Jacksonville Beach Plans 1931

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Projected Record Span At Golden Gate Will Be Painted Gold To Match Setting

For 61 Years Devoted to the Interests of Key West

Resolution Diverting Part Of Gas Tax Sent To Committee After Heated Debate
(Mr Aasoclntetl 1


California Ranches Destroyed As Flames Sweep Mountainside


Weary Firemen Fight Valiantly To Save Summer Homes On M o u n t Diablo

recognition as an artist. The M'). Cleare 1ben rebuked I h e j • .th a be eball bat. A motive for Atlantic CoasUl Highway is dediJunior Red Cross section of the bert Fall until Thursday. Govchief, .scathingly criticized the' the attack has not been dctenmncated here Saturday, July 13 in League of Red Cross Societies, ernment counsel announced that general lack of law enforcement, presence of several govei nors. comprising 49 national societies they will ask Justice Bailey today and suguested that thoic was just Special rate? aie being offered on six continents, proposes issuing to order Fall's sentence of a year's a little too much politics con to persons who wish to spend that| an International Junior Red Cross imprisonment to be carried out sidcred by those whose duty it was poster, designed by a junior mem- immediately. The hearing was j<EIGHTEEN OTHERS CHARGED week-end at the beaches beie. The | to insiat on enforcement of the ber, for the use of all the national Hotel Semmole, at Jacksonville, I Wallace Knoulus formerly of WITH LIQUOR LAW CON-i SHOOTS AGED MERCHANT IN junior groups. The league has put off because of other cases Mr Babcock spoke in dcfmse | has been designated as official of tm ( Key West but for 11 yeais a authorized the junior section to District Attorney Rover said an PAS' 'h'ef and laid he wa<< satisSPIRACY, ACCORDING BED WHEN LOAN IS headquarteis for the visiting gov- BOTH VEHICLES AND open this competition to the examination of the report on 'fied that he conscientiously tried resident of Philadelphia, died in juniors of the world under cer- Fall's physical condition "has conernors and is offering atti active SENGERS O N U P W A R D to do his duty, citing several in- that city s< \eral days ago. The REPORTS REFUSED tain regulations. These apply to vinced the government that the ! stances when he was an ey<- and inform,itioii was icceivcd in a letrates to ifansienls en route t o j TREND IN JULY, REPORTS ear witness to thc chief's "calling tor to hit. sister Mis. Mary E. all of the 49 national groups,; foinier secretary of the interior is and from the beaches, most of] whose membership comprises a able to come heie from El Paso down" violators of the t r a f f i c {Kemp. Services and interment SHOW whom will spend a day or two in to begin his term following contotal of 14,000,000. laus and in no uncertain termsiw-H be held in Philadelphia MIAMI, July 7.—Paul Bryan, MONROE, La., July 7. DawJacksonville. The American Junior Ked Cross viction of receiving a bribe from admonishing tho offender that the The deceased wan well known son Crowson, 18-year-old farm offers this opportunity for inter- Edward Doheny in connection former Broward county sheriff, next offense meant .wift and B aie In Key West, was for many yeaw The road to be dedicated is the Repoit of Monroe county ferry punishment. •» c.gatmaker and has a host of boy, confessed today he shot and j national recognition to the junior with the lease of naval oil re- and 18 others were indicted for final link in a 3,000-mile paved serves during the Harding admin- conspiracy to violate the prohibi< ystem for the week ending July After these verbal pyrotechnics fncmlsi who will grieve to leain killed Ira Castles, 60-year-old i membership in the public, private highway from Calais, Ma.ne to ~> shows an inciear.e over last- Mr. Johnson moved that a com- "f >"« demise. istration. , tion law, it was learned today. merchant, and set fire to his rtor.J-«»a^?Wj8Aool. Key We> ;, Fla. ed States and its insular possesweek in both vehicles and pafei'en- municration be Rent (to Mavor Ler, ._ Ho i? .survived by his wi'low, The indictment returned by after Castles had refused to lend sions. Lizzie Knowles; four sons, Acceptances have been reA.. Curry with a request that [ • carried. charged ceived from Governor Doyle E. ithe federal grand him $5.00 with which to buy his Two groups may present postoffice of >h P po- Gknwood Harold Dewey and I Last v.et-k there were 5iJ4 pas- he mr-truct II/L'I U7 L' I r L r " c While Working In ClIDa|lhat liquor was landed and tran.s- j Carlton of Florida; former Gov- 1 sengcrs and 177 vehicle. This lice force to be more alert in thoir Will.am Knowles, of Philadelphia, sweetheart a box of candy. Craw- ers, (a) pupils under 14 years 'ported at Pompano and that an.ornor L G. Hwrdman of Georgia; | wpe k tl|C. V C coi<lx show 383 pas- work and more strict in the en one «»ster, Mrs. Mary Kemp; one son said they argued about the old; (b) students 14 to 19 years Gerald Lowe, son of Charles j attempt wab made to bribe S. (Jovernor D. M. M'lller, of vehicles. Fol- forccm«it of laws regarding traf- ! brother, Wm.Knowlea; a sisteiloan and he drew Castles' pistol!old. The four judges to be the Mrs. William Cullmgford lowing is thc report by days: from under his pillow arfd firedjbest from each group will be sub; Lowe of this city, recently escaped ! Stout, a Hollywood policeman, by bama; and Governor Jbra fie violations. of Key West, and thiee grand June '2!