and the Great NinAnna For thousands of years, The White Dove of Peace, descending from heaven, has been a standard icon featured in the symbol systems of religious circles and cults. She (White Dove of Peace) has been associated with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Host, the Sophia, the Egyptian Goddess ISIS and Hathor, the Shekinah of the Hebrews, Asherah, Astarte of the Phoenicians, Ishtar, the Migdal-Eder (Tower of the Flock), Inanna (or NinAnna), NinHursag (or NinKhursag), The Lady of the Lake, Manna from Heaven (of Moses); the list, quite literally, goes on and on and on! Often depicted flying earthward with a small white, shining disk in her beak she brings us a token from heaven. What is this gift that she brings and who is SHE? In truth, although many Christians remain unaware of it, even long before the advent of so-called Christianity, the White Dove of Peace has always been a symbol associated with the goddess, with ISIS, and with a baptismal cult. Baptismal practice has been around for thousands of years prior to the advent of the Jesus movement. Never the less, it is to be found throughout all Christendom and it is pervasive, in the extreme, in its representation of the Holy Spirit, also known as the Paraclete. In short Paraclete refers to the “One Who Intercedes,” or the one who begs pardon on our behalf, when we transgress the Law of Life; a “go between.” This Law of Life should not be confused with the laws of men nor with the laws of religious institutions, Judaic, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or otherwise. Most importantly perhaps, the White Dove of Peace is the symbol of the compassion and forgiveness of the Mother (the behavioral tendencies exclusive to those individuals that carry the sacred data of mt-DNA). The assignation of the White Dove of Peace as the primary symbol within Christian mysticism represents an attempt by the Sages of Light,61 along with other similar religious institutions, to harmonize the many divergent cults and belief systems that existed during the post crucifixion era. Remember that there was no single compiled set of written accounts regarding the lives of Mary Magdalene and Mar Yeshua (Jesus), there most certainly wasn’t a Bible per say. There were various compilations of the

Hebrew Torah, but there was no Bible as we think of it today. There was an Oral Tradition. What we now commonly refer to as the Kabbalah or Qabbalah, and an esoteric mystery school.62 There were, hundreds, if not thousands of rumors, tall tales and written accounts of various individuals’, but few or none of those written accounts survived the slash and burn campaigns of Saul of Tarsus, the antiChristian Roman Officials and later the Catholic Church and its Inquisitions. Except for the gallant efforts of a small inner circle of the Friends and Family of Mary Magdalene 61 http://SAGES-OF-LIGHT.COM 62 Hebrew ‫( קבָלה‬Israeli: Kabala) transliterated as Cabala, Kabbala, ָ ַ Qabalah; an oral tradition easily remembered through the use of a TAROT deck (which acted as a portable encyclopedia of ancient wisdom and alchemical procedures). Naturally the Catholic and other uneducated christian sects foolishly pronounced the TAROT as an instrument of evil, whereas it is a system of gematria (mathematical genius). ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) Part “A” 38 and Mar Yeshua, the truth and message of the original gospel might have been lost forever. The near successful destruction and annihilation of the early Jesus Movement is rarely considered outside the context of Judaic and Roman history, however, the events that occurred during the lifetimes of Mar Yeshua and Mary Magdalene were much more complex than these modern-day children’s stories of Moses and the Bible would has us believe. The events that came to pass, both during and prior to Mary Magdalene’s appearance in the Levant, involved many other significant players, in particular, the subjugated governments of Egypt, which included those descendents born of marriages between Egypt’s Royal House and General Ptolemy who was a commander in the army of Alexander the Great; a Dynasty whose extended family in Alexandria included numerous female descendants entitled to bear the name of Cleopatra63 (offspring from the campaigns of Alexander the Great). There were also the defending Parthian states at that time, which represent military mergers, leftover from Alexander’s campaigns, as well as the Nabataeans (or Arabs if you prefer), who were remnants of the ancient and magnificent Indus Valley and Taxilan civilizations. We must also consider the Royal mergers of the Babylonian regions and its influences (which had also been under the control of Alexander the Great and his generals).

