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Journal of
International Journal of Manpower,
Vol. 22 No. 3, 2001, pp. 252-260.
# MCB University Press, 0143-7720
Human resource management
in Turkey
Current issues and future challenges
Zeynep Aycan
Kc· ln/ters/lv, lslan/u/, Tur/ev
Keywords Human rescur·e managemenl, Tur/ev, Dete/cþ/ng ·cunlr/es, Nal/cna/ ·u/lures
Abstract ln Tur/ev`s dvnam/· e·cncmv, HRM /s re·cgn/.ed as cne c/ lhe mcsl /mþcrlanl lcc/s
/n ma/nla/n/ng crgan/.al/cna/ e//e·l/teness and ·cmþel/l/teness Hcueter, lhere are a num/er c/
/arr/ers lc lhe des/gn and /mþ/emenlal/cn c/ e//e·l/te svslems The //rsl þarl d/s·usses lhe uavs
/n uh/·h ent/rcnmenla/ /cr·es /n//uen·e HRM þra·l/·es ln lhe se·cnd þarl, lhe adm/n/slral/cn c/
lhe /ev HR /un·l/cns /n Tur//sh crgan/.al/cns /s des·r//ed I/na//v, /ulure d/re·l/cns are
In the last 15 years, human resource management (HRM) has been recognized
as a key factor in maintaining competitive advantage in Turkish business
organizations. As far as the Turkish scene is concerned, HRM is a ``developing
field'' in a ``developing country''. This combination has advantages as well as
disadvantages. The obvious advantage is that wide interest in the field is
shown both by business organizations and by students who would like to
specialize in HRM. On the other hand, there are not sufficient know-how and
expertise to guide practice and meet the demand frombusinesses.
Exlerna/ and /nlerna/ ent/rcnmenla/ /cr·es
E·cncm/· and þc//l/·a/ ·cnlexl. Turkey is a relatively young nation which has
undergone significant changes in a short time. In the early years of the Turkish
Republic (1920s), the economy relied heavily on agricultural output (43 percent
of GNP). Today, agricultural output is only 14.5 percent of GNP, whereas the
contribution of the service sector has increased to 57.8 percent. With this
dramatic shift from a predominantly agriculture-based economy to an
increasingly industrialized and service-based economy, the emphasis has also
shifted fromthe ``product'' to ``human'' as the key success factor.
Turkey is the world's 17th most industrialized and highly populated nation.
Since the 1980s, Turkey has undergone a series of major changes that yielded
positive outcomes for its economy. Almost 80 percent of the business
organizations in Turkey were established after 1980. During the last 20 years,
Turkey has witnessed an ever-increasing rate of international trade and foreign
investment. Turkey's entrance into customs union with the European Union
(EU) in 1996, and inclusion in the list of candidate countries for EUmembership
in 1999, provided the impetus to further develop economic cooperation with
European and Central Asian countries. Such changes also contributed to HRM
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Human resource
management in
in Turkey. Through interactions with foreign (mainly Western) counterparts,
Turkish business organizations had the opportunity to import know-how on
management and HRM systems. Also, in its efforts to be a part of the EU,
Turkey has begun to pay more attention to human rights issues and effective
utilization of its human capital.
On the other hand, as in many other developing countries, Turkey
experiences uncertainties. Owing to volatile political and economic conditions,
organizations find it very difficult to make long-term plans. For the last decade,
Turkey has had short-lived coalition governments. Because of state-
dependence for policy issues and financial support (Bugra, 1990), change of
government resulted in change of economic policies and regulations. In
addition, Turkey has been struggling with high inflation rates for the last two
decades. Such uncertainties have negative effects on HRM professionals, who
find it difficult and risky to do even mid-termHR planning.
Cu/lura/ ·cnlexl. The socio-cultural environment is also changing. Since
Hofstede's research (1980), Turkey has become somewhat less collectivistic
(e.g. Goregenli, 1997; Aycan el a/, 2000), less hierarchical (Aycan el a/, 2000),
and less uncertainty avoiding (e.g. Kabasakal and Bodur, 1998). According to
the findings of the GLOBE project, Turkey is below the world average on
performance and future orientation. Another salient cultural characteristic is
paternalism. Aycan and Kanungo conceptualized and operationalized the
paternalism construct in a recent study (1998). Accordingly, paternalism has
been described as a subordinate-superior relationship, whereby people in
authority assume the role of a parent and consider it an obligation to provide
support and protection to those under their care. Subordinates, in turn,
reciprocate such care, support and protection of the paternal authority by
showing loyalty, deference and compliance to him/her.
What is the impact of socio-cultural environment on work culture and HRM
practices in Turkey? Aycan el a/ (2000) conducted a ten-country cross-cultural
research to test the model of culture fit (MCF) (Mendonca and Kanungo, 1994).