>, in, \'i cars, one truck, mitted in the international com- serious injury at the naval station offering him $1,000 cash and 3(> | lilackwood, of South Carolina. while the merchant begged for his Jt was moved by Mr. Johnson Thc beach Chamber of c ; o m - j o n e br<j> ,J7 pa8SPI,Rers. Out, six that th period for paying taxes- children. petition. The signature of the at Guantanamo, Cuba, where he cabcb of liquor. life. merce, sponsors of the dedication cars, one truck, one bus, !JO pas- on thc c60 per cent cash and 40 j He said he then saturated the pupil artist, his birth date, and is assistant engineer. exercises is behind a movement senders. 15,000 SERMONS He was working m ihe ice place with gasoline, ignited it and the signature of his teacher or per cent warrants basis be ex- 1 „. H i Q « , j j to keep southern vacation dollars 10 Keep souinei n vacauon uun»i = June 30, in, eight cars, one bus, tended to the even date, August j principal, must appear on the machine room when a glass exfled. Neighbors rescued Castles' Finally IS rrOOatea<m the south'. It is expected that 25 passengers. Out, 17 cars, two 19, on which current taxes can be CARDIFF—Rev. Hugh Hughes ploded releasing the ammonia. poster as certification. body. (thousands from the southern trucks, one bus, 58 passengers. retired from the ministry at RS > The poster should present clear- Flying particles of the glass inpaid. Motion wu<> carried with Last will and testament of the,states will flock here for tho years of age and estimated that July 1, in, eight cars, four CounHlman Freeman voting no. ly the spirit of the Junior Bed flicted a number ot wounds, and preached 15,000 sermon t, Cross, service for others, fitness the fumes of the ammonia over- late Lewis A. Pierce, admitted to event. Numerous entertainment trucks, one trailer, one bus, 28 It wa& moved by Mr. Babcock for service, and world friendli- came him. He was at once taken probate July 2, was today enter- features will be arranged in ad- 1 paKsenKers. Out, 10 cars, one that all vehicles of the city, in-! ness. It may be in black and to a hospitaL, where he was ie- ed in the records in the office of dition to the natural attractions /truck, one bu.s, 28 passengers eluding fire apparatus, be covered j of bathing and other sports. July 2, in, 13 curri, one truck, by accident, fire and liability inThe steamship Florida sailed at white, or in colors. Thc size re- vivcd and first aid administered. Judge Hugh Gunn. one bus, 41) pHHsengors. Out, 16 surance. The matter being disThis will bequeathed all of the In a letter to his father yester12:50 o'clock this afternoon for quired is 45 by 29% inches. The Havana with two automobiles, 74 originals may be smaller, but day he states that his eyes were holdings of the deceased both real •••••*•••••••••••••••••• cars, four trucks, one bus, 47 cussed relAlive to the pr> Miilily WESTERN ELECTRIC passengers. also badly injured and he is just and personal, to Samuel J. Pierce, TODAY'S EDITORIAL , passengers and 133 sacks of mail. scaled to these dimensions. of some of the vehicle* bein^ reSOUND EQUIPMENT July 3, in, 12 cars, one truck, fused the insurance th<* motion The closing date is March 15, beginning to recover his sight. He and the legatee was also appoint She came in from Cuba yesterone bus, 38 passengers. Out, writes that he hopes to be all cd executor of the estate without ,day afternoon 2:45 o'clock with 1932: Final judgment will be renTODAY AND TOMORROW Th« path of le*»t eight cars, one bus, 1!) passengers. was chained to read that the bond. 64 passengers and 10 'tons of dered at the League of Red Cross right within a short time. chairman of ibo fi'innc r-"initte« L*w*ll ha* constantly en»n«red the July 4, in, 20 cars, two trucks, Two brothers and a sister of Societies in Paris, June 30, 1932. freight. human race. , It h«s l«d manjr one bus, 71 passengers. Out, 13 Li empowered to «*ra: , if ixwthe deceased and other relatives MORE CLOTHES NEEDED Chapters whose juniors enter Key Wetter* into * wil<Urcars, one motorcycle, one bus, 45 sible, terms for the In^.unce of contested the will but after sevthis competition will arrange to BEHEADED HIS WIPE all city property, not now cover«d. nets from which it would be passengers. Recently Po- eral hearings during which a CAPETOWN receive and judge the posters and July 5, in, 10 cars, three trucks, Carried unanimously. w*ll to etcape j«»t now. Way TUNIS—Ali Mehmed, of this forward o«e poster only from the liceman Jan Veeran stopped a number of witnesses were exThe recewed meeting was then on« b«», 38 passengers. Oyt, 21 the hour i* opportune i* 4U> Judge Jefferson B. city, arrested for beheading his two groups by March 15, 1932, to young woman on the street here amined caw, one truck) on» bus, 70 pna- adjourned and the oqo«liK,tion ««!••«' in today'* tM wite, said she asked him to do it the appropriate area headquar- and sent her home to put on more Browne, l««t week, rendered a program was ccntinvtd editarinl, clothcti. _ __ derision holding tho will valid. "as ft favor,"

