The Swedish Telecommunications Market First Half Year 2012

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


  The Swedish Telecommunications Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Report number

PTS-ER-2012:24 File reference

12-6518 ISSN

1650-9862 Authors

Pamela Davidsson, Bianca Kojo Gustafsson, Karin Fransén The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority

Box 5398 102 49 Stockholm +46 (0)8-678 55 00 [email protected]

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority




Foreword  The market data that that the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (P (PTS) TS) compiles for the Swedish Telecommunications Market comprises one of our tools for monitoringg the rapid developments occurring within electronic monitorin communications.  The number of of broadband subscriptions vvia ia fibre is now appro approaching aching one million, at the same time as we have achieved more than two million new mobile broadband subscriptions subscriptions as a consequence of the explosive development of smartphones, which confirms the two overarching characterising developments within the market for electronic communications in recent years. This means that there is a growing need for increasingly fast broadband speeds and that we wish to be able to use Internet services via mobile units wherever and whenever we want to.  An Internet-linked Internet-linked telephone also paves the way fo forr another develo development pment that is slowly but surely establishing itself, namely that increasing numbers of services are being supplied through the ‘Internet language’ IP (Internet Protocol). This means that a broadband connection to the Internet will emerge as the bearer of all services in the future, including voice services. Within fixed telephony we can see, for instance, that IP-based telephony is growing and now represents one-third of all fixed telephone subscriptions. Developments have not been so extensive within the area of television, though IPTV is growing year on year.  We can see in the half-year half-year statistics ffor or 2012 for the first time that a traditional telecom service in the mobile network, namely SMS (text messaging), is reducing. This is due, among a mong other things, to consumers finding alternative means to communicate with each other via services on the Internet. In this way they can circumvent the telecom operators’ own small message services.  We have not yet seen the same clear trend as regards voice services in mobile networks, but previous surveys have shown that mobile users are willing to test and use the Internet-based alternatives to traditional calls. This presents a challenge to the operators’ traditional models, which are to a large extent based on minute charges in thebusiness networks.

Besides our work with ensuring that the market gains access to necessary radio spectrum so that the mobile networks can be developed and also our work to promote effective competition, competition, we must work closely with the consumer. One important measure is to ensure that consumers have freedom of choice when they buy subscriptions, that they can buy what they require and that they get  what they expect and and pay for. O Our ur ongoing wo work rk to enhance tran transparency sparency  within operator operator contracts is con consequently sequently very impo important. rtant.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority




If our work is to be successful and oriented towards the right problems, it is absolutely critical to have a good picture of market developments, among other  ways through this this report

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority




Contents Foreword



1  Aim and method


2  Market developme development nt - Subscriptions Subscriptions


3  Use


2.1  2.2  2.3  2.4  2.5  2.6 

3.1  3.2  3.3  3.4 

Fixed call services Mobile call services and mobile data Number portability Internet services Television services Bundled subscriptions  Traffic

Call traffic Messaging services Mobile data traffic Traffic with international roaming

16  19  22  24  29  35  37  38  41  42 

4  Market developme development nt  Revenues


5  Market shares


4.1  Mobile call services and mobile data

5.1   5.2 5.3  5.4 

Fixed call Mobile callservices and data services Broadband subscriptions Television services

Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4

List of participan participants ts Service providers in mobile networks, June 2012 Report tables Quality Declaration Declaration

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48   49 49  52  56  57  58  59 




Diagrams Figur 1 Number of subscriptions for fixed telephony ................................................... ................................................... 16  Figur 2 Number of subscriptions for mobile services and mobile data............................ 19  Figur 3 Number of subscriptions for telematics .......................................................... .......................................................... 22  Figur 4 Portings of numbers for fixed and mobile telephony......................................... telephony......................................... 23  Figur 5 Number of subscriptions for Internet services ................................................. ................................................. 24  Figur 6 Development of number of subscriptions for fixed broadband ........................... 25  Figur 7 Annual growth in broadband subscriptions................................................ subscriptions...................................................... ...... 26  Figur 8 Development of transmission speed for subscriptions of fixed broadband (downstream) .................................................................. ........................................................................................ ...................... 27  Figur 9 Development of transmission speed for subscriptions of mobile broadband (downstream) .................................................................. ........................................................................................ ...................... 28  Figur 10 Distribution of transmission transmission speed for subscriptions on fixed broadband (upstream) ................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................ 29  Figur 11 Development of subscriptions for television services ...................................... ...................................... 30  Figur 12 Number of subscriptions for television via broadband............................... ..................................... ...... 32  Figur 13 Television subscriptions distributed by kind of housing ................................... ................................... 34  Figur 14 Number of bundled subscriptions................................................................. ................................................................. 35  Figur 15 Number of outgoing traffic minutes ........................... ............................................................. .................................. 37  Figur 16 Development of number of SMS sent and number of SMS per subscription and month............................................................................................. ................................................................................................... ...... 39  Figur 17 Development of number of MMS sent and number of MMS per subscription and month............................................................ ............................................................................................. ....................................... ...... 40  Figur 18 Development of mobile data traffic .............................................................. .............................................................. 41  Figur 19 Traffic and SMS sent with international roaming ............................................ ............................................ 42  Figur 20 Revenues from end users for mobile call and data services............................. 44  Figur 21 Revenues from swedish subscribers abroad .................................................. .................................................. 45  Figur 22 Development of revenues from international roaming within EU countries ........ 46  Figur 23 Market shares- subscriptions for fixed call services ............................. ........................................ ........... 48  Figur 24 Market shares- Subscriptions for mobile call and data services........................ 49 

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



  Figur 25 Market shares- subscriptions for all broadband.............................................. broadband.............................................. 50  Figur 26 Market shares- subscriptions for fixed broadband ............................... .......................................... ........... 51  Figur 27 Market shares- subscriptions for mobile broadband ................................. ....................................... ...... 52  Figur 28 market shares- subscriptions for television services ....................................... ....................................... 53  Figur 29 Market shares- subscriptions for digital television services.............................. 54 

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority




Abstract Both subscriptions for and the use of fixed call services continued to reduce during the first half-year of 2012. At the end of June, there were 4.3 million subscriptions for fixed telephony. Of these, 3.2 million were private, which means that 72 per cent of all households had a fixed telephone subscription. One-third of all subscriptions for fixed telephony were IP-based at the end of  June 2012. Call traffic from the fixed networks reduced during the first half-year of 2012 compared with the same period a year ago, while the traffic from the mobile networks continued to increase Viewed overall, fewer calls and fewer minutes  were made from fixed and mob mobile ile networks dur during ing the first half half-year -year of 2012 compared with the first half-year of 2011.  There were in total total 8.1 billion SSMS MS messages sent fro from m mobile telepho telephones nes during the first half-year of 2012, which means that this is the first time that we observed a decline in the total number of SMS messages sent. There were 114 million MMS messages sent during the half-year of 2012, which is more than during any previous half year.  The volume of mobile data sen sentt in the networ networks ks increased by 73 per cent during the first half-year of 2012 compared with the first half-year of 2011,  which represents represents a lower rate of iincrease ncrease than in pr previous evious periods periods..  When Swedish subscribers subscribers were abro abroad ad they made an and d received calls to th thee same extent as before, but they send more SMS messages and sent more data than in previous years. Subscriptions for mobile data and call services continued to increase, and there Subscriptions  were 13.7 million such subscript subscriptions ions at the end o off June 2012. Mob Mobile ile broadband represented a large proportion of this increase. There were 6.2 million mobile broadband subscriptions subscriptions at the end of June 2012. This is more than twice as many as subscriptions for fixed broadband, which at the same pointand in time tocontinued 3.1 million. the fixed fibre fibreamounted LAN have toOf increase andbroadband had risen tosubscriptions, 977 000 at the end of June 2012. Of the fixed broadband, just over one-fifth (615 000) had a subscription with a speed for downloading data of at least 100 Mbps, while only three per cent (just over 100 000) had an upload speed of at least 100 Mbps. IPTV via fibre is the means of distribution that continued to represent the largest proportion of the increase of subscriptions in the Swedish television market. The number of subscriptions for IPTV via fibre was 312 000 at the end of June 2012, corresponding to an increase of 47 per cent in one year.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority




Sammanfattning  Abonnemang och och användning av fasta samtalstjänster fortsatte att minska under första halvåret 2012. I slutet av juni fanns det 4,3 miljoner abonnemang på fast telefoni. Av dessa var 3,2 miljoner privata vilket innebär att 72 procent av hushållen hade ett fast telefonabonnem telefonabonnemang ang i slutet av juni 2012. En tredjedel av alla abonnemang på fast telefoni var ip-baserade i slutet av juni 2012. Samtalstrafiken från de fasta näten minskade under första halvåret 2012 jämfört med samma period ett år tidigare medan trafiken från mobilnäten fortsatte att öka. Det innebar att 59 procent av all samtalstrafik kom från mobila nät medan 41 procent ringdes från fasta nät.  Totalt sett ringdes ringdes färre samtal o och ch färre minuter minuter från fast fastaa och mobila nät under första halvåret 2012 jämfört med första halvåret 2011. Det totala antalet sms som skickades från mobiltelefoner var 8,1 miljarder under första halvåret 2012 vilket innebär att det är första gången vi noterar en nedgång i totalt antal skickade sms. Det skickades 114 miljoner mms under första halvåret 2012 vilket är fler än under något tidigare halvår. Mängden mobil data som skickades i näten ökade med 73 procent under första halvåret 2012 jämfört första halvåret 2011, vilket är en lägre ökningstakt än tidigare perioder. När svenska abonnenter befinner sig utomlands ringde de och tog emot samtal i lika stor utsträckning som tidigare, men de sänder fler sms och skickade mer data än tidigare år.  Abonnemangen på mobila data och samtalstjänster fortsatte att öka och var 13,7 miljoner i slutet av juni 2012. Mobilt bredband stod för en stor del av ökningen. De mobila bredbanden var 6,2 miljoner i slutet av juni 2012 vilket är mer än dubbelt så många som abonnemangen på fast bredband som vid samma tidpunkt var 3,1 miljoner. Av de fasta bredbanden har fiber och fiber_LAN fortsatt fortsatt att öka till 977 000 i slutet av juni 2012. Av de fasta bredbanden var det drygt en femtedel, 615 000, som hade ett abonnemang med en hastighet för nedladdning av data på minst 100 Mbit/s medan endast tre procent (drygt 100 000) hade en uppladdningsh uppladdningshastighet astighet om minst 100 Mbit/s. Ip-tv via fiber är det distributionssätt som fortsatt står för den största delen av ökningen av abonnemang på den svenska tv-marknaden. Antalet abonnemang på ip-tv via fiber var 312 000 i slutet av juni 2012, vilket motsvarar en ökning på 47 procent på ett år

