SAC Tutorial 4

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SAC Commands Listing Functional Executive Function: Information and Control about:: about

Displays version and copyright information

intro:: intro

Provides a brief introduction to SAC

help:: help

Prints information about SAC commands and features.

printhelp printhelp::

Comm Comman and d for for prin printi ting ng help help pag pages es fro from m wit withi hin n SA SAC C

faq faq::

List of Frequently Asked Questions

news:: news

Prints current news concerning SAC.

comcor:: comcor

Co Con ntro trols SAC' SAC's s comman mmand d corr correc ecti tio on opti optio on.

inicm:: inicm

Reinitializes al all of SA SAC's c co ommon bl blocks.

production production::

Contro Controls ls the produc productio tion nm mode ode option option..

report:: report

Informs the user about the current ent state of SA SAC. C.

syntax: syntax:

Prin intts ba basic in infformation abo abou ut SA SAC c co omman mands.

trace:: trace

Con Controls th the ttra rac cing of of b bllackb kbo oard an and he header der v va ariables. les.

echo:: echo

Controls e ec choing of of commands to the te terminal.

history:: history

Provi vid des easy easy acces cess to to pr previo evious us comman mmands ds (lik (like eu uni nix x history)

message:: message

Send Sends s a mess messag age e to to th the e user user's 's te term rmin inal al..

quit:: quit

Terminates SAC.

quitsub quitsub::

Termi ermina nate tes s the the cur current ently acti active ve su subp bprroces ocess s.

pause:: pause

Sends a message to the terminal and pauses.

transcript: transcript:

Controls output to the transcript le.

Executive Function: Processing and Macros evaluate:: evaluate

Evaluates simple arithmetic expressions.

getbb:: getbb

Gets (prints) values of blackboard variables.

setbb:: setbb

Sets (denes) values of blackboard variables.

unsetbb unsetbb:: installmacro installmacro::

Unsets (deletes) blackboard variables. In Inst sta all lls s ma macro cro le les s in in tthe he gl glo obal bal SA SAC m ma acro cro dir direc ecto tory ry.

macro: macro:

Executes a SAC macro le.

setmacro setmacro::

Denes directories to search when executing a SAC macro le.

systemcommand:: Ex Execut ecutes es syste system m comman commands ds from from SAC. SAC. systemcommand

Data File Module read read::

Reads data from SAC data les on disk into memory.

write:: write

Writes data in memory to disk.

readdb: readdb:

Reads data from an Oracle database

readcss:: readcss

Reads CSS format data les into SAC.

writecss: writecss:

Writes CSS format data les from SAC.

readgse readgse::

Reads GSE2.0 format data

writegse writegse::

Writes GSE2.0 format data

readsuds readsuds::

Reads PC Suds data


readtable:: readtable

Rea eads ds alp lpha hanu nume meri ric c dat data a l les es on di disk sk into into me memo mory ry.

datagen:: datagen

Gener enera ates sampl mple da datta l le es and stores them in in m me emory mory.

funcgen:: funcgen

Generates a function and stores it in memory.

convert convert::

Converts d da ata les from o on ne fo format to another.

commit:: commit

Commits (copies) SAC's data to the I/O buers

rollback:: rollback

Repl pla aces active data with data last commi mittted ted to the I/O buers

recalltrace:: recalltrace

Rolls olls back back wave wavefo form rms s and and se sele lect cted ed he head ader ers s from from I/ I/O O buers and commits the rest of the headers.

readhdr: readhdr:

Reads headers from SAC data les into memory.

writehdr:: writehdr

Overw erwrite rites s the hea headers ers on disk isk with tho those in memo emory.

listhdr listhdr::

Lists the values of selected header elds.

chnhdr:: chnhdr

Changes the values of selected header elds.

copyhdr: copyhdr:

Copies he header v va ariables fr from on one l le in in m me emory to to all others.

readbbf :