SAN FKANCISCO, Jujy 7. — Flames left blackened LONDON SEES MUCH MORE wastes in more than a dozen MEN WORK different parts of California today as hundreds of weary An ordinance i emulating ihe fire fighters continued their erection of garages in the city and efforts to subdue blazes in Negotiations have already started in 1'aris for a confer- jproviding certain restrictions on th » heat stricken hills and ence of experts to work out,l f 'ts of less than 05 feet depth, pi a j nSi mountain towns, and mittee reported to the House I P* "trictly with the statute time the technical details of ap- with cerium amendments relative rancj! houses. Herds of catits findings and recommen-jfor completing the rolls should be plying- President Hoover's to other disliicts in the city, ^ tjmbei.} r jp e ned grain, dations after deliberation {extended in oider that the meeting moratorium plan; and the pabbed on its third and final read- and valuable pasture fell beover the legislative program 'for accepting could be properly •British government has n ing at the meeting of city council fore the fire, A force of 700 since July 1, when the re- ' advertised. Accordingly an order newed its invitation for a ' recessed from last Fridaj night. men it. attempting to control port was adopted With its ! was drawn fixing Friday, July conference of world powers All mcmbeib of the body were the 25,000-acre blaze which, the proposed new Golden Gate bridge eclipses the Hudson c hiefly provisions for more than I 24 as the date for accepting the concerned. In all present except Councilman Karl swept throe sides of Mount With a center span 4,200 feet river structure. Thc piers, left, w i l l serve as lighthouses. Atop the 746-foot towers, right, will be capitals ol Europe and $4,800,000 new revenue and 'rolls. The meeting is legally adat Thompson. Others, present veie Diablo. Damage is estimataerial bcacoiu. The 36-inch cables will support six traffic lanes and railway hnes. Joseph B. for state expense reduction, jvertised in The Citizen today. Wa.shington the agreement Wallace Finder, cleik; Will -1 M. ed at ?100,000. Firemen Meanwhile, th e tax roll stands Strauss, designer, is ihown. Both the senate and House France and the Alburv, auditor; Ralph Pmder, are attempting to keep the „ .., , ,. i * between tjcuwc*;ii rr«,-«. The fabiicated btcel woik hang- iat e system of flood l i R i t i n ? {iml T I n : t p r i s completed and bubject to inspecheld organization meetings has been re- fire chief and Ivan Elwood, chief blaze from the west slope OL , j "M • • * •- ing to massive cables from lower* O.rtl"i J.' JLWVJ.1 wj-Vji^ V j « u i y 7.—A IH& i/v nit* -101 » *., v-fc»«j»-_^j j.* **»»» - - - • • — - coloied lights outlining the < able-si United fa — -. , 4." f ol police. tion of taxpayers ai the clerk's with the House wrangling tht mountain where dozens golden bridge to match the Gold-,the height of the Woolwoilh and structural lines of thc three ceived With great satJSlacAll bills wcJ> read .'' >rJcred for an hour over a resolution office. en Gate. [building will be coated " ith a spans, towels and approaches, w i l l j ( , j o n . London is of the opinof summer homes and ranchJackson S. Golden, manager of eventually adopted to re- Key West Colonial Hotel, pro- j . That's what, designers have de- gold paint developed to le&nt the «ive the giacpful b t i u c l u i c a ] j o n m u ch remains to be paid and council adopU-a a reso- es are located. ivey >>eat i_>tni>"iai ijLuuci, ^.iv. . .. ,, i,4«v,,.,n,, observable duce from 67 to 7 the num- tested the assessment of $50,000 | cited o make of the h gh ay action of fog and bait air am! to I beauty towers will foi many miles donc ' and Rome l has an' lution authorizing the • clerK. to The be surmounted, warrants to cover thc ber of standing committees I on the hotel property. He was bridge, the world's longe&t is to icllect the sun's, iajb. in afii.il beacons, and the piers oiounced it is ready to particpension bpan, on which woik amountb. During the I asked to await the fixing of the be btartcd soon in a famous scenic This, will keep thc r.oidcn c.