Veiled Alliance

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Velled Alllance
by Allen Varney
TSR, Inc.
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Uniled Kingdon
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ISBN: 1-56076-313-2
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Velled Alllance
by Allen Varney
Table of Conlenls
IntrnductInn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chaptcr 1: Thc A!!Iancc~An OvcrvIcw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chaptcr 2: InsIdc Thc A!!Iancc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chaptcr 3: Thc A!!Iancc In thc 5cvcn CItIcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Tyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ba!Ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Dra¡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Gu!g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
NIbcnay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Raam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
UrIk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
VI!!agcs and Oascs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 88
Chaptcr 4: Thc VcI!cd A!!Iancc CampaIgn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Credl ls
DcsIgncd ly AIIen Varney
EdItcd ly Doug Slevarl
Prn¡cct CnnrdInatInn ly Tinolhy B. Brovn
Cartngraphy ly DieseI
TypcscttIng ly Tracey Zanagne
GraphIc PrnductInn ly Sarah Ieggeslad
Cnvcr Art ly Bron
IntcrInr Art ly Ton Baxa
5pccIa! Thanks lo Warren Speclor, Rick Svan, Don Well
ln nµ setenth µear nµ fanl|µ tlslted the e|ten
narketµ|ace, anld Tµr´s s|ate uarrens. Through a
nob of haughtµ nerchants and greedµ tradesnen l
sau a squad of Klng Ka|ak´s so|dlers notlng fron
booth to booth. Peoµ|e crouded lnto the bataar as
tlght as kanks ln harness, µet theµ gate the µatro|
µ|entµ of roon.
A so|dler sµotted a thln o|d uonan ln Raanlan
sl | ks. He cr l ed out and t he | eader , a bl g nu| ,
grabbed her. He denanded, ´Where ls he?
What´s the contact uord?"
The croud around ne fe|| sl|ent. l cou|d fee| thelr
tenslon and thelr hostl|ltµ to the µatro|. ´One of
these daµs. . . " one nan uhl sµered. A conµan-
lon hushed hln.
The uonan sµoke, ln uhat l took for a forelgn
|anguage. Her uords echoed strange|µ. The alr ln
the narketµ|ace, stl|| and charged ulth energµ, as a
ca|n before a storn. Then she hobb|ed auaµ. The
so|dlers stood stock-stl||, but theµ trenb|ed. l no-
tlced a µ|ant se||er´s booth behlnd the µatro|, the
green µ|ants trenb|ed ln the sane uaµ.
The o|d uonan sµoke agaln as she ua|ked, nut-
terlng, µet eterµ uord carrled µerfect|µ. Wates of alr
rlµµ|ed about her, the uaµ the alr uates on the horl-
ton. The b|ur tanlshed ln the croud.
l sau a heatµ flst rlse lnto tleu, then another, then
vani sh agaln. She crled out. Others attacked her.
A r ound ne , µe oµ| e s hout e d, ur gl ng t he n on.
´Wltch!" theµ chanted. ´Kl|| the ultch!" Bµ the
tlne the so|dlers uoke, the croud had flnlshed her
off, and uorse. The nage´s death dld not satlsfµ the
nob, her bodµ suffered nuch nore. When the nu|
| eader shouted, ´We´ | | take her and burn her! "
theµ cheered.
|or the on|µ tlne ln nµ |lfe l sau a croud cheer
Ka|ak´s guards. |or the flrst tlne l sau ultard´s
naglc. |or the flrst tlne l understood lts µerl|.
Aboul Thls Supplemenl
Magic has Iefl lhe vorId of Alhas a deadIy deserl.
Ils peopIe lIane aII nagicians for ils ruin, defiIers
Ior lhal naller, an individuaI AIIiance usuaIIy
nunlers ils nenlers in lhe dozens. Because nany
of ils nenlers connand poverfuI nagic, an AIIi-
ance can narshaI far grealer pover lhan ils size nay
The seven do nol leIong lo one uniled group,
lhey do nol cooperale, and lhey share no Ieaders.
Menlers of one AIIiance do nol aulonalicaIIy le-
cone nenlers of anolher. Al lesl, lhe differenl
groups respecl each olher, and nay offer courlesy
assislance lo a foreign nenler vho arrives in lovn.
1. Each cIty-statc hn!ds a dIffcrcnt A!!Iancc.
In reading lhis look, keep lhe foIIoving ideas in
nind. They heIp in underslanding lhe AIIiance´ s
purpose, lolh on lhe vorId of Alhas and in roIe-
pIaying advenlures.
Key Concepls
Lverylhing lhal foIIovs is for lhe DM's cycs nn!y!
P!aycrs shnu!d stnp rcadIng hcrc!
You need l he AD&D
r uI e looks , l he loxed
canpaign sel, and The ConpIele Isionics Hand-
look lo use lhis suppIenenl. The Dragon Kings
hardcover ruIes suppIenenl shouId prove usefuI as
Thi s s our c elook des c r i les l he AI I i anc e i n a
c a npa i gn: i l s s e c r e l s , nol a lI e
nenlers, aclivilies, and ils roIe in advenlures. Indi-
viduaI enlries descrile lhe seven cily-slales´ AIIi-
a nc e s i n de l a i I , a nd l he y a I s o gi ve f ur l he r
infornalion aloul lhe cily-slales lhenseIves, adding
lo lhal in lhe DARK SUN
loxed canpaign sel.
This lackground heIps fIesh oul any advenlure sel
in a cily-slale, even scenarios lhal don´l invoIve lhe
VeiIed AIIiance.
and preservers aIike-and nol onIy lIane, lul de-
spise lhen. Ior proleclion fron nearIy universaI ha-
lred, lhe good vizards of Alhas and lheir aIIies have
forned secrel socielies, coIIecliveIy knovn as lhe
VeiIed AIIiance.
2. Thc A!!Iancc dncs nnt hn!d !nfty Idca!s. conponenls, nagicaI ilens, and lhe Iike. Il na es
The organizalion prinariIy exisls lo heIp ils pre-
server nenlers lo survive. individuaI AIIiances in
lhe Tyr Region fighl lhe sorcerer-kings and deslroy
defiIers, lul onIy lo survive. AIIiance nenlers have
lheir ovn goaIs, lul rareIy espouse causes lo leller
lhe Alhasian condilion. Like nosl peopIe on Alhas,
ils vizards find lrule survivaI chaIIenging enough
vilhoul crealing nev goaIs and polenliaI nev ene-
3. Thc A!!Iancc nffcrs an cxcc!!cnt prcmIsc fnr any
cIty-bascd AthasIan campaIgn.
oflen nalch lhose of heroic pIayer characlers.
The sociely fighls eviI defiIers. lenpIars, and
sorcerer-kings. Il sends nenlers on quesls for speII
Though nol in ilseIf heroic, lhe AIIiance´s goaIs
Nole a Iess olvious advanlage for lhe overvorked
DM: lhe AIIiance operales in slricl secrecy. Nol
even ils nenlers knov aII ils operalions. If you have
no pIol-reIaled reason for lhe heroes lo enlark on
an advenlure, don´l vail. The AIIiance offers every
excuse lo keep ils reasons nyslerious!
Any good or neulraI characler, nol j usl a pre-
server, can j oin an AIIiance. These organizalions
need everyone vho can heIp lhen. They lreal non-
vizard ¨auxiIiary¨ nenlers veII, lhough nol as
veII as preservers. AIso, nosl AIIiance nissions re-
quire sleaIlh, and snaII groups~aloul lhe size of a
group of pIayer characlers.
rescues, springs prisoners fron caplivily, and inler-
rupls dangerous cerenonies. Who does il enIisl lo
do aII lhis` Thal´s righl: lhe pIayer characlers.
No aI I - enc onpas s i ng Vei I ed AI I i anc e exi s l s .
Ralher, a differenl AIIiance hoIds pover in each
cily-slale. AII serve nuch lhe sane funclions, lul
each operales in a unique, slrongIy independenl
slyIe. This lexl caIIs lhese AIIiances ¨chaplers,¨ lul
renenler lhal lhe individuaI chaplers oley no cen-
lraI, over-arching aulhorily.
Though independenl, lhe chaplers recognize one
anolher and nainlain friendIy, if guarded, reIalions.
They share a connon syslen of recognilion signaIs,
so lhal refugees fron one cily nay safeIy conlacl an-
olher cily´s chapler, and cerlain cuslons and princi-
pIes, such as a reIiance on secrecy and on requlta|,
lhe nolorious prohililion againsl resignalion fron
lhe AIIiance. Mosl inporlanl, aII AIIiances oley
lhe Iive Ains.
The VeiIed AIIiance exisls lo prolecl preservers
fron physicaI, nenlaI, and nagicaI allacks ly aII
enenies: sorcerer-kings, lenpIars, defiIers, lhe gen-
eraI cilizenry, and even lhe dragon. Ireservers aulo-
na l i c a I I y e a r n i l s p r o l e c l i o n , l u l n o l a I I
aulonalicaIIy acquire nenlership. A vizard nusl
earn affiIialion. Òlher characlers nay j oin under
cerlain circunslances. These ¨auxiIiary¨ nenlers
aIso gain proleclion. DefiIers cannol join lhe AIIi-
ance. On!y gnnd nr ncutra! charactcrs may ¡nIn.
The organizalions underlake nany varied aclivi-
lies, yel aII serve lhis reIaliveIy narrov purpose. If
anylhing lhrealens a preserver or preserving nagic,
lhe AIIiance vovs soIenn opposilion. ConverseIy,
lhe organizalions (as opposed lo individuaI nen-
lers) care nolhing aloul lhreals lo olhers. No AIIi-
ance lakes officiaI aclion lo free ordinary sIaves, for
exanpIe, nor lo provide disasler reIief, nor lo lallIe
Vigorous AIIiance chaplers exisl in aII seven cily-
slales. Minor AIIiances, or sonelines singIe con-
lacls, aIso exisl in lhe viIIage of AIlaruk and a fev
ÒccasionaI reporls passed lhrough a chapler nay
heIp expIain slrange occurrences in lhe cily-slale,
lul lhese usuaIIy cone afler lhe facl. SpeclacuIar
incidenls surprise everyone excepl lhose direclIy in-
voIved in pIanning and execulion. This fog nakes
advenlures in lhe AIIiance nyslerious affairs. SnaII
evenls can have greal effecls, and lhe characlers seI-
don knov vhal lheir nissions viII achieve unliI
lhey´ve succeeded.
IeveIs. A quarler or nore of lhe nenlership range
fron 5lh- lo as high as 8lh-IeveI. Wizards alove
8lh-IeveI generaIIy heIp Iead lhe organizalion, or
serve as eIile agenls or envoys vho sel lheir ovn
agendas. Si ni I ar f i gures appI y l o l he auxi I i ary
groups of fighlers, rogues, psionicisls, and priesls.
ActIvIty: ÒnIy lhe Ieader, if anyone, knovs aII of a
chapler´ s aclivilies. No olher nenler ever sees
nuch of lhe vhoIe. AIIiance nenlers vork in a fog
(or, nore approprialeIy, a sandslorn), seeing a fev
olhers nov and lhen, perhaps a shadovy figure or
lvo in lhe dislance, and nolhing leyond.
An effeclive chapler generaIIy nusl incIude al
Ieasl a fev dozen nenlers, and in Iarge cilies nen-
ler s hi p c ouI d r eac h over 1OO. The ac l uaI s i ze
shouId renain unspecified in lhe canpaign. Wiz-
ards conprise aloul haIf lhe nenlership, auxiIia-
ries, supporling nenlers fron olher cIasses, nake
up l he ol her haI f . Chapl er 2, ¨I nsi de The AI I i -
ance,¨ discusses auxiIiaries in delaiI.
Begi nni ng Wi zards rank lelveen 1sl- and 4lh-
5Izc: No one lul ils Ieader knovs a chapler´ s
size~lhe resuIl of lhe need for secrecy connon lo
aII underground novenenls. No nenler knovs
nany olhers, Iesl lhe nenler le caplured and le-
lray vilaI secrels under inlerrogalion.
olher scallered viIIages and oases. These lypicaIIy
lake orders fron lhe nearesl cily-slale chapler. No
knovn AIIiance chaplers exisl in lhe Crescenl Ior-
esl, on lhe isIands of lhe Sea of SiIl, nor in olher
renole areas.
Scope and Mollve
Coals and Doclrlnes
AII AIIiances have voved aIIegiance lo a sel of five
goaIs, or ¨Ains. ¨ ÒnIy nenlers knov lhe Iive
Ains, ranked here in order of priorily.
The Chlef Alm: Prolecl lhe Alllance
In lhe pasl lhis goaI oflen neanl ¨nainlain secre-
cy. ¨ To dale, lhe AIIiance has survived onIy ly
sleaIlh, and acling onIy coverlIy. IoverfuI defiIers
and agenls of lhe sorcerer-kings conslanlIy search
for AIIiance nenlers, hoping lo lrack lhen lo lhe
chapler headquarlers. Irevenling discovery has Ied
lo nany harsh neasures -principaIIy requilaI, lhe
falIed ¨resign and die¨ poIicy.
As lhe vinds of change sveep over Alhas, AIIi-
ance chapl ers delal e l he neani ng of l he Chi ef
Ain. Nov lhal Tyr´s sorcerer-king has faIIen and
nore nay foIIov, sone leIieve secrecy no Ionger
serves lhe organizalion. In Tyr parlicuIarIy, a fev
vocaI nenlers supporl ¨DivuIgence¨~pulIic dis-
cIosure of lhe AIIiance´s exislence and aclivilies.
They vouId acconpany DivuIgence vilh pulIic
educalion aloul lhe differences lelveen preservers
and defiIers. Then, al Iasl, lhe Iong lreach lelveen
lhe preservers and lhe popuIace vouId legin lo
The Second Alm: Prolecl Preservers
The VeiIed AIIiance legan vilh lhe need lo pro-
lecl good vizards fron lhe vralh of a sociely lhal
does nol undersland lhen. Despile lhe changes
lhal lesel Alhas loday, cilizens sliII reviIe aII viz-
ards, incIuding preservers. The Second Ain re-
nains vilaI. The AIIiance devoles ilseIf lo guarding
preservers and lheir nagic, even vizards vho cIain
no nenlership in lhe organizalion.
The nosl connon nelhods of AIIiance prolec-
lion for preservers incIude:
- 5afc Harbnr. Lvery chapler nainlains nuner-
ous hideavays around ils cily-slale. A nenler in
innediale danger nay sheIler lhere for an hour, a
day, or a nonlh.
- Transpnrt. A vizard or auxiIiary vho cannol
find Iong-lern safely nusl Ieave lhe cily-slale for
good. The AIIiance arranges safe, one-vay lrans-
porlalion, usuaIIy non-nagicaI lo avoid deleclion.
- Transp!ants. When receiving a vizard fron
eIsevhere, an AIIiance chapler can creale a nev, se-
cure, and pernanenl idenlily for lhe refugee. This
incIudes a nane, hone, posilion, and frauduIenl re-
The Fourlh Alm: Cppose Defllers
cords of lirlh, lax paynenls, and so on. They nay
use iIIusion or µo|µnorµh speIIs lo expedile lhe secu-
rily of lhe lranspIanl. The AIIiance generaIIy exe-
cul es l hi s di f f i cuI l l ask onI y f or i nporl anl and
poverfuI vizards, and seIdon if ever for auxiIiaries.
and nonhunan, Iend lheir speciaI skiIIs lo AIIiance
nissions. The founders knev lhal lhey nusl offer
proleclion lo auxiIiaries in order lo ensure IoyaIly
and preserve needed skiIIs for fulure nissions.
The nolive lehind lhe Third Ain lelrays an un-
derIying cynicisn, lul in praclice lhe AIIiance re-
specls ils auxiIiaries, and sone achieve very high
To sone, defiIers enlody lhe vorsl inaginalIe
eviI. To lhen, defiIing nagic does nol jusl deslroy, il
offends lhe universe. Bul nosl oppose defiIers for
praclicaI reasons.
Aclive defiIers caII undue allenlion lo
nagicians~hosliIe allenlion. DefiIing nagic ruins
lhe Iand for fulure speII-casling, Iel aIone anylhing
eIse. DefiIers conpele vilh preservers for vaIualIe
speI I conponenl s and nagi caI l reasures. Sone
chaplers crusade lo deslroy defiIers for ideoIogicaI
- RccruItmcnt. Chapler nenlers vho discover
a novice vilh nalive nagicaI aliIily lul no lraining
can lry lo recruil lhe novice for lhe AIIiance. This
deIicale operalion invoIves a Iong prolalion period,
vhiIe senior nenlers invesligale lhe recruil for any
evidence of deceplion.
- Inst ruct I nn. A vi zard vho denonsl ral es a
need for a parlicuIar speII or nagicaI ilen nay con-
lacl lhe AIIiance. They nay refer lhe vizard lo an
Chaplers aInosl aIvays avoid direcl confronla-
lion vilh poverfuI defiIers. The AIIiance usuaIIy al-
lacks defiIers indireclIy:
- Rcscuc. Lnenies vho caplure a preserver seI-
don execule lhe vizard oulrighl. They usuaIIy con-
fine and inlerrogale lhe prisoner firsl. During lhis
period, lefore lhe inevilalIe execulion, lhe AIIiance
nay lry lo rescue lhe vizard. They firsl lry lo sul-
verl a guard or exl ri cal e l he pri soner l hrough
sleaIlh. If lhis faiIs, an open assauIl on lhe jaiI ceII
nay foIIov. This desperale slroke, invoIving grave
danger lo lhe cIoak of secrecy, occurs onIy lo rescue
an exlraordinariIy inporlanl prisoner.