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority




Half-year 2012: Table 1 Key data - the market for electronic communications First half year First half year 2012 2011


Fix ed call call s ervices

Subscriptions for fixed telephony (thousands) (thousands)   of which via IP-telephony (thousands) (thousands)   Outgoing traffic minutes (millions) (millions)  

4 321

4 617


1 395

1 252


8 347

9 534



4 603

5 451



3 744

4 083


13 721

12 997


10 543

10 081


3 178

2 916


10 493

8 159





of which mobile broadband as a stand-alone service

2 051

1 835


of which mobile broadband as an add-on service

4 158

2 280


12 024

11 573


Number of SMS sent (millions) (millions)  

8 115

9 163


Number of MMS sent (millions) (millions)  




Traffic for mobile data services (Tbyte) (Tbyte)  

73 290

42 314


Revenues from mobile subscriptions, SMS, MMS and mobile data traffic (SEKm) (SEKm)  

13 525


8 907 4 618

0 0

3 394

2 668

 Mobile call call s ervi ces and mobile mobile da data ta

Mobile subscriptions (thousands) (thousands)   Private Business of which active UMTS/CDMA 2000 subscriptions of which active 4G (LTE ) subscriptions

Outgoing traffic minutes (millions) (millions)  

Private Business Subscriptions for telematics services

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority





Half-year 2012: Table 1 Key data - the market for electronic communications Internet Inte rnet services

Internet subscriptions (thousands) (thousands)   Dial-up subscriptions

9 473

7 348





Broadband subscriptions

3 056

3 006


via cable television via fiber and fiber-LAN







1 470

1 547





via xDSL Of wich broadband subscriptions 100 Mbps and over Mobile broadband subscriptions

6 209

4 116


of which mobile broadband as a stand-alone service

2 051

1 835


of which mobile broadband as an add-on service

4 158

2 280


Television services

Number of television subscriptions (thousands) (thousands)  

5 295

5 209


of which analogue television

2 382

2 414


of which digital television

2 913

2 796





1 547

1 406


of which IPTV

B undl undled ed servic es

Number of bundled subscriptions (thousands) (thousands)  

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Aim and method

 The purpose of the the report ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012’ is to survey the development of a substantial part of the Swedish market for electronic communications.

 The Swedish Post Post and Telecom Auth Authority ority (PTS) has the assignment o off both monitoringg the development of the market for electronic communications and monitorin also promoting competition within the said market. As a part of this assignment, PTS works with the compilation of market data and with market analyses. In addition to PTS’s internal need of market data, it is also important that the public, operators and other undertakings and organisations gain access to statistics, a factor which provides a further incentive for PTS to publish market statistics.  This report, ‘The Swedish Swedish Telecommunications Ma Market’, rket’, should primarily be  viewed as PTS’s report report on statistics in th thee market for electronic communications, communication s, and there is consequently a focus on reporting statistics that describe the market. The report ‘The Swedish Swedish Telecommunication Telecommunicationss Market’ is also available as a full-year version, which is more comprehensive.

 The statistics for the first half-year 22012 012 have been compiled using a web web-based questionnaire. 1.1.1 

Structure and implementa implementation tion

 The compilation of data form forming ing the basis of the Swedish Telecomm Telecommunications unications Market is subject to a duty to reply and has been so since 2003.  The compilation material for the first half-y half-year ear of 2012 was distr distributed ibuted at the end of June 2012 to in aggregate 57 stakeholders in the form of a web-based questionnaire.between These stakeholders comprise in terms of numbers of subscription, 96 and 100 per cent oftogether, the market. The compilation of data was conducted during the period July to September 2012, and the initial mailing was followed up with two reminders via e-mail and one via post. Some undertakings that did not respond were reminded via telephone. In early October, responses had been received from all stakeholders. However, the compilation and adjustment of operator data will continue even after publication of the report ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’, which means that PTS’s database1 for operator statistics is being continuously updated. 1 PTS’s

database is available on the PTS statistics portal,  portal,

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Information about the number of subscriptions and traffic for those to whom Information inquiries have not been made for the half-year survey have been estimated on the basis of their information contained in ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market 2011’.2   The stakeholders participating stat statee in the questionn questionnaire aire the areas in whi which ch they have conducted operations during the first half-year of 2012. The number of stakeholders that that have conducted operations within the various areas and also the total market share for the participating stakeholders are shown in the summary below. Note that an operator may have operations within a number of areas. Active stakeholders within each area together with market shares for the participating stakeholde stakeholders rs Areas

First halfyear 2012

Fixed call services






Internet subscriptions



Television services



Bundled subscriptions



Total number asked



Mobile call and data services and mobile broadband

See the attached ‘List of participants’, Appendix 1, for a complete list of which operators have responded within which areas.  1.1.2 

Deviations and updates of data

Measurement error occurs during the compilation process, which is due to a number of sources of error such as:    Those asked have not answered all of th thee questions in the questionnaire    All operators in the market have n not ot responded to the question questionnaire naire    The responses were misleading owing to it not being p possible ossible for any exact value to be established from the business’s accounts, instructions

 



The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

having been misunderstood, been inadequate or incorrect details having been provided  The measurement error is not co considered nsidered to be lar large ge and can often b bee compensated through proceeding proceeding on the basis of data from precious compilations or by making estimates based on related questions in the questionnaire.  As the information information that is rep reported orted expressed as per cent is rounded rounded,, the total of the parts is not always 100 per cent. Historical statistics are revised in pace with PTS receiving corrections and further information. information. For this reason statistics for one and the same year may differ in various annual editions of the report. The most recently updated database is available on the PTS web-based statistics portal ( See the attached ‘Quality Declaration’, Appendix 4, for a more detailed description of measurement error and attrition. 1.1.3 

Historical information and market shares

Market development is reported by statistics, which in some cases stretch back to 1992. As of and including 2006, PTS also publishes market shares for the  variables at retail level level for each per period iod that info information rmation was co compiled. mpiled. Market shares for a number of different variables are contained in this report, but considerably more details are published on the web-based statistics portal.  Those variables which which are considered to be inadequate o orr misleading in so some me other way are not published on the statistics portal. 1.1.4 


 The definitions definitions used in the questio questionnaire nnaire form the basis of th thee reports, and these definitions are revised continuously so that they are in phase with developments in the market. The segmentation of the individual sub-markets may also change from year to year. Since 2003, regard is also taken to PTS’s need of information for conducting market analyses and making decisions concerning whether any operator has significant market power. The information informatio n can to a large extent still be compared with previous reports despite these changes. Types of Internet connections

 As regards the subsub-market ‘Internet services’, it is common to confuse expressions such as fixed connection, broadband connection, wireless connection, mobile connection, broadband broadband and others since there is no

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

common definition. In the Swedish Telecommunic Telecommunications ations Market the terms are defined according to the following list: Dial-up connection


Fixed connection

PSTN, ISDN, fixed radio, satellite, xDSL, cable television, fibre, fibre LAN

Mobile connection


Wireless connection

fixed radio, satellite, LTE, HSPA, CDMA 2000, UMTS, EDGE

Wired connection

PSTN, ISDN, xDSL, cable television, fibre, fibre LAN

Broadband connection

fixed radio, satellite, xDSL, cable television, fibre, fibre LAN, LTE, HSPA, CDMA 2000

Mobile broadband

In this report, ‘mobile broadband’ refers to subscriptions

for mobile packet data when it is purchased both as a stand-alone service and an add-on service. Mobile broadband as a stand-alone service

A subscription which is basically used for mobile packet data and where the data access is used at least once during the last quarter of the period or where a subscription charge has been paid during the last quarter of the period. The subscription should not have generated any voice traffic minutes during the last quarter of the period. 

Mobile broadband as an add-on service

Refers to bundling products where the subscriber purchases at least 1 GByte of data traffic per month, either via an add-on service or included in the subscription. In practice, this means smartphones used for both calls and mobile broadband.

The terms ‘private customer’ and ‘business customer’  

In numerous cases statistics are reported broken down into private customers ‘business’’ and business customers respectively. The definitions of ‘private’ and ‘business customer respectively are based on who pays for the service, not who the user is. The criterion for the paying party to be designated as a business customer (including those organisations that are not businesses) is that it has a company/organisation company/organi sation identity (ID) number. The others are designated as private customers. However, this approach means that businesses and organisations registered with personal identity (ID) numbers are included in the category ‘private customers’.  

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Market development - Subscriptions


Fixed call services

On 30 June 2012 there were 4.3 million fixed telephone subscriptions in Sweden, which can be compared to 4.6 million subscriptions one year previously. This corresponds corresponds to a reduction of 6 per cent in one year. Figur 1 Number of subscriptions for fixed telephony 6 000

5 000

4 000

  s    d   n   a   u   s3 000   o    h    T 2 000

1 000

0  june 2005

 june 2006

 june 2007



 june 2008


 june 2009

 june 2010

 june 2011

 june 2012

IP te le p h o n y

Of these fixed subscriptions, just more than 3.2 million were private which, if related to the nearly 4.5 million3 households in Sweden, means that 72 per cent of households had a fixed telephony subscription at the end of June 2012.  The number subscriptions subscriptions for fixed telephony vvia ia PSTN and IISDN SDN continued to reduce, while the number of subscriptions for IP-based telephony continued to increase; they comprised almost one-third of all subscriptions s ubscriptions for fixed telephony on 30 June 2012.

