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Merge Sort Algorithm
Song Qin
Dept. of Computer Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, FL 32901

Given an array with n elements, we want to rearrange them in
ascending order. Sorting algorithms such as the Bubble,
Insertion and Selection Sort all have a quadratic time
complexity that limits their use when the number of elements is
very big. In this paper, we introduce Merge Sort, a divide-and-
conquer algorithm to sort an N element array. We evaluate the
O(NlogN) time complexity of merge sort theoretically and
empirically. Our results show a large improvement in efficiency
over other algorithms.

Search engine is basically using sorting algorithm. When you
search some key word online, the feedback information is
brought to you sorted by the importance of the web page.

Bubble, Selection and Insertion Sort, they all have an O(N
time complexity that limits its usefulness to small number of
element no more than a few thousand data points.

The quadratic time complexity of existing algorithms such as
Bubble, Selection and Insertion Sort limits their performance
when array size increases.

In this paper we introduce Merge Sort which is able to rearrange
elements of a list in ascending order. Merge sort works as a
divide-and-conquer algorithm. It recursively divide the list into
two halves until one element left, and merge the already sorted
two halves into a sorted one.

Our main contribution is the introduction of Merge Sort, an
efficient algorithm can sort a list of array elements in O(NlogN)
time. We evaluate the O(NlogN) time complexity theoretically
and empirically.

The next section describes some existing sorting algorithms:
Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort and Selection Sort. Section 3
provides a details explanation of our Merge Sort algorithm.
Section 4 and 5 discusses empirical and theoretical evaluation
based on efficiency. Section 6 summarizes our study and gives a

Note: Arrays we mentioned in this article have the size of N.

Selection sort [1] works as follows: At each iteration, we
identify two regions, sorted region (no element from start) and
unsorted region. We “select” one smallest element from the
unsorted region and put it in the sorted region. The number of
elements in sorted region will increase by 1 each iteration.
Repeat this on the rest of the unsorted region until it is
exhausted. This method is called selection sort because it works
by repeatedly “selecting” the smallest remaining element.

We often use Insertion Sort [2] to sort bridge hands: At each
iteration, we identify two regions, sorted region (one element
from start which is the smallest) and unsorted region. We take
one element from the unsorted region and “insert” it in the
sorted region. The elements in sorted region will increase by 1
each iteration. Repeat this on the rest of the unsorted region
without the first element. Experiments by Astrachan [4] sorting
strings in Java show bubble sort is roughly 5 times slower than
insertion sort and 40% slower than selection sort which shows
that Insertion is the fastest among the three. We will evaluate
insertion sort compared with merge sort in empirical evaluation.

Bubble sort works as follows: keep passing through the list,
exchanging adjacent element, if the list is out of order; when no
exchanges are required on some pass, the list is sorted.

In Bubble sort, Selection sort and Insertion sort, the O(N
) time
complexity limits the performance when N gets very big. We
will introduce a “divide and conquer” algorithm to lower the
time complexity.

Merge sort uses a divide-and-conquer approach:
1) Divide the array repeatedly into two halves
2) Stop dividing when there is single element left. By
fact, single element is already sorted.
3) Merges two already sorted sub arrays into one.
Pseudo Code:
a)  Input: Array A[1…N], indices p, q, r (p ≤ q <r). 
A[p…r] is the array to be divided 
A[p] is the beginning element and A[r] is the ending element
Output: Array A[p…r] in ascending order
1 if p <r
2 then q ← (r + p)/2
3 MERGE-SORT(A, p, q )
4 MERGE-SORT(A,q+1,r)
5 MERGE(A, p, q, r)
Figure 1. The merge sort algorithm (Part 1)

