IRJET-A study on keyword searchable frameworks for efficient data utilization in cloud storage

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A study on keyword searchable frameworks for efficient data
utilization in cloud storage
Bhagyashree M V1, Pushpalatha M N2

Student, Dept. of ISE, M S Ramaiah institute of technology, Karnataka, India


professor, Dept. of ISE, M S Ramaiah institute of technology, Karnataka, India


Abstract: Yester year advances in computer
technology has resulted in huge success of cloud
computing by gaining the software, platform and
infrastructure from the vendor or third party. When it
comes to data storage, cloud storage becomes the first
choice. Public data centres stores user data and the
hopeful benefit of cloud computing is outsourcing of
data. Cloud computing paradigm facilitates data
management for users by economically saving their percapita investment. However there is a substantial
problem of outsourcing the data for accessing
unauthorized data and hence there is no sense it is not
effectively utilized. The biggest obstacle is how to attain
efficient data utilization from public cloud storage
focusing at various searchable techniques for improved
data utilization. An effort is made in this paper to study
different searching techniques for efficient data
utilization from public cloud storage and further
discussed in detail.

Keywords: cloud server(CS), efficient data utilization,
keyword search, data outsourcing, security
As a simple and straight forward definition for cloud
computing “ an alternative of using local servers or
personal computers to store, process or manage data is
using a collection of remote servers hosted on
internet”[1,2]. Outside cloud customers are provided with
on demand, dynamically scalable computing power,
services, storage and platforms through the internet. Third
party service providers or vendors run the public cloud.
Applications from number of users are combined together
on servers, storages and networks. Cloud storage benefits
users with on demand storage space and make user
convenient, fool-proof and timely data acquisition.
The structuring of the rest of the paper is as follows. In
sector 2, the existing searchable techniques are discussed.
Sector 3, consists of the constraints and drawbacks. The
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performance analysis of all searching strategies is
discussed in Sector 4. And finally, the conclusion is
followed in sector 5.


2.1 Authorized Private keyword Search

Ming Li [4,5] proposed APKS and APKS+. APKS method
upgrades the search efficiency using attribute hierarchy,
and APKS+ magnifies the query privacy with the aid of
proxy servers that swamp the dictionary storm (attacks).
To the best of the knowledge APKS+ is the first most to
achieve multi-dim range query and capacity delegation.
The three important highlights of APKS is that provides
keyword, Index and Query Privacy, Fine-grained Search
Authorization, Multi-dimensional Keyword Search,
Scalability and Efficiency.

2.2 Secured and privacy
keyword search


The cloud service providers usually allowed to participate
in partial decipherment in order to reduce overhead
caused due to computations. This framework was
proposed by Qin Liu[3]. It provides both keyword and data
privacy by public key encryption. The encrypted keyword
trapdoor is submitted by the data user by using user
private key to CS securely and receives the documents in
encrypted form. And then decrypts it. This framework
enables cloud provider to compute whether an electronic
mail incorporated with the keywords as per the user.

1.1 Secured fuzzy keyword Search
This framework returns the matching files when data user
search inputs accurately matches the already defined
keywords based on the semantics, when there is a fail in
exact match. Kui Ren[6] proposed this approach with
symmetric searchable encryption (SSE). For keyword we, it
builds the fuzzy keyword set Tw with the parameter called
edit distance ‘d’ without affecting search correctness.

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

When user searches for a we with cloud server, it searches
Tw and replies back with encrypted docs identical to Tw.
They build the storage capable fuzzy keyword set by using
wild card and fuzzy searchable index.

set. Finally CS searches index by MD algorithm and
compares cosine measure of document and query vector
and consequently returns top k encrypted files to user.