3 SCB:

Population 30 June 2012: 9 514 406; with 2.1 persons per household, that equals 4 530 000 households.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Reduction in subscriptions for telephony via PSTN

 There were 2 831 000 000 subscriptions subscriptions for fixed telep telephony hony via PSTN o on n 30 June 2012. Of these, 698 000 were via a stakeholder other than TeliaSonera TeliaSonera via  Wholesale Line Rental Rental (WLR).4   The possibility of of choosing an oper operator ator other tthan han TeliaSonera for debiting of telephone calls, referred to as ‘pre -selection’, was introduced in 1999 and was at its greatest in 2003 when there were over 2 million subscriptio subscriptions ns for preselection. The number has reduced since then, and at the end of June 2012 the number was 171 000. This is a reduction of 15 per cent compared with one year before. 2.1.2 

Reduction also in subscriptions for ISDN

 At the end of June 2012, th there ere were 96 000 subs subscriptions criptions for ISDN. This is a reduction of 7 per cent since the same time one year before. With just over 58 000 subscribers, TeliaSonera has over half of all ISDN subscriptions. 2.1.3 

Subscriptions Subscription s for IP-based telephony continue to increase

 There were 1 393 000 000 subscriptions subscriptions for IP-based ttelephony elephony on 30 Ju June ne 2012,  which represents represents an increase of 11 per cent since th thee correspondin correspondingg date in 2011, when there were 1 252 000. This means that one-third of all subscriptions for fixed telephony are now IP-based.  The number of of subscriptions ffor or IP-based teleph telephony ony via xDSL am amounted ounted to 509 000 at the end of June 2012, which represents an increase of 17 per cent, or 74 000, since the same date a year previously.  The number of of subscriptions ffor or IP-based teleph telephony ony via cable televisi television on reduced during 2012 and was 365 000 on 30 June 2012.  The number of of subscriptions ffor or IP-based teleph telephony ony via fibre or fibre LAN  was 353 000 at the end of June 2012, which represen represents ts an increase of 20 per cent compared with the same date one year before. Those stakeholders that cannot specify which technology is used for subscriptions for IP-based telephony report their subscriptions as ‘other IP -based access’. These also increased in number and amounted to 165 000 at the end of June 2012.


is the abbreviation for ‘Wholesale Line Rental’ for telephony subscriptions. WLR means that the subscriber can pay both subscription and call charges to an operator other than Telia. Before WLR was introduced in 2004 many subscribers paid a subscription charge to Telia and a traffic bill to another stakeholder (‘pre-selection telephony’). 

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Com Hem, TeliaSonera and Telenor (through the subsidiaries Bredbandsbolaget Bredbandsbol aget and Glocalnet) are the largest stakeholders in IP-based telephony, and they have together over 1 million subscribers. 2.1.4 

A transfer to SIP telephony in progress

Operators offer, besides traditional fixed switched telephony, VoIP (Voice over IP, also known as broadband telephony) as a service. This is effected by a connection to the IP network over which the operator itself has control, in contrast to what we know as ‘the Internet’. Such IP telephony has services and quality that correspond to the traditional circuit-switched technology. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)5 is used to establish, modify and terminate IP telephony calls. It is common for businesses and public authorities, making use of IP telephony in their internal network, to connect their local IP-based subscriber switchboard to the traditional circuit-switched telephone network (Public Switched Telephone Network –  PSTN)  PSTN) via a local gateway, which is located at the customer. To do this, it is necessary to have two different connections; besides the ordinary IP-based external connection to the Internet, it is also necessary to have a separate external connection based on ISDN. Increasing numbers of service providers today offer a modern alternative to this, where one and the same  external  external IP-based connection is used for both data and for  voice via what is known known as an ‘SIP trunk ’ and where PSTN is reached via a central operator-located gateway. For the business, this means that they no longer need to have local PSTN gateway or ISDN connections. It is considered that this is highly likely to represent a major breakthrough for IP telephony in the form of increased functionality and the creation of new services.  At the end of June 2012 th there ere were 7 000 subscrip subscriptions tions for SIP trunks, which represents an increase of just more than 60 per cent since the same date a year ago when there were 4 200. At the end of June 2012 there were 87 000 SIP addresses, that is to say active user accounts that were used for telephony. The largest stakeholder, in terms of number of SIP addresses, is Telavox, which has just over 36 000 subscriptions for active addresses.

 SIP is a peer-to-peer (point to point) protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force


 This procedure is initiated initiated through calls to w what hat is (IETF) (RFC 3261) for multimedia and IP telephony.  telephony. This known as an ‘SIP server’. 

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Mobile call services and mobile data

 The market for for mobile call and data services has con continued tinued to gro grow. w. On 30  June 2012 there there were 13.7 mill million ion mobile subscr subscriptions iptions in Sweden, which can be compared with 13.0 million the year before. This entails an annual growth of 5 per cent. In addition, there are 3.4 million subscriptions for telematic services that are not included in the above figure. Telematic subscriptions are reported in section 2.2.4 section  2.2.4 Subscriptions for telematics  below.   below.  Figur 2 Number of subscriptions for mobile services and mobile data 14 000 12 000 10 000

  s    d   n 8 000   a   s   u   o 6 000    h    T 4 000 2 000 0  june 2008

june 2009

june 2010

june 2011

june 2012

Mobile calls only Mobile call and data se rvi rvices ces (excluding add-on) Mobile broadband, add-on se rvi rvice ce Mobile broadband, s tand-al tand-alone one s ervic ervice e

Of all mobile subscriptions at the end of June 2012, 4 467 000 of these were pre-paid cards and 9 254 000 were contract subscriptions. This means that prepaid cards constituted one-third of all subscriptions. In comparison it may be mentioned that ten years ago over half of all subscriptions were pre-paid cards. In June 2012 there were 2.7 million of TeliaSonera, Tre and Telenor pre-paid cards which were anonymous, which means that these subscribers were unknown and had not registered themselves. This corresponds to

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

approximately more than one half of the operators’ total number of pre-paid cards. 2.2.1 

Reduction in subscriptions without mobile broadband

 The number of of mobile subscr subscriptions iptions that were used solely for call ser services vices was 4 062 000 on 30 June 2012. This represents a reduction of 363 000 since the same point in time a year ago, which corresponds to an annual reduction of 8 per cent. TeliaSonera and Tele2 have tog together ether 3.2 million subs subscriptions criptions for call services alone, which corresponds to 80 per cent of all subscriptions.  The number of of mobile subscr subscriptions iptions that were used for bot both h calls and data, but which did not include add-on subscriptions for mobile broadband was 3 450 000 on 30 June 2012. This is just more than one million less than it was at the same point in time one year before.  There were 149 000 private subscriptions subscriptions for m mobile obile call and data ser services vices that had a geographical number linked to them on 30 June 2012. This is a telephone number that is traditionally regarded as being linked with fixed telephony but can also go to mobile telephones. 2.2.2 

Increase in subscriptions for mobile broadband

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or mobile br broadband oadband has doubled iin n one year and amounted to just more than 6.2 million at the end of June 2012.  The number of of subscriptions ffor or mobile br broadband oadband as a 6 stand-alone service  was 2 051 000 on 30 June 2012. These have increased from June 2011 until June 2012 by 216 000,  which corresponds corresponds to an annual gr growth owth of 12 p per er cent.

 The number of subscriptions for mobile b broadband roadband as an add-on service7 has continued to increase during the first half-year of 2012. On 30 June 2012 they amounted to 4 158 000, which is an increase of 1 878 000 since the same point in time a year ago and corresponds to an annual increase of 82 per cent. Of these, 891 000 were added during the last six months, that is to say since the turn of the year.

6 Subscriptions

which have been used for mobile packet data only, and have not generated any call traffic during the last quarter of the period. This is usually a dongle, a plug-in card or the like. 7 Subscriptions where at least 1 Gbyte of data per month was included or bought as an add-on service.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Few subscriptions have used 4G (LTE) during the spring of 2012

 The world’s first 4G network network was introduced in Stockholm at the end of 2009.  In PTS’s Broadband Survey 8 it is shown that in October 2011 almost half of the population of Sweden lived in a place that had coverage by one of the 4G networks.

 Almost 83 000 subscriptions have u used sed services in LTE d during uring the fir first st quarter of 2012.  There is no access to sector statistics rregarding egarding how man manyy terminals there we were re in Sweden during the first half-year of 2012 that had the capacity c apacity to process 4G/LTE. In October 2012 there were mobile telephones that had support for LTE on the Swedish market from at least four manufacturers, according to information informatio n from Mobiltelebransch Mobiltelebranschen. en.9   At the end of June 2012 th there ere were at least 180 000 routers on tthe he Swedish market that had support for LTE, according to information from the supplier Dovado.10  2.2.4 

Increase in subscriptions for Telematic services

Subscriptions for telematic services, referred to as ‘machine-to-machine Subscriptions subscriptions intended for communication between machines’, are not included in the subscription figures reported above in this section.

8 PTS-ER-2012:11

PTS’s Broadband Survey 2011. www.bredbandskartan. 14 October, from MTB (Mobiltelebranschen, a sector organisation for suppliers, wholesalers and distributers within the mobile telephony sector). The telephones were: Sony Mobile Xperia V, Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 820, Samsung Galaxy SII LTE, Samsung Galaxy SIII LTE, Samsung Galaxy Note, LG Optimus True HD LTE. 10 Mail, 17 October, from Dovado. In addition to Dovado there are products from, among others, D-link and Huawei on the Swedish market. 9 Mail,

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 3 Number of subscriptions for telematics 3 500

3 000

2 500

  s    d2 000   n   a   s   u   o1 500    h    T 1 000


0  jun 2009

jun 2010

jun 20 2011 11

jun 2 2012 012


 The number of of subscriptions ffor or telematics ser services vices amounted to 3 394 0000 00 on 30 June 2012, representing an increase of 27 per cent from the same period the preceding year, when these amounted to 2 668 000.  Telenor Connection Connection had almost almost half of all sub subscriptions scriptions in th thee Swedish market in mid-2012. Other major stakeholders, in terms of number of subscriptions, are Telenor Sverige, TeliaSonera and Wireless Maingate. 2.3 

Number portability

SNPAC11 compiles and publishes statistics on the number of portings in Sweden. The following section is based on data from SNPAC.

