Herget James Carol 1989 Haiti

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Dear Frien d s ,   I f we


love one

God a b i d e s

in us..




answer t o e ve r yone ' s problems. D a v id w as o u t c a l l i n g w i t h a c h u r c h b r o t h e r a n d a f t e r i n v i t i n g a ma n t o s e r v iic c es on S u n d a y , The c h u r c h t h e m an r e p l i e d t h a t h e w o u l d c o m e b u t h e h a d n o s h o e s . b r o t h e r o f f e r e d h i s s h o e s s e e i n g t h a t t h e ma n w as s i n c e r e . T h e ma n Love i s

th e r e a l

a c c e p t e d an d t h e c h u r c h b r o t h e r w a l k e d b a c k t o h i s home tw o a n d a h a l f miles barefooted. Su n d a y m o r n i n g f o u n d b o t h me n i n s e r v i c e . . . t h e c h u r c h

b r o t h e r w i t h an o ld p a i r


t he

h a p p ie ie s t ?


  sn t

shoes and th e happy v i s i t o r . love a b e a u t i fu l thing

O r,

wh o wa s

1 9 8 9 h a s a l r e a d y shown g o o d p r o g r e s s f o r C h r i s t i a n v i l l e . T he Ey e C l i n i c r o o f i s f i n i s h e d , p l u m b i n g i s i n ( t h a n k s t o O t i s P a l m e r fro m I n d i a n a p o l i s ) e l e c t r i c a l w o rk i n t h i s

week w i t h Nick J o h n s o n r e t u r n i n g

O hio, and w a l l s a r e r e a d y f o r p l a s t e r i n g . i n l a t e May,

f r om M c D e r m o t t ,

A n o t h e r e y e t e a m p l a n s t o come

BE OUTR OUTREA EACH CH 5 ? A tw o week e v a n g e l i s t i c m e e t i n g i s i n p r o g r e s s a t   B r u s h , a ne w a r e a w her e t h e p e o p l e ha ve a s k e d u s t o come a n d h e l p .


Crowds have been good an d of




a n e x c e l l e n t n ew c h u r c h s p o t .

A ll

our outr e a c he s have developed

teaching and p r e a c h i n g .

fro m r e q u e s t s fro m p e o p l e s e e k i n g Bib l® I s n' t this great

A r e c e n t t w o - d a y Y out h R e t r e a t h a d o v e r 2 00 i n a t t e n d a n c e .   t w as a g r e a t gathering here a t Chris tia nville , T h r e e m or e o f o u r o l d e r s c h o o l s t u d e n t s h a v e b e c o m e C h r i s t i a n s a n d t h e t o t a l S u n d a y S c h o o l a t t e n d a n c e f o r al l o f th e C h r i s t i a n v i l l e o u t r e a c h e s i s w e l l o v e r an a ve r a ge o f 1000. Go d h a s

FL .

u s w i t h w o rk rk er s s.. Dick and V i r g i n i a Gibbons fo r 3 months wh i l e Sandy i s having a f ur lough.


are here

f r om O r l a n d o , They have

O tis and Jean Palmer, c l i n i c and r e p a i n t e d . , , 2 g r e a t jo b s. a l s o h e r e f o r 3 m on o n t h s , h a v e made a g r e a t t e a m . T h is i s t h e i r 5 th t r i p .   t i s Gibbons 4 th t r i p . S t u a r t K e ll l l y c on o n ti ti n nu u es es t o be a b l e s s i n g on th e farm. He h a s b e e n a h a r d w o r k e r o v e r t h e p a s t 4 y e a r s   g o o d m e a t a n d e g g s reorganized th e

have continued to

flow i n t o th e

school kitc he ns.

An d c a n y o u g u e s s ho w

b l e s s e d we a r e t o h a v e Wayne B lla ac k d o oii n g a s u p e r j o b a t m e c h a n i c s o n a l l our vehicles? H i s w i f e J u d y s u p e r v i se se s t h e s c h o o l k i t c h e n s . They a r e


doing very well in t h e i r f i r s t year f u l l time with C h r i s t i a n v i l l e .

Sam h a s e n j o y e d a s w e l l a s a p p r e c i a t e d t h e work t e a m s .


are a l l thank

f u l f o r them a n d w i l l m i s s them when t h e i r t i m e is u p . How g l a d we a r e when t h e y k e e p r e t u r n i n g . Now we l o o k f o r w a r d to t h e May a n d J u n e t e a m s .

YOU. Y our b e a u t i f u l g i f t s o f l o v e , p r a y e r s a n d f u n d s h a v e a l l God h a s b l e s s e d u s been so n e e d e d . . . a n d they a re de e ply a p p r e c i a t e d . w ith your h e l p an d t h e p r o g r e ss i s t r u l y en co u r ag in g . Please take time t o p r a y e r f u l l y r e a d t h e a tt t t a ch ch e ed d s he h e et e t on o u r work a t C i t e S o l i e l .



