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Today publishing data on a web becomes need. Publishing such microdata can breach privacy of any individual. For analysis purpose researcher, medical practitioner required such health related data. Existing system used encryption algorithms for securing data. The data is stored on HDFS by encrypting and the user having key can only access that data by decrypting it. Big data is heterogeneous, distributed data where data is collected from different sources having different dimensions. In hospital patients data can be stored in different form such as audio, video, and in images. Big data having different characteristics like variety of data, its volume and velocity, this makes it different from other databases. Data privacy is one of the challenge in data mining with big data. Big data keeps growing continuously. In case of big data it is not efficient to encrypt large amount of data as it is time consuming. Existing provider aware algorithm has problem of data loss due to insider attack. K-anonymity and l-diversity are very popular algorithms for generalization and bucketization. They have some their own little limitations. In insider attack provider can infer the information of other user using his own records and with some background knowledge. To preserving the privacy of the user we need to use some method so that data privacy is preserve and at the same time increase the data utility. In the proposed system we focus to maintain the privacy for distributed data, and overcome the problems of M-privacy using new updated provider algorithm with a slicing technique. The main goal of paper is to publish an anonymized view of integrated data, which will be immune to attacks. We also use MR-Cube method which is used to compute large cube with non algebraic measures such as TOP-k, count.



International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Shital S. Suryawanshi1, Vinod S. Wadne2
PG Student, Computer Engineering Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University,
JSPM’s Imperial College of Engg. & Research, Wagholi, Pune, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Savitribai Phule Pune
University, JSPM’s Imperial College of Engg.& Research, Wagholi, Pune, India.

Abstract - Today publishing data on a web becomes need.
Publishing such microdata can breach privacy of any
individual. For analysis purpose researcher, medical
practitioner required such health related data. Existing
system used encryption algorithms for securing data. The
data is stored on HDFS by encrypting and the user having
key can only access that data by decrypting it. Big data is
heterogeneous, distributed data where data is collected
from different sources having different dimensions. In
hospital patients data can be stored in different form such
as audio, video, and in images. Big data having different
characteristics like variety of data, its volume and velocity,
this makes it different from other databases. Data privacy is
one of the challenge in data mining with big data. Big data
keeps growing continuously. In case of big data it is not
efficient to encrypt large amount of data as it is time
consuming. Existing provider aware algorithm has problem
of data loss due to insider attack. K-anonymity and ldiversity are very popular algorithms for generalization and
bucketization. They have some their own little limitations.
In insider attack provider can infer the information of other
user using his own records and with some background
knowledge. To preserving the privacy of the user we need to
use some method so that data privacy is preserve and at the
same time increase the data utility. In the proposed system
we focus to maintain the privacy for distributed data, and
overcome the problems of M-privacy using new updated
provider algorithm with a slicing technique. The main goal
of paper is to publish an anonymized view of integrated
data, which will be immune to attacks. We also use MR-Cube
method which is used to compute large cube with non
algebraic measures such as TOP-k, count.

Key Words: MapReduce, MR-Cube, Data privacy,
Slicing, Data anonymization
Big data contains variety of data such as audio, video,
images, text and having large volume in terms of size,
velocity (from batch processing to real time processing).
The data is collected from multiple sources and having
different dimensions [1]. Big Data is generally indicating
© 2015, IRJET