11 Swedish Number

Portability Administrative Center:

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 4 Portings of numbers for fixed and mobile telephony 350 300 250      s       d      n200      a      s      u      o150       h       T

100 50


1H 1H 2002 2003

1H 2004

1H 2005

1H 2006

Mo b ile

1H 2007

1H 1H 2008 2009

1H 2010

1H 2011

1H 2012

Fixe d

During the first half-year of 2012 a total of 433 000 telephone numbers, of  which 135 000 were were fixed and 297 000 were mobile, we were re ported in SSweden. weden. Compared with the first half-year of 2011, there is consequently an increase in the number of ported telephone numbers of 23 per cent, or 80 000 numbers.  This is, viewed overall, overall, the highest nu number mber of telep telephone hone numbers that have been ported in Sweden during a half year. The number of ported fixed telephone numbers increased by 21 per cent, and the ported mobile telephone numbers increased by 23 per cent.  The ported fixed fixed numbers con constituted stituted 3.1 per ccent ent of the ttotal otal number of subscriptions for fixed telephony during the first half-year of 2012. The ported mobile numbers constituted during the same period 2.5 per cent of the total number of mobile subscriptions (excluding mobile broadband broadband as a stand-alone service and telematics). 2.3.1 

Twice as many mobile as fixed numbers ported annually

 The proportion proportion of fixed po ported rted number numberss in relation to the total num number ber of ported numbers has in 10 years, since 2002, increased from 3 to 31 per cent.  The proportion proportion of mobil mobilee ported numb numbers ers has during th thee same period

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

decreased from 97 per cent to 69 per cent. This breakdown has remained rather stable over the last three years. 2.4 

Internet services

On 30 June 2012 the total number of subscriptions for Internet services was almost 9.5 million. This is an increase of 2.1 million since the first half-year of 2011, when they were just more than 7.3 million. Figur 5 Number of subscriptions for Internet services 10 000 9 000 8 000 7 000      s       d      n      a      s     u      o       h       T

6 000 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 0  june 2005 june 2006 june 2007 june 2008 june 2009 june 2010 june 2011 june 2012


Fibre Lan

Cable TV

Mobile broadband, s tand alone service

Mob obiile broa broadb dba and, nd, add add--on se serv rviice

Dial-up in inter terne nett

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or dial-up Int Internet ernet reduced and am amounted ounted to 208 cent 000 on 30 June Theofsubscriptions Internet comprise 2.5 per of the total 2012. number subscriptionsfor fordial-up Internet services. TeliaSonera and Tele2 have together 96 per cent of all subscriptions for dial-up Internet. Of the 9.5 million subscriptions for Internet services, 9.3 million constituted subscriptions for broadband.12  2.4.1 

Fixed Internet connections

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or fixed bro broadband adband was 3.1 million on 30 Jun Junee 2012, and there were 47 000 more subscriptions than at the same time one year ago. 12 See

section 1.1.5 for the definition of ‘broadband'. 

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 6 Development of number of subscriptions for fixed broadband 2 000 1 800 1 600 1 400

  s    d1 200   n   a   s1 000   u   o    h 800    T 600 400 200 0  june 2005

Cab le TV

 june 2006

 june 2007


 june 2008

Fib re L an

 june 2009

 june 2010

 june 2011

Dial-u p in t e rn e t

 june 2012

Ot h e r

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or broadband via fibre and fib fibre re LAN was 977 000 at the end of June 2012, and they represent the entire increase in subscriptions within fixed broadband. This involves an increase of 125 000 subscriptions from the same period of the year before. TeliaSonera and  Telenor are the largest stakeholders, in terms of number of sub subscriptions; scriptions; they have about 200 000 subscribers s ubscribers each. Bahnhof Unipessoal, Bredband2 and  Tele2 have about 100 100 000 subscriber subscriberss each and thereby ar aree the next largest in the market. The other just over 30 stakeholders have together the remaining almost 300 000 subscriptions. Since the peak in 2008, the number of subscriptions for xDSL has reduced and  was 1 470 000 on 30 June June 2012. This is a reduction by 76 000 subscription subscriptionss since June 2012, which corresponds to an annual reduction of 5 per cent.  The number of of subscriptions ffor or broadband via cable television w was as 593 000 on 30 June 2012, which is an equal number as the same time one year before, but 13 000 less than at the turn of the year.  

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or other fix fixed ed broadband con connection nection13 was 13 000 at the end of June 2012, which is unchanged compared with previous periods. Figur 7 Annual growth in broadband subscriptions 400 350 300 250

  s 200    d   n 150   a   s   u 100   o    h    T 50 0 -50 -100 -150  june 2005 june 2006 june 2007 june 2008 june 2009 june 2010 june 2011


Cab le TV

Fib re L an

Ot h e r

Up to 2008, xDSL subscriptions represented a large proportion of the growth of fixed broadband in the Swedish market. But since the first half-year of 2008 it is instead fibre and fibre LAN that have represented the ongoing growth of subscriptions for fixed broadband, which is clearly shown by the figure above. 2.4.2 

Increase in subscriptions for mobile broadband

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or mobile br broadband oadband amount amounted ed to 6.2 million during the first half-year of 2012, which is an increase of 51 per cent, or 2.1 million subscriptions, since the first half-year of 2011. Of the mobile broadband, 33 per cent were subscriptions for mobile broadband as a standalone service and 67 per cent were subscriptions for mobile broadband as an add-on service. During the first half-year of 2011, those which were standalone services comprised 55 per cent of all mobile broadband, and those that  were add-on services services comprised 4455 per cent.

13 ‘Other

broadband connection’ includes, among others, Telia ProLane, etc. 

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Transmission Transmiss ion capacity for subscriptions for broadband

Internet and broadband services are often what is known as ‘asymmetrical’, that is to say, they do not have the same transmission speed for downloaded data (received data) as for uploaded data (sent data). The operators in the market most often offer a higher speed for downloaded data than for uploaded data. Broadband via fibre and upgraded cable television networks to Docsis 3.0 have the technical capacity to manage transmission capacity downstream of at least 100 Mbps. There is, however, a difference in the speed that a technology can manage and the speed that a consumer subscribes for with their broadband provider. The Swedish Telecommunications Market has for a number of years monitored the development of transmission rates for downloaded data for the subscriptions provided for broadband connection in the Swedish retail market. Figur 8 Development of transmission speed for subscriptions of fixed broadband (downstream) 3 500 3 000 2 500

  s    d   n2 000   a   s   u   o1 500    h    T 1 000 500 0  june 2007

june 2008

june 2009

june 2010

>= 1 00 Mbps

30-100 Mbp s

2 -10 Mbp s

144 Kbps -< 2 Mb ps

june 2011

june 2012

10-30 Mbp s

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or fixed bro broadband adband with a higher ttransmission ransmission capacity continues to increase, and during the first half-year of 2012 there were 1.9 million subscriptions with a speed of 10 Mbps or more. This involves an increase from the first half-year of 2011 of 20 per cent, or 318 000 subscriptions.. The number of subscriptions with a speed of 10 Mbps or more subscriptions  was 62 per cent of all subscription subscriptionss for fixed b broadband. roadband.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 The number of of subscriptions w with ith a speed of 100 Mbps or more was 6615 15 000 at the end of June 2012. This represents an annual increase of 28 per cent, or 134 000 subscriptions, since the correspond c orresponding ing point in time the year before.  The number has has increased by 80 000 sin since ce 31 December 2011. Of the total of 977 000 subscriptions for fixed broadband via fibre, there were 505 000 with a speed of 100 Mbps or more at the end of the first half-year of 2012. Given the total number of subscriptions, this means that more than half of the fibre subscriptions have a download speed of 100 Mbps or more. Figur 9 Development of transmission speed for subscriptions of mobile broadband (downstream)

6 000

5 000

  s    d4 000   n   a   s   u3 000   o    h    T 2 000

1 000

0  june 2007

>=30 Mbps

june 2008

june 2009

1 0-30 Mbps

june 2010

2-10 Mbps

june 2011

june 2012

1 44 Kb ps - < 2 Mb ps

 There were 1.9 million million subscrip subscriptions tions for mo mobile bile broadband at tthe he end of the first half-year of 2012 that had a download speed of 10 Mbps or more. This is an increase of 1.2 million compared with the same period a year before. The proportion proporti on of subscriptions with a speed of 10 Mbps or more was 31 per cent of all mobile broadband during the first half-year of 2012. The corresponding proportion proporti on during the first half-year of 2011 was 18 per cent.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 10 Distribution of transmission speed for subscriptions on fixed broadband (upstream)

3% 4%

144 Kbps-< 2 Mbps


2-10 Mbps 10-30 Mbps


30-100 Mbps >= 100 Mbps


 The number of of subscriptions ffor or fixed bro broadband adband that has an up upload load speed of 10 Mbps or more was 984 000 during the first half-year of 2012. This corresponds to one third of all subscriptions for fixed broadband.  The proportion proportion of subscr subscriptions iptions for fix fixed ed broadband wit with h an upload speed of of 30 Mbps or more is approximately 7 per cent of the total number of subscriptions for fixed broadband. The same speed interval (30 Mbps or more) for downloading data comprises 44 per cent of the total number of subscriptions for fixed broadband.  The greatest difference difference in the p proportion roportion of subscriptions with high transmission speeds may be assumed to depend upon the operators’ business models, which offer different prices for different speeds for both downloading and uploading data. 2.5 

Television services

 Various television channels (for instance SVT1, TV3 and Eur Eurosport) osport) ar aree packaged to be offered to end users in the form of different d ifferent subscriptions. In order for the content in the channels to reach the end user it is necessary to have a programme broadcasting service (television service) which is supplied by a network operator. Television broadcasts can be both analogue and digital.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 There are currently currently in Sweden th thee following main means of distri distribution bution for broadcasting of the traditional television service: terrestrial network; cable television network; satellite and IPTV via broadband (over fibre, fibre LAN or xDSL).  This section describes describes the development of the numb number er of subscrip subscriptions tions for  various distribution distribution platfor platforms ms that are used to supply television services. On 30 June 2012 the total number of subscriptions for television services 4 amounted to 5.3 million, wh (including SMATV 114 ) which ich is an increase o off 85 000 subscriptions compared compared with the same point in time the preceding year.  At the end of June 2012 th there ere were 2.9 millio million n subscription subscriptionss for digital television services, which is an increase of 167 000 subscriptions since June 2011. Figur 11 Development of subscriptions for television services 2 500

