Rich and Poor

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Being brought up in the 1980s it was taught that if you have a big bank account, you are rich, if you have a small bank account you are poor. When in Amsterdam, I stumbled across psilocybin and it in conjunction with respiridone changed or should I say opened my mind to amongst other things, a broader concept of what rich and poor actually are. You can be rich in many ways and it is a dis-service to only consider the wealthy to be those who appear in the Forbes 'rich' list. I find that the way I look at things now, you are not simply a rich person or a poor person, but rather, it is a question of how are you rich and how are you poor. So, the question is not really "are you rich" or "are you poor", it is a question of "how are you rich and how are you poor?". Whatever you have, you will be paying for it and that includes money in the bank. Our lacks, whatever they may be, cover our excesses. So, rich, poor, we are all both. The arrogance of it when we say, "a poor farmer in the 3rd world" such people are rich in altruism, compassion, generosity, kindness, need I go on? The deception when we say, "a rich banker", need I say more. It shows how slanted the mind is to see one as exclusively rich and the other exclusively poor. In some ways we are each rich and in some ways we are each poor. Necessarily, therefore, "The Rich List" doesn't actually really mean anything very much. I wouldn't go so far as to say that any one of us is richer than the other. Even someone who falls asleep at a young age in death would be found rich in righteousness or rich in honour. And some people take a look at the world around them and do actually choose that path. Likelihood is, a person that makes it into old age cannot be found either of these things, righteous or honourable, and can therefore be banned, forever, from the hall of righteousness. Just clearing a delusion there. That's better. Back to the "Rich List" as defined by Forbes. Because in the eyes of many nothing has value unless it is to do with money, the Rich List exists. The way the scam is played is to miss out adjectives which describe what is meant by the rich-list exactly. So, therefore could we not have a plethora of rich lists, what a business opportunity? We could have the financial rich list, the emotional rich list, the altruism rich list, the ... you get the idea. How you measure it is another question of course. People go through their lives looking at these rich list phonies and thinking, "That guy is richer than me". It causes mental health problems when people look at their peers like that. It makes them think, "That guy is richer than me" which simply isn't true. As I say, it's a question of how is he rich, how is he poor. If you had a morality rich list, for example, where would some of these 'rich people' come on that list.

Are they higher than anyone else, no. Are they lower than anyone else, no. There, sorted. None of us need to feel good about ourselves as such, we have probably learnt to do without in that regard through life's challenges, but, just because we can go without does that mean we should? So, the way it works if we want to get a clearer idea of where we are at as individuals is to make a couple of lists. A rich list and a poor list. In the left hand column lists all the ways that you feel you are rich and the right hand column lists all the ways that you feel you are poor. Necessarily, this is subjective, but it least gives a yardstick to go on as far as understanding our own wealth distributions. So, for each person, How I am rich I am time rich I am rich in altruism I am rich at morality I am rich in intelligence I am mentally rich I am rich of agro So, a list could be much longer than this. If you reduce something from your rich list, this makes the space for something from your poor list to fill it. I can only say in my experience, if I reduce one of my rich characteristics, stop reading, for example, then something from my poor list has to fill the vacuum, I find it easier to make friends, for example. The way it works is it is like a vacuum forming when you remove, for example, reading from your rich list. There is a vacuum and vacuums want to be filled. For example, I have found that by giving up TV and only having it as a special treat, so to speak, a whole load of interesting things have come along to fill its place. I don't through choice, have a TV and I have learnt a lot as a result instead of having TV time, I have time for other things instead. Without prejudice, if you give up or reduce one thing from your rich column then something from | | | | | | How I am poor I am emotionally poor I am lacking in common sense I am bad at Relationships I have poor communication skills

