Identities and Insecurities

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Identities and Insecurities: Selves at Work
David L. Collinson
Organization 2003; 10; 527
DOI: 10.1177/13505084030103010

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Volume 10(3): 527–547
Copyright © 2003 SAGE
(London, Thousand Oaks, CA
and New Delhi)

Identities and Insecurities: Selves
at Work


David L. Collinson
Lancaster Management School, UK

Abstract. This article explores the growing interest in selves and subjects
at work. In particular, it examines the analytical importance of insecurity
for understanding the subjective power relations and survival strategies
of organization. Insecurity in organizations can take many different,
sometimes overlapping forms. Highlighting how these insecurities can
intersect in the reproduction of workplace selves and organizational
power relations, the article argues that attempts to overcome these
insecurities can have contradictory outcomes. It also illustrates how
‘conformist’, ‘dramaturgical’ and ‘resistant’ selves may be reproduced,
particularly in surveillance-based organizations. The article concludes
that a greater appreciation of subjectivity and its insecurities can
enhance our understanding of the ways that organizational power relations are reproduced, rationalized, resisted and sometimes even transformed within the contemporary workplace. Key words. identities;
insecurity; multiplicity; selves; simultaneity; subjectivity

Western thinking has traditionally viewed human beings as unitary,
coherent and autonomous individuals who are separate and separable
from social relations and organizations. Post-structuralist approaches
have criticized this perspective for its dualistic tendency artificially to
separate individual from society, mind from body, rationality from emotion (e.g. Henriques et al., 1984). Rejecting such dichotomies and the

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Organization 10(3)
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essentialist notions of personality that tend to underpin them, poststructuralist perspectives suggest that people’s lives are inextricably
interwoven with the social world around them (Layder, 1994). Since
people are embedded in social relations from birth and throughout their
lives, ‘society’ and ‘individual’ cannot be separated (Giddens, 1979).
Accordingly, individuals are best understood as ‘social selves’ (Burkitt,
1991) whose actions have to be understood within their complex conditions, processes and consequences.
Demonstrating how subjectivity is a specific historical product embedded within particular conditions and consequences, post-structuralist
studies provide new ways of looking at subjectivity, highlighting in
particular its discursive, non-rational, gendered and multiple nature
(WOBS, 2000). This perspective has been heavily influenced by Foucault’s emphasis on the social, organizational and historical contingency
of subjectivity and its important inter-relationships with power and
knowledge. Questioning traditional conceptions that treat power as a
solely negative and repressive property possessed by a ‘higher’ authority
and exercised in a ‘top down’ fashion, Foucault (1977, 1979) suggests that
power is also creative and productive. He argues that practices of power
produce subjects, for example, through ‘normalization’, a process by
which the eccentricities of human beings in their behaviour, appearance
and beliefs are measured and if necessary corrected. As a form of power
that disciplines the self, normalization constructs identity and knowledge by comparing, differentiating, hierarchizing, homogenizing and
excluding. Others have drawn on these ideas to illustrate how different
social and organizational practices can produce ‘normalized’ and ‘disciplined’ selves (e.g. Hollway, 1984; Rose, 1989).
Insisting on the need to combine subject and object, structure and
action and power and subjectivity, post-structuralist analyses challenge
the prevailing functionalist paradigm and the economic and gender
reductionism that frequently characterizes conventional organization
studies. The latter typically takes subjectivity for granted, understanding
it in the very narrow terms of ‘rational, coherent, economic man’.
Historically, studies of organization have tended to examine key issues
like ‘leadership’, ‘structure’ and ‘culture’ as if their meaning were selfevident, and as if workplace processes were largely determined by an
abstract logic irrespective of human volition and thought. Encouraged by
post-structuralist analysis, there has been increasing dissatisfaction with
such objectivist accounts. Indeed the emergence of this journal and its
considerable impact over a relatively short period of time is testament to
the development of new, alternative modes of analysing ‘organization’,
many of which appreciate the importance of subjectivity as part of a more
critical approach.
Within social theory, the examination of ‘subjectivity’, ‘self’ and ‘identity’ has a long history. Indeed the literature is vast (Jenkins, 1996). A
great number of writers drawing on a variety of theoretical traditions