MERGE(A, p, q, r)
6 n1←q-p+1
7 n2←r-q
8 create arrays L[1...N1+1] and R[1...N2+1]
9 for i←1 to N1
10 do L[i] ← A[p+i-1]
11 for j ← 1 to n2
12 do R[j] ← A[q+j]
13 L[N1+1] ← ∞
14 R[N2+1] ← ∞
15 i ← 1
16 j ← 1
17 for k ← p to r
18 do if L[i] ≤ R[j]
19 then A[k] ← L[i]
20 i ← i+1
21 else A[k] ← R[j]
22 j ← j+1
Figure 2. The merge sort algorithm(Part 2)
In figure 1, Line 1 controls when to stop dividing – when
there is single element left. Line 2-4 divides array A[p…r]
into two halves. Line 3’, by fact, 2, 1, 4, 3 are sorted element,
so we stop dividing. Line 5 merge the sorted elements into an
In figure 2, Line 6-7, N1, N2 calculate numbers of elements
of the 1st and 2nd halve. Line 8, two blank arrays L and R are
created in order to store the 1st and 2nd halve. Line 9-14 copy
1st halve to L and 2nd halve to R, set L[N1+1], R[N2+1] to ∞.
Line 15-16, pointer i, j is pointing to the first elements of L
and R by default (See Figure 3,a);Figure 4,c) ). Line 17, after
k times comparison (Figure 3, 2 times; Figure 4, 4 times), the
array is sorted in ascending order. Line 18-22, compare the
elements at which i and j is “pointing”. Append the smaller
one to array A[p…r].(Figure 3,a) Figure 4 a)). After k times
comparison, we will have k elements sorted. Finally, we will
have array A[p…r] sorted.(Figure 3,4)
2 4

1 3

2 4

1 3

1 2
2 4

1 3

1 2 3
2 4

1 3

1 2 4 3
Figure 4 Merge Example

4. Theoretical Evaluation
Comparison between two array elements is the key operation of
bubble sort and merge sort. Because before we sort the array we
need to compare between array elements.

The worst case for merge sort occurs when we merge two sub
arrays into one if the biggest and the second biggest elements
are in two separated sub array.
Let N=8, we have array {1,3,2,9,5,7,6,8,}. From figure 1.a,
element 3(second biggest element),9(biggest element) are in
separated sub array. # of comparisons is 3 when {1,3} and {2,9}
were merged into one array. It’s the same case merge {5,7} and
{6,8} into one array.

From figure 1.b, 9,8 are in separated sub array, we can see after
3 comparisons element 1,2,3 are in the right place. Then after 4
comparisons, element 5,6,7,8 are in the right place. Then 9 is
copied to the right place. # of comparison is 7.

Let T(N)=# of comparison of merge sort n array element. In the
worst case, # of comparison of last merge is N-1. Before we
merge two N/2 sub arrays into one, we need to sort them. It took
2T(N/2). We have
T(N)=N‐1+2T(N¡2) |1]
0ne element is alieauy soiteu.
T(1)=u |2]

T(N¡2)=N¡2‐1+2T(N¡4) |S]
We use substitution technique to yielu |S]
T(N)=N‐1+N‐2+4T(N¡4) |4]

T (N¡2
) |S]
If k approach infinity, T(N/2
) approaches T(1).
We use K=log
replacing k in equation [5] and
equation [2] replacing T(1) yields

T (N)=Nlog2N-N+1 [6]

Thus T= O(Nlog2N)
The best case for merge sort occurs when we merge two sub
arrays into one. The last element of one sub array is smaller than
the first element of the other array.

Let N=8, we have array {1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10}. From figure 2.a, it
takes 2 comparisons to merge {1,2} and {3,4} into one. It is the
same case with merging {7,8} and {9,10} into one.

From figure 2.b, we can see after 4 comparisons, element
1,2,3,4 are in the right place. The last comparison occurs when
i=4, j=1. Then 7,8,9,10 are copied to the right place directly. #
of comparisons is only 4(half of the array size)
1 4 3 2 7 10 9 8
1 4 3 2 7 10 9 8
Figure 2.a Example of best Case
of Merge Sort
i=2 j=1
1st com.
2nd com.
2nd com.
1st com.

