Plastic Surgery

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Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body's contour by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane). The cannula is connected to a powerful suction pump and inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin. Fat removal is accomplished as the suction cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers. After surgery, these tiny tunnels collapse and thus result in an improved body contour. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that remove unwanted fat deposits from specific areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, chin, cheeks, neck, chest and upper arms. This procedure has become very popular with women who account for eighty percent of all lipoclastic surgeries. surgeries. Men seem to be catching on, wanting to eliminate "love handles" around their waist or unwanted fat from their back or neck. “liposuction is a procedure that can helpsculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including th e ab do me n, hips hips,, butt buttocks, ocks, thigh thighs, s, knees, knees, upper upper arms arms,, chin, cheeks and neck”  neck”   (Liposuction, 2005).The person who is responsible for all of this is Dr. Giorgio Fischer, a gynecologistfrom gynecologistfrom Rome Italy (1974). A few ye year arss lat later er,, in in 197 1978, 8, tthi hiss ide ideaa w was as tak taken en to Pari Paris, s, Fra Franc nceand eand was pop ular ize d by Dr. Il louz . Thi s inv ent ion mad e a grea t impact in our style of living today. It has helped people see themselves in a new kind of perspective. ( Ab o u t , 2 0 0 5 ) P e o p l e , w h o h a d a l r e a d y d o n e l i p o s u c t i o n , a r e n o w n o t a f r a i d o f   s h o w i n g themselves in public because they have now rea ched the point of their goal, whic h is tobe ab ablle to go out out in public without shame.The main objective of having liposuction liposuction is to be able to fix a specific part of their body that is not propor pro porti tiona onall to to tthe he res restt o off thei theirr body body.. Pe Peopl oplee who who are ove overwei rweight ght wouldnot wouldnot re al ly muc h be ne fi t fro m lip os uct io n, be ca us e this is not a method of weight loss,even though it seems like people with large bellies will have terrific bodies, after theoperation. If the weight is later gained back, it tends to be redistributed over the entirebody pro por tio nat ely , a nd a t th e sa me ti me, t he y ear nin g for foo d wi ll n ot d isa ppe ar (A (Ame meri rica can n Soci Societ ety y of Pl Plas asti ticc Surg Surgeon eons, s, n.d.) .d.).Once .Once liposuction is done to a perso n, the physical appearance of the person maybe outstanding or rather fabulous to the eyes of other people, but the person who hasundergone this procedure is not cured from the psychological aspect that bothers him or her in the first place. The only reason of why he or she has done this to him or herself isthat they cannot stand the people people who stare at or tease them for their appearance.A few years ago, from around the 1980’s, from the time this was invented, it wasagreed upon by most doctors that this kind of procedure is safe, although nowadays, withthe withthe uprising of new a nd modern technology, it has been proven that liposuction may bedangerous and ineffective, so most people who want to have it nowadays, should not beresorting to this because its benefits are shallow and it has negative effects.

 Definition Liposuction is defined as the removal of fat from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube, called a cannula with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Liposuction can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia, or with heavy IV sedation, or totally by local anesthesia. Why do Liposuction? Liposuction can remove fat that patient have have not been able to shift with diet or exercise. The fat cells will not be replaced by your body, so there should be a long-lasting change in your body shape, especially if you exercise, eat a healthy diet, and maintain a healthy weight after the operation. Liposuction is not a treatment for weight control or obesity and it cannot remove cellulite or stretch mark   Methodology of liposuction liposuction The most plausible way to get funds for your liposuction surgery is by arranging a meeting with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon. This process is usually used to remove fat from particular particular body areas of like buttocks, chin, thighs and love handles. It can only be used for reducing weight amounting to ten-fifteen pounds only. There are many variations of liposuction available in the market like superwet liposuction, ultrasound liposuction, liposuction, tumescent liposuction and the conventional method of liposuction. Most of these methods employ a cannula, which is the traction device, for the fat suction. The methodology of this procedure is that it makes use of some saline water to segregate the muscles and fat by injecting this water. Liposuction is really a very convenient option that that can help you in reducing fat, but it is not a panacea for weight losers for losing any amount of weight. First you will have to devote some efforts to exercise and dieting, and then proceed with using this methodology.


Types of lyposuction procedures

Traditional Liposuction (Dry Method) This type of lipoplasty - now discontinued for health reasons - used to be performed using general anesthetic. It was called "dry" because surgeons did not add any fluid f luid before suctioning fat. However, this liposuction procedure was found to to cause trauma to the tissues, unnecessary blood loss, nerve damage and necrosis (dead skin) from the interference it caused to the vascular structure of the skin.

Wet Liposuction The first improvement over "dry" lipoplasty was " wet" liposuction. Also performed under general anesthesia, this of liposculp ture involved the injection of a fluid containing a local anaesthetic plus other medications into the area of fatty tissue in order to reduce bleeding and swelling, and to facilitate fat removal. This type of liposuction has also a lso been superceded by newer methods, li listed sted below.