In addition to all those, who came before Jesus and Mary Magdalene, there are those who came after and during their lifetime, and they must be recounted as well. Take for example: the so-called attempts at a harmonization of Christian 63 The Ptolemies ~ In 323 B.C. Alexander died leaving his generals to divide his empire. One of the generals, Ptolemy managed to retain control of Egypt. Around 305 B.C., taking the title of king he sired the dynasty now known as the Ptolemies. Thereafter Alexandria became the capital Egypt’s, where Ptolemy founded a magnificent library and museum. His rule later extended to include Judea (in the southern part of ancient Palestine), along with the island of Cyprus, and Cyrene, the Greek colony in northern Africa. Almost 300 years later, just 60~70 odd years before the birth of Mary Magdalene, Cleopatra became queen in 51 B.C. after her father’s demise (Ptolemy XII). Her 10-year-old brother, Ptolemy XIII, became her husband and co-ruler. Incest and marriage between siblings was a common practice in Egyptian royal families. In 48 B.C., young Ptolemy’s guardians seized power for him and drove Cleopatra from the throne. At that time, Julius Caesar, who came in pursuit of Pompey (the Roman general who was a principal rival in Caesar’s attempts to become the sovereign ruler of Rome), arrived in Alexandria. Cleopatra then attempted to persuade Caesar, with some success, to reinstate her as a sovereign Queen of Egypt, and later claimed to have birthed a son sired by Caesar. In 46 B.C., at Caesar’s invitation, she took both, Caesarian and Ptolemy XIV, to Rome where she remained until 44 B.C., when Roman aristocrats assassinated Caesar. Upon her return to Egypt, Cleopatra’s brother Ptolemy was killed, so that Caesarion would reign as Ptolemy XV. Thereafter, in 37 B.C., Cleopatra, correctly known as Cleopatra VII because she was the seventh Egyptian queen of Macedonian descent with that name, married Mark Antony, a co-ruler of Rome. Antony gave his sons and daughter by Cleopatra much of the land once ruled by Alexander the Great. The Romans later executed Caesarion, after the tragic death of his mother and Antony, because they assumed he would lay claim, as Caesar’s heir, to Rome’s empire. The death of Cleopatra and Caesarion terminated the overt rule of the Ptolemies dynasty. The various mystery schools that remained, both corrupt, ethical and otherwise, are worth considering, when any attempt is made to understand who and what Mary Magdalene was and who her ancestors

really were. William Hearth 39 Section 1 Chapter 4 and Egyptian Mystery schools, which followed in approximately 46 A.D. when a Serapic64 priest, reputedly named ORMESIUS or St. Ormus, was (according to biased reports) “converted” to Christianity at Alexandria by St. Mark. This was not, however, so much about the Egyptian schools accepting and incorporating the Christian concepts, or the reverse, as it was about the misguided and deluded priests in general on both sides having been set back upon the correct course; or a return to the roots and methods of The Way if you will. Also, let us consider the so-called early Christians who, after the period of the so-called crucifixion, were essentially divided into two exoteric (not esoteric) schools of thought, A and B respectively (and in turn, into hundreds of additional variations and subsets). Group~A a very small but correct-minded minority, included those individuals, who understood and believed in the essential, alchemical message of Mary Magdalene and Mar Yeshua (the alchemical wedding), a group more appropriately referred to as the Ebionites (rather than Christians). Then we have the other greater majority, Group B, being those individuals who were successfully deceived and subverted by Saul of Tarsus (Paul). Consider carefully this fellow Saul (that later styled himself Paul) who, after his cunning self-professed conversion, (wherein he had seen a vision!) consequently claimed to be appointed by Jesus himself to the Priesthood no less! He then named his own (Paul’s) newly convened following, after the Greek word Christos, hence today we have the Christians. Essentially, during Mary and Jesus’ absence, Paul had patiently and dramatically purloined leadership by simply insinuated himself into the inner circles of distant enclaves of the enormous following that Mary Magdalene and Mar Yeshua (Jesus) had worked so diligently over the span of many years to develop. That group is estimated by some historians to have surpassed in numbers [by tens of thousands] all those, who still attended Jehovah’s Temple (the Temple based on guilt-ridden, fearbound, blood-sacrifice-oriented superstition65). Thereby, Paul seduced a large following whereby he created Group B. James, the brother of Jesus, and others, were constantly at odds with Paul and his insidious efforts directed at subverting the early Ebionite

congregation. The Ebionites were aware of his scam, and didn’t succumb to the ruse, but the newly evangelized congregations who lived at great distances far away from the guidance of the core group ran like sheep to the slaughter, completely blind to Paul’s political scheming, those crowds having been quite naive where the intricate politics, which governed that critical period of history are concerned. Because the Ebionites baptized and forgave one another’s transgressions without demanding sacrifices and tithes (much to Herod and Paul’s dismay), absolution in essence, was free for the asking. So long as one made a sincere effort to follow The Way and return no more to the vulgar and ignorant superstitious 64 The name Serapis is likely a combination of Osiris and Apis, two well known gods of that period (and most probably created by Ptolemy I in an attempt to harmonize Greek gods with Egyptian gods) 65 Remember... that nasty god of the high-priest Aaron (YHWH) who, “is a jealous god” full of wrath, brimstone and threatening hellfire at every opportunity? No wonder a priesthood that healed and fed the poor, counseled love and compassion, and required no blood sacrifices at their altars became very popular over a very short period time. ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) Part “A” 40 methods (never again like dogs to their own vomit) that had enslaved them for the past few thousand years, they were free. Freedom was free! Just follow the The Way and respect the dharma. Makes sense doesn’t it? Thus, as literally thousands flocked to join this new cult of emancipation, (to Group A) , they flowed en masse away from the Judaic Temple, where moneylenders sold animals on credit to the impoverished masses at wickedly usurious interest rates. The people were leaving the old (usurious) ways of the Temple behind (in droves) and they were bringing their tithes and offerings and resources with them. Following that, a political conflict arose, which revolved largely around the fact that the Temple coffers and associated rivers of silver (blood-money: a sacrificial slush-fund) were rapidly drying up, alnog with the river of silver66 that eventually made its way to Rome (by way of the corrupt and decadent Herod family). Ultimately, when Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their core group were made to disappear perforce, all factions of their following were understandably confused at having lost their true and legitimate leadership to acts of genocidal butchery, (much of which had occurred thanks to Paul’s concerted efforts both before and after his so-called “conversion”).

