project on project management

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MBA project report on project management in small scale industry




• • • • Introduction About The Study Concept Of Project Management Industry Profile Company Profile CHAPTER-II – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • • • • • Purpose of the Project Work Significance of the Project Work Objecti es of the Study Sources of !ata Scope of the Study

CONCEPT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT • • • • • • Introduction "esponsibility of a Project Manager Concepts Project Management Project management #ife cycle $eed for Project management Project !imension%s Page 1


Project Management Model

• • • • • Current ratio $et profit ratio Sales position Common si&e income statement Comparati e 'alance Sheet CHAPTER- V – FINDINGS & SUGGESTIONS SUMMARY • • (indings Suggestions

Bibliogr !"# A$%&o'l()g(*(&+




The topic taken for the study is “A study on Financial Performance Analysis at Surya Metal Finishers. from the previous Year. The objective of the study is to analyze the profitability of the company and to analyze the ratios of the company. Identify hether the company have !ro th potential and sound financial basic" to analyze the trend percenta!e. The study used is analytical in nature. The data needed for the present study have been collected throu!h the secondary data. The researcher as part of curriculum has conducted a study to find out to financial performance of the company. The re#uired data is collected from the bud!eted formats" $lash results and $ive% year annual diary of the company. The data has been collected for a period of five years from 2&&'%&( to 2&&)% 1&. In this study an attempt has been made to analyze the financial performance of *+,Y- ./T-0 $I1I*2/,*. to interpret its results by usin! the various tools of financial statement analysis namely3 • • • • • *ales position 4urrent" 5ross profit" 1et 6rofit ,atio analysis 4ommon size Income *tatement. 4omparative 7alance *heet -nalysis. Trend percenta!e. an!alore The information in order to analyze the data is taken


The cash balance level of the company hen compared to current liabilities is to minimum and the mana!ement may improve the cash balance to an optimum level to meet the contin!encies.

INTRODUCTION A OUT T"# STUD$ $inance may be defined as that administrative area or set of administrative functions in an or!anization possible9. The main activities to the successful administration of finance in any or!anization comprise financial plannin!" raisin! the needed funds" financial analysis and control. -nalysis of financial statement in a business deserves much attention in carryin! out finance function. It helps to re!ains prospective analysis of operative period for the purpose of evaluatin! the isdom and efficiency of financial plannin!. -nalysis of hat has happened should be of !reat value in improvin! the standards" techni#ues and procedures of financial control involved in carryin! out finance function. hich relate ith the arran!ement of cash and credit so that the or!anization may have the means to carry out its objective as satisfactorily as

FINANCIA% MANA&#M#NT $inancial mana!ement is broadly concerned ith the procurement and

effective utilization of funds by a business firm. $inancial mana!ement emer!ed as a distinct field of study at the turn of this century. Its evolution may be divided into t o broad phases. KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page :

The Traditional 6hase and .odern 6hase $inance theory" in !eneral resist on the premise that the !oal of the firm to its e#uity shareholders. This means that the !oal of the firm should be to ma;imize of market value of its e#uity shares the !oals of ma;imization of shared as ealth" e;pressin! the shareholders point of vie " several alternatives have been su!!ested" ma;imization of earnin! per share" ma;imization of returns on e#uity etc." ma;imization of profit is not as inclusive !oal as ma;imization of shareholders ealth. It suffers from several limitations like profit is obscure term<s not a proper !uide to decision makin!. It should be e;pressed either on a per share basis or in relation to investment etc.

D#FINITION -ccordin! to *olomon" financial mana!ement is concerned of an important economic resource" namely" capital funds. ith the efficient use

-ccordin! to 6hilippauts" “$inancial .ana!ement is concerned term credits for the firm. -s such it deals specific assets as

ith the

mana!ement decisions the result in the ac#uisitions and financin! of lon! term and short ith the situations that re#uire selection of an ell as the problem of size and !ro th of an enterprise. The analysis of

this decision is based on the e;pected inflo s and outflo s of funds and their effects upon mana!erial objective

FINANCIA% P#RFORMANC# ANA%$SIS The financial statement provides the basic data for financial performance analysis.


7asic limitation of the traditional financial statement comprisin! the balance sheet and the profit and loss account is that they do not !ive all the information re!ardin! the financial operations of a firm. 1evertheless" they provide some useful information to the e;tent the balance sheet mirrors the financial position on a particular date in terms of the structure of assets" liabilities and o ners e#uity" and so on. The profit and loss account sho s the results of operations durin! a certain period of time in terms of the revenues obtained and the incurred durin! the year. Thus" the financial statements provide a summarized vie of the financial position and operations of a firm. Therefore" much can be learnt about a firm from a careful e;amination of its financial statements as invaluable documents > performance reports. The analysis of financial statements is" thus" an important aid to financial analysis.

The focus of financial analysis is on key fi!ures in the financial statements and the si!nificant relationship that e;ists bet een them. The analysis of financial statements is a process of evaluatin! relationship bet een component parts of financial statements to obtain a better understandin! of the firm<s position and performance. The first task of financial analyst is to select the information relevant to the decision under consideration from the total information contained in the financial statement. The second step involved in financial analysis is to arran!e the information in a ay to hi!hli!ht si!nificant relationships. The final step is interpretation and dra in! of inferences and conclusions. In brief" financial analysis is the process of selection" relation" and evaluation.

RATIO ANA%$SIS The ratio analysis is one of the most po erful tools of financial analysis. It is the process of establishin! and interpretin! various ratios. - financial ratio is the relationship KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page '

bet een t o accountin! fi!ures e;pressed mathematically. ,atios provide clues to the financial position of a concern. These are the pointers and indicators of financial stren!th" soundness" position or eakness of an enterprise. ?ne can dra conclusions about the e;act financial positions of a concern ith the help of ratios. ,atio analysis is a process of comparison of one fi!ure a!ainst another" and hich

make a ratio" and the appraisal of the ratios to make proper analysis about the stren!ths eaknesses of the company<s operations. ,atio analysis is e;tremely helpful in providin! valuable insi!ht into a company<s financial picture 4?.6-,-TI@/ 7-0-14/ *2//T The comparative balance sheet analysis is the study of the trend of the same items" !roup of items and computed items in t o or more balance sheets of the same business enterprise on different dates. The chan!es in periodic balance sheet items reflect the conduct of a business. The chan!es can be observed by comparison of the balance sheet at the be!innin! and at the end of a period and these chan!es can help in formin! an opinion about the pro!ress of an enterprise.

7alance sheets as on t o or more different dates are used for comparin! the assets" liabilities and the net orth of the company. 4omparative balance sheet analysis is useful for studyin! the trends of an undertakin!.

Ad'anta!es • • 4omparative statements help the analyst to evaluate the performance of the company. 4omparative statements can also be used to compare the performance of the firm ith KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page (

• • •

The avera!e performance of the industry bet een different years. It helps in identification of the be done meritly. Taken accordin!ly. eaknesses of the firm and remedial measures can

COMPARATI(# INCOM# STAT#M#NTS The income statement discloses net profit and net loss on account of operations. comparative Income *tatements percenta!es. ill sho the absolute fi!ures for t o or more periods" the absolute chan!e from one period to another and if desired the chan!e in terms of

COMMON SI)# FINANCIA% STAT#M#NTS 4ommon size financial statements are those in is assumed to be lo hich fi!ures reported are

converted into percenta!es to some common base. In the income statement the sale fi!ure and all fi!ures are e;pressed as a percenta!e of sales. *imilarly in the balance sheet the total of assets or liabilities is taken as 1&& and all the fi!ures are e;pressed as percenta!es of this total. NATUR# OF FINANCIA% STAT#M#NTS -ccordin! to the -merican Institute of 4ertified 6ublic -ccountancy $inancial *tatements reflect a combination of recorded in the financial are not depicted in the financial statements" ho ever material they mi!ht be" for e;ample" fi;ed assets are sho n at cost irrespective of their market or replacement price since such price is not recorded in the books.


%IMITATIONS OF FINANCIA% STAT#M#NT $inancial statements are prepared ith the object of presentin! a periodical

revie or report on the pro!ress by the mana!ement and deal ith the 1A *tatus of the investments in the business and 2A ,esults achieved durin! the period under the revie .



A formal definition Of Project management
A +ro,ect is a tem+orary se-uence of uni-ue. com+le/. and connected acti'ities ha'in! one !oal or +ur+ose and that must 0e com+leted 0y a s+ecific time. 1ithin 0ud!et. and accordin! to s+ecification.
Effective Project Management by Wysocki, Beck, and Crane.


So, what is a project?
Does not necessarily mean “short duration” Have a definite be innin !nds "ith a measurable outcome #b$ectives have been achieved Becomes clear the ob$ective cannot%"ill not be met &eed no lon er e'ists The pro$ect is terminated *omethin that has not been done before +epeatin elements do not chan e the fundamental uni)ueness of pro$ect "ork



What is project management?
Project management is the process of
definin the e'tent ,scoping-, plannin , staffin , or , directin , and controllin

The development of an acceptable system at a minimum cost "ithin a specified time frame


Why is it so complicated?
/ro$ect mana ement ori inated in en ineerin Base of kno"led e lar e0 scale pro$ects /1 emphasis tends to be on thin s and procedure, not people and process /1 for 2T issues are different than “classic” /1
Buildin a brid e vs. buildin a 31* system Desi nin Hoover Dam, *pace *huttle


5 /1B#6
7 /ro$ect 1ana ement Body of 6no"led e 7 Theoretical 8rame"ork 7 6no"led e 9reas
5 Conte't 5 /rocesses

2nte ration Time 4uality Communications

*cope Cost Human +esources +isk
Page 1:



What is the project manager responsi!le for?
6no"led e
9bout the or ani.ation *kills re)uired for pro$ect

Communications Documentation 4uality control Development
(p, do"n, across or ani.ation

*taff Workin practices


Project dimensions

Bud et




"f we change one#
*chedule Bud et


$o% a%tomatically change the others


&he 'formal( project life )ycle
Define ,initiation/lan !'ecute

3eadin , team buildin , motivatin

These are the most 8re)uently overlooked phases in 1ost pro$ects

Control Close


Project management model
Define /lan
Clarification, definition *pecification Content, desi n, construction, testin , launch 1aintenance, evaluation