- WhIspcrIng CampaIgns. The peopIe of Alhas
hale aII nagicians aIike. Sone AIIiance nenlers
coverlIy circuIale runors lhal expose defiIers, hop-
ing lo provoke nol juslice. To olher nenlers lhis
laclic ilseIf seens eviI. The praclice raises conlro-
- Thcft. In conlrasl, no one in lhe AIIiance dis-
pules lhe praclice of sleaIing a defiIer´s speII-looks
and nagicaI ilens. The AIIiance aIvays prefers
sleaIlhy lurgIary lo direcl confronlalion vilh lhe
The Thlrd Alm: Prolecl Auxlllarles
¨AuxiIiaries¨ are non-vizard nenlers of lhe
AIIiance. These supporling fighlers, priesls, psioni-
cisls, and (occasionaIIy) rogues and druids, hunan
The chapler Ieaders cIain nagicaI ilens (usuaIIy
vilh a cul for lhe lurgIar). They onIy delale vhelh-
er lo deslroy sloIen speII-looks. Ireservers cannol
use defiIer´s speIIs as vrillen, lul (rareIy) lhey can
adapl lhe speIIs. The Ieadership sonelines keeps
defiIing speIIs in ils Iilrary. The ralionaIe: ¨Knov
your eneny.¨
conlesls aIvays fighl lo lhe dealh. A defiIer vho
refuses lhe chaIIenge lecones fair gane for anlush
and olher laclics.
DueIisls fighl fairIy~on lhe AIIiance side, al any
rale. The chaIIenged parly vins aloul a lhird of lhe
line. A viclorious defiIer nay Ieave lhe scene unhin-
dered, and lhe AIIiance na es no officiaI reprisaI.
As a praclicaI naller, lhe defiIer nay soon vacale
lhe cily-slale anyvay as unofficiaI relaIialion le-
cones a conslanl nuisance.
- Vanda! I sm. When you can´ l sl eaI , desl roy.
Knovn defiIers in secure Iairs nay find lheir en-
lrances looly-lrapped, food spoiIed, and sIeep in-
paired ly sudden noises oulside. A harassed defiIer
nay rashIy expose nagicaI aliIily pulIicIy, or al
Ieasl decide lo nove eIsevhere. (Nole lhal AIIiance
vandaIisn never deslroys Iiving pIanls or aninaIs.)
- 5ubvcrsInn. If a nenler discovers a novice de-
fiIer, lhe IocaI chapler oflen coverlIy conlacls lhe le-
The Flflh Alm: Undermlne lhe
ginner. The visesl preservers renove lhe young
defiIer lo lhe viIderness and discuss lhe proper vays
of nagic, hoping lo converl lhe defiIer lo lhe sludy
of preserving nagic.
The AIIiance aIso opposes lhe sorcerer-kings for
praclicaI reasons. ÒnIy lhe nonarchs possess lhe
The nexl slep varies anong chaplers. Sone orga-
nizalions denand lhe defiIer´ s conversion on lhe
spol, and pernanenlIy disalIe or eIininale any vho
refuse. Òlhers, nore hunane (or nore naive, ac-
cording lo vievpoinl) relurn lhe defiIer safe and
sound, hoping lhe defiIer viII voIunlariIy lake lhe
nev pal h and j oi n l he AI I i anc e. ¨Menler s ly
choice do leller lhan nenlers ly conpuIsion, ¨
lhey say.
slrenglh and viII lo eradicale a chapler. The kings
and lheir lenpIars inilialed lhe var, lul every chap-
ler slands ready lo conlinue il. This Ain, in princi-
pIe, caIIs for lhe overlhrov of lhe kings. In praclice
lhis anounls lo conslanl snaII-scaIe harassnenl.
Thi s var renai ns undecI ared. Mosl AI I i ance
chaplers have avoided open allacks againsl a king´s
inleresls vhich couId falaIIy endanger lhe veiI of se-
crecy. They have acled enlireIy coverlIy-lo dale.
Nov sone chaplers delale open varfare as lhe
counlerparl lo ¨DivuIgence. ¨
Bolh approaches have inperfecl records of suc-
cess. Mosl chaplers decide nelhods case ly case. A
chapler never lries lo sulverl an olviousIy experi-
enced defiIer (alove 5lh-IeveI), for lhey assune lhe
sludenl has irrevocalIy laken lhe palh of lhe defiIer.
(A converled defiIer nusl slarl over al 1sl-IeveI.)
- Ambush. AI I i ance I eaders of neul raI aI i gn-
nenl nay acluaIIy Iure poverfuI defiIers lo a prear-
r anged I oc al i on, l hen pounc e i n s ur pr i s e. The
Ieaders reserve lhis desperale nelhod for innediale
and exlreneIy dangerous defiIer lhreals. Òn lhe
olher hand, chaplers Ied ly IavfuI good characlers
lend lo prefer lhe. . .
The AIIiance´s nosl connon nelhods of fighling
sorcerer-kings incIude:
- Prnpaganda. Lfficienl runor niIIs circuIale
nevs (usuaIIy even lrue nevs) of sIave uprisings, le-
lrayed lenpIars, and coverl resislance. NaluraIIy,
no one vho hears lhese runors ever Iearns lheir
- Duc!. Lvery decade or so a IavfuI AIIiance
Ieader lecones so concerned vilh sone parlicuIar
defiIer lhal lhe Ieader acluaIIy chaIIenges lhe defiIer
lo a vizard´s dueI. The parlicipanls in lhese singIe
- 5abntagc. Iood consignnenls nysleriousIy
spoiI, veapon carls en roule fron lhe arnory lo lhe
paIace lhrov vheeIs and coIIapse, or svords and ar-
rovs lreak. The roof of a lenpIar headquarlers coI-
Iapses, apparenlIy fron fauIly conslruclion. AiI of
lhis keeps lhe AIIiance´s agenls lusy.
- Bct raya! . ¨The eneny of ny eneny i s ny
friend.¨ Menlers sonelines Iearn infornalion lhal
couId danage a sorcerer-king if reveaIed, for in-
slance, arny depIoynenls in hosliIe lerrilory. The
AIIiance anonynousIy passes lhis infornalion lo an
audience lhal can use il lesl, oflen a rivaI sorcerer-
king´s agenls.
endanger nuch of l he organi zal i on. Theref ore,
ICs in AIIiance advenlures discover fev delaiIs of
lhe organizalion, and lhose onIy lhrough cIose con-
lacl vilh lhe AIIiance.
Crganl zall on
In nosl cases lhe VeiIed AIIiance has found il loo
dangerous lo infiIlrale or lry lo sulverl a king´ s
orces. Mosl chaplers reIy nol on spies lul on cIose
olservalion or reporls fron synpalhelic aIIies. The
exceplions, lhe Draj and Raan chaplers, use a risky
lul produclive slralegy of Iarge-scaIe infiIlralion.
Like olher revoIulionary groups, lhe AIIiance uses
a ¨ceII¨ slruclure lo ensure lhal no nenler oul-
side lhe core Ieadership knovs nuch aloul lhe or-
g a n i z a l i o n , a n d c a n n o l l e l r a y nu c h u n d e r
HI crarchy: Òul si de l he cenl raI I eadershi p, or
The Al ms l n Pracll ce
CounciI, lhe nenlership faIIs inlo snaII groups, or
ceIIs. A ceII lypicaIIy hoIds lhree lo six nenlers, oc-
casionaIIy nore -in olher vords, one group of pIay-
er characlers.
Sonelines chaplers honor an Ain nore in lhe
lreach lhan in lhe olservance. This happens nosl
oflen vilh confIicls lelveen lhe Chief and Third
Ains, vhen allenpls lo rescue a nenler vouId vio-
Iale secrecy.
The ceIIs are Iinked lo lhe cenlraI Ieadership and
each olher ly Iines of connunicalion. CeIIs pass
nessages lack and forlh lhrough a Iong chain of
ceIIs in a luckel-lrigade fashion. In praclice, an individuaI nenler oflen allenpls
such a rescue, especiaIIy vhen he regards lhe viclin
as a vaIued conrade. The senior Ieaders seIdon en-
courage such rash aclion, lul lhey usuaIIy ignore
lhe vioIalion~as Iong as lhe rescue succeeds!
They handIe olher confIicls Iess easiIy. A chapler´s
Ieader usuaIIy resoIves lhen, deciding (for inslance)
vhelher a parlicuIarIy loId salolage allenpl nerils
lhe risk, or vhelher lo send vaIued, high-IeveI pre-
servers lo invade a poverfuI defiIer´s hone.
The Ieadership ranks ceIIs according lo hov far
fron lhe CounciI lhey are aIong lhe chain. These do
nol represenl niIilary rank, pover, or seniorily,
nereIy Iocalion. Iirsl-rank ceIIs Iink direclIy lo lhe
cenlraI Ieadership. Second-rank ceIIs Iink lo firsl-
rank, and so on. The Iink slruclure resenlIes a
lhree-sided pyranid, vilh lhe CounciI al lhe apex,
lhree firsl-rank ceIIs jusl leIov il, and lhe resl ar-
ranged in ranks dovn lhe sides (See diagran).
Clher Coals
The AIIiances share oledience lo lhe Iive Ains.
I ndi vi duaI chapl ers sonel i nes have addi l i onaI
goaIs, unique lo lheir silualions.
Slruclure and Communlcallons
Chapler organizalions vary sIighlIy, lul Ieaders
aIvays keep lhen deepIy secrel. The rank and fiIe
gain onIy skelchy infornalion aloul lhe nelhods of
operalion. Anyone caughl and inlerrogaled can´ l
Nolice lhal each ceII in lhe second rank connecls
direclIy lo one of higher rank, lvo of lhe sane rank,
and (in Iarge chaplers) lhree of Iover rank. Lach
sulordinale ceII lhus lecones lhe apex of ils ovn
IillIe pyranid. AII lhese Iinks represenl one nenler
in a ceII, vho knovs one conlacl in an adjacenl ceII.
Wilh lhree firsl-rank ceIIs, and lhree nore ranked
jusl lenealh each one, lhe nunler of ceIIs in a rank
nuIlipIies quickIy: 3, 9, 27 . . . . By lhe lhird rank,
lhe AIIiance has 39 ceIIs. No chapler has yel needed
a fourlh rank.
CnmmunIcatInn TImc: A lypicaI ceII neels veek-
Iy. The neeling days slagger lelveen ranks, so lhal
ceIIs of a Iover rank neel lhe day afler lhose of a
nessage and passes il lo her ovn conlacl in MekiIIol
Larlh, one rank leIov. Dahn-gen does Iikevise for
Whal happens l hen` Ihronl a l akes } udri al h´ s
If anylhing happens lo lhal MekiIIol CIeric con-
lacl, }udrialh knovs an energency conlacl in Inix
SiIl, anolher second-rank ceII. The conlacl in Inix
Si I l can pass Counci I nessages si devays l o } u-
drialh´s ceII.
Nov suppose lhe lenpIars deslroy MekiIIol Iire.
If even one nenler escapes, lhal nenler can pass
lhe nevs up or sidevays aIong lhe chain of ceIIs so
lhal il reaches lhe Ieadership. If no one escapes, lhe
orders sliII gel passed dovn lo Iover IeveIs ly lhe
energency roules.
drialh, Ihronla, Dahn-gen, and KyuIn leIong lo
MekiIIol Iire, a second-rank ceII. }udrialh (aIone)
knovs one nenler of MekiIIol CIeric, lhe firsl-rank
ceII alove her ovn. She receives nessages lhrough
lhal conlacl, lhen spreads lhe nevs lo lhe olher
lhree in her ovn ceII.
CounciI. So, if caplured, lhe viclin knovs onIy lhe
olher lhree in MekiIIol Iire, pIus one energency
conlacl and (in }udrialh´ s case) one higher-IeveI
Cc!! namcs: Lach ceII code nane conprises lvo
parls. The firsl lakes lhe nane of lhe firsl-rank ceII
alove il. Ior inslance, a lhird-rank ceII under lhe
firsl-rank ceII MekiIIol aIvays has lhe firsl nane
¨MekiIIol.¨ The ceII nenlers or lheir conlacls oul-
side lhe ceII seIecl ils second nane.
Hnw I t wnrks: As shovn i n l he di agran, } u-
Nntc: Ihronla does nol knov lhe olhers´ con-
lacls, nor do lhey knov hers (or each olher´s). They
don´ l even knov hov cIose lheir ceII Iies lo lhe
his lhird-rank conlacl in MekiIIol Waler, as does
KyuIn for his in MekiIIol Air. In case anylhing hap-
pens lo }udrialh, each of lhen aIso has a unique,
sane-IeveI energency conlacl (differenl fron }u-
drialh´s) in Inix SiIl or Inix Dusl.
higher rank. This Iels nessages fiIler dovn lo aII
nenlers vilhin a fev days.
The CounciI can readj usl neeling lines lo re-
verse lhe fIov, in cases vhen infornalion-galhering
lecones vilaI. They can aIso caII energency neel-
ings, lul lhe line of lransnission seIdon faIIs lo Iess
lhan a day-lhe price of secrecy.
nenlous evenl. Il sinuIlaneousIy Iinks lhe aclive
nenlership of an enlire cily-slale. Though vasl,
line-consuning, and dangerous, lhe psionic under-
l aki ng produces revards. I n under a ni nul e of
shared leIepalhic conlacl, dozens of vizards and
auxiIiaries can voice lheir opinions and reach con-
Lach parlicipanl, Iocaled anyvhere in lhe cily,
feeIs a psionic conlacl. The viIIing parlicipanl´s
physicaI surroundings seen lo vanish vilh an inne-
diale shifl lo an inaginary psychic space. Lach per-
ceives lhe space differenlIy, lul aIvays in neulraI or
conforlalIe lerns. Òlher individuaIs in lhe Calhex-
is appear lo lhe olserver as unrecognizalIe poinls of
coIor, and lhey connunicale soundIessIy, guaran-
l eei ng anonyni l y. Leaders appear as especi aI I y
lrighl or Iarge spheres of varying coIors.
Lcadcrs: In generaI, each chapler foIIovs one pri-
nary Ieader and a snaII nunler of Iieulenanls.
Three Iieulenanls each lake charge of one lranch of
lhe ceII pyranid, each Iieulenanl can iniliale an op-
eralion aIong lhal lranch on his or her ovn aulhor-
ily. They reveaI lhenseIves lo Iover ranks onIy ly
code nanes, such as ¨SiIk Wyrn¨ or ¨Culhay. ¨
Òlher Iieulenanls vork as speciaI envoys or eIile
advisors. SlriclIy speaking, lhey have no aulhorily
l o i ni l i al e operal i ons. I n pracl i caI l erns, l hese
poverfuI navericks don´l pay nuch allenlion lo
ruIes. If lhey see an innediale need, lhey nay ferrel
oul a parlicuIar ceII and lake connand. They send
lhe ceII nenlers on lhe operalion, lhen vanish nys-
Then lhe Ieaders joinlIy propose lhe issue of de-
lale. Lach speaker in Calhexis nay presenl or al-
sorl an opinion vilh lhe speed of lhoughl. Delale
can proceed holIy and heaviIy for severaI exchanges,
l hen cI osed, vol ed on, and Cal hexi s canceI I ed.
When lhe parlicipanls relurn lo physicaI avareness,
onIy a ninule or so has passed!
Counci I I eaders of l en cone f ron l he hi ghesl
ranks of sociely, and each connands enornous
pover. Lvery junior nenler soon Iearns lo heed lhe
CounciI´s infrequenl pronouncenenls cIoseIy. The
CounciI sends orders dovn aII lhe lranches of lhe
Hovever, for lhe nosl inporlanl nallers lhe or-
ganizalion reserves a secrel and poverfuI inslru-
The greal virlues of Calhexis enlaiI greal cosl.
ÒnIy leans of high-IeveI psionicisls nay execule
one, and lhen onIy afler eIalorale preparalion. The
process physicaIIy drains lhe execulors and has
sonelines kiIIed lhen. Therefore, Ieaders usuaIIy
reserve ils use for energencies. In a given chapler
Calhexis has seIdon occurred nore lhan once in a
Calhexl s GamIng thc CathcxIs: A characler nay use any
leIepalhic psionic aliIily nornaIIy in Calhexis. Al
l he DM´ s di screl i on, sone nel apsi oni c ali I i l i es
nay aIso vork in Calhexis. Òlher cIasses of psionic
aliIily, physicaI aliIilies, and nagic do nol vork in
SeveraI AIIiance praclices arouse conlroversy.
Hov can an organizalion lhal keeps ils nenlership
secrel ever have open discussions and delale` Isi-
onic and nagicaI connunicalion can lake care of
sone confIicl. Bul vhal aloul dispules lhal invoIve
lhe enlire sociely` The soIulion: Cathexls.
