Title 18 USC_Sec. 241_242 and Title 42 USC_Sec. 1981-1990_042513

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Title 18 USC § 241 and 242 and 42 USC § 1981-1990 Report Civil Rights Violations - File a Report with Your Local FBI Office -- http://www.fi.gov/ http://www.fi.gov/contact-us/fiel! contact-us/fiel!   - File a Report on Our Internet "ip Line  -- https://tips.fi.gov/

Federal Civil Rights Statutes

http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/civilights/fedeal-statutes Title 18! U.S.C.! Section 241 - Conspiac" #gainst $ights  - --  http://www.fbi.gov/aboutus/investigate/civilrights/federal-statutes#section24   us/investigate/civilrights/federal-statutes#section24

This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, or because of his/her having exercised the same!" #t further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of  another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured" $unishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both% and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated an attempt kill, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or forsexual life, or abuse, may beor sentenced toto death" Title 18! U.S.C.! Section 242 - %epivation of $ights Unde Colo of &aw   -http://www.fbi.gov/abou fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/civi t-us/investigate/civilrights/federal-statutes#section lrights/federal-statutes#section242 242   http://www.

This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U"S" This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected sub jected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citi&ens on account of such person being an alien or by reason of of his/her color or race"  'cts under (color of any law( include include acts not only done by federal, stat state, e, or local off officials icials within within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority% provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under (color of any law, law,(( the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties" This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as )ayors, Council persons, *udges, +ursing ome $roprietors, Security -uards, etc", persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs" $unishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death" http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'(&

42 USC § 1981 - Equal rights under the law  'a( State)ent of e*ual ights All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Territory Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benet of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citiens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, ta!es, licenses, and e!actions of every kind, and to no other"


'b( +,ae and enfoce contacts dened #or purposes of this section, the term $make and enforce contracts% includes the making, performance, modication, and termination of contracts, and the enjoyment of all benets, privileges, terms, and conditions of the contractual relationship" 'c( 0otection against i)pai)ent i)pai)en t  The rights protected by this section are protected protected against impairment by nongovernmental discrimination and impair impairment ment under color of State law" law"

http://www.law.conell.edu/uscode/tet/42/182 42 USC § 1982 - Property rights o !iti"ens All citiens of the United States shall have the same right, in every State and T Territory, erritory, as is enjoyed by white citiens thereof to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property"

http://www.law.conell.edu/uscode/tet/42/183 http://www.law.conell.edu/uscode/tet/42/183   42 USC § 198# - Ci$il a!tion or depri$ation o rights &very person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Te Territory rritory or the 'istrict of (olumbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citien of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the (onstitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, e!cept that in any action brought against a judicial o)cer for an act or omission taken in such o)cer*s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable" #or the purposes of this section, any Act of (ongress applicable e!clusively to the 'istrict of (olumbia shall be considered to be a statute of the 'istrict of (olumbia"

http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$% http://www.law. cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'() /&'()

42 USC § 198% - Conspira!y to interere with !i$il rights '1( 0eventing oce fo) pefo)ing duties +f two orany more persons inor any State T Territory erritory conspire toUnited prevent, by force, intimidation, or any threat, anythereof person from holding o)ce, trust, place of or condence under the States, or from discharging duties or to accepting induce by or like means any o)cer of the United States to leave any State, district, or place, where his duties as an o)cer are required to be performed, or to injure him in his person or property on account of his lawful discharge of the duties of his o)ce, or while engaged in the lawful discharge thereof, or to injure his property so as to molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede him in the discharge of his o)cial duties

'2( 5bstucting 6ustice7 inti)idating inti)id ating pat"! witness! o 6uo +f two or more persons in any State or T Territory erritory conspire to deter, by force, intimidation, or threat, any party or witness in any court of the United States from attending such court, or from testifying to any matter pending therein, freely, fully, and truthfully, or to injure such party or witness in his person or property on account of his having so attended or testied, or to in-uence the verdict, presentment, or indictment of any grand or petit juror in any such court, or to injure such juror in his person or property on account of any verdict, presentment, or indictment lawfully assented to by him, or of his being or having been such juror or if two or more persons conspire for the purpose of impeding, hindering, obstructing, or defeating, in any manner, the due course of justice in any State or Territory, Territory, with intent to deny to any citien the equal protection of the laws, or to injure him or his property for lawfully enforcing, or attempting to enforce, the right of any person, or class of persons, to the equal protection of the laws '3( %epiving pesons of ights o pivileges +f two or more persons in any State or T Territory erritory conspire or go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another, for the purpose of depriving, either directly or indirectly, any person or class of persons of the equal protection of the laws, or of equal privileges and immunities under the laws or for the purpose of preventing or hindering the constituted authorities of any State or  T  Territory erritory from giving or securing to all persons within such State or Territory the equal protection of the laws or if two or more persons conspire to prevent by force, intimidation, or threat, any citien who is lawfully entitled to vote, from giving his support or advocacy in a legal manner, toward or in favor of the election of any lawfully qualied person as an elector for .resident or /ice .resident, or as a 0ember of (ongress of the United States or to injure any citien in person or property on account of such support or advocacy in any case of conspiracy set forth in this section, if one or more persons engaged therein do, or cause to be done, any act in furtherance of the object of such conspiracy, whereby another is injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and e!ercising any right or privilege of a citien of the United States, the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such injury or deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators"

http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$% http://www.law. cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'(* /&'(*