According to MCF, internal work culture is developed based on prevailing
managerial assumptions about employee nature and behavior. Turkey was
found to be highly paternalistic, moderately collectivistic and hierarchical, and
non-fatalistic. With respect to internal work culture, managers held favorable
assumptions and beliefs regarding employee malleability, responsibility
seeking and participation. On the other hand, it was a common belief that
employees were not proactive. In HRM practices, Turkey scored high on job
enrichment and empowering supervision, but low on performance-reward
This study shows that Turkish societal and organizational culture is a blend
of ``Western'' and ``Eastern'' values. Some organizations follow the newest
trends in HRM practices (e.g. job enrichment and empowering supervision), but
they experience difficulties due to some of the ``emic'' characteristics of both the
societal and organizational cultures.
Journal of
Lega/ ·cnlexl. The fundamental principles regulating labor law are
embodied in the Labor Act. Employee as well as employer rights are protected
under these laws. However, there is no system to monitor HRM practices t/sa
t/s law and legislation. For instance, disability employment and day-care
services are required by the law, but many organizations do not offer them. HR
auditing is conducted on a voluntary basis by top managers of some of the
better firms only. For those organizations whose employees are unionized,
basic rights have been protected by unions.
Edu·al/cna/ ·cnlexl. One of the major problems in the HRM field is that,
despite the high demand, there is not sufficient research output to guide
practice. Of some 75 universities, only five offer graduate programs in HRM
and related fields. Organizations shy away from providing support for
research. Usually, companies want to get quick solutions to urgent problems
and they do not want to spend time and money on research. In the absence of
local know-how, they turn to ``global'' (mainly North American) sources.
However, the appropriateness of such practices for Turkey's cultural context is
questionable (cf. Wasti, 1998).
Tcr//cr·e ·hara·ler/sl/·s and ·hang/ng demcgraþh/·s. There are two trends
that are important for HRM practices in Turkey. The first is the changing
values and expectations of a young and well-educated workforce; the second is
the increasing participation of women in the workforce.
One of the main forces behind Turkey's economic momentum is the
availability of young and educated human capital. More than half of Turkey's
population (57 percent) comprises people under the age of 30. Turkey also has a
very young managerial population (mean age is 27.6). Aycan and Fikret-Pasa
(2000) conducted a nation-wide survey on motivators and leadership
preferences of senior business administration students from 15 different
universities in Turkey's six different regions. A total of 1,213 students
participated in this study. Results showed that having power and authority, a
peaceful work environment, opportunity for career advancement, and pay were
the most motivating factors, whereas close supervision and guidance, praise
from supervisor, feedback on performance, and sense of belonging were the
least motivating. With respect to leadership, charismatic leadership was found
to be the most preferred style, followed by participative and paternalistic
styles. Compared with ten years ago, today the young and educated workforce
has aspirations and preferences that are more aligned with those prevalent in
``Western'' industrialized societies (Aycan and Fikret-Pasa, 2000). This
suggests that future HRM practices in Turkish organizations should take this
into consideration by providing more developmental opportunities and
In Turkey, women play an increasingly active role in the economy.
According to the UNDP's report (1996), the world ranking of Turkish women in
scientific, technical and professional related jobs is 73rd (out of 210). According
to ILO's 1997 report, 4 percent of Turkish women are employed in top
management positions, whereas this ratio is only 2.4 percent in the USA,
Human resource
management in
2 percent in the UK, 3 percent in Germany and 1 percent in Japan. Aycan (1999)
found that there is generally a positive attitude towards women's workforce
participation. Despite the increasing participation of women in the workforce and
positive attitudes towards it, societal values and expectations may create a
barrier for career advancement. In Turkish culture, maintaining family integrity
and harmony and taking care of children are the primary responsibilities of
women. The possible ``harm'' to the family by women's work is of constant
concern. This concern is one of the underlying rationales behind the lack of
practices for developing and using women's potential to the fullest extent.
The /nlerna/ ent/rcnmenla/ /cr·es. A key factor in determining the level of
resource allocation and quality of HR activities is the dedication and
commitment of the top management. In the minority of private sector
organizations, top management acts as a ``full partner'' (i.e. high level of support
and influence in company policies) with the HR department. In such
organizations, HR managers are included in the strategic decision making and
actually are promoted to higher management levels such as vice-presidency. In
the majority of private sector organizations, top management provides support,
but considers the HR departments as ``show-cases''. In these organizations,
what gets changed is the name of the department from ``personnel'' to ``human
resource management'', not the functions. In public sector organizations, top
management perceives HR departments, which are usually called ``personnel
departments'', as providing routine services. As such, the support they provide
is very limited.