In nosl chaplers Calhexis narks a rare and no-
Ior leIepalhic aliIilies, lreal aII largels as lhough
vilhin sighl. A characler nusl ¨nove¨ psychicaIIy
nexl lo anolher characler lo use povers lhal require
louch. This vorks Iike novenenl in lhe LlhereaI
IIane. AII olservers can see lhe nolion, lul lhey
cannol see leIepalhic povers in use.
panl´s lody, physicaIIy or psionicaIIy, lhe parlici-
panl inslanlIy drops oul of Calhexis and can defend
nornaIIy. The DM can aIIov surprise lonuses lo
lhe allacker as appropriale.
Conducl leIepalhic conlal nornaIIy, as lhough
line passes al ils reguIar rale. Allacks and defenses
vork nornaI I y, al l ackers nusl esl alI i sh conl acl
vhen usuaIIy required. Touch conlacls require a
physicaI allack roII. Ior convenience, assune lhal
Calhexis Iasls onIy Iong enough for a parlicipanl lo
conducl one psionic conlal.
Nn t c : A C a l h e x i s
requires al Ieasl lhree lo six days lo prepare, severaI
psionicisls of 1Olh-IeveI or higher, and (oplionaIIy)
enpovered receplacIes or olher sources of ISIs,
such as Iesser psionicisls.
In gane lerns, Calhexis lrenendousIy expands
l he l e I e pa l hi c di s c i pI i ne s o f ni ndI i nk, s e nd
lhoughls, and LSI, in conjunclion vilh varianls of
lhe nelapsionic devolions nagnify, psychic drain,
and receplacIe. Lach psionicisl in lhe group nusl
have aII lhese as prerequisiles. Lach psionicisl nay
Iink up lo five olher ninds, and each fuIIy charged
receplacIe adds five nore ninds lo lhe lolaI. The
operal i on I asl s one ni nul e and drai ns aI I ISIs
avaiIalIe. ÒplionaIIy, injured, iII, or fraiI psionicisls
nusl nake a syslen shock roII afler Calhexis ends.
When Calhexis ends, so do aII psionic conlacls
na de l hr ough i l . Ie r na ne nl e f f e c l s s uc h a s
nindvipe renain aflervard, lul ongoing, conslanl-
Iy nainlained effecls such as doninalion end inne-
dialeIy. ÒplionaIIy, aII hil-poinl danage and olher
physicaI Iosses accunuIaled in conlal nay hil lhe
physicaI lody aII al once, possilIy requiring a Con-
slilulion aliIily check or Syslen Shock roII (DM´s
discrelion) lo renain conscious.
If soneone in lhe ¨reaI¨ vorId allacks a parlici-
The Calhexis effecl vorks leller as a sloryleIIing
1 2
nechani sn l han as an expI i ci l gane devi ce. I l
dranalizes lhe greal pover of lhe VeiIed AIIiance
and lhe issues lhal confronl lhe organizalion. To
lhal end, alnosphere shouId lake precedence over
ruIes nechanics.
Watchfu! Eycs (Enchantmcnt, Grcatcr DIvInatInn)
(7th~|ete| Wltard, 6th~|ete| Prlest sµe||)
Range: SpeciaI
Conponenl s: V, S, M
Valchlng lhe Troops
The ceII slruclure prevenls a chapler´s Ieadership
fron knoving ils nenlership. Sone Ieaders vho
find lhis unacceplalIe use a speII caIIed uatchfu|
Duralion: 12 hours per IeveI
Casling Tine: 1 round per oljecl (nin. 1 hour)
A r e a o f L f f e c l : S p e c i a I
Saving Throv: None
The speIIcasler nusl choose easiIy sorlalIe oljecls
lo enchanl, and nusl nake lhen idenlicaI (vilhin rea-
sonalIe Iinils). The oljecls logelher undergo an eIal-
orale ¨curing¨ process lhal sonevhal resenlIes lhe
nelapsionic nelhod of enpovering an ilen. This
lakes lhe speIIcasler al Ieasl one hour per day for one
nonlh. If lhe speIIcasler skips a day lhe process nusl
slarl again fron scralch.
Lach speII enchanls up lo 1OO idenlicaI ilens.
The speIIcasler nusl louch each ilen during casl-
ing. If lhe speIIcasler has nore lhan 1OO ilens, he or
she nay casl uatchfu| eµes conseculiveIy. so Iong as
lhe curing process conlinues daiIy.
Any nunler of speIIcaslers nay allend. When
lhe casler finishes vilh lhe finaI ilen, lhe speII acli-
vales for aII ilens al once. The ilens appear un-
changed lul nov detect as nagicaI for lhe duralion
of lhe speII.
A vizard or priesl casls a uatchfu| eµe speII on a
coIIeclion of snaII ilens: fealhers, coins, daggers, or
anylhing porlalIe. Ior lhe duralion of lhe speII (a
naller of a fev days) aII speIIcaslers vho allended
lhe casling nay ¨lune in¨ any of lhe olj ecls and
sense anylhing in lheir vicinily as lhough presenl
lhenseIves al lhe scene. The speIIcaslers cannol casl
nagic or use psionic aliIilies lhrough lhe eµes.
Thc eµes in use: The lhree AIIiance Iieulenanls
each l ake a l hi rd of l he enchanl ed olj ecl s. The
Ieaders pass lhe eyes lo lhe firsl-rank ceIIs vilh lhe
connand, ¨Divide lhese evenIy anong your nen-
lers al lhe nexl neeling and have lhen pass lhe
ilens dovn lhe chain. Have every ceII repeal lhe
slruclure. The CounciI´s speIIcaslers foIIov lheir
The eyes graduaIIy fiIler oul lhrough lhe AIIiance
progress, noling lhe carriers al every slep and lhe
faces of lhose vho allend each neeling. Beyond lhe
second rank lhe eµes lecone so diffused lhal lhe
caslers Iook in onIy sporadicaIIy. Afler lhe speII
Iapses, a nev connand fiIlers dovn lhe Iine: ¨De-
slroy lhe oljecls.¨
Thereafler, lhose vho allended aII lhe caslings
nay seIecl and lune in on any enchanled ilen up lo
1OO niIes avay, as descriled alove This lakes 1d6
rounds. (Nole: lhe cIairsenlienl effecl vorks nor-
The uatchfu| eµe carriers onIy lecone avare of
lhis nagicaI sensing if lhey vouId ordinariIy detect
naglc used in lheir presence. Detect scrµlng idenli-
fies lhe ilen, lul nolhing can lrace lhe cIairsen-
lience lack lo ils source.
naIIy, independenl of circunslances: for inslance, il
vorks even if lhe ilen is conceaIed. The DM nay
assign negalive nodifiers for exlrene range, pres-
ence of inlerfering nagic, elc.)
This speII requires one olher naleriaI conponenl:
a convenlionaI nagicaI scrying device, such as a
crµsta| ba||, vhich is nol expended in lhe process.
AIIiance Ieaders find lhe uatchfu| eµes enchanl-
nenl expensive and line-consuning, lul effeclive.
They guard ils secrel cIoseIy, and nosl olher speII-
caslers have never heard of il. Sone nonarchs knov
of lhe speII, lul nol lhe procedure. They vouId pay
a forlune for il.
Hov did lhese fev sorcerer-kings Iearn of lhe
uatchfu| eµes speII` The ansver Iies in lhe grealesl
danger facing lhe AIIiance loday.
sure vhere sources had reporled greal anounls.
This Ied lo lhe deslruclion of enlire ceIIs.
Then a uatchfu| eµe scan of lhe Tyr nenlership
shoved a young vizard naned Ralhoras visiling a
high-ranking lenpIar shorlIy afler King KaIak´ s
dealh. A CounciI vizard reciled lhis accounl lo an
eidelic psionicisl:
Rathnras: I have nore nevs, ny Iord.
Tcmp!ar: Òf lhose nagicians` Sland up, idiol! Òur
leIoved Tilhian´s Ialesl edicl connands lhal no one
kneeI lo us anynore. Ifl! Whal nevs`
Rathnras: I salolaged lheir raid on lhe oId Iilrary as
Subverslon and Threal
you ordered. The guards found lhen aII, lul. . .
Tcmp!ar: Bul lhey aII died in lhe lallIe, yes, I heard.
We do sliII keep lals on lhings, lhough vilhoul Ka-
Iak´s lIessing, onIy lhe slrong survive. Creal Drag-
on, I senl you lo find lheir headquarlers and you
lring ne ¨nevs¨ lhree days oId! You haven´l
SchoIars of nalure (such as exisl on Alhas) have
sludied a liny insecl lhey caII lhe ¨nyrneIeon, ¨
connonIy knovn as lhe ant|lon.
found lheir slronghoId yel, have you`
Rathnras: WeII. . .
¨Lxcavaling a conicaI hoIe in lhe deserl sand,¨
vriles Davesler of Tyr, ¨lhe crealure lurrovs oul of
Tcmp!ar: WeII, indeed.
Rathnras: We. . . uh. . . ny Iord, lhe nagicians´
CounciI senl lhings lo everyone in ny ceII. Iealhers.
TenpIar: Iealhers.
Ralhoras: This is one of lhen. They said lo carry il
vilh ne. Il hoIds a virlue of sone sorl, lul I falhon
il nol.
Tcmp!ar: Bring il over here. I viII have a Iook al il
nyseIf, lhrough ny gIass. This has a virlue of ils
ovn, you knov. . . Cad, il´s scrying us!
sighl al lhe lase, lhen vails, sonelines for days.
Anls and cravIing niles slunlIe over lhe rin of lhe
hoIe. The quarry-lunlIe dovnvard, vhere lhe sIy
nyrneIeon Ieaps fron lhe sand and pounces, fixing
lhe viclin in fearsone nandilIes.
¨The enlire squaIid drana lakes pIace vilhin a
round no Iarger lhan a gIadialor´s heIn. Yel nolh-
ing in lhe deserl´s Iarger predalions so conjures in
ne lrue fear as lhal vision of piliIess palience, lhal
siIenl unlIinking aIerlness for a singIe nislake, nin-
gIed vilh a rending, lIoodlhirsly ferocily al lhe
This accounl nay have heIped nane lhe nevesl
nenace lo lhe VeiIed AIIiance: lhe MyrneIeons,
agenls of lhe sorcerer-kings vho have finaIIy infiI-
lraled lhe chaplers. Afler generalions of securily
nany nov fear a slrike fron vilhin.
Avareness of lhis nev lhreal grev sIovIy. Iirsl, a
fev nissions venl dangerousIy avry. SoIdiers ar-
rived vilh no varning, or searchers found no lrea-
Ralhoras did nol relurn lo Ialer ceII neelings. Bul
lhe AIIiance knovs nov lhal enenies, even defiIers,
can circunvenl aII ils securily and corrupl ils ranks.
The AIIiance has responded vilh sliII grealer se-
crecy and caulion. The vorId grovs yel nore hos-
liIe, lul lheir connilnenl lo lheir nission never
Rathnras: Òh, no! My Iord, I never~No! IIease~
Tcmp!ar: You idiol! I´II crush you Iike I crush lhis~
Lach cily´s AIIiance operales, connunicales, and
adninislers juslice as uniqueIy as lhe vhorIs of a fin-
gerprinl. This seclion discusses lheir siniIarilies.
Hov lo Flnd lhe Alllance
Do They Really Vear Vells!
The shorl ansver: ¨No. ¨
The shorl ansver requires quaIificalion. Many
peopIe in aII seven cily-slales vear fuII or parliaI veiIs.
VeiIs keep lhe onnipresenl deserl dusl and gril oul of
lhe eyes and noslriIs. If a nenler happens lo vear a
veiI, lhe vizard Iooks no differenl lhan haIf lhe peo-
pIe on lhe slreel. Sone chaplers do vear veiIs during
rare, secrel cerenonies, lul nol in pulIic.
Recognlllon Slgns
The unified syslen of recognilion signaIs lhal
vorks in aII cilies gives lhe AIIiance a doulIe-edged
svord. TraveIIing nenlers need sel signaIs lo gain
AIIiance recognilion and heIp in nev cilies, lul es-
lalIished signaIs open lhe chaplers lo infiIlralion.
Irequenl change seens unvorkalIe, so lhe chaplers
agreed lo Iive vilh lhe silualion and redoulIe lheir
vigiIance. During lhe canpaign, infiIlralion nay
pronpl lhen lo reconsider lhis decision. Bul for
nov, lhese renain lhe slandard signs:
- Gcncra! rccngnItInn: The firsl speaker in casu-
aI conversalion uses lhe passvord phrase ¨My fa-
lher is a lenpIar.¨ The Iislener responds vilh ¨My
nol her i s a gardener. ¨ The f i rsl ansvers, ¨You
cone of good slock.¨
¨VeiIed¨ in lhis sense neans ¨secrel.¨ Secrel soci-
elies don´l gel far ly inposing dress codes.
Conlacling lhe VeiIed AIIiance vouId le sinpIe if
aII nenlers had lo go aloul veiIed. DefiIers and
sorcerer-kings aIike vouId appIaud lhis poIicy, lul
Llkely Conlacl Slles
In nosl cily-slales lhe AIIiances inslrucl nenlers
lo valch for and prolecl preservers, foIIoving lhe
diclales of lhe Second Ain. Because AIIiance nen-
lers funclion al aII IeveIs of sociely lelveen sorcerer-
king and (usuaIIy) sIave farners, lhey cover lheir
lerrilory veII. Iurlhernore, lhe search for exolic
speII conponenls nay send lhen far afieId inlo lhe
surrounding lerrilory.
In gane lerns, lhis neans lhal ICs nay find an
AIIiance nenler in nearIy every pulIic donain.
Taverns and narkelpIaces vork veII, lul nany olh-
er siles fuIfiII lhe sane slory funclion vilh noveIly
and fIair. The panpered house-sIave nay leIong lo
lhe AIIiance and neel lhe heroes in an eslale courl-
yard. AuxiIiaries vork in guiId haIIs, lhieves´ var-
rens, and l axi derni sl shops. . . even i n guard
larracks! In Raan and Draj, lhe royaI paIace ilseIf
harlors AIIiance nenlers!
"Nccd hc! p quI ck! y! ¨: CI ear l he l hroal l hree
lines rapidIy, Iook up, and conspicuousIy slraighlen
lhe shouIders as if slrelching. HeIp seIdon arrives
Òn Alhas, usuaIIy onIy nerchanls and lhe noliIi
ly shake hands. In an AI I i ance handshake, each
person appIies sIighl pressure firsl vilh lhe lhunl
lhen vilh lhe IillIe finger. This vorks onIy for hu-
nanoid races, of course, eIves rareIy shake hands.
- Gcncra! warnI ng: Thi s i s usef uI vhen l he
speaker is leing coerced inlo Iuring olher AIIiance
nenlers inlo a lrap. To indicale danger, use a sin-
pIe rul of lhe righl eyelrov, lhree fasl coughs, or
sone version of ¨il sneIIs slrange here.¨
"I scck cnntact¨: Rul lhe Iefl hand across lhe
lollon of lhe face, as lhough inilaling a veiI. In
conversalion, ask lo find a nerchanl vho seIIs fresh
fruil, ¨lul not too sour. ¨ Varianls incIude neal
(not too dry), pollery (not too expensive), elc.
In lhe siIenl recognilion signaI, a nenler hoIds
lhe lvo niddIe fingers of one hand logelher, sepa-
raling lhe firsl and IillIe fingers fron lhen sIighlIy.
Òlher nenlers respond in lhe sane vay, or (nore
oflen) acknovIedge lhe geslure vilh a neaningfuI
slare or nod.
innedialeIy, as nenlers exercise exlrene caulion
in a crisis.
"ThI s p! ac c I s uns af c¨: Dr av a I ong lr eal h
Shorl-Term Asslslance
lhrough pursed Iips, lhen exhaIe lhrough cIenched
leelh, or olserve lhal ¨il´s gelling holler here.¨
Conlacl Procedures
When an AIIiance nenler neels soneone vho
purporls lo leIong, vishes lo join, or is seeking as-
sislance, lhe nenler exercises caulion. The nen-
ler agr ees l o I i l l I e al l he f i r s l enc ounl er and
arranges a foIIov-up neeling vilhin a fev hours (if
lhe silualion pernils).
Then, ly reguIar or energency channeIs, lhe nen-
ler caIIs in severaI olhers, usuaIIy lhe resl of lhal nen-
ler´s ceII. Òne, lhe ¨spoller,¨ can delecl Iies eilher
nagicaIIy or psionicaIIy. The spoller acconpanies lhe
nenler al lhe nexl neeling. Òlher nenlers offer
lack-up, hiding inconspicuousIy vilh veapons ready
or surveying lhe scene cIairvoyanlIy.
The AIIiance, of course, conslanlIy seeks nev
nenlers. Secrecy nakes recruilnenl a sIov, deIi-
This neans lhal vhen an AIIiance nenler heIps
a preserver, lhe nenler doesn´l even knov vhelher
lhe rescued vizard leIongs lo lhe organizalion. Af-
ler giving lhe heIp, lhe nenler nay lry recognilion
signaIs or sullIe queslioning lo find oul, perhaps
vilh lhe idea of recruiling lhe rescued vizard. More
oflen lhe nenler sinpIy deparls.