your poor column, what you lack, has to come in and fill it. So, for example, if you are very talkative, you are verbally rich, if you reduce it, talk less, then something will have to come in from the poor column into the rich column to fill the vacuum that has been left by the reduction, like a more open mind or a certain new feeling or whatever. Silence is golden, it's like saving money in a bank account. What you find, generally, is that those that talk the most have the least to say. Is that true, dunno, might be, might not I suppose. Now where people find this disconcerting, for example, is that you have no control over what fills the vacuum left as you give up your riches, but that something does is the law. As someone once said on their death bed, "All my possessions (rich list) for a moment of time (poor list)". It might not be what you want, exactly. You might give up reading and get loneliness in your rich column. But this is how it works, the space has to be there. Sure, if you go into a shop and pretend you are buying something, lest we forget, shops only buy money, then, the vacuum that is left within you as you give them your cash is what enables it to be filled again by the shopping you purchase. The Rich vibrant column sucks the life out of the poor column of disabled potential and suddenly, you have new skills. The more flexible you are, the more different aspects of life you will experience. I was in intelligent misery now I am a happy fool, this is how we can each transition around life's possibilities. If you are poor in something, you might find it impossible, but what can you give up from your riches to get it? It may be your riches which are blocking something, in fact, it will be. I like thrash metal in my youth, a lot, everyday, without fail and consequently, I found it very difficult, because I was an extremist in that regard, to communicate even at all with women. I was rich of metal, poor of girls. Other guys were rich of girls, but poor of metal. To show me that this is how it works, as I have got older metal has slowly rescinded, still love it, but, just not with the same fanatical intensity and so it is that I have been able to at least talk to women and literally, I didn't before, but then I didn't really talk too much full stop. For their part most women just do not understand the ethos which goes with metal. Before my metal days, I had no such block. Can you understand that, metal is a very male, almost exclusively male thing, full of testosterone, just like girls are into flower, perfume and nail polish, so it creates a natural dichotomy making communication on commonalities very difficult almost like talking different languages. Some items in a poor column are intractably there, if you have a permanent disability, it might well be with you for life, but in general, the fluid things we can have some control over and that can be changed without miraculous intervention are what we are talking about here. Stop watching TV, for example and see how the space that leaves in your life is filled. This is a constant process of

exchange, each of our lives are in constant fluid transcendence. What you can do, therefore if you don't like something in your life, is to figure out what you have got in excess and go about reducing it. If you have loads of time on your hands and not much to do, instead of clinging onto your time, let it go and allow it to be filled, for it will be and you will not know by what or how, that is where trust comes in. So, it is not a question of "are you beautiful?", it is a question of "how are you beautiful?". It is not a question of "are you ugly?", it is a question of "how are you ugly?". It is not a question of "are you clever?", it is a question of "how are you clever?". I'm just exposing this agenda here. The agenda has been to convince us that certain people are clever others are not, some are rich, others are not, but it is not like that. Most insidiously, this mind manipulation technique was used against the Nazis and the Jews, both human rats or lab mice. It was used in relation to the term master race. It wasn't a question of "are you the master race?" It was a question of "How are you the master race?" There are people on this planet who actually still go around thinking they are in absolute terms, poor, rich or whatever just as there were people who thought they were, in absolute terms, the master race. The human race is the master race, we just master different things, that's all. The "rich" do to the "poor" what they do, and, always have done mostly without mercy. If I have something you need, I am in a position where I can dominate you in that regard. If you have something that I need, you are in a position where you can dominate me. Mostly, life dances around like that, people taking terns to dominate and be dominated. Perhaps once you were happy, but often people trade that for other wears and that can be a problem. People trying to make a profit, what a laugh, we all have the same quota of wealth units, visible or invisible. Life is difficult, we don't think just because it is, you have been hard done by, it's the same for all of us, unless we choose to buy "easy life" credits, but then where would that get us? And always look at where your costs are, you can choose to have something in your life, but what is it costing you for it will have a cost, visible or invisible.

Riches then are not to be prejudiced by what we like or find comfortable. You can be rich of angst or rich of grief and so on. All in all as we each balance what we have with what we lack, we get as much life experience as we possibly can. In a lifetime, the idea is to cycle through as many experiences as we can which will necessarily include ones we 'like' and ones we 'don't like' If you only keep one form of wealth all your life, then you are limiting your experience right there. The statue of liberty has scales on it. One side of the scale represents riches and the other side poverty. That's not to say exclusively riches in the materalised sense, houses, cars, holidays, but also spiritual riches as well, knowledge, understanding compassion. The rich side balances perfectly with the poor and loss from the rich side is immediately balanced by gain from the poor, individually and collectively. All I would say in conclusion to this blog then is that there are a lot of rich, poor people out there and a lot of poor, rich ones, remember, you can't always see what a person is like on the inside. In life, you can focus on what you are losing, for we are all always constantly losing something, or you can focus on what you are gaining because we are all constantly gaining something. A child gains knowledge but loses innocence. A child is innocent and an old person is knowledgeable. Can you regain your original innocence, who can say, but it will probably cost you something if you could, but it is said, with all due respect, the very old revert to childhood once again. The one thing I would say is to end this post is that we all have different forms of wealth and there seems to be this incessant squabbling over what wealth one person has and another doesn't. Can we not just accept that we are all equally wealthy but that wealth takes different forms. Some people seem to have this insatiable greed, it's just not enough and maybe their insatiable greed is a poverty of sorts. Well, thing is we all have to make sacrifices, so with that in mind it probably never will be enough will it. You can't have it all, the "I want it all I want it now" mentality. Even sleeping costs you. If you stuff yourself up on one thing, don't be surprised if you are lacking something else. What you once lacked, you now have in abundance and what you once had you now lack, life can sometimes play out like that. Before I sign off, for this blog at least, let's take this mind manipulation one step further. There's this thing called “The Benefits System”. It is a very amorphous thing and somewhat dodgy. Well, how is it dodgy? As we know that there's no such thing as a free lunch, it