God b l e s s yo u a l l . them wi t h u s .

please fe el free to share

I f yo u h av e p r a y e r n e e d s ,

We w i l l




prayers. In

T h e fruit o f o u r l a b o r is s w e e t




Wlieel Cliaii-192< s

Christianville Fo u n d a t i o n Inc. P O

8 40SA

Box 4157

South Day Dayton tona, a, FL 3212 321211-41 4157 57 A D D R E S S C O R R E C TI T I O N R E Q U E S TE TE D



Bri ring ngin ing g Chri Christ st s Love ove to Haiti Haiti ®




noxville T N


w^ou Tout 5e i ofj n

1 9 8 9 F i r s t A n n ua ua l C o n nv ve en n ttii on on  


C h ri st i a n v i l l e C h u r c h e s

A f f A r e Otve



Th e Christianville EVANGEL

K   W eA l l   r e O n e by Way WayneHerg neHergel el

for for unit unity.In y.In the the fi fina nall mo mome ment ntss bef before ore the the cr cros oss, s, whil wh ilee inthe gard garden en,, he pray prayed ed for for unit unity;fo y;forr this this,, he said, was the m eeaa su su r e by whi ch th e world

To saythat the co conv nven enti tion on was a success doesnot adequately describe our ourel elat atio ion. n. The attendance and the spirit that built to the

wouldview Christianity. The wouldviewChristianity. The churc churche hess are un unite ited, d, and what a testimony to th e surrounding neighborhood We be beli lieve eve in th thee fello ellows wshi hip p of th thee be belie lieve vers rs.. We also also belie believe ve that much much ca can n be accom accompli plish shed ed by th thee fellowship of beli believ ever erss ra rath ther er th than an th thee in inde depe pend nden ence ce thereot thereot The motivation produced by th thiis mee meetin ting is no nott easily me meas asur ured ed in th thee indiv iviidual ual co cong ngre rega gati tion ons, s, bu butt we ca can n see see it by t h e r e f r e s h e d z ea e a l w i tth h in in t h he e m . T w o to t h r e e

week eeks afte afterr the even event, t, we we were re stil illl receiv eiving

clima climact ctic ic Saturday evening ses sessio sion, n, followed sre requ for copi es of th theeenti su supp pple ment song hques e et eests t utssefo d r fco or pies th e conv conven tio on.leme Agntal aial n, so thng is by the admonition of Sunday morning s shows t h e e x c i t e m e n t r e k i n d l e d i n t h e c h u r c h e s . celebrati cele bration on inworsh in worshipand ipand praise praise is testimony testimony W e All A r e One O u r theme was to the power of God wor worki king ng in th thee lives of co conc nclu lude ded d by th thee though thoughtt from from Ephes Ephesian ianss 4:6 :6,, peop people le in Ha Hait iti. i. whi hichwa chwass exp expre ress ssed ed to le lett God be al alll in all ll.. It Al l o f t h e Christianville churches w e re

well represented, including the outpost station

at Mareshal an d th e nucleus at Brache. T h e

con convent ventio ion n open opened ed wi with th a main se sess ssiion on Friday evening followed by workshops during daylight hours. Saturday evening, a contemporary Christian music group,  Credo , di dire rect cted ed by Gera Gerard rd Eust Eustac ache he,, orch orches estr trat ated ed the special music and the ac acco comp mpan anim imen entt. It wass 9:30p. wa 9:30p.m. m.,, an and d the the peop people le had had not not ea eate ten, n, yet they werenot ready for the ce cele lebr brat atio ion n to

is only th r ou gh G o d that evangelism ca n su succe ccess ssfu fullyinfluen llyinfluence ce th thee li live vess o f ind indivi ividual dualss to make ake the sor sortt of last asting co comm mmit itme ment nt that that will not not ch chan ange ge as the the mi mini nist ster er or mi miss ssio iona narymo rymove vess on to othe otherr callings. In the faceof that fr frus ustr trat atio ion, n, we ar e stil stilll tryi trying ng to buil build. d. Continue to pray pray wi with th us t h a t

G od

will u se e v e n


weaknes s es to

His chu church rch.. strengthen His

en end. d. There wa wass st stan andi ding ng ro room om only only (o (out utsi side de)) crowds both Saturday night and Sunday morning.

Rejoic Rej oicewithus,not ewithus,not merelyl merelylor or thesucce thesuccess ss

of th e convention, bu t for th e greater picture

it repres represent ents. s. Christ Christ's 's mos mostt fer ferven ventt prayerwas prayerwas


O n t he he



TheSaturd TheSat urday ay evenin eveningse gsessi ssionat onat the '89 Conventio Conv ention; n; Credo perf performing. orming.

Robinson an d Ch Chris risio ioph phe, e, a Ti TiCo Cous usin in Chu Church rch le lead ader er,, le lead adin ing g a so song ng se serv rvic icee duri during ng th thee main se sess ssio ion. n.


T h e Christianville

Accompanimeni fo r the the song serv servic icee ai the the con conven ventio tion n - no nott west wester ern, n, bu butt de defl flni nite tefyem fyemit itti tingpraise ngpraise

Conven Con ventio tion n Worksho Workshops ps by Jerome Prinston

The con conven ventio tion n gather gathered ed the people people not onlyfor onlyfor a time time of spirit spiritual ual renewa renewall and fell fellow owsh ship ip,, but  lso for for a ti time me of grea greatt learning th thro roug ugh h th thee various workshops th that at were were organized. Altogether Altogeth er we had had eigh eightt work worksh shop op sess sessio ions ns,, al alll le lead ad byChr byChris isti tian anvi vill llee staf stafff lead leader ers: s: Hist Histor ory y of th thee Restor Restorati ation on Mo Move vemen mentt Christ Chr istian ian Doctri Doctrine: ne: Regeneration Regeneration The Hist istory of the Ch Chri rist stia ian n Chur Church ch in Haiti The Chu Church rch in Ac Acti tion on:: Mi Miss ssio ion n an and d Mini Minist strry Mini Mi nist stry ry and and Comm Commit itme ment nt Coun Counse seli ling ng with with th thee Youth Mini Minist stry ry an and d Commitme Commitment nt Counse Counselin ling g wi with th th thee Ladies Ladies