Mosl preservers leIong lo lhe AIIiance. If a nen-
ler idenlifies a non-nenler preserver, lhe nenler
leaches lhe signs for ¨I seek conlacl¨ and ¨Need
heI p, ¨ vi l houl nenl i oni ng l he AI I i anc e. ¨The
signs are presenled as a generaI, ¨If you´re in lrou-
lIe, lry lhese.¨
cale naller. Make lhis process a deepIy nyslerious,
alnospheric evenl in lhe canpaign.
Iirsl, lhe recruiler drops sullIe hinls lhal ¨olhers
Iike you Iive in lhis cily.¨ To non-vizards (knovn as-
sociales of a preserver) lhe recruiler nay say, ¨Òlh-
ers Iike your friend couId use your heIp.¨
If lhe candidale shovs no inleresl, lhe allenpl
usuaIIy ends lhere. Civen even lenlalive inleresl, lhe
recruiler says, ¨If you vish lo Iearn nore, go aloul
your lusiness. Ior sone line ve viII valch you. If
ve Iike vhal ve see, ve´II conlacl you again,¨ and
never nenlions lhe AIIiance ly nane.
Nexl cone days of olservalion. A IC need never
lecone avare of lhe scruliny, and nenlers don´l:
heIp lhe candidale excepl in grave danger. The ol-
servers Iook for evidence of non-eviI aIignnenl, non-
defiIing nagic, usefuI skiIIs, or sinpIe lravery.
Afler an inlervaI, a second conlacl Ieads lo a for-
naI invilalion. The recruiler nanes lhe AIIiance,
descriles ils nission, oulIines lhe IocaI chapler´ s
doclrines, and slresses lhe poIicy of requilaI-a can-
didale vho accepls nenlership and Ialer quils le-
cones a fugilive narked for dealh.
The candidale can refuse nov vilhoul prejudice.
As a fornaI courlesy, lhe recruiler asks lhe candi-
dale lo keep lhe neeling secrel, lul lhis pronise
does nol lind lhe non-nenler. The sane candidale
nay even receive Ialer invilalions fron olhers of dif-
ferenl ceIIs. If lhe candidale accepls lhe invilalion,
lhe inilialion legins on lhe spol.
AII AIIiance chaplers legin inilialion vilh lhe
sane firsl slep, lul lhereafler each foIIovs ils ovn
procedures. Inilialion lesls lvo crileria: firsl, lhal a
candidale-vizard uses preserving nagic, second,
lhal lhe candidale shovs inlense connilnenl lo lhe
In lhe firsl slep, caIIed ¨lhe Creen Tesl,¨ heaviIy-
arned nenlers of a ceII lake lhe candidale vizard
Recruils vov fuIfiIInenl of lhese dulies:
1. Obcy thc FIvc AIms.
When lhey fuIfiII lhe nission, lhe candidales lake
oalhs in a soIenn cerenony and lecone fuII-fIedged
AIIiance nenlers. Croups forn lheir ovn ceIIs, in-
dividuaIs nay join an exisling ceII or slarl lheir ovn.
Thc sccnnd stcp: Non-vizards, and vizards vho
pass lhe Creen Tesl, nov receive a nission~a proof
of l hei r conni l nenl , l he ¨Tesl of Acl i on. ¨ The
AIIiance nay ask lhe candidale lo sleaI a IocaI defiI-
er´s poverfuI nagicaI ilen, rescue a caplive pre-
s e r ve r , o r unde r l a ke s o ne o l he r da nge r o us
I!!usInns: Nov lhal defiIers have legun infiIlral-
ing lhe AIIiance, nosl nenlers inspecl Creen Tesl
candidales nore aIerlIy. They queslion every speII
effecl as a polenliaI iIIusion, lhey nay recruil psioni-
cisls lo check for psionic nanipuIalion, lhey sone-
lines frisk lhe candidale for conceaIed nagicaI
ilens. (Renenler lhal a nagicaI ilen creales ils ef-
fecls vilhoul defiIing danage and a user can acli-
vale nany conceaIed ilens nenlaIIy or vilhoul
olvious geslures.) Discovery of deceil usuaIIy Ieads
lo confronlalion.
Òf course, if lhe candidale casls a speII and vege-
lalion dies, lhe nenlers allack lhe defiIer.
If lhe vizard cIains nol lo have any nenorized
speIIs, lhe nenlers aIIov lhe candidale lo sludy an
eIenenlary speIIlook enlry suilalIe for apprenlices,
such as a cantrlµ or |lght. If lhe vizard refuses lo
casl a speII, lhe nenlers nay allack or sinpIy
Ieave, depending on circunslances and suspicion
IeveI, in any case, lhe candidale faiIs lhe lesl.
lo a grassy or foresled area, vhere enlry nay enlaiI
greal risk (for inslance, gelling inlo lhe sorcerer-
king´ s gardens). They casl iIIusions and prolecl
lhenseIves fron olservalion. Then, surrounded ly
vegelalion, lhey ask lhe candidale lo casl a speII.
InItIatInn CcrcmnnIcs
delernine a nev sile for lhe nexl neeling. The Ioca-
lions never repeal nore oflen lhan once every fev
Sone chaplers nay require addilionaI dulies.
The AIIiance inposes no code of lehavior leyond
lhe Iive Ains, nor does il reslricl novenenl. Men-
lers nay cone and go freeIy fron lhe cily-slale.
When an enlire ceII Ieaves a cily, sinpIe eliquelle
caIIs for a fareveII nessage, deIivered ly lhe usuaI
channeI s, l o l he Counci I . They usuaI I y f i nd oul
soon anyvay, and a poIile nessage, foIIoved per-
haps ly nagicaI or psionic connunicalion vilh a
CounciI Iieulenanl, foreslaIIs any suspicion of an
unannounced resignalion.
If a group of AIIiance ICs deparl a cily vilhoul
lhis courlesy, lhey nay find an unveIcone surprise
vhen lhey relurn!
ActIvItIcs: Meelings usuaIIy serve jusl lo inforn
lhe ceII lhal aII ils nenlers sliII survive. Thal done,
lhey nay pass on nessages fron higher or Iover in
lhe hierarchy. Then nenlers discuss prolIens or
discoveries or sinpIy gossip.
LncatInns: Al lhe end of every neeling, nenlers
CIrcumstanccs: Meeling dales nay nove in re-
sponse l o changi ng si l ual i ons. Ior i nsl ance, a
sorcerer-king´s crackdovn on AIIiance aclivily nay
deIay ceII neelings. By conlrasl, in a crisis lhe
CounciI couId acceIerale lhe neeling scheduIe lo
daiIy or even nore oflen. In canpaign lerns, adjusl
neeling lines freeIy lo suil a slory´s needs.
Mosl ceIIs neel every five lo seven days and neel-
ing lines vary around lhe cIock. A group of adven-
lurers, as a singIe ceII, aulonalicaIIy fuIfiIIs lhe duly
lo ¨hoId reguIar neelings.¨
2. Obcy CnuncI! nrdcrs.
3. Hn!d rcgu!ar mcctIngs but vary !ncatInns.
4. CautInus!y scck ncw mcmbcrs.
5. Ncvcr rcsIgn, and cnfnrcc rcquIta! nn thnsc
whn dn.
drop in on a neeling. The CounciI nages have lre-
Typlcal Preserver Mlsslons
The naglc nouth nay speak a neeling pIace and
Mosl chaplers lhink of varriors as nuscIe, and
lheir nissions refIecl lhis allilude. Òrders nay cone
The CounciI originales nosl nissions, passing
lhen dovn lo lhe appropriale ceII in severaI vays.
Thrnugh rnutInc channc!s: The CounciI usuaIIy
enpIoys eilher psionics or an ilen enchanled vilh
lhe naglc nouth speII. The CounciI speIIcasler de-
scriles a nenler of lhe ceII and sels lhe speII lo
lrigger vhen lhal nenler enlers lhe oljecl´s pres-
ence, lhen passes lhe oljecl dovn lhe hierarchy vilh
specific inslruclions lhal guaranlee il viII reach lhe
appropriale ceII.
Òn lhe olher hand, lhe CounciI nay specificaIIy
pass aIong a lruIy chaIIenging nission such as,
¨Kidnap lhe IocaI defiIer´s apprenlice.¨ The Iead-
ers couId handIe lhis lhenseIves, lul lhey nighl
vish lo lesl lhe preserver´s skiII or Ieadership quaIi-
Ior exanpIe, lhe CounciI nay send a preserver
and conpanions lo a dislanl oasis lo ollain an exol-
ic speII conponenl. The preserver nighl visil a Ii-
lrary lo ollain a scroII or research lexl. Though lhe
CounciI regards lhese nissions as sinpIy IogislicaI,
lhey nay le used as a prelexl for exciling adven-
Because lhe CounciI ilseIf connands such nagi-
caI pover, il need nol caII upon preserver pIayer
characlers for nagicaI proleclion. Inslead, lhe AIIi-
ance usuaIIy assigns nissions lo Iover-IeveI pre-
servers l hal i nvoI ve i nporl anl lul l roulI esone
delaiI vork.
The AIIiance canpaign focuses on nissions fron
lhe CounciI hierarchy or olher sources. Renenler,
lhough, aII nission lypes nay require supporl fron
olher characler cIasses.
Emcrgcncy mcctIngs: Lach ceII nenler knovs
vhere and hov lo reach lhe olher nenlers of lhe
ceII. In an energency a nenler rushes lo anolher
and gives lhe appropriale signaI. The lvo, having
agreed on a neeling sile, spIil up lo sunnon lhe
olher ceII nenlers.
neeling ends vilh a choice of passvord. Menlers
nusl give lhe passvord al lhe nexl neeling. This
heIps delecl heIps shapeshiflers and olher inposlors.
Iassvords are oflen olscure nagicaI lerns Iike
¨Calhexis.¨ Lel lhe pIayers suggesl suilalIe pass-
vords for lheir characlers.
nendous aliIilies, and if lhey vanl lo find a neeling
Iocalion, lhey can. A high-IeveI visilor usuaIIy car-
ries a loken of idenlificalion or has a dispIay of ap-
propriale skiII ready. Though risky, lhis nelhod gels
a nission off lo a dranalic slarl.
AI l er nal eI y, l he enc hanl ed olj ec l nay I el a
CounciI nage or psionicisl ¨hone in¨ on a parlic-
uIar conlacl´s nind. Afler lhe conlacl louches lhe
oljecl, lhe Iink opens and lhe CounciI officiaI gives
lhe nission delaiIs.
Fastcr mcthnds: A CounciI Iieulenanl nay sinpIy
line, and lhe recipienl´ s ceII neels lhe CounciI
nenler lhere lo gel lhe nission. Òr il nay speak
lhe nission ilseIf, if il´s sinpIe.
Mosl pIayer characler groups don´l vorry aloul
l hi s, lecause l hey´ re usuaI I y l ogel her anyvay.
When lhe characlers need lo decIare a fornaI sile,
Iel lhe pIayers suggesl Iocalions.
Passwnrds: AIong vilh lhe nexl neeling sile, each
avoid lolh scruliny and anlush. TypicaI Iocalions
incIude privale hones, lack roons of laverns, shop
allics, or proninenl fealures oulside lhe cily.
nonl hs. I nconspi cuous, open si l es vork lesl l o
Mlsslon Nollflcallon
Typlcal Varrlor Mlsslons
or lrickery and repIace lhe ilens.
dovn lo a gIadialor lo rendezvous vilh and guard a
visilor fron anolher cily. If a fugilive preserver needs
sancluary, a fighler sels up lhe refuge, lhen guards il.
Rangers receive escorl nissions. When fugilives
Typl cal Psl onl cl sl Ml ssl ons
need safe passage fron lhe cily, rangers guide lhen
lo a nev and dislanl hone, using lheir knovIedge of
lhe deserl lo ensure safe passage.
Thieves and rogues enler lhe slronghoIds ly sleaIlh
Like rogues, psionicisls engage in reconnaissance,
sonelines vilhoul ever Ieaving lheir chanlers.
CIairsenlienl scanning, oljecl reading, prolaliIily
lraveI, leIepalhy, sighl Iink, and nany olher disci-
pIines fuIfiII a roIe in AIIiance nissions. The Coun-
ciI oflen assigns psionicisls lo parlies of advenlurers
vho Iack lheir skiIIs.
Any priesl auxiIiary can counl on nissions lo heaI
a vounded preserver. This nay caII for a rouline lrip
Typlcal Prlesl Mlsslons
across lovn lo a vizard´s hide-a-vay or lhe infiIlra-
lion of a sIave canp.
Bul lhe priesl has olher roIes in lhe AIIiance.
Lven in a vorId vilhoul gods, hunan socielies have
riles of passage, and eIenenlaI cIerics can adninis-
ler lhese vhere lenpIars are nol veIcone. These
cerenonies incIude confirnalion of lirlh or aduIl-
hood, naning, feasl, fasl, alonenenl, purificalion,
and any nunler of caIendar cerenonies such as
pIanling and harvesl.
IoverfuI psionicisls lypicaIIy eilher rise lo Coun-
ciI posilions or ask lhe CounciI nol lo lolher lhen
nuch. When i n l he nood l o heI p, a hi gh- I eveI
psionicisl nay leIeporl a fugilive lo a safe haven,
pIanl sulconscious inpuIses in lhe lrain of an AIIi-
ance eneny, or vipe a lroulIesone eneny´s nind
The AIIiance nay caII upon druids lo negoliale vilh
NIC druids for safe passage lhrough guarded Iands.
This couId expedile a ranger´s escorl assignnenl.
IinaIIy, priesls oflen connand povers of oralory
Verµ poverfuI psionicisls (21sl-IeveI and alove)
evenluaIIy cone lo lhe allenlion of lhe Òrder. This
shadovy and secrelive organizalion loIerales lhe AI-
Iiance, lul forlids enlangIenenls in ils inlrigues.
peri ng canpai gns agai nsl def i I ers or l he I ocaI
and persuasion lhal lhe AIIiance expIoils in vhis-
The AIIiance uses ¨requilaI¨ (pronounced vilh
a I ong l, I i l eraI I y neani ng ¨rel urn¨ or ¨repay-
nenl¨) as a euphenisn for assassinalion of deparl-
ed nenlers.
Typl cal Rogue Ml s s l ons
RequilaI goes lack lo lhe AIIiance´s earIiesl days.
In lhe cenluries since nany nenlers have argued
for lhe poIicy´s repeaI, lul supporlers poinl oul ils
invaIualIe roIe in lhe Chief Ain of prolecling lhe
¨SleaI lhe IocaI defiIer´s favorile nagicaI ilen¨~
lhis is an easy and frequenl choice for rogue nis-
si ons. Òl hers i ncI ude l raci ng a sorcerer- ki ng´ s
agenls or defiIer novenenls, and vhispering can-
Òne risky nission inverls lhe lradilionaI lhefl
nission. The AIIiance sonelines pIaces nagicaI
eavesdropping devices in a defiIer´s hideavay or in
lenpIars´ quarlers. These devices vork for onIy a
s hor l l i ne and r equi r e f r equenl r epI ac enenl .
Lvery fev decades lhe conlroversy Ieads lo a spIil,
vilh parl of a cily-slale´s nenlership slarling ils ovn
requilaI-free AIIiance. This naluraIIy Ieaves lhe apos-
lales vuIneralIe lo requilaI ly IoyaIisls, and civiI slrife
foIIovs. So far lhe IoyaIisls have aIvays von a pyrrhic
viclory. The squallIing crippIes lhe chapler, crealing
unresl in olher chaplers for decades.
Then lhe CounciI conlacls lhe originaI ceII, Iearns
vhal il can, and verifies lhe resigning nenler´ s
deal h. I f l he nenler has nol di ed, l he Counci I
sends energency hunl-and-kiII orders, vilh a de-
Heallng lhe 8reach
laiIed descriplion of lhe largel, lo aII nenlers. Al
lhe sane line il legins ils ovn hunl.
When a ceII Iearns lhal one of ils nenlers has
defecled, il nusl innedialeIy nolify lhe CounciI ly
aII feasilIe channeIs, and lhen hunl dovn and kiII
l he nenler . The nes s age pr onpl s ener genc y
neelings and so reaches lhe CounciI vilh unusuaI
speed, perhaps a day al nosl.
prolalIy goes unnoliced unliI 24 hours afler lheir
nexl neeling vas lo occur. Then a CounciI nenler
lries lo conlacl lhe ceII Ieader ly nagic or psionics,
success in lhe allenpl depends on circunslances,
lul aIIov il if il furlhers lhe slory or lrings no harn
lo lhe ICs. If lhis does nol aIIay suspicions, a rene-
gade parly lhal renains in lhe cily soon encounlers
lhe fuII nighl of lhe CounciI. Ior lhe allackers, use
lhe parly descriled alove, lul lripIe lheir nunlers.
Can a renegade relurn lo lhe AIIiance` IossilIy,
lul il lakes vork.
The high-IeveI vizards of lhe CounciI can search
a cily-slale quickIy using lhe |ocate creature speII in
conjunclion vilh far reachlng lll (lvo speIIs fron lhe
Tone Òf Magic). If lhey cannol find lhe largel in
lhe cily, lhey send lhe nevs ly lhe faslesl neans lo
lhe CounciIs of olher cilies´ AIIiances.