Eventually the surviving groups in their near entirety, would fall prey to the insidious Saul of Tarsus (or Paul as he is referred to today). In their naivete they’d swallowed, hook, line and sinker, Paul’s completely revised and twisted version of the message of Mary Magdalene and Mar Yeshua, (the seeds of the antichrist had been sown and were quickly geminating). Whereas the other smaller (Ebionite) enclave made its way back to the great learning center of Alexandria in Egypt and to a mentor named Ormesius (reputedly a Serapic priest), the remainder of the following (Pistic~majority) were spoon-fed secondhand (and third-hand) half~truths and other scraps-of-wisdom “in the name of Jesus Christ,” by Paul (Saul) and all those other Pistics etc, whom he had duped into following him (all of whom subsequently remain in darkness unto this very day). circa: 46 AD~ It was in Egypt, where an underground Ebionite fellowship was reconvened and the “lost lambs” were reunited (harmonized) with other vegan mentors and advocates; many of whom were in turn forwarded to Mystery Schools that had long been established in the lands of Gaul and further still in the Western Isles: the now renown areas of Glastonbury Tor and the Isles near of Iona67 Others still were sent as far away as Tibet and the Japans: All well out of reach of the Roman Military-Industrial Complex. 300-400 years later their slightly confused descendents even made their appearance on the North American continents and were known as the Michigan Mound Builders.68 But 66 See FOREWORD to this book & its notes re: “silver shekels” and “Heord’s massive annual income.” 67 archaic strata of Iona among oldest on Earth, generally believed 1,500 million years old 68 see Appendix for Sumerian glyphs that were phonetically Japanese in origin. Also see :The Mystic Symbol: Mark of the Michigan Mound Builders by Hariette MertzThe Mystic Symbol describes thousands of inscribed tablets, found in Michigan. 10,000 ~ 30,000 artifacts of The Michigan Mound Builders have been discovered in North America. Mound burials have yielded evidence of a pre-Columbian culture. Controversy has rages because they were here before Columbus in1492 a fact that is strangely disturbing to our academics today. Nevertheless, the Michigan artifacts continue to surface in the state of Michigan even until today. Henriette Mertz championed the authenticity of these tablets, tools and weapons of these mysterious people. During World War II, Henriette Mertz worked as a code-breaker for the U.S. government’s cryptography department. She published several controversial books during the 1960s &‘70s, including Pale Ink, The Wine Dark Sea, and Atlantis. Mertz died in 1982, at the age of 73.

William Hearth 41 Section 1 Chapter 4 these groups (churches?) had more layers than a large onion, and only a few inner circle adepts knew the core truths and secret alchemy in the final days before being driven completely underground. The harmonization, as defined by the Therapeutae, had reputedly occurred in Egypt, when the so-called Secret Gospel of Mark was conceived in cooperation with one individual Magi, who as previously mentioned went by the title Ormesius. Thus, according to legend, Ormesius, later know as St. Ormus, was instrumental in the creation and governance of the, understandably secretive and clandestine, Society of ORMUS. But they too were eventually subverted and, in the large majority, inevitably led astray. The charlatans were mixed in like weeds among the wheat. The weeds became so numerous that the wheat was lost in obscurity. circa: 313~325 AD~ Thereafter, prior to the consensus reached at the Council of Nicea, which was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine at a time when he decided to adopt Christianity as the Religion of the Empire (although he never converted to Christianity himself), there were countless cults and religious orders, each claiming to be the singular source and means of access to the true God or Goddess of Heaven. It was at this meeting of bishops who had come from all parts of the Roman Empire (and beyond) that a vote was counted, as to whether or not women even had souls! They also determined which books should be incorporated into the heretofore nonexistent Christian Bible. Those bishops who assembled there were already more than a little compromised in that they were only allowed to attend if they had agreed well in advance to certain rules of order and concepts that Constantine and his associates had already “written in brass;” Brass that was to be sold off as “gold” to the unsuspecting masses for centuries to come. These many “Christian” groups and, otherwise veiled, cabals and covens (diocese) all vied for supremacy and dominance over the people of the land, as well as control over their rulers... all and everything associated with wealth, power and cash flow (tithes and taxation), etc. The art of ORMUS perforce remained veiled and esoteric. At this point our White Dove of Peace, poor dear, has a little metal band clamped around her ankle and her snow-white wings are somewhat sullied by the soot of chimneys that are filled with burning books and the ashes of ancient alchemical manuscripts. She chokes on the smoke of bones and seared flesh that smolder in vile places where public executions are