Mi Mini nist stry ry and and Commitmen Commitmentt Cou Counse nseli ling ng wi with th th e Me n Mini Mi nist stry ry Co Coun unse seli ling ng with with Acti Active ve Leader Leaderss in th thee Church Church All th thes esee work worksh shop op subj subjec ects ts were were prepa prepare red d and and deli delive vere red d ar arou ound nd th thee conv conven enti tion on th them eme, e,

  We Are Are AllOne AllOne . Th Thee peop people le le lear arne ned d wh what at itisto be a co comm mmun unit ity,an y,and d how how toprese topreserv rvee li lifean feand d occa occasi siongro ongrowt wth h in th that at co comm mmu unity. ty. They They haveexp haveexper erie ienc nced ed the the jo joy y an and d th thee hope hope of bein being g part part of th thee  ommunity that m kes usonewithyouand  ll Chr Chris istia tians ns everyw everywher heree under the Lords Lordship hip of

Jesus Christ.

Christianville Church


Quarterl Quar terly y Ch Chur urch ch Report Average Attendance Sunday Sund ay Morning Morning


LaSalle, LaSa lle, Christianv Christianville ille






Petit Boucan   Mountain








2 -






Th e Christianville





.( S

J nW

le a ac c h in i n g T he h e m t o Read


by Christine Christine He Herg rgei ei program, there is an ob obvi viou ouss difference in th e

spirit spir itual ual rea realm lm After the initial years of teaching

witn tness essin ing, g, ma many ny Chr Christ istian ianvil ville le students an d wi


have be c om e Christians. In Christianville s first

school, located at th e LaSalle location, 46


the the stu stude dents nts in the the three three high highes estt clas classe sess have have become Christians a n nd d a re re activ activee in th e church.

From a vis isiitor s initial en entr try y into the Port Port au Pri rinc ncee ai airp rpor ort, t, to th thee ov over ercr crow owde ded d str street eetss of the city of P o rt au Prince, and on to the outly outlyingareas ingareas of Haiti Haiti s countr countrysi yside, de, the need need fo forr benevo benevolent lent work work crie criess ou t so lo loud udly ly that that it is un und den enia iabl ble. e. How ca can n so manypeopl nypeoplee be in need need?? Ho How w ca can n th theybe eybe help helped ed?? What What prog progra ram m woul wo uld d be bene nefi fitt a la larg rgee part part o f the communit community? y? Ofte Often, n, th thee an answ swer erss to thcvse que questio stions ns are fou found nd in prov provid idin ing g educationalassista educationalassistanc ncee and physical ai d .

Witho ut ut question a large d en en t has b ee een in area benevol bene volent ent wor work k through thr ough made th e of the school school progra program m at Ch Chri rist stia ianv nvil ille le.. The result resultss have been qui quite te evi evident dent over the years ars. But, se seeen thr throu oug gh th thee Ch Chri rist stia ian n s eye yes, s, is th this is the the primar} n ee d with which we are to be Th e sp concerned? spir irit itua ual in indi genc ncc c on is ju just as stro st rong ngly ly evid eviden entt throug thr ough h lth the edige re rell llcc ccii iion ofstth the e Chri Ch rist stiian s ey eyes es as th thee physical wx^uld he to

Due to their their readin reading g and com compre prehe hensi nsion on skills co coup uple led d wi with th a desi desire re to ser serve Chri Christ st,, seve severa rall of th thee 46 are are st stro rong ng growing le lead ader erss in th thee church. A t t h e TiCousin school, th e most recent rec ently ly esta establi blished shed after LaS LaSall alle, e, severa severall of

the older st stu udents have given their lives to

Christ Th Thee process is co cont ntiinui nuing. ng. In the the pa past st t h r e e m ont hs , f o u r s t u d en en t s from LaSalle an d

se sev ven fr fro om Tico Ticous usiin hav avee bee een n bap apti tizzed at th thei eirr re resp spec ecti tive ve ch chur urch ches es.. As the pro rogr gram am conr conrin inue uess at Ti TiBo Bouc ucan an (Mo (Mount untain ain)) and and Jean Jean-Je Jean an,, and the the ch chil ild dren rea each ch an age an and d leve levell of mat atur urit ity y to make a decisi ision, ev evid iden ence ce has shownthat sho wnthat chance chancess are ma many ny will tbllow Christ. Teaching children in Haiti to read will aff ffor ord d th theem wi with th oppor opportun tuniti ities es that that wil illl la last st a li life feti time me.. Teachi Teaching ng them of Chri Christ st an and d Hi Hiss lo love ve will provi provide de each with anopportunitythat will endure for eternity. Thank Thankful fully, ly, Chr Christi istianv anville ille s

sc sch hool ool pro program ram pres presen ents ts the the oppo opport rtun unit ity y to do both.

a n o t h e r . C a n a s c h o o l / e d u c a t i o n a l a s s i s ta ta n c e

programcontribute prog ramcontribute to towa ward rdss meet meetin ing g th this is ba basi sicc need?