1.2 Secure and Efficient Ranked Keyword

1.5 VFKS-Verifiable fuzzy keyword search

Proposed by Cong Wang[7]. This framework improves the
efficiency of searching. It retrieves the documents based on
conceptual entities. It also uses a mechanism called topic
detection and tracking. This technique solves the problem
caused due to processing overhead, data and keyword
privacy. The data owner constructs index along with the
keyword’s frequency-based relevance scores for
documents. User request ‘we’ to CS with optional ‘k’ as Tw
using the private key. The CS searches the document index
with scores and replies with the encrypted documents
depending upon the ranked order. Here order preserving
symmetric encryption is made use of in order to safeguard
cloud data. It efficiently uses outsourced files by providing
inter cloud communication between data users and

1.3 K-gram based fuzzy keyword Ranked
Previous cloud computing searchable encryption
techniques allows users to search encrypted data by
keywords securely, but these methods only support exact
keyword search and will fail to perform if there are any
spelling mistakes/morphological variants of words. Wei
Zhou[8] proposed this method. A concept of k-grams index
is used. K-grams is a sequence of k characters. For example,
“dia”, “ram”, “agr” and “iag” are all the 3-grams of the word
“diagram”. Here owner creates k-gram fuzzy keyword
index In for D number of documents and tuple as <In,D>
and is uploaded to CS. The encrypted doc D is uploaded to
storage server. When keyword K is submitted by the data
user, the k-gram fuzzy keyword set and computes weight
of each word in the set and are searched with index In by
CS. Then the CS displays all documents in sorted sequence
identical to the index based on rank. Finally performance
complexity is O(N) Where, N is total number of keywords.

1.4 Privacy-preserving
Text Search


Wen hai[9] Sun suggested this method which implements
similarity based search resulting ranking, keyword privacy,
Index and Query confidentiality and Query Unlinkability.
Vector space model concept is employed here in order to
build the index for encrypted files. It supports both
conjunctive and disjunctive file search. The searchable
index is created using Multidimensional search tree. Data
owner creates encrypted query vector Ǭ for file’s keyword
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It maintains verifiability of search results in addition with
fuzzy keyword search. Jianfeng Wang proposed this search
strategy. He made use of symbol-tree and index Ḡw which
is having the unique value “proof” and the path for each
node without key ‘k’. When CS gets the keyword as the
query, it searches Ḡw and returns already stored encrypted
documents. Finally the confirmation is done by users by
cross-verifying the proofset and IDset generated from
index. For each of the user query, the verifying cost
(computation cost )is only a constant complexity.

2.8 Public-Key Encryption with Keyword
Search (PEKS )
PEKS is semantically secure. This strategy was suggested
by D. Boneh[10], which incorporates that CS contains
encrypted files and keyword. User creates keyword
trapdoor Tw using its private key to search W. The CS
examines Tw with current existing encrypted keyword and
sends encrypted file that is identical to it. There exists a
secured channel between the data owner, cloud server and
data user because owner does file encryption and server
does the user authentication.

2.9 Secured
(ranked)Top-k Retrieval Search
Jiadi[11] suggests this search technique using Two-round
searchable encryption (TRSE). Basically in first round,
users submits multiple keyword requests REQ W’ as
encrypted query for acquiring data, keyword privacy and
builds trapdoor(REQ, PK) as Tw and gives to CS. Then CS
computes the scores from encrypted index for docs and
gives the encrypted search result vector to the data user.
And in the second round, user carries out decryption of N
with secret key and calculates the doc ranking and then
requests files with top-k(relavant) scores. The scoring and
ranking of files is done on server side and user side

Attribute-based Keyword
It is a novel cryptographic solution. It enforces access
control policies via means of cryptography. It decrypts
cipher text that was encrypted according to access control
policy by entities with proper credentials. There are two
variants: key-policy ABE (KPABE) where the decryption
key is associated to the access control policy, and

Page 1308

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

ciphertext-policy ABE (C-ABE ) where the ciphertext is
associated to the access control policy. And important
feature is a cheating cloud can be held accountable.
According to this method a data owner can control the
search of his/her outsourced encrypted data through an
access control policy and the authorized data users can
outsource the search operations to the cloud server and
force the cloud to trustfully execute the search operations.