Coordinate and control Close




#%#CTROP%ATIN& #lectro+latin! has. o'er recent decades. e'ol'ed from an art to an e/act science. This de'elo+ment is seen as res+onsi0le for the e'er2increasin! num0er and 1idenin! ty+es of a++lications of this 0ranch of +ractical science and en!ineerin!. Some of the technolo!ical areas in 1hich means and methods of electro+latin! constitute an essential com+onent are all as+ects of electronics3 macro and micro. o+tics. o+to2electronics. and sensors of most ty+es. to name only a fe1. In addition a num0er of 4ey industries such as the automo0ile industry 5that uses for e/am+le chrome +latin! to enhance the corrosion resistance of metal +arts6 ado+t the methods e'en 1here other methods. such as e'a+oration. s+utterin!. chemical 'a+or de+osition 5C(D6 and the li4e are an o+tion. That is so for reasons of economy and con'enience. y 1ay of illustration it should 0e noted that that modern electro+latin! e-ui+s the +ractitioner 1ith the a0ility to +re2desi!n the +ro+erties of surfaces and in the case of electroformin! those of the 1hole +art. Furthermore. the a0ility to de+osit 'ery thin multilayer7s 5less than a millionth of a cm6 'ia electro+latin! re+resents yet a ne1 a'enue of +roducin! ne1 materials. Schematics of an electrolytic cell for +latin! metal 8M8 from a solution of the metal salt 8MA8. #lectro+latin! is often also called 8electrode+osition8. and the t1o terms are used interchan!ea0ly. As a matter of fact. 8electro+latin!8 can 0e considered to occur 0y the +rocess of electrode+osition. #lectrode+osition is the +rocess of +roducin! a coatin!. usually metallic. on a surface 0y the action of electric current. The de+osition of a metallic coatin! onto an o0,ect is achie'ed 0y +uttin! a ne!ati'e char!e on the o0,ect to 0e coated and immersin! it into a solution 1hich contains a salt of the metal to 0e de+osited 5in other 1ords. the o0,ect to 0e +lated is made the cathode of an electrolytic cell6. The metallic ions of the salt carry a +ositi'e char!e and are thus attracted to the o0,ect. 9hen they reach the ne!ati'ely char!ed o0,ect 5that is to 0e electro+lated6. it +ro'ides electrons to reduce the +ositi'ely char!ed ions to metallic form. Fi!ure : is a schematic +resentation of an electrolytic cell for electro+latin! a metal 8M8 from an a-ueous 51ater6 solution of metal salt 8MA8. To further illustrate the fore!oin!. let us assume that one has an o0,ect made of one of the common metals. li4e co++er. and that it has 0een +ro+erly +re2cleaned. 9e should 1ant to +late it 1ith. say. nic4el. A 1ire 1ill ha'e to 0e attached to the o0,ect 1hile the other end of the 1ire should 0e attached to the ne!ati'e +ole of a 0attery 5or a +o1er su++ly6. To the +ositi'e +ole of the 0attery 5or +o1er su++ly6 1e connect KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 23

another 1ire 1ith its other end connected to a rod made of nic4el. Ne/t 1e fill the cell 1ith a solution of the metal salt to 0e +lated. It is +ossi0le to use a molten salt and in some not so common cases. such as the de+osition of tun!sten. that is 1hat is done. In most. more common. cases thou!h the salt is sim+ly dissol'ed in 1ater. In our +resent e/am+le the nic4el chloride salt dissociates in 1ater to +ositi'ely char!ed nic4el cat ions and ne!ati'ely char!ed chloride anions. As the o0,ect to 0e +lated is ne!ati'ely char!ed it attracts the +ositi'ely char!ed nic4el cat ions. and electrons flo1 from the o0,ect to the cat ions to neutrali;e them 5to reduce them6 to metallic form. Mean1hile the ne!ati'ely char!ed chloride anions are attracted to the +ositi'ely char!ed nic4el rod 54no1n as the anode of the electrolytic cell6. At the anode electrons are remo'ed from the nic4el metal. o/idi;in! it to the nic4el cat ions. Thus 1e see that the nic4el dissol'es as ions into the solution. That is ho1 re+lacement nic4el is su++lied to the solution for that 1hich has 0een +lated out and one retains a solution of nic4el chloride in the cell. Nic4el chloride is used here to e/em+lify the +rocess of electro+latin! for a num0er of reasons. First amon! those is sim+licity. It is not recommended. ho1e'er. that nic4el 0e used for. say. school science demonstrations 0ecause some indi'iduals are -uite aller!ic to it. 9e further do not recommend that chloride salts 0e used 0ecause those are amena0le to release chlorine !as. For school or amateur ty+e demonstration 1e recommend +latin! co++er coins 1ith ;inc or nic4el coins 1ith co++er. :.< &ro1th of #lectro+latin! in India :.<.: rief "istory = Present Scenario #lectro+latin! has a lon! history in India> li4e many industrial acti'ities. it !ained Momentum after Inde+endence. Modern day electro+latin! started in early si/ties in Mum0ai 1ith dull Nic4el. ri!ht Nic4el follo1ed soon after. Althou!h official fi!ures are not a'aila0le. estimates 5ref3 ?6 indicate that in :@AB. electro+latin! industry 1as considered to 0e in the tune of Rs. :BB million. Since then. the industry has !ro1n steadily 1ithout facin! any recession. In :@AC. the first semi2automatic +lant 1as set u+ in Mum0ai. Currently there are more than CBB automatic +lants in the country. Durin! the Period :@AB2D?. the im+ort restriction re!ulation in force led to hi!h !ro1th of this Industry. It is estimated that electro+latin! industry is no1 1orth Rs. IBBB crores 5Rs.:B. BBB million> see Fi! :.:6. This means that com+ounded a'era!e annual !ro1th rate is a0out :C.CE. The sector em+loys a0out :. FB.BBB +eo+le in a++ro/imately :<.BBB or!ani;ed units. No statistics is a'aila0le for unor!ani;ed Gunits.:.<.< Ty+es and %ocation of Units The Industry is 1idely s+read out across the country. 9hile there are +rimarily t1o (arieties2 5I6 Primary User and Ori!inal #-ui+ment 5O#6 manufacturer. 1ho do. #lectro+latin! as one of their o'erall manufacturin! acti'ity and 5ii6 *o0 1or4 units. 1ho do only +latin! for a lar!e 'ariety of com+onents for 0oth domestic and e/+ort +ur+ose. Certain states ha'e lar!e num0er of units concentrated in some to1ns H cities. such as KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 28

Andhra Pradesh 22 "ydera0ad Delhi &u,arat2 Ahmeda0ad "aryana2 Farida0ad Iarnata4a2 an!alore Maharashtra 2 Mum0ai. Pune. Nashi4 Pun,a0 2 %udhiana Tamil Nadu 2 Chennai. Madurai Uttar Pradesh 2 NOIDA It is difficult to find out the distri0ution of +roduction 0et1een the or!ani;ed and small Scale H tiny H unor!ani;ed sector. "o1e'er. ,ud!in! 0y the consum+tion of chemicals and Additi'es. it is estimated that a0out :D.BBB tons are consumed 0y or!ani;ed sector. 1hile Tiny and unor!ani;ed sector consumes a0out :B.BBB tons. Therefore. a++ro/imately FC E of the industry is contri0uted 0y the unor!ani;ed sector.


"istory of electro+latin!
efore continuin! 1ith more detailed discussion of the su0,ect at hand. a 0rief history of electro+latin! 1ill 0e +resented. The early history of electro+latin! may 0e traced 0ac4 to around :DBB. A uni'ersity +rofessor. or in modern terms3 a chemist. %ui!i ru!natelli is considered as the first +erson to a++ly electrode+osition +rocess to electro+late !old. ru!natelli 1as a friend of Allisandro (olta 5after 1hom the electric unit 8'olt8 has 0een named6 1ho had ,ust a short time 0efore disco'ered the chemical +rinci+les that 1ould ma4e +ossi0le the de'elo+ment of 8'oltaic8 electrical cells. (oltaGs first actual demonstration of that KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 2=

1as called 8(oltaic Pile8. As a conse-uence of this de'elo+ment. ru!natelliGs early 1or4 usin! 'oltaic electricity ena0led him to e/+eriment 1ith 'arious +latin! solutions. y :DB? he had refined his +rocess enou!h to +late a fine layer of !old o'er lar!e sil'er metal o0,ects. "e 1rote in a letter to the el!ian *ournal of Physics and Chemistry 5later re+rinted in ritain6. 1hich reads3

8I ha'e lately !ilt in a com+lete manner t1o lar!e sil'er medals. 0y 0rin!in! them into communication 0y means of a steel 1ire. 1ith a ne!ati'e +ole of a 'oltaic +ile. and 4ee+in! them one after the other immersed in ammoniate of !old ne1ly made and 1ell saturated8. Unfortunately for ru!natelli. a disa!reement or fallin! out 1ith the French Academy of Sciences. the leadin! scientific 0ody of #uro+e at the time. +re'ented ru!natelliGs 1or4 from 0ein! +u0lished in the scientific ,ournals of his day. "is 1or4 remained lar!ely un4no1n outside of his nati'e Italy e/ce+t for a small !rou+ of associates. y :DF@. ho1e'er. scientist in ritain as 1ell as in Russia had inde+endently de'ised metal de+osition +rocesses similar to those of ru!natelliGs for co++er electro+latin! of +rintin! +ress +lates. y :DJB. this disco'ery 1as ada+ted and refined 0y "enry and &eor!e #l4in!ton of irmin!ham. #n!land for !old and sil'er +latin!. Colla0oratin! 1ith their +artner *ohn 9ri!ht and usin! Formulae de'elo+ed 0y the latter for +otassium cyanide +latin! 0aths. the #l4in!tons 1ere a0le to ha'e the first 'ia0le +atents for !old and sil'er electro+latin! issued on their name. From &reat ritain the electro+latin! +rocess For !old and sil'er -uic4ly s+read throu!hout the rest of #uro+e and later to the United States. 9ith the 0ur!eonin! 4no1led!e and understandin! of the su0,ect of electrochemistry and its im+ortance in understandin! the +rocesses of 8electrode+osition8 came the a0ility to de+osit other metals. y the :D?BGs electro+latin! methods of 0ri!ht nic4el. 0rass. tin. and ;inc 1ere commerciali;ed and 1ere a++lied for en!ineerin! and s+ecific commercial +ur+oses. In time. the industrial a!e and financial ca+ital had e/+anded from &reat ritain to the rest of the 1orld. As a result. electrode+osition +rocesses 1ere e/+andin! in sco+e and found more and more usa!e in the +roduction of a 'ariety of !oods and ser'ices. 9hile this e/+ansion 1as ta4in! +lace. no si!nificant scientific disco'eries 1ere made until the emer!ence of the electronic industry in the mid forties of the last century. The only e/ce+tions to this 1ere im+ro'ements made to direct current +o1er su++lies 1hich 1ereHare used instead of 0atteries. Thus it is said that the KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 2'

