IRJET-A Multi-level Services for Scaling of applications in Cloud Services

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Multi-level Services for Scaling of applications in Cloud Services
Kasapogu Swetha1, A.P.Sivakumar2

Student, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur, A.P., India
Professor,Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur, A.P., India

Abstract– Automatic scaling in cloud server provisioning
resources has become an active area of research in the
Cloud Computing paradigm. Cost of resources are
different depending on configuration for using them.
Hence efficient management resources are major interest
to both Cloud Providers and Cloud Users. Here
encapsulating some of the applications in virtual
machines by using CCBP problem, analyzing server is like
a bin and class is an whatever we using like
applications.In this paper presents a multi-level Services
mainly scaling of each of the applications by using cloud
computing Services. Here we are using simulations
through many applications for computing performance.
Experimental results demonstrates that our system
showing the satisfaction ratio,decision time and energy
utilization that reduce the no of servers using when the
load is low.
Key Words – Cloud computing, scaling,virual machine,
cloud simulations.

Now a day’s Cloud computing is a new technology for
resources providing which is in large data
computing is a type of computing that depends on sharing
computing resources rather than having local servers or
present devices to handle applications.It is available as a
service to the cloud providers and users.

Here some of the cloud services,and service providers are to
be chargeable and charging from the users according to what
they are using in service policy method. Hence for this for
maintain the perfect services and also service Providers have
become to improve the Scalability factor and less energy
consumption. Actually scaling of each applications is based
on how to utilize the resources.
Scaling is the ability to increase or decrease the compute
capacity of our applications by either changing the number
of servers or changing the size of servers. Auto scaling is a
web services that enables we to automatically Launch or
Terminate Amazon web services based on user defined
policies Services in the Cloud[4]. Most of the cloud
computing Services are must be in pay as you go method.
Many web Applications can be usefull for the scaling of each
applications within a Automatic Manner.Here Resources are
utilized within increasing or decresing order by the cloud
Service Provider. Then Scaling of Each Applications with
respective by using the Multi level Services based on
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2
discusses related work which includes Scaling of
Applications explanation. Ccbp for scaling of resources
Section 3 illustrates proposed work which is an major part.
Section 4 presents results obtained through simulating.
Finally we conclude in Section 5.

Initially, it has to become for start business or by using the
resources without any capital investment. Mainly cloud
services are like as a pay per use model over the internet.
They are some efficient services and products[2].For
example,AmazonEC2,MicrosoftAzure,Google,IBM,Dell. This
are use in cloud computing offering.

© 2015, IRJET

The Class constrained bin packing problem had been
extensively studied[5].Here we considers different
constraints for this we first pack the class of items into
particular no of bins here items is nothing about the
applications to servers. Hence Here satisfying the memory
usage and CPU Utilization based on service providers.

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

Mainly we consider CCBP problem,there is a limit for how
many applications can run on particular servers. For this we
use one efficient color set algorithm which is easy to
recognize,how many applications can run simultaneously.
Zhen Xiao[6] introduced a system that automatically scales
the no of applications based on demand service policy.
2.1 Scaling of Applications:
Cloud computing, scaling[6] is the procedure for providing
the services without lagging information if there is any
increase or decrease on load while running applications.
Here the System being able to adapt the user requests. Then
we have to increase or decrease the resources. hence we
maintains the cost and scalability factor should be balanced.
In cloud computing mainly focuses on sharing data among a
scalable network of nodes,across to the data centers and
Web Services.
2.2 System Architecture:

Physical Machine

Virtual machine

Reqs Dispatcher

Color set



Task request


Usher ctrl




Fig1. System Implementation
The above fig shows that the encapsulating each application
instances inside a virtual machine [VM]. Here virtual

© 2015, IRJET

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072

machine is an environment, actually a program or operating
System which is not Physically exist but is created within
environment. Virtual machines are necessary for providing
Isolated among untrusted custumers or users. Here Amazon
EC2 used this Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing. This are
open source implementations.
Here some of the functionalities are :
1.Virtual Machine
2. Primary Machne
3. Nodes
According to this virtual machines are having Application
Instances, means the load information of each application
instances . And Here Request Counter means the request no
of each application instances through Switch.
The Physical machines are nothing about which includes the
procedure for invoking periodically to make decisions. Load
distribution indices for every application instances first we
need to observe future resources , and then proceed to
decide how to allocates their capacity or load over the group
of running instances based on demand.
Then color set is nothing about the ccbp problem which
includes how to allocate the resources among each
application instances.And Task request ,it is the major part in
this paper. Here there are some requests or tasks from the
users which is discussed in later sections.
Hence the Application Placement is for deciding how many
set of servers and its instances runs in periodically. Then it
should be scales some of the multi level services among the
set of applications based on service providers.
Based on this the physical machine schedules procedures of
our system.
Finally the multiflexing of virtual machines and physical
machines is managed by using the usher. Actually Usher is a
virtual machine management system[7]. Here we use this for
managing clusters through virtual machines. The main
intension of our System is implementing some of set of
plugins into Usher. Hence we use Local Node Manager
because all the decisions which is in PM, are forwarded to
the LNM for execution. Whether there is any waiting
situations while running set of applications then it sends the
information like stand by andwakeup instructions or
application starts and stops instructions.