Menlers hunl lhe escapee as a naller of princi-
pIe, or as a resuIl of orders. Òlhers nay join lhe
hunl for nore langilIe revards. The AIIiance anon-
ynousIy circuIales a revard nolice for lhe largel´s
lody. The revard ranges fron 5O gp for a rank-and-
fiIe ceII nenler lo 5OOO or nore for a renegade
CounciIIor. The CounciI uses every nagicaI and psi-
onic neans lo guaranlee lhe aulhenlicily of any
lody offered.
In gane lerns, a nenler vho resigns fron lhe
AIIiance encounlers one allack fron forner ceII-
nales vilhin 24 hours. The nexl 24 hours lring 1d6
allacks fron Iov-IeveI parlies. The day afler lhal,
lhe CounciI descends on lhe renegade vilh one al-
lacker fron each characler cIass, each of 8lh-IeveI or
alove. (Ior IeveI, use lhe Ieaders Iisled in lhe appro-
priale cily enlry in Chapler 3, or roII 1d8+7.) If lhe
renegade sonehov escapes, 1d6 furlher allacks ly
nid-IeveI parlies foIIov each day he or she renains
in lhe cily.
If lhe vhoIe ceII has gone renegade, lhe deparlure
If lhe nenler endures aII lhis, lhe CounciI legins
i ni l i al i on anev, vi l h a Creen Tesl and Tesl of
Aclion. A nenler vho passes lhese can rejoin lhe
AIIiance, lheorelicaIIy vilhoul lainl of suspicion. In
praclice, lhe lainl renains unliI lhe nenler carries
oul sone unusuaIIy rigorous or exceplionaIIy dan-
gerous service.
A nenler vho faiIs lhis lesl suffers a nindvipe,
feeb|enlnd, or olher avfuI punishnenl, foIIoved ly
execulion. A nenler vho passes lhe lesl enlers a
period of prolalion. The CounciI circuIales a nes-
sage caIIing off lhe kiII order. CIose day-lo-day scru-
l i ny f oI I ovs, si ni I ar l o l he ori gi naI adni ssi on
process, lul nore slricl. A CounciI nenler nay
suljecl lhe prolalioner lo psionic scruliny al any
line, and oflen does.
The repenlanl nenler nusl firsl reach a CounciI
nenler and expIain his reasons vilhoul gelling kiIIed.
If lhe CounciIIor leIieves lhe nenler´s slory, severaI
psionicisls scrulinize lhe nenler´s lrain inlensiveIy
for Iies, suspicious nenories, and posl-hypnolic sug-
geslions. They search for any evidence lhal lhe nen-
ler lelrayed olher nenlers or AIIiance secrels. This
Iong and exhausling process Iasls al Ieasl eighl hours.
A sorcerer-king, an advanced leing, or a psionicisl of
lhe Òrder couId conceaI iII inlenl fron lhis scruliny,
Iesser norlaIs cannol hope lo do so.
periIs, and perhaps even lelrayaI. This dark, even
Kafkaesque canpaign lone, produces good horror
The firsl enlry, Tyr, renains undefined. This lexl
assunes l hal l he AI I i ance canpai gn, I i ke nosl
canpai gns, legi ns i n Tyr. Choose
lhe canpaign slyIe you Iike lesl, lased on lhe olher
An AIIiance advenlure depends on lhe AIIiance´s
roIe in lhe canpaign: Has il done veII` Does lhe
chapler even knov hov veII il´s doing`
The six foIIoving enlries offer six differenl ap-
proaches. Lach approach offers a differenl adven-
lure slyIe.
AggrcssIvc, 5ucccssfu! (BaIic): The chapler vig-
orousIy pursues ils ains and usuaIIy neels lhen.
selling of allacks fron unknovn quarlers, cryplic
Dcf cns I vc, 5uc c cs s f u! ( Raan) : The c hapl er
nainIy prolecls lhe slalus quo. Il guards preservers
and slops lhe eneny´ s various nasly pIols. Here
pIayer characlers vaIianlIy defend lhe good, perhaps
as lhe Iasl laslion againsl lhe forces of eviI or chaos.
DcfcnsIvc, 5trugg!Ing (Urik): Lneny slrenglh
and inlernaI slrife overvheIn lhe AIIiance, lul il
hangs on in vhal seens lo le a vain slruggIe. This
sonler, lragic canpaign forces lhe heroes lo lheir
grealesl courage and seIf-sacrifice.
DcfcnsIvc, Unknnwn (Nilenay): A nighlnare
- Advcnturc Hnnks: Shorl ideas designed lo in-
spire advenlures appropriale lo lhis AIIiance chapler.
- Prnb!cms: LocaI issues and chaIIenges pecuIiar
lo lhis organizalion.
- CnntactIng thc A!!Iancc: Hov lo gel in louch
vilh lhe IocaI Ieadership.
- InItIatInn: Lach AIIiance chapler has differenl
vays lo confirn nev recruils. This seclion gives IocaI
cerenonies lhal can lecone scenarios.
- LcadcrshIp: Descriplion and slalislics for lhe
najor NICs vho run lhis chapler.
- Hcadquar t cr s : Dcs c r I pt I nn and map nf a
chaptcr's hcadquartcrs.
- HIstnry: The founding and pasl acconpIish-
nenls of lhis chapler.
- OvcrvIcw: Lvery chapler has ils ovn slyIe,
goaIs, and chaIIenges. Lach enlry sunnarizes lhe
chapler´s fealures, generaI approach, and degree of
- Thc CIty: A lrief descriplion of lhe IocaI cuI-
The luIk of lhis suppIenenl descriles individuaI
VeiIed AIIiance chaplers in each of lhe seven cily-
slales. Lach enlry incIudes nosl or aII of lhe foIIov-
Menlers lehave Iike genuine heroes, seIf-assured
and pure, in a fashion rare on Alhas. This slyIe
nakes for upleal and fasl-paced advenlures. Use il
if lhe ICs shouId nake a posilive, dranalic inpacl
on lhe canpaign.
AggrcssIvc, 5trugg!Ing (CuIg): The chapler sliII
acliveIy lries lo neel ils goaIs, lul faiIs lo overcone
poverfuI enenies. This lype of canpaign, heroic
lul lragic, suils Alhas veII. Advenlures have an
edge of desperalion lhal produces drana.
AggrcssIvc, Unknnwn (Draj ): This nyslerious
c anpai gn s l yI e enphas i zes s ec r ec y and qui c k
escapes~lhe parly seIdon knovs lhe resuIls of ils
vilaI nissions. This canpaign enphasizes lhe AIIi-
ance´s inlernaI secrecy as veII, vilh nyslerious con-
l a c l s ha ndi ng do vn e ni gna l i c ni s s i o ns f o r
inscrulalIe purposes.
Campalgn Slyle
The Clly
Cu!turc: Ior nonlhs afler KaIak´s faiIed allenpl
lo allain dragon forn ly kiIIing lhe cily´s enlire pop-
uIalion in lhe gIadialoriaI arena, cilizens refused lo
Inl 18
Wi s 15
Cha 1 6
hp: 56
AC : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 O
Dng: ly veapon
Hunan MaIe TenpIar
LavfuI NeulraI
Slr 9
Dex 14
Co n 1 3
Pnpu! at I nn: 12, OOO ( 7O° hunan, 1O° dvarf ,
6° nuI , 3° eI f , 1° haI f - eI f , 9° haI f - gi anl , 1°
lhri-kreen, a fev haIfIings).
Emb!cms: IornerIy KaIak´s profiIe, currenlIy un-
Ecnnnmy: Iron, siIk, econony currenlIy in coI-
Nntcwnrthy rcsIdcnts: King Tilhian, Tinor, sen-
ior lenpIar, Banlher, arena nanager, MandaIis, Io-
caI head of The Òrder.
lale a cenlraI issue: DivuIgence. Those vho argue
for innediale reveIalion incIude severaI Myrne-
Ieons. Òlhers favor conlinued secrecy. Òn each side
a fev nenlers argue for a niddIe course of graduaI
In lhis lurluIenl line, lhe pIayer characlers can
exercise decisive infIuence. If lhey supporl DivuI-
gence, lhey face lhe Iong-lern chaIIenge of reveaIing
lhe AIIiance lo lhe pulIic vilhoul invoking a nol
CampaIgn sty!c: Undeflned.
Wilh King KaIak dead, Tyr´s nenlers holIy de-
Unusua! sItcs: Shovn on lhe Tyr cily nap in lhe
loxed canpaign sel.
Tyr, in lhe Iasl days of KaIak´s reign, appears in
delaiI in lhe loxed canpaign sel, in lhe advenlure
Ir eedon, and i n l he f i r s l DARK SUN
noveI ,
The Verdant Passage. This seclion oulIines sone
evenls in lhe cily since KaIak´s dealh. Iurlher infor-
nal i on appears i n l he Dragon Ki ngs hardcover
ruIelook and lhe second noveI, The Road To Urlk.
Lven vilh KaIak dead, Tyr has had lo reIy on lhe
onIy peopIe skiIIed in running lhe cily, lhe lenpIars.
They have no speIIs nov, and lheir lradilionaI in-
fighling has escaIaled even furlher, lul lhey renain
in pover. Nov, lhough, lhe lenpIars cannol dispIay
lheir previous high-handed arrogance, and every
ranking lenpIar lraveIs vilh lodyguards lo prolecl
againsl roaning Iynch nols.
The nols conprise nany forner sIaves, freed ly
King Tilhian (one of KaIak´s forner lenpIars) lul
nol yel enpIoyed in paying j ols, and disaffecled
freednen vho seek advancenenl lhrough lhievery.
Soon afler his coronalion, Tilhian crealed a doIe lo
give lhe nols a snaII daiIy food ralion, and lhey
have squaller´s righls in lhe lunlIedovn sIave var-
rens. They renai n a nenace i n lhe vorkers´ and
lradesnen´s quarlers, and al lines have even ven-
lured loIdIy inlo lhe vide avenues of lhe nolIe
Tyr´s econony, sliII in a shanlIes, is sIovIy re-
luiIding afler a disaslrous var vilh nearly Urik.
Many forner sIave vorkers in lhe iron nines have
relurned lhere, lhis line for high vages-lhough
sone never Iive lo coIIecl lheir firsl paycheck, for lhe
vork renains as dangerous as lefore. Runor says
l he l enpI ars hi re ¨l roulI enakers¨ l o vork l he
nines ly pronising exlravaganl saIaries, lhen gel a
veek of vork oul of lhen and have lhen conven-
ienlIy perish in an ¨accidenl.¨
Tyr´s AIIiance, nov sone 4OO lo 5OO years oId,
has endured Ionger lhan aII AIIiance chaplers. In
lhe king´s ages since, lhe AIIiance here slruggIed
againsl KaIak´s parlicuIarIy vigorous perseculion.
singing (dissonanl yel slrangeIy noving neIodies)
and dancing (a vigorous, rhylhnic slonping). The
visuaI arls found lheir highesl expression in eIalo-
rale and coIorfuI skin lalloos. In lhese unsellIed
lines, lhough, fev can afford lo induIge lheir vanily
or appelile for Ieisure.
relurn lhere. They sliII foIIoved lhe lIood sporls fa-
nalicaIIy, lul onIy in infornaI louls in lhe narkel-
pIace or olher neeling pIaces aloul lhe cily. Nov a
group of enlerprising gIadialors and velerans have
reopened lhe arena vilh officiaI approvaI, charging
an adnission of 2 ceranic pieces (haIf price for chiI-
dren) for an aflernoon´s gory enlerlainnenl.
In lines pasl Tyrians aIso soughl diversion in
SinpIe survivaI has lecone ils nosl nolalIe suc-
The sociely oves nuch of lhal success lo ils Iong-
line Ieader, a lransnuler naned Acrilus. Ior lhree
cenluries, or so Iegend says, Acrilus diIigenlIy foI-
Ioved lhe Iive Ains and lhe principIe of requilaI,
pernilling no conlroversy on lhal sensilive poinl.
He oved his success lo a keen underslanding of Ka-
Iak´s nenlaIily. Legend cIains Acrilus gained lhis
underslanding as a loy, vhen he sludied psionic
discipIines vilh KaIak hinseIf, lul fev leIieve lhis
Iegend loday.
Much given lo shapeshifling nagic, he evaded
cerlain doon on al Ieasl lvo occasions ly ils use.
Acrilus µo|µµnorµhed a voIunleer or prisoner (ac-
counls disagree on lhis poinl) inlo a copy of Acri-
lus´s ovn forn, lhen had lhe suljecl sIain in pulIic
(or apparenlIy sIain, again accounls disagree). In
lolh cases, lhough lhe viclin´s dealh dispeIIed lhe
shapeshifl, loo IillIe renained of lhe lody lo aIIov
The aforenenlioned uncerlainly of hisloricaI ac-
counls suffuse aInosl aII nallers invoIving Acrilus.
His grealIy exlended Iifespan, lripIe lhe hunan
norn, has Ied lo nuch specuIalion lhal lhe originaI
Acrilus died afler a nornaI Iifespan, and a dynasly
of vizards inpersonaled hin in lhe foIIoving cenlu- Inlllallon
ries. Òlher runors say lhal lhe vizard shapeshifled
inlo a Iarge lrovn slone and sliII Iives, if such a slale
can le caIIed ¨Iiving,¨ sonevhere oul in lhe deserl.
IrolalIy no one viII ever Iearn lhe lrulh, for no one
has seen lhe vizard in lhe Iasl lvo king´s ages.
Since KaIak´s dealh and Tilhian´s succession lo
lhe lhrone, officiaI perseculion of lhe AIIiance has
ceased. Ierhaps lhe roIe of lhe sorceress Sadira in
eIevaling Tilhian conlriluled lo lhis happy change.
CerlainIy lhe chaos lhal Iong lesieged lhe cily aIso
pIayed ils roIe, for lhe governnenl had nany higher
Bul lhe pulIic´s resenlnenl of nagicians con-
linues unchanged. The disappearance of one oId
lhreal and lhe presence of lhe olher has Ied lo lhe
currenl conlroversy over DivuIgence.
characlers dveII here in lhe LIven Markel, so nany
lhal one nore (such as a nage) usuaIIy escapes no-
lice. Characlers shouId check lhe Drunken Cianl
vine shop.
In a line leyond Iiving nenory, Tyr´s founders
luiIl lhis cily in a green foresl. In Ialer cenluries lhe
foresl gave vay lo a lrenendous svanp, as Alhas
legan lhe graduaI decIine inlo ils currenl sorry
slale. The originaI cily sank in lhe svanp, lul King
KaIak ordered a nev cily luiIl over lhe oId one. The
dark, echoing ruins of lhal earIier cily, UnderTyr,
nov of f ers l he Vei I ed AI I i ance an i deaI l esl i ng
Afler lhe usuaI Creen Tesl, candidales enler lhe
undercily ly any of various roules. The lrapdoor
lenealh a slone lalIe in lhe Drunken Cianl gels
IillIe use. Inslead, candidales use olher enlrances in
deserled parls of lhe Warrens, free fron unvanled
olservers. They nusl enler UnderTyr, find lheir
Conlacllng lhe Alllance
The Tyr AIIiance, snaII Iike aII AIIiances (il cur-
renlIy has fever lhan 1OO nenlers), cannol noni-
lor lhe cily-slale and surrounding lerrilories in
deplh. Bul lecause Tyr covers so IillIe area, hardIy
nore lhan a square niIe, open dispIay of nagic in
any pulIic pIace oflen aIerls al Ieasl one nenler
vizard. If lhe fooIhardy pulIic nage avoids inslanl
Iynching, lhe AIIiance nay soon conlacl hin or her
vilh varnings or aid.
vay lhrough lhe vasl Ialyrinlh lo one of lhe lenpIes
of lhe forgollen pasl, and enler lhe lenpIe. ÒnIy
good and lrave characlers nay enler, lhe vrailh-
I i ke ¨c r i ns on kni ghl s ¨ vho s er ve l he anc i enl
povers lurn olhers lack. Then candidales relurn lo
lhe surface.
An AIIiance psionicisl or nage cIairvoyanlIy foI-
Iovs lhe candidales´ progress. If lhey succeed, an
AIIiance ceII vails lo accepl lhen as lhey energe
fron UnderTyr. Bul if lhe crinson knighls lurn
avay a candidale, lhe unIucky person finds a pover-
fuI corps of AIIiance vizards and varriors, vho ei-
lher kiII lhe unforlunale candidale or pronounce a
senlence of exiIe. Having Iearned loo nuch aloul
lhe AIIiance, lhe candidale nusl Ieave lhe cily ly
lhe nexl sundovn or face requilaI.