years from :DAB to :@JB 1ere a -uiet +eriod as far as electro+latin! 1as concerned. si!nificant only in !radual im+ro'ement in lar!er scale manufacturin! +rocesses. anodic and cathodic reaction +rinci+les and +latin! 0ath formulae. Durin! the later years of the forties. redisco'ery of hea'y !old +latin! for electronic com+onents too4 +lace. In com+arison to that. durin! the mid to later fifties the usa!e of ne1 and more 8user friendly8 +latin! 0aths 0ased on acid formulae 5rather than stron!ly +oisonous cyanide 0ased ones6 1ere de'elo+ed and introduced for lar!e scale commercial use. In closin! this 0rief historic summary one is to note that today a num0er of re!ulatory la1s 5enacted mainly in the nineteen2se'enties6. for instance concernin! 1aste 1ater emission and 1aste dis+osal. set the toneHdirection for the electrode+ositionHelectro+latin! industry for the ne/t thirty years. Today. 1ith the im+ressi'e +ro!ress and dee+er understandin! of the underlyin! electrochemical +rinci+les of electrode+osition. so+histicated +latin! 0aths formulae ha'e 0een de'elo+ed and are 0ein! routinely em+loyed. Those +ro'ide much !reater control o'er the 1or4in! characteristics of the de+osition +rocess than hitherto. %ayer thic4ness. +erformance of electro+lated finishes is amon! the attri0utes that ha'e 0een 0rou!ht under strict control. Ne1 de'elo+ments ena0le !reater +latin! s+eed. 0etter thro1in! +o1er 5the a0ility of a +latin! solution to +roduce a relati'ely uniform distri0ution of metal u+on a cathode of irre!ular sha+e6. as 1ell as relia0le +lated finishes. In addition. electro+latin! of materials such as +latinum. osmium. and ruthenium are no1 0roadly used in electronics for connectors. circuit 0oards. contacts etc. The 1riter 0elie'es that ne1 and inno'ati'e electro+latin! technolo!y 1ill facilitate the ra+id e/+ansion of the telecommunication industry. In !eneral. the !ro1th of the electronics industry as a 1hole. and the demand to su++ort the e/+ansion of its underlyin! infrastructure 1ill continue to dri'e im+ro'ements 1orld1ide in the electrode+ositionHelectro+latin! industry. To illustrate the +ossi0le directions of +ro!ress 1e mention the need for further refinement and control of dc +o1er su++lies. Such +ro!ress should lead to further achie'ements in the electro+latin! and metal finishin! industry. %ast. 0ut certainly not least. safer manufacturin! methods and +rocesses includin! 1aste1ater recyclin! should reduce 1or4 +lace e/+osure to dan!erous chemicals and 1aste 0y+roducts. There has 0een a recent u+sur!e of interest in electrode+osition. This is due to three main factorsHtechnolo!ies3 Metal de+osition for the fa0rication of inte!rated circuits. De+osition of ma!netic recordin! de'ices 5heads. discs6. De+osition of multilayer structures. y 1ay of illustration 1e mention here that electrode+osition of co++er for inte!rated circuit fa0rication has 0een successfully used since :@@A for the +roduction of interconnection lines do1n to less than B.B< microns 5micron K one KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 2(

millionth of a meter6 1idth. #lectrode+osition methods re+resent a 'ery attracti'e alternati'e to the hitherto con'entional fa0rication methods. Surface +re+aration It is commonly acce+ted and often -uoted 0y electro+laters that one can ma4e a +oor coatin! +erform 1ith e/cellent +retreatment. 0ut one cannot ma4e an e/cellent coatin! +erform 1ith +oor +retreatment. Surface +retreatment 0y chemical andHor mechanical means is im+ortant not only in the case of +re+arations for electro+latin! 0ut is also re-uired in +re+aration for +aintin!. In either of these. methods are desi!ned to ensure !ood adhesion of the coatin! or +aint to the surface. Most 5metal6 surface treatment and +latin! o+erations ha'e three 0asic ste+s. Surface cleanin! or +re+aration. Usually this includes em+loyin! of sol'ents. al4aline cleaners. acid cleaners. a0rasi'e materials andHor 1ater. Surface modification. That includes chan!e in surface attri0utes. such as a++lication of 5metal6 layer5s6 andHor hardenin!. Rinsin! or other 1or42+iece finishin! o+erations to +roduceHo0tain the final +roduct. Surface cleanin! or +re+aration 1ill 0e discussed in more detail. Success of electro+latin! or surface con'ersion de+ends on remo'in! contaminants and films from the su0strate. Or!anic and nonmetallic films interfere 1ith 0ondin! 0y causin! +oor adhesion and e'en +re'entin! de+osition. The surface contamination can 0e e/trinsic. com+rised of or!anic de0ris and mineral dust from the en'ironment or +recedin! +rocesses. It can also 0e intrinsic. one e/am+le 0ein! a nati'e o/ide layer. Cleanin! methods are desi!ned to minimi;e su0strate dama!e 1hile remo'in! the film or de0ris. If a 5metal6 surfaceGs chemistry and +rocessin! history are 4no1n one can antici+ate cleanin! needs and methods. In +ractice. e/trinsic or!anic and inor!anic soils ori!inate 1ith +rocessin! of the su0strate 0efore +latin!. as 1ell as from the en'ironment. S+ecific residues include lu0ricants. +hos+hate coatin!. -uenchin! oils. and rust +roofin! oils. dra1in! com+ounds. and stam+in! lu0ricants. In short. the mi/ture of +otential contaminants to 1hich a +art is e/+osed is ty+ically com+le/. A!ain in case of a metal su0strate it must 0e remem0ered that all metals form o/ide and inor!anic films to a de!ree 1ith en'ironmental !ases and chemicals. Some of these are +rotecti'e a!ainst continuin! attac4 such as the aluminum o/ide formed on aluminum alloys 5see also anodi;in!6. That +henomenon is the reason of the usefulness of aluminum sidin! on some homes. On the other hand. some are non+rotecti'e. such as iron o/ide on steel. Some of these films can e'en 0e +lated directly 1ith nic4el o'er aluminum o/ide o'er aluminum 0ein! an e/am+le. The cleanin! and acti'ation ste+s must account for the fact that surface o/ide re2forms at different rates on different metals. S+ecifically. in case of iron or nic4el the o/ide re2forms slo1ly enou!h that the +art can 0e transferred from a cleanin! solution to a +latin! 0ath at a normal rate. In case of aluminum or ma!nesium the o/ide re2forms 'ery fast such that s+ecial +rocessin! ste+s are re-uired to +reser'e the metal surface 1hile it is 0ein! transferred to electro+latin!. Cleanin! +rocesses are 0ased on t1o a++roaches. In +hysical KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 2)

cleanin!. mechanical ener!y is introduced to release. 0oth e/trinsic and intrinsic contaminants from the 5metal6 surface. #/am+les are ultrasonic a!itation and 0rush a0rasion. In chemical cleanin! contaminant films are remo'ed 0y acti'e materials. dissol'ed or emulsified in the cleanin! solution. #/trinsic contaminants are remo'ed 1ith surface2acti'e chemicals 1hile the chemical ener!ies in'ol'ed are modest. Intrinsic films are remo'ed 1ith a!!ressi'e chemicals that dissol'e the contaminant and often react 1ith the surface 5metal6 itself. The ener!y in'ol'ed in surface +re+aration is su0stantial. De+osition y no1 it should 0e e'ident that electrode+osition or electro+latin! should 0e defined as the +rocess in 1hich the de+osit of a 5usually6 thin layer 5of metal6 is formed 8electrolyticly8 u+on a su0strate 5that is often. 0ut not al1ays. also a metal6. The +ur+ose of such +rocess may 0e to enhance or chan!e the su0strateGs a++earance andHor attri0utes 5such as corrosion resistance6. #/am+les are the de+osition of !old or sil'er on ,e1elry and utensils. and the de+osition of chrome on automo0ile +arts. #lectro+latin! is +erformed in a li-uid solution called an electrolyte. other1ise referred to as the 8+latin! 0ath8. The 0ath is a s+ecially desi!ned chemical solution that contains the desired metal 5such as !old. co++er. or nic4el6 dissol'ed in a form of su0microsco+ic metallic +articles 5+ositi'ely char!ed ions6. In addition. 'arious su0stances 5additi'es6 are introduced in the 0ath to o0tain smooth and 0ri!ht de+osits. The o0,ect that is to 0e +lated is su0mer!ed into the electrolyte 5+latin! 0ath6. Placed usually at the center of the 0ath. the o0,ect that is to 0e +lated acts as a ne!ati'ely char!ed cathode. The +ositi'ely char!ed anode5s6 com+letes the electric circuit> those may 0e at o++osite ed!es of the +latin! tan4. thus causin! film de+osit on 0oth sides of the cathode. A +o1er source in the form of a 0attery or rectifier 51hich con'erts ac electricity to re!ulated lo1 'olta!e dc current6 is +ro'idin! the necessary current. This ty+e of circuit arran!ement directs electrons 5ne!ati'e char!e carriers6 into a +ath from the +o1er su++ly 5rectifier6 to the cathode 5the o0,ect to 0e +lated6. No1. in the 0ath the electric current is carried lar!ely 0y the +ositi'ely char!ed ions from the anode5s6 to1ard the ne!ati'ely char!ed cathode. This mo'ement ma4es the metal ions in the 0ath to mi!rate to1ard e/tra electrons that are located at or near the cathodeGs surface outer layer. Finally. 0y 1ay of electrolysis the metal ions are remo'ed from the solution and are de+osited on the surface of the o0,ect as a thin layer. It is this +rocess to 1hich 1e refer as 8electrode+osition8. For a more technical discussion of some as+ects of the +rocess see the A++endi/. From the a0o'e it 1ould a++ear that the thic4ness of the electro+lated layer on the su0strate is determined 0y the time duration of the +latin!. In other 1ords. the lon!er time the o0,ect remains in the o+eratin! +latin! 0ath the thic4er the resultin! electro+lated layer 1ill 0e. Ty+ically. layer thic4nesses may 'ary from B.: to FB microns 5micron K one millionth of a meter6. thou!h nothin! +re'ents the de+osition of thic4er or thinner layers. as desired. The !eometric sha+e and contour of an KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 3&

o0,ect to 0e +lated affects the thic4ness of the de+osited layer. In !eneral. o0,ects 1ith shar+ corners and features 1ill tend to ha'e thic4er de+osits on the outside corners and thinner ones in the recessed areas. The cause of this difference in the resultin! layer thic4nesses is that dc current flo1s more densely to shar+ ed!es than to the less accessi0le recessed areas. in other 1ords. the current distri0ution is not uniform. 5Another. more accurate. e/+lanation of this +henomenon in'ol'es the !eometry of the electric field lines that e/ist 0et1een cathode and anode in the solution6. In +ractice. an item such as. say. a 1atch or similar item 1ith shar+ faceted corners are difficult 5almost im+ossi0le. actually6 to +late uniformly. A +latin! method 4no1n as 8electro less +latin!8. this is outside the sco+e of this.