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
have examined the complex ways that individuals seek to construct
subjective meaning for their actions, relationships and identities. Some of
the most important contributions include the philosophical approaches
of existentialism (Sartre, 1958) and phenomenology (Schutz, 1972), the
more sociological perspectives of symbolic interactionism (Mead, 1934),
‘interpretative sociology’ (Weber, 1947) and social anthropology (Becker,
1971; Cohen, 1994), as well as the social psychological orientations of
developmental psychology (Kelly, 1955; Allport, 1955) and psychoanalysis (Freud, 1930, Jung, 1964).
While there are significant points of difference between these perspectives, one of the important concerns that many of them share is an
emphasis on human self-consciousness. As reflexively monitoring and
purposive creatures, we human beings have the capacity to reflect upon
ourselves and to see ourselves as separate from the natural and social
world around us. This sense of separation in turn facilitates our consciousness of time, our awareness of past processes and future possibilities. We thus have a capacity to envisage alternative realities and to
re-construct and change our world. This creative potential enables us
to reflect upon and exercise some discretion and control over our actions.
It also enables us not only to ‘see’ ourselves, but also to try to view
ourselves as others may see us and to compare and contrast ourselves
with others.
However, some of the foregoing approaches have produced overly
voluntaristic accounts of subjectivity that exaggerate autonomy and
under-emphasize the significance of its conditions, processes and consequences.1 Moreover, studies of subjectivity have sometimes neglected
the extent to which human self-consciousness may be the medium and
outcome of uncertainties, insecurities and anxieties about who we are,
how we should live, what ‘significant others’ think of us etc. For
example, temporal awareness can render us anxious about our mortality
and about the meaning of our lives (Becker, 1973). Durkheim (1948)
argued that culture and social institutions shield individuals from the
inherent meaninglessness of life overshadowed by the certainty of death.
He was concerned that the specialized division of labour in industrialized societies intensified social fragmentation which reinforced the
possibility of individuals becoming increasingly detached from social
institutions. Without the ‘distraction’ of society, this self-conscious
awareness of our own existential impermanence might result in an
overwhelming sense of ‘anomie’, which in turn could result in suicide.
This article argues that the growing interest in selves and subjects
within the workplace has not always fully appreciated the analytical
importance of insecurity for understanding the subjective power relations, practices and survival strategies of organization. Insecurity in
organizations can take many different, sometimes overlapping forms. It
may, for example, be existential, social, economic and/or psychological.
These multiple insecurities can intersect and operate simultaneously,

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thus reinforcing their impact on the construction of workplace selves and
the reproduction of organizational power relations. Attempts to overcome these insecurities can also have unintended and contradictory
outcomes. The first half of this article discusses various forms of insecurity that can impact on the construction of subjectivity. The second half
considers how these insecurities, ambiguities and simultaneities may
inform everyday organizational selves and practices.

Subjectivity and its Insecurities
Various writers have examined the impact of wider social and economic
forces on the changing nature of subjectivities (e.g. Gergen, 1991). In his
history of the rise of manners, etiquette and polite society in Europe from
the Middle Ages onwards, Elias (1978) focused on the construction of
‘civilized selves’. He described the way that these cultural shifts fundamentally impacted on the structure of personality, resulting in a progressive intensification of self-restraint. In his critique of the historical
development of capitalism, Marx argued that the commodification of
labour resulted in the alienation of workers, not only from production,
but also from themselves. When separated from the products of their
labour, workers were alienated from themselves and their species being.
Of particular historical importance is the shift in social values from
‘ascription’ in feudalistic societies to ‘achievement’ in modern, so-called
meritocratic, capitalist societies (Zijderveld, 1973). In more collectivist
cultures with relatively simple divisions of labour, identities tend(ed) to
be ascribed by birth and legitimized through religion and family status.
As a consequence, selves were relatively stable and unambiguous. By
contrast, especially in western societies, self-confirmation is no longer
secured through family status and religion but is shaped by the much
more individualistic values of ‘the success ethic’ (Luckmann and Berger,
1963) and the ‘achievement principle’ (Offe, 1976). As the influence of
the church has declined, conventional notions of a valued identity have
been redefined in terms of upward mobility and material accumulation.
Accordingly, the validation of self through career success, material accumulation and the confirmation of ‘significant others’ can become a new
and highly influential religion (Walter, 1979).
It is argued that this broad-sweeping shift from ascription to achievement has resulted in identities that are much more ‘open’, no longer fixed
at birth by, for example, religion, class and/or gender.2 While these
changes have produced greater ‘freedom’ and choice for human beings,
they have also resulted in increasingly precarious, insecure and uncertain subjectivities. Within US society where the ideology of meritocracy
is most influential, this openness of identity is enshrined in the ‘American Dream’. Here individuals are encouraged to believe that ‘you can be
who you want to be’. Rather than being ascribed by birth, selves are now
achieved through practice. Choice is simply a matter of ‘character’. On

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
the one hand, this openness can provide individuals with increased
‘freedom’ since they may now exercise much more discretion over what
they do, how they do it and ‘who they want to be’. Yet on the other hand,
this much greater openness of identity can be highly threatening. It can
significantly increase individuals’ sense of insecurity and vulnerability.
In so far as individuals may develop a ‘fear of freedom’ (Fromm, 1977),
they might try to shelter in the perceived security of being told what to do
and what to think, viewing this as a less threatening alternative to the
responsibility of making decisions and choices for themselves (Berger,
Meritocratic ideologies are typically espoused in societies that are also
characterized by deep-seated class and status inequalities. How does this
impact on the construction of more insecure, ‘achieved selves’? Luckmann and Berger (1963: 343–4) argued that class inequalities contain ‘a
built-in frustration mechanism’ of ‘status anxiety’ which can result in a
continuing crisis of identity. They suggested that deeply stratified and
class-ridden societies tend both to reflect and reinforce recurrent insecurities about self and status. In meritocracies, dignity and respect are no
longer an automatic birthright. They are conditional and have to be
earned and achieved. Accordingly, insecurities about self can become a
permanent feature of everyday experience as identities are pursued
through competition in all aspects of life.
The ‘success ethic’ reinforces the significance of paid employment as a
potential source of valued identity. For men especially, paid work
throughout the 20th century has been a crucial source of (masculine)
identity, status and power (Hearn, 1992). Yet, this workplace competition
to acquire material security and dignity can further intensify subjective
insecurity. For example, when competition in paid employment becomes
the primary means of valuing self, what are the implications for those
who are ‘less successful’? Miller’s (1949) ‘Death of A Salesman’ poignantly describes the painful psychological collapse of Willy Loman, as his
sales performance starts to decline in the later years of his career. It
illustrates how the disciplinary ideology of ‘achieved selves’, which
insists that salespeople ‘are only as good as their last sale’, can have a
corrosive impact on employees’ sense of identity and well-being.
Moreover, if respect and dignity in so-called meritocratic societies are
to be conferred only on those who do middle-class ‘mental’ work, how do
those who are trapped in low status manual jobs construct a positive
meaning for their lives? Sennett and Cobb (1977) examined American
manual workers’ search for human dignity in a class society where
respect is conditional upon ‘success’ and where individuals feel compelled to validate themselves as objects in comparison with others. They
found that the combination of class society and meritocratic ideology
creates a debilitating self-doubt for working-class people. Feeling compelled to create ‘badges of ability’, some respondents viewed their work
life as an heroic sacrifice for their children. Rejecting any possibility of