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

Here by observing some of the difficult applications can take
more time to start and finish applications. so run each
application inside virtual machines. Then HBFT which
provides the sequence between the backup virtual machine
and primary virtual machine at large frequency among 10’s
to 100’s of milli sec’s according to the major virtualization
Actually,Here by using some Physical Machines or servers in
the cloud.All the servers approximately having same capacity
.Their are some requests or Tasks from the first
decide how to execute this tasks in all those servers. In
previous they considers only applications are their and
different classes are their. Now how to execute this tasks on
to the servers,for this they proposed one color set algorithm
is bin packing alg.
Intially they are some set of servers are their, first server
don’t have any color. Color means a Category of
Applications, class Or all applications are related to data
processing. So if a particular application comes,which is
having a color value,first we find that any server having
already running with that particular color,i.e suppose we use
Red, Green,Blue. If we have to pack all the related R’s items
into one particular server all the related G’s and B’s are into
one particular server,this is the concept of color bin packing
Suppose S1,S2,S3 are 3 servers are available. S1 will be taken
as Red color i.e one application says A1 app is R. alrdy
servers are having CPU utilization and memory usage is
their, here balance them if A1 app is put in server S1 which
is in R, then some CPU utilization is grown up,Memory usage
also grown up. Now some other A2 is coming which is of R
color, Now if R is available so S1 in R,then put A2 app also in
server S1. Then CPU& Memory utilization is still come down
means availability of servers still down. If A3 app is come,
here check whether any remaining is available,if not can’t
pack it in server ,then we have to find one more server. Now
If G comes, G can’t put in server S1,So we have to put this
other server S2 and remaining process is same as above. And
next we check with sever S3also which is in B.
Hence Based on server capacity we have to run all
applications which is in simultaneous process. The CCBP
problem[8] maintains for packing the items of a class in bins.
Here intension is to minimize the application placement and
energy consumption.

© 2015, IRJET

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Initially some physical machines or servers in the cloud
having same capacity only based on utilizing the resources.
Now how to execute for differentiated Services,this is an
extension each applications are having different
Priority,Multiple Services to their custumers or users. Some
Cloud Service Providers give Mult level Services to their
custumers, when resources are tight cloud service providers
are gave to their premium custumers because they are
having high demand satisfaction Ratio than other Custumers.
i.e each app having priority. Here some are having High
Priority,Some are having low Priority. In previous which is
R,G,B they all are come and executed but here when R is
more priority that paying more but G is in Low priority that
paying Less,then we should be give priority to R Than G
Then Here Mainly we are doing when the task are comes
based on priority, first map each task to one virtual machine
and after that in each of this task having a Perticular
Class,means some group of applications, or some are real
time are their. Here we are proposing mainly we have to
check Priority between all.
For doing this we use one particular tool i.e CloudSim.
CloudSim[9], is a toolkit for the designing and simulating of
Cloud computing environments comes to the retrieval. It
providing system and modelling of the Cloud computing
components. In cloud environments simulations and
applications are evaluating performances and they provide
useful methods such as dynamic, distributed, and scalable
The major advantages of simulation are:

Ease to use and customization.
Flexibility for defining configurations.
Cost benefits: Here First creating, planning,
testing, and then next repeatable same in any of
application on the cloud may be
simulations are easy to rectify those problems.

CloudSim is a simulation tool that follows the cloud

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

developers to test the performance of their resources
provisioned methods in a quotable and manageable
Situation,[10].CloudSim is a library for using the simulation
in to the clouds.It maintains
some classes for
mputational resources. By using this Components , easy to
evaluate methods governed in clouds. Then it maintains
scheduling algorithms, load balancing policies, etc. so here
we used to assess the competence of methods from various
specifications such as profit, application execution time,
satisfy etc.
Hence there is an virtual machine placement algorithm[11]
means how to place virtual machine in physical machines
are nothng but servers, so we map each app into one
VM.This VM is placed on PM so what VM is placed on to
which PM, for this is Virtual Placement Algorithm.
3.2 CloudSim Implementation:
The CloudSim layer offering supports for simulation
within cloud environment based on ,by adding utilized
Resources, memory interfaces , storage, and Virtual
Machines. It also provides hosts to VMs, application
execution management.
Some of the components of Cloud Sim are as follows:
Hosts: It is like a physical resources for storage purpose.
Cloudlet: It indices the group of custumer requests. It was
having the application ID, name of the custumer data, and
also the capacity of the requesting execution contents.
Data centres: It specifies the infrastructure services
providing by different cloud service providers.
Service broker: The service broker observes which data
centre should be selects for providing the services based
on the requests from the custumer base.
VMM allocation policy: It specifies providing policies
based on how to allocate VMs to hosts.

