IRJET-A New Architecture for Content Management Systems Based On Event-Based Software Architecture

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A New Architecture for Content Management Systems
Based On Event-Based Software Architecture
Soleiman Moeini 1, Dr. Sarkhosh Seddighi Chaharborj 2, Dr. Yousof Ghaisari 3
Department of Computer, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr Branch, Bushehr, Iran
Department of Computer, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr Branch, Bushehr, Iran
3 Department of Computer, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr Branch, Bushehr, Iran


Abstract - CMS is a system through the application of
which at organizational levels, companies can achieve
their goal of homogenizing present functions in order
to make a homogenous enterprise possible. Developers
have been coping with a certain degree of complexity in
the processes of designing and establishment of
planning and organizational resource systems.
Categorizing factors and relations with the purpose of
transcending details and making holistic views possible
is one of the methods for fighting the so-called
complexity. This type of categorization is called
software architecture. The purpose of this article is to
provide the reader with a coherent and homogenous
architecture for CMS systems via combining eventbased and service-oriented architecture models. By
means of introducing a modular framework for CMS
systems, we divide systems into cores and independent
modules, and then design a structure through
architectures for each section. Also in order to establish
contact and information exchange both among subsystems and between sub-systems and the core system,
we have utilized an information exchange method
based on XML. And simulating the so-called method in
the Enterprise Architecture environment, we have
improved the technological infrastructure and
intractability in organizations to converge information
technologies with business environments.

Key Words: Software Architecture, Event-Based
Architecture, Object-Oriented Architecture, Content
Management Systems, CMS
CMS is the theory through which companies can
homogenize their sub-systems under the supervision
and by the help of experts. Mega-organizations soon
noticed that they need to adapt to changes in work
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conditions and technological developments and
accordingly discovered the very importance of
developing a homogenous piece of software via which
it would become possible to fulfill needs at the various
levels of management. The discovery has led to a
tendency in companies for putting in use CMS software
in order to respond to both internal and external
demands. However, efforts as such would not bring
forth proper improvements as to facilitate competition
for large companies in the exponentially developing
world today. But wherever it is possible to optimize
knowledge transfer, particularly the organization or the
employee will be responsible for the processes [1]. So
the company rather than increasing investment on
software packages, focus its investments on the use of
integrated systems and involves the entire company in
every day needs and parameters it needs, but do not
answer them. Corporate systems are commercial
software packages that integrate business processes
organizations enable, in fact, the data to be integrated
by the software packages and by making their business
processes to the full and to control them online [1,2].
Enterprise systems, including CMS software and related
software packages are capable of advanced planning
and scheduling, sales automation, customer relations
management and product formation. One of the
distinguishing features of enterprise systems
integration is Integration without Borders i.e. data
circulating in financial accounting system, human
resource information, supply chain information, and
customer information. Corporate computing systems
that are functionally identical systems with different
operations at different levels of providing organizations
Today's organizations are complex creatures that
describe the technical aspects of information systems
as requiring the use of special architectural.
Developments of software systems and software
design in an attempt to win over the difficulties of
designing and manufacturing CMS systems become
larger and more complicated with time, in terms of the
degree of variation in the number and complexity of