Fort Fortun unat atel ely, y, Hait Haitii ha hass no nott ck)s ck)sedher edher do door orss to al allo lowi wing ng God s W o r d to be t a u g h t in he r schools. Prayerisaviialpartof Christianville s school day an and d G(xi G(xi s Wo Word rd   sha shared red regu regula larl rly. y. A

staff of

C h ri r i sstt ia ia n m e n a n nd d

w o m en e n s er er ve


role role mode modells for for the scho school ol ch chil ildr dren en.. Spti Sptins nsor orss i t n es es s t o t he h e c h il il dr d r en en a r e a w it


Cjod s love

through their kindness an d letters. J u s t a s w e h a v e s e e n a d i f f e r e n c e in t h e

phys physic ical al,, intel intellecl leclual ual and and emoti emotiona onall we welf lfar aree of

t h e s c h o o l c h i l d r e n as a r e s u l t


t he h e s ch ch o o oll

The ihrec Wise Men bringing ^ijlslo Jesus as port portni niye yed d in ih ihee Chr Chrisi isimasplu maspluy y m Ti TiCo Cous usin in.. Picmre Pic mred dfrom from lo hac hack: k: Wesly Colin (hv Burns IN, Sponso Spo nsor): r): Fredne Frednell Thomas Thomas {Circle o f Joy GA, Sptmsun. Sptm sun. Anthony Anthony S{ Lot, {nosp {nosponso onsor). r).


T h e Christianville E V A N G E L

 o w a r d





byJ. Jer Jerome ome Prinst Prinston on

co cont ntra rary ry to th thee Ch Chri risti stianworl anworld d view. This chang changee that I see as a task ol authentic relig religiou iouss education doess not implyachang doe implyachangee ofcultural ofcultural con concep ceptio tions. ns.

Miss Mi ssio ion n educationshould educationshouldneve neverr attempt attempt to take

a pe peop ople le out its cul cultur ture. e. Ho Howe weve verr it should should ou t of its seek see k to promot promotee a pro profou found nd assi assim milat ilatio ion n of the the Chri Ch rist stia ian n mess messaage wher whereb eby y the the rel eliigion gion of Christ Chr istia iani nity ty whileemerging whileemerging from a new cultural cultural context, will remain t r ue to th e Bible.

As part of th thee holi holida day y fest festiv ivit itie iess th thee people people at the the churc church h at TiCo TiCous usin in or orga gani nize zed d wh whaat th they ey ca call lled ed a   theater pa part rty y where severa severall skit skitss an and d hr eeee act plays we r e per f orme d. Th e on e to t hr party part y was was intended to be entertaining. Fo r me however something a bo bo ut ut t he he reality that was

As we pu purs rsue ue this radical chan change ge of be beli lief ef sy syst stem em we ca cann nnot ot co cont ntin inue ue to wi win n peop people le for for Chri Ch rist st with with a simp simple le me mess ssag agee of the the love love of God with withou outt a tho thorou rough gh expl explana anatio tion n of the the exis existe tend ndal al sign signif ific ican ance ce an and d impl implic icat atio ions ns of this this love love and and with withou outt se seei eing ng th that at thei theirr lives are adequa adequatel tely y

port poitrtra the ught tent w hraye suyed chd iinnteth nseise ty tpha hlaayt sI cleafug t tht he mpyaratyttte wntio ition h na certain feelin feeling g of perturbation. Wha t had seen and hea heard made me th thin ink k more resolute telly of op l e had c o m e from and where where th e p e op the they wer were thus thus fa farr in thei theirr sp spir irit itua uall pi pilg lgri rim mage. ge. E ac ac h play c o nt nt aaii ne ne d the most down to e ar ar th th portrayal of th e fearsom fearsomee rea realit lity y that was was stil stilll an influe inf luenti ntial al factor factor in the lives of the peop people le an and d of the the commu ommuni nity ty;; a real realit ity y ch char arac acte teri rize zed d by a conf confli lict ctin ing g duali dualismof smof God God and and th thee devi devill and by mostt morbid morbid controversies involv involving ing human th e mos beings an d demons an d other voodoo

f ille d w i t h C h r i s t .


Christ Chr istian ianvil ville le is ma maki king ng ever every y effor effortt to lead lead

that world view revolution by continually re rest stru ruct ctur urin ing g an and d impl implem emen enti ting ng its its Ch Chri rist stia ian n education and evangelism programs to strengthen strengthen the ch chu urch of to tod day an and d to pr prep epar aree st strrong ong lay le lead ader ersh ship ip for for the the chur church ch of tomorrow. Afirst conventi convention on he held ld this this pa past st Nove Novemb mber er whic wh ich h gathered gathered important important de dele lega gati tions ons from from al alll our church churchesserve esserved d as a sol solemnoppo emnopport rtuni unity ty to launchthisideaofa dynamic church churchgrowth growth and to i n t r o d u c e t h e different facts


a world view

revolution. Also this past semester wehad begun to develop a Bible curriculum for for our our high high

Ironic Iro nicall ally y such such a ruthle ruthless ss portra portrayal yal carrie carried d the ton tonee of a mostseri mostserious ous subs subscr crip ipti tion on to comical entertainm enter tainment ent Aseach playend playended ed with with applau applause se and ov over er excite ted d sc scre ream amin ing g of the audi audien ence ce I wonder won dered ed how how there co coul uld d beso muchr muchrejo ejoici icing ng in the midst of such a grim reahty.

