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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

G.Soujanya1, M. Sampath Kumar2

Dept of Computer Science & Systems Engineering., Andhra Pradesh, Visakhpatnam.
Dept of Computer Science & Systems Engineering., Andhra Pradesh, Visakhpatnam.



Abstract - Internet is a worldwide used network in
almost every field. Security is been an important issue
for huge amount of data transactions and confidential
information. Some networks need more, and some need
less security. Now a days various attacks are developed
such as viruses, denial of service and spoofing. In
computer networking, spoofing is a technique in which
attackers masks itself by some other user’s IP address.
Thus, it is difficult to find the original attackers. For this
reason, a traceback scheme is proposed to trace the
source of these attacks. Only one packet is used in their
packet logging scheme to achieve IP tracking. To create
hybrid IP traceback schemes, we combine packet
marking with packet logging having less storage. In
this, we propose a new scheme with fixed storage
requirement for each router in packet logging without
the need to refresh the logged tracking information and
to achieve zero false positive and false negative rates in
path reconstruction.

Key Words: DOS/DDOS attack, IP hybrid traceback, IP
spoofing, packet logging and packet marking.

Internet is growing day by day in every field. The main
issue is security, through internet the exchange of data
transactions and other confidential information is done.
Among many attacks, DOS attack is classified into flooding
attacks and software exploits. In flooding attack large
number of packets are flooded to the victim machine. We
can easily find the attackers, even if they send low number
of packets to victim. In software exploit attack host use
other hosts vulnerabilites with few packets. Software
exploit attacks include the IP spoofing attack.
The spoofed packets are traced by argumenting the
packets with partial information called as packet marking
and by storing the packet digest at the intermediate
routers called as packet logging. Traceback scheme gives
the false positive and false negative problems. Due to
excess load traffic the upstream router is formed against
the attack pakcets. iTrace scheme use ICMP packet having
both forward and backward link of router to control the
triggering packet. This iTrack scheme make use of
probabilistic packet marking(PPM) and deterministic
packet marking(DPM).Full IP address is divided into many
segments. Segments and digests are choosen to mark on

© 2015, IRJET

packets passing. In IP traceback scheme, the location is
classified into two heads, packet marking and packet
logging. In packet marking, routers write their
identification in header field of forwarded IP packets. Flow
of marked packets is used to form the network path
towards origin. In logging scheme, the packets are logged
into routers on network path towards destination

[1] B.Al.Duwari and M.Govindarasan
One challenging problem of address spoofing is
tracing Dos attack. By argmenting the packets with partial
path information and by storing packet digests at
intermediate routers a traditional traceback scheme
provides spoofing packets.For this reason,large number of
attack packets to be collected by victim. But later a novel
scheme is adopted, that is small number of attack packets
to conduct small process and achieve small amount of
resources. A scheme is made to preserve the marking
based approach. This is called as distributed linklist
traceback (DLTT).
The second scheme is based on the concept of
pipelined for propagation marking information for router
to reach its destination. This is called probabilistic
pipelined packet marking.


Efficient packet marking

Requires fixed storage

No need to refresh often


Attackers hide themselves by spoofing their own
IP address and then launch attacks.

[2] For packet marking and logging Gong & Sarc proposed
a new hybrid traceback scheme. To reduce storage
requirement and reduce the number of routers
requirement for logging. Eg: Huffman codes ,
Modulo/reverse modulo(MORE). We take a router set as
R={R1,R2,R3,……Rl).Degree of router is denoted as D(Ri),

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 254

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

MRT uses 32-bit marking field, MORE uses 16-bit marking
field and seperates a log table into D(Ri) parts. The
D(Ri)+UIi is a computed router, new marking field =
marking field +D(Ri)+UIi. Even through the marking field
of packet in Huffman codes, MRT and MORE can store a
path of longer length than the fixed length coding. But
sometimes they form a collision in the log table, it causes
false positive during path reconstruction. While
reconstructing a path, logged router for a packet needs to
search to find the old marking field. Due to this problem in
Huffman codes, MRT and MORE schemes, we propose a
traceback scheme that marks router interface numbers
and packet logging with hash table(RIHT).