T(N)=# of comparison of merge sort n array element. In the
worst case, # of comparison of last merge is N/2.
We have
T(N)=N/2-sT(N/2) [1]

One element is already sorted.
T(1)=0 [2]

T(N/2)=N/4+2T(N/4) [3]
Equation [3] replacing T(N/2) in equation [1] yields
T(N)=N/2+N/2+4T(N/4) [4]

T (N) =kN/2+2
) [5]
Equation [5] was proved through mathematical induction but not
listed here. We use k=log
replacing k in equation [5] and
equation [2] replacing T(1) yields

T (N) =Nlog2N/2 [6]
Thus T=O (Nlog2N)

5.Empirical Evaluation
The efficiency of the merge sort algorithm will be measured in
CPU time which is measured using the system clock on a
machine with minimal background processes running, with
respect to the size of the input array, and compared to the
selection sort algorithm. The merge sort algorithm will be run
with the array size parameter set to: 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k and
60k over a range of varying-size arrays. To ensure
reproducibility, all datasets and algorithms used in this
evaluation can be found at
The data sets used are synthetic data sets of varying-length
arrays with random numbers. The tests were run on PC running
Windows XP and the following specifications: Intel Core 2 Duo
CPU E8400 at 3.00 GHz with 2 GB of RAM. Algorithms are
run in Java.
5.1 Procedures
The procedure is as follows:
1 Store 60,000 records in an array
2 Choose 10,000 records
3 Sort records using merge sort and insertion sort algorithm
4 Record CPU time
5 Increment Array size by 10,000 each time until reach
60,000, repeat 3-5
5.2 Results and Analysis

Figure 5 shows Merge Sort algorithm is significantly faster
than Insertion Sort algorithm for great size of array. Merge sort
is 24 to 241 times faster than Insertion Sort (using N values of
10,000 and 60,000 respectively).
Table 1 shows Merge Sort is slightly faster than Insertion Sort
when array size N (3000 - 7000) is small. This is because Merge
Sort has too many recursive calls and temporary array
Table 1. CPU Time of Merge Sort and Insertion Sort
Data Set
No. of
Total tesing time

dataset1 10000 0.125 12.062
dataset2 15000 0.203 28.093
dataset3 20000 0.281 49.312
dataset4 25000 0.343 76.781
dataset5 35000 0.781 146.4
dataset6 3000 0.031 1.046
dataset7 4000 0.046 1.906
dataset8 5000 0.062 2.984
dataset9 6000 0.078 4.281
dataset10 7000 0.094 5.75

By passing the paired t-test using data in table 1, we found that
difference between merge and insertion sort is statistically
significant with 95% confident. (t=2.26, d.f.=9, p<0.05)

6. Conclusions
In this paper we introduced Merge Sort algorithm, a O(NlongN)
time and accurate sorting algorithm. Merge sort uses a divide-
and-conquer method recursively sorts the elements of a list
while Bubble, Insertion and Selection have a quadratic time
complexity that limit its use to small number of elements. Merge
sort uses divide-and-conquer to speed up the sorting.
Our theoretical and empirical analysis showed that Merge sort
has a O(NlogN) time complexity. Merge Sort’s efficiency was
compared with Insertion sort which is better than Bubble and
Selection Sort. Merge sort is slightly faster than insertion sort
when N is small but is much faster as N grows.

One of the limitations is the algorithm must copy the result
placed into Result list back into m list(m list return value of
merge sort function each call) on each call of merge . An
alternative to this copying is to associate a new field of
information with each element in m. This field will be used to
link the keys and any associated information together in a sorted
list (a key and its related information is called a record). Then
the merging of the sorted lists proceeds by changing the link
values; no records need to be moved at all. A field which
contains only a link will generally be smaller than an entire
record so less space will also be used.

[1]  Sedgewick,  Algorithms  in  C++,  pp.96‐98,  102,  ISBN  0‐201‐
51059‐6 ,Addison‐Wesley , 1992  
[2] Sedgewick, Algorithms in C++, pp.98‐100, ISBN 0‐201‐51059‐
6 ,Addison‐Wesley , 1992 
[3]  Sedgewick,  Algorithms  in  C++,  pp.100‐104,  ISBN  0‐201‐
51059‐6 ,Addison‐Wesley , 1992 

[4] Owen Astrachan, Bubble Sort: An Archaeological
Algorithmic Analysis, SIGCSE 2003,

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