petabyte or terabyte data, with some characteristics which
makes it different from other databases. Conventional
tools such as relational databases are failed to handle,
process, manage, and analyze data. To explore the large
volumes of data and extract useful information for future
actions is the fundamental challenge for big data
applications. Big data is in structured, unstructured and
semi-structured format. Using traditional tools it is
difficult to solve problem related with big data. It’s become
challenge to mine knowledgeable information from large
dataset for future use. There are different challenges of
Data mining with Big Data. One of them is data privacy
challenge, which can be solved using different approaches
like key based encryption [3] and anonymization. To
process and compute high dimensional distributed data is
one of the challenge. In this the data has different
dimensions for e.g. in hospitals, patients data is stored in
text and images , videos are used to stored results of X-ray,
CT scan for detail examinations. MR-Cube approach is
used for efficient computation of cube [7].
Performing data analysis on big data becomes expensive
due to its nature and the data is distributed, continuously
keeps growing. For analyzing multidimensional data, data
cube is powerful tool. Consider a data warehouse maintain
the sales information containing <city, country, state, day,
month, year and sales>. Where city, country and state
attribute are of local dimension and attribute day, month,
and year are of temporal dimension. Cube analysis
provides convenient way to discover insight from the data
by computing aggregate measures. Top-Down approach,
Bottom-Up Computation (BUC), A Mining Cubing
Approach, Parallel approach [14] is some of the cube
computation techniques. There are two main limitations in
the existing cube computation techniques. First they are
design for single machine or cluster with small number of
nodes. It is difficult for businesses or companies
containing huge data storage. Second limitation is many
technique use algebraic measure to avoid processing
groups with a large number of tuples. There is need of
technique to compute large cube efficiently in parallel.
MapReduce programming paradigm is used to analyze and
process such large scale data.
Existing encryption algorithms stores data on HDFS by
using encryption technique and therefore the access to
retrieve data becomes limited. As the big data is
distributed large volume of data it’s becomes tedious job

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 78

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

to every time encrypt data as the data grows continuously.
The analyzers required data for analysis to take some
decisions. Previous work shows anonymization algorithms
such as centralized algorithms and distributed algorithms
also have some drawbacks to provide privacy to high
dimensional data. Centralized algorithm [8] assumes that,
to processed data, the data should be located at one
location it means all data should fit in memory which is
not possible for large dataset. Even if we have that much
memory to process large amount of data the moving cost
of data is high. The distributed algorithms mainly focus at
security integrating and anonymizing multiple data
sources rather than scalability issue. The proposed
systems focus on maintaining the privacy for distributed
data, and also overcome the problems of M-privacy using
updated provider aware algorithm.
As there is increasing need of sharing personal
information from distributed database, the special care
should be taken to protect it from attacker. Attacker can
be single entity or group of entities. In m-privacy multiple
providers want share their data securely. In m privacy
case one or more data owner (provider) will be willing to
know the records or data of other provider. The attacker
can breach privacy with the help of his own record and
with some background knowledge. Collaborative data
publishing considered as a multi-party computation
problem. In collaborative data publishing providers want
to compute an anonymized view of their data without
disclosing any private and sensitive information. A data
recipient that might be an attacker, e.g., q0, attempts to
gather additional information about data records using the
published data, D*, and background knowledge, BK. For
example, k-anonymity [9] protects against identity
disclosure attacks by requiring each quasi identifier
equivalence group (QI group) to contain at least k records.
L-Diversity [20] requires that each QI group should
contain at least l “well-represented” sensitive values.
Differential privacy guarantees that the presence of a
record cannot be inferred from a statistical data release
with little assumptions on an attacker’s background
We considered a potential attack on collaborative data
publishing. For anonymization k-anonymity and ldiversity algorithm used but they have problem of data
loss and identity disclosure problem. In existing provider
aware algorithm at least k * 2 – 2 number of record goes in
waiting forever. In proposed system using new updated
provider aware algorithm data utility get increases. We
used slicing algorithm for anonymization and verify it for
security and privacy by using provider aware algorithm of
data privacy. Our main goal is to publish an anonymized
view of integrated data, which will be immune to attacks.
We also use MR-Cube technique to compute large cube.
Using MR-Cube data extraction and data insertion time get
improve and more accuracy will get in result. We improve
the security and privacy with the help of slicing technique
which fulfils privacy verification with better performance
than provider aware (base algorithm) and encryption
© 2015, IRJET