   )   s    d2 000   n   a   s   u   o    h1 500    T    (   s   n   o    i    t 1 000   p    i   r   c   s    b 500   u    S 0 Analouge D igital ca ble cable

 june 2008 20 08


june 20 2009 09


june 20 2010 10


I P TV - v viia LAN

june 20 11


june 20 12

Development of number of subscriptions via the cable television networks

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or digital cable telev television ision services am amounted ounted to almost 1.1 million on 30 June 2012, which is an increase of 32 000 14 ‘SMATV’ is the abbreviation of ‘Satellite Master Antenna Television’. An  An ‘SMATV network’ network’ refers to a small cable television network that is fed television channels via satellite.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

subscriptions compared compared with the same point in time one year before. However, during the last half year, that is to say from 31 December 2011 to 30 June 2012, the number of subscriptions has reduced by 39 000, which is the first time this has occurred. It is primarily Com Hem, but also Tele2, that has reported a reduced number of digital cable television subscriptions for 30 June 2012 compared with 31 December 2011.  The greatest increase increase in digital cable tele television vision subscrip subscriptions tions during tthe he period 30 June 2009 to 30 June 2010 resulted primarily from the reporting being changed to also include digital subscriptions within cable television networks  where the operator operator has a direct contract (that is to say a direct in invoicing voicing relationship) with the household, which in its turn also has a contract for a basic subscription, usually analogue, via the property owner. This increase also resulted from previously reported subscription figures being revised. Of the digital cable television subscriptions in June 2012, 30 per cent were indirect via a contract with a property owner, while the remaining 70 per cent  were via contracts contracts direct with the end users, which is an unchanged split since the measuring was introduced in 2009.  The number of of subscriptions ffor or analogue cable tel television evision services including including 1 15 5 SMATV   was almost 2.4 million at the end of June 2012. This is a reduction of 32 000 compared with the same point in time the preceding year. However, during the last half year, that is to say from 31 December 2011 to 30 June 2012, there has been an increase of 14 000 subscriptions. Of the analogue cable television subscriptions, 99 per cent were indirect via a contract with a property owner, and the other were direct through contracts  with the end users, users, a split which has also been unchanged sin since ce the measuring  was introduced in in 2009. Of the analogue cable television subscriptions, 2.1 million were subscriptions reported from the major television operators.16 The remaining 267 000 subscriptions comprise comprise an es estimate timate based on the number of households that receive analogue cable television via SMATV networks. SMATV operators buy subscriptions and television channels from programming agencies17 and sell these on to end users. The number of households that receive television via SMATV operators reduced by 13 000 compared with the same period in 2011. 15 ‘SMATV’

here refers to SMATV within an agency operation and to the extent they also are found  within operators’ own own operations.  16 ‘Major operators’ here refers to Com Hem, Telenor, Sappa, TeliaSonera and Tele2. 17 Programming agencies are Sappa and Canal Digital Sverige AB.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 A household that that has a cable television connection often has an analogu analoguee basic subscription via its property owner and in that case has also taken out an individual digital subscription. In order to estimate the number of households that use cable television, the number of analogue and digital cable television subscriptions should consequently not be added. PTS estimates that the number of households that have one or more subscriptions for cable television services is about 2.6 million, which is been rather unchanged since 2006.18  2.5.2 

Television via broadband, IPTV, increasing most of all forms of distribution 

 The number of subscriptions subscriptions for television via b broadband, roadband, known as ‘IPTV’, continued to increase during the first half-year of 2012 and will soon be as many as those via satellite and terrestrial networks, respectively. Figur 12 Number of subscriptions for television via broadband 700 600

   )   s    d   n   a   s   u   o    h    t    (   s   n   o    i    t   p    i   r   c   s    b   u    S

500 400 300 200 100 0  june 2008

june 2009

IPTV - vi via x D SL

june 2010

june 2011

june 2012

IP TV - vi via LA N

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or IPTV amount amounted ed to 597 000 on 30 June 2012,  which is an increase of of 113 000 subscr subscriptions iptions from o one ne year before. The 18 Most

operators have two different subscriptions, one for analogue and one for digital cable television reception. But there is also another business model where one subscription includes reception of both analogue and digital channels, for instance Tele2 and a few other operators. These are often reported only under digital subscriptions to avoid counting the same subscriptions twice. The number of households that receive cable television is estimated by totalling the number of cable television subscriptions added to those subscriptions that can receive both analogue and digital but that are only reported under digital subscriptions.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

number of subscriptions for IPTV via fibre has increased by 100 000 subscriptions,, from 212 000 on 30 June 2011 to 312 000 on 30 June 2012. subscriptions IPTV via fibre19 is the means of distribution that continued to have the greatest increase in the number of subscriptions, and now has ha s more subscriptions than IPTV via xDSL. The number of subscriptions for IPTV via xDSL has during the same period increased by 12 000 to 285 000 at the end of June 2012. 2.5.3 

Television via satellite continues to reduce  

 The number of of subscriptions ffor or digital televisio television n via satellite was 644 000 at the end of June 2012, which is a reduction of 2 000 subscriptions in one year. 2.5.4 

Development of number of subscriptions for television services via the digital terrestrial network 

On 30 June 2012 there were 612 000 subscriptions for television services in the digital terrestrial network, which is a reduction of 25 000 subscriptions from the same time one year before when there were 637 000 subscriptions, but this is an increase of 5 000 subscriptions since December 2011.  The households that receive only ffree ree television via the digital terrest terrestrial rial network are not included in the statistics. As free television viewers do not take out a subscription contract in order to gain access to free television, it is uncertain exactly how many households receive only free television and do not subscribe for television services. According to surveys20, on the assignment of among others PTS, between 7.9 and 10 per cent of households have free television as a sole means of reception for television in their permanent home.  This corresponds corresponds to between 360 000 and 450 000 households. households.  The households that receive only ffree ree television via th thee digital terrestrial terrestrial network are not included in the statistics. As free television viewers do not take out a subscription contract in order to gain access to free television, it is uncertain exactly how many households receive only free television and do not subscribe for television packages. According a survey on the assignment of

19 ‘IPTV

via fibre’ refers to IPTV vi a fibre or fibre LAN. the assignment of PTS, TNS-SIFO TNS- SIFO conducted two surveys of Hushållens avvändning av fri-tv [Household use of free television] during 2011 and 2012. According to the survey of 2011, the number of households that watched only free television in their permanent home amounted to 7.4 per cent, and 2012 to 7.9 per cent; PTS File ref. 11-9384. In the report SVT:s täckningskrav  [Sveriges Television’s (SVT) coverage requirements], requirements], AB Stelacon has made a rough estimate that shows that those who use only free television television in the terrestrial network could comprise about 10 per cent of households.  The number of households households with only free television in 2012 is in lline ine with the informa information tion published by  Teracom in Teracom’s Teracom’s Interim Report Janu January ary - June 2012, p. 6. 20 On

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

PTS21, 7.4 per cent of households have free television as a sole means of reception for television in their permanent home. This corresponds to 330 000 households. 2.5.5  

Subscriptions for television services broken down according to form of housing 

 The households that receive analogu analoguee or digital cabl cablee television are located primarily in multiple occupation properties (76 and 81 per cent, respectively). Figur 13 Television subscriptions distributed by kind of housing 2 500

   )   s    d2 000   n   a   s   u   o    h1 500    t    (   s   n   o    i    t 1 000   p    t    i   r   c   s    b   u 500    S 0 A na louge cable

Det eta ache ched d ho hou uses ses

D igita l ca ble

I PTV - v iia a LA N

Multi ultipl ple e o cc ccup upa ati tio o n pro pro pi pierti tie es

IPTV - v iia a x D SL

No iinf nfo o rma rmati tio on

 Those households households that have subscrip subscriptions tions for IPTV vi viaa fibre also live pr primarily imarily in multiple occupation properties (75 per cent), while households that receive IPTV via xDSL primarily live in detached houses, terrace houses and semidetached houses (80 per cent). Information about form of housing is estimated e stimated by the operators, as there are no exact values. There is no information at all 21 On

the assignment of PTS, TNS-SIFO TNS- SIFO has conducted a survey of Hushållens avvändning av fri-tv 2011 [Household use of free television 2011]. 2 011]. File ref. 11-9384. In the report SVT:s täckningskrav [Sveriges Television’s (SVT) coverage requirements], AB Stelacon has made a rough estimate that shows that those who use only free television in the terrestrial network could comprise about 10 per cent of households.  The number of households households with only free television in 2011 is in lline ine with the information publ published ished by  Teracom in Teracom’s Teracom’s Interim Report Janu January ary - June 2012, p. 6.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

about the distribution of form of housing for households with subscriptions for television via the terrestrial network and satellite. 2.6  Bundled subscriptions ‘Bundling’ refers to offers that contain several services, which are a re offered and

marketed as one offer or with one price list. The most common offers on the market include various combinations of telephony, television and broadband. Figur 14 Number of bundled subscriptions 1600 1400 1200

  s1000    d   n   a   s 800   u   o    h    T 600 400 200 0  june 2008

june 2009

Fixed Fixed telephon telephony y & broa broadba dband nd

june 2010

june 2011

june 2012

Fi Fixed xed telephon telephony, y, broa broadba dband nd & tv

Other com binati binations ons

 The number of of bundled subscr subscriptions iptions was 1 547 000 on 30 June 2012 2012.. Compared with 30 June 2011, this represents an increase of 142 000 subscriptions corresponding corresponding to an annual increase of 10 per cent. The most usual forms of bundling still comprised the two services ‘fixed telephony and broadband’, which constituted 733 000 subscriptions and represented 47 per cent of all bundled subscriptions.  The next most usual usual bundling comprised the three services ‘fixed telepho telephony, ny, broadband and television’ and constituted 624 000 subscriptions, which corresponds to 40 per cent of all bundled subscription subscriptions. s.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

In aggregate, there were fixed broadband in 1 467 000 of the subscriptions that  were bundled, corresponding corresponding to 48 per cent o off all subscript subscriptions ions for fixed broadband.  Telia is the largest stakeholder stakeholder with 41 per cent, or 6621 21 000, of all bundled subscriptions.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012



3.1 During theCall first traffic half-year of 2012, outgoing call minutes from mobile networks comprised 59 per cent of all outgoing call traffic, which can be compared with 55 per cent during the first half-year of 2011. The total number of outgoing call minutes reduced during the same period from 21.1 billion to 20.4 billion.  