Article. assures uniformity of +lated thic4ness e'en on hi!hly irre!ular sha+ed o0,ects. In the case of electro+latin!. ,udicial +lacement of the anode5s6 as 1ell as modifications of the current density are re-uired to o'ercome the thic4ness irre!ularity effects. #lectro+latin! +rocesses 1ill not. as a rule. conceal +ree/istin! surface im+erfections such as scratches. dents or +its. Actually. the +latin! +rocess 1ill more often than not. ma4e most surface 0lemishes e'en more +ronounced. Thus it is im+ortant to remo'e any undesira0le surface mar4s +rior to the +latin! action. Ty+ical 'oltammo!ram for a sin!le2metal de+osition 5current and +otential are +lotted on ar0itrary scales> cathodic current is ne!ati'e 0y international con'ention. a0solute 'alue is +lotted for sa4e of sim+licity6. No1. the electrochemical +rocesses 1hich occur in the de+osition of a sin!le metal has 0een 4no1n and utili;ed em+irically for more than a century. In this case. it is not +articularly necessary to e/amine the details of the mechanism and all the different 5and numerous6 +arameters that 1ould affect the +rocess 5and are outside the sco+e of this article6. "o1e'er. 1hen attem+tin! to reduce t1o or more different metals from a sin!le solution. it is essential that the +rocesses occurrin! at the cathode 0e considered. The most effecti'e tool for analy;in! the +rocesses is a 'oltammo!ram. a !ra+h of current a!ainst electrode +otential 5Fi!ure <6. Such a cur'e +ro'ides all the information necessary to select the a++ro+riate +otential for the reduction of a desired metal. indi'idually. 1ithout the necessity of ri!orously analy;in! all the interactions in'ol'ed. Thus. for instance. if one considered t1o metals 8A8 and 8 8 1ith metal 8A8 0ein! less no0le 5that is. 1ith a more ne!ati'e standard +otential6 than 8 8. the (olta metric cur'e for either one 1ould resem0le that sho1n in Fi!ure <. For the +ur+ose of selecti'e de+osition the im+ortant distinction 0et1een the t1o metals is the onset of the reduction +ea4s in the 'oltammo!rams and their se+aration. S+ecifically. if the t1o +ea4s are clearly se+arated. one can reduce only KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 31

metal 8 8 at some +otential. 1hile 0oth can 0e reduced at a more ne!ati'e +otential. At the more ne!ati'e +otential the ratio 0et1een the amount of each metal de+osited and so +resent in the alloy formed. is determined +rimarily 0y their relati'e concentrations in the solution. On the other hand. if the t1o (olta metric +ea4s o'erla+ considera0ly. only an alloy can 0e de+osited. Another note of caution3 one should not increase the cathodic +otential 5and current6 too far to a'oid +arasitic reactions that may occur 0eyond 8o'er2+otential reactions8 in Fi!ure <. In cases of +ractical a++lications 0e it electro refinin!. electro 1innin!. or +latin! the +ractitioner is interested only in the 1ei!ht of metal de+osited on the cathode. Any current causin! other chan!es is considered 81asted8. Of course. accordin! to FaradayGs la1 the o'erall amount of chemical chan!e +roduced 0y any !i'en -uantity of electricity can 0e e/actly accounted for. Thus 1e define the current efficiency as the ratio 0et1een the actual amounts of metal de+osited to that e/+ected theoretically from FaradayGs la1. In other 1ords. the ratio of the 1ei!ht of metal actually de+osited to the 1ei!ht that 1ould ha'e resulted if all the current had 0een used for de+ositin! is called the cathode efficiency. and it is desira0le to 4ee+ it as close to :BBE as +ossi0le. Schematics of a +latin! setu+ for the +roduction of su+er lattice multilayer7s. The +ossi0ility of +latin! t1o metals from the same solution at different +otentials. as discussed a0o'e. +ermits the creation of com+le/ structures 1ith relati'ely sim+le +rocesses. Fi!ure F de+icts the schematics of a +ractical electrode+osition cell for the +roduction of su+er2lattice multilayer7s. In this case. the de+osition is carried out usin! a com+uter controlled +otentiostat that controls the +otential of the +iece to 0e coated 5the cathode6 a!ainst the reference electrode. A +ulse train sha+ed +otential is enforced. resultin! in the multilayer de+osition. If one considers a co++erHnic4el system. the +otential difference 0et1een the t1o le'els 1ould 0e a++ro/imately half a 'olt. 1ith +ure co++er 0ein! de+osited at the more +ositi'e +otential and an alloy at the more ne!ati'e +otential. The thic4ness of the layers is controlled 0y the 1idth of the +ulses> 'ery thin layers 5less than a millionth of a cm6 can 0e de+osited in a fe1 milliseconds 5thousandth of a second6 +er layer. This 1ay. multilayer7s of the t1o metals can 0e de+osited usin! a sin!le 0ath to +roduce ma!neticHmultilayer structures to 0e used in readin! heads for com+uter hard discs. This e/am+le illustrates ho1 com+le/ and so+histicated the electrode+osition techni-ues may 0e. A++endi/ #lectrode+osition or electrochemical de+osition 5of metals or alloys6 in'ol'es the reduction of metal ions from a-ueous. or!anic. or fused salt electrolytes. In its sim+lest form the reaction in a-ueous medium at the cathode follo1s the e-uation L:M MNn N ne2 KKO M KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 32

9ith a corres+ondin! anodic reaction. The anode material can either 0e the metal to 0e de+osited 5in this case the electrode reaction is electro dissolution that continuously su++lies the metal ions6 or the anode can 0e an inert material and the anodic reaction is o/y!en e'olution 5in this case the +latin! solution is e'entually de+leted of metal ions6. The de+osition may. in +rinci+le. 0e accom+lished 'ia t1o different +aths3 An electrode+osition +rocess in 1hich electrons are +ro'ided 0y an e/ternal +o1er su++ly. An electro less 5autocatalytic6 de+osition +rocess in 1hich a reducin! a!ent in solution is the electron source. The de+osition reaction +resented in #-uation L:M is a reaction of char!ed +articles at the interface 0et1een a solid 5metal6 electrode and a li-uid solution. The t1o ty+es of char!ed +articles that can cross the interface are metal ions 8MNn8 and electrons 8e28. The de+osition reaction in'ol'es four ty+es of issues. They are3 Metal2solution interface as the locus of the de+osition +rocess. Iinetics and mechanism of the de+osition +rocess. Nucleation and !ro1th +rocess of the metal lattice 5M lattice6. Structure and +ro+erties of the de+osits.

Disco'eries Surroundin! #lectro+latin!
Se'eral 4ey in'entions 1ere in +lace 0efore the disco'ery of electro+latin!. 1hich +layed an essential role in ho1 the electro+latin! +rocess came a0out. In :DBB. Alessandro (olta in'ented the 'oltaic +ile. a ro1 of 'oltaic cells that create an electric current. the first electric 0attery. The use of metal to transmit electricity is 4ey in electrode+ositionPit is unli4ely that electro+latin! 1ould ha'e 0een disco'ered 1ithout (olta7s earlier 1or4 already in +lace. Relyin! on (olta7s 'oltaic +ile as a main source of electricity. the Italian chemist %ui!i ru!natelli in'ented electro+latin! in :DB?. "is early attem+ts at electro+latin! e'ol'ed until he successfully +lated a thin layer of !old onto sil'er. Des+ite the +u0lication of his findin!s in the el!ian *ournal of Physics and Chemistry. his research 1as not ta4en seriously due to Na+oleon ona+arte and the French Academy of Sciences. KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 33

It 1asn7t until similar research surfaced almost forty years later. that thin!s 0e!an to chan!e3 in :DF@ in Russia and ritain. +rocesses that hi!hly resem0led ru!natelli7s earlier 1or4 1ere used to electro+late co++er +rintin! +lates. In ritain. around the same time. *ohn 9ri!ht disco'ered that +otassium cyanide could 0e used as an electrolyte solution durin! the electro+latin! +rocess. and a 0rief year later ritish cousins &eor!e and "enry #l4in!ton 0ou!ht 9ri!ht7s +atent and 1ere issued se'eral others for similar !old and sil'er electro+latin! +rocesses. #'entually. the #l4in!tons 1ent on to e/+erience 1ides+read commercial success as they ada+ted their +rocesses to +late sil'er1are and manufacture decorati'e metal.

Recent #lectro+latin! Trends Althou!h electro+latin!. as +atented 0y the #l4in!tons. s+read -uic4ly and successfully across #uro+e. the +rocess remained relati'ely unchan!ed until the :@JBs. 1hen a sur!e in the electronics industry lead to the re+lacement of traditional cyanide solutions 1ith safer acid 0aths. at least on the commercial le'el. The :@ABs sa1 the de'elo+ment of safer 1ater dis+osal re!ulations and continual hard1are u+!rades. 1hich streamlined the +rocess 0y ena0lin! faster and more efficient electro+latin!. Today. ne1 chemical de'elo+ments ma4e it +ossi0le to electro+late a 1ide ran!e of materials. includin! +latinum and osmium. The electronics industry continues to rely on electro+latin! for +roducts such as connectors and circuit 0oards. and as the telecommunication industry e/+ands. so does its de+endence on the +rocess. In addition. 1aste21ater recyclin! and attem+ts to minimi;e 1or42+lace chemical e/+osure are hel+in! ensure that electro+latin! continues to 0e safe re!ardless of chemical chan!es and on!oin! de'elo+ments.