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upward progress, they treated manual work simply as a means of ensuring that their children would not be like them. Sennett and Cobb
graphically describe how class societies that espouse meritocratic ideals
can generate in subordinated workers a preoccupation with constructing
a dignified self in conditions of its routine erosion.
There are important economic insecurities surrounding paid employment (Burchell et al., 1999). For many workers, a fundamental source of
insecurity is the material and economic realities of selling one’s labour
power in return for a wage. In capitalist organizations hiring labour as a
purchasable and disposable commodity is not only the means for creating
value and expanding capital, but is also a central feature of workplace
discipline. Job insecurity can create material and symbolic anxieties for
workers. The fear of losing one’s economic independence can be interwoven with more symbolic anxieties. To lose one’s job or even to feel
compelled to conform to others’ demands because of the fear of job loss
can erode one’s sense of autonomy and self respect (Palm, 1977). Many
studies of the workplace continue to demonstrate that subordinated
employees often recognize that they are viewed by managers as anonymous and disposable functionaries (Collinson, 2002a). Furthermore, contemporary practices in ‘post-bureaucratic’ organizations that utilize new
technologies to render work more flexible, contract-based, casualized and
‘nomadic’ can also intensify employee insecurities (Sennett, 2000). By
reinforcing individualism, these workplace changes further corrode
social relations while increasing material and symbolic insecurity (Kallinikos, 2003). Hence, these interwoven material and symbolic insecurities
crucially impact on the selves and subjectivities that currently shape
modern workplace practices.
Knights and Willmott (e.g. 1989, 1990) argue that in addition to the
way that social and economic change can significantly exacerbate
anxieties surrounding subjectivity, there is another element of insecurity
that lies at the very heart of identity formation itself. They contend that
insecurities can also be reinforced by individuals’ attachment to particular notions of self. In so far as subjectivity is characterized by a dual
experience of self, as both subject (active agent in the world) and object
(individuals can reflect back on themselves and on the way others see
them), they point to an irreducible ambiguity at the heart of identity
construction. As self-conscious human beings we are both separate from,
but also interdependent with others in the world. This separation and
interdependence is a key source of ambiguity (Collinson, 1992). Knights
and Willmott contend that individuals typically seek to deny or overcome this ambiguity through attempts to secure a stable identity, either as
separate subjects (domination or indifference) or dependent objects
They argue that this pursuit of material and/or symbolic security
through the search for a stable identity is inherently contradictory and is
likely to produce unintended and counterproductive consequences.

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
Their analyses emphasize not only the insecurities of modern identities,
but also the various counterproductive outcomes of individuals’ attempts
to overcome, resolve or deny this insecurity. Since in their view identity
can never be fully secured or rendered entirely stable, individuals may
become entrapped in an illusory goal, a ‘search for the holy grail’ of (re-)
securing self as either subject or object. They contend that in modern
competitive and unequal societies subjectivities are often characterized
by this narcissistic preoccupation with attempts to secure identity.
Knights and Willmott draw on Foucauldian ideas to locate subjectivity
within organizational power relations. But they go further by focusing on
the processes through which subjectivity comes to be fetishized in
identity. They also draw on Giddens’s (1991) view that self-identity is a
reflexively organized endeavour designed to sustain coherent biographical narratives in the search for ontological security. But again they go
further by arguing that insecurity is an existential condition that cannot
be avoided and attempts to do so are likely to be self-defeating. Similarly,
Knights and Willmott reinterpret Berger et al.’s (1973) assumption that
human beings have a fundamental concern for order (see also Berger and
Luckmann, 1967). They question the inevitability of this subjective
preoccupation with order, highlighting its roots in the ego’s illusory
search to secure itself. Knights and Willmott suggest that individuals’
attempts to provide a sense of order, meaning and identity for themselves
by ‘naturalizing’ the world are likely to be counterproductive. The more
we prioritize order, the more we are likely to be threatened by change.
These arguments suggest that while subjectivity is crucially shaped
by organization, individuals can also become the victims of their
own identity-seeking preoccupations. The more individuals become
preoccupied/obsessed with the (illusory) search for a stable and solid
sense of identity, the more likely it is that subjectivity will indeed
become a ‘psychic prison’ (Morgan, 1997).
Knights has extended this analysis by suggesting that the search for
power and identity in the workplace frequently takes highly masculine
forms (Kerfoot and Knights, 1996, 1998).3 Indeed a number of studies
highlight the way that men in organizations often seem preoccupied with
maintaining a particularly masculine identity (Craib, 1998; Hodgson,
2003). Many men seem to place the highest value on their identity in the
eyes of other men. Their search to construct and maintain masculine
identity appears to be an ongoing project, frequently characterized by
ambiguity, tension and contradiction (Morgan, 1992). Like all identities,
masculine selves constantly have to be constructed, negotiated and
achieved both in the workplace and elsewhere. Typically, this is through
processes of identification and differentiation (Collinson and Hearn,
1994). Yet, this preoccupation with securing clearly defined and coherent
gender identities may further reinforce, rather than resolve, the very
insecurity these strategies were intended to overcome (Collinson, 1992).