42 USC § 198& - '!tion or negle!t to pre$ent &very person who, having knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired to be done, and mentioned in section 1234  1234 of this title, are about to be committed, and having power to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of the same, neglects or refuses so to do, if such wrongful act be committed, shall be liable to the party injured, or his legal representatives, for all damages caused by such wrongful act, which such person by reasonable diligence could have prevented and such damages may be recovered in an action on the case and any number of persons guilty of such wrongful neglect or refusal may be joined as defendants in the action and if the death of any party be caused by any such wrongful act and neglect, the legal representatives of the deceased shall have such action therefor, and may recover not e!ceeding 54,666 damages therein, for the benet of the widow of the deceased, if there be one, and if there be no widow, then for the benet of the ne!t of kin of the deceased" 7ut no action under the provisions of this section shall be sustained which is not commenced within one year after the cause of action has accrued"


http://www.law. http://www. law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$% cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'(+ /&'(+

42 USC § 198( - Prose!ution o $iolation o !ertain !ert ain laws The United States attone"s! )ashals! and deput" )ashals! the United States )agistate 6udges appointed b" the distict and teitoial couts! with powe to aest! i)pison! o bail oendes! and eve" othe oce who is especiall" e)poweed b" the 0esident! ae authoi9ed and e*uied! at the epense of the United States! to institute posecutions against all pesons violating an" of the povisions of section 1 1  of this title o of sections ;;< to ;;1< and ;;18 to ;;32 of the $evised Statutes! and to cause such pesons to be aested! and i)pisoned o bailed! fo tial befoe the cout of the United States o the teitoial cout having cogni9ance cogni9ance of the oense.

http://www.law. cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'', /&'',  http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/

%$42 USC § 1990 - )arshal to o*ey pre!epts+ reusing to re!ei$e or e,e!ute pro!ess =ve" )ashal and deput" )ashal shall obe" and eecute all waants o othe pocess! when diected to hi)! issued unde the povisions of section section  18  18 of this title. =ve" )ashal and deput" )ashal who efuses to eceive an" waant o othe pocess when tendeed to hi)! issued in pusuance of the povisions of this section! o efuses o neglects to use all pope )eans diligentl" to eecute the sa)e! shall be liable to a ne in the su) of >1!! fo the benet of the pat" aggieved theeb".

http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$% http://www.law. cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'(' /&'('

42 USC § 1989 - United States agistrate .udges+ appointent o persons pe rsons to e,e!ute warrants The distict couts of the United States and the distict couts of the Teitoies! Teitoies! fo) ti)e to ti)e! shall incease the nu)be of United States )agistate 6udges! so as to aod a speed" and convenient )eans fo the aest and ea)ination of pesons chaged with the ci)es efeed to in section 18? of this title7 and such )agistate  6udges ae authoi9ed and and e*uied to eecise all the powes and duties duties confeed on the the) ) heein with egad to such oenses in lie )anne as the" ae authoi9ed b" law to eecise with egad to othe oenses against the laws of the United States. Said )agistate 6udges ae e)poweed! within thei espective counties! to appoint! in witing! unde thei hands! one o )oe suitable pesons! fo) ti)e to ti)e! who shall eecute all such waants o othe pocess as the )agistate 6udges )a" issue in the lawful pefo)ance of thei duties! and the pesons so appointed shall have authoit" to su))on and call to thei aid the b"standes o  posse comitatus of comitatus  of the pope count"! o such potion of the land o naval foces of the United States! o of the )ilitia! as )a" be necessa" to the pefo)ance of the dut" with which the" ae chaged7 and such waants shall un and be eecuted an"whee in the State o Teito" within which the" ae issued.

http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$% http://www.law. cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t/$%/&'(( /&'((

42 USC § 1988 - Pro!eedings in $indi!ation o !i$il rights 'a( #pplicabili t" of statuto" and co))on law  The jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters conferred on the district courts by the provisions of titles titles 13, 24, and 70 of th the e Revised Statutes for the protection of all persons in the United States in their civil rights, and for their vindication , shall be e!ercised and enforced in conformity with the laws of the United States, so far as such laws are suitable to carry the same into e8ect but in all cases where they are not adapted to the object, or are decient in the provisions necessary to furnish suitable remedies and punish o8enses againstoflaw, the common law, as modied and the constitution and statutes of the State wherein the court having jurisdiction such civil or criminal cause is held, so changed far as theby same is not inconsistent with the (onstitution and laws of the United States, shall be e!tended to and govern the said courts in the trial and disposition of the cause, and, if it is of a criminal nature, in the in-iction of punishment on the party found guilty"