scho school ol stud studen ents ts.. Desp Despit itee the the closing of high schoolfor lackof schoolfor lackof funding we con contin tinueto ueto hop hopee

Leav Leavin ing g the party I was f ru ru str strat ated ed.. But in myfrus myfr ustr trat ation ionss I began began to reali realize ze that we were were

Chris isttia ian nville chur church ches es by baptism. This This has has brought about the necessity to plan and co coor ordi dina nate te a bran brand d new new tr trai aini ning ng prog progra ram m fo forr

in t h e m i d s t


a w o r l d v iew r e v o l u t i o n a n d w h a t

we had j u s t seen was th e residue of th e yet stro strong ng realit ity y that that has long ch char arac acte teri rize zed d th e experi exp erienc ences es of these people people.. A world view revolution in

th e



that o u r efforts will result in th e establishment

of a permanent ministry vocation training program. These past few months many new members

have b e e n a d d e d


t h e various

starti ting ng in Janu Januaary 199 1990. ou r new members star

These are a few examples of st strrate tegi giees for a world view revo revolu luti tion on to bri bring ng abo about ut stro strong ngly ly dedicated lives to Christ, a n nd d f or or which w e a re re

Chri Ch rist stia ian n Educati Education on issimp issimplyan lyan emph emphat atic ic way way lo long ngin ing g fo forr your your pray prayer erss an and d su suppo pport rt.. to talk talk of a fu fund ndam amen enta tall chan change ge in the the exis existe ten ntial tial belie belieff sy syst stem em of a deepl eeply y reli religi giou ouss people people such such as th e Haitians. In o ur situation, beliefs that ar e

A s w e face t h e uncertainties o f this n ew

de deca cade de Chr hris isti tiaanv nvil ille le inv invite ites you to hold on with wi th itto th thee hope an and d bles blessi sing ngsof sof an authen authentic tic

Christ Chr istianChur ianChurch ch and thi thiss to the Gloryof Gloryof God. God.





T h e Chrisiianville E V A N G E L O

. Si

/T O

/rc> vo.

ST i





girls en enjo joyi ying ng  Jean-Jean gir l u n c h a l t e r cl ass.

P ictured lelt

to righ rightt (wit (with h sponso sponsorr s name names) s):: Eliz Elizaabe beth th Juliassaint, (Win A Couple Class, Oa k Grove Christian); My Myrl rlan and d Jean-Louis, (no sponsor sponsor); ); Guirla Guirlande nde Senatu Senatus, s, (n (no o sp spon onso sor) r);; Flav Flavie ie Dor orci ciu us, (Elm (El m St. Chr Christ istian ian). ).



 Special mus wa wass presen presented ted by th thee ol olde derr gi girl rlss at th thee Ch Chri rist stma mass part party y a t t h e L a S a l l e s ch o o l .

P i ct u r ed l e f t

to right (with sponsor s names): Evodite Evod ite Josep Joseph, h, (Rich (Richard ard Backk Backketter etter,, IN); M. Eliana Derat, (Best years Fe Fell llow owsh ship ip,, E. 91st Chr Christ istian ian); ); Louise Louise Anne Marie Paul, (Mrs. S. Waack, Anne OK); M. Ge Geor org get ette te Jose sep ph, (M/M H. Scheewe, CAN); M. Gislene Jose Josep ph, (F (Fra rank nk Te Temm mmel el,, Ha Hait iti) i);; M. Mich Mi chel elin inee Ce Cele lest stin in,, (M/M (M/M H. Long Long,, KY);; M Ven KY) Venise ise Pie Pierre rre,, (YoungAdu (YoungAdult lt Class,OH); Cla ss,OH); Archa Archange nge Kin King,teach g,teacher. er.



an and d Mari Mariee Ange Ange Al Alta tann nny y raising the flag b eeff o orr e s c ho ho o l a l t h e m o u n tta ain n..



T he Christianvilie E V A N G E L  





it t

  gh School News With the With the co comi mingof ngof the the Ne New w Year Year,, due to fi fina nanc ncia iall di diff ffic icul ulti ties es,, th e de deci cisi sion on to restructu restructure re the the high high scho school ol prog progra ram m at Ch Chri rist stia ianv nvil ilie ie was was deemed deemed nece necess ssar ary. y. Now Now enroll enrolled ed in three majo majorr hi high gh scho school olss in the the neighb neighbori oring ng town towns, s, Chri Christ stia ianv nvil ilie ie studen students ts are are contin continuin uing g thei theirr ac acad adem emic ic st studi udies es at differ different ent locati locations ons.. Bible Bible and vocati vocationa onall classe classess (Mu (Music sic,Agricu ,Agricultur lture, e, and Physic PhysicalEduca alEducation) tion) remai emain n inta intacct, as part of the the ext xtrraa-cu curr rric icu ula larr pro rog gra ram m in th thee afte aftern rnoo oon. n. Great Great ap appr prec ecia iati tion on is extend ext ended ed on beh behalfof alfof the the stude student ntss and and Chri Christ stia ianv nvil ilieadm ieadmin inist istra rati tion on to th thee spon sponso sors rs o f th thee hi high gh

schoolstud sch oolstudent entss whohavecontin whohavecontinued ued the their ir suppor supportt andenabled andenabled the progra program m to contin continue ue throug through h d ifficu lt c i r c u m s t a n c e s