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The attachment to identity can be especially problematic given that in
practice, we simultaneously occupy many subjective positions, identities
and allegiances (Nkomo and Cox, 1996). Rarely, if ever, do we experience
a singular or unitary sense of self. There also appears to be an almost
unlimited number of possible sources of identity. Human beings seem
able to construct coexisting identities from many different aspects of our
lives (e.g. one’s body, ethnicity, religion, possessions, family status,
gender, age, class, occupation, nationality, sexuality, language, political
beliefs, clothing, etc.). While some of these coexisting identities are
mutually reinforcing, others may be in tension, mutually contradictory
and even incompatible. The multiple nature of selves can thus reinforce
ambiguity and insecurity. For example, we can experience discomfort
and awkwardness when previously discrete ‘life worlds’ (Berger et al.,
1973) come together, say when friends meet parents, or when work meets
home. Yet, many studies of subjectivity tend to examine identity as a
singular phenomenon, concentrating narrowly on just one primary feature of self, such as class, nationality, gender or ethnicity. By privileging
one aspect of identity, such approaches neglect other, potentially important features of self that may intersect in complex ways.
In deconstructing or de-centering the subject, post-structuralist feminist analysis has been particularly important in emphasizing the significance of the multiplicity of subjectivity as well as its ambiguous,
fragmented, discontinuous, non-rational character within asymmetrical
power relations (Henriques et al., 1984). Recognizing men’s and women’s
fragmented and contradictory lives in and around organizations, Kondo’s
(1990) work has been especially influential. She contends that actors
should be seen as ‘multiple selves whose lives are shot through with
contradictions and creative tensions’. In her account of a family-owned
Japanese firm she argues that identities are open, negotiable, shifting and
ambiguous. Kondo suggests that selves are never fixed, coherent, seamless, bounded or whole; they are ‘crafted selves’ not least through
contradiction and irony. She explores the construction of multiple,
gendered selves in workplace relations characterized by ambiguity, paradox and power relations. Kondo insists that the analysis of gender has to
be interwoven with other social categories such as class, ethnicity,
nationality and age.
This appreciation of the significance of multiple identities can also be
seen in the recent interest in multiple masculinities in the workplace
(Martin, 2001).4 Such accounts contend that masculinities are by no
means homogenous, unified or fixed categories but diverse, differentiated
and shifting across time, space and culture (Connell, 1995). Specific and
different masculinities may be constructed and persist in relation both to
femininity/ies and to other forms of masculinity shaped by, for example,
class, ethnicity and age (Collinson and Hearn, 1994). Masculine subjectivities may also be shifting, internally contradictory and in tension.
Barrett (2001) found that US male navy officers were particularly

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
concerned to define themselves in terms of masculine identity. Aviators
emphasized their autonomy and risk-taking, surface warfare officers
prioritized their perseverance and endurance, while supply officers prided themselves on their technical rationality.
Barrett’s study graphically demonstrates how the Navy reproduces a
dominant masculinity taking multiple forms that values physical toughness, endurance, aggressiveness, a rugged heterosexuality, unemotional
logic and a stoic refusal to complain. By contrast, women and gay men
serve as the differentiated others, against which heterosexual men construct, project and display a gendered identity. He argues that masculine
identities in the US Navy are constructed by differentiating and elevating
self through outperforming, discounting and negating others. Yet, underpinning these concerns, he suggests, is an ‘enduring sense of subjective
insecurity’ (2001: 97) that is not resolved, but reinforced by these
processes. He concludes that masculine identity strategies often reproduce insecurity and competition which in turn reinforces the perceived
need for identity-protection strategies.
So far, the discussion suggests that a considerable number of intersecting material and symbolic insecurities can shape the construction
and reproduction of selves and subjects. Social change, workplace power
relations and their shifting nature and the ambiguities and multiplicities
of subjectivity itself can all exacerbate insecurity and anxiety. Given the
socially constructed, multiple and shifting character of identities and
power asymmetries, attempts to construct and sustain particular identities may actually reinforce the very insecurity they are intended to
overcome. In what follows, I now consider how various selves can be
expressed within and through the asymmetrical power relations of
organization. By exploring the workplace construction of selves, I argue
that a greater appreciation of subjectivity and its insecurities can enhance
our understanding of the ways that organizational power relations are
reproduced, rationalized, resisted and, just occasionally, even transformed.