'b( #ttone" #tto ne"@s @s fees +n any action or proceeding to enforce a provision of sections 181! 181! 181a! 181a! 182! 182! 183! 183!18; 18;!! and 18< of this title, title +9 of U"S"(" 1<81 et seq"?, the @eligious #reedom #reedom @estoration Act of 122= >42 U"S"(" 2bb et seq"?, the .ublic :aw 2;<=13 > 2 U"S"("  @eligious :and Use and +nstitutionalied .ersons Act of ;666 >42 U"S"(" 2cc et seq"?, title /+ of the (ivil @ights Act of 12B >42  U.S.C. 2d et seq"?, or section 1381 of this title, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party, other than the 42 U.S.C.  United States, a reasonable attorney*s fee as part of the costs, e!cept that in any action brought against a judicial o)cer for an act or omission taken in such o)cer*s judicial capacity such o)cer shall not be held liable for any costs, including attorney*s fees, unless such action was clearly in e!cess of such o)cer*s jurisdiction" 'c( =pet fees +n awarding an attorney*s fee under subsection CbD of this section in any action or proceeding to enforce a provision of  or 181a of this title, the court, in its discretion, may include e!pert fees as part of the attorney*s fee" section  181 or  section

http://www.law.cornell.e!u/usco!e/te#t U/S/ Code  a*le o Contents


US Code



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CFR - Table of Contents CFRs

• •

 Title 1 1  E Feneral .rovisions

 Title ; ;  E Frants and Agreements

• •

=  E The .resident  Title = B  E Accounts  Title B

4  E Administrative .ersonnel  Title 4

 Title    E 'omestic Security

 Title L L  E Agriculture

3  E Aliens and Gationality  Title 3

 Title 2 2  E Animals and Animal .roducts

16 E  E &nergy  Title 16

11 E #ederal &lections  Title 11 E

 Title 1; E 1; E 7anks and 7anking

1= E 7usiness (redit and Assistance  Title 1= E

1B E Aeronautics and Space  Title 1B E

 Title 14 E 14 E (ommerce and #oreign Trade

1 E (ommercial .ractices  Title 1 E

 Title 1L E 1L E (ommodity and Securities &!changes

 Title 13 E 13 E (onservation of .ower and Nater @esources

12 E (ustoms 'uties  Title 12 E

;6 E &mployeesP 7enets  Title ;6 E

;1 E #ood and 'rugs  Title ;1 E

 Title ;; E ;; E #oreign @elations

;= E Iighways  Title ;= E

 Title ;B E ;B E Iousing and Urban 'evelopment

;4 E +ndians  Title ;4 E

 Title ; E ; E +nternal @evenue

;L E Alcohol, Tobacco .roducts and #irearms  Title ;L E

;3 E Qudicial Administration  Title ;3 E

 Title ;2 E ;2 E :abor

=6 E 0ineral @esources  Title =6 E @esources  Title =1 E =1 E 0oney and #inanceR Treasury


=; E  E Gational 'efense  Title =;

== E Gavigation and Gavigable Naters  Title == E

=B E &ducation  Title =B E

 Title =4 E =4 E .anama (anal

= E .arks, #orests, and .ublic .roperty  Title = E

=L E .atents, Trademarks,  Title =L E Trademarks, and (opyrights

 Title =3 E =3 E .ensions, 7onuses, and /eteransP @elief 


 Title =2 E =2 E .ostal Service  Title B6 E B6 E .rotection of &nvironment

B1 E .ublic (ontracts and .roperty 0anagement  Title B1 E

 Title B; E B; E .ublic Iealth

B= E .ublic :andsR +nterior  Title B= E

 Title BB E BB E &mergency 0anagement and Assistance

B4 E .ublic Nelfare  Title B4 E

B E Shipping  Title B E

 Title BL E BL E Telecommunication

B3 E #ederal Acquisition @egulations System  Title B3 E

 Title B2 E B2 E Transportation

46 E Nildlife and #isheries  Title 46 E

! "uestions "uestio ns and nswer nswers s about the $RS - Supre Supre%e %e &aw Fir% www"supr www"s upreme emelaw law  "org/sls/.answers"htm  "org/sls/.answers"htm  See the definitions of 0Secretary1 and 0Secretary or his delegate1 at 23 CFR CFR 24"..  24".. .... ....Those Those facts, in %an' %an' cases,  cases, were 'cts of the several State 5egislatures .... .... ..,  .., 3 .637!% *udge $ablo 8e 5a -uerra signed signed the  the California Constitution of .69:, ..... .....owever, owever, Title 24 has has never  never been been enacted  enacted into positive law, law, as such"


(he )reat $RS *oa+: ,h' ,e ont we $nco%e (a+ httpRfamguardian"org.ublicatio httpRfamguardian"org .ublicationsFreat+@S nsFreat+@SIoa!Freat+@SIoa Ioa!Freat+@SIoa!"htm !"htm Through a detailed and very thorough analysis of both enacted law and #;S ... ... of  of this book to to bring  bring about, the #;S and our federal government would have been  been ... ... Taking  Taking of property without due process of law under 24 CFR CFR <47.".74f!.!  <47.".74f!.! .... .... ."9"3"=  ."9"3"= >uestion =? 8o you have to to @uote  @uote the Aible so %uch %uchB B .... .... "4"9  "4"9 0ositive &aw  &aw ...

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