As is evident from the preceding discussion, there is an important public-
private sector distinction. There are also variations within private sector
organizations. HRM practices are more developed in those which have joint
ventures with US, European or Japanese partners or representing offices of a
foreign multinational firm. In family-owned firms, the HR departments fulfil
more traditional functions. Size is another important determinant of structure,
roles, functions and quality of services of HR departments. In large
organizations HRM practices are more developed. Finally, the sector or
industry affects the nature and services of HR departments. In Turkey, finance
and IT industries have the leadership in creating, maintaining and investing in
the most effective HR systems (Arthur Andersen, 2000).
HRM practices in Turkey: current issues and trends
Presenting a general outlook of HRM practices in Turkey is a challenging task,
because there are vast variations among organizations. There are organizations
which consider every employee as a strategic partner and design most effective
HRM systems. These organizations tend to be highly successful and attribute
their success to their partnership with their employees. Five of such
organizations (Netas, Beko, Arcelik, Eczacibasi, Vitra), for instance, won the
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) award. There are
organizations at the other extreme. They enforce a highly autocratic regime
and treat employees as a means to an end.
Journal of
In the analysis of HRM practices in Turkey, reference will be made to the
findings of a recent survey conducted by Arthur Andersen (2000). Data were
obtained from 307 private sector organizations in finance, automotive, textile,
health, IT, fmcg, metal, mass-media, durable goods, and construction
The slru·lure and /un·l/cns c/ HRM deþarlmenls
In 65 percent of the participating organizations, the name of the department
which fulfils HR functions is ``Human Resource Management Department''.
These are usually large firms in finance, IT, and service industries. In 12.2
percent of the firms, the HR manager is one of the VPs in the organization. In
half of the organizations, there are written HRM strategies which are in line
with the firm's overall business strategies. The main functions of HR
departments include (in descending order) staffing, wage determination and
compensation, training and development, health-related issues, performance
evaluation, pay-roll design and maintenance, transfers and promotions,
catering services, transportation services, job security and career planning.
Among the participating organizations, less than half of them reported that
they engage in HR planning and successfully implement it. The most popular
recruitment channels include suggestions from employees and other contacts,
which reflects the collectivistic nature of the culture.
Another reflection of collectivism is the heavy reliance on one-on-one
interview as the most frequently used method of selection (almost 90 percent).
Only a few organizations use ``objective and standard tests''. Interviews are
unstructured and heavily influenced by the interviewer's subjective evaluation
and intuition. A few popular ``objective'' tests are just translated from English
to Turkish without a proper adaptation and standardization procedure.
ler/crman·e eta/ual/cn
Performance evaluation is one of the most challenging HR functions in Turkish
organizations. There are mainly three reasons for that. First, although 72
percent of companies reported that they had a performance evaluation system
with a standard evaluation form, it is difficult to obtain ``objective'' appraisals.
One-third of the organizations reported that they evaluated performance on the
basis of competencies and behavioral criteria. There is no evidence of any
scientific validity of the measures developed to assess these criteria. Evaluators
do not receive training prior to performance evaluation.
Another problem is related to the evaluation process. As would be expected
in a high power distance culture, a majority of organizations (80 percent)
conduct performance evaluations as a one-way process whereby subordinates
are evaluated by their superiors only. Moreover, self-assessment did not yield
reliable outcomes, as people tend to rate themselves lower than the ratings they
received from their supervisors and peers in collectivist cultures. This is
referred to as ``modesty bias'' (Yu and Murphy, 1993).
Human resource
management in
Finally, giving and receiving performance feedback becomes a real
challenge in cultures where people get emotional when they receive especially
negative feedback; this may be why 11 percent of private-sector organizations
in Turkey do not showthe evaluation results to employees.
Reuard and ·cmþensal/cn
Two-thirds of the organizations reported that they had a system to ensure
performance-reward contingency, but the efficiency of this system is doubtful.
Performance-based reward allocation is evident especially for the white-collar
employees (60 percent), and not so for blue-collar employees (27 percent). The
most frequently administered rewards include bonus and salary increase.
Intrinsic rewards that single out high performers, such as selecting the
``employee of the month'' or presenting plaques for superior performance, are
not preferred, because it is believed that this will hurt other employees' feelings
and disturb group harmony.
Less than half of the organizations conducted a study on job evaluation; and
only one-third of them used it in determining salaries. At the entry level, the
initial salary is usually determined through negotiations. The most important
factor determining the level of salary increase is the inflation rate (94.4 percent).
Next comes individual performance and tenure in the company. Close to 10
percent of organizations reported ``networking'' as an influential factor in
determining salary increases.