Figur 15 Number of outgoing traffic minutes 25


  s   e    t 15   u   n    i   m   n   o 10    i    l    l    i    B 5

0 1H 2005 1H 2006 1H 2007 1H 2008 1H 20 2009 1H 2010 1H 2011 1H 2012

To t al

Fixe d c all s e rvic e s

Mo b ile c all s e rvic e s

 The total number number of calls fr from om fixed and m mobile obile subscriptio subscriptions ns reduced fro from m 7.1 billion during the first half-year of 2011 to 6.8 billion during the same period in 2012. Calls from the mobile networks comprised 67 per cent of all calls made during the first half-year of 2012. During the first half-year of 2012 the average length of a call for calls from fixed networks was unchanged, 3.7 minutes compared with the previous year,  while the length of calls from mobile networ networks ks increased during the same period from 2.6 to 2.7 minutes.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Reduction in call traffic from fixed telephones telephones

 The number of of outgoing call m minutes inutes from the fixed networ networkk reduced from 9.5 billion during the first-half-year of 2011 to 8.3 billion during the first half-year of 2012, which corresponds to a reduction of 13 per cent.  The average number number of call min minutes utes per call subscr subscription iption and mont month h also fell, from 340 minutes per month during the first half-year of 2011 to 316 minutes per month during the first half-year of 2012. This corresponds to a reduction of 7 per cent, or 24 minutes per month.  The number of of outgoing call m minutes inutes from IP telephony also rreduced. educed. During the first-half of 2011 they were 1.6 billion and one year later 1.5 billion, which corresponds to a reduction of 7 per cent.  The number of of calls from ffixed ixed network subs subscriptions criptions redu reduced ced from 2.7 b billion illion during the first half-year of 2011 to 2.3 billion during the corresponding period of 2012. 3.1.2 

Increase in call traffic from mobile telephones

 The total number number of outgo outgoing ing call minutes fr from om mobile te telephones lephones increased from 11.6 billion during the first half-year of 2011 to 12.0 billion during the first half-year of 2012. The average number of call minutes from a mobile subscription reduced from 174 minutes per month to 173 minutes per month during the first half-year of 2012 compared with the same period the preceding year.  Just more more than 4.5 billion calls w were ere made fro from m the mobile n networks etworks during the first half-year of 2012, which is a slight increase of about 36 million calls compared with the same period a year ago. 3.2 

Messaging services


Reduction in the number of SMS messages sent

In the material compiled for the Swedish Telecommunicatio Telecommunications ns Market we have only measured the number of SMS messages and MMS messages sent. It is probable that the reason for the reduction in SMS message volumes results from several other services being offered for transmission of messages within the mobile networks, such as iMessage, Viber and chat function apps such as Facebook.  There were 8.1 billion billion SMS messages ssent ent from m mobile obile telephones dur during ing the first half-year of 2012. This is a reduction of 11 per cent compared with the first half-year of 2011 when 9.2 billion SMS messages were sent. This is the

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

first time that a reduction in the total number of SMS messages sent can be observed. Figur 16 Development of number of SMS sent and number of SMS per subscription and month 160

10 9


8 120 7

   h    t 100   n   o   m 80   r   e   p    S 60    M    S 40


  n   o   S    i    M 5    l    l    i   S    B 4 3 2


1 0

0 1H 2006

1H 2007

1H 2008

SMS p e r ye ar ar

1H 2009

1H 2010

1H 2011

1H 2012

SMS p e r s ub ub s c crrip tio n an d m on on th

 The statistics showed already during 2011 that the aver average age number of SMS messages that were sent per subscription month started reduce.  This reduction continued durin during g the first and hal half-year f-year ofhad 2012, wh when entothere were on average 117 SMS messages sent per subscription and month compared with 138 SMS messages per subscription and month for the corresponding period a year ago. For the operators Tre and Telenor, the number of SMS messages sent increased somewhat during the first half-year of 2012, while they reduced for the first time for the operators TeliaSonera and Tele2. The average number of SMS messages sent per subscription and month reduced for f or all operators during the first half-year of 2012.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 There was a great increase increase during 20 2011 11 in the numb number er of SMS mess messages ages sent from computer systems. 22 This increase continued during 2012, as during the first half-year just more than 1 billion SMS messages were sent, which is an increase of 54 per cent compared with the 720 million that were sent during the first half-year of 2011. During the first half-year of 2012, 83 million SMS messages were sent from subscriptions for telematics, telematics, that is to say from machine to machine; this is a reduction of 42 per cent compared with the corresponding period one year earlier. 3.2.2 

Increase in the number of MMS messages sent

 The number of of MMS messages sent in Sweden increased from 90 mill million ion during the first half-year of 2011 to 114 million during the first half-year of 2012, which corresponds to an annual increase of 28 per cent. Figur 17 Development of number of MMS sent and number of MMS per subscription and month 120

1,8 1,6

100 1,4 1,2    h    t   n   o 1,0   m   r   e 0,8   p    S 0,6    M    M


  n    S   o    i    M 60    l    l    i   M    M 40

0,4 20 0,2 0 1H 2006

0,0 1H 2007

MMS p er er ye ar ar

1H 2008

1H 2009

1H 2010

1H 2011

1H 2012

MMS pe r s u ub bs c crrip ttiio n an d m on o nth

22 Known

as ‘machine to person’.  This may, for example, be a reminder of an appointment booked, mass-mailing for advertising or confirmation of a ticket purchased.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 The average number number of MMS messag messages es sent per subscription subscription and month increased from 1.3 per month during the first half-year of 2011 to 1.6 per month during the first half-year of 2012. 3.3 

Mobile data traffic

Data traffic in the mobile networks continues to increase. The volume of data sent increased by 73 per cent, from 42 300 Terabytes during first half-year of 2011 to 73 300 Terabytes during the first half-year of 2012. Figur 18 Development of mobile data traffic 80 000

  e    t60 000   y    b    T   r   a   e   y   r40 000   e   p   e   m   u    l   o20 000    V

0 1H 2007

1H 2008

1H 2009

1H 2010

1H 2011

1H 2012

Tr Traff affic ic for m obile data services (Tbyte)

 The total mobile mobile data traffic can b bee broken do down wn according to dif different ferent types of subscription available for mobile data. Subscriptions for mobile broadband as a stand-alone service sent the largest volume of data, 50 500 Terabytes during the first half-year of 2012, which corresponds to two-thirds of all data sent. During the same period, subscriptions for mobile broadband as an addon service sent 20 000 Terabytes, which means that this has more than tripled since the first half-year of 2011.  The average use per month month fo forr the various ty types pes of subscriptio subscription n for mobile data is broken down as follows:

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Form of subscriptio subscription n

Data volume per month

Mobile broadband as a stand-alone service

4.2 Gbytes

Mobile broadband as an add-on service

895 Mbytes

Subscriptions for both voice and data, but Subscriptions without supplement for broadband

134 Mbytes


Traffic with international roaming

 The volume of voice traffic when roaming has been been at the same leve levell for the latest measurement periods (first half-year of the last four years), while the  volume of SMS messages sent within the EU has contin continued ued to increase and also increased during the first half-year of 2012. Figur 19 Traffic and SMS sent with international roaming 120


   S    M    S 80    /   s   e    t   u   n 60    i   m   n    i    l   o 40    l    i    M 20

0 1H 2009

1H 2010

1h 2011


SMS (Re s t o f wo rld )

Calls m ad e

Calls re c e ive d

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1h 2012



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Unchanged level in call traffic

During the first half-year of 2012, Swedish subscribers abroad made calls for 105 million call minutes, of which 86 million were from EU/EEA countries.  This is a slight reduction reduction from the correspon corresponding ding period in 2011 when calls fo forr 109 million call minutes were made, of which 88 million from EU/EEA countries.  The number of of received call min minutes utes for subs subscribers cribers abroad amou amounted nted during the first half-year of 2012 to 75 million, of which 65 million were within EU/EEA countries. This is on the same level as during the corresponding period a year ago.  The number of of call minutes mad madee from for foreign eign subscribers wh who o made calls in Sweden amounted to 94 million minutes during the first half-year of 2012,  which is a reduction reduction from th thee correspondin correspondingg period in 2011 when there were 103 million call minutes. 3.4.2 

Swedish subscribers send more SMS messages when they are abroad

Swedish subscribers sent 89 million SMS messages while abroad during the first half-year of 2012, of which 66 million were sent from EU/EEA countries.  This represents an increase of 13 per cent compared with the correspo corresponding nding period a year ago, when 79 million SMS messages were sent, of which 58 million from EU/EEA countries. The foreign subscribers who were in Sweden sent 58 million during the first half-year of 2012 and, of these, 53 million were from subscribers from EU/EEA countries. 3.4.3 

Increase in data volumes with international roaming

During the first half-year of 2012, Swedish subscribers used 81 Terabytes of mobile data when they were abroad and roamed. This is an increase of 44 per cent roaming since the(78 firstTerabytes) half-year of 2011 when used 56countries. Terabytes. data occurred fromthey EU/EEA OfAlmost all dataall roaming, 77 per cent occurred within networks that formed part of the operator’s own Group.  Foreign subscribers who were in Sweden used 62 Terabytes during the first half-year of 2012, which is an increase of 85 per cent from the corresponding period in 2011 when they used 33 Terabytes.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Market development  Revenues –

 The com pilation data forrevenues, the Swedis Swedish h Telecommunicatio Telecommunications ns Market has inhalf-year previouscompilation periods notofincluded but for the first half-year of 2012 information about revenues for mobile call and data services has been gathered. 4.1 

Mobile call services and mobile data

During the first half-year of 2012, the total revenues from mobile call and data services amounted to SEK 13.5 billion. Revenues from telematics and roaming are not included in these figures. The information informatio n about the revenues is contained in the next section. Figur 20 Revenues from end users for mobile call and data services

1 106

SEK Millions

Call services

3 367


7 723

Data traffic Other

111 1 219

Revenues from call services were SEK 7.7 billion during the first half-year of 2012, and comprised 57 per cent of the total revenues. Revenues for mobile data were SEK 3.4 billion, which corresponds to one-fourth of the total revenues. Revenues from SMS messages were SEK 1.2 billion and revenues from MMS message were SEK 0.1 billion. Other revenues amounted to SEK 1.1 billion and include, among other things, call and data revenues from some

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

stakeholders that could not break down their subscription revenues into the two kinds of traffic. 4.1.1 