Subjectivity in Practice
As the foregoing discussion intimated, workplace power asymmetries
can reinforce material and symbolic insecurities, especially for those in
subordinated positions. Within critical organizational analysis, power
has typically been examined in terms of management control (Braverman, 1974). Post-structuralist writers have focused on the ways that
specific power/knowledge regimes are inscribed on individual subjectivities. Foucault argued that social control is now produced by exposure
to ‘the gaze’. Through measurement and assessment, surveillance systems render individuals ‘calculable’ and even ‘confessional’ selves who
collude in their own subordination. Within contemporary UK organizations employee performance is increasingly monitored through, for

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example, productivity targets, appraisal systems, performance-relatedpay, league tables, customer feedback, outsourcing and casualization.
What is the impact of this intensified visibility?
On the basis of my own research in organizations over the past 20
years, I now consider in turn a number of subjectivities that routinely
seem to emerge, especially in surveillance-based organizations. These
selves can also be viewed as ‘survival practices’ adopted by individuals,
especially in surveillance-based organizations. While the notion of ‘survival’ might seem a little melodramatic (Noon and Blyton, 1997), it is
intended to address the complex ways that individuals may try to protect
and secure themselves in a physical, economic and/or symbolic sense
within disciplinary regimes. Often these concerns will overlap. For
example, in manual employment, problems of dangerous work, low pay
and degraded identities may not only be inextricably interwoven, but
also mutually implicated in shaping particular employee responses.
Noon and Blyton (1997) demonstrate how, even in tightly monitored
organizations, employees can find creative responses such as making out,
fiddling, joking, sabotage and escaping. The following discussion seeks to
link more explicitly their focus on survival strategies with the construction of selves in the workplace. In particular, it considers ‘conformist’,
‘dramaturgical’ and ‘resistant’ selves.

Conformist Selves
Foucault pointed to the way that workplace surveillance systems produce disciplined and ‘conformist selves’. His ideas have inspired many
workplace studies (McKinlay and Starkey, 1998) that highlight the selfdisciplining impact of workplace surveillance systems which tie individuals to their identities. Studies have explored, for example, corporate
culture initiatives (Kunda, 1992; Willmott, 1993; Casey, 1995), performance assessment systems (Rippin, 1993; Townley, 1992, 1993, 1994),
teamworking (Sewell and Wilkinson, 1992; Barker, 1993) and new
technologies/information gathering systems (Zuboff, 1988). As Alvesson
and Willmott (2002) recently argued, ‘identity regulation’ is a central
feature of organizational control in contemporary ‘post-bureaucratic’
organizations. Illustrating how power and discipline actively construct
conformist selves, these studies show how forms of power exert control
over people, not least by shaping their identities and relationships.5 In
conformity, individuals tend to be preoccupied with themselves as
valued objects in the eyes of those in authority, subordinating their own
subjectivity in the process.
The pursuit of a ‘successful’ career is one example of a conformist self
within surveillance-based organizations. Grey (1994) explores the disciplinary impact of career as a meaningful project of the self. Emphasizing the totalizing influence of identity preoccupations as they are
expressed in careerism, he reveals how identity construction and protection are often significant concerns for managers as well as for more

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
subordinated employees (see also Watson, 1994). The corrosive impact of
careerism can be seen in the way that aspiring individuals come to treat
all organizational, social and even personal relations as instrumental to
career progress. Equally, this manipulative approach frequently involves
attempts to construct workplace reputation through the extensive use of
impression management skills, described by Goffman (1959) and prescribed by others (Giacalone and Rosenfeld, 1991; Rosenfeld et al., 1995).
Careerism intensifies the highly competitive nature of workplace cultures. For those who are promoted, such identities are reinforced by the
remuneration, status and perks of more senior positions. A ‘successful’
career may also be an important medium through which men seek to
establish masculine identities in the workplace. Upward mobility can be
a key objective in the search to secure and embellish the male ego.
Yet, particularly in conditions of ‘delayering’, career bottlenecks and
the demise of lifetime employment, there are considerable contradictions
associated with such aspirations. Committed to upward progress, men
often feel compelled to work longer hours, meet tight deadlines, travel
extensively and be geographically mobile at the behest of the company
(Collinson and Collinson, 1997). Such corporate requirements may be
incompatible with domestic responsibilities and can even contribute to
the breakdown of marriages. Equally, as men grow older they are likely to
be less able to compete effectively with their younger, ‘hungrier’ and
more aggressive male colleagues. Hence, in the short and/or long term,
career competitiveness is unlikely to achieve the kind of security for
which men often strive.
For many employees in subordinated work who see little opportunity
for personal development, an alternative conformist survival practice is
to ‘distance’ themselves from the organization and escape into a private
world outside work (Cohen and Taylor, 1992). Employees may seek to
distance themselves either physically, through, for example, absenteeism
and resignation, or psychologically, by ‘splitting self’. Ascribing primary
significance to life outside work, employees can begin to divide their
identity between the ‘instrumental and indifferent me at work’ and the
‘real me’ outside. They try to build a psychological wall between ‘public’
and ‘private’ selves, privileging the latter and (trying to) de-emphasize
the former. Yet, the precarious nature of this splitting process can be
literally ‘brought home’ when markets deteriorate and companies
announce lay-offs. Such processes underline the inextricable links
between ‘public’ and ‘private’ selves, between paid work and family
(Burrell, 1988).
Hence, this pursuit of material and symbolic security through conformity may itself have counterproductive outcomes. The production of
conformist selves is certainly an important outcome of surveillancebased organizations. Yet is conformity inevitable? Do surveillance systems invariably construct conformist, even ‘capitulated selves’ (e.g.
Casey, 1995) in the ways often assumed?