Reads a blackboard va variable l le in into memory.

writebbf :

Writes a blackboard variable le to disk.

cut cut::

Denes how much of a data le is to be read.

cuterr:: cuterr

Controls errors due to bad cut parameters.

cutim cutim::

Cuts data after its already been read into memory

deletechannel:: Deletes Deletes selec selected ted chan channels nels fro from m memory memory deletechannel pickauthor pickauthor:: Co Cont ntrrols autho uthorr name ame whe hen n read readin ing g pi pick cks. s. pickphase: pickphase:

Cont Contrrols pha phase name names s tto o lo load iint nto o the the SA SAC C hea heade ders rs..

readerr: readerr:

Controls errors that occur during the read command.

synchronize synchronize::

Syn Synch chro roni nize zes s the the refe refere renc nce e times times of all all les les iin n me memo mory ry..

sort:: sort

Sorts waveforms based on selected header variables

wild:: wild

Sets wildcard characters used in read commands to expand

Graphics Environment Module xlim:: xlim

Determines the plot limits for the x axis.

ylim:: ylim

Determines the plot limits for the y axis.

linlin:: linlin

Turns on linear scaling for the x and y axes.

linlog: linlog:

Turns on li linear sc scaling fo for x axis and logarithmic for y axis.

loglin loglin::

Turns on lo logarithmic scaling fo for x axis and linear fo for y axis.

loglog loglog::

Turns on logarithmic scaling for the x and y axes.

xlin:: xlin

Turns on linear scaling for the x axis.

xlog:: xlog

Turns on logarithimic scaling for the x axis.

ylin:: ylin

Turns on linear scaling for the y axis.

ylog:: ylog

Turns on logarithimic scaling for the y axis.

xdiv xdiv::

Controls the x axis division spacing.

ydiv:: ydiv xfull xfull::

Controls the y axis division spacing. Controls plotting of x axis full logarithmic decades.

yfull yfull::

Controls plotting of y axis full logarithmic decades.

xfudge xfudge::

Changes the x axis "fudge factor."


yfudge yfudge::

Changes the y axis "fudge factor."

axes:: axes

Controls the location of annotated axes.

border:: border

Controls the plotting of a border ar around plots.

grid:: grid

Controls the plotting of grid lines in plots.

xgrid:: xgrid

Controls plotting of grid lines in the x direction.

ygrid ygrid::

Controls plotting of grid lines in the y direction.

ticks:: ticks

Controls the location of tick marks on plots.

title: title:

Denes the plot title and attributes.

xlabel: xlabel:

Denes the x axis label and attributes.

ylabel:: ylabel plabel plabel::

Denes the y axis label and attributes. Denes general plot labels and their attributes.

lenumber:: lenumber

Cont Contro rols ls pl plot otti ting ng of of len lenum umbe bers rs ne next to to eac each h l le. e.

leid:: leid

Controls the le id display found on most SAC plots.

picks: picks:

Controls the display of time picks on most SAC plots.

gtext gtext::

Controls the quality and font of text used in plots.

tsize:: tsize

Controls the text size attributes.

loglab:: loglab

Controls labels on logarithmically scaled axes.

color:: color

Controls color selection for color graphics devices.

line:: line

Controls the linestyle selection in plots.

symbol:: symbol

Controls the symbol plotting attributes.

qdp qdp::

Controls the "quick and dirty plot" option

width:: width

Controls the width of data lines

beginframe:: beginframe

Turns urns o o  auto automa mati tic c ne new w fram frame e ac acti tion ons s betw betwee een n pl plot ots. s.

endframe:: endframe

Resum esumes es auto automa mati tic c ne new w fram frame e acti action ons s betw betwee een n pl plot ots. s.

beginwindow: Begins ns plott plotting ing to to a new graphi graphics cs windo window w. beginwindow: Begi window window::

Sets th the llo ocation a an nd sh shape of graphics windows.

xvport:: xvport

Denes the viewport for the x axis.

yvport:: yvport

Denes the viewport for the y axis.

oor oor::

Puts a minimum va value on logarithmically iin nterpolated data.

null: null:

Controls plotting of predened null data values.