decrypted at victims site due to lack of shared keys. If we
make ESP packets with large probability, it is enough to
trace the attackers source. As mentioned above, use of
fragment and identification fields does not affect packets.
We overwrite two fields in our traceback scheme, IP
headers identification field, flag field and fragment offset
field as 32-bit marking field. The assumptions of this
scheme are:
1. A router creates an interface table and then numbers
the upstream interfaces from zero to D(Ri).
2. A router can identify whether the packet is coming from
a router or a local network.
3. The network topology and traceback scheme may be
changed but not always.

This figure shows the packet loss from a central
repository. During the transfer of packets from one system
to other system. Attackers spoof the IP address inorder to
track the status of any confidential data. The lost packets
are marked to log the routers used in that table.
Like MORE and MRT, RIHT marks interface number of
routers to trace the path packets. Marking field of one
packet is limited, our packet marking field is needed to log
the marking field into hash table and store the table index
on the packet.

4.2 Packet Logging and Marking
Packet marking is the phase where the efficient packet
marking algorithm is applied to each router along the
defined path. It calculates the Pmark value and stores in
hash table. If the Pmark is not overflow than the capacity
of the router, then it is send to next router. Otherwise it
refers the hash table and again applies the algorithm. In
this when a border router receives a packet from its local
network, it sets the packets marking field as zero and then
forwards the packet to next router. The core router
receives a packet, and it computes marknew=P.If
marknew is not overflow, then the core router overwrites
P.mark with marknew and then forwards the packet to
next core router. Marking scheme uses a quadratic
probing algorithm to search P.mark and UIi in HT. If
P.mark and UIi are not found, a core router is inserted to
form a pair into the table.

4.1 Network topology
A router is connected to other router or local networks.
The router receives packets from its local network. The
core router receives packets from other routers. Attackers
use encapsulating security payload (ESP) packets to evade
IDS, they generate ESP packets which can never be

© 2015, IRJET

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 255

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072




{R1,R2,……Ri,…..RX}, routers in
the internet
the degree of Ri
the upstream interface number of
the router Ri in the router r(or UIi
if there is no ambiguity)
the received packet
a hash function
the size of a hash table (i.e. the
number of slots in a hash table)
An m entries hash table

HT[index]: the entry of the
hash table HT with address
mark field



HT[index].UI:HT[index]’s UI field
the modulo operation

5.1 Path marking and logging scheme
We use this algorithm technique to mark the packets
and log them in the table. During the packets transfer from
source to destination, to find the lost packets we must
mark the path. The routers in the log table are achieved to
know the address of the path marked. It takes multiple
number of inputs and then compute to give the matched
number of the router.

Input: P,UIi
if marknew is overflow then
index= h=H(P.mark)
while not ( HT[index] is empty or HT[index] is equal to (
P.mark,UIi ) )

4.3 Path Selection
The path is said to be the way in which the selected path
or file has to be have to be found and it is stored in the
interface table. With the help of that interface table, the
desired path between the selected source and destination
can be found.

4.4 Packet Sending

if HT[index] is empty then

One of the packet or file is to be selected for the
transformation process. The packet is sent along the
defined path from the source LAN to destination LAN. The
destination LAN receives the packet and checks whether it
has been sent along the defined path or not.

4.5 Path Reconstruction


Once the packet reached the destination after applying
the algorithm, there it checks whether it has sent from the
current upstream interfaces .If any of the attack is found, it
requests for path reconstruction. Path reconstruction is
the process of finding the new path for the same source
and destination in which no attack can be made.

© 2015, IRJET


forward the packet to the next router

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 256

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5.2 Path reconstruction


Reconstruction is the process of getting back the
packet and sending them one by one by denial of service.
This helps in improper packets and also helps in avoiding
the loss the packets further. A reconstruction request is
send to the upstream router which include packet marking
field, whenever there is a victim under attack. It marks the
path and then replaces by the new upstream router taken.
If index is zero, then the requested router becomes the
source and the path reconstruction is done.

