Pros and Cons of Abortion

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Pros and Cons of Abortion By Jamimma Sarekukka


 Abortion can be defined as pregnancy termination accidentally as in a miscarriage or by choice. In the modern m odern world, abortions have become a norm of life. It is considered to be one of the easiest and convenient ways ways of getting rid of unwanted and accidental pregnancies. Though women have been endowed with the gift of  bearing a life form, an abortion gives them the option whether they want to avail the present or not. However, an abortion should not be misunderstood mis understood for a convenience, as it does have its own advantages and disadvantages. As these might be subjective, any woman should shoul d consider the following pros and cons before deciding the fate of the unborn child. Hereby we would be weighing the pros and cons of  abortion and discussing whether the availability of abortion is an important right for women to have.  Abortions caused by rape, incest and possible health concerns to mother/baby constitute just 7%. Social and personal issues iss ues are the cause for rest of the abortions.



Many Manmany y a times times, , abor abortio tion n suffer help helps s from to safegu safvarious eguard ard women's wome n's health hea lth.. There There are women, who fto rom hazardous medical conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, severe hypertension, sickle-cell anemia, severe diabetes, etc. As these diseases can be life-threatening, an abortion often helps to avoid serious medical complications from childbirth. But abortion should be carried out after proper medical advice as it can lead to potential miscarriages in the future.

In male male chau chauvin vinist istic ic s soci ocieti eties, es, women women are are consid considere ered d noth nothing ing more more than child bearing machines. Therefore, a right to abortion gives her  an individual identity, as per which she can decide the fate of her  child.

At times times,, abor abortio tion n also also helps helps in keepin keeping g a check check on on the the size size of the family. It can serve as a potent tool to undo mistakes, m istakes, thereby preventing mothers to be forced for raising a child at a young age.



The conv convenie enience nce of ab abort ortion ion provid provides es the the parents parents wit with h an o optio ption n of h havi aving ng a wanted child. In its absence, any unwanted pregnancy p regnancy would lead to the birth of many children, who weren't wanted. This could immensely hamper  the social strata of the society, soc iety, having negative implications especially on child's psyche.

Moreov Moreover, er, in ca cases ses where where w wome omen n are raped, raped, get getting ting pre pregna gnant nt w with ith such a child is yet another brutality they would be forced to bear. Thus, the option of abortion is the best for fo r them.

Though Though women women h have ave a hard hard ttime ime choosing choosing abor abortion tion as a an n op option tion for  unwanted pregnancies, they have been making the choi choice ce for a long time.

Ultima Ultimatel tely, y, she iis s the one who who would would be be going going th throu rough gh th the e act actual ual "La "Labor bor"" of  continuing delivering a baby, it up,life. parenti parenting ng itit done well, in addition to pregnancy, other obligations she has to dobringing in her daily To get with little or no help from the partner and families needs a well-balanced body and mind.



There There is is nothing nothing call called ed p proro-choi choice ce a and nd pr pro o life. Both ide ideolog ologies ies mee meett at one common comm on point i.e. ProPro-Life Life - Life of the baby and Life of the mother mother.. Life of  the baby ultimately depends on mother¶s health and it's i t's best to allow the mother to choose for her, WHEN she wants a baby.

While we argu argue e ab about out the men mental tal w well ell being being o off a wom woman, an, how do ot other hers s ge gett to decide what would be more traumatic to the woman, abortion or; 'childbirth and the unending list of duties waiting to be accomplished'.

An atte attempt mpt to restr restrict ict tthe he ab abort ortion ions s wo would uld rrise ise n not ot onl only y the per percent centage age of  illegal and unsafe abortions but also the expenses of the procedure. A new law would be needed to tackle the illegal abortions and further legal hassles would have no ends.

Nearly Nearly all abort abortions ions take pla place ce in the fi first rst trimes trimester ter,, whe when n a fetu fetus s can cannot not exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta pl acenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her h er health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it i t cannot exist outside her womb.



The conc concept ept of p pers ersonho onhood od is differe different nt from the c conce oncept pt of human human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized ferti lized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion aborti on murder?

Adoptio Adoption n iis s not a an n alte alterna rnativ tive e to abortion abortion,, bec because ause it re remai mains ns the the wom woman' an's s choice whether or not to give her child up for adoption. Statistics show that very few women women who give bi birth rth choose tto o give up their babi babies es - less than 3% of white unmarried women and less than 2% of black unmarried women.