Iunt; #lectro+latin! Inc.
Com+any "istory
Our cor+orations7 hum0le 0e!innin! 1as on Octo0er :Cth :@JD Q the first day of +roduction for Iunt; #lectro+latin! Inc. The Com+anyGs founder. Oscar Iunt;. 0orn on Octo0er :A. :@BJ. 1as a direct descendent of the Iunt; Family 1ho o1ned and o+erated the famous Iunt; re1ery in 9aterloo. After studyin! chemistry at 0oth St. Mi4eGs in Toronto. Ontario and at Fordham Uni'ersity in Detroit. Oscar Iunt; and his 1ife decided to return to 9aterloo. Ontario 1ith their family to start their o1n 0usiness. In :@JA Oscar +urchased a 0uildin! o1ned 0y Carr rothers on Princess Street in 9aterloo. KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 3:

Ori!inally named Metal Finishers. Oscar started 1hat is no1 Iunt; #lectro+latin! Inc. 1ith the assistance of his eldest son Da'id. y :@?:. the com+any !re1 to JD em+loyees. Due to the ra+id !ro1th of the Com+any. the +lant re2 located to Ny0er! Street in Iitchener. The Ny0er! Street location 1as e/+anded in 0oth :@?< and :@?C to 4ee+ u+ 1ith the !ro1th of the com+any. Ori!inally a C.BBB s-uare foot +lant in :@?:. 0y :@?C it had dou0led in si;e. In the late :@?BGs. Iunt; #lectro+latin! had !ained a re+utation for its +olishin! and +latin! of household a++liances. defense items includin! aircraft and radar 1or4. In the late :@?BGs and early :@CBGs. o0 5 o00y6 Iunt; 0rou!ht fame to 0oth the Com+any and to himself. as he 1as a star CF% runnin! 0ac4 and line0ac4er for 0oth the Toronto Ar!onauts and "amilton Ti!er Cats. 8 o00y Iunt; Day8 0rou!ht <F.F:C cheerin! Toronto fans to CN# Stadium on Octo0er <@. :@C: 1hen o0 announced his retirement from the Ar!onauts. o0 later re,oined the CF% and hel+ed the Ti!er Cats 1in the &rey Cu+ in 0oth :@CF and :@C?. A+ril :@C: 1as a sad month for the com+any. as one of the Com+anyGs founders. Da'e Iunt;. +assed a1ay 5Da'e 1as the eldest son of Oscar Iunt; and elder

0rother to o0. Paul and %ouie Iunt;. *im Iunt;. still a loyal em+loyee. is one of Da'eGs sons6. At this time. o0 Iunt; 1as !i'en the duties of mana!in! the com+any. In :@CJ. after increased +roduction. +lant e/+ansion and em+loyee !ro1th. Iunt; #lectro+latin! out!re1 its location on Ny0er! Street. A site 1as located on 9ilson A'enue in IitchenerGs ne1 Industrial +ar4. In :@C?. Iunt; #lectro+latin! mo'ed to itsG +resent location at D?: 9ilson A'enue in Iitchener. The <Bth Anni'ersary in :@CD 1as mar4ed 0y addin! C.BBB s-uare feet to the +lant. Ino1n today as the 8old "oist %ine8. this addition 8moderni;ed the +remises8 and rearran!ed its +roduction lines for one instead of three shifts. In addition. Iunt; leased a ?.BBB s-uare foot 0uildin! KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 3=

5Polishin! Plant R<6 to the ri!ht of the main +lant. to increase itGs +olishin! ca+a0ilities. At this time. the Com+any em+loyed a++ro/imately :BB em+loyees and ser'iced customers from 9indsor to Montreal in the a++liance. automoti'e and aeros+ace industries. Sadly. ,ust a cou+le years after this anni'ersary milestone the Com+anyGs Founder. Oscar Iunt;. +assed a1ay at the a!e of CD.

Due to continual demand for +roduct. another Com+any #/+ansion occurred in :@AF. This e/+ansion included the addition of Maintenance. %a0. Suality Control. the Auto %ines and Shi++in! De+artments. The Com+any no1 em+loyed :?B em+loyees and 1ith this e/+ansion. the +lant s+ace more than dou0led to ?<.BBB s-uare feet. In :@AD. an addition 1as added to the e/istin! Main Plant. 1hich included the "oist Aluminum De+artment and additional Office s+ace. This increased the +lant si;e to A?.BBB s-uare feet. In May of :@AD. Iunt; #lectro+latin! 0ecame a di'ision of Ma!na International. This mo'e 0roadened the automoti'e mar4et for the com+any. In the fall of :@D?. the Com+any sa1 the com+letion of the 9aste Treatment facilities. This addition cost a++ro/imately TDBB.BBB and added A.?BB s-uare feet to the +lant. In Octo0er of :@DC. the Com+any com+leted the addition of the "oist Steel. "oist Phos+hate and additional Shi++in! area to the 0ac4 of the Main Plant. This additional s-uare foota!e of a++ro/imately ?C.BBB increased the +lant to :?B.BBB s-uare feet includin! 1arehouse s+ace. Durin! the Com+anyGs JBth Anni'ersary year. the com+any com+leted reno'ations to the #m+loyees Main %unchroom. %oc4er rooms. oardroom. %a0. Suality Control and Office Facilities. At this time. Iunt; #lectro+latin! em+loyed J<? em+loyees. and ser'iced o'er :<? customers in Southern Ontario. Michi!an and into the mid21estern United States. The hi!hest out+ut of +roducts 1as for its co++erHnic4el chrome +latin! on 0oth steel and aluminum 0um+ers. )inc. +hos+hate and 8s+ecialty8 finishes 1ere +roduced as 1ell.


In May of :@D@. Iunt; #lectro+latin! ac-uired a sister com+any 8Formulated Coatin!s of ram+ton.8 Formulated Coatin!s had @B em+loyees. :<B.BBB s-uare foot facility and 1as a 1orld class 8Cathodic #2Coatin!8 facility. In the s+rin! of :@@B. after :< +roducti'e years 1ith Ma!na International. the Com+any felt it 1as in their 0est interest to discontinue its relationshi+ 1ith Ma!na and to !o +ri'ate once a!ain. In May of :@@:. at a time 1hen many local com+anies had either closed do1n. left the country or had not recalled their +eo+le. Iunt; #lectro+latin! 1as a0le to call 0ac4 the :BB em+loyees that had 0een tem+orarily laid off si/ months earlier. A ma,or com+any decision 1as made to discontinue un+rofita0le lines in the com+any includin! 0arrel +latin!. ;inc and our Auto :. F and J %ines. The com+any instead 1ould concentrate on the +olishin! and +latin! of 0um+ers. rims and automoti'e trim. Tremendous !ro1th occurred from :@@F to :@@C. 1ith the Com+any hirin! o'er FBB ne1 em+loyees 0rin!in! the total 1or4force to CA? em+loyees 2-uite a !ro1th from ?B years a!oU Additions included our Recyclin! De+artment. 1here 1e recycle or reuse 1ood. !lo'es. card0oard. +o+ cans and numerous other !oods> ne1 offices for Shi++in!. Safety. and Su+er'isors at the rear of the main 0uildin!> a ne1 Cafeteria and loc4er rooms> a "ealth Centre. A Co2&eneration De+artment 1as also added. allo1in! Iunt; #lectro+latin! Inc. to su++ly its o1n +o1er and harness steam 5a natural 0i2+roduct6 to heat the +latin! tan4s. In :@@A. a Com+any decision 1as made to +late additional aluminum 1heels and therefore the "oist Aluminum De+artment 1as e/+anded to accommodate this. alon! 1ith the e/+ansion of +olishin! Area D. :?B +olishers 1ere added to staff to accommodate this ne1 0usiness. In <BBB. Iunt; added a ?th co2!eneration en!ine 1hich ena0led the com+any to su++ly o'er ?BE of its o1n +o1er needs and 0e ca+a0le of runnin! all critical +roduction a++lications durin! emer!ency +o1er outa!es. Other ma,or +ro,ects 1ere com+leted durin! the year includin! an e/+anded +latin! line 5ca+a0le of 0oth steel and aluminum su0strates6. a technolo!ically ad'anced coatin! system for hi!h2 S+eed 1heel +aintin! and an a!!ressi'e ro0otics +ro!ram aimed at reducin! costs and +roduction efficiencies. In addition. a ne1 hi!h2tech 1ater treatment facility 1as added 1ith future e/+ansion in mind. This ne1 facility ensures Iunt;Gs commitment to a clean. safe en'ironment is 4e+t. In <BBB. the Com+any em+loyed o'er :.BBB +eo+le 1ith o'er A?B.BBB s-uare feet of +roduction area. KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 3(

In <BBJ. Iunt; #lectro+latin! Inc cele0rated a ne1 +artnershi+ 1ith "arley2 Da'idson and %e!!ett = Platt 5su++liers of the die cast aluminum com+onents6. A ne1 state2of2the2art +latin! line launched that 1as desi!ned and en!ineered s+ecifically to meet "arley2Da'idsonGs detailed standards for cosmetic nic4el chrome finishin! on its most +o+ular en!ine. A result of t1o years of research. +lannin! and construction. the ne1 line uses so+histicated com+uter controlled. automated hoist systems. and is only the second of its 4ind in Canada. Ad'anced ro0otic +olishin! e-ui+ment 1as inte!rated into the ne1 line. ena0lin! an out+ut of o'er F million +arts annually for the American motorcycle com+any. This +artnershi+ 1ith the fa0led ma4er of motorcycles 0rin!s added +resti!e to Iunt;Gs +ortfolio of +lated com+onents. Today. the com+any continues to !ro1 and deli'er the hi!hest -uality +olished and +lated +arts to the 1orld7s most reco!ni;ed manufacturers includin! "arley. &M. Toyota. "onda. M9. *a!uar. Mercedes. (ol'o. Nissan. Rolls2Royce. entley. and Frei!htliner to name ,ust a fe1. The Com+any is no1 4no1n throu!hout the 1orld as the R : Finisher in the industry. 9ith a dedicated 1or4force and a commitment 8To 0e the 0est at 1hat 1e do8. Iunt; #lectro+latin! is +oised to remain R: and to continue its +henomenal !ro1th. Oscar 1ould 0e +roudU

Accordin! to Michael Porter 5:@DB6 the state of com+etition in an Industry de+ends u+on fi'e 0asic com+etiti'e forces.

They are Q Ri'alry amon! e/istin! firms Potential entrants Q ne1 entrants uyers Q 0ar!ainin! +o1er of 0uyers Su++liers2 0ar!ainin! +o1er of su++liers
5 -n overvie of hat project mana!ement is 5 The conte;ts of project mana!ement KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 3)

5 6roject mana!ement model applied to small projects 5 Bhy projects fail C ensurin! project success



INTRODUCTION BAC,GROUND AND INCEPTION .>s. *urya .etal $inishers is a 6artnership $irm en!a!ed in the business of /lectro 6latin! like Dinc 6latin!" 4opper 6latin!" Tin 6latin!" 6hosphatin!" 7lackenin! and allied activities. Since )**+ ,ith o er four years of -lectroplating e.perience Surya Metal (inishers has pioneered the professional electro/platers mo ement in India0 With continuous up gradation of technology1 commitment to 2uality and constant inno ation1 Surya Metal has gro,n into a multi plating1 multi facility1 and multi technology company0 S0M0( has set up impressi e infrastructure and ,ell ser ice facilities in their 3 years of e.perience around the industry0 KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 81

:. PARTN#R7S PROFI%#3 C. (en4atesh Desi!nation A!e Sualification #/+erience Contact No. #mail Id Desi!nation A!e Sualification #/+erience Contact No. #mail Id 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Mana!in! Partner FD years Di+loma in Com+uter Science <B $ears in #lectro+latin! DB?BA?:?:B suryametalV!m/.com Partner <J years .Com. 5M. .A6 BJ $ears in #lectro +latin! B@@J?<FC::: suryametalV!m/.com