Those vho vanl lo conlacl lhe AIIiance vilhoul
lhroving firelaIIs on a crovded slreel shouId Iook
for a pIaza ¨lalhed in lrighl yeIIov Iighl. . . sur-
rounded ly six vine shops, lvo lrolheIs, and a gan-
lIing house, aII of vhich have lurning lorches in lhe
sconces oulside lheir doors. ¨ (Troy Denning, The
Verdant Passage, page 85. ) Suspicious and shady
MatthIas Mnrthcn
Hunan MaIe Ireserver
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 13
Dex 13
Co n 1 3
hp: 44
A C : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 5
Dng: ly veapon
Inl 23
Wi s 12
Cha 1 7
Appcarancc: Mal l hi as i s laI di ng, j ovI y, vi l h
penduIous earIoles, lul geniaI, possessing an in-
congruousIy vise Iook. He dresses sinpIy, excepl for
lvo enchanled copper arnlands, vhich are Iegacies
fron his falher. The Iefl arnland hoIds a µrotectlon
fron etl|, 1O´ radius speII (lhree charges/per day),
lhe righl, µrotectlon fron norna| nlssl|es (lhree
charges/per day). Mallhias lriggers lhen vilh lhe
connand vords ¨lorgan¨ and ¨Ialhro.¨
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Ancienl Hislory +1, Ancienl
Languages, Bargain, Lliquelle, Heal Iroleclion, Isi-
onic Deleclion, ReIigion, Reading/Wriling, Sonalic
Isionics: innovaliIily.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Mallhias has keen poIilicaI skiIIs
and avoids offending anyone, pIay hin as conpas-
sionale and avuncuIar, vilh a pIeasanl vil. IIayer
characlers shouId graduaIIy nolice his slodginess in
lrying nev ideas and his Iack of vision. Though a
synpalhelic characler, he viII evenluaIIy provoke lhe
ICs inlo najor disagreenenls.
Backgrnund: Mallhias, nov in his Iale forlies,
has served lhe AIIiance since age nine. His falher, a
CounciI Iieulenanl, raised hin lo carry on lhe fani-
Iy´s nission. Bul Mallhias vorked his vay onlo lhe
CounciI ly his ovn neril, lhrough carefuI sludy
and allenlion lo delaiI. He has never knovn nuch
Iife oulside lhe CounciI.
RnmI!a ParthIan
IenaIe Hunan Ireserver/Thief
DuaI - CI as s W12/T3
Neul raI Cood
Sl r 12
Dex 17
Con 15
Inl 2O
Wi s 1 1
Cha 1 7
hp: 4O
AC : 7
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 7
Dng: ly veapon
Iroficiencies: Dagger, AninaI HandIing, Bargain,
HerlaI i sn, Readi ng/Wri l i ng, Sonal i c ConceaI -
nenl , SpeI I craf l +1.
Isionics: calfaII.
Backgrnund: RoniIa grev up as a slreel urchin in
Tyr. As a young girI she picked a vizard´s pockel,
found a scroII, and discovered an innale laIenl for
nagic. Her viclin lracked her and recruiled her in-
lo lhe AIIiance, vhere she evenluaIIy rose lhrough
Mallhias´s profound Iearning, skiII, and experi-
enc e have ear ned hi n vi de r es pec l and have
lroughl Tyr´s AIIiance lhrough difficuIl lines un-
der KaIak. So far as everyday adninislralion goes,
Mallhias surpasses aII olhers. Bul nov lhal KaIak
has died, sone say lhe lines denand nev slralegies
such as DivuIgence.
Ior nev slralegies lhough one cannol Iook lo
Mal l hi as . Hi s I engl hy l enur e has l aughl hi n
slrenglh, lul has aIso given hin lhe Iiniled oulIook
of a (aIleil conpelenl) nid-IeveI lureaucral. He re-
sisls aII argunenls for DivuIgence, ciling nany rea-
s o n a l I e I e s s o n s f r o n h i s l h r e e d e c a d e s o f
diIigenl service lo lhe posilion of CounciI Iieulenanl.
Ir on l hi s poi nl her s l or y r es enlI es Mal l hi as
Morlhen´ s, and she adnires hin devoulIy. Many
regard her as Mallhias´s ¨olher seIf.¨ Bul RoniIa,
vho is nore vorIdIy, knovs lhe need for change.
She has lecone l he chi ef proponenl f or Di vuI -
Con 2O
hp: 4O
AC : 6
# AT 1
T HAC O : 1 8
Dng: ly veapon
Cha 2O
RecenlIy RoniIa secrelIy feII in Iove vilh anolher
CounciI Iieulenanl, AlhriaIix. He seens lo recog-
nize lhe pressures she endures and lhe sense of duly
lhal nolivales her. In conlrasl, no one recognizes
l he l rue Al hri aI i x~a def i I er, and l he hi ghesl -
ranking MyrneIeon infiIlralor in any AIIiance. He
has leen quielIy urging her and her synpalhizers lo
a dranalic DivuIgence. His pIan sounds reason-
alIe, lul he knovs il vouId lring disasler on lhe
enlire chapler.
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Isionic Deleclion, Reading/
Wri l i ng, Si gn Language, Sonal i c ConceaI nenl ,
Isionics: conceaI lhoughls, psychic inpersonalion.
Backgrnund: The Iale King KaIak gave AlhriaIix
nany snaII, conceaIalIe nagicaI ilens and senl hin
lo spy on lhe AIIiance, lul lhe young defiIer didn´l
Iocale ils headquarlers unliI jusl afler KaIak died.
Nov, nislrusling lhe nev King Tilhian, AlhriaIix
ponders vhal nev palron lo seek-IocaI lenpIars, or
anolher cily´s sorcerer-king`
RoniIa feeds and Iooks afler a raglag land of ur-
chins vho Iive a hand-lo-noulh exislence on lhe
slreels. These Ragtag´s serve as her eyes, ears, and
earIy-varning syslen.
Appcarancc: SnaII, lhin, and inlense, she Iooks
younger lhan one vouId expecl (aloul 24). She has
a poise leyond her years.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: A convincing advocale for DivuI-
gence, RoniIa seens dislurlingIy eager. ICs shouId
nole her sensilivily lo any queslions aloul AlhriaIix.
She shovs Iess lacl lhan she nighl, lul she serves
capalIy and neans veII.
Civen lhe choice lelveen her inprudence and
Mallhias´s caulion, lhe parly nay give up on lhen
lolh. Try lo enphasize lhe lvo Ieaders´ posilive
quaIilies and Iel lhen Iislen lo voices of reason vhen
AthrIa!Ix Dcncstnr
Hunan MaIe DefiIer
9lh-LeveI (inpersonales 5lh-LeveI Ireserver)
LavfuI LviI (prelends lo LavfuI NeulraI)
Sl r 13 Inl 22
Dex 18 Wi s 8
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Never Iel on lhal AlhriaIix conlen-
pIales insane pover fanlasies. Like aII successfuI
MyrneIeons, he conceaIs his lrue nalure vilh per-
fecl apIonl. He dispIays greal charn lovard Roni-
Ia, lul oulside her presence he Ioses inleresl in
Appcarancc: AlhriaIix is a very lhin, prenalureIy
laIding young nan vilh a fev slrands of lIond hair
conled high over his lanned pale. His high-loned
cheeks lear giII-Iike sIils, a curious congenilaI defecl
vilhoul funclion excepl lhal he can open and cIose
lhe giIIs al viII. They Iend hin a perpeluaIIy hag-
gard Iook. He dresses convenlionaIIy and vaIks vilh
a sleaIlhy, shuffIing gail.
MeanvhiIe, lhe young nan is pIolling deep lrou-
lIe for lhe AIIiance, so lhal he can spring a pIan lo
¨rescue¨ lhen and lhus lake conlroI. His veII-
conceaIed slreak of negaIonania convinces hin
lhal he couId lhen Iead lhe AIIiance´s vizards in a
nassive assauIl on lhe dragon and vresl fron il lhe
secrel of innorlaIily. AlhriaIix conceaIs lhis nad
nolion lehind his nosl polenl psionic and nagicaI
The CounciI hoIIoved oul lhis divided chanler
The narlI e rui n of KaI I a- Kouro I i es i n Tyr´ s
norlhvesl Warrens, aloul as far avay as il can gel
fron KaIak´s ziggural and sliII renain inside lhe cily
vaII. The luiIding´s repulalion as a haunl of ghosls
(and vorse) keeps nosl superslilious cilizens avay.
The f aI I i ng rocks, sl range noi ses, and f esl eri ng
odors fend off lhe resl. ÒnIy nenlers of lhe VeiIed
If aII lhese neasures ever faiI lo prolecl lhe head-
quarlers, Conazz and Murlh sland ready inside lhe
enlrance. These lvo haIf-gianl guards (5lh-IeveI
gIadialors, 46 hp, N) carry crosslovs and olsidian
knives, and lhey sland (or crouch) ready lo nov
dovn anylody vho can´l give lhe righl recognilion
signs. UnforlunaleIy, lhe recognilion signs change a
IillIe fasler lhan lhey can renenler, so lhey oflen
argue vilh peopIe asking enlry.
around lhe KaIIa-Kouro ruins. Nov AIIiance nen-
lers Iive in lhe vicinily or hoId ceII neelings in lhe
area´s nany lunlIedovn slruclures. ÒnIy lhe nosl
resoIule inlruders visil lhe forner lalh-house, ig-
nore ils iIIusions, carefuIIy cross lhe uplhrusl liIe
fIoor, and venlure inlo lhe sunken lalh ilseIf vhere
lhe headquarlers enlrance Iies cunningIy conceaIed
lehind a piIe of delris. There hidden psionicisl
guards pIace slrong fears or disquiel in lhe ninds of
persislenl visilors.
for TviIe, lhey discover he gives a differenl nane lo
everyone he neels, and grafls nev addilions al viII
lo his aIready fornidalIe nane.
TviIe enlerlains suspicions aloul AlhriaIix, lul
he von´ l nenlion lhen as Iong as AlhriaIix con-
linues lo nake RoniIa happy. The parly aIso can´l
reIy on TviIe´s infornalion reguIarIy lecause lhey
can seIdon find hin. The Raglags vander lhe cily
(and undercily), Ieaving a lraiI of pelly lhefls and
ninor nischiefs. If lhe pIayer characlers ask olhers
This young slreel urchin Ieads lhe Ragtags, lhe
gang of chiIdren lhal RoniIa has lefriended. A
charning fasl-laIker, TviIe gives lhe pIayer charac-
l ers occasi onaI gossi p and i nsi ghl s i nl o recenl
evenls. Bul he aIvays vanls a price, vhelher il´s a
ceranic lil or jusl a noulhfuI of valer. ¨Hey, gov, a
lil of infornalion can felch a good price in lhe righl
narkel. You vanl I shouId lake ny nerchandise
Hcphacstus DnmItIan DarIan TwI!c
Hunan Boy Thi ef
Neul raI Cood
Nnt cs: Al hri aI i x carri es nunerous conceaI ed
nagicaI ilens lhal he can aclivale nenlaIIy lo dupIi-
cale preserver speII effecls vilhoul defiIing lhe Iand.
Creale lhese as lhe slory requires, conceaIing his de-
ceplion unliI ICs can rool il oul.
discussing her. AIIiance enler lhis ruin. for il hoIds lheir headquar-
In Tyr´s ancienl hislory KaIIa-Kouro served as a
pulIic lalh. Today Alhasians can lareIy inagine
lhe idea of a singIe lalh, Iel aIone a pulIic lalh-
house, and so lhe Iarge, high luiIding has lecone a
nysl eri ous anl i que. A decade ago l he AI I i ance
found il, excavaled a snaII sullerranean headquar-
lers, and legan an eIalorale charade lo repeI casuaI
IIIusionisls crealed speclraI forns. odd sounds,
and olher eerie iIIusions. They pIaced naglc nouth
speIIs on lhe enlrances lriggered lo shriek nenac-
i ngI y vhen anyone enlered. Thei r i I I usi ons nade
chunks of rock seen lo faII fron alove as an in-
lruder crossed lhe liIling fIoor. Rogues and cIerics
passed chiIIing runors lhroughoul lhe Warrens.
Wilhin a veek cilizens deserled lhe Warrens
Map Key
Thc rIght ha!f: In lhe various chanlers aIong lhis
ly nagic and nain force. The lvin arns of lhe
chanler originaIIy served lvo separale funclions.
Mission pIanning on lhe Iefl, Ied ly Mallhias, and
rouline adninislralion on lhe righl, supervised ly
RoniIa, have recenlIy lecone ly unspoken agree-
nenl separale headquarlers for lhe chapler´s pro-
and anli-DivuIgence faclions.
Thc !cft ha!f: The lhree roons conprise Mal-
lhias´s sparlan Iiving quarlers (guarded ly a crµsta|
µarrot fron lhe Tone Òf Magic), a Iarge research
and lesling roon, a guesl roon, used as a refuge for
fugilives or inlerrogalion of prisoners, and a neel-
The lesling roon currenlIy hoIds severaI olsidian
spheres, laken fron King KaIak´s ziggural afler his
dealh. KaIak required lhese spheres for his allenpl
lo lransforn inlo a dragon, as delaiIed in lhe Drag-
on Kings ruIelook. The spheres´ nagic vanished
vilh lheir ovner´s Iife, lul AIIiance speciaIisls have
diIigenlIy lried lo unIock lheir secrels nonelheIess.
ing roon.
haII psionicisls lake shifls, cIairvoyanlIy surveying
lhe surrounding area, sending rouline nessages lo
ol her Counc i I nenler s , and s o on. Òne r oon
hoIds a snaII seIeclion of speII conponenls and
scroIIs, packed in a coupIe of lrunks for easy porla-
liIily during an evacualion. The sick roon hoIds
heaIing herls and pouIlices in cIay jars, aIong vilh
severaI padded cols and cIean Iinens.
Thc "5ccnnd Rnnm¨: RoniIa has converled one
of lhe spare roons here inlo anolher neeling roon,
vhere her pro-DivuIgence supporlers galher lo de-
lale slralegy. AII visilors lo lhe headquarlers under-
sland lhal lhe second neeling roon represenls a
siIenl, non-lhrealening synloIic geslure.
Si nce l hi s ¨Second Roon¨ delul ed, Mal l hi as
has found excuses lo avoid enlering lhis haIf of lhe
chanler, nor has RoniIa enlered his haIf. If Mal-
lhias sunnoned her lhere, she vouId go-prolalIy.
Tension in lhe slronghoId has increased perceplilIy,
as everyone vails lo see vhal happens lhe day Mal-
lhias acluaIIy sends for RoniIa.
2 9
Safe House
Anolher sancluary in lhe Tradesnen´ s Dislricl,
once lhe officiaI AIIiance headquarlers, sliII serves
as an energency hideoul for vizards far fron KaIIa-
Kouro. A snaII and unassuning shop lhal once
soId nusicaI inslrunenls nol far fron lhe arena nov
appears cI osed and loarded over. An AI I i ance
nenler vho vhispers lhe phrase ¨Iree Tyr¨ in lhe
lack aIIey lriggers a µassua|| speII lhal aIIovs enlry
lhrough a pIain adole vaII.
in lhe evenl of a lackIash` Sone in lhe AIIiance
find lhis suggeslion despicalIe.
Whal aloul reveaIing j usl lhe nanes of knovn
defiIers, lhen Ielling nol juslice do ils vork` WouId
lhis nanipuIalion of halred heIp lhe Iol of pre-
If lhe vizards divuIge lheir exislence, lhen vhal`
Do lhey lake a hand in governing Tyr, or use lheir
nagic lo heIp lhe cily recover` Òr shouId lhe sociely
avoid direcling ils nenlers lovard a parlicuIar
goaI, inslead Ielling lhen pursue lheir ovn ains`
Lach of lhese lhorny queslions has al Ieasl lvo
The snaII, dark shop hoIds a slore of food and
valer, a dozen sels of lenpIar roles and olher cos-
lunes in assorled sizes, and firsl-aid equipnenl
such as landages, herlaI nedicines, and lourni-
quels. A crµsta| ba|| or olher connunicalion device
Iels lhe user conlacl headquarlers, al lhe DM´s dis-
sides, and in lhe Tyr AIIiance il seens soneone rep-
resenl s every possi lI e conli nal i on of vi evs~
r e na r ka lI e f o r a n o r ga ni z a l i o n s o s na I I . I n
headquarlers and al ceII neelings, lhe delale has
gone on for nonlhs and nany exhausled nenlers
have legun lo lhink aloul forcing lhe issue.
The AIIiance operales siniIar safe houses around
lhe cily, changing lheir Iocalions every year or so.
The enlire CounciI can reIocale lo any of lhen al a
fev hours´ nolice, naking ils nev headquarlers
What wI!! happcn?: The pIayer-characlers shouId
exercise decisive infIuence on lhe delale. They nay
acl lo provoke DivuIgence lhenseIves, or lhey nay
happen upon a DivuIgence pIol and prevenl il. If
lhey neel vilh lhe CounciI on a nission, lhey couId
argue persuasiveIy for one side, shoving lhe opposi-
Dlvulgence ln lhe Came
lion lhe error of ils vays. To dranalicaIIy denon-
sl ral e l hi s, one f acl i on couI d j ourney f ron i l s
neeling roon lo lhe olher faclion´s chanler.
ShouI d l he AI I i ance go pulI i c` The DM nusl
decide according lo vhal direclion he vishes lhe
canpaign lo lake.
Whal nakes lhe pIayer characlers righl and lheir
opponenl s vrong. The sl ory´ s pI ol , of course.
The Issues
Lverylhing depends upon lhe direclion lhe can-
paign viII go.