Graphics Control Module setdevice setdevice::

De Den nes es a defa defaul ultt grap graphi hics cs devi device ce to use use iin n s sub ubse sequ quen entt plots.

begindevices begindevices:: Begins Begins plotti plotting ng to one one or more more graphics graphics devic devices. es. enddevices:: enddevices

Termi ermina nate tes s one one or more more grap graphi hics cs devic devices es..

vspace: vspace:

Changes the maximum size and shape of plots.

sgf :

Controls the SAC Graphics File device options.

pause:: pause

Tells SAC to pause for specied length of time.

wait wait::

Tells SAC whether or not to pause between plots.

print:: print

Print the most recent SGF le. Many plot commands also have a print option.

Graphics Action Module plot: plot:

Generates a single-trace single-window plot.


Generates a multi-trace m mu ulti-window plot.


Gene Genera rate tes s a mu mult ltii-tr tra ace sing singlle-w e-windo indow w (over overla lay) y) pl plo ot.


plotpk:: plotpk

Produc uces es a plot for the picking of arriv rival times. es.

plotpktable plotpktable::

Tabl able e describ describing ing P PLO LOTPK TPK opt option ions. s.

plotdy: plotdy:

Plots data with error bars

plotxy plotxy::

Plots one or mo morre dat data les vers versus us another da data le.

plotalpha:: plotalpha

Reads eads d dat ata a from from Tab able les s and and plot plots s with with lab label els s

plotc:: plotc

Annotates S SA AC p pllots and creates g gures us using cu cursor.

plotctable:: plotctable

Tab able le des descr crib ibin ing g PL PLOT OTC C op opti tion ons. s.

plotsp:: plotsp

Plots spect ectral data in severa verall di di erent formats.

plotpm plotpm::

Ge Gene nera rate tes s a "pa "part rtic icle le-m -mot otiion" pl plot ot of p pa airs irs o off d da ata l les es..

erase:: erase

Erases the graphics display area.

Spectral Analysis Module t t::

Performs a discrete Fourier transform.

keepam:: keepam

Keep eep o onl nly y tthe he amp ampli litu tude de com compo pone nent nt of of the the spe spect ctra rall l le. e.

it:: it

Performs an an inverse di discrete Fourier tr transform.

plotsp:: plotsp

Plots sp spectral ral d da ata in in se severa rall di dierent fo formats.

writesp writesp::

Write rites s spe spect ctra rall les les to di disk sk as "n "nor orma mal" l" da data ta les les..

readsp: readsp:

Reads spect ectral ral l les wr written b by y @w @writes tesp@.

lowpass:: lowpass

Applies an IIR lowpas pass lter.

highpass:: highpass

Appl Applie ies s an an IIIR IR high highpa pass ss l lte terr.

bandpass:: bandpass

Appl Applie ies s an an IIIR IR band bandpa pass ss lte lterr.

bandrej:: bandrej

Applies an IIR bandr dre ejec ectt lter.

wiener wiener::

Applies an adaptive Wiener lter.

r:: r

Applies a nite-impulse-response lter.

hanning:: hanning

Appl Applie ies s a "h "han anni ning ng"" wind window ow to each each data data le. le.

unwrap:: unwrap

Comp Comput utes es ampli mplitu tude de and unwr unwra apped ped pha phase. se.

khronhite: khronhite:

Appl Applie ies s a Khron Khronhi hite te lter lter to the data data..

benio :

Applies a Benio lter to the data.

divomega:: divomega

Pe Perfo rforms rms integra integratio tion n iin n the the fre frequen quency cy domain domain..

mulomega:: Performs Performs dierentia dierentiation tion in the frequency frequency domain. domain. mulomega hilbert:: hilbert

Applies a Hilbert transform.

convolve convolve::

Comp Comput utes es the the c con onvo volu luti tion on of wa wave vefo form rms. s.

correlate:: correlate

Compu Compute tes s the the auto auto-- and and c cro ross ss-- corr correl elat atio ion n fu func ncti tion ons. s.

envelope envelope::

Comput Computes es the envelop envelope e func functio tion nu usin sing g a Hil Hilbert bert transf transfor orm. m.