Big data is generated and collected from various
autonomous, heterogeneous sources and data having
different dimensions [1]. The Big data are continuously
growing is become the challenge to processing large data
and securing that data. The different characteristics of big
data makes difficult to process, manage, and stored it
securely. Ingale et a1. [3] Proposed Advance Encryption
Standard (AES) with k-anonymization for privacy
conserving to achieve privacy. K-anonymization allows
database to maintain a suppressed and generalized form
of data. A different anonymization algorithm with different
operations has been proposed [8] [9] for privacy
preservation. Today the dataset becomes very large for
example sensor data, web data, data on social networking
sites, anonymizing such data becomes challenge for
traditional anonymization techniques. To analyze this
large amount of data various cube computation techniques
[14] have been used. The existing cube computation
techniques have several limitations that they compute
cube over limited number of node and many techniques
compute with algebraic measure only. Nandi et al. [5]
proposed MR-Cube approach for efficient cube
computation with holistic measure for large dataset.
Fung extended the k-anonymization algorithm to preserve
the information for cluster analysis. The major challenge
in this is the lack of class labels that could be used to guide
the anonymization process. The solution is to first
partition the original data into clusters on the original data
then problem is converted into counterpart problem for
classification analysis where class label encode the cluster
information in the data and then apply TDS to preserve kanonymity.
FUNG et al. [8] proposed a new privacy model LKC-privacy
to overcome the challenges of traditional anonymization
methods using centralized and distributed anonymization
algorithm. A data structured TIPS (Taxonomy Indexed
partitionS) is exploited in centralized algorithm to
improve efficiency of TDS. molloy at el. [2] used slicing,
which partitions the data both horizontally and vertically.
Slicing preserves better data utility than generalization
and can be used for membership disclosure protection.
Another important advantage of slicing is that it can
handle high-dimensional data. Slicing can be used for
attribute disclosure protection. Generalization and
bucketization are anonymization techniques. For
generalization k-anonymity algorithm is very popular and
l-diversity is used for bucketization. In both of these
approaches the attributes are partition into three types.
The first is identifier like ID No or SSN, second is Quasiidentifier which is combination of more than one attribute
and the third is sensitive attribute. For anonymous data
these identifiers are first remove form data and then
partition into bucket.
Identity disclosure, Attribute disclosure and membership
disclosure are threat in privacy preservation, which needs
to overcome. Slicing is used on high dimensional data

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 79

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

prevent membership disclosure reduce the information
loss and increased data utility. Top down specialization
approach [17] used to anonymized large scale data set on
cloud. Existing TDS approaches for large scale data sets
having scalability problem. The centralized TDS
approaches use TIPS to improve the scalability and
efficiency by indexing anonymous data records.
Centralized approaches suffer from low scalability and
efficiency when it handles large scale data sets. The
assumption in centralized approach to fit all data in
memory for processing which is not possible for large data
sets. To handle scalability issue we used MR-Cube
approach which first generate annotated lattice and then
used it to perform main MR-Cube MapReduce.


privacy, Heuristic algorithms, Data provider aware
anonymization Algorithm and SMC/TTP protocols.
M-Privacy [18] protects anonymized data against madversary (is a situation where data providers are using
combination of data for breaching the anonymized
records) with respect to given privacy constraint. MPrivacy can also be guaranteed when there are duplicate
records; it also includes syntactic privacy constraint,
differential privacy constraint and monotonicity of privacy
constraints. M-privacy verification: Binary m-Privacy
verification algorithm, Top-Down and Bottom-Up
algorithms are used for this. This verification process first
analyze the problem by modeling adversary space and
using heuristic algorithms with effective pruning strategy
and adaptive ordering techniques for effectively checking
m-privacy with respect to equivalence group monotonicity