SergeHila Ser geHilaire ire (MIMO. (MIMO. Str Strod ode) e) an d Ma Marc rc An Anto toin inee Mich Michel el in the the Hi High gh Scho School ol Lifein the Vil St Stud uden ent' t'ss orig origin inalpl alplay ay,, La Vi VieNa eNan n Bouk Bouk,, Villag lagee .

w m Y o u Help? T h a n k you to all who have s e n t used instr ins trum umen ents ts and and hel helped ped make ake th thee scho hool ol mus usic ic pr prog ogra ram m a success We are in ne need ed o f several spec specif ificinst icinstrum rument entss to ma make ke our band com compl plete ete.. el p with a new or u sed sed i n nst strr ume umen n t, t, If you can h el yourr kindne you kindness ss willbe greatl greatly y apprec appreciat iated ed Lis Listed ted to th thee righ rightt ar aree th thee in inst stru rume ment ntss pr pres esen entlyneed tlyneeded ed.. If you would like to help, simply cont contac actt Do n and and Vir Virgin ginia ia Dugan at th e Daytona Address.

Soprano Sopran o Saxo Saxophon phonee Baritone Barit one Saxo Saxophone phone   l t o  l a r i n e t


 l a r i n e t


Bassoon Tuba




Th e





 L 9

 h r i s t i a n v i l l e D e n t a l  l i n i c Th e

Denta De ntall clin iniic has be been en a be beeehi hive ve.. We have alr lreeady surp surpas asse sed d the the amoun amountt of acti tiv vity

experienced in the the cl clin inic ic la last st ye year ar.. (With the available care being more regular, it means that more candy bars can be consumed. The missionaries here love M M s, plain or peanut.) ©

We are th than ankf kful ul for the comm commit itme mem m to quality ca care re of ou r visi visiti ting ng den dentis tists ts an and d orthodonti orthodontists. sts.

Pray tha thatt the the clinic will cont contin inue ue to be well staf staffe fed d throu througho ghout ut the year.

Dr. GordonBengston, his wife, Gladys, and den dental talhygienisi, David Marcelin busy at work work on one one of the num numero erouspa uspatie tients nts seen seen in the month month of Fe Febr brua uary ry..

 h r i s t i a n v i l l e M e d i c a l  l i n i c 1990 star starte ted d with a visit from Kay Dycus a long time friend and former head nurse at Christ Chri stia ianv nvil ille le med ediical clinic. Kay Kay sp spen entt thre threee week weekss filling in fo forr ab abse sent ntee ee st staf afff an and d he hellpi pin ng upgradeareasin existing clinic programs. Fortwoof those thoseweeks, Kay wasacco wasaccompa mpanie nied d byR.N. Caroly Car olyn n VogalVogal-San Santos tostef tefano ano also also an old faithf faithful ul of Chri Christ stia ianv nvil ille le.. They They were were sti still ll on the job when wh en Dickan Dickand d Virg Virgin inia ia Gibb Gibbon onss jo join ined ed th thee task task forc forcee to conti continu nuee as Ka Kay y and and Caro Caroly lyn n return returned ed home home.. Il Illn lnes esse sess ar aree bein being g care cared d fo forr and and many many li live vess are are bein being g to touc uche hed d th thro roug ugh h th thee me medi dica call clin clinic ic at Ch Chri rist stia ianv nvil ille le.. Howe Howeve verr wit with h the the high high pric pricesof esof medi medici cine ness in Hait Haitii it is di diffi fficu cultto ltto ke keep ep th thee pharmacyshelves amply st sto ock ckeed lo serv servee th thee co comm mmun uniityas wewou wewouldlike ldlike.. If you ca can n he hellp to obtain obt ain or give give us lea leadson dson howto ge gell medici medicinesinex nesinexpen pensiv sively ely or free free please please contact usand share share this v a l ua ua b l e i n f o r m a ttii o n fo r t h e b e n e f i t o f t h e s i c k in H a i t i


T h e Christianville 0


 =   l







Plan Pl anti ting ng Se Seed edss That Will La Lass t A Li f et ime A spar spark k of de desi sire re an and d willi illin ngn gnes esss to give give of o n e s t al a l en e n t a r e o f t e n al l it t a k e s t o b e s o l d


serv serving ing Chri Christ st on a fo fore reign ign fiel field. d. Rick Rick an and d Kath Kathy y Land, sent sent ou t fro rom m Cor Corner nerston stonee Chri Christ stia ian n Chur Ch urch ch,, Br Brow owns nsbu burg rg,, In Indi dian anaa ca came to Haiti Haiti init nitiall lly y, on a shor shortt te term rm wo work rk te team am.. After After se seve vera rall subsequent trip trips, s, they returned thi hiss fa fall ll to serve serve at Christianville fo r 5 1/ 2 m o n t h s in t he h e a re re a o f

agri agricu cult ltur uree and help helpin ing g to mana manage ge th thee miss missio ion n home

Rick Rick an and d Kath Kathy y are are prim primar aril ily y concer concerned ned wi with th fo food od fo forr the the so soul ul.. Thro Throug ugh h th thei eirr agri agricu cult ltur ural al work,they wor k,they are str strivi ivingto ngto builda builda close close rappor rapportt with th e loca locall farm farmer ers. s. Even Even thro throug ugh h the the ea earl rly y stages of lea learning the Creole language, the mess me ssag agee of Christshines Christshines through through their cons constant tant exam exampl plee and and desi desire re to serv servee Him. Him. In buil buildi ding ng relationships t hr hr ou ou gh gh j oi oi nt nt effo effort rtss to towa ward rdss

better cro better rops ps,, the the Lan ands ds hop hope to be dis disci cip ple lers rs an and d encouragers encouragers o f Ch Chri rist st to th e people.