carried out to delighted howls of demented humans. Therefore, in stark contrast to these anti-christ activities, The Society of ORMUS along with its Secrets of the Alchemical Arts has cloaked itself and taken refuge in Arabic mystery schools, bidding farewell to the ever increasing number of antichrist communities. 300 years later (570-632 AD), those Arabic mystery schools still followed an oral (Kabbalistic) tradition: the Koran being written by others, and not as many errantly believe, by Muhammad himself. All or most of the Qur’an was apparently written down by Muhammad’s exoteric (not esoteric [inner circle]) followers while he was alive, but it was then, as it is now, primarily an account documenting an essentially oral teaching. The written compilation of the whole Qur’an in its present definite form was completed early after the death of Muhammad. Islam and the Koran soon went the way of Christianity and its “Bible,” both having had ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) Part “A” 42 their version of a “Paul” and a “fanatical male chauvinist following” who have conveniently forgotten the original message of peace and compassion. Meanwhile the knowing ones continued to long for a day when justice would be restored and women would once again walk the streets safely at night without fear and trepidation. Hadn’t they waited long enough? Perhaps one day the moneylender’s tables will once again be overturned and our white doves will be set free once more? * Lest we forget, we recall to mind once again, that the White Dove of Peace was once representative of a Goddess who brings the gifts of civilization to mankind, and perhaps more specifically to the Adamic Race. ISIS was and is a Goddess best known for her ability to heal and for the raising of one rather famous fellow, OSIRIS, from the dead. She is also known for her baptismal rites, wherein submersion into water was representative of the washing away of karmic stains from the soul of the applicant (again, an especially relevant bit of history, of which modern Christians today remain largely unaware). Her belief system revolved primarily around the core elements that were associated with the promotion, sustenance and preservation of Life Itself, to wit, Earth, Air, Solar-fire and Water. The same is indicative of John the Baptist’s true religious affections and political affiliations. Remember that John the Baptist was not a Christian. There were no Christians during the lifetime of John the Baptist. The term Christian came into use long after he was decapitated, when the naïve following of Saul of Tarsus later embraced what they had been erroneously led to believe were the

teachings of one Teacher whom we today call Jesus “the Christ”. Although the symbolic term “Christian” did not exist during the lifetime of John the Baptist, another symbol did exist and it was in use among almost all of the popular cults at that time, The White Dove of Peace. The White Dove of Peace carries the Manna of Heaven, Sophia or Wisdom of the Ages, and descends into the dark world of ignorance and suffering. This White Dove of Peace is associated with a long list of benevolent female characters, goddesses and other female rulers. There are as many names as there are cultures and languages, but they all have one issue in common and share the same basic precept that, “Forgiveness is the Way of the Divine.” The White Dove of Peace bespeaks a civilized sentiment and manner of behavior; this is the Way of the Mother, a compassionate and forgiving Matron who brings the gifts of wisdom along with the mannerisms of civilization to the Adamic race. The White Dove of Peace is representative of a code of conduct, of decent behavior and is directly linked to the DNA. DNA morphs and DNA mutates. Our decisions and associated behavior directly shapes the structure of our DNA and the memories that are encoded there for future reference. The very character of our offspring is determined by our own behavior and decisions. When we behave properly (or poorly), our DNA is affected. Over a very short period of time, our DNA morphs69 and mutates intelligently, preparing the seed 69 morph verb ~ change or cause to change by small gradual steps, smoothly from one architectural consideration to another William Hearth 43 Section 1 Chapter 4 for future generations. This is truly a miraculous process. Our experiences, being the direct results of our decisions and actions are encoded into our sperm and ovaries. This data in turn is carried forward to our offspring, who in turn do the same. Occasionally, a culture might