Page 1625

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

factors and relationships in the systems or the faces
that require grand approach to CMS systems have
been. There are several ways to overcome the
complexity of systems theory. Put one of these factors
and relationships at various levels so that we can avoid
the details of the macro we outlook [2, 4]. That in some
fields such as civil engineering, urban bridge maker,
etc. It is a fusion of craft and become an architect. In
fact, a solution to overcome the complexity of the
system is the high level design.
Architecture has a Latin root, meaning a professor in
the building. Architecture is a set of technical drawings
where each map includes a description of certain
aspects of the system. Architecture is a model used to
describe various aspects of each module. The
symptoms follow specific syntax rules and standards
are literal. The models can be used to describe the
components of a system and the relationships between
them [5]. Architecture can be used to describe existing
systems or systems that have been built or are to be
used in the future. The architecture includes both
structural and behavioral descriptions of a system. A
set of technical drawings are applied to describe the
architecture, which should be understood by designers
and manufacturers, and fully in accordance with
customer requirements. Architectural descriptions
may be applicable. So part of the architectural design is
called an action plan that includes a schedule of costs
and resources required to organize the administrative
architecture. Provide a technical description of a
system architecture that reflects the structure of its
components and the principles governing the
relationship between the components of their design
and evolution over time. The complexity of the specific
needs such a large scale, long life and flexibility that
can lead to necessary changes in the architecture of a
system to be the architects of the design and help
experienced architects are artists who seem to be able
to also recognize that customer needs are expressed
generally for a nontechnical scientific language and
convert them to the standard fields of real creative
thinking and provide their demands [7, 8].
In this paper, our goal is to use the architectural style
based on the event and the model of service-oriented
architecture to introduce the structure and framework
for CMS Systems which can improve the development
of standardization and integration platforms.
Additionally, increase the possibility of reuse and
flexibility to maximize the intelligent services.
Following methods and optimization procedures of our
proposed architecture, Enterprise Architect modeling
software architecture in the context of the models are
done and the results were analyzed as the necessary
changes were applied. In part (2) discusses the concept
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of software architecture and its necessity in software
systems. Section (3) is an overview of related work in
the field of CMS systems. In Section (4) the general
structure of the proposed architecture for CMS systems
and interior components and sub-systems and
modules as well as how the interaction with the system
based on the proposed architecture are introduced and
examined. Section (5) concerns proposed architecture
based on software quality attributes which are
assessed, and finally in section (6) the result of the
work presented in this paper and suggestions for
further research are discussed.

2. Software Architecture
A general description of the technical architecture of
software systems structure and behavior of a software
system is a system which actually produces a
structured software engineering where structural
strength of the passage of time and the quality and size
of these applications can be added. This is one of the
major advantages in the use of the software
architecture. Architecture is a set of technical drawings
where each map includes a description of certain
aspects of the system. Architecture is a model used to
describe various aspects of each model where the
symptoms follow specific syntax rules and standards
are literal. The models can be used to describe the
components of a system and the relationships between
them. The architecture includes both structural and
behavioral descriptions of a system. A set of technical
drawings applied to describe the architecture, should
be understood by designers and manufacturers and be
prepared strictly in accordance with customer
requirements, architectural descriptions in order to be
applicable [6, 7]. Event-based architecture is to achieve
scalability by isolating different parts of the
computation in order to correct the style of the
different processes that work together to form the
message. This process also sends data directly to each
part but does not control the messages sent to a
specific subscriber. Each component of the data that is
going to be multiplexed with the surroundings
swallows the rest of the components in this class, and
may be required to record some data. If you do this
every time there was a data call, and receives data,
component values record messages that want to
manage the reception. It then gives a message to the
object or the remaining subscribers and applicants [6,

3. Previous Work
As the studies regarding the architecture of CMS
systems to limited research in this area show, we
stumble so with the knowledge of the capabilities and
features of event-based architecture and service-