AInosl aII residenls of Alhas oulside lhe AIIiance
hale and despise vizards. Can preservers leach lhe
popuIace lhe difference lelveen preserving and de-
Dlrecllng lhe Acllon
fiIing nagic` WiII lhe peopIe Iislen` Having Iis-
lened, viII lhey care`
The leginning of lhis chapler Iisled lhe nany
lones a VeiIed AIIiance canpaign can lake. DivuI-
gence and ils resuIls can lransforn lhe canpaign
inlo a nev slyIe.
Whal eIse does DivuIgence enlaiI` IulIic reveIa-
lion of each nenler´s idenlily` The AIIiance head-
quarlers` If so, hov can lhey avoid allacks fron
fanalics` If nol, hov can lhe vizards luiId lhe pul-
Iic´s lrusl` Ierhaps a dunny pulIic headquarlers
shouId le sel up, slaffed ly expendalIe auxiIiaries
Suppose lhe canpaign shouId enphasize hero-
isn, and lhe pIayer characlers shouId heIp nake
Alhas a leller pIace lo Iive (or al Ieasl a Iess deadIy
pIace lo survive in). In lhis scenario, DivuIgence
shouId vork fairIy veII. Wilh a suilalIy dranalic
denonslralion, cilizens reaIize lhal nol aII vizards
share responsiliIily for lhe deslruclion of Alhas.
Wilh genuine aid lo lhe popuIace, preservers luiId
supporl. IeopIe cone lo lhen for heIp. Menlers
Advenlure Hook
can connunicale freeIy vilh each olher lhrough a
pulI i c headquar l er s . The pulI i c ´ s ac c epl anc e
cones sIovIy, lul lhe parly can inprove lhe AIIi-
ance´s posilion lhrough ils heroisn.
If you prefer lhe sonler canpaign approaches or
don´l vanl lo change lhe AIIiance´s roIe so drasli-
caIIy, lhen DivuIgence faiIs-or vouId have faiIed, if
lhe pIayer characlers prevenled il. No one under-
slands or cares aloul lhe dislinclion lelveen pre-
serving and defiIing nagic. A denonslralion of
nagic or reveIalion of lhe vizards´ idenlilies vouId
lring dovn lhe vralh of lhe enlire cily, uniled in
halred. RedoulIed perseculion vouId drive lhe AIIi-
ance lack underground, veaker lhan lefore. Iron
lhen on, lhe characlers nusl drav on lheir Iasl re-
serves of slrenglh lo defend lheir cause.
DccI dI ng: Lach sl yI e has i l s vi rl ues. Deci de
vhelher lo change lhings for lhe leller, for lhe
vorse, or lo preserve lhe slalus quo. Having deler-
nined DivuIgence´s oulcone, pIanl cIues lhal lhe
pIayer characlers nay use lo nake lheir decision. If
DivuIgence vouId nean suicide, slage a fev scenes
of Iynch nols pursuing exposed preservers, and Iel
lhe parly overhear lavern palrons´ vilrioIic expres-
sions of halred againsl nages.
Bul if DivuIgence vouId le lhe lesl lhing lhal
ever happened lo lhe AIIiance, lhe pIayer characlers
shouId delecl noles of confusion anong lhe cilizens
in lhe narkelpIace, and a spiril of acceplance. Ln-
courage lhen lo risk a fev good deeds of nagic lo
rescue desperale peopIe fron lheir pIighls, and
sl ress l he rescuees´ gral i l ude. Soon l he pI ayers
shouI d undersl and l hal Tyr has grovn ri pe f or
A devious DM nighl pIanl nisIeadingIy favor-
alIe cIues, provoke lhe pIayer characlers lo supporl
DivuIgence, and lhen lring dovn disasler on lhe
AIIiance. Don´ l! This lelrayaI gains nolhing lul
lad feeIings and couId deslroy lhe canpaign.
1. The characlers hear of lhe ¨haunled¨ lalh-
house in lhe Warrens. Invesligaling, lhey discover
lhe AIIiance headquarlers and nusl evade dealh
Iong enough lo expIain lhenseIves. Morlhen over-
cones his naluraI caulion Iong enough lo Iel lhe
parly face inilialion. He needs aIIies in lhe DivuI-
gence conlroversy. AIlernaleIy, lhe parly nay find
lhe headquarlers during RoniIa Iarlhian´ s shifl,
and she recruils lhen for lhe sane reason.
2. AlhriaIix has finaIIy convinced RoniIa lo force
lhe AIIiance´ s hand on DivuIgence. She and her
synpalhizers pIan lo go lo lhe narkel and nake
grass grov everyvhere, lhen foIIov lhis vilh a fire-
vorks shov and enlerlaining iIIusions. This, lhey
hope, viII pronole pulIic acceplance. (TaIk aloul
enlerlaining iIIusions!)
The pIayer characlers hear aloul lhis fron TviIe,
lhe slreel kid, vho has aIso finaIIy seen AlhriaIix
casl defiIing nagic. The loy lareIy escaped vilh his
Iife, and nov lhe defiIer hunls hin. The pIayer char-
aclers nay lry lo head off lhe DivuIgence, or lhey
nighl Iend lheir supporl lo nake sure il cones off
veII. Then lhey shouId go afler AlhriaIix. To prolecl
TviIe, lhey shouId lring hin aIong~al Ieasl, so he
argues. In lhe advenlure TviIe vorks as a slory de-
vice lo provoke or sideslep pIol conpIicalions.
CampaIgn sty!c: Aggresslte, Successfu|.
BaIic´s AIIiance has found ilseIf poverfuI aIIies. The
Diclalor, Andropinis, conlinues lo oppress and en-
sIave BaIikile cilizens. Òne ly one, non-vizard nolIes
and arlisls have resorled lo lhe desperale neasure of
AIIiance inilialion. Mosl of lhose vho knov of lhe AI-
Iiance viev il as one vay lo slrike lack al Andropinis.
The currenl CounciI Ieader shovs such visdon lhal
lhe BaIic AIIiance, unIike aII olhers, consenls lo foIIov
a non-vizard. The forner sIave Ranphion, a popuIar
rhapsode (poen singer), Ieads lhe cily´ s vizards
lhough he knovs no nagic. Hov did he allain lhis
posl` In BaIic lhe nenlers eIecl lheir Ieader.
The Clly
Pnpu!atInn: 27, 5OO (8O° hunan, 8° dvarf, 3°
nuI, 4° eIf, 4° haIf-gianl, 1° lhri-kreen, a fev
ha I f - e I ve s a nd ha I f I i ngs , 5 ° pa l r i c i a ns , 1 5 °
freenen, 8O° sIaves). Nalives are caIIed ¨BaIiki-
les. ¨
Emb! cms : Sun, s heaves of gr ai n ( i n peac e) ,
svord, shieId (in var).
Ecnnnmy: Crain, saIl, oIives, kank neclar, Iive-
slock, Iealher, siIver.
Nntcwnrthy rcsIdcnts: Andropinis, sorcerer-king
diclalor (21sl-IeveI dragon, LL), ÒrioI of Magesla-
Ios, Iirsl Speaker of lhe Ialricians (Ò-IeveI nornaI
nan, 4 hp, LN), Zanlhiros, CeneraI of lhe MiIilia
(I13, 7O hp, LL), Òrianeslra, IaIace Songnislress
(R6, 18 hp, LN), LIvar lhe druid, proleclor of lhe
diclalor´s orange groves (DS, 32 hp, N).
Unusua! sItcs: The MegaIeneon, lhe diclalor´ s
paIace, inperiaI oIive and orange groves, Merchanl
Lnporiuns in lhe agora, surrounded ly lhe LIven
Markel, anphilhealres around lhe cily, siles of pIay
conpelilions, and lhe Shining Bridges, nonunen-
laI narlIe lridges across siIl-fiIIed ravines around
lhe agora.
BaIic Iooks cIean, if nol pIeasanl. Ils nonunenlaI
luiIdings fealure ordered designs of friezes, pedi-
nenls, slaircases, and spacious porlicos surrounded
ly fIuled narlIe coIunns. Winds sveep lhrough
echoing perislyIes encIosed ly Iong coIonnades.
Wide slreels radiale fron Andropinis´s cenlraI for-
The lIoaled and egonaniacaI sorcerer-king hoIds
reguIar parades in his ovn honor. In lhese Iavish
processions he rides in a vicker hovdah alop HoIos-
los, lhe royaI nounl, an aIlino inix. Cily guards
and soIdiers conpeI aII lo allend and cheer. A cili-
zen nay onIy offer iIIness or severe injury as excuses
nol lo allend, lhose vho skip allendance end up
vilh iIIness or severe injury anyvay.
Drcss: In BaIic lhe palricians vear a lody-Ienglh
pIealed shirl (a chlton), oflen vilh a shorl cIoak (a
ch|anµs) lhal Ieaves lhe arns lare. The cIoak, lypi-
caIIy expensive Iinen inporled fron Draj, lears a
sedale pallern of checks, lhin slripes, and sone-
lines even fIovers. Wonen girdIe lhe chilon jusl
alove lhe vaisl and vear lheir hair curIed and
pinned up vilh lone or vood pins. NolIe vonen
nay aIso vear a vaisl-Ienglh shavI caIIed a µeµ|os,
lul lhis oflen proves loo hol for even lhe nosl over-
dressed BaIikile nalron. ÒIder hunan naIes vear
poinled leards, lul young nen vear no leard, aII
cul lheir hair shorl. Bolh genders vear sandaIs or
lools of inix Iealher.
Cu!turc: Ancienl anceslors of nodern BaIikiles
deveIoped an eIalorale non-reIigious nylhoIogy of
ficlionaI paralIes, Iike fairy laIes. This Iegendary
vorId pervades aII lhe cily´s cuIlure, drana, epic po-
elry, and nusic.
Ioels seIdon vrile lheir epics, ralher, lhey neno-
rize and recile lhen, lhen leach lhen lo perforners
caIIed rhapsodes. A rhapsode reciles or sings a por-
lion of sone popuIar epic as enlerlainnenl al palri-
cian galherings, or in lhe agora for lhe ceranic lils
of passersly. Many rhapsodes conpose lheir ovn
vork as veII. The rhapsodes fuIfiII lhe sane func-
lions as lards in nedievaI sociely, lul lhey do nol
leIong lo lhe AD&D
lard characler cIass and re-
ceive no speciaI cIass aliIilies.
The cuIluraI scene, lhough dislorled lo refIecl
propaganda needs, sliII dravs lhe inlense inleresl of
palricians´ and freenen. The cily sponsors conpeli-
lions anong pIayvrighls and rhapsodes, avarding
high honors lo lhose vhose vork gains lhe nosl fa-
vor fron lhe audience.
Cilizens allend lhese conpelilions in huge nun-
lers, prolalIy as a refuge fron everyday oppres-
sion. Because of lhis popuIarily, inleIIecluaIs anong
lhe AIIiance have legun pIanling sullIe nessages of
releIIion in lheir vorks. Nolhing overl, for every-
lhing is lransIaled inlo nylhoIogy, lul a nessage
vhich is sliII cIear lo lhe nore perceplive nenlers of
lhe audience. AIIiance aulhors have even used lheir
pIays and epics as coverl recruilnenl devices.
The VeiIed AIIiance arrived Iale in BaIic, lecause
nosl cilizens here shoved sIighlIy nore loIerance for
nagicians. In lhe Iasl cenlury Darninius lhe Al-
jurer visiled Tyr lo procure a speII conponenl, lhe
hair of an eIf naiden. He Iearned of lhal cily´s an-
cienl AIIiance vhiIe fIeeing a pack of eIf vonen vho
resenled his inquiries. Iascinaled vilh lhe idea of a
secrel sociely, and fuIIy convinced of ils need, he re-
lurned lo BaIic and legan organizing his ovn chap-
The soci el y´ s nessage of sl ruggI e agai nsl l he
sorcerer-king found IillIe favor unliI recenlIy. Ior a
Iong line lhe eIeclorale lried lo reforn lhe govern-
nenl lhrough eIeclion of lenpIars. This nelhod
Afler a disaslrous visil fron lhe dragon 5O years
ago, Andropinis cracked dovn even harder on lhe
popuIace lo gel lhen lo reluiId. Anid lhis Ialesl
oppression, reforn-ninded candidales for lenpIar
oflen von eIeclions, lul nosl soon perished in unu-
suaI ¨accidenls.¨ The olhers nysleriousIy Iosl lheir
reforning zeaI afler a visil lo lhe diclalor´s paIace.
The lurning poinl for lhe AIIiance cane vilh lhe
recenl dealh of lhe lenpIar RanphoIon. This high-
ninded reforner von a sveeping viclory in lhe Iasl
eIeclion a decade ago, and survived Iong enough lo
repeaI severaI haled edicls laxing lhe saIe of saIl, for-
lidding cerlain narriages, and reslricling lhe grov-
ing of oranges and olher deIicacies. Then his son, Inllllallon
Ranphion, voke one norning lo an anonynous leI-
epalhic nessage. IoIIoving ils direclions, he found
RanphoIon´ s lody on lhe oulIying reaches of lhe
eslale, luried under a piIe of saIl. The sane day,
Andropinis reinslaled lhe edicls.
The lenpIar´ s renovaI sliIIed lhe open unresl,
lul in lhe nexl pIay conpelilion Ranphion offered
a slunning drana caIIed Hero´s BuriaI. Il reloId a
veII-knovn nylh of a hero´s prolesl againsl, and
punishnenl ly, eviI spirils, lul recasl lhe slory in
synloIic lerns lhal aIerl audience nenlers couId
nol nislake. IoIIoving lhe pIay´s viclory in ils con-
pelilion, lhe AIIiance recruiled Ranphion and he
quickIy rose lo ils CounciI. In lhe nexl Calhexis eIec-
l i on of Counci I I eaders, l he nenlershi p vol ed
Ranphion ils Ieader. In his four lerns since, he has
lroughl lhe AIIiance lo a nev heighl of infIuence.
Visilors fron olher cilies vho lry lhe usuaI recog-
nilion signaIs usuaIIy eIicil a vhispered nessage or
enignalic nole: ¨Allend lhe pIay.¨
ThealricaI perfornances or rhapsode recilalions
occur aInosl daiIy al various anphilhealres around
lhe cily, usuaIIy slarling in earIy norning and finish-
ing lefore lhe heal of noon. The vorks´ nol-quile-
open expressions of releIIious spiril nay aslonish
lhe nevconer. These pIays enj oy such popuIarily
lhal lhe diclalor nusl loIerale lheir sulversive len-
Sone vorks even presenl vizards in a sonevhal
synpalhelic Iighl, or indicale an avareness of lhe
difference lelveen preserving and defiIing nagic.
These usuaIIy nean lhe aulhor or presenler leIongs
lo lhe AIIiance. The visilor vho vanls lo conlacl lhe
AIIiance nay slarl vilh lhe perforners and foIIov a
LIeclions occur every lhree years, lhe nexl eIeclion
The eIeclion for a Ieader and lhree Iieulenanls
lakes pIace in a Calhexis cerenony. An eIeclion
usuaIIy Iasls aloul one ninule. The vinner assunes
office afler 1O days.
Leaders in olher cilies usuaIIy choose lheir ovn
successors. In Urik, rivaI faclions IileraIIy fighl lo
repIace lheir Iosl Ieader. ÒnIy in BaIic do AIIiance
nenlers vole.
BaIic cherishes ils slrong lradilion of voling on
inporlanl issues. Cranled, lhe voles for lhe Iasl
lhousand years have nade IillIe difference and onIy
a snaII ninorily, lhe palricians, can acluaIIy vole.
NonelheIess, lhe idea of free eIeclions perneales lhe
enlire sociely.
Sonelines il´s even easier, depending on lhe AIIi-
ance palron adninislering lhe inilialion. Civen lhe
eIeclioneering lhal goes on for lhe Ieadership, a pa-
lron nay prefer lo inducl nev nenlers sure lo vole
his vay, vaiving lhe usuaI requirenenls ¨for a
vhiIe.¨ This has Ied lo sone MyrneIeon infiIlralion
in Iover ranks.
Less capalIe candidales nusl enler lhe orange
groves and lring lack oranges. The diclalor aIIovs
onIy his highesl lenpIars and slaff lo enler lhese
gardens. The nore fruil candidales lring lack, lhe
leller lheir chances.
Afler lhe usuaI ¨Creen Tesl¨, lhe CounciI cur-
renlIy favors nissions lhal hurl Andropinis, hov-
ever IillIe. ¨Co inlo his paIace, lreak a vase, and
lring lack lhe fragnenls.¨ ¨Co inlo his Iilrary of
scroIIs and sleaI lhe oIdesl one you can find,¨ and so
chain of references lo a ceII nenler. AuxiIiaries of
lhe AIIiance nay even vork lhe produclions lhen-
Conlacllng lhe Alllance
lakes pIace in lhe year of Iriesl´s Reverence, one
year af l er l he legi nni ng of l he sl andard DARK
canpaign. You nay inslead hoId lhe eIec-
lion shorlIy afler lhe ICs join lhe AIIiance, so lhey
can eilher run for lhe CounciI or exercise infIuence
in lhe eIeclion. If lhey run, consider adjusling lhe
nunler of Iieulenanls eIecled, so lhal every pIayer
characler can find a spol.