Superwet Liposuction Also performed using general anesthesia, superwet lipoplasty requires a larger injection of solution than the "wet" method, but only half the amount of the tumescent technique. Blood loss accompanying acc ompanying fat-loss is less than the "wet" method but greater than in the tumescent procedure.

Tumescent Liposuction The Tumescent lipoplasty method (the latest "wet" liposuction technique) tec hnique) involves the injection of a large quantity of a medical solution into the area of adipose tissue being treated. This medical solution is a mixture of medications that numb the area, and help shrink the capillaries to prevent blood loss. After the injection, a vacuum tube is inserted and the fat is removed.

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction This type of ultrasonic lipoplasty uses a special tube that transmits ultrasound energy. The ultrasonic energy breaks down the walls of the fat cells and converts them to liquid. The body fat is then pumped out.

Superficial Syringe Liposuction This lipoplasty method uses a syringe to withdraw fat, instead of vacuum suctioning pumps. It leads to less blood loss and faster post-operative recovery. Superficial syringe liposculpture is performed on the layer of fat just underneath the skin.   PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED DURING THE SURGERY 

* Fluid imbalance due to the removal r emoval of a lot of liquid during liposuction and/or injection of large aamounts mounts of liquid during liposuction which can result to shock, heart problems, or kidney problems. * Infections happen after any surgery and some physicians prescribe an antibiotic to patients having liposuction so it is important imp ortant to keep the wound clean. Infections may be life threatening such as necrotizing fasciitis (bacteria eating away the tissue) or th e toxic shock syndrome caused by bacteria associated with surgery. * Embolism occurs when tiny globules of fat trapped in the blood bloo d stream blocks the blood flow to the tissue. This may cause permanent disability. Signs of pulmonary embolism are shortness of breath or difficulty of breathing. * Drug reactions or overdose from lidocaine is fatal. Lidocaine Lidocaine is a drug that numbs the skin ski n and large doses of this is used during liposuction. The effects of lidocaine are lightheadedness, restlessness, drowsiness, slurred speech, muscle twitching, and convulsions. co nvulsions. Overdose of this drug may cause the heart to stop which is naturally fatal. * Burns caused by the ultrasound probe during ultrasound assisted liposuction. * Visceral perforations or puncture wounds in the organs may require another surgery and can be fatal. During liposuction, the physician does not see where the probe (canula) is, so it is possible to harm internal organs. * Skin death (skin necrosis) occurs when skin changes color and fall off. This T his may also cause infection. * Paresthesias is an altered sensation at the site of liposuction. liposuction. This may be in the form of increased sensitivity s ensitivity in the area or loss of  feeling. Some cases of this are permanent.