Srinath R

2. 0?4-TI?13 The industry is located at E6%12>1" 3rd *ta!e" 6eenya Industrial /state" 7an!alore C :=& &:(. The unit is havin! 1=&& s#.ft space" 2: 26 po er and sufficient ater facility. $AT4"- O( '4SI$-SS CA""I-! S0M0( offers ,ell ser ices from a ,ide spectrum of fields like 5inc plating1 Tin plating1 Copper plating1 Phosphating1 Chromium plating1 $ickel plating1 and all kinds of metal finishing on ms components0 -.pertise and skills in the company are used for effecti e ,ork1 continues Impro ement in the 2uality and supply1 2uick sol ing the problems under the guidelines of the e.pert chemist0


Communications has ensured that the ser ices offered are state/of/the/art multinational companies in the field of electroplating like 5inc plating1 Tin plating1 Copper plating1 Phosphating1 Chromium plating1 $ickel plating1 and all kinds of metal finishing on ms components0 S0M0( has been successfully increasing its contribution in the field of -#-CTOP#ATI$61 the most isible being the alkaline &inc plating process on M0S components0 Other plating ser ices include Tin plating1 Copper plating1 Phosphating1 Chromium plating1 $ickel plating0 7Meeting and e.ceeding the e.pectations of customers8 is the 2uality policy of S0M0(0 In its march to,ards T9M1 S0M0( has been helped b the spread of 2uality consciousness into e ery sphere and e ery acti ity0 The passionate pursuit of e.cellence at SM( can be described in (our ,ords: 9uality1 Technology1 'etter ser ice and in time deli ery0

;ISIO$1 MISSIO$1 ;A#4-S1 O'<-CTI;-S STAT-M-$T O( T=- COMPA$>

;ISIO$: To be a ,orld/class enterprise in the field of professional electroplating0 MISSIO$: To be a customer focused globally competiti e company in alkaline &inc plating and in other chosen areas of professional electroplating1 through 2uality1 technology and ser ice0


 Putting customers first  Customer satisfaction  9uick customer feed/back?"esponse@  Working ,ith transparency1 honesty A integrity0  Trusting and respecting indi iduals  (ostering team,ork  Stri ing to achie e high employee satisfaction  -ncouraging fle.ibility A better ser ice  -ndea oring to fulfill social responsibilities  Proud of being a part of the organi&ation

OBJECTIVES  To be a customer/focused company pro iding state/of/the/art ser ices A solutions at competiti e prices1 meeting the demands of 2uality1 deli ery A ser ice0  To generate internal resources for profitable gro,th0  To attain technological leadership in electroplating through in/house "A!1 research laboratories A academic institutions0  To gi e thrust to e.ports0  To create a facilitating en ironment for people to reali&e their full potential through continuous learning A team ,ork0  To gi e alue for money to customers A create ,ealth for partners0 KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page 88

 To constantly benchmark company%s performance ,ith best in class internationally0  To raise marketing abilities to global standards  -ffecti e and -fficient ser ices and de elopment process1 considering the present and future needs of customers0  -nhanced customer satisfaction by on/time deli ery of defect free products and effecti e life cycle support0  Continual up gradation and utili&ation of infrastructure and human resources0  Mutually beneficial alliances ,ith suppliers0  Continual impro ement of processes through inno ation1 technology and kno,ledge management0

S+ +(-o--+"(- r+ )(.ig& - $ili+# " /i&g i& +"( r( . • Pro!(r $l( &i&g - $ili+# B@ Soak cleaning facility )@ Anodic cleaning facility 3@ =C# pickling 0(ll .(++l() L bor +or# 'i+" 12 li-i() $"(*i.+ 0 P ..i/ +io& - $ili+# B@ Tri alent yello, passi ation )@ Tri alent blue passi ation 3@ Top coat Dr#i&g - $ili+# Page 8:

• •


B@ )@ 3@ C@ • • •

=ot ,ater Centrifugal !ryer =ot air blo,ing system =ot air o en ?Thermostatic@0 I&' r)3O2+' r) !(r-($+ I&.!($+io& b# .!($i-i() !(r.o& C"(*i$ l. A))i+io& &) A& l#.i. We have the Lab facility for chemical Analysis and we follow our chemist Instructions and suggestions.

Testing Instruments

aA Temperature bA Fensity cA 6.2 dA Thickness

% % %

Thermometer 2ydrometer Fi!ital 6.2 meter and 6.2 6aper % Thickness testin! Fi!ital Instrument by Giran /lectronics" .umbai.


Be are !rateful to inform you that fallo in! companies. aA bA cA dA eA fA 1ash Industries 540 India HpA0td *obo Technolo!ies $le;o Tech 6roducts 2.2.@ Industries -.,., 6recision Borks HpA 0td

e are doin! satisfactory

ork for the


!A 2YF,?0I1/*%I1FIhA 6rofessional /n!ineers iA * asthik Technolo!ies








,/*/-,42 ./T2?F?0?5Y



“,esearch methodolo!y is a systematic procedure of collectin! the information in order to analyze and verify phenomenon ith the help of the data9. The research process includes various steps such as formulatin! research problems e;tensive literature survey" preparin! the research desi!n" collection of data I processin!" testin! I preparation of the report etc. This project ork is an attempt to !et ac#uainted ith various facts of short%term finance mana!ement. This project ork aims at encompassin! project mana!ement practices that prevail in the or!anization upon hich the study as undertaken.

This project ork is an endeavor to note" absorb and imbibe the mode of the current assets mana!ement and style of the corporate sector. $ar from the routine academic e;ercise" it is an opportunity to !o throu!h the practical mana!ement here ade#uacy at the needy hour is the touchstone for efficiency.


Si!nificance of the study 6roject mana!ement is the lifeblood of an or!anization. It is better to describe it as financial lubricant of the firm

6roject mana!ement study thus looks in meetin! the short%term obli!ation of the firm. The surface of the current assets in order to satisfy the demand of current liabilities sho s the firm<s solidity in terms of solvency to ards current obli!ations. It determines the level of short%term funds to set off short%term obli!ations and also focuses on the net concepts i.e." the difference bet een current assets and current liabilities. The more the difference" the more the li#uidity of the firm.

The study enables us to find out the trade%off bet een profitability and li#uidity of the firm. The study also considers the estimation of the re#uirement of orkin! capital" the optimum ay of fundin! of orkin! capital and optimum utilization of current assets etc. Thus orkin! project mana!ement study is an e;tensive and e;haustive research into various dimensions of short%term fund mana!ement. This study involves discovery of level of current assets" its mi; and the total current asset #uiver to ensure smooth operations and efficient performance of the firm.


O0,ecti'es of the Study The main objectives of the study of 6roject .ana!ement in Surya Metal Finishers. Peenya. an!alore are as follo s3  To assess the financial position of the company  To study the 6roject .ana!ement 4ompany  To study the profitability position of the company by analyzin! the various factors influencin! the profitability  To assess the financial stability of the firm by analyzin! the comparative financial statements.  To study the trend percenta!e it<s helpful in makin! a comparative study of the financial statements of several years  To !ive su!!estions to the 4ompany to improve its performance" if any ith reference to li#uidity and solvency of the

%IMITATIONS OF T"# STUD$ • • • • • • The study is mainly depends upon the secondary data. I.e. The $inal report of the company for the period of five years only. The $inancial data cannot be estimated accurate for the future period. The analysis I Interpretation of the concern is based on only past performance. It cannot be compared ith those of other concern. $inancial ratios itself position. The information provided in the financial statements is not an end in itself as no meanin!ful conclusions can be dra n from these statements alone. KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page :' ill not completely sho the entire company<s !ood or bad

Sources of Data The data re#uired for the project ork is collected from the follo in! sources for the period of 2&&'%&( to 2&&)%1&. .anual and accountin! records it also helps in brin!in! out of the various factors hich a lead to do n fall of the company performance. R#S#ARC" D#SI&N The research desi!n of this study is analytical in nature. 2ere the facts and information are already available in order to make analysis and interpretation. DATA CO%%#CTION M#T"OD The data needed for the present study had been collected throu!h the secondary data.

Primary Data The primary data for this project is collected from personal intervie s and discussions ith e;ecutives and the officials of the 4ompany

Secondary Data The secondary data those hich have been already been collected by someone else and hich have already been passed throu!h analytical processes. In this study" the secondary data are collected throu!h company annual reports The secondary data is collected from the follo in! sources • • -nnual $inancial ,eports of the 4ompany The different accountin! records of the company Page :(


• • •

Internal ,eports of the 4ompany *tatements of the company Te;t 7ooks

Sco+e of the Study The contents of the total evaluation of current assets and current liabilities and their percenta!e contribution in the total turnover. The yearly increase or decrease of current assets or current liabilities in the bud!et of Surya Metal Finishers is bein! revie ed. $rom this one ould be in a position to !lance the performance of current assets and current liabilities of the 4ompany.

This project !reatly deals ith the orkin! 6roject .ana!ement of Surya Metal Finishers. and emphasizes on the yearly composition of $inancial *tatement and $inancial position in the total turnover of the 4ompany. This also deals ith key ratios to obtain a clearer picture of different resources available and at the disposal of the or!anization" hich ill enable one to !ive appropriation su!!estion to the 4ompany to improve its performance" if any.

TOO%S US#D FOR ANA%$SIS • • • • ,atio -nalysis. 4ommon size Income *tatement H2&&'%2&1&A. 4omparative 7alance *heet H2&&'%2&1&A. Trend percenta!e.




Details of Current Assets Particulars
2007-08 2008-0 200 -!0




2(2 00

Su")r% *e+t$rs -as. / 0a"1 0ala"ce 2$a"s / A)#a"ces

!, 000

!'& 2,









350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 200 !0" 200"!0# 200#!10 Inventories $ undry %ebtors & ash ' (an) ( alances

Chart sho1in! Current assets Transaction Details


Details of Current %ia0ility Particulars
2007-08 2008-0 200 -!0

Su")r% cre)it$rs Ter3 2$a"



'80 0



! 0000

In 2&&) 4ompany has taken ,s.2:&&&& amount of Term 0oan from the bank and made the repayment of certain amount" and the remainin! amount has been mentioned in the balance sheet.


655555 :95555 :85555 :75555 :65555 :55555 95555 85555 75555 65555 5

S2&)r# Cr()i+or. T(r* lo &

655;-59 6559-5< 655<-:5

Chart sho1in! Current %ia0ility Transaction Details

Source 5<BBA2<B:B6 Annual Re+ort

4urrent assets and 4urrent liabilities are inevitable. 4urrent ratio J 4urrent asset KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


4urrent liabilities

Current ratio S. No 1 2 3 $ear 2&&' C 2&&( 2&&( C 2&&) 2&&) C 2&1& Current asset
,2!800 '2,!,8 70,88,

Current %ia0ilities
(&!00 728(0 2,80 0

Current Ratio =.=( '.1)

Source -nnual report H2&&' C 2&1&A

9 ; 8 > 7 = 6 : 5 C2rr(&+ R +io



*A+TI&,LA+$ $AL-$

200 !0" 1."0#00

200"!0# 1525300

200#!10 1 "0000

ANA%$SIS The sales +osition of the com+any is increasin! continuously from <BBA2BD to <BB@2 :B. this indicates the +rofit earnin! ca+acity of the com+any.