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig 2 Cloud Sim Archietecture
CloudSim is a free and Open Source Software available at
[12]. It is a code Library based on Java. This library we can
directly used by integrating with the JDK to compile and
execute the code. CloudSim is integrated with Java-based
IDE (Integrated Devolopement Environment) which
includes Net beans.
4.Simulation Results:
The main feature of Web applications is maintaining
balance to the load on the servers efficienitly, for this we use
to minimize the average response time and minimize Energy
Consumption. According to this we use Multi Level Services
for scaling of each applications by using some of the cloud
service providers.
4.1 Simulation Scenario:
Here we proposed simulations through Cloud sim Platform.
First we have set of items ,each item must be filled with
minimum no of bins, Then we Consider how many servers
are their,and what their cpu and memory usage. Next Task
Request file, here also we some inputs like application id,
CPU%, memory usage,Class, and Priority is
major because we already said cloud service providers gives
their services for mainly their premium custumers which are
having high demand satisfaction ratio.
We maintains some task related files should be in easy to
custumise the results. Then specify two modules like SingleLevel Services, and Multi-Level Services.(like, No Priority, or
only Priority).Here we proposed mainly Multi level services.
And when simulations started then we can view the Results
based on Performance..

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072

According to simulations we got the Simulation time, energy
consumption ,VM migrations[13] means it is used for
managing many Applications and Resources within large
scaled Virtualize data centers and Cloud Systems.And also
we evaluated SLA violations.

Here the Satisfaction Probability means while cloud
providers, main purpose is to satisfy the cloud consumers for
giving their Services through Cloud computing. Then Cloud
Consumers used the services, has what they are use that only
they pay.So as Satisfaction Ratio should perform Efficiently.

Fig 3 Decision time based on applications
Here the decision time shows that which is in multi level
services providing cloud providers to the cloud
consumers,based on priority ,and with out using priority.
Based on this it shows No differentiation is like a single level,
and differentiation is like a multi level services. Hence when
no of applications increases then decision time also
increases,and if no of applications decreases then decision
time decreases.

Here it shows that based on the no of applications and its
energy consumption ,we estimated the profit for single Level
and Multi Level services (No Differtiation and Differtiation ).
Hence Profit becomes some times more and some times less
based on resources utilization.
We presented the implementation of a system that Can
scales each Application instances based on demand service
policy.So here we using color bin packing problem and its
extension is We have Evaluated our System by using
CloudSim platform for varied number of tasks and
measuring the Satisfaction Probability and profit on cloud. So
In this System we developed an Efficient Multi-Level Service
to distributes incoming user requests within the set of
Equivalence classes.

Fig4.Satisfaction probability about cloud consumers

© 2015, IRJET


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072



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available website about cloudsim.


Mitesh Soni an open source Implementation “
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Kasapogu Swetha received B.Tech
degree in Computer Science &
Engineering from Kottam college of
Engineering Chinna Tekur, Kurnool,
Engineering, Anantapuramu, A.P, India,
during 2008 to 2012. Currently pursuing
M.Tech in Computer Science from JNTUA
College of Engineering, Anantapuramu,
A.P, India, during 2013 to 2015 batch. Her Area of interests
include cloud computing, Network
Security,Data mining.
Dr.A.P SivaKumar is currently working
as a Assistant Professor in the
Department of Computer Science &
Engineering in JNTU college of
Engineering, Anantapuram A.P,India. He
Received his Ph.D in “Cross Lingual
Information Retrieval”, from JNTU,
Anantapur,A.P. He obtained M.Tech in
Hyderabad,A.P.He did B.Tech in Computer Science &
Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad,A.P. His Research area
includes Natural Language Processing, Cross Lingual &
Information Retreival.

[13] Somayeh Soltan Baghshahi, SamJabbehdari, saharAdabi
“Virtual Machine Migration Based on greedy
Algorithm in Cloud Computing” in Computer
Applications Vol 96, no.12, June 2014.

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Volume: 02 Issue: 05 | Aug-2015

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ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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