-tc %u n SC1VO a<, lighthouses lor San jpate in any conferences refor the session, Ibtate and county millage. An ordinance forbidding the tiuly golden. By night, .in clabo- 1 J.MICISCO haiboi. discussions charges w e r e Informal permissidn was given setting. garding operation of the sale of certain drucrs and narmade that Governor Carlton, j county Clerk RO&S Sawyer to jplan. The German govern- cotics except they be compounded the legislature as a whole, J purchase a wide-carriage type'ment has promised that by a registered phaimaeiht or and as committees, and var- writer to be paid for out of the | money released by the morapassed on its third dru.gft.ist excess fee fund. COUPLE CHARGED WITH USI torium will be used only to and final reading. jous divlsionsjof the state are — &-*-bnrc -qtim'uni, —composed of ANOTHER S0AL UOW A proposed ordinance lelalive ING BASEBALL reaponsfble for the extend- Commissioners Bervaldi, Fulford j assist the country's economFOR POST AND GATTY to traffic rcgulation.s was disand Warren, attended the meeting ic recovery, warning the ciii-bud at some length. Mr. Johned legislative ..period. BAT ( I t v itdsoclitfcfl I'renwl German people they must son severely ciiticized the Lick of A resolution by Repre- last KYOTO, Japan, July 7.— i economize now as never be- law enforcement especially re-j sentative Watson, Hillsbor-| A new ,_'. at has been dis(Ilr ough, which would place the fore. At Washington Presi- garding all forms of traffic J ules, covered by the Kyoto astroninstances i JACKSONVILLE BEACH PLANS MILWAUKEE, July 7.— Unconciting a number House on record as refusing dent Hoover announced the When he had b<"-n omical observatory it was anGOVERNMENT SEEKS IMMEDIto scious Since the Fourth of July nounced today. It is calcuBIG CELEBRATION TO MARK agreement w i t h obvious fl.itrrant violations of the Jiw, to pass any taxation measwhertjh'e was attacked in ;i sick ijed A T E IMPRISONMENT OF lated to bo 11,000 miles in N E W . pleasure, and thc state de- Chief Elwood answered Mr. and feeverOly beaten, Joseph Tomures until one cent of gaso.DEDICATION OF diameter, located 180,000,000 FORMER INTERIOR SECREline tax revenue was divertpartment has gone to work Johnson by callinp l.is attention asunati, 40, a cHrpcnter, was iound miles from the earth in a THOROUGHFARE by three "mall claldien today and that there is SEEN AS BOY'S OR GIRL'S TARY ed from the state road deon the mass of details which to the fat tduly from 10isp.but one token U hospital where doctois region of minor planets beofficer on ni. untween Mars and Jupiter. partment to the general revwill probably occupy it for til (! a. m , and it is impossible .said proc t i t . illy every bone in hib CHANCE FOR WORLD weeks. Stock markets in all for him to be everywhere at the body is shattered. Doctors said enue fund was referred to j (Special to The Citizen) FAjME (llr the resolutions committee. JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FIa.,jj a r & e C ities reacted favor- sune time. That he, petsonally, he piobably will die. Police arc 7. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 7 I July 7.—This icsort is prepaung ^ a}j j y to tlie announcement of had always checked up law viola-i holding his wife, Mary, and a The senate passed on lo—Justice Bailey of the District of j. tors, and arrested those v ho d t - j boaider, Nicholas Kramer. It is to entpitam thousands of south-j accor( j w jth prices rising, cal bill before adjourning Here's a chance for some little Columbia supreme court today j liberatcly transcended the traffic'said thc pu:r has confuted taking ern folks when the last strip of boy or girl to win international postponed action in the case of Alrules or'other laws. H'"^ at slugging the helpless maa until the afternoon.

TALLAHASSEE, July 7. —An added one cent tax on BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED, gasoline and taxes on kero- REPORT sene, luxuries, amusements, intangibles, and other commodities were recommended i Meeting last night to adopt the ] by the select committee to- 1931 tax rolls the county commisday as the Florida legisla- 5ioners were a(jvised by Counsel ture opened its second extra- 1 . .. * . m, ij. L. Lester that in order to com-; ordinary session. The com- 1









Former Key West Man Dies In Philadelphia

Gerald Painfully Injured

Contested Pierce Witt

Steamship Florida Sails With 74 Havana-Bound




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