become misinformed and thereby develop superstitious beliefs and behavior patterns that are unhealthy. Although the negative side-effects of the behavior may not become noticeable for several generations, the DNA nonetheless continues to record the patterns and results. After a period of time the DNA makes changes to the brains, minds, hormonal balances and bodies of those individuals who unwittingly participate in that unhealthy behavior. Receptors in our brains are created and/or removed. Mood causes alterations of the DNA code itself; and in turn our DNA is altered “on the fly” (instantly). In time an entire ethnic culture may become seriously deformed as a result of their superstitious behavior patterns, in that the DNA is dependent on the brains and minds that it builds to gather sustenance and information about the environments that it inhabits. In effect, our bodies and brains are bionic machines created by DNA to act as information gathering equipment, as well as transportation vehicles and as energy harvesting and processing devices. Think about it for a moment. The DNA carries all the data that we need to form our bodies, our brains, as well as our skeletal and muscular systems; it carries a fantastic amount of other vital statistics and memories along with other information critical to our survival such as reflexes and instincts! It tells us how to keep time and maintain a constant body temperature that is universal to the entire human race! Did you ever pause to wonder, by what method does the human body keep time? Where is that clock located? How do the heart and lungs maintain that perfect rhythmic harmony, which results in what we call life? (We take an awful lot for granted on a daily basis don’t we?) DNA lives in cooperation with mitochondria. They enjoy a symbiotic relationship. The mitochondria provide our vehicles with a power supply technology and the DNA provides us with the blueprints for the construction of so many useful organs, navigation equipment, memory storage and recall capacity, as well as repair and regeneration capabilities. Most importantly DNA allows us to have feelings; and these feelings of pleasure/pain, happy/sadness and joyful/sorrow represent the primary binary survival mechanism with which we make decisions and learn to change and evolve. The general idea of course is to avoid crashing into other objects or vehicles, while we search for and consume items that we need to assist the mitochondria in its efforts at energy conversion. Ultimately we search

for joy, pleasure, happiness, fun and generally that overall good feeling. Enter another creature. It has no arms or legs to speak of and it has “crawled” on its belly during its entire existence for countless eons. It is destined to live a life without ever being able to manipulate its environment like most other creatures it encounters. It is ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) Part “A” 44 extremely destructive for the most part in that it has to kill its neighbors in order to survive. It is similar to DNA in that is has a spiral structure. It attempts to mimic DNA but it cannot. It doesn’t have the knowledge and power to reproduce itself without killing its neighbors and cannot exist on its own. Most of you are probably thinking of a snake right about now because throughout human history it has been compared symbolically to a snake. But it is far more deadly than a snake however and much more insidious. Did you guess what it is? Some people mistakenly refer to it as Beelzebub or the Devil. It is all but invisible to the naked eye. Can you guess what it is? It is the virus and its slave-partner: mucoid plaque. Virus has been a source of pain and suffering for the human race since times immemorial. Even today we wrestle with its ill effects on a daily basis and it usually outsmarts all of us. It has killed and crippled millions and caused horrendous pain to almost everyone alive at one time or another during their lifetime. Virus has stolen our vehicles. It hijacks our body and takes control of our senses, our desire body, and eventually commandeers our logical thought process to the extent that we lose our very own will to the will of virus. If left unchecked it will take over. Do you think this example is a bit to extreme? You had better think again. Virus is much more intelligent than you can possibly imagine. It masquerades as DNA. It takes over the architectural activities of DNA. It sends false signals and redirects proteins, the builders of the body. Cancer and HIV are born. Do you think you can stop them with so-called “modern” medicine? Reconsider! Did you know that the HIV-AIDS virus is quite capable of capturing dead bacteria in your blood stream? It has little “arms” that grab the dead bacteria as it’s passing by, and it studies the DNA of the bacteria, compares it to your immune system and your DNA. It (virus) then makes adjustments to itself so that it won’t die by the same method as the bacteria it has just captured, studied and discarded like yesterday’s news. Virus is smart, clever and capable. It lives in you and preys upon your

ignorance even as you read these very words. HIV & Herpes formed a new kind of virus by sharing data in the early seventies, but you never knew it did you? It didn’t bleed so it didn’t lead the headlines. It just keeps on goin’. “An’ der ain’t notin’ you kin do ‘bout it!” it quips sheepishly in a condescending New York accent, as you consider in vain how to remove them from your bodily tissues. This is where the White Dove of Peace and Her Wisdom (or Manna) comes into play~ After so many generations of living in ignorance,70 the DNA mutates and becomes decrepit, leaving both itself and the bodies that it built, vulnerable to the devices of its arch rival VIRUS. As mentioned previously, when people do not behave properly, the DNA mutates. When people eat junk food, filled with artificial flavors and fragrances, their DNA mutates. When people sit in chairs, looking at computer screens, in buildings lit with artificial lights for 50-60% of their waking daylight hours, and then watch television for the remaining 15-30% 70 Note* the use of the word ignorance as opposed to sin! William Hearth 45 Section 1 Chapter 4 of their waking hours, all the while surrounded by white noise, breathing pollution from factories and cars, their DNA quite literally mutates! We can all stop worrying about the aliens arriving, because we have become aliens. But these are all just tremendously advanced disturbances, which are the results of our abject failure to listen to and obey the Laws of Life. Although we may be correct in assuming that we are much further from the truth than those who lived during the life and times of Mary Magdalene, Hope yet remains for those of us who will turn back and seek our deepest roots, unlearn our learning and “…walk the path of the Great Spirit,” as the Hopi Indians might say. The sad thing though, is that we have been living in ignorance of the Law of Life for so many generations. We aren’t talking about a few thousand years. The human race has been unwittingly wallowing in the “vice of virus” for eons. So what is The White Dove of Peace exactly and what is this “Sophia” or “Bread of Heaven” that she brings from heaven only to the faithful? And