might not cost you cash, but that don't make it free, we can use our powers of deduction to work out where we are at with all this benefits stuff where people are supposed to be getting stuff for free. The first thing about free, is there is free as in freedom and free as in no cost. I always recommend qualifying what anyone who claims to be giving you something free actually means. Free as in freely or free as in no cost. “Here you are, take it, it's free”. School yourself, “Free as in it's a freely given thing or free as in it has no cost” If it's the later, it's not really possible and if it is the former, what is freedom anyway? So, back to benefits. As we now know, the question is not “Are you on benefits?”, but rather, “How are you on benefits”. You see, if you just change the wording slightly, you get a different answer. Let's list some of the benefits people might have in their lives. I suppose, Friends, a car, a bus pass, a career, a nice house, stable sleep pattern, holidays abroad, a religion, an education, state sponsorship, children, parents, girlfriend/boyfriend, food in their belly you get my point, there are lots of different benefits in life. So why is it then that one particular form of benefit is singled out and picked on as being somehow more expensive than another, that benefit being state sponsorship. So, then, “How are you on benefits”, it's a good question for the man driving down the road in his Audi TT to be asked. So, then, your average premier league footballer is not on benefits according to 'The Government' and that's the final thing about benefits, it probably depends who you ask, 'The Government' being 'an authority' rather than 'the authority', of course. You can apply these principles widely. For example, the question, “Which is the best company to work for in the world?”. Well, “It depends what you are looking for. In these regards ….. company XYZ is the best company in the world.” So, in absolute terms, there is no such thing as “The best company.” In some-ways, company XYZ, is the best company in the world in some ways it isn't. In some one coffee chain XYZ is the best coffee chain in some ways it isn't. When we use the term “best” and “worst”, we don't qualify what we mean, nothing is all good or all bad, it depends what you see in it. Funny isn't it. “You're the best wife in the world.” “Yes dear, in someways I am, in some ways I am not, there is no best wife in the world.” And, this is the thing, every single person alive is best in the world

at something. Dunno what it is, often, and indeed, often they don't, but there is always something. So, let's end the mind game imposed by the high minded on the low minded. Whenever you get asked the question, that's anyone on the planet, “Are you on benefits,” the answer is “In some ways I am and in some ways I am not.” I am on benefits and hinderances in equal measure. Like you, I'm 50% hinderance, 50% benefit. Look at what you have, look at what you haven't got. As people just are who they are, unless they get a broad enough experience, half the time they won't even know what benefits they have in their lives because they take it as a given. Diversify your lifestyles and then you see what the benefits and drawbacks of each of the broad spectrum of lifestyles you can choose from are. No life style is all good, no lifestyle is all bad. Such is life. Just because I don't agree with a lifestyle does that give me the right to chastise it, well maybe, but only if I have actually genuinely tried living it to see what the difficulties are, otherwise, critical mouths, pens and status's from the profane should be kept firmly out of reach. It helps in life if you know what you are on about when you are on about it. The system presents things as if there are people who are “on benefits” and people who aren't. Look at your life, what have you got, then tell me you are not on benefits. Can't, well there you go. In this life, there is no such thing as complimentary anything and that includes benefit payments. What you get always has to be paid for, to that, I think we can all agree. The other thing that perplexes me, is why, if someone has a few million in the bank do they automatically want to live in a 'big house in a nice area' like that is the highest aspiration you can aim for in this life. So, just because you are not paying cash, that doesn't mean that you are not paying. The abuses you suffer, the needs you feel, the disabilities you battle, these are all 'ways of paying', so to speak. Never, then fall foul of the deception that you are getting something for nothing. Here you are 'have it for free'. Sounds too good to be true, simply because it is. You will be paying or will have paid in some way, always. I admonish, if they tell you it's free, beware, cos they are not really being straight with you. If you can't give things away, there's a reason for that, there is no such thing as giving without receiving in equal measure. The yin/yang is the governor then. Traditionally, there has been this view that the exchanges which can go on are one – one, but actually, when you give something, it creates