Revenues from telematic services

Revenues from telematic services amounted to SEK 254 million during the first half-year of 2012. This corresponds to an average revenue per month and subscription of 13.20 kronor excluding VAT during the first half-year of 2012,  which is 1.20 kronor kronor lower th than an the average for the whole of 201 2011. 1. 4.1.2 

Revenues from roaming

Revenues from Swedish subscribers’ roaming abroad during the first half-year amounted to SEK 1 160 million, which is a reduction of 9 per cent compared  with the same period period in 2011 wh when en they were SEK 1 268 million. Figur 21 Revenues from swedish subscribers abroad

1 400 1 200

1 000

  s   n   o 800    i    l    l    i    M    K 600    E    S 400


0 1H 2008

1H 2009

Call s e rvic e s

1H 2010


1H 2011

1H 2012

Data ttrraffic

Revenues from voice calls made and received were SEK 725 million during the first half-year of 2012, which corresponds to 63 per cent of the total roaming revenues from end users. Revenues from SMS messages were SEK 120 million, which corresponds to 10 per cent of the total revenues, while revenues from mobile data amounted to SEK 315 million, which comprised 27 per cent of the total roaming revenues when Swedish subscribers were abroad ab road and used

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

their Swedish subscription. Compared with the same period a year ago, the proportion proporti on of revenues from data and SMS messages increased, while those from voice calls have reduced. Figur 22 Development of revenues from international roaming within EU countries 4,00

   )3,50    K    E    S    (3,00    S    M    S2,50   r   o   e    t2,00   u   n    i 1,50   m   r   e   p1,00   e   c    i   r    P0,50 0,00 1H 2009

1H 2010


Calls re c e ive d

1H 2011

1H 2012

Calls m ad e

 The average revenues revenues per minute during the fir first st half-year of 22012 012 for calls made  from  from Swedish subscribers who were abroad in another EU country were 2.92 kronor per minute; this is a reduction of 0.45 kronor per minute since the correspondingg period in 2011 when it was 3.37 kronor per minute. correspondin  The average revenues revenues per minute during the fir first st half-year of 22012 012 for calls received  by  by Swedish subscribers who were abroad in another EU country were 1.03 kronor per minute; this is a reduction of 0.37 kronor per minute since the correspondingg period in 2011 when it was 1.40 kronor per minute. correspondin  The average revenues revenues per SMS message message during the first half-year of 20 2012 12 for SMS message sent by Swedish subscribers who were abroad in another EU country were 0.89 kronor per SMS message; this is a reduction of 0.15 kronor per SMS message since the corresponding period in 2011 when it was 1.04 kronor per minute.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 The average revenues revenues per Mbyte of data during the first half-year of 2012 for data used by Swedish subscribers who were abroad in another EU country  were 8.01 kronor kronor per Mbyte; th this is is a reduction o off 12.45 kronor kronor per Mbyte since the corresponding period in 2011 when it was 20.47 kronor per Mbyte.  The average revenues revenues per Mbyte of data during the first half-year of 2012 for data used by Swedish subscribers who were abroad in a country outside the EU were 57.06 kronor per Mbyte.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Market shares

 The market shares for  all shares stakehold stakeholders asked are available on the PTSMarket’. statis statistics tics portal, ( (  under the tabers‘Swedish Telecommunications   Market shares calculated for revenues, traffic and subscriptions for the fullyears 2006 to 2011 are available. Market shares calculated ca lculated for traffic and subscriptions only are available for the half-years during the same period.  The market shares shares in this Chapter ar aree based on the n number umber of su subscriptions bscriptions on 30 June of the respective year, unless otherwise stated. 5.1 

Fixed call services

 The market shares shares for fixed call serv services ices include all subs subscriptions criptions for fixed call services, but not pre-selection and prefix subscriptions. Figur 23 Market shares- subscriptions for fixed call services 100% 90%

4,9 2,2 5,8



5,8 4,1 6,8 11,3

6,0 5,4

7,1 6,6





   t 60%   n   e   c 50%   r   e    P 40%




















7,5 7,9

20% 10% 0%  june 2006 june 2007 june 2008 june 2009 june 2010 june 2011 june 2012

Te liaSo n e ra

Te le 2

Te le n o r

Co m h e m

Ot he rs

 TeliaSonera’s market share reduced from 61.6 per cent to 61.2 per cent between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012. The market share for Tele2 has also reduced during the same period. Telenor and Com Hem’s market shares increased slightly. The other stakeholders’ stakeholders’ aggregate market share in increased creased most, from 11.0 per cent at the end of June 2011 to 12.3 per cent at the end of 2012.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012


Mobile call and data services

Market shares for mobile call and a nd data services include all subscriptions for mobile call and data services, but not subscriptions for telematic services. Figur 24 Market shares- Subscriptions for mobile call and data services 100%

1,8 4,5

1,4 5,2

1,1 6,4

1,2 7,8

2,5 8,7

















90% 17,5




70%    t 60%   n   e   c 50%   r   e    P 40%




30% 20%




10% 0%  june 2006june 2007 june 2008june 2009 june 2010june 2011 june 2012

Te liaSo n e ra

Te le 2

Te le n o r


Ot h e rs

 The operator Hi3G has contin continued ued to increase its market share durin duringg the first half-year of 2012, which it has done every year since 2006. The market share has increased from 9.3 to 10.3 per cent between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012. Telenor has increased its market share from 16.3 per cent to 16.7 per cent during the same period. Telia and Tele2 have reduced their market shares during the same period.  The other operators’ operators’ aggregate market share increased from 2.7 2.7 to 3.2 per cent between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012; of these, Lyca Mobile was the greatest  with a share of 1.7 per cent of the total mark market. et. The remaining had less than 0.5 per cent each. 5.3 

Broadband subscriptions

 The five largest stakeholders stakeholders in th thee market for ffixed ixed and mobile b broadband roadband  were TeliaSonera, Tele2, Tele2, Telenor, Hi3G and Com Hem. To Together, gether, these

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

stakeholders represented 96 per cent of all subscriptions in the broadband market. 5.3.1 

Broadband in total

 TeliaSonera, which is the largest st stakeholder akeholder in the b broadband roadband mark market et viewed as number of subscriptions, reduced its market share slightly between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012. Figur 25 Market shares- subscriptions for all broadband 100% 90% 80% 70%

   t 60%   n   e   c 50%   r   e    P 40%




10,7 10,1
































30% 20% 10% 0%  june 2007june 2007j une 2008june 2009 june 2010 2010june june 2011j 2011june une 2012 Te lia S onera

Te le2

Te lenor


C o m he m


Com Hem’s market share reduced during the year from 7.5 to 5.9 per cent.   Tele2’s market share increased from 15.7 to 17.0 per cent during the same period. Telenor’s market share increased slightly, slightly, and similarly Hi3G’s market share which increased from 9.4 till 10.9 per cent. 5.3.2 

Fixed broadband

 TeliaSonera, Tele2, Telenor Telenor and Com Hem represent represented ed together 81 pe perr cent of the total market for fixed broadband, viewed as number of subscriptions.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 26 Market shares- subscriptions for fixed broadband

100% 90% 80%














   t 60%   n   e   c 50%   r   e    P 40%



















june 20 2010 10

june 20 2011 11

june 20 2012 12

30% 20% 10% 0%  june 2007 2007

june 2008 june 20 2009 09

Te liaS onera


Te leno r

Co mhem


For TeliaSonera the market share increased somewhat from 37.9 per cent on 30 June 2011 to 38.2 per cent on 30 June 2012. The market shares for Tele2,  Telenor and Com Hem reduced during the same p period, eriod, while the other operators’ aggregate market share increased the most, from 19.4 to 20.3 per cent. 5.3.3 

Mobile broadband

For the years 2007 and 2008, market shares are shown based on mobile broadband as a stand-alone service and for the years 2009 to 2012 as the total number for mobile broadband as a stand-alone service and mobile broadband as an add-on service.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 27 Market shares- subscriptions for mobile broadband

100 90

0,1 14,0




















june 2010

june 2011

june 2012

80 22,3 70    t 60   n   e   c 50   r   e    P 40


14,6 22,4

19,8 17,3

30 48,8 20



june 2008

june 2009

10 0  june 2007

Te liaSo ne ra

Te le 2

Te le no r


Othe rs

 The market shares shares for mobile br broadband oadband reduced ffor or TeliaSoner TeliaSoneraa and Telenor between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012, while they remained unchanged for Hi3G and increased slightly for Tele2. Instead, the other operators increased their aggregate market share from 2.3 to 2.8 per cent between 30 June 2011 and 30 June J une 2012. The largest of the ‘other’  were Alltele with 1.4 1.4 per cent of the total mar market ket and Netett with 0.9 per cent of the total market. 5.4 

Television services


Total number of subscriptions for television services

 As regards the total total number of subscriptions ffor or television services, Co Com m Hem had the largest market share with 44.8 per cent on 30 June 2012, which is a reduction from 45.1 per cent a year ago.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 28 market shares- subscriptions for television services

100% 90% 80% 70%

   t 60%   n   e   c 50%   r   e    P40%






















6,4 10,3 5,8



















30% 20% 10% 0%

Bo xe r

Co m H He em

Canal D Diigital

Te liaSo n e ra

Vias at

Oth e rs

 The group with with the others, which comprise Tele2, T Telenor elenor and SMATV operators, had the next largest share at the end of June 2012, and this market share increased from 15.5 per cent to 21.2 per cent between 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2012. The reason for the increase is primarily Telenor’s purchase of the company Canal Digital Kabel. TeliaSonera increased its share of the total television market from 9.4 per cent at the end of June 2011 to 10.3 per cent at the end of June 2012. The other operators reduced all of their shares on the total market for subscriptions for television services. 5.4.2 

Subscriptions for digital television services

 The six largest stakeholders stakeholders in the d digital igital pay television mark market et on 30 June 22012 012  were Com Hem, Boxer, Boxer, TeliaSonera, Viasat, Tele2 and Canal D Digital igital Sverige.  Together they represented represented 92 per cent of all subscr subscriptions iptions in the digital pay television market.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Figur 29 Market shares- subscriptions for digital television services 100% 90% 80% 70%

   t 60%   n   e   c 50%   r   e    P 40%


















5,5 16,5



14,3 11,2


11,5 16,4

11,3 11,5






30% 20%















10% 0% 1H2007

Bo xe r

Co m He m

Canal Digital

Te liaSo n e ra

Vias at

Othe rs

Te le 2

Boxer and Com Hem had the largest market shares on 30 June 2012 with 21.0 and 21.4 per cent, respectively. Both reduced their market shares from 22.8 and 22.3 per cent one year ago.  The third largest largest operator of digital television ser services vices is TeliaSonera, wh which ich increased its share to 16.4 per cent on 30 June 2012 from 14.3 per cent on 30  June 2011.  Tele 2 and Viasat had equally large mark market et shares of 11.5 per cent each on 30  June 2012. Tele2 increased increased its mar market ket share from 11.3 per cent and Viasat reduced its share from 12.0 compared with 30 June of the year before. Canal Digital Sverige (Canal Digital) represents the greatest change to market shares, after they sold Canal Digital Kabel to Telenor.23 This explains both the reduced share from 12.6 per cent on 30 June 2011 to 10.6 per cent at the same time in 2012 and also the increase of market shares for the group ‘Other’.   The group ‘Other’ comprises Telenor (Bredbandbolaget and Canal Digital Kabel) 23 In

December 2011, Telenor Sverige took over Canal Digital Kabel-TV, a subsidiary of Canal Digital Sverige, which conducts operations within cable television and IPTV.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

and several SMATV operators. Together, these increased their market share from 3.4 to 7.6 per cent during the same period, which is the greatest increase both in number of subscriptions and market shares.