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Dramaturgical Selves
Surveillance systems tend to make individuals increasingly aware of
themselves as visible objects, under the gaze of those in authority. While
this experience might produce ‘conformist selves’, this is by no means
inevitable. It is possible that individuals might find alternative ways of
expressing themselves as subjects in the workplace. As a result of their
heightened self-consciousness, individuals in surveillance-based organizations might become increasingly skilled manipulators of self, reputation and image in the eyes of ‘significant others’. This dramaturgical
notion of self draws on Goffman’s ideas of impression management.
Goffman focused on individuals’ tendency to present self in a favourable
light, using information politically to conceal, mystify, overstate and/or
In the workplace, dramaturgical selves are more likely to emerge where
employees feel highly visible, threatened, defensive, subordinated and/or
insecure. Various studies document the emergence of dramaturgical
selves as an employee survival strategy within intensified monitoring
(e.g. Bowles and Coates, 1993; Miller and Morgan, 1993; Collinson,
1993). Equally, there are frequent stories in the UK media concerning the
manipulation of performance data in public sector organizations, especially those that are subject to league table assessment (such as hospitals
and schools). Dramaturgical selves may also emerge in private sector
My own research on North Sea oil rigs found that offshore workers
frequently restricted the reporting of accident-related information (Collinson, 1999). In the context of a performance assessment system that
prioritized safety above all other considerations, and as a means of
coping with the contradictory performance indicators introduced by
senior management, oil rig workers felt compelled to conceal information
about safety and/or downplay the definition of accidents and near
misses. They resisted the prescriptions of the safety culture and its
monitoring system by withholding information about accidents, injuries
and near misses as a defensive survival strategy in the face of the
platform blame culture. Precisely because such practices constituted a
sacking offence, workers also disguised their oppositional concealment
strategies. In this sense performance assessment systems can be seen to
create employee ‘performances’. Workers’ dramaturgical selves and practices were also contradictory in the sense that safe practices are paramount for offshore security. By withholding accident-related
information, workers’ practices could jeopardize platform safety. Paradoxically, in their concern to survive within asymmetrical power relations, blame cultures and institutionalized inequalities, workers’
defensive practices could thereby threaten their own physical survival.
Hence, in so far as monitoring tends to intensify individuals’ selfconsciousness, employees can develop alternative dramaturgical selves

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David L. Collinson
and survival strategies. Employees can become skilled at choreographing
their own practices and managing their reactions to the ways they are
monitored. They can learn over time to be more self-consciously skilled
and strategic in response to ‘the gaze’. Similarly, while new technologies
may be used to intensify surveillance (Lyon, 2001), they can also enable
dramaturgical selves. By reconfiguring time and space, technologies like
email and mobile phones can facilitate dramaturgical claims by
employees about where they are, what they have been doing and indeed,
even who they are. Hence, when located in their wider conditions and
consequences, dramaturgical selves can be seen as informing important
survival strategies for those under ‘the gaze’. Tending to be neither a
passive accommodation nor a total resistance to surveillance, dramaturgical selves are more likely to be characterized by an ambiguous and
shifting amalgam compliance and opposition.

Resistant Selves
Resistant selves constitute a primary means by which employees express
their discontent about workplace processes. They may help subordinates
in ‘surviving’ organizational regimes of tight control, surveillance and
commodification. By engaging in resistance, employees often begin to
construct an alternative, more positive sense of self to that provided,
prescribed or circumscribed by the organization (Goffman, 1968). Recent
studies demonstrate the diverse, shifting and multiple character of oppositional subjectivities and practices (Jermier et al., 1994). They suggest
that many resistance practices are frequently covert and subterranean
(Gabriel, 1999; Knights and McCabe, 2000). These may include indifference and ‘foot dragging’ (Scott, 1985, 1990), ‘whistleblowing’ (Rothschild and Miethe, 1994) and even irony and satire (Ackroyd and
Thompson, 1999). While such processes have received far less attention
than more visible resistance like strikes, their disruptive effects should
not be underestimated. Recent studies also suggest that worker discontent may be expressed in terms of ‘cynical selves’ in the context of
‘corporate culturism’ within call centre work (Fleming, 2002; Fleming
and Spicer, 2003) and may also be targeted at customers (e.g. Leidner,
1993). Van Mannen (1991) shows how, in conditions of tight surveillance,
Disney employees still found ways of resisting ‘difficult’ or abusive
‘guests’. Pointing to the importance of subjectivity, he argues that workers’ actions were motivated by the need to restore self-respect.
By introducing gender into the analysis of employee resistance and by
focusing on the possible contradictory consequences of opposition,
studies of ‘resistant selves’ have also helped to demystify and deromanticize workplace dissent. For example, Willis (1977) shows how
highly masculine, working-class oppositional forms can unwittingly
reproduce the very forms of domination they intend to resist. Central to
the lads’ counterculture was a highly explicit preoccupation with validating working-class masculine identity. Similarly, my own study of