Page 1626

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

oriented architecture model, we present the
architecture of CMS systems we need. With a
combination of event-based architecture of an
architecture model, and Object-Oriented Architecture,
we aim to produce an integrated and flexible Content
Management system. In our studies we encountered
articles on the same theme, they also have an end goal
of our study, thus referring to them and examine their
shortcomings in this section can be useful. Agentoriented architecture provides flexibility in CMS
systems with the results of research that can help us
achieve the goals in our article. Software architecture is
an important part of an CMS software package that can
help ensure the flexibility of the system and the
process of reverse engineering. These parts of the
environment in which the possibility of developing
specific or CMS software package meet the specific
needs of the users. on the other hand, one of the key
distinctions compared to other systems integrated
with CMS systems into their business processes based
on best practices is Of course, if necessary, is based on
the specific needs of the buyer must become possible.
One of the most important results-oriented
architectural design factor was that one of the main
limitations of current development environments lack
flexibility and intelligence in supporting the creation
and implementation of the reform process. These
limitations, based on an agent-oriented architecture
can be overcome [1, 4].
The development process of CMS systems and
administrative barriers at the macro level is another
study that could help the process of this article. The
objectives of this study
was to examine the
development process of CMS systems in organizations
and institutions, and obstacles that lead to failure in
implementing and running the system are noted. The
method of the study is an analysis of territorial
cohesion and spatial nature of the research field as its
data is collected using questionnaires and interviews.
This study tries to answer questions such as: How can
CMS improve a company's business performance?
What factors are often the cause of failure in CMS
projects? The system-level software companies
produce software packages related to how much
progress has been made in order to provide a suitable
architecture in which results can be used[2]. To
identify and rank factors that influence the level of
readiness for implementation of Content Management
software companies can integrate information that
organizations need to remain competitive in all sectors
of a common base, through the integration of processes
within the CMS distribution software modules by the
functional areas of the organization to resolve. Despite
the advantages that CMS implementation achieved, a
high degree based on the failure of these projects are
implemented. Companies implementing CMS judge
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three quarters of these projects to fail. Ninety percent
of the time and money spent on CMS projects on time
and within budget take more than seventy percent of
them while they do not achieve the anticipated
benefits. Reasons for the high rate of failure are known
to be a lack of knowledge and indicators of success of
the CMS companies and also implementation
arrangements for the projects [3].
Implementation of CMS designed one of the most
important points that need to be considered. Most
ministries and agencies and large corporations
implement a proper integrated information system in
their operational environment and frequently have
large costs and result as reported in the study phase
where the recognition system or implementation is
inefficient. Problems in organizational processes are
characteristics by many reasons employers and
contractors are also put place, causing this failure to be
evaluated. One of the solutions for the problems and
the reasons behind the use of software tools that can
be integrated into existing CMS products is based on
the production processes standardized and related to
problems in the implementation process in the system
corresponding to large organizations. Their aim is to
scan documents related to companies and experts in
development and implementation of CMS and CMS
product selection and implementation methods
thereby. The results of this study indicate that the CMS
products are too costly used in changing management
culture in the organization while the network also has
remained safe and sustainable. Then it was made
possible using existing software CMS Content
Management in a good way so the benefits of increased
productivity and efficiency of the organization are
made about three years after the capital return. Fig [8,
11]. Since the objective of this paper, is to design an
architecture combining Object-Oriented Architecture
model and event-based architectural style and the
architecture of CMS systems according to research
conducted in the field of information systems and
management applications in the field of software
architecture, we can say that CMS design using hybrid
architectures can provide better results.

4. Proposed Architecture
In this paper, the proposed system architecture is
divided into two distinct parts with different functions.
The need to create two separate parts of the system
comes from the extensible nature of these systems and
the fact that these systems are part of the general
system duties and responsibilities are shared between
all system components where the entire system
perform administrative tasks. Such structure of the
system could be more stable and variable components
of the management system as the term refers to the

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

part of the core system aimed. The core of the system
reusability makes special-purpose subsystems as
modules attached to the system in the form of an
coordination between the inner core and the outside
core kernel module management information [12, 13.
In addition, other parts of the system that are the core
of the system variables and the presence or absence of
these sections can be used for various purposes in the
work. These sectors are accomplished under the
management and control system of the core elements
that are included in this section. The term module
refers, this article, to core management task in the
system responsible which has its own components and
the internal structure of which is considered while the
core components and other structures can function.
The core work with independent modules to fulfill
their duties under the core of what we consider. It
detects the boundaries between the inner core and
external components must be done in such a way that
any dependence between core and external modules
do cause a desirable level of modularity and reusability
of the system as well as the ability to achieve [11, 14,
and 15]. In Figure (1), based on the core system
architecture and interior components and subsystems
can be seen.

and number of components required can change over
time accordingly, but what is important to the CMS
System Core architecture, is for our proposal to be
based on the objectives defined in the CMS system and
include elements of the Event Bus as a provider of
management and implementation of the entire system.
The Event Bus connection between the inner core and
core modules that interact with a subsystem manages
and controls the communication between modules and
subsystem. The unit subsystems are CMS Sub Systems.
In fact, a special-purpose subsystem is needed, it can
be added as a module in our proposed architecture, so
the system internal structure is completely
independent of our proposed architecture in the
architecture of our proposed framework in order to be
able to play. The core can interact with an interface
adapter when it is needed to be able to interact with
the Event Bus. In other words, our proposed
architecture is the design of a subsystem with no limits
on their internal structure, but if it does not play in an
integrated system within the core, it must have the
ability to communicate and interact with the core of
the system, and to do this will require a relationship.
When a subsystem is added then a module system can
provide all the facilities and services so the core
modules will with respect to the privacy of those which
use the service to other modules. [14, 16].