3.1 APKS-Authorized Private keyword Search: In
tradition, not all the attributes are
3.2 Secured and privacy preserved keyword
computational cost for both decryption and
encryption is heavier and amassed.
3.3 Secured fuzzy keyword Search: Doesn’t
support fuzzy search with public key-based
searchable encryption, does not perform
multiple keywords and semantic search, the
updates for fuzzy searchable index are inefficiently.
3.4 Secure and Efficient Ranked Keyword Search:
multiple keyword searches not performed,
little amount of overhead in index creation.
3.5 Verifiable fuzzy keyword search: this method,
Verifiable fuzzy keyword search requires
extra storage for storing the symbol tree fuzzy
searchable index Ḡw, The updates for fuzzy
searchable index is not so efficient.
3.6 Privacy assured searchable cloud Storage:
This scheme exposes the approach pattern to
the cloud server, It does not shields the sum
of multiple keywords scores from the cloud
server, which results in accessing the
statistical data for re-identifying the search
keywords, public key based searchable
encryption is not supported.
3.7 K-gram based fuzzy keyword Ranked Search:
The length of the k-gram based fuzzy keyword
set purely depends on the jaccard coefficient
3.8 Privacy-preserving Multi-keyword Text
Search: The similarity rank score of the
document vector purely confide on the
category of the document
3.9 Secure Multi-keyword Top-k Retrieval
Search: Though the reduction and
compression is utilized to decrease cipher
text size, the key length is still too huge, The
communication overhead will be too high if
the encrypted trapdoor size is too large, It
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does not make effective searchable index
Public-Key Encryption with Keyword
Search: building a secure channel is more
expensive and inefficient, the trapdoor must
be built for each keyword by the data user, it
does not support multiple keyword search,
Keywords may be hacked by KGA-Keyword
Guessing Attack.

Table 1: performance analysis


Performance complexity


keyword search



Private Keyword





N is total number of
keywords and
M is maximum size of the
keyword set
Setup= O(N2)
Search=O(M log N)


Efficient Ranked
Keyword Search

O(log M) Where, M is
domain score of keyword


keyword search

While W is keyword, N the
number of keywords and M
maximum size of the fuzzy
keyword Fuzzy set cost O(|W|)
Storage cost - O(MN)
Search cost O(1)

Page 1309

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Privacy assured
searchable cloud

Where W is the keyword



fuzzy keyword




Verifiable fuzzy
keyword search

Storage cost - O(MN)


Where, N is total number of

Search cost O(1)
Verify cost - O(1)
N is the total number of
M is the maximum size of
the fuzzy


preserving Multikeyword

Encryption with

I would like to thank Dr. Vijaya Kumar B P, Head of
Department of Information Science Engineering, MSRIT his
valuable guidance.


Where W is the number of
Time cost of proxy =O(N)



T is the average number of
cipher text


matching the query

This paper epitomizes distinct searching frameworks in
the encrypted cloud data. We have pin-pointed and
diagnosed the main issues that are to be satisfied for
secured data utilization are keyword privacy, Data privacy,
Index privacy, Query Privacy, Fine-grained Search,
Scalability, Efficiency, Result ranking, Index confidentiality,
Query confidentiality, Query unlinkability, semantic
security and Trapdoor unlinkability. We have done a
precise study on the security and data utilization issues in
the cloud storage for some of the available searching
strategies some of the searching techniques mainly targets
on security and some on data utilization. The constraints of
all the searching techniques are reviewed as well. Finally,
by the atop survey, security can be provided by Public-Key
Encryption and effective data utilization by fuzzy keyword
search. We believe that this paper will help the researchers
to shape their issues in the field of data utilization in cloud


Text Search


keyword Top-k

Setup= O(λ)


Score= O(Nl)


Decryption =O(N)

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Keyword Search over Outsourced Cloud Data”, IEEE
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[8] Wei Zhou et al., “K-Gram Based Fuzzy Keyword Search
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vol. 10, no. 4, July/August 2013

© 2015, IRJET.NET- All Rights Reserved

Bhagyashree M V received B.E (ISEI)
in 2007 from Vidyavardhaka college
of engg, mysore affiliated to VTU
Belgaum. She is currently pursuing
M.Tech in MSRIT affiliated to
university, Belgaum. Her research
interests include cloud computing,
data mining and big data.

Mrs. Pushpalatha M N, born on 21st
Jan 1983 is an assistant professor in
Department of Information Science
and Engineering at M S Ramaiah
Institute of Technology, Bangalore54. Her areas of interest is Software
Engineering and data mining. She
completed M.Tech in Computer
Science and Engineering from M S
Ramaiah Institute of Technology,

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