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‘Slavs’ focused on the contradictory dynamics of shopfloor culture and
subjectivity (Collinson, 1992). It describes how, within an organization
where they are treated as ‘second-class citizens’, working-class men may
(re)produce a shopfloor culture that celebrates manual work and redefines their sense of self, dignity and respect. Negating management, office
workers and women, shopfloor workers elevated themselves through
specifically masculine values of being a family breadwinner, ‘honest’,
‘practical’, ‘productive’ and ‘having commonsense’. For many men,
highly aggressive, sexist and derogatory humour also played an important part in constructing identity and meaning. While workers symbolically inverted the values and meanings of class society, they did so in
ways that ultimately and paradoxically celebrated the status quo. The
transformative potential of this oppositional shopfloor culture was
thereby dissipated by the preoccupation with the construction of masculine identity in conditions of its continual erosion.
Such studies have also highlighted the blurred and ambiguous boundaries between opposition and control. For example, feminist analyses of
the exclusionary and segregating practices of organized male-dominated
labour (e.g. Cockburn, 1983; Walby, 1986) reveal how male worker
resistance against the employer (e.g. over the ‘breadwinner wage’) can
simultaneously constitute a form of control and domination (e.g. through
the exclusion of female labour). Similarly, members of shopfloor countercultures who are highly suspicious and critical of managerial motives
and practices can simultaneously express a deep-seated commitment to
‘management’s right to manage’ (Collinson, 1992). By distancing themselves from organizational decision-making, they thereby tend to reinforce managerial prerogative and increase their own vulnerability to
managerial discretion.
Elaborating her conception of the multiple and ambiguous nature of
selves, Kondo (1990) questions much of the literature on resistance. She
describes how the countercultures of Japanese shopfloor workers that
frequently highlight managerial inconsistencies, can themselves be
caught in contradictions, simultaneously legitimizing as they challenge
dominant organizational and gendered discourses. While workers criticize management and question the dominant notion of ‘the company as
family’, they simultaneously take pride in belonging to the organization.
Similarly, women part-time workers asserted their gendered identities
(often as surrogate mothers to the younger male artisans) in ways that
creatively challenged the masculine celebration of prowess on the job.
Yet, by relying on conventional discourses about women, these identities
had the effect of reinforcing their marginality as workers. By casting
themselves as mothers, women claimed power over the younger men but
simultaneously reproduced their exclusion. Paradoxically, they asserted
and marginalized themselves simultaneously.
Rather than deny or reinterpret these highly ambivalent worker subjectivities, Kondo seeks to draw on them explicitly and theoretically.

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
Criticizing both romanticized and overly determined conceptions of
workplace behaviour, she argues that much of the literature tends to see
resistance as too neat, closed, monolithic and internally coherent. Kondo
develops a more complex view of power and subjectivity which recognizes how people consent, cope and resist at different levels of consciousness at a single point in time. She rejects the notion of a ‘pristine
space of authentic resistance’ and of a fixed, static and singular identity
such as a ‘true resister’ or ‘class warrior’. Kondo concludes that ‘words
like “resistance” and “accommodation” truly seem inadequate, for
apparent resistance is constantly mitigated by collusion and compromise
at different levels of consciousness, just as accommodation may have
unexpectedly subversive effects’ (1990: 299).
In sum, recent studies of resistant selves in the workplace highlight
their multiplicity, inherent ambiguity and potentially contradictory outcomes. They suggest that countercultures may enable employees simply
to accommodate and adjust to their subordinated position (Watson,
1995), reproduce new forms of coercion and domination (Walby, 1986)
and might also constitute a visible target for the intensification of
discipline and control (Burrell, 1988). Equally, rather than achieve the
security and stability they often seek, resistant selves may actually
reinforce and intensify employee insecurity (Collinson, 1992). Accordingly, it would be ill advised to assume that resistance in and of itself will
lead to ‘progress’, ‘emancipation’ and/or positive organizational change
(WOBS, 2000). Having said that, resistance can also represent a challenge
to dominant interests and values and may even become a catalyst for
social and organizational change. Especially where resistance is not
primarily concerned with identity-securing strategies and is informed by
concern to render managerial practices more visible and accountable, it
can produce significant organizational change (e.g. Ezzamel, 1994; Collinson, 2000).