INT#RPR#TATION Sales are meant to ma4e +rofit and also ha'e direct relation 1ith +rofit. If the com+any has !ood -uality +roducts the sales 1ill increase 1hich in turn increase the +rofit. Accordin! to the data the com+any sales has 0een increased and e'en +rofit mar!in. It doesn7t mean that 1hen sales increases e'en com+any 1ill !et mar!inal +rofit accordin! to the sales. it e'en de+ends u+on the #/+enses 5Direct and Indirect6 Occurred 0y the com+any. Source 5<BBA2:B6 Annual Re+ort


The Chart is Indicatin! the Sales Position of the Com+any in the Accountin! years

:955555 :855555 :755555 :655555 :555555 955555 855555 755555 655555 5






&ROSS PROFIT RATIO3 It measures the relationship of the !ross profit to net sales and is usually represented as a percenta!e. 5ross 6rofit ,atio J 5ross profit KKKKKKKKKKK L 1&&

1et sales

Ta0le no.F.:.: &ross Profit Ratio S. No 1 2 3 &ross +rofit
702!70 (2!&2& 7 0 70

&ross Net sales
!,80 00 !,2'&00 !780000

$ear 2&&' C 2&&( 2&&( C 2&&) 2&&) C 2&1&

Profit Ratio
,7.,! ,&.' ,,.,,

SOURC#S3 -nnual ,eport H2&&'%2&1&A



$rom the above table sho s that the 5ross 6rofit ,atio as hi!h in the period 2&&' C 2&&( ith 8'.81 and then a small decrease in the ne;t year to 83.:) and it had a increase in 2&&)%2&1& to 88.88.It sho s a fluctuatin! trend.

N#T PROFIT RATIO3 The net profit ratio is that e;presses the relationship bet een net profit and sales. It is a measure of mana!ement<s efficiency in operatin! the business successfully from the o ner<s point of vie . 1et 6rofit ,atio J 1et profit KKKKKKKK W 1&& 1et sales Net Profit Ratio S. No 1 2 3 Net sales
!,80 00 !,2'& 00 !7800 00

Net +rofit Ratio
2&.'2 !(.' !7.!7

$ear 2&&' C 2&&( 2&&( C 2&&) 2&&) C 2&1&

Net +rofit
&,8&00 2&'!!0 &0'((0

SOURC#S3 -nnual ,eport H2&&'%2&1&A


$rom the above table sho s that the 1et profit ratio for the year 2&&'%&( is 23.:2. In the year 2&&(%&) it decreases to 1=.: and in the year 2&&'%&( it increased to 1'.1'. hi!h ratio is preferable as it indicates more profitability lo profitability. here as a lo ratio indicates

ANA%$SIS OF COMMON SI)# INCOM# STAT#M#NT Common si;e income statement 5<BBA 2 <BB@6

<BBA2BD Particulars Income 1et sales Total income %ess% #/+enditure ?peratin! e;penses Feprecation Interest Total e/+enditure 6rofit Total




18(&)&& :JDB@BB

1&& :BB





'2.)3 3.: &.&: AC.JD 23.:2 :BB

!!&7,8 ,,078 8(2& !! 0! 0 2&'!!0

').(1 3.&) &.=& DF.? 1=.: :BB

:1':& '3& ::F<CBB 38(3&& :JDB@BB



INT#RPR#TATION3 $rom the above table sho s common size income statement in the year 2&&'%&( profit is 23.:2M and 2&&(%&) profit is decreased to 1=.:M compared to previous year.

F.<.< Common si;e income statement 5<BBD 2 <B:B6

<BBD2B@ Particulars Income 1et sales Total income %ess% #/+enditure ?peratin! e;penses Feprecation Interest Total e/+enditure 6rofit Total
!!&7,8 ,,078 8(2& !,2'&00





1'(&&&& 1'(&&&&

1&& 1&&



').(1 3.&) &.=& DF.? 1=.: :BB

!&7720, 7'0,( 220 0




1. .3.0
&0'((0 !780000

!7.!7 !00



INT#RPR#TATION3 $rom the above table sho s common size income statement in the year 2&&(%&) profit is 1=.:M and 2&&)%1& profit is increased to 1'.1'M compared previous year.

ANA%$SIS COMPARATI(# A%ANC# S"##T Com+arati'e alance Sheet 5<BBD 2 <BB@6

Particulars APP%ICATION OF FUNDS $i;ed assets CURR#NT ASS#TS Inventories *undry debtors 4ash and bank balance 0oans and advances TOTA% ASS#TS %IA I%IT#S Sources Of Funds
Part"er4s -a5ital







2'0 72


!&2!00 !, 000 !8700 !22000

2&'(00 !'& 2, !!(2, !22000

!0&'00 , 2, 707( -



('7 '0 0 0 (&!00

70!2(0 0 0 728(0


0oan and liability 6rofit and loss account 4urrent liabilities






The table sho s that a total -ssets has been increased by =.(=M. The current 0iabilities have been increased by 13.8M. $i;ed -ssets%The table is clearly sho in! that fi;ed assets have been decreased because of Fepreciation H,educin! the value of the assetA.there is no -dditional 6urchase of machineries durin! the year. *tock C *tock have been increased because of Increase in 6urchase of ra materials durin! the year H2&&(%&)A *undry Febtors% Febtors #uietly increased in the year H2&&(%&)A compare to previous year. 4ash I 7ank balance3 It is re#uired for day to day transaction of the companyN there is not much difference compare to previous year. In *.*.I H*mall *cale IndustriesA like *urya .etal $inishers the cash transaction ill be more than che#ue transactions. 0oans and -dvances% There is no chan!es in advances because it is an advance paid by the company to the 7uildin! o ner of the company " the company has been stayed in the same place for the ne;t 2 years " so there is no chan!es in advances. %ia0ility3 6artner<s 4apital% partners capital have been increased in the year 2&&(%&) compare to 2&&'%&( because the profit of the company have been added to the partner<s capital. 4urrent 0iability C 4urrent liability have been increased due increase in the credit purchase durin! the year compare to previous year. KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page '3

ANA%$SIS COMPARATI(# A%ANC# S"##T Com+arati'e alance Sheet 5<BB@ 2 <B:B6 Particulars APP%ICATION OF FUNDS $i;ed assets CURR#NT ASS#TS Inventories *undry debtors 4ash and bank balance 0oans and advances TOTA% ASS#TS %IA I%IT#S Sources Of Funds
Part"er4s -a5ital 70!2(0 0 0 728(0 0( 20 ! 0000 0 &80 0 &,770 20'((0 ! 0000 2&'(00 !'& 2, !!(2, !22000 2(2 00 &0(,0( !&'78 !22000 27&00 !'2,82 ! ', 2'0 72 ,&0!2( !7 !',







0oan and liability 6rofit and loss account 4urrent liabilities TOTA% %IA I%IT#S




Assets3 The table sho s that a total -ssets has been increased by 31.(M. The current 0iabilities have been decreased by 8'.'2M. $i;ed -ssets%The table is clearly sho in! that fi;ed assets have been increased because of -dditional 6urchase of machineries durin! the year *tock C *tock have been increased because of Increase in 6urchase of ra materials durin! the year H2&&)%1&A *undry Febtors% Febtors hi!hly increased in the year H2&&)%1&A compare to previous year due to increase in credit sales durin! the year. 4ash I 7ank balance3 It is re#uired for day to day transaction of the companyN there is not much difference compare to previous year. In *.*.I H*mall *cale IndustriesA like *urya .etal $inishers the cash transaction ill be more than che#ue transactions. 0oans and -dvances% There is no chan!es in advances because it is an advance paid by the company to the 7uildin! o ner of the company " the company has been stayed in the same place for the ne;t 2 years " so there is no chan!es in advances. %ia0ility3 6artner<s 4apital% partners capital have been increased in the year 2&&)%1& compare to 2&&(%&) because the profit of the company have been added to the partner<s capital. 4urrent 0iability C 4urrent liability have been decreased due the payment made by the company durin! the a!ainst credit purchase durin! the year HTerm loan sanctioned durin! the yearA so it has been decreased compare to previous year.


This ratio is calculated to measure the profit after ta; a!ainst the amount invested in total assets to ascertain hether assets are bein! utilized properly or not. It is calculated as under3 ,eturn on total assets K 1et profit after ta; KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK W 1&& Total assets Return on total resources

Return on Total S. No 1 2 3 $ear Net Profit Total Assets Ratio 2&&' C &( 2&&( C &) 2&&) C 1& 38(3&& 23:11& 3&:==& '21&:& ''812& 113:&1& 8(.3 3&.3' 2=.)3 resources

SOURC#S3 -nnual ,eport H2&&'%2&1&A

INT#RPR#TATION3 $rom the above table sho s that the return on total resources ratio for the year 2&&'% &( is 8(.3.In the year 2&&(%&) it decreased to 3&.3'. In the year 2&&)%1& is 2=.)3 decreases in past 2 year.


The ratio indicates the e;tent to

hich the investment in fi;ed assets contributes

to ards sales. The standard or ideal fi;ed assets Turnover ratio is five times. The fi;ed assets turnover ratio is !enerally e;pressed as a rate. It can be calculated as follo s3 $i;ed asset turnover ratioJ 1et sales KKKKKKKKKKK $i;ed assets Fi/ed asset turno'er ratio S. No 1 2 3 Fi/ed assets $ear 2&&' C 2&&( 2&&( C 2&&) 2&&) C 2&1& Net sales 18(&)&& 182:3&& 1'(&&&& Fi/ed asset
2 2'0

turno'er Ratio 8.): :.=( 8.18

2'0 72 ,&0!2(

SOURC#S3 -nnual ,eport H2&&'%2&1&A

INT#RPR#TATION3 The $i;ed -sset Turnover ratio sho s a various trend. The ratio as 8.): In the year 2&&'%&(. It increased to :.=( in the year 2&&(%&).In the year 2&&)%1& it decreased to 8.18. -nd in the year 2&&)%1& there is an decreased to8.18.

APP#NDIC#S alance Sheet as at March F:. 5<BBA to <B:B6 KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page ''

Particulars Sources of Funds3 6artner<s capital 0oan liability 4urrent liability and provision 6rofit and loss aOc &RAND TOTA% A++lication of Funds3 $i;ed -ssets SU TOTA%5<6 Current Assets. %oans = Ad'ances Inventories *undry Febtors 4ash I 7ank 7alances 0oansI -dvances -P7P4PF3Hsub totalH'&A &RANDTOTA%5<NJ6 4urrent 0iabilities provision 4urrent assets loans advances Borkin! capital '& '1 '&%'&%7 '&%4 '&%F =( =8 == '1




0( 20 ! 0000 &80 0 0

70!2(0 0 728(0 0

('7 '0 0 (&!00 0




,&0!2( .30120

2'0 72 250# 2




&0(,0( 2(2 00 !&'78 !22000 0."".