4.1 The Core of the Proposed Architecture

Fig -1: Proposed Architectural Details
As seen in Figure (1) you can see the structure of the
proposed architecture is divided into two parts, the
overall CMS System Core and CMS Sub Systems. CMS
System Core has a central role in the system and
reusable Web-based system also needs to be an infinite
number so a variable was added to the system and CMS
Sub-Systems in the form of independent modules and
their goals to advance. CMS System Core sector has
several internal components that manage, and service
delivery modules and subsystems are required. Type
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The core of our proposed solution should have
separate sections for a series of independent modules
and sub-systems and their management, because some
of these features function properly as control modules
for central as well as directors of the necessary
modules. Why do we need then to maintain
information about the state of the core modules in the
system, when we define it as the key to achieving what
we need in the proposed approach used in our model?
The proposed architecture of the module and the
configuration modules responsible for information and
Module Installer is the Module Registry shown as the
core. Moreover, in this architecture, we have all the
required service modules in Figure 1 as part of the
possibility to access resources in the form of a separate
department within the core modules and subsystems
which have been isolated. The whole system can be
integrated with a way to access resources [11.15].
Therefore Presentation Module as a tool was used in
order to access a variety of resources and has been
defined within the kernel, so that all departments and
independent modules of the system can be accessed,
and powerful interface could access and manage their
own resources to their own benefit. Therefore we have
also defined a set so Presentation Module, as it can be
seen in [11, 15], in order for the system with a unified
approach to access resources. A variety of resources

Page 1628

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

have been defined within the kernel, so that all
departments and independent modules of the system
can be accessed, and powerful interface could have
access to and manage their own resources to benefit.
We also included a set of modules that provide services
to the runtime modules defined within the
Presentation Modules and subsystems, so that they can
handle management of the service and their security
codes and what they need in their operations in the
proposed architecture using services it provides. The
system no longer acts independently to resolve these
challenges but takes advantage of a variety of
mechanisms as it may be the core system that serves
with high performance and provides them with what
they need. Each section contains the core services that
are functionally related [17]. Core Module Registry has
a number of components including the data storage
modules and Role Management where modules are
responsible for modules configuration tasks. Modules
add ability to manage multi-language and module
system Language Management Users and user access
control, and module Presentation add personalization
functionality to the system as also included in this
section. Template Management [16, 17] which has
several components and parts is to manage and control
access to various resources including module service.
This section contains modules that can be called
Service Module Noted which other parts of the kernel,
including all parts and different parts of the work
within the proposed architecture can access a broker
[16, 18] Moreover, noted that all parts and different
parts of the framework proposed architecture can
operate have access to and compliance with standards
related to your service in and out of the system [16,
18]. Besides such important sectors as modules that
can be provided by the core of the proposed
architecture to serve Internal and external kernel
modules at run time and high integrity management
system errors. The Security module system ensures
data security and privacy, note that all these modules
are based on Figure (1) the insensitive section entitled
Presentation Module. The dynamics and development
capabilities of the objectives of the proposed
architecture and various parts of the system modules
which can be detected and embedded into the core of
the system and therefore there are a number of types
and modules in the proposed architecture as the basis
of the core modules we offer to be fixed, yet it is
important to know that they can easily be added or
removed [16, 17].