  Liposucti Lipo suctionmay onmay not not have the abi ability lity to to shrink enough enough which which may result result in the fo formati rmation on of skin ffolds,con olds,con str ict ive ba nds , gro ov es, or ripp ling . In thes e insta nces , remo val of exce ss skin maybe necessa necessary ry tto o ach achiev ievee a sm smoot ooth h resul result. t. Un Unfor fortun tunate ately, ly, tthe he surg surgica icall remova rem ovall (by cut cuttin ting)of g)of exce ss ski n must r esul t in the fo rmat ion o f a scar which may be u nsig htly i n some surge surgeons ons'' han hands. ds. (PJWMDPA, 2004)According to Castillo, Rafael a medical medi cal doctor, (2004), “My usual answer wouldbe that the artist in me says that lipo liposu suct ctio ion n ca can n make make th them em,, pe peop ople le,, in into to sh shap apel elie ierr piec pieces esof of cr ea ti on to lo ok at in an in st an t, bu t th e do ct or in me sa ys that they are better of patiently maintaining their fat blo ckers on top of a healthy lifestyle”. It is better  f o r people just to maintain maintain their diet ins instead tead of resorting to this this kind of solution. Negative Effects There are quite a few majo majorr sid sidee effects effects w when hen liposu liposuction ction is don done. e. General General risks of sur ger y inc lu de, in fec tio n, ser oma and hematoma. Delayed wounding heal and bleedingreactions to anesthetic are considered as major side effects. There may also be possibilityof possibility of excessive blood and fluid loss, fat clots or blood clots. (Ro (Rowlett, wlett, 2004)Seroma, is a fluid col collection lection in the skin. It is amass masso or tumefaction tumefactionccaused by the  the localizedaccumulation localizedaccumulationo of  serum serum  within withinaatissueo tissueor organ. organ. Serum is a clear yellowish fluid obtained upon separa ting who le b lood into its s olid a nd l iquid componen ts af ter it has been been al allo lowe wed d to to clo clot. t. (R (Row owle lett tt,, 2004)He m a t o m a o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , i s a c o l l e c t i o n o f b l o o d b e l o w t h e s k i n . I t i s a l oc oc aall iizz eed d swe swell llii ng ng ffii llll eed d with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel. (Rowlett,2004)5 LiposuctionPigmentation LiposuctionPigm entation can also be an effect of liposuction. In pigmentation, the color of theskin which was sculpted, will change into into a d diff iffere erent nt ccolo olorr and and it m may ay rema remain in p perm ermane anent nt.(Ro .(Rowle wlett, tt, 2004 2004)Oth )Oth er effe cts are unev en surf ace area ove r the trea ted area . There may also beinfection. beinfection. Although in some cases doctors give their patients antibiotics antibiotics before o orr after li po su ct io n to he lp pr ev en t i nf ec ti on , i n s ome ca se s t he se ant ib io tic s d o n ot wo rk as eff ffiici cien entt as they they ex expe pect ct them to be. be. (Rowl (Ro wlett ett,, 200 2004)In 4)In ultras onic li pos ucti on, a te chni que of li pos uctio n whic h requ ires th e use of a spe specia ciall can cannul nulaa tha thatt produces ultrasonic energy, as it passes through the areas of fat, theenergy explodes the walls of the fat cells, liquefying the fat. When this technique is done,there is a possible chance that the heat generated during ultrasonic liposuction may burnthe skin or damage the tiss ue unde r t he skin thus can also dama ge the nerv es as well . (Rowl (Rowlett ett,, 20 2004) 04)Pul Pulmon monary ary emb embolis olism mm may ay be con consid sidere ered d as as one one of the maj ajor or ef efffect ctss of lipo liposu succti tion onal al on g wit h pu lmo nar y ed ema co mp ar ed to an y ot he r, be ca us e pu lmo na ry embolismoccurs when fat clots or blood clots clog up and excess of this travel to the lungs, thenthis becomes lifethreatening. On the other hand pulmonary edema is a build up fluid inthe lungs, making it also lethal. Fl ui d is i nj ec te d d ur i ng tu me sc en t li po su ct io n. In tu tum mes esce cent nt li lipos posuc ucti tion on the the fl flui uid d is a mixt mixtur uree of combi combine ned d salt salt solu soluti tion on,, lidocaine which isa local anesthetic and epinephrine, drugs that contracts blood vessels, helps the fat beremoved more easily. It redu ces blo od loss and p rovides anesthes ia dur ing and after surg surger ery. y. (R (Row owle lett tt,, 200 2004) 4)6 6 LiposuctionLastly, there might be a possibility of toxic reactions occurring in the injectedsolution, this is called lido cain e toxi city. Thi s p reve nts the membr ane per meabi lity to becom becomee ca calci lciumum-depe depende ndent nt sodi sodium um aand nd tthen hen pot potass assium ium shi shifts fts by stabilizing themembranes, then electrical conduction is prevented (Lidocaine, ( Lidocaine, 1997). Conclusion P e o p l e u s u a l l y d o n o t t h i n k o f t h e e f f e c t s t h a t m a y o c c u r w h e n t h e y h a v e liposuction. For example, ce cele lebr brit itie iess th thes esee day days w wou ould ld do any anyth thin ing, g, ju just st to lo look ok go good od in infr fr on t of th e ca me ra . Th ey wo ul d pr ef er be in g se xy st ar s; a n d h a v i n g t h e ir b r e a s ts impla implante nted d so th that at tthey hey would would get get more more jobs jobs and and earn earn m more ore mon money, ey, (Villa (Villagom gomez, ez, n.d.) n.d.) aandacco ndacco rdin g t o Dr. Guaz on wh o is a su rgeo n in the P hili ppi nes, says that peop le sh oul d know know there there limits limits.. They They shoul should d know whe when n an overdo ove rdone ne fac facee and and bo body dy app appear ear unn unnatu atural ral(Qu (Quiri irino, no, 2005).Good 2005).Good look s a nd grea t i mpac t o n p eopl e d o not guar ante e a good  bo dy im ag e. No ma tt er ho w ma ny ti me s on e ha s hi s/ her he r fa ce or bo dy re do ne th ro ug h co sm et ic su rg er y, on e’ e’ss con fide nce l eve l will remai n low i f one doe s not learn to be h app y with one sel f. (Quiri (Quirino, no, 200 2005)I 5)In n li life, fe, althoug although h loo looks ks matter a lot, people should realize that if from the start theyhad already tried to diet and maintain their body beautifully. Then they would not be eventhinking of other alternatives for them to look better. That is why one should not be evendeciding whether he or she will take par t in havi ng l ipo suct ion and sho uld conc lude in the their ir mi minds nds that that llipos iposuct uction ion is bad and uns unsafe afe.7 .7

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