In this section the storage requirements
precision and performance is evaluated. Huffman code is
similar to MRT and MORE, but marking field is fixed in
Huffman code so we only compare with MRT and MORE.
Huffman code marking performance is limited. The
environment consists of a PC with Intel P4 930 3 Ghz, 2 G
RAM and FreeBSD 6.2.

Input: P,UIi

6.1 Computation Analysis


Here we compare the computing line of logging and
path reconstruction in RIHT with that in MRT and MORE.
It will have a hash table collision problem. A new entry is
inserted, starting with the hashed to slot in some probe
sequences, whenever there is collision, we have to take a
hash tables load factors α.

UIi=markreq % (D (Ri) + 1 ) - 1
if UIi = -1 then
index = markreq/(D (Ri) + 1 )

The results of collision time may vary all the time,
we have successful and unsuccessful search when logging.
The expected number of probes in unsuccessful search
using atmost 1/1-α. The successful search means 1/1-α ln
(1/1-α) .We use various number of hash values in this
time logging schemes is FNVH hash, MD5, murmur Hash2.

if not index = 0 then
UIi = HT[index].UI
markold = HT[index].mark
send reconstruction request with markold to upstream router
by UIi
this router is the nearest border router to the attacker
markold = markreq / (D(Ri)+1)
send reconstruction request with markold to upstream router
by UIi

© 2015, IRJET

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 257

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

6.2 Storage requirement
Since the storage requirement of an interface
table is negligible we leave it for our storage requirement.
The size of a hash table can decide how many paths can be
logged on one router. A hash tables load factor α=l/m
where l is the number of logged paths in a hash table.
Theorem: Let N be number of paths to be logged on a
router R in RIHT. Then the required size of a hash table is
2N and the storage requirement for R is 80N bits. To know
the actual size of hash table on router, we use the skitter
project topology distributed by CAIDA’s as our sample
data set of topology. We analyse 197003 complete paths in
total to host and average hop count of paths is 15.46. Its
average upstream is calculated as 3.89. The result shows
that we need to log 159641 paths and three paths of
routers as log23462, 22149,13381. Hence by this theorem,
size of each hash table set 216=65536.

6.3 False positive and False negative rates
False positive means for any attack router there is
a router mistaken and false negative means attacker fails
to traceback the attack. We can use them only when the
data is refreshed. There are no false positive and false
negative problems for RIHT. In MRT, the router logs the
marking field on to the log table. In MORE, a router uses
many number of log tables which are associated with UI i
,to log the marking fields. For both MRT and MORE, the
false positive rates are greater than zero. On the other
hand, in RIHT we mark index of any packet marking field
under the index of a hash table, hence there will be no
collision and false positive rates is zero with higher

In this paper, we propose a hybrid IP traceback
scheme for efficient packet logging to have some fixed
storage requirement a CAIDA’s skitter data set 320 kbytes
is used in packet logging without the need to refresh the
logged information. In the attack-path reconstruction the
proposed scheme has zero false positive and zero negative
rates. This scheme can also deploy a marking field as
packet identity to filter the traffic which is intended to do
harm and secure against DoS attacks. It is also provided
with high accuracy, a low storage requirement, and fast
computation, RIHT serve as an secure and efficient scheme
for IP hybrid traceback. As for our future work, a new
version of RIHT having 16 bit marking field to avoid the
problems caused by packet fragmentation.

© 2015, IRJET

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 258

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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G.Soujanya received the M.Tech degree in
engineering from Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, in the year 2013-2015.
Her research mainly focuses on network
security and system security with
particular interest in security issues in
RFID and NFC security communication protocols. Topics
include: mutual authentication protocols, secure
ownership transfer protocols, tracing mobile attackers.

M. Sampath Kumar is working as
Associate Professor in Dept of Computer
Science & Systems Engineering in Andhra
University, Visakhpatnam. His research
mainly focuses on network security and
system security with particular interest in
security issues in RFID and NFC security
communication protocols. Topics include: mutual
authentication protocols, secure ownership transfer
protocols, cryptography, network security, design and
analysis of algorithms, and digital home.

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