R i c k is a graduate of Purdue School of Agri Ag ricu cult ltur ure, e, an and d Ka Kath thy y ha hass earned he r certificate from the P ur urdue due Ma Mass te terr Gar Garden den.. Co Comi ming ng with with

co comp mpli lime ment nted ed by Rick and Kathy. They They are pl plaa n ntt ing ing see see d dss in th e soil, as well as in the

17years 17yea rs farmi farming ng experience experience behind them, them, their first efforts to plant a g ar de n have already prod pr oduc uced ed food for th thee table and extra tra to shar share. e. Alth Althou ough gh food for the body is im impo port rtaa n nt. t.

hear hearts ofrves th the et peop pe ople le.. Many Ma ny willloo wi lllook k resu forw fosult rwar d to the thts e ha harv est that that isfort isfo rthc hcom omin ing, g, asa re ltard of their willingness to give of themselves whol wh oleh ehea eart rted edly ly in serv servic icee to Ch Chri rist st in Ha Hait iti. i.

The t e ea a m h e rre e a t Christian\alle h a s b e e n



Rick Ric k inspec inspectin tingthe gthe garden garden with with Ha Haiti itian an fanner fanner,, Lou Loubin bin,, assisting 11

Ka Kath thy y in th thee ki kitc tche hen n prepar preparing ing a specia speciall treat fo r th thee missio mission n fa fami mily ly..




T h e Chrislianville E V



Sprin Sp ring g Clea Cl eanin ning g byFranklin byFrankli n Wh Whyi yiee

In the past six y ea ears the fish p o on n d has been

very usel ul to the mission. Harvesling twice a year we catch th thou ousa sand ndss of pounds of fish. We h a v e b e e n abl e


feed th e chi l dren


th e school s

and and nutr nutriti ition on pr prog ogra ram m boos boosti ting ng thei theirr pr prote otein in content and also helping the communities around u

Durin Duri ng the the pas astt six six year yearss th the rive riverr which runss nea run nearty rty the mission compoundhas ovtjrflowed it itss bank bankss on many occ occas asio ions ns.. In so doin doing g it has has ca carr rrie ied d a lot lot ofsilt depo deposit sitin ing g itin the the pond pond.. The The sil iltt ha had d to be cl clea eane ned d ou out. t. We tr trie ied d cl clea eani ning ng th thee pond by manual laborlohelpthe loc local al economy. economy.

One-th Onethir ird d of the way thr thro ug ugh heavy rains b ro ro ug ug ht ht a massive Hood which refilled the pond pond with with more more dirt dirt.. We fina finall lly y dec decide ided d to reso resort rt to mec mechan hanica icall equipme equi pment. nt. God God bles blesse sed d us byprovi byprovidi ding ng help help at a fraction of th thee cost. A constructio construction n company inPort au Pr Princ incee is isdo doing ing the the work work for only only th thee  o ut of pocket pocket expe expens nse. e. Th e necessary construction constructi on isin pro proces cesss so that in th e future the the sil iltt will be di dive vert rted ed away from the pond. Many any th than anks ks to th thee Kanz Kanzki ki Constr Construct uction ion Company and lo you fo for your prayers and contributions

 efo re .


Frankie an d hi hiss wo work rker ersusin susing g manual la labo borr to cl clea ean n ih ihefis efish h po pond nd..



ill Theproduct o f he heav avy y eq equi uipme pment nt.. Romans 8: 8:28 28..


T h e Christianviile




When Y o u Pray... Petition G od


Additi Add itiona onall sponso sponsors rs for sch schoo ooll chi childr ldren en Strength Stren gth and wisdom wisdom for Christianvi Christianviiles ilestaff taff Upcoming Bible Bible semina seminars rs for Christ Christian ianvii viile le church


Volunteers scheduled


visit Chr istia nviile

indi indivi vidu dual ally ly and on sum summer mer wor work k teams. teams.

  untie Moriath Ad Moriath Advi vira ra Morg Morgan an,, better kn know own n as   Auntie Auntie , ison e of th e or orig igina inall memb member erss of th e C h r i s t i a n v i i l e family. She has s e r v e d w ho ho le le he he ar ar te te dl dl y t hr hr ou ou g gh h making t h e Chris isttianviile diet more than just pa pala lata tabl ble. e.

Many of you have shared the kitchen duties withAun withAunti tiee and and knowwh knowwhat at a jo joyshe yshe is towork towork wi with th.. To say say nothin thing g of the the monu num men entts to he herr co cook okin ing, g, the mealshave always been excell excellent ent Plea Please se prayfo prayforr Au Aunti ntiee asher sigh sightt isnot isnot what what it used

to b e

Many thanks, Auntie, as we wish God's blessi ble ssing ng for yo you u


Thank G od


Aun Au n ti ti e' e' s r eco ecov v er ery from eye su surr g ger ery y a nd s a f e r e t u r n t o Ch ristian v iile

Progresss made Progres made after unexpected unexpected prob proble lems ms wi with th the the tl tlssh po pond nd.. grow owth th exper experience ienced d in Christ Christian ianvii viile le Th e gr c h u r c h e s in t h e las t t h r e e m o n t h s

Re Rela lati tive ve pe peac acee in the the coun countr try y du duri ring ng the the past past si six x months. months.