Abor Aborti tion on is is a safe safe med medica icall proce procedu dure re.. Th The e vast vast ma majo jori rity ty of w wom omen en - 88% who have an abortion do so in their first trimester. Medical abortions abortion s have less than 0.5% risk of serious complications compli cations and do not affec affectt a woman's health or future ability to become pregnant or give birth.

In the case case of rrape ape o orr incest, incest, forc forcing ing a woman woman m made ade p preg regnant nant by th this is v viole iolent nt act would cause further psychological psychologic al harm to the victim. Often a woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after  pill is ineffective in these situations.



Aborti Abortion on is no nott used used as as a form form of cont contrac racept eption. ion. Pre Pregna gnancy ncy can occu occurr even even with responsible contraceptive use. Only 8% of women who have abortions do not use any form of birth control, and that is due more to individual carelessness than to the availability of abortion.

The abil ability ity of a woma woman n to h have ave cont control rol of her her bo body dy iis s cri critica ticall to to civ civilil rright ights. s. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slippe ry slope. If  the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what about forcing a woman to use contraception or undergo sterilization?

Taxpay Taxpayer er doll dollars ars are used to enab enable le poor poor women women to to ac access cess the sam same e medical services as rich women, and abortion is one of these services. Funding abortion is no different from funding a war in the Mideast. For those who are opposed, the place to express outrage is in the voting booth.

Teenage Teenagers rs who become become m mothe others rs ha have ve grim grim pro prospec spects ts for tthe he futur future. e. They They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance assistanc e to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.



An abor abortion tion can be co consid nsidere ered d a bru brutali tality ty as as it does does not g give ive the c child hild in tthe he womb, a chance at life. In effect, it is highly condemned by a lot of religions as well. It is a form of murder and demeans the value of human life. When a pregnant women feels a kick in her belly, she doesn't say "Oh, the fetus kicked" or "Oh, the mass of cells cell s that hasn't become a person kic kicked", ked", she says "The baby kicked." Yes, after conception you have a real human being waiting to enter the world. Why W hy should taking someone's life when they're in the womb be any different than taking their life when they're a baby in the crib? advocates claim thisifisn't realbelieve baby only to justify their  wrongPro-choice acts in their own minds. E ven Even you a don't abortion is murder, it still demeans the value of human life, since women can so c callously allously stomp out a living being simply because they're inconvenienced.

Aborti Abortion on is of often ten used as a type type of bi birth rth cont control rol by m many any wom women. en. This This iin na way promotes infidelity, wherein women can easily have many sexual relationships, which would eventually endshouldn't up in abortions. abortions . Other birthcontrol. control is readily available; thus, abortion be a form of birth There are dozens of birth control methods that can keep you from becoming pregnant, including the 100 percent effective eff ective one: abstinence. Maybe if  abortion wasn't available, people wouldn't be so careless in the first place.



Aborti Abo rtion ondo also pro motes an an irrespo irre sponsi nsible bletybehav beh avior iorown among amongst st peop people, as they notpromote want to stake responsibili responsibility of their actions. It le, gives them the freedom of committing com mitting careless activities and then getting rid of them easily. The societal contributions of a potentially valuable human being are wiped out. What would the world be like if  the mothers of Abe Lincoln, George Washington, W ashington, or Thomas Edison had had an abortion? Just maybe a woman has become pregnant despite all birth control attempts because the child is destined to do something great.

Aborti Abortion on can lead lead to to many medical medical complica complicatio tions ns suc such h as infec infectio tion, n, sepsis, recurrent miscarriages, etc. Abortion exposes women to various health risks and the danger of losing fertility. Abortion exposes woman to a and number of health including, butofnot limited to, infection, sterility, in rare cases,risks death. A number shortterm symptoms such as bleeding, fever, nausea, and vomiting vomiti ng are also common.



Aborti Abo ondepression can also also caus cause psych psycholo ologica gicall impai impairmen rments ts amon amongst gstoften women women suchrtion as ande guilt. Women who have abortions suffer major psychological damage from the experience along with, in some cases, the father of the child. Many women who have abortion in their younger years end up living the rest of their lives in perpetual guilt. Even if that women doesn't consider it murder at the time, that may change as she matures. Even Jane Roe (not her real name), the original woman behind the famous court decision, deci sion, has completely changed her mind on abortion. She filed a petition to have the decision overturned to help relieve the guilt of hundreds of  thousands of needless deaths she blames on herself. Also, A lso, let's not forget that there are two parents of every aborted child. The father  may feel just as guilty. The father may even want the child, but he has no choice if the mother chooses abortion.