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Appendix 1 List of participants

 

  

  


AB Sappa ACN Communications Sweden AB AllTele Allmänna Svenska Telefonaktiebolaget AllTele företag AB Arcstel AB AT&T Global Network Services Sweden AB Bahnhof AB Bahnhof Unipessoal LDA BoreNet AB

       

   

 

  

  




   

Net at Once Sweden AB Netett Sverige AB Olofströms Kabel-TV Orange Business Sweden AB Ownit Broadband AB Phonera AB Qall Telecom AB QuickNet AB Rätt Internetkapacitet i Sverige AB Sandviken Energi

 


Boxer TV Access Bredband 2 AB AB Bålsta Kabel TV Canal Digital Sverige AB Cellip AB Com Hem AB DGC Access AB efftel AB Fastbit AB First New Media Scandinavia AB Gävle Energi AB Götalandsnätet AB HI3G Access AB IP-Only Telecommunication AB Kommunicera i Umeå AB Lidén Data Internetwork AB Ljusnet AB Lulebo AB Lycamobile Sweden Limited

       

  

   

  


SAVMAN AB AB Spring Mobil TDC Sverige AB TelaVox AB Tele2 Sverige AB Telecom3 Sverige AB Telenor Connexion AB Telenor Sverige AB Teleservice Bredband Skåne AB TeliaSonera AB Telogic A/S Timepiece-Servicos De Consultoria Lda Tyfon Svenska AB Verizon Sweden AB Viasat AB Wireless Maingate Nordic AB Voicetech Sweden AB Voxbone SA Värnamo Energi AB


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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Appendix 2 Service providers in mobile networks, June 2012 Net owner


HI3G Access AB

Alltele Com Hem Götalandsnätet

Tele2 Sverige AB (Comviq)

Spring mobil AB Alltele Ludo mobil Freespee TDC Devicom WEB-link Universal (Timepiece) Lyca Mobile Jasper System Cell Mobile Cellip Easy Telecom Netatonce Teleman Alltele Bahnhof Bixia DGC Svenska Tele i Lidköping AB iPass Joors Mobil2

Telenor Sverige AB

TeliaSonera AB (Halebop)

Mundio Phonera Svensk Konsumentmobil AB Svea Billing Telavox Trafikverket Telogic Via Telogic:  ACN, Qall telecom, Access2tel, Telesport, Ringia och Linkcomm

24 SP=

Service Provider, MVNO= Mobile Virtual Network Operator

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Appendix 3 Report tables

(The Report tables themselves are available in a separate Excel file)

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Appendix 4 Quality Declaration B.0 Introduction

‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’ represents a data compilation conducted twice annually. The results are presented on a statistics portal ( and (  and also in summary form in a report. B.1 Contents 1.1 Statistical target characteristics

 The compilation gathers infor information mation about tthe he number of subscriptions broken down by subscription type, traffic broken down according to kind of traffic and revenues from the retail market in respect of the market for mobile call information is reported in certain cases split between private and services. business,This respectively. 1.2 Objects and population

 The target population population compr comprises ises a sample selection of undertakings that have conducted operations within the market for electronic communications. The framework population comprises comprises those undertakings that have given notice to PTS that they intend to conduct telecom operations according to Chapter 2, Section 1 of the Electronic Communications Act (LEK). Undertakings subject to a notification obligation are provided by PTS in a register. In addition to this, there are also a number of undertakings within the market for broadcasting and a number of public stakeholders. 1.3 Variables

Data collection is conducted by means of a web questionnaire. The compilation includes variables as regards:   Subscriptions (number and type)    Traffic volumes (number of m minutes inutes and calls br broken oken down accordi according ng to kind of traffic)   Revenues (kronor and euro)   Market shares (based on number of subscriptions)

 

 

1.4 Statistical measures

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

Data collected is reported as number, in SEK, in EUR, in bytes, in bytes per second, as an average per housekeeping unit, number per minute and as number per 1000 inhabitants. 1.7 Study domains Data is presented in eight domains (groups): fixed call ca ll services, mobile call and data services, Internet services, roaming in Sweden and abroad, television services, and bundled subscriptions. There are reports broken down into private and business. 1.6 Reference times

 This data compilation compilation relates to the first half o off the calendar year 2012. 1.7 Comprehensiveness Comprehensiveness

 The data compilation ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’ is an independent survey, but PTS also gathers in data annually concerning broadband access lines. B.2 Accuracy 2.2 Overall accuracy

 The Swedish Telecommunications Telecommunications Ma Market rket is, as regards tthe he half-year, a sample survey for the half-year. The sample is taken from the target population described in 1.2 and is based on the market share of the objects surveyed  viewed as number of subscriptio subscriptions ns that they have rreported eported in the full-year compilation. However, the framework population population may be smaller than the target anoverall uncertainty is considered to be low as PTS’s register qualitypopulation, is considered to bethat good.

 The sample includes the largest und undertakings ertakings within each sub sub-market -market and represents between 96.5 and 99.9 per cent of the market for the various reporting groups referred to in 1.7. Data compilation has a high response frequency, 100% for the first half-year 2012 compilation, which means that there is no attrition of objects. Partial attrition is reduced in part by the inclusion of responses from previous years in the web questionnaires to assist the respondents when completing the questionnaire, and also by the incorporation of certain blocks that require the respondents to provide an explanation in the event of an excessive deviation

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The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

from responses provided in previous years. Systematic errors occur, and are reduced partly by data for various sizes being checked against each other to identify deviating informatio information. n. 2.3 Sources of inaccuracy Besides inaccuracy resulting from the survey being a sample survey, the result is affected by a further number of sources of error, for instance partial attrition, under and over coverage and various kinds of measurement error. 1.  Estimating

Estimates are made of the half-year data compilation through the responses from the full-year survey being added to the total for those stakeholders that are not included in the sampling selection. This means that regard is not taken to any changes in the form of increases or reductions within that group and that those increases or reductions seen for the samplewithin are underestimated. In addition to this there are also estimates, primarily the reporting group ‘mobile call services’, for break-down into individual questions (break-down in the form of, among other things, private/business) for individual stakeholders.  These estimates are made made then as a break-do break-down wn on the bas basis is of the previo previous us responses subsequently submitted by the response object and quality assured by the information being sent back to the stakeholder for approval. 2.  Measurement errors

Measurement errors arise when an undertaking answers the questionnaire but does not provide the true value. This may be the result of neglect, inadequate or misunderstood instructions instructions or that it was not possible for any exact value to be established from the businesses’ accounts. Several undertakings have, for instance, not had access to reliable documentation for reporting reporting volume data. 3.  Processing

 The information information gathered un undergoes dergoes processing an and d if necessary corr correction, ection, sometimes following supplementary information from undertakings. B.3 Timelines 3.1 Frequency

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 The data collection is compiled twice annually, on a h half-year alf-year and on a full-y full-year ear basis. For the half-year compilation, the collection is made with fewer collection variables and is based on a sample of the target population. 3.2 Production time Four months; publication occurs approximately one month after data collection is concluded. 3.3 Punctuality Punctuality

 According to plan, plan, 6 months after the end o off the survey perio period. d. B.4 Comparability and coherence 4.1 Comparability over time

For detailed information about breaks in time series, reformulated intervals, etc., see the tables published on the PTS statistics portal (www.statistik.pts.s ( e). 4.2 Comparability between groups

Certain variables in the data presentation are also included in other statistics:   Housekeeping units. Statistics Sweden (SCB) publishes annually statistics concerning the number of housekeeping units in Sweden.   Population of Sweden. SCB also publishes annually statistics concerning the population of Sweden.

4.3 Coherence with other statistics

In the report series ‘The Swedish Telecommunications Market’, the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority reports annually on the results of the full-year questionnaire. Since 2003, PTS and SCB process statistics for the full-year compilation jointly, which results in the fact that the statistics reported by both PTS and Transport Analysis can be used jointly since 2003. For previous years there may be certain differences as a consequence of separate statistical processing having been conducted. There is no correspondin correspondingg information for the data collection on a half-year basis. 4.4 Availability and clarity

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority



The Swedish Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012

 The results of the the data collection are presented on a statistics portal iin n the form of tables. The results are also compiled in a report, ‘The SSwedish wedish  Telecommunications Market first half-year 2012’.   Telecommunications 4.5 Forms of dissemination Both the statistics portal and the report are publicly available on the web. All information informatio n is also published in English. 4.6 Documentation

 This document represents the qu quality ality documentatio documentation n prepared. 4.7 Access to primary material

 All material is presented presented in the fform orm of tables on the PTS statis statistics tics portal. Data in the form of raw material can usually be provided to researchers upon request. 4.8 Information can be provided by

  Pamela Davidsson, PTS, telephone +46(0)8-678 57 00, e-mail: [email protected], or [email protected],  or   Bianca Gustafsson Kojo, PTS, telephone +46 (0)8-678 57 00, e-mail: [email protected]

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority


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