3.1 Problem Definition

3.2 Architecture of Proposed System

While maintaining the data privacy in big data or in a
multi-provider environment various challenges are faced,
like data security, data utility and data processing. Existing
provider aware algorithm was not allowing enough data
utility while securing data. In the proposed system we
focus to maintain the privacy for distributed data, without
loss of data and also overcome the problem of M-privacy
using new updated provider aware algorithm.
Our main goal is to publish an anonymized view of
integrated data, which will be immune to attacks. We
improve the security and privacy with the help of slicing
technique which fulfils privacy verification with better
performance than provider aware (base algorithm) and
encryption algorithm.
This Proposed work having lot of enhanced techniques to
preserve the privacy in collaborative data publish. Thus
the all techniques will preserve the membership
disclosure and provide more data utility than the existing
system. Basically slicing is the important algorithm with
all available methodologies like data publication,
bucketization and generalization in the proposed system.
With slicing we used MR-Cube method, combining this two
methods we get more accurate data with security and
In collaborative data publishing with data partitioned
across multiple data providers, each contributing a subset
of records di. A data provider could be the data owner
itself who is contributing its own records. Requirement is
to publish an anonymized view of the integrated data such
that a data recipient including the data providers will not
be able to compromise the privacy of the individual
records provided by other parties, considering different
types of malicious users and information they can use in
attacks. In Privacy for collaborative data publishing, focus
is on insider attack by colluding data provider who can use
their own data record to understand the data records
shared by other data record providers. This problem can
be resolved by using different approaches such as m© 2015, IRJET

Fig -1: Proposed System Architecture
In Fig.1 shows the architecture of proposed system which
contains user module, MR-Cube module, Anonymization
modules. In first module the user can be an administrator,
authorized user or providers which already have an
account. In our project administrator can view all the data
of doctors, patients, and also all providers. He can add
disease. Administrator has all the permissions to view,
add, and remove any data. In provider login particular
authorized provider can only view the data related to his
patients. Provider can add the patient’s information.
Doctors also can view the data or records of his patients

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 80

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

We can do either search or view anonymized data. We can
search patients with particular disease group by provider
or zip code using MR-Cube and anonymization technique.
The resultant data is anonymized (T*) and count is shown.
We can also view all slicing process where data is sliced
then bucketized. In this process we used updated provider
aware algorithm so that only the records which satisfy
constraint are displayed and remaining records stored in
new bucket. This algorithm again applies on the other
bucket and the record which goes in bucket just because
they are not satisfying the constraint not because they
breaching privacy are display in final bucket.
Here we are going to use Hadoop framework for managing
large scale distributed data and processing it. User passes
a query as input in Hadoop framework where data node is
master node which receives this query. Cube query is
generated annotated lattice which is further given to
process main MR-Cube MapReduce Process. The cube
query generate materialized data which is distributed to
mappers. The final output of MR-Cube is given as input to
anonymized technique. As we describe above the
anonymized technique shows more secure and accurate
result of records.

3.3 Description of the Terms and Proposed
3.3.1 Anonymization
Slicing is basically depends on Attribute and tuple
partitioning. In Attribute partitioning (vertical partition)
we partitioned data as name, age-zip and Disease and
tuple partitioning (horizontal partition) as t1, t2, t3, t4, t5,
t6. In attribute partitioning age and zip are partitioned
together because they both are highly correlated because
they are quasi identifiers (QI). These QI can be known to
attacker. While tuple partitioning system should check L
diversity for the sensitive attribute (SA) column.
Algorithm runs are as follows.
Step1. Initialize bucket k=n, int i= rowcount, column
count=C, Q=D, // D= data into database, Arraylist= a[i];
Step2. While Q is not empty If i≤n Check L diversity; Else
i++; Return D*;
Step3. Q = Q -(D* + a[i]);
Step4. Repeat step 2 and 3 with next tuple in Q
Step5. D* =D * U A[D] // next anonymized view of data D
First initialize k = limit of data anonymization bucket size,
number of rows, number of columns, array list and
database in the queue(step 1). Further process will done if
and only if queue is not empty i.e there should be data in
database. Check data for L diversity if rowcount = k = m
(step 2). Initially Q= Queue of data. If our bucket data fulfill
k anonymity and L diversity, it return D* i.eanonymized
view of data. The data from the database which cannot
fulfill requirement of privacy will stored in arraylist a[i].
Now data remains in database i.e in Q=Q-D*+a[i] (step3).
Repeat step 2 and step 3. A[D] is anonymization of data in
© 2015, IRJET

database. Apply above steps for remaining data and create
new anonymization view which is the union of original
view and new one i.e D*=D*UA[D].