2&'(00 !'& 2, !!(2, !22000 5231."

!&2!00 !, 000 !8700


2280 0





821(&& F?DABB




INT#RPR#TATION3 6artner<s capital3 partner<s capital has been increased year by year due to addition of profit to the partner<s capital. 0oan liability3 in the accountin! year of H2&&)%1&A the company has taken the term loan from the bank so it<s added to liability. 4urrent liability3 4urrent liability various from year to year due to various in credit purchase durin! the year compare to previous years *undry Febtors3 Febtors has been increased due to increase in credit sales durin! the year compare to previous years. Borkin! capital3 Borkin! capital has kept increasin! due to chan!es in the current asset and current liability compare to previous years.

S4">A M-TA# (I$IS=-"S $O0P/B)DB1P--$>A I$!4ST"IA# -STAT-1'A$6A#O"-/EF**EG
-STIMAT-! (I$A# ACCO4$TS (O" T=- P-"IO! O( AP"I#/MA"C=)**G

P"O(IT A$! #OSS ACCO4$T(O" T=- >-A" -$!-! 3B/3/)**G PA"TIC4#A"S AMO4$T PA"TIC4#A"S AMO4$T


To Opening stock I Purchases I 6ross Profit Total To "ent I salary I -lectricity I Water charges I Con eyance I "epair A Maintenance I Printing A Stationary I "ates A I In%t A 'ank charges I Telephone I !epreciation I ;at I $et Profit ?'efore partners salary@ TOTA#

G)1B** G1)+1G3* +1*)1B+* BFB)B** B1CC1*** BEH1*** +1F** C1E)* C13** 31)** F1+F* )1*** +3* +13B* EB1+E* G1F** 31CG13**

'y Sales ?Coating1#abour@ 'y Closing Stock Total 'y gross profit 'Dd


B13)1B** BFB)B** +*)B+*





S4">A M-TA# (I$IS=-"S $O0P/B)DB1P--$>A I$!4ST"IA# -STAT-1'A$6A#O"-/EF**EG
-STIMAT-! (I$A# ACCO4$TS (O" T=- P-"IO! O( AP"I#/MA"C=)**G

'A#A$C- S=--T AS O$ #IA'I#ITI-S Partners Capital Add: Profit !ra,ings Sundry Creditors AMO4$T

3B/3/)**G ASS-TS AMO4$T

E1HE13** 31CG13** )GE1FE* FE+1HE*

(i.ed Assets (urniture A (i.ture #es: !ep Machinery A F31B** -2uipments #ess: !ep CH1HE* )1G31*E* BG1*** B1G** 31331*** BF1)**

!eposits J0S0T "ent S0 !ebtors Closing Stock Cash A 'ank 'alance )1*** B1)*1*** B1))1*** B1CH1*** B13)1B** BG1+**






S4">A M-TA# (I$IS=-"S $O0P/B)DB1P--$>A I$!4ST"IA# -STAT-1'A$6A#O"-/EF**EG
-STIMAT-! (I$A# ACCO4$TS (O" T=- P-"IO! O( AP"I#/MA"C=)**H

P"O(IT A$! #OSS ACCO4$T(O" T=- >-A" -$!-! 3B/3/)**H PA"TIC4#A"S To Opening stock I Purchases I 6ross Profit Total To "ent I salary I -lectricity I Water charges I Con eyance I "epair A Maintenance I Printing A Stationary I "ates A I Int A 'ank charges I Telephone I !epreciation I ;at I $et Profit ?'efore partners salary@ TOTA# F1)B13)3 TOTA# F1)B13)3 AMO4$T GE13** H1EC1)++ F1)B13)3 BF1F*1H** B1)F1F** B1CG1)** 31G** )13FE B*13F* +1)** F1FF* )1*** G1F)3 E1FF* CC1*+G )*1FF+ )13E1BB* 'y gross profit 'Dd PA"TIC4#A"S 'y Sales ?Coating1#abour@ 'y Closing Stock Total )13E1F** BF1F*1H** F1)B13)3 AMO4$T BC1)E13**


S4">A M-TA#


$O0P/B)DB1P--$>A I$!4ST"IA# -STAT-1'A$6A#O"-/EF**EG
(I$A# ACCO4$TS (O" T=- P-"IO! O( AP"I#/MA"C=)**H

'A#A$C- S=--T AS O$ #IA'I#ITI-S Partners Capital Add: Profit !ra,ings Sundry Creditors AMO4$T

3B/3/)**H ASS-TS AMO4$T

FE+HE* )13E1BB* BHB1G** *+1*B1)F*

(i.ed Assets (urniture A (i.ture #es: !ep Machinery A +)1GF* -2uipments #ess: !ep C)1CEG )13F13H) BF1)** B1F)* )1+G1G+) BC1EG*

!eposits J0S0T "ent S0 !ebtors Closing Stock Cash At 'ank Cash on hand Total +1+C1B)* Total )1*** B1)*1*** B1))1*** B1E31H)C )13E1F** +1C)C C1)** +1+C1B)*


S4">A M-TA# (I$IS=-"S $O0P/B)DB1P--$>A I$!4ST"IA# -STAT-1'A$6A#O"-/EF**EG
-STIMAT-! (I$A# ACCO4$TS (O" T=- P-"IO! O( AP"I#/MA"C=)*B*

P"O(IT A$! #OSS ACCO4$T(O" T=- >-A" -$!-! 3B/3/)*B* PA"TIC4#A"S To Opening stock I Purchases I 6ross Profit Total To "ent I salary I -lectricity I Water charges I Con eyance I "epair A Maintenance I Printing A Stationary I "ates A I Int A 'ank charges I Telephone I !epreciation I ;at I $et Profit ?'efore partners salary@ TOTA# AMO4$T )13E1F** B*1BF133* *+1H*1H+* )*1C)1H** B13G1*** B1F31B** C13** 31B** 31GF* G1+F3 B)1*FE )1*** ))1*H* F1*FE +E1*CF CF1HBF 31*E1FF* PA"TIC4#A"S 'y Sales ?Coating1#abour@ 'y Closing Stock Total 'y gross profit 'Dd AMO4$T B+1G*1***

)1F)1H** )*1C)1H** *+1H*1H+*







 The ratio of current assets to total assets has belo the mar!in in all the years. This sho s the dominance of fi;ed assets over current assets.  The company is small scale industry but still they are not maintainin! cost records" e;ample H,o material cost" 4ost of production per unitA etc.  It is observed that it is maintainin! lo li#uidity position. The li#uidity position of the company is very lo .  The firm is not efficiently mana!in! the cash.  It has been found that the firm is not maintainin! !ood funds in lon!%term sources hich sho a bad si!n for the capital employed for the firm.  The financin! pattern of orkin! capital sho s that creditors sho ed an increasin! trend until 2&&). Thereafter there has been decreasin! trend. *hort% term sources sho ed an increasin! trend. *undry 4reditors came do n compare to previous years due to repayment of current liabilities.  The funds flo statements sho s that orkin! capital thou!h sho s a fall in 2&&(%&)" there has been a !radual increase in orkin! capital for the ne;t year.  There is a decrease in profit of the firm durin! the year2&&(%&)" and increase in the profit of the firm in the year 2&&)%1& and hence the firm is in a !ood position sho in! !ood increase in the profits of the firm.  The total assets turnover of the firm has been tremendously increasin! in 2&&)%1& the years due to purchase of fi;ed assets durin! the year KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page (=

 - hi!h ratio of inventory turnover implies a !ood inventory" but still the company should control inventory" so as to reduce interest burden" unnecessary occupation of space" possible deterioration of material and so on.  It is su!!ested that instead of !oin! for stock pilin! techni#ues because of the cited reasons it may !o for reserve policy techni#ues i.e." keepin! re#uired inputs to operate and meet any anticipatory demands.  The firm has to control the cost of production" and there is no record of cost of production.  The firm also can use -74 -nalysis thou!h it use funds flo " cash flo ratio analysis as a tool for orkin! capital mana!ement. and

 The company is maintainin! conservative policy. .oderate policy should be follo ed to maintain both li#uidity and profitability.  The firm is maintainin! appro;imately 8:%::M debtors in current assets. If at all there is any possibility" the company should try to reduce the debtors holdin! period to brid!e !ap bet een the e;cess and shorta!e of orkin! capital. It is happenin! only because of more credit period !iven to the customers.  $inance is the life blood of the company" so the company has to concentrate on the maintenance of the financial resources.  $rom the analysis it can be su!!ested that the !ross profit and net profit can be improved by increasin! the sales of the company  The company should reduce the operatin! e;penses by cost control and cost reduction in order to increase the net profit mar!in KSOU MANASAGANGOTRI MYSORE Page ('

 ?verall it can be concluded that the company<s current position is satisfactory and in the lon! run the company can put more efforts to !ain more profit.



I %IO&RAP"$3 • M.$ 4han = P.I *ain. $inancial mana!ement H Tata .c 5ra %2ill publishin! company limitedA • • • • Prasanna 4umar. 6roject mana!ement M.P Pandi4umar. .ana!ement accountin!H/;cel books" 1e FelhiA T.S. Reddy = $ "ari+rasad reddy " .ana!ement accountin! .ar!ham publication S.N. Mahes1ari. .ana!ement accountin! *ultan chand

9# SIT#S3 .!oo!




Introduction Importance of the study Purpose of the Project Work Significance of the Project Work Objecti es of the Study Sources of !ata Scope of the Study Industrial Profile Company profile





Introduction Meaning of Project (ormal !efinition of Project Management PM'OJ/Project Management 'ody Of Jno,ledge



"esponsibility of a Project Manager Concepts Project Management Project management #ife cycle $eed for Project management Project !imension%s Project Management Model Sources of Project management

"esearch Methodology

Introduction Purpose of the Project Work Significance of the Project Work Objecti es of the Study Sources of !ata Scope of the Study


Obser ations "ecommendations #imitations


ACINO9%#D&#M#NT It !i'es me an immense +leasure to e/+ress my dee+ sense of &ratitude to my internal !uide Prof. Dr. Suresh.C."e!adi for his enormous !uidance and assistance. "e has 0een my mentor and !uide. his continuous encoura!ement and 'alua0le su!!estions hel+ed me at e'ery sta!e of this +ro,ect. I 1ould li4e to e/+ress my than4s to my usiness +artner Mr. (en4atesh .C. Surya Metal Finishers For su++ortin! me to com+lete my +ro,ect Finally. I 1ould li4e to than4 my family and friends for their O'er1helmin! Su++ort and encoura!ement


SRINAT" NA(ADA H6artnerA *urya .etal $inishers


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