to whom, or to what must we be faithful, in order that we receive the benefits and blessings? In order to understand how the Manna works, you must first understand how the virus works. But don’t worry; we aren’t going to bore-you-to-tears with medical phrases and Latin terms. You don’t need to know how all the gears of the watch are assembled on the inside of the clock casing, in order to know what time it is. However, you will need to understand how to decode the mysterious meaning of the two little hands that point at the base-twelve numbers. Rest assured, at this juncture, that the only thing we will attempt to do is to decode the face of the clock and to understand in no uncertain terms just, exactly, what time it is. We will explain in Part B of this series how the clock works. We will try to help you understand how to read the universal clock and how to decode the sacred message that is embedded in your own DNA, (look within and hear) a message that was encoded into your DNA several hundred thousand years ago. This inward looking process bespeaks the beginning of our complete metamorphosis as a species. Be forewarned however, as it has been written in your DNA (your own personal, custom-tailored Book of Life) that it is not sufficient to simply make inquiries and to merely know the theories and history of theories of enlightenment; for gnosis alone will not transport you into the Land of The Blessed. You must choose the path of Dharma- The Path of Right Action, (and we do NOT refer here to the modern and corrupted Hindu/Buddhist theory of reincarnation, which is one of those half-truths that we carefully avoid!). If we’re trying to understand where we‘re supposed to be going as a species, we must first learn how to look within. “By the fruits of their labor (in heart, mind and body) ye shall know them!” *A note on where we’re coming from- i.e. we have lost our way and we are off the path. How do we return to the path? Buddha is known to have come from the western reaches of Nepal, near to what we now refer to, in modern geographical terms, as northern Pakistan, near Kashmir, where we find the sources of the Hunza River, The Darya River, The Indus River, The Ganges River and the ancient remains of the Sarasvati. River. The Sarasvati River (whence we derive the name Sarah~ Princess: as in ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) Part “A” 46 Abraham and Sarah) also had its source there.71 These rivers, and principally the Hunza River, were the source of longevity and livelihood of, what’s left of, the gentle and magnificent Hunza People.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, the Prince, Siddhartha, later know as the Gaotama Buddha and founder of Buddhism, was originally depicted as a blue-eyed, man with Aryan features and was not of Chinese origins. He was more likely genetically akin to the Great Indra, who ate the SOMA. The SOMA was a kind of rock or metallic substance. INDRA72 was a man who “held lightning bolts in his hand” (like Odin and Thor of Scandinavian fame, or Zeus of the Greeks). Legends tell us that the Hunza people used dried apricots and apricot seed as their primary form of currency. It was their staple food, like rice is the staple to most Asian people, as wheat is the staple for Europeans and as corn was to Native American Indians. Only women were allowed to actually own apricot trees, and a consensus among female elders was required when a young man wished to betroth a Hunza girl.He had to prove that he was favored among a sufficient number of women, as he could not marry unless he was able to offer a reasonable number of apricot trees to his beloved bride-to-be (in effect, an orchard whose annual yield would be sufficient to sustain the new family). Since men could not own the trees, the women passed the trees “down”, through him, to the bride-to-be, which represented their approval and consent to the wedding. The bridegroom became the STEWARD of the land and its trees and its people. Land was not owned by people. The people belonged to the land, much like the Native American Indians (if not the same). Today the Hunza people along with their Way of Life are quite literally an “endangered species,” much like their counterparts in the Levant, who formed the basis of the early Ebionite Church; what we call in this discourse, 71 see also “Serapis” as in Serapic Priests; in the Mystery Schools of Alexandria, Serapis was represented as a serpentine (En.Ki) god of Healing. The Greeks called him Aesculapius, and later Asklepios. In Egypt, Asklepius was Imouthis, or I-m-Hetep, son of Ptah and Sekhet, a component of the Memphis triad. To Phoenicians Asklepios, was Eshmun, wise in the Way of Taaut, also known as Thoth. In the Hermetica, Hermes Trismegistus was Asclepius’ teacher. Agathodaimon and Hermes are the two primary prophets in the Sabians of Harran, . Agathodaimon as Hermes’ teacher, parallel to Seth & Enoch. Ormus is said to have been a Seraphic priest when Saint Mark made his appearance. The Egyptian Mysteries & Ebionite practices merged, harmonizing the two, thereby establishing a peripheral (initiate level) school of so-called Solomonic Wisdom, thus perpetuating the Rose-Croix (inner war or Jihad of selfsacrifice: process of conqoring the beast within). 72 INDRA- learns how to pursue spiritual wisdom while still fulfilling his kingly duties (Tantric methodology: warrior/monk/king: a Malkuth-zadok [Melchizedek~Priest-King]). Indra is attested a god of the Mitanni. Mitanni (Hittite cuneiform KUR URUMi-ta-an-ni, also Mittani Mi-it-ta-ni) or