3.3.2 L-diversity
Ldiversity is the concept of maintaining uniqueness within
data. In this system we used this concept on SA (Sensitive
Attribute) i.e on disease. Our anonymized bucket size is 6
and I maintain L=4 i.e from 6 disease record 4 must be
Step1. Initialize L=m, int i;
Step2. If i= n-m+1; Then a[0]..a[1], insert these values as
they are in Q; i++;
Step3. Else Check privacy constraint for every
incremented value in Q If L=n then Fscore=1 Insert value
in the row i++; else Add element to arraylist a[i];
Step4. Exit
First initialize L=m and rowcount i. If i=n-m+1 i.e if k=n=6
and L=m=4 then i=3, upto third row data doesn’t need to
check for Fscore. Add this data as they are coming from
Q(step 1 and 2). For further data from Q check data for
privacy constraint. If data fulfills L , then Fscore=1. If data
doesnt fulfill Fscore=1, then add element in array list a[i]
(step 3).

3.3.3 Permutation
Permutation means rearrangement of records of data.
Permutation process is used for re-arrangement of quasi
identifier i.e Zip-Age.

3.3.4 Fscore
Fscore is privacy fitness score i.e the level of fulfillment of
privacy constraint C. If fscore=1 then C(D*)= true.

3.3.5 Constraint C
C is a privacy constraint in which D* should fulfill slicing
condition with L diversity as explain above. Consider value
of L diversity is 4. Fscore should be 1 when system fulfills
L diversity condition.


Some verification processes are carried
out are Verification for L diversity

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 81

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

For verification of L diversity I used Fitness score function.
For checking L diversity generate continuous similar
values of SA i.e insert similar disease. Check for Fscore=1.
If L=m, return Fscore. If privacy breachi.e if anonymized
view take data as insertad then it breached privacy. D*
shoud take data which fulfill L= m.
1. Generate continuous similar values of SA

7. permute the data with (I=(I( null-1)))
8. Apply Pruning on (D)
9. Apply step 1, 2, 3 on Bucket (i1)
10. if (C fails with (D)&&(p#1)) Bucket(i2)→Bucket(i1(j))
11. Display all (Bucket (i2)6=null)

2. Check for privacy constaint and fscore=1;

12. end while

3. If Privacy breach; Then early stop; Else Return (Fscore);
4. Exit

13. end for


MR-Cube Verification for strength of system against
number of provider

MR-Cube approach used to efficiently compute large cube.
It addresses the challenges of large scale cube
computation with holistic measures. The complexity of
cubing task is depending on data size and cube lattice size.

For verification against number of provider, add one more
attribute in anonymized data as a provider to output. This
verification will prove that our technique of
anonymization doesn’t depend on number of provider.
Existing system i.e provider aware anonymization
algorithm depends on database as well as provider.





1. Generate values of SA by providers P= 1..n
2. Check for privacy constraint and Fscore=1 with respect
to number of provider
3. If Privacy breach; Then stop; Else Return (Fscore);
4. Exit Provider aware algorithm for reduce the
time complexity
Fig -2: DFA of Proposed System

Input: Data set with D, providers n, with C
Output: Slice view (T*) with provider
1. read data from (D up to null)
2. for each (attributes in table) for each (tupels in tables)
3. Set quasi identifier (QIfr) and sensitive attributes (SA)
4. Apply generalization technique it will classify the tuples
in QIfr groups
5. Apply anonymization on relative information attributes
6. While(verify data-privacy(D, n, C) = 0) do if (Di→D)
verified with QIfr then add Di up to when K-anonimity else
early stop Bucket(i1)→D;