4.2 Events Processing
According to Figure (1), parts listed inside and outside
the operating system kernel achieve their goals and
services interdependently so the relationship between
them must be established in the proposed architecture
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as such. How to communicate between different parts
of the architecture should be defined, so that we can
maintain the system's modularity and mobility and
expandability al together. Therefore, according to the
event-based architecture inside the nucleus of an Event
Bus, the system was used to manage and control the
communication between the modules. The Event Busbased communication mechanism can send messages
to perform various messages received and recognized
based on standard structure and process playback
systems [19]. All modules and subsystems independent
of the core and the inner core of the Event Bus have
access and are able to communicate within its request
in order to send a message to the structure. Figure (2)
demonstrates the overall structure and mode of
operation of the system shows the Event Bus.

Fig -2: Event Bus in the Proposed Architecture
According to Figure (2), Event Bus exists as a core
system which has two separate sections of the Event
Processor and the Input Buffer is designed to store
requests as logged to the Event Bus when there is a
plurality of received messages. Order entry and
processing system is able to reach its destination.
Event Processor Event Processing Engine system is the
same as the input queue of incoming messages to the
Event Bus. Input Buffer is located in the system as
shown in Figure (2). Event Processor Core Module
Registry is used to identify modules in the system to
take advantage, so when an independent subsystem in
the kernel sends a request message to the Input Buffer
as it is then processed by the Event Processing Engine
or the Event Processor. The source and target modules
extracted from the incoming message are then used by
the module Registry to identify and verify the identity
of the courtroom to broadcast the message to the
destination, or the destination of the message. The
Event Processing Engine can be input to the Event Bus
messages without processing system broadcast to all

Page 1629

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

modules and each of its modules independently. To
identify and receive messages and take away the
message and causes performance depends on the
design of policies. The Event Processor should be
considered, depending on the operating environment
of the system.

4.3 Interaction between Modules
After defining the structure and Event Bus and how
they turn towards applications for the subsystems and
modules to system modules structure is Subsystems
and how they should act and how to communicate with
other modules and services to and what steps to take
steps towards establishing a healthy relationship to the
successful. Considering that the existing module
software systems based on different architectures and
different structures of organization designed and
therefore changes in their internal structure and build
a standard structure for all modules operating costs as
well as some restrictions on the system will be. In this
paper, our proposed architecture is independent of the
internal structure of modules and their internal
structure changes do not So that the interior of your
module to any act that would. The proposed
architecture is important, what's important and
external structure of subsystems and how they interact
with other modules. In this regard, the best way to
achieve this goal is to define a standard interface for
the system. So that the task interface and the ability to
communicate between the internal and external
structure of the module is Send and receive messages
about responsibility and take charge of their own
module[19,20,21]. The main task of the interface
messages and requests can be identified within the
structure of the system and sent to the Event Bus and
the core, and if a message from the Event Bus modules
were sent or received, it can detect and will be

should be the first task for the interface modules and
the system should be liable to be given. Tasks module
are shaped according to the expectations of the system
modules and each module can be changed in terms of
expectation and therefore the dynamic development of
the important factors should be considered in the
design module interface. But the main task of the
module is the interface module is to send and receive
messages modules making up the core of the system
able to communicate with other modules and external
services. If such detailed scenario establishes
connections between modules and if the module
generates messages encoding and decoding from other
tasks the interface module responsible for considering
these points. Figure (4) is a proposed model for the
internal structure of the module interface. The
characteristics that have been observed this structure
are, however, are not constant with respect to different
operating environments as they require that our
proposed architecture needs be developed[19,22]. We
proposed architecture of the module interface Event
Manager are the same within the internal structure of
the system, and they almost have to be a model. In
Figure (3) we provide the most basic structure for the
interface module.

4.3.1 Defining Interface for Modules
Interface module or the Event Manager subsystems are
within the standard structure for all modules are the
results which can be designed by the interface module
as soon as the system core. When adding modules to
the system, it dynamically generates the interface
module and the module to allocate new entrants, and
then, if necessary, communicate with the outside of the
module itself and also use core system services, in
order to produce a proprietary interface. In general,
our proposed architecture is a module that can operate
in the interface according to what your core standards
provides [22]. But what is important here is the
internal structure of the module interface and how it
functions in different situations. To achieve an efficient
and flexible structure, designing module interfaces
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Fig -3: Structure of Interface Module
Figure (3) shows an independent unit within a module
interface module, as the structure of the system is
active. Interface module includes both input and
output buffers. The purpose of the Design Event
Manager is for the buffer power and performance to
meet in the Module Processor interface when traffic is
high in the system. To preserve the module it needs to
be able to process and respond to all messages and
requests. The output buffer contains the messages that
the core module or modules and subsystems are no
longer active. Input buffer contains the messages