The importa important nt con that that should should be consi consider dered ed is can can we we choose choose to kill kill unwanted pregnancies? One One shouldn¶t be so irresponsible to land up in a situation where they have to be unmerciful unmercif ul to the unborn.



For women wom en who whopreventing deman demand d compl cthe omplete eteofcontro con troll of their the ir body body,, contro con troll should include risk unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or, if that is not possible, through abstinence.

Choosi Choosing ng adopti adoption on as as an alter alternat native ive to abor abortio tion n would would give give the the baby baby its to life. Therea are many spend out years on waiting listsright trying to adopt child. Thecouples number who of couples there who cannot have a child of their own for physical reasons are too numerous to count. The waiting list for adopting babies can be 5-10 years or more. Young women in their teens are right to be concerned that they're not ready to effectively raise a child. However, if that is the case, there are plenty of wonderful people out there are. Not would you be bringing a valuable lifecome into the world,who you'd also beonly making the dream of a childless couple true.



The aborti abo rtion on deci ecision sion isand often often by minors minors or young young adult adults, s, who who don't have thed maturity lifemade experiences to make good decisions. There's a good reason why we don't allow people to drink alcohol, smoke, or drive until they're a certain age. It's because they haven't matured enough to make good, sound decisions. We've W e've all made bad decisions in our younger years that provide us with life experience to make sounder judgment in the future. The one skill that seems to take the longest time to develop is the ability abili ty to consider the feelings and needs of someone som eone besides ourselves. Why should such a life or death decision as abortion be made by a person who probably hasn't developed that capacity?

People People have have the the right right not to see see their their tax dolla dollars rs go to to someth something ing they find immoral. Abortion a medical procedure must health be th performed by a doctor. The is government contributesthat to many heal care institutions such as Healthcare for the Homeless, Planned Parenthood, free clinics, etc. All of us who pay taxes have the right to prevent that money from going to something we consider murder.



Aborti Abo rtion on elimina eliminates tes legal legal righ rights ts ofwe theare unbo unborn child child.. to The document docu ments s of our founding fathers state that allrn entitled lif e, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By legalizing abortion, we take those rights away from a future American citizen. Just because the babies can't speak for themselves doesn't mean they have no rights. If a 1month old is murdered, it that really different than abortion as far as protecting an American's life? If a person shoots and kills a pregnant woman, shouldn't the punishment be more severe? If you legalize abortion, it would tell the courts there is no difference. diff erence.

Aborti Abortion on is again against st doct doctors ors'' Hippo Hippocra cratic tic Oath. Oath. Every Every America American n doctor must take this fundamental oath, which says "First, do no harm". It threatens the very fabric of the entire medical field if  doctors startorusing their own personal lif think life e to decide who should shouldn't be harmed. Wphilosophies Whether hether or noton you abortion should be allowed, it cannot be disputed that a doctor is harming a living organism. Killing a human being bei ng doesn't serve any higher medical purpose and is therefore a violation of the oath.



³Pro ³Pros s and and Con Cons s of Abor Aborti tion on´´ By By Dr.M Dr.Mai aizi zie e M, M, 2010 2010 Buzz Buzzle le.c .com om


Teen Teen Pr Preg egna nanc ncy y - The The P Pro ros s and and Cons Cons Of Abo Aborrti tion on By Mark Mark Huttenlocker, 2010


Shou Should ld Abor Aborti tion on Be Ban Banne ned d (Ex (Exce cept pt in in Spec Specia iall Circ Circum umst stan ance ces s Like Saving the Mother's Life)? Written W ritten by: Joe Messerli, 05/04/10


Ten Argu Argumen ments For Abor Ab orti tion onofand an d Aga A gain inst st Abort Abo rtio ion, n, Lowen, Abo Abort rtio ion Pr Pros os and Cons, andtsMain Points the Debate By Linda Lowen ,n2010 Guide /reproductiverights/a/AbortionA /a/AbortionA rgumen.htm

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