© 2015, IRJET

DFA= {Q, ∑, δ, q0, F}
Q=Finite Set of States
∑=Input Alphabet
δ=Transition between states
P0=Initial State
F=Final State
Q={P0, P1, P2, Pf}
P0=Initial State
P1= Create Cube Query
∑= {a, b, c} Where
a=Query with parameter

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal

Page 82

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

b=Materialized Data
c=Resultant MapReduce Data

5.1 Experimental Setup

Table -1: State Transition Table





We present here sets of experimental results to 1)
compare and evaluate query processing time in Hive and
by generating cube 2) evaluate and compare proposed
updated provider aware algorithm for given dataset to get
more data utility with secured data.

In this section our goal is to evaluate the proposed
algorithm that is Updated Provider Aware Algorithm in
terms of utilizing more data utility and MR-Cube Approach
for efficient cube computation so the data extraction time
get reduced. We used healthcare dataset which contains
different attribute like name, age, zip, address, disease etc.
1 Lacks of records have been used in all experiment. The
Disease has been used as a sensitive attribute (SA). This
attribute has 10 distinct values. Data are distributed
among 4 providers’ p1,p2,p3,p4. The privacy constraint C
is defined by k-anonymity and l-diversity. C is conjunction
of both k-anonymity and l-diversity. Anonymization use
Fscore i.e. privacy fitness score, if the diversity is 3 the
fitness score is 1, for diversity 5 the Fscore will 2. All
experiment were conducted on Intel Pentium 1.60 GHz PC
with 4 Gbyte RAM and 60.2 GB Hard disk.

A. Query Processing with cube
We used Hadoop Apache open source framework for
storing and processing data. Hive is used as a sql in
Hadoop. We generate a patient cube with four dimensions
(name, disease, age, doctor) and two measures (provider
and zip). We compare time required to processed query in
existing system in Hive and using MR-Cube. In fig.3 data
extraction performance is shown. Here the comparison
shows by building a cube lattice over the dataset we can
retrieve data in less time with more accuracy than time
required to data retrieving through Hive.
Fig. 4 shows the performance of data insertion in
proposed system. In existing encryption based system
required large amount of time to insert data as it used
very lengthy process. Fig.5 shows the time required to
slicing in existing encryption based system and in
proposed system.

Chart -1: Data Extraction Performance

B. Provider Aware Algorithm for Increasing
Data utility
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 02 Issue: 06 | Sep-2015

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

We used Updated provider Aware Algorithm in
proposed system to reduce time complexity and it
efficiently utilized data as compare to existing
algorithm. In existing system only the data witch
satisfy the constraint can consider secure to display,
but the data which is not anonymous but just because
it does not satisfying constraint it goes in waiting
forever. Here the data get loss. In proposed system we
are keeping that all data in bucket and applying the
technique on that data, again the remaining data goes
in final bucket and the final bucket will display

generated for given dataset with dimensions and
measures. MR-Cube compute cube with holistic measures
like Top-k query so get accuracy. The Provider Aware
algorithm reduces time complexity as existing system uses
multiple checks for privacy constraint.

I would like to thanks to my Professors and colleagues for
their guidance and helped me to expand my horizons of
thought and expression. I would also like to give special
thanks to my family members to encourage, support and
for giving their valuable times.


Chart -2: Data Insertion Performance

Chart -3: Slicing Performance

The result shows that the proposed Updated Provider
Aware Algorithm performs better than existing one. The
more data get utilized for analysis without breaching
privacy of individual. Existing system uses encryption
before inserting/ storing data and decryption using key to
retrieve it. It required large amount of time and it was not
worked efficiently for big data. Using MR-Cube approach
data cube can compute efficiently. The cube has been
© 2015, IRJET

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