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

received from the system kernel or other modules as
the response is returned from a service. Module
Processor accomplished the task of broadcasting
messages in the input and output buffers. Module
Processor activates as soon as a message reaches, and
the input and output buffers reacts after encryption or
decryption of messages are sent to their destination.

4.3.2 Structure of Sent and Received Messages
In this paper we combine the event-based architecture
and Object-oriented architecture for distributed
messaging systems used. In this article we concluded
that our method for communication between modules
and various parts of the system is based on message
exchange. Here there is a question that must be
answered and a message should be sent back
containing information between subsystems and
services. How could the structure be designed and
integrated in the entire system? And how all subsystems known are to be processed? What is certain is
that the designer can in any manner that will enhance
the system's performance, define the Message
Structure. Concerning the structure of the message, a
point that must be observed is that the message must
be the original data which may be best protected and
completed as the destination must be legible. Message
structure must be such that the origin and destination
of the message is quite clear; therefore, in order to
have a well-defined structure of message we have used
XML to design. The purpose of designing the structure
of an XML-based message which can be defined for
specific parts of a message tag. In order to maximize
the readability of the message, and the message
processing speed of the various modules should ideally
increase. The message structure is developed so the
achievement of the goals of the system is easy to
implement [19, 22, and 23]. Figure 5 is an example of
the messages you see and the returning message which
can be recognized as a standard message in the system
and all modules as long as sections of the structure of
the form Figure (4) to convey information or to apply
to their intended use.

As shown in Figure (4) Event insensitive tag names
contain basic information related to the message
header, and the message offers Information Message
Input Fields as Output Fields located within the tags
are transferred. Profile of each of the tags used in the
structure shown in Figure (4) and its application in
Table (1) is give.

Table -1: Tags are represented in the Structure of the
Message in the Fig (4).
Event Type

Event ID

Sent Event

Specifies whether the message is sent in
response to a message is issued.
Code specifies the event or message is
unique and can be controlled by the system
If the message is the return type of this
attribute specifies that the message is
issued in response to either.


Specifies the name of the module or unit is
sending the message. System kernel or a
module that can be

Sender ID

Module or unit of code specifies the
message sender can be found in the module
information registry module within the
core activity is achieved.


This attribute specifies the name of the
recipient. That could be one of the core
units or a system or Several independent

Receiver ID

Code specifies the recipient and can be
found in the module information registry
module within the core activity is achieved.

Date Time

Defines the date and time the message


This attribute contains information that is
sent to the destination port as input or
contains information from the source to the
destination application Information on this
option can be set identifier / value is.


This attribute contains information that
identifies the message destination, the
message processing a response message
back to the sender that it Information on
this option can be set identifier / value is

Fig -4: The Structure of Messages Exchanged
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Page 1631

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e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4.4 Case Study: Information Recovery from a
Given that most CMS systems, databases, integrity and
security of data, their main source of data storage is
therefore said to be one of the most commonly used
modules in the proposed architecture data Access
Management as a module specifically to store and
retrieve data in database management systems. Now
consider the online library management system in the
form of a sub-system added to the CMS system. If some
of your access sub-system data want to be moved or
restored based on their request, they have to be
transformed in the form of a string containing a
command T-SQL interface. Function module interface
communicate between the modules where the core of
the system is responsible. There is a single module
interface called the Application Module Processor subsystem in a standard message format based on the XML
setting which adds meta-data including the source and
destination of the message to be applied to the Event
Bus as the core sample system sends messages to be
exchanged between the interface and the Event Bus in
the Figure of online library management system (5).
After entering the Event Bus and waiting in line at the
entrance to the Event Processor available on the Event
Bus, Event Processor processes meta-data in the
message to spread it to the favored destination. Event
Processor Module Registry is to identify and access the
modules, the system uses, after identifying the target
module or modules, where the Data Access
Management Message is sent, as it is simultaneously
sent to the desired purposes. [20, 21, 22].