This article has explored the growing interest in selves and subjects at
work. Highlighting the insecurities, ambiguities and multiplicities of
workplace selves, the foregoing discussion has sought to illustrate how
organizations not only produce products and services, but, in important
symbolic and material ways, also produce people. Corporations provide
economic remuneration and they also confer identities and meanings.
Equally, they can generate considerable employee insecurity and anxiety,
particularly through disciplinary regimes that erode trust relations.
Workplace monitoring and motivation systems are frequently informed
by a concern not merely with work intensification but also with the
intensification of workers’ material and symbolic insecurity. This seems
to be a predominant mode of ‘motivating’ employees in contemporary
organizations. Especially in surveillance-based organizations, employees

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may seek to survive ‘the gaze’ through the construction of a variety of
conformist, dramaturgical and/or resistant selves. In so far as these selves
are designed to secure material and/or symbolic security, they may in
turn also produce unintended and paradoxical effects.
The growth of post-structuralist interest in subjectivity has in some
respects paralleled the development of the journal Organization. This
interest in selves at work is likely to grow in the future. Within the
workplace, employee subjectivity could become an increasingly ‘contested terrain’. In recent times employers have extended their control
strategies ever deeper into employee subjectivities with their concern ‘to
win hearts and minds’ and to shape employee attitudes, emotions,
sexualities, values, thoughts, bodies, appearance, demeanour, gestures
and even humour and laughter (Burrell, 1992; Fleming, 2002; Collinson,
2002b). This corporate pressure on employees simultaneously to suppress and to deploy particular emotions in performing their organizational tasks is likely to intensify (Hochschild, 1983; Fineman, 1993).
Equally, future managerial control strategies targeting subjectivity may
be facilitated by new technologies (Lyon, 2001). For example, we can
already see how ‘virtual selves’ are being artificially constructed to suit
corporate purposes. In India, call centre workers employed by transnational corporations are employed to answer telephone enquiries from
callers living in the US and Europe. Yet, management has stipulated
that callers must not discover that their query is being answered by an
Indian worker based in Asia. Consequently, these workers are required to
convey the impression that they are English or American and that they
are working in these countries. They are trained in the appropriate
accents, have to read ‘local’ papers (so they can chat about the news and
the weather) and also have their Indian names changed to English
equivalents. In short, they are required to deny their sense of self and take
on a whole new identity defined by the corporation.
This growing interest in selves, subjects and subjectivities presents a
challenge for organization theorists to reconcile two somewhat opposing
conceptions of human agency and organization. Are people best understood as the subjects or objects of the organizational worlds they inhabit?
On the one hand, we live in complex, globalized organizations and
societies that are not of our making or choosing. In many cases, the
asymmetrical power relations of contemporary organizations, leave
employees feeling powerless and subordinated to such an extent that
they seem to become ‘capitulated selves’. Yet, on the other hand, it is also
important to remember that organizations and societies are socially
constructed and that individuals are not passive entities who are totally
determined by external forces. Individuals are knowledgable and creative
agents who, in forging relationships and constructing various selves,
significantly shape the societies and organizations they inhabit. In so far
as people are best viewed as simultaneously both subjects and objects of
their societies, organizations and relations, the challenge for critical

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Identities and Insecurities
David L. Collinson
organizational analysts is to develop new ways of examining and representing these complex and sometimes contradictory simultaneities as
they are reproduced within the multiple asymmetries and insecurities of
the contemporary workplace.




Having said that, symbolic interactionism can be criticized for constructing an
oversocialized conception of human beings.
While this broad-ranging focus on the shift from ascription to achievement is
instructive for understanding contemporary subjectivities, it should not be
oversimplified. Inevitably, this is to some extent an ideal-typical distinction.
In many societies, including the so-called ‘meritocracies’ of North America,
Western Europe and Australasia, ascription continues to have a significant
impact in shaping identities, and the ‘accident of birth’ maintains an important influence on life opportunities. This can be seen for example in the
reproduction of family dynasties in professional politics (e.g. Bush, Kennedy),
in the familial leadership succession and inheritance of many businesses
(especially in small businesses that comprise by far the largest section of the
UK economy) and also in the ways that professional families often reproduce
themselves through the next generation of same-occupation, middle-class
professionals (e.g. doctors, lawyers and professional sports players). Equally,
while these societies are nominally secular, they also retain significant vestiges of religious influence that can crucially inform ascribed identities.
Conversely, it would be misleading to exaggerate the stability and security of
selves in medieval societies. Threats of disease/illness, war/invasion and
childbirth are just three illustrations of the extensive insecurities that typically characterized medieval society.
Indeed, a recognition of the gendered and non-rational nature of subjectivities
has important implications for the analysis of power and subjectivity in the
workplace (Feree et al., 1999). Gendered notions of identity have been shown
to be a vital aspect of gendered power, culture and meaning (Pierce, 1995).
Feminist studies have problematized men’s attachment to family breadwinner
identities (Walby, 1986) and demonstrated how concerns to protect gendered
identities often inform the dominance of men’s workplace sexuality and
practices of sexual harassment (Hearn et al., 1989).
To date there has been less focus on feminine subjectivities in organizations.
Domination is not just an imperative of capitalist, patriarchal or imperialist
society. As Roberts (2001) has recently argued, it can also be informed by the
narcissistic concern to confirm self through the exercise of power. As feminists have also argued, men’s exercise of gendered control (over women and
other men) is one means by which men try to validate masculine identity.

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David L. Collinson is currently FME Professor of Strategic Learning and Leadership in
the Department of Management Learning at Lancaster University Management
School. Formerly at the Universities of Warwick, Manchester, St. Andrews and
South Florida, he was also Hallsworth Visiting Professor at Manchester Business
School in 2001. Adopting a critical approach to management and organization
studies, David has published on power, resistance, gender, subjectivity, safety and
humour. His current research focuses on the development of critical approaches
to leadership and learning. Address: Department of Management Learning, The
Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YX, UK. [email:
[email protected]]

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