Don Do n an and d Virginia   uganFieldRepresentatives/Forwarding ugan FieldRepresentatives/Forwarding Agents are available to sha Agents hare re th thee work at Chri Christ stia ianv nvii iile le and


assi assistwit stwith h VBS VBS prog progra rams ms upon upon requ reques est. t. Cont Contac actt th them em at th thee Sout South h Dayt Dayton onaa addr addres esss for for furt furthe herr in info form rmat atio ion. n.

S ponsors hi p Requ Reques estt Form Form Yes, I w ou oulld like to spon sponso sorr a child. Please send me N

a girl

ab bo oy

ei the r

more information.




T E \ Z IP




T he Christianville E V A N G E L




Lend Le ndin ing g a Hand Chri Christ stia ianv nvil ille le wo woul uld d like like to exte extend nd deepest

Th Thee Christ Christian ianvii viile le EVAN EVANGE GEL L is publ publis ishe hed d by th e Christian\ill Christian\ille e Foundation, Inc.

thanks to t h he e c hu hu rrc c h w or o r k teams a n d to t h e


many individuals for co com ming ing to hel help in th thee ministry here in Haiti: John Spicklemire,

Indi Indian anap apol olis is;; Eric Jordan, Carmel IN; IN; Ot Otis is and Anna Jean Palmer, India Indianapol napolis; is; Stuart

Wayne Herget, Acting Director, Haiti

Donald Wheeler, Chairman, Orlando, FL

Donald Don ald Dugan, Dugan, Secretar Secretary/Tr y/Treasu easurer, rer, Da Dayto ytona, na, FL Jacksonvi onville, lle, FL Fred Smith, Jacks

Kelly Hamilton, X Tammy McCune, LaHarpe IL;Dr. Marlin Hentzel Fort Madison lA; Kay Dycus Hammond IN; Caro Carolyn lyn Vogal

El Elvi vin n Gray Gray,, Tampa, Tampa, FL Russell Blowers, Russell Blowers, Indianap Indianapolis, olis, IN L eo n D O r le lean an s , Haiti

Kissimmee, mee, FL G l en en n Bo u rrn n e, Kissim

Santo Santoste stefan fano, o, Nor Northbr thbrook, ook, IL IL:: Paul Paul Car Carrie rier, r, Ti Tim m an and d Henrietta Henrietta Simm Simmon ons, s, Faye Fayett ttev evil ille le,, GA; GA;

Dr Dr.. Al Alan an Handt, Handt, Indi Indian anap apol olis is,, IN

Gardner, r, Ci Cinc ncin inna nati ti,, OH; Wayne and Nancy Gardne E lm e r

a n d D o r a R ed d en .

M or or r i s o n


Wayne Wayne and Christ Christine ine Herget

an d

J e rro o m e a n d Paulette Prinston

Rosemary Plumley Sr. Joyc Joycee Fei guson Pr Proctor octor Lendo Walke Walker, r, Be Beck ckle ley y WV; WV; Denise Reniger, Reniger, St. Jos Joseph eph,, MI; Dan Cros Crosle ley y, Mish Mishaw awak aka, a, IN; Bob Sull ullivan van and Dale Davis, Grange gerr, IN; Jeff Jeffre rey y Gr Grit itto ton, n, Elkh Elkhar art, t, IN; IN; John John and and Mary Mary Jane Nort Northa hage ge,, South South Bend Bend.. IN IN..

Sandy Sand y DeVinney DeVinney Agriculture

Stuart Stuart an and d Barbar Barbaraa Ke Kell lly y Dentistry

Dr Dr.. Vi Virg rgil il UU UUom om Dr





F i e l d R e p r e s e n tta a t i v e s //F Forwarding Agents

Do n and and Vi Virg rgin inia ia Du Duga gan, n, Dayton Daytonaa Beach, Beach, FL

T ha n k you to all who sent Christmas gree greeti ting ngss to vari variou ouss me memb mber erss of the the mission family dur during ing the holi holidayseas dayseason on We have put all ou r Chri Christm stmas as card cardss in a ba bask sket et,, taki taking ng Dr. Dob obso son n s suggestion, to c h ho oos oscc a card e ac ac h

day and pray-forthe pray-forthe indi indivi vidu dual al family who sent the card. Thank you for think hinkiing abou outt us Yo u will be in ou r tho though ughts ts and pray prayer erss throughou thro ughoutt the the year year..

Publication A g e n t s

Jo John hn and and Miri Miriam am Fu Full ller er,, In Indi dian anap apol olis is,, IN Promotion

Mr. an d Mrs. Les Lumsden, Punta Gorda, FI-

Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. James Aberle Aberle,, Wi Will llia iams msvi vill lle,NY e,NY Mr. and Mrs. Jam James es Wo Woo od, Deca Decatu tur, r, GA Mr. Mr. an and d Mrs. Mrs. Neil Neil Hurs Hursh, h, In Indi dian anap apol olis is,, IN

c u t h er er e

Christianville Foundation, Inc. P . O . B ox ox 4 1 5 7

South Daytona, F L 32121-4157

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