are transmitted in the form of tags, Input field in T-SQL
are the basic information which consist of a command
as data retrieval requests book codes greater than 20.
The request message via the Event Bus Data Access
Management module is delivered. Data Access
Management module has requested the message
processing and analysis. Also a detailed examination of
the application and the desired access rights to the
resource is allowed, as application implementation and
results provide the same message format in Figure (6)
sets the request as a response to an online library
management module. Of course, the answer must be
sent to the Event Bus-core system and then be sent to
the online library management system. Typical
message structure returned from the Data Access
Management module is shown in the Figure (6).

Fig -6: Returned Message from the Data Access Module
in Response to Online Library

As shown in Figure (6), Data Access Management
module responds to a request online library
management system module providing a list of books.
The code in the format tag 20 is greater than Output
Fields as it returns this module. You can also receive
messages from the meta-data as well as the type of the
returned message indicates that the message was sent
in response to each request.
Fig -5: The Message Generated By the Interface
Management Module Library
Figure (5) views messages produced by the online
library management module interface as a set of metadata. The information about the event provides the
message source and destination. Information messages
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5. Evaluation
According to the proposed architecture and eventbased
Architecture, Tips and features can be noted that the
proposed architecture in terms of software quality

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 04 | July-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

attributes, apart from other architectures. Event-based
architecture intends to isolate different parts of
computation. The proposed architecture provides a
high level of accountability reformation in modules to
send data to each other and improve indirect control.
Event-based architecture aims to detect other modules
as independent of other modules. Under the proposed
architecture, parallel modules can work together only
when proper amounts of data are exchanged. Our main
goal is to utilize event-based architecture. The
proposed architecture is a feature that can serve data
to a client or customer while each service provider acts
simultaneously and at the same time provides the
client with control over the process, if the
asynchronous operation is only given to the customer.
The possibility of using event-based architecture can
be elevated via increasing the scalability of the system.
Apart from the event-based architecture and Objectoriented architecture, the proposed architecture
improves the characteristics of any other models of
software architecture that could not be achieved.
Among the benefits of the proposed architecture using
Object-oriented architecture model we can find the
flexibility to convert to a Object-oriented process
model to a rapid creation of new processes and
compositions of software services in order to compete
in any changing business environment, taking into
consideration provision and use of the best options
among the array of available services and a more active
involvement of IT in organizations.
Using the proposed architecture, we can solve the
problem of integrating complex systems and meet the
professional needs. It would also be possible to divide
any project into smaller components which can be
performed independently for each sub-project, as we
can also easily achieve and improve monitoring and
control while calculating independently. Using the
proposed architecture for CMS systems, systems
simply require users to be satisfied. Problem solving
and improving the integrity of data transfer between
systems would help establishing information systems
rather than replacing the whole system. Systems as
such will be more popular among the stakeholders
because they reduce costs and time to be reconfigured.

developed by various groups working independently.
Our research has created a framework in the study of
CMS systems which allows us develop multiple
modules simultaneously. It is possible to develop a new
architecture and framework in software development
where various modules can work independently in the
same framework and interact, But would only be
possible if the development of the above-mentioned
model is done according to the principles and needs in
CMS systems in the developing industry of software
and qualitative principles of software. And in future it
would be possible to develop our model through the
use of technologies independent of platform as a part of
a modular architecture, in order to elevate levels of
availability and security of information in CMS systems
and improve availability of information services.








6. Conclusion and Further Work
Through a presentation of the internal architecture and
structure of the so-called modules substantiated the
fact that our suggested architecture not only introduces
a new framework based on a combination of eventbased
architectural module which develops CMS systems but
also owns numerous software qualities
reusability, expandability, and trustworthiness. Our
model makes it possible for the modular systems to be
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Soleiman Moeini received his M.Sc.
degree in Software Engineering
from Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
For more information:
[email protected]

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