Hanigalbat (Assyrian Hanigalbat, Khanigalbat cuneiform Ḫa-ni-gal-bat ) was a Hurrian kingdom in northern Mesopotamia from ca. 1500 BC. At the height of its power, during the 14th century BC, encompassing what is today southeastern Turkey, northern Syria and northern Iraq (roughly corresponding to Kurdistan), centered around the capital Washukanni whose precise location has not yet been determined by archaeologists. (Generally north of the area now known as Damascus, east of Tarsus and north east of the biblical Galilee etc.) The Mitanni kingdom believed to have been a feudal state led by warrior nobility of Indo-Aryan descent who invaded the Levant region at some point during the 17th century BC. INDRA of the Vedic~ The Vedas (Sanskrit véda “knowledge”) are a large corpus of texts originating in Ancient India which form the oldest portion of Sanskrit literature & the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. According to Hindu tradition, the Vedas are Apaurusheyatva “not human compositions”, supposedly having been directly revealed, and thus are called Sruti (“what is heard” Kaballistic?). Vedic mantras are recited as sacred sounds designed to activate the subtle nervous system. William Hearth 47 Section 1 Chapter 4 the Jesus Movement (and what most people erroneously refer to as the early Christian church). Both are vegetarian societies that have been wiped-out by war, superstitious ignorance, ignorant political campaigns and religious prejudice. The Hunza are a persecuted society, just as the Ebionites were during the first few generations after the emergence of the Jesus Movement (also known as the Ebionite community or Therapeutae). The earlier Mandaean followers of John-the-Baptist and later, the Manichean movement, along with their ancestors, reaching all the way back to and beyond Abraham (a name stemming from the Sanskrit referring to “father of Brahmin73” or “great grand father”) and Sarah (a title meaning princess- as in SaraSvati) are a remnant that barely survive in remote areas of Iraq and Iran. What remains of their people and culture, which is next to nothing, is a ragtag band of refugees. They are such a small minority that their plight doesn’t make the news and so they are passing into the halls of history virtually unnoticed by the global village. As self-effacing pacifists and vegetarians, they do not rattle sabers and beat the drums of revolution. Let’s not forget these people. From now on, when you think of early Christians, remember the Hunza and think vegetarian; remember please the Ebionites and recall to mind those noble personages whose migration began in the Hunza Valley long before the birth of Abraham~ A people who traveled down the Hunza River, towards what we call, the “Cradle of

Civilization,” where the Indus Valley Culture flourished. Eventually they crossed the Straits of Ormuz (Hormuz), near a place where a great Neolithic city now lies submerged under the sea74 and made their way along the Oman/Yemen coast, where the frankincense trees flourish, and onward towards the to the Levant, bringing with them the knowledge of the SOMA, and the man known as the Melchizedek75 (Malcuth, Malkuth, or Malkus Zadok~ kingly priest). Remember too that ABRAHAM76 (father of Brahmins) struck a deal with the 73 Etymology ~ from the Latin Bracmanus, from the Greek Brachman, from Sanskrit... br-Uhma-a ...of the Brahman caste: from brahman meaning ~of the highest caste assigned by tradition to the priesthood 74 Ruins of a civilization carbon dated at around 7500 BCE discovered in January 2002 are there for all to see, 160 feet below the surface of the ocean. Imagine! A city that is 9,500 years old, one that parallels (or is older than) the Sumerian civilization by several thousand years; older than the Egyptian civilization; older than the Chinese civilization. This will naturally affect our present understanding of the development of urban civilization on this earth tremendously, and necessitation of a complete rethink in so far as archeology is concerned! February 16, 2002 Surat, India - in midJanuary, marine scientists in India announced they had sonar images of square and rectangular shapes about 130 feet down off the northwestern coast of India in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay). According to the news releases, they have done a radiocarbon testing on a piece of wood from the underwater site that is now yielding an age of 9,500 years which would place it near the end of the last Ice Age. 75 Melchizedek was a title, the title of a master craftsman and alchemist of biblical legend, one who possessed secret, mystical and magical powers. It was also the title of Abraham’s teacher. 76 “Northern Afghanistan was called Uttara Kuru and was a great center of learning. An Indian woman went there to study and received the title of Vak, i.e. SaraSvati or Saraisvati (Lady Sarah). It is believed that Brahm (Abraham), her teacher (and half brother), was so impressed by her beauty, education, and powerful intellect, that he married her.” (The Hindu History; p. 48, in passim.) A holy society in Southern Afghanistan gave birth to a diaspora of similar communities which ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) Part “A” 48