Other benefits and allowances for white-collar managerial employees include
cafeteria benefits, health insurance, company car, mobile phone, fuel-oil for
commuting employees. The benefits and allowances for white-collar non-
managerial and blue-collar employees reflect paternalism in society, and they
include cafeteria benefits, health insurance, pocket money for religious holidays,
fuel or firewood for heating, contribution to children's educational expenses.
Tra/n/ng and dete/cþmenl
Training and development is among the most important functions of the HRM
department in Turkey. One of the major challenges in training and
development is the evaluation of training effectiveness. In evaluating the
trainees there is heavy reliance on the evaluation of the trainer (82 percent),
whereas only 44 percent of organizations administer tests before and after the
training. In evaluating the training, ``happy sheets'' are the most frequently
used tools. Participants whose promotion depends on the completion of a
number of training programs are usually ``happier'' about the training
compared with those who are sent on training programs due to inadequate
performance. Many companies would like to see the evidence of ``return-on-
investment'' but this is particularly difficult in ``soft-trainings'' such as
leadership, communication and team-work.
Career managemenl and þ/ann/ng
Career management and planning is particularly important for Turkish
organizations whose employees had to make career choices very haphazardly.
Journal of
This is mainly because of the education system as well as the cultural norms in
Turkey. In Turkey, students are admitted to universities through a centralized
university entrance exam that takes place once every year. In this system,
students are allowed to make a limited number of choices of their preferred
discipline and university, and only a small percentage are able to attend the
university and faculty of their choice. Many people experience a mismatch
between their interests/abilities and their job. Therefore, one of the major
challenges facing HR departments is to act like career consultants. Slightly
more than half of the organizations (58 percent) reported that they had career
management systems in place. In 71 percent of the organizations, career
planning systems fulfil the replacement needs within the organization.
Promotion is contingent upon the level of performance (72 percent), completion
of required training (70 percent), fulfilment of required service years in a
particular position (44 percent) and competencies (31 percent). Still 14 percent
of organizations do not informtheir employees about the terms of promotion.
Conclusions and future challenges
The most important challenge facing HRM professionals is to follow the
current global trends in the field, while at the same time establishing efficient
and tailor-made systems. The majority of the HR professionals do not have the
necessary know-how, nor is there enough research output to guide practices.
HRM departments, while still struggling with establishing more objective and
efficient systems in key HR functions, also have to innovate to handle
organizational demands that stemfromincreasing globalization.
In order to establish effective HRM systems that meet the present and future
demands, the following issues have to be addressed:
The /a/an·e /elueen ´´g/c/a/`` and ´´/c·a/``. As discussed in various parts
of this paper, the cross-cultural applicability of North American HRM
practices is highly questionable (cf. Wasti, 1998). While attempting to
catch the current Western HRM trends, we must bear in mind that
Turkey has social, economic, political as well as cultural characteristics
which are distinct from those in Western industrialized societies.
Successful application of a particular HR system requires a process of
``adaptation''. That is, we must prepare the workforce for a new system
or modify the systemto fit the cultural realities.
The /a/an·e /elueen s·/en·e and þra·l/·e. Turkish organizations have
somewhat negative attitudes towards using scientifically-based
knowledge. Also, time that is required for a fair investigation of
problems and their solutions is considered to be highly ``costly'' for
organizations. Instead, organizations prefer to use the services of an ill-
equipped consultant. According to an unofficial account, there are more
than 1,000 HR consulting firms in Turkey, while there are only ten
academics doing ``some'' research in the HRM field and only five
graduate programs offering a Master's degree in HRM or related fields.
Human resource
management in
How could we have possibly generated (indigenous) know-how to feed
these 1,000 consulting firms? Apparently, they base their practices on
something other than scientific knowledge. This harms not only
organizations, but also the field, which may lose credibility.
Lega/ and elh/·a/ /ssues. As discussed in the first part of this paper, there
are labor laws well in-place to regulate HRM practices. However, law
enforcement is one of the most problematic issues in Turkey regarding
every aspect of social life. There are issues which are neither ethical nor
legal, such as not providing employment opportunities for the disabled,
or using networks in selection. There are other issues which are legal but
not quite ethical, such as allowing women to take only very short
maternity leave and not allowing any flexibility in work schedules.
Task-forces assigned by the government should tackle such problems.
All HRMactivities should be carefully audited by government or private
agencies to ensure equal employment opportunity and to minimize
biases in personnel decisions. Finally, as is the case in the USA, HRM
should be designated as a field which requires specialization and
certification. In the entirety of Turkish organizations, there may be a
handful of individuals who have been trained and have specialized in
the field. The rest are self-taught professionals who try to do things
through trial and error.
All in all, HRM is a developing, promising and exciting field in Turkey which is
in high demand. However, unless we take measures to base practices on sound
scientific knowledge and local values, the field is at risk of losing its credibility,
attractiveness and resources.
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