Unary Operations Module add:: add

Adds a constant to eac each dat data point.

sub sub::

Su Subt btra ract cts s a cons consta tant nt fr fro om ea eac ch dat data poi point nt..

mul mul::

Multi ultipl plie ies s each each data data po poin intt by a cons consttant nt..

div:: div

Divides ea each data point by a constant.

sqr:: sqr

Squares each data point.

sqrt:: sqrt

Takes the the squa squarre rro oot of of e ea ach data data po poin intt.

int:: int

Perfo erform rms s int nteg egra rattion ion us usin ing g the the tr tra ape pezo zoid idal al rule rule..

abs abs:: log:: log

Takes the the ab abso solu lutte v val alu ue of of eac each hd da ata po poin int. t. Takes tthe he na natu tura rall llog oga arit rithm of ea each data data po poin int. t.

LOG10 LOG10::

Takes akes the base 10 10 lo logarith garithm m of each data point. point.

exp exp::

Comp Comput utes es the the e exp xpon onen enti tia al of of e ea ach da data po point. int.


EXP10:: EXP10

Computes the base 10 exponential (10.**y) of each data point.

dif :

Dierentiates data in me memory.

Binary Operations Module merge:: merge

Merg Merges es ((co conc ncan ante tena nate tes) s) a set set o off l les es to data data in memor memory y.

addf :

Adds a set of data les to da datta in mem emo ory.

subf :

Subt ubtrac racts a set o off da data  lles fr from da data iin nm me emory mory.

mulf :

Multiplies a set of of l les b by y th the da data in in m me emory.

divf :

Divides data in memory by a set of data les.

binoperr:: binoperr

Controls Controls erro errors rs th that at can occur during binary le operat operations. ions.

Signal Correction Module rq: rq:

Removes the seismic Q factor from spectral data.

rglitches rglitches::

Remo emoves ves glit glitc ches hes a an nd tim timin ing gm mar arks ks..

rtrend: rtrend:

Removes the linear trend.

rmean:: rmean

Removes the mean.

taper:: taper

Applies a symmetric taper to each end of data.

rotate rotate::

Rotates tes a pair of of da data c co omponen nents th through ugh an an a an ngle.

interpolate interpolate:: Interpo Interpolat lates es even evenly ly or unevenl unevenly y spaced spaced data data to a new sampling rate. quantize:: quantize

Co Conv nvert erts sc con onti tinuo nuous us data data in into to its its q qua uant ntiz ized ed equ equiv ival alen ent. t.

stretch stretch::

St Strretch etches es (up (upsamp samplles) es) da data, ta, inc inclu ludi ding ng an opt optiiona onal interpolating FIR lter lter..

reverse: reverse:

Reverse the or order of of data points.

smooth:: smooth

Appl Applie ies s an an a ari rith thme meti tic cs smo moot othi hing ng al algo gori rith thm m to to the the da data ta..

decimate:: decimate

Dec Decima imates tes (do (downs wnsamp amples les)) dat data, a, inc includ luding ing an opt option ional al ant antiialiasing FIR lter. lter.