Melchizedek upon entering the Levant. The knowledge that they shared later became incorrectly known as King Solomon’s Key or The Solomon Key (and it is also referred to in recent works by Dan Brown and Lawrence Gardner). The reason for this misnomer is detailed in the three-part volume, ~ORMUS ‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene~ by William Hearth. *FINAL NOTE [to Chapter 3] Briefly, contrary to recent conjecture, Hiram H’Abif was NOT an invention of the “Modern” Masonic Lodge. Hiram was the King of Tyre. His name in so far as King Solomon was concerned was Hiram Haviv (stemming from Habibi or beloved, as in beloved spiritual brother, more at cousin). Habibi was later mispronounced as H’Abif and later Abiff. When the King of Tyre (Hiram), upon completion of The Great Temple in UrSalem, accepts “bread for my (Hiram’s) family” as payment from King Solomon, he is NOT negotiating from a position of weakness, nor is he in an inferior or subordinate position to Solomon; he is the equal (or even Superior) who yet remains humble and “shows favor” to Solomon by giving him (Solomon) an easy way to say, “thank you” to his mentor (Hiram). When the King of Tyre (who was one of THE master craftsmen in his day) says that Solomon should “make bread for my family,” he includes Solomon and all their cousins and relatives collectively speaking. The King of Tyre and King Solomon were cousins, genetically enjoined by noble marriage, generations earlier, as were the kings and queens of Egypt, Babylon, Nepal and India before them. “Make bread for my family” is more correctly interpreted as meaning, “Take care of our Great Seafaring Nation my brother!” And where did this “manna” or “bread” come from that fed Moses and the family of Hiram Ha’viv (Hiram Abif= Haviv= Habibi)? Was this “manna” the SOMA ~ which The White Dove of Peace brings (to us) from heaven; Was this “manna” the SOMA, which was stored in the Temple of Hathor long before the days and generations of Moses? Mary Magdalene knew all about it, as did her Beloved Friend and companion. If you persevere, then so shall you. “And ye shall be greater than I.”spread around the world: including the Asian, African, European continents and spread even as far as, what we today call, the Americas. Linguistic evidence of Brahm’s presence in throughout the world evident: In the Persian: Braghman (Holy); In the Latin: Bragmani (Holy); In the Russian: Rachmany (Holy); In the Ukranian Rachmanya (Priest; Holy); In the Hebrew: Ram (Supreme Leader). The mystic syllable AUM is a sacred word among the Hindus and is representative of the earth, sky, and heaven, the Triple Universe. It is also

one of the names of Brahm. The Aztecs also chanted the syllable AUM recalling the dual principal of all creation: OMeticuhlti (Male Principle) and OMelcihuatl (Female Principle). The Mayan priestly caste was called Balam or Baal-Am (pronounced B’lahm). There was no “R” consonant in Mayan, but if there had been the word might have been sounded out as Brahm. The Peruvian Incas worshiped the sun as Inti Raymi (Ram). “Names that derive from Rama are pervasive in Native-American cultures, particularly among those tribes that extend from the American Southwest, through Mexico and beyond Peru. Compare the Durga religious ceremonies to those of the aforementioned cultures. The Tarahumara Indians of Chihuahua are an ideal example. Their real name is Ra-Ram-Uri. As in Sumeria and Northern India, the Ra-Ram-Uri “Uri” = “People.” Because the Spanish “R” is trilled, this “Uri” could also be Udi or Yuddhi, the Sanskrit name for “Warrior; Conqueror.” Many Mexican tribes mention that a foreign race of Yuri once invaded their part of the world. Many other astonishing Kashmiri/Sanskrit correspondences appear in the Ra-Ram-Uri language. Their relation to ancient Phoenicia, Sumeria, and Northern India is beyond question.” Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A. discusses this issue extensively and we strongly recommend that the reader research the article entitled “Who Was Abraham?” by Gene D. Matlock. William Hearth 49 chapter five ~ maryam the migdal-eder’s objective “Natural Order vs The Invisible God” The best-kept secret of course is a secret that is hidden right under your nose; it was there all along but you just don’t notice it. The primary message of this book is this, “There is a secret code concealed right under your nose. It is concealed in every cell of your body, and within the very cells of your nose! Not only is it under your nose, it is in your nose and it built your nose. It resides in every cell of your body and it built your body. It constantly rebuilds your body as well. All the answers to all the great questions are right there, encoded into you DNA. This method, this secret alchemy, which allows the Living Word, the code, to be read and in turn be written into your Book of Life and into your Personal Temple (your body) will work for anyone, regardless of your race, religion, nationality, skin color or gender. The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene and her Beloved Family of Friends is based on a universal, heavenly code of justice. If you decide, of your own free will, to perform the alchemical process, it will work for you, if you are willing to keep the faith, to fight the good fight77 and stay the course.” © Copyright William Hearth- Excerpts may be reprinted so long as the full

title and author's name is included at the beginning or end of the quotation: "ORMUS‡ The Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene ~ Revealed (Part “A”) ~ William Hearth"

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