the vacuum in the yin yang and that could, therefore be filled by a gift from any other yin yang which has a surplus. I don't know if that makes sense, but you have to trust that if you don't get direct payment from someone for something that you do have to receive from somewhere. All it means is that we don't have this “I've given you this, so you have to give me that” mentality. That is limited and limiting. Rather, what we go with is this whole “Life” concept, some people call it “the universe” and some “God”. So the mentality becomes, always, “I've done this or given you that, so life will have to find an appropriate way to recompense me, for that is the law of the yin yang”. It makes everything much happier, much fresher and more flexible. Think of the endless ways that “Life” could choose to reward you. This is a higher or advanced form of consciousness. You have to trust “life” which amounts to trusting “God” which is a problem in the true sense of the word for a lot of people. They like to control everything, they like the limited certainty of one on one business deals. I can't stress it enough for people's health, just do what you do and see how life chooses to reward you instead of all this control freak contracted down “I've done this, therefore you owe that.” More like “I've done this, not sure how the hell life is gonna pay me back for it, it may or may not be financial, hopefully not, but that it will I am certain.” Just do what you do and see what happens. As I say, then, the yin/yang is the governor. I don't want to be uncouth, but, if the white of the yin/yang is the virgin bride, it doesn't take a whole host of imagination to work out what the vacuum like black hole is represents and what is going to fill it in a sexual exchange. In this model, the man is portrayed as black and his light, his seed is white. This is the Western Christian model of a yin/yang couple. A muslim bride dresses in black, which means that it is her seed which is the white. This, then, portrays the man as having a void in him that the woman needs to fill with her idea of what light is. Don't ask me how that works, maybe someone can work it out? I suppose it just means that sex is a two way thing. If you look at it from a male perspective, the male is the light force giving light, his energy, to a woman. If you look at it from a female perspective, then the female is the light force giving light, her energy, to a man. So, the yin yang, governs every business dealing there is. Even if a business deal seems to fail catastrophically, it doesn't, it just means that there is some other form life has taken to fill the void. So, every exchange that there has ever been, and there are countless trillions and trillions of them all going on right now on this planet, for this is the engine of life, be it an exchange between nations, sending a letter from one country to another, (the sender is the white, the receiver is the black), a war between nations, lovers in bed (let's not forget, it

is a business arrangement), buying something in a shop, whatever the exchange is, it is governed by the yin yang. If we cast our minds back a little way, first of all there were tribes on the planet which never exchanged anything. They had never exchanged anything. The Zulus and the Brits before they met, so to speak. Then came the first exchanges enforced by the life mandala, the yin yang, and these were very difficult because the sides of the yin/yang were so alien and so it became violent as the only way to exchange the energies. Then as time has moved on, there has been a slow progression to more and more exchanges between all the different facets or tribes on the planet which now today, people are exchanging energies one to another all over the globe using the internet. Today, the fruit of the yin yang enforced conflicts of human history, people can exchange energies one with another all the time using the internet, be it email or even things more amorous than that. An email is a yin yang exchange. It is this proliferation of exchanges around the world which is disolving the national boundaries more and more, so that instead of a national boundary being like a huge hurdle between two separate groups, to quote a favourite song of mine, “Smashing through the boundaries” and that describes our history so to speak. As the most notorious figure in human history is noted as having said, “We want to be one people”. The reason why we want to be one people is because that is actually who we are and have been playing and mesmerised and spellbound by the game that creates national divisions and has us believing in nationhood when actually, nationhood are arbitrary figments of the human imagination. Martian blokie that pays us a visit isn't gonna know where our boundaries are as his space ship approaches, he's just gonna see one planet. He'd probably wanna know where the Mars factory is though. So deep and entrenched have we been in the illusions of national identity that we forgot to lift our heads to see that actually, that is what we are and have to struggle to become. Blame who you want, but this is a process, and it's not a process which any mere mortal can influence. A little while back then, the nations were overwhelmingly entrenched within themselves. So, the need was to get out of the national Trenches in time for Christmas and play a game of football.

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