Event Analysis Module ohpf :

Opens a HYPO formatted pick le.

chpf :

Closes the currently open HYPO pick le.

whpf :

Writes au auxiliary ca cards iin nto the @h @hypo@ pi pick le.

oapf : capf :

Opens a alphanumeric pick le. Closes the currently open alphanumeric pick le.

apk:: apk

Applies an automatic event picking algorithm.

plotpk:: plotpk

Produc uces es a plot for the picking of arriv rival times. es.

plotpktable plotpktable::

Tabl able e describ describing ing P PLO LOTPK TPK opt option ions. s.

pickauthor: pickauthor:

Cont Contro rols ls aut autho horr name name whe when n read readin ing g pick picks. s.

pickphase: pickphase:

Cont Contro rols ls pha phase se nam names es tto o load load into into th the e SAC SAC head header ers. s.

Signal Measurement Module mtw mtw::

Determines the measurement time window for use in subsequent measurement commands.

markvalue: Searches es fo forr and marks marks values values in in a data data le. le. markvalue: Search marktimes marktimes:: Marks les with travel times from a ve velocit locity y set set.. markptp markptp::

Meas Measur ures es and and mar marks ks th the e max maximu imum mp pea eak k tto op pea eak ka ampl mplit itud ude e of each signal within the measurement m easurement time window. window.

rms rms::

Computes th the ro root mean square of of the d da ata within th the measurement time window. window.


XYZ (3-D) Data Module spectrogram:: Calculates Calculates a spectrogra spectrogram m using all all of the the data in in memory. spectrogram sonogram:: sonogram

Calc Calcul ulat ates es a son sonog ogra ram m usi using ng all all of of the the data data in memo memory ry..

image:: image

Plots 3D data les as color images

loadctable:: loadctable

Loa oads ds sp spec eci ied ed co color lor ta tabl ble e int into om mem emo ory

grayscale grayscale::

Produ roduce ces s gray graysc scal ale e imag images es of da data ta in memo memory ry..

contour: contour:

Produces contour plots of data in memory.

zlevels: zlevels:

Controls the c co ontour li line sp spacing in in subs bse equen uent contour plots.

zlines:: zlines

Controls the contour linestyles in subsequent contour plots.

zticks:: zticks

Controls the label beling of cont nto our lines with directio tional tick marks.

zlabels: zlabels:

Controls th the lla abel beling of of co cont nto our lliines w wiith a allphanume numeri ric c labels.

zcolors zcolors::

Controls the color display of contour lines.

Instrument Correction Module transfer transfer::

Perf rfo orms deco econvo nvolution to rem emo ove an instru rum ment response and convolution to apply another instrument response.

transfertable:: Describe Describes s option options s to the the tra transfe nsferr command command.. transfertable

Subprocess Invoking Module spe: Initializes lizes the Spectral Spectral Estimati Estimation on S Subpro ubprocess. cess. SPE Comman Commands ds spe: Initia sss: sss:

Ini Initia tializ lizes es the the Signal Signal Stack Stacking ing Su Subpr bproce ocess. ss. SSS SSS Comman Commands ds

Analysis Tools 3C 3C::

GUI based three component processing tool

convolve:: convolve

Comp Comput utes es the the c co onvo nvolut lution ion o off wav wavef efo orms ms..

correlate:: correlate

Co Compu mpute tes s the the au auto to-- and and cro cross ss-- corr correl elat atio ion n fun funct ctio ions ns..

envelope:: envelope

Compu Compute tes s the the env envel elop ope e fun funct ctio ion nu usi sing ng a Hil Hilbe bert rt tra trans nsfo form rm..

lterdesign:: lterdesign

Graphicly display the lter's digital vs. analog characteristics.

linet linet::

Fits a line to data in memory and write results to blackboard

mat mat::

Runs a MATLAB interactively or as a scrip ript on data in SAC

map:: map

Uses GMT to create a MAP based on data in SAC

whiten: whiten:

Whitens the data in memory

FK Spectrum bbfk: bbfk:

Com Comput putes es broadba broadband nd fre frequen quency cy-wa -wavenu venumber mber (FK) (FK) spec spectra trall

estimate. beam:: Comp Comput utes es the the beam beam.. beam

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