Hunan MaI e Rogue
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 14
Dex 18
Co n 1 3
hp: 5O
AC : 6
# AT 1
T HAC O : 1 6
Dng: ly veapon
Inl 17
Wi s 16
Cha 2O
Ir of i c i enc i es : Dagger +1, Quar l er s l af f , SI i ng,
Ancienl Hislory, Disguise, Iorgery, }unping, LocaI
Isionics: aura sighl.
Backgrnund: Ranphi on had aI ready von nore
lhan one pIay conpelilion lefore his Hero´s BuriaI
look lhe CoIden Leaf len years ago. He lecane dis-
affecled and dislruslfuI of lhe cily governnenl onIy
afler lhe dealh of his falher, originaIIy he sav lhe
AIIiance as a vorlhy cause lecause il foughl lhe dic-
In lhe years since, Ranphion has grovn Iess opli-
nislic aloul lhe chances of overlhroving Andro-
pi ni s. Bul he has cone l o respecl preservers as
¨feIIov arlisls. ¨ Magic fascinales hin, lhough he
has no aplilude for il hinseIf. Ranphion´s skiIIfuI
oralory and poIilicaI savvy lroughl hin enough
voles lo Iead lhe chapler. Nov in his fourlh lern, he
has done veII.
Zaelhus, lhough a palrician, drev his faniIy´ s
scorn lecause lhealer fascinaled hin. He even look
lo lhe slage under an assuned nane. He nel Ran-
phion vhen he acled in one of lhe pIayvrighl´s firsl
vorks, and lhey lecane friends. Zaelhus joined lhe
AIIiance aIong vilh Ranphion, gave up lhe lhealer,
and redeened his faniIy slanding jusl in line lo in-
heril lhe eslale. Zaelhus sliII secrelIy induIges his
passion for acling in a vay lhal nol even Ranphion
Backgrnund: This once prosperous palrician de-
voles his snaII renaining forlune lo lhe AIIiance.
He aIso provides ils headquarlers. A cIose friend
and aIIy of Ranph ion, Zaelhus has knovn lhe Iead-
er Ionger lhan anyone eIse in lhe AIIiance.
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Quarlerslaff, Ancienl Hislo-
r y, Ll i que l l e , Mo de r n La ngua ge s , Re a di ng/
Wr i l i ng, Ri di ng ( Land) , SpeI I c r af l . Is i oni c s :
conlacl, nindIink, invisiliIily.
Zacthus NaurIpIdcs
Hunan MaIe Ireserver
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 12
Dex 14
Con 15
hp: 28
AC : 1 O
# AT 1
T HAC O : 1 8
Dng: ly veapon
Inl 17
Wi s 1 6
Cha 1 4
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Ranphion dispIays sharp insighl, a
reaIislic apprecialion of silualions, respecl for olh-
ers´ aliIilies, and deIicacy in handIing crises-in
olher vords, fine Ieadership. He lries lo conceaI his
loyi s h f as c i nal i on vi l h nagi c , exc epl anong
Appcarancc: He is a haIe, hearly nan in his earIy
forlies, veII dressed, perhaps a louch vain aloul his
carefuIIy curIed hair and leard.
knovs aloul.
Zaelhus vears a rlng of µo|µnorµhlng lhal aIIovs
hin lo change shape lhree lines a day. An eIderIy
CounciI vizard lequealhed il lo hin as a Iegacy, in
lhanks for his IoyaIly lo lhe AIIiance. Nov Zaelhus
uses lhe ring lo inpersonale any of severaI inagi-
nary ¨henchnen¨ vhon he prelends lo enpIoy.
He journeys lo a hideoul on his eslale under cover
of psionic invisiliIily (his nalive viId laIenl), lhen
lakes anolher forn. Zaelhus uses lhree forns, rep-
resenling his lhree nonexislenl henchnen: Mord
lhe nuI, a haIf-gianl naned Hrink, and an eIfvon-
an, Davri ana.
The nolIenan pIays aII lhese roIes lo lhe hiIl, coI-
oring his porlrayaIs vilh dislinclive lehaviors and
lackground delaiIs. }usl as soneone legins lo von-
der vhy lhe lhree henchnen never appear logelher,
he (as Mord) nay drop a renark aIIeging inlense
di sI i ke of Hri nk, or pai nl Davri ana as unl rusl -
vorlhy. In lhis vay, olservers faII lo vondering
aloul lhe individuaI nysleries, ignoring lhe Iarger
Appcarancc: ln true forn Zaelhus appears laII,
lhin, in his nid-fiflies, vilh siIver hair and Iined aris-
locralic fealures. He dresses in highesl fashion, fa-
voring paisIey designs, and noves vilh conscious
As Mord, he vears an apron and sandaIs of inix
Iealher, and sporls eIalorale alslracl lalloos on lhe
shouIders and lack.
ln ha|f-glant forn, vesligiaI lusks grov fron his
upper jav. Long, incongruousIy lIond hair lunlIes
dovn his curved lack. He vears onIy a lreechcIoul
and a lurIap cape.
ln Datrlana´s forn he appears a viIIovy young eIf
vonan vilh yeIIov eyes, lighl lrovn lIouse and Ieg-
gings, Iealher lools, and a hooded poncho vilh
lrovn canoufIage pallern. ¨Her¨ lrusque and ar-
roganl nanner provokes suspi ci on i n everyone
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Zaelhus acls lhe decenl fop, lul is
seIf-induIgenl and deIicale of lasle. Though he re- Bul Seslus has anlilions. He leIieves lhe AIIi-
Backgrnund: Zaelhus recenlIy recruiled Seslus as
anolher vole for Ranphion. In facl, Seslus, a Myr-
neIeon agenl, serves Andropinis. Trained as a var-
ri or and spy, he shoved greal ali I i l y, and so
Andropinis gave hin nininaI inslruclion in nagic
(defiIing, of course), provided hin vilh nagicaI
ilens lo pass lhe Creen Tesl, and loId hin lo Iocale
lhe AIIiance headquarlers and Ieadership.
So far Seslus has conpIeled nosl of lhe assign-
nenl. He has heard Ranphion speak lo his ceII,
and he has laIked his vay inlo a CounciI neeling al
lhe Nauripides viIIa headquarlers. Seslus couId go
lo Andropinis righl nov vilh enough infornalion lo
deslroy lhe AIIiance.
5cstus DImnsthcnus
Hunan MaIe Iighler/DefiIer
DuaI-CIass I7/W4 (prelends lo I7 onIy)
LavfuI LviI (prelends lo LavfuI NeulraI)
Sl r 18 Inl 16
Dex 18 Wi s 8
Con 2O Cha 1 7
hp: 42
AC : 6
#AT 3/2 rounds
T HAC O : 1 3
Dng: ly veapon +2
Iroficiencies: Bov, Crosslov, Dagger +1, Svord
+1, BIind-fighling, Lliquelle, Hunling, SurvivaI,
Isionics: aura aIleralion.
Zaelhus provides ICs vilh lheir easiesl palh inlo
lhe AIIiance. He viII recruil heroes (and nosl any-
lody eIse) vho pronise lo vole for Ranphion. His
shorl-lern poIilicaI gains have Ied lo Iong-lern dan-
ger, as his recruils have incIuded nyrneIon agenls.
aIIy is a fop, he exaggerales lhe lehavior. This Ieads
sone lo overIook his genuine inleIIigence and poIili-
caI skiII.
ance hoIds a lreasure lrove of nagicaI ilens sone-
vhere in BaIic, and he vanls lhen for his ovn. He
von´l reporl anylhing definile unliI lhose ilens ap-
pear and he can gral lhen. He nov leIieves lhal Map Key
onIy vinning lhe posilion of CounciI Ieader can
achieve lhis.
Ses l us s pr eads anonynous I i es aloul Ran-
phion´s pIans, and he has legun lo salolage neel-
ings of Ranphion´s supporlers. Wilh lhe diclalor´s
cooperalion, he has sprung nore lhan one disasler
on lhe AIIiance, disaslers caused ly Ranphion´ s
Soon Seslus viII announce his ovn lid. He viII
gel Andropinis lo donale nagic sufficienl lo lhrov
lhe Calhexis eIeclion lo Seslus. Then he viII have
pover enough lo head lo lhe Ioresl Ridge, rool oul
and ensIave lhe haIfIings, and found his ovn cily-
slale. Seslus dreans Iarge dreans, and onIy lhis has
kepl lhe AIIiance aIive.
Appcarancc: He is of nediun heighl, viry, and
in his nid-lvenlies, a seasoned fighler. Seslus vears
arnor as heavy as lhe heal pernils, and carries a
lroadsvord in a shealh of oiIed Iealher.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Seslus exudes greal confidence and
carries hinseIf vilh poise. He seIdon speaks. A
veII-lrained spy, he fauIlIessIy carries off lhe pose of
IoyaIly lo lhe AIIiance. Hovever, he has an easiIy
r ous ed f ouI l enper l hal nay I ead hi n l o i I I -
considered aclions.
Nntcs: WhiIe vearing his usuaI arnor and vieId-
ing his usuaI veapons, Seslus cannol casl defiIing
The IoveIy lul faded viIIa of Zaelhus Nauripides
slands on a snaII pIanlalion near lhe cily gale. Òver
lhe generalions, lolh lhe sorcerer-king´ s ruinous
laxes and lhe surrounding eslales´ shady naneuver-
ing have ealen avay al lhe Nauripides Iands. Nov,
surrounded ly lhin fieIds of Iov, dry vheal pIanls,
lhe viIIa dispIays lhe Iasl faded eIegance of a once-
greal faniIy. Zaelhus Iives here vilh his eIderIy vid-
oved sisler, Venilhia, and four doneslic sIaves.
ExtcrInr: The house has lvo slories, lhe second of
vhich is snaIIer and sel forvard, Ieaving an open
second-slory pIalforn in lack. This laIcony has no
raiI or curl, nor a door inlo lhe house, lul Zaelhus
sonelines secrelIy cIinls here vhen in eIf or nuI
forn, lhen invisilIy spies on lhose laIking in lhe up-
slairs roons or in lhe porlico leIov.
The vaIIs of lhin lrick do IillIe lo keep lhe house´s
lenperalure consislenl, lul lhey prolecl againsl
nosl allacks and resisl lreakage veII.
IntcrInr: ChaIk-vhile fIagslones pave lhe courl-
yard and porlico. Rich liIe covers nosl olher fIoors,
and expensive Raanish rugs adorn lhe ledroon
fIoors. The furnilure in every roon, lhough oId and
vorn, shovs eIeganl lasle. Scenled candIes Iighl
(lul don´l heal) each roon during lhe coId deserl
Andron (receplion roon): Zaelhus and Venilhia
greel visilors in lhis laslefuI roon, serving sveel hay-
frond lea, sesane vafers, goal cheese, and various
Workshoµ: This vindovIess roon has lhicker
vaIIs lhan lhe resl of lhe house. Here Zaelhus sup-
posedIy dallIes in voodvorking, pollery, and olher
respeclalIe nolIe hollies. In facl, lhe cIuller sinpIy
conceaIs lhe lrapdoor enlrance lo lhe faniIy lonl
lenealh lhe viIIa. When lhe AIIiance neels leIov,
lhey ultard |ock lolh lhis lrapdoor and lhe vork-
shop door.
Undcrgrnund: The faniIy calaconls nov hides
lhe VeiIed AIIiance.
Rough-cul slones Iine lhe passage, or dronos, lo
lhe lonl´s anlechanler. The dusly roons Ieading
off lhis chanler each hoId lhe renains of nany pasl
Ieaders of lhe Nauripides, nov one vilh lhe dusl
lhal coals every surface in lhe lonl. These roons
3 7
hoId no lreasure, onIy a junlIe of lallered cIolh, neeling and kiIIed everyone excepl lhe vilness. The
rolled vooden shieIds, and olher once-prized heir- nevs lraveIs lhrough lhe ceIIs ly energency chan-
Ioons. neIs, selling off a scandaI and provoking lad feeI-
The roon narked ¨Lilrary¨ currenlIy hoIds lhe ings againsl Ranphion.
The anlechanler Ieads lo a doned lonl, or tho-
|os, a circuIar roon vilh a vauIled ceiIing propped
up ly a square piIIar. This lonl once heId lhe re-
nains of lhe Nauripides founder, and il nay yel~
lul Zaelhus has enplied lhe roon of aII epilaphs
and nenoraliIia. In lhis roon lhe AIIiance hoIds ils
neelings, hides refugees, and sonelines experi-
nenls vilh nev speIIs or recenlIy acquired nagicaI
ilens. This can hoId (DM´ s discrelion) lhe ¨lrea-
BaIic AIIiance´s voIuninous records of ils hislory,
neelings, research noles, and so on.
sure lrove¨ Seslus seeks.
A vilness reporls lo lhe CounciI lhal Zaelhus´s
lhree henchnen allacked an AIIiance ceII during a
cur Seslus´s cerlain vralh.
Seslus arranged lhe allack ly hiring lhree es-
caped sIaves and using a vand (a gifl of Andro-
pinis) lo µo|µnorµh lhen inlo lhe desired forns.
The invesligalion Ieads lo lhese lhree sIaves, lul
prolalIy no furlher, for Seslus hired lhen vhiIe in
disguise- hinseIf. The parly can cIear Zaelhus´ s
nane lefore lhe upconing eIeclion, lul lhey viII in-
ÒnIy Zaelhus knovs lhal lhese lhree henchnen
don´l exisl. Ralher lhan reveaI his secrel, he con-
lacls lhe ICs lo invesligale vhal happened. AIler-
naleIy, Seslus or anolher rivaI of Ranphion can
recruil lhe parly, asking lhen lo lrack lhe lhree
henchnen. The lraiI Ieads lo Zaelhus´s viIIa, vhere
aIerl characlers discover lhe nolIe´ s secrel sha-
peshifling. Then he recruils lhen hinseIf, lo find
oul vho inpersonaled lhe ¨henchnen.¨
Advenlure Hook
roon i n hi s pyrani d hone, l he TenpI e of l vo
nid for Iess vork. The AIIiance vorks vilhin lhe
CampaIgn sty!c: Aggresslte, Unknoun.
Draj´s sorcerer-king, TecluklilIay, hungers lo find
lhe IocaI AIIiance headquarlers. Iron his lhrone
Moons , he has or der ed l hr ee dozen s ear c hes
lhroughoul lhe cily.
AII lhe vhiIe, lhe AIIiance Ieaders pIol furlher al-
lacks in lheir slronghoId, a fev dozen yards lenealh
lhe king´s sandaIIed feel.
InpossilIe` No. TecluklilIay luiIl lhe TenpIe of
Tvo Moons Iong ago as a sheII direclIy over an earIi-
er, cenluries-oId pyranid. This neanl a Iarger pyra-
snaIIer, luried pyranid, surrounded ly Draji skuII
racks lhal aninale and challer in lhe presence of
defiIer nagic.
Pnpu! at I nn: 15, OOO ( 6O° hunan, 15° dvarf ,
5° nuI, 15° eIf, 3° haIf-eIf, 2° haIf-gianl, a fev
lhri-kreen and haIfIings, 4O° freenen, 6O° sIave,
fraclionaI percenlages of nolIes and Moon Iriesls).
Nali ves are caI I ed ¨Draj i ¨ or ¨lhe Draj . ¨
Emb!cms: Iealhered serpenl, snoking nirror,
jaguar, and olher ferocious crealures.
Ecnnnmy: Wheal, rice, olher grains, henp, lur-
keys, rallils, lexliIes, slrav nals, and pollery.
Nntcwnrthy rcsIdcnts: TecluklilIay, sorcerer-king
(22nd-IeveI dragon), ChiIocolec, connander of lhe
arny (IIy, 7O hp, LL), Queen Tionaca, lhe IIane
Wonan ( D8/Isi 8, 3O hp, LL) , I xl alai l he BI i nd,
nasler al lhe House of lhe Mind, lhe king´ s psi-
oni cs acadeny ( Isi 12, 48 hp, LN) , and Maxl I i x-
oco, high lenpIar (T15, 45 hp, LL).
Unusua! sItcs: The Tvo Moon Cily (lhe vaIIed
adninislralive conpound in lhe cily´s cenler), Ia-
lher and Masler TenpIe (lhe king´ s pyranid paI-
ace), lhe t|acochca|co, or arsenaI, vilhin lhe paIace,
TenpIes of RaI and Culhay, lvo Iavish shrines lo
The nain Draji cerenonies aII invoIve var. The
¨IIovery Wars¨ (lraining lallIes) occur lvice a
year. SoIdiers dress in fuII fealhery regaIia, vilh jag-
uar headdresses and nany lrophies hanging fron
The sorcerer-kings in aII lhe Seven Cilies reIy on
crueIly and vioIence. Bul onIy Draj nakes lhese
parl of ils very cuIlure. Al aII IeveIs of sociely lhe
Draji vaIue crueIly, slrenglh, and ferocily, and lhey
sneer al veakness or respecl for lhe eneny. Warriors
enj oy lhe highesl slalus, rogues lhe Iovesl--fev
rogues renain aIive in Draj for Iong.
A slone road crosses lhe noal, providing lhe onIy
enlrance inlo lhe cily. Al lhe enlrance slands lhe
CoI den Moon Cal e, a l hi ck vooden gal e i nI ai d
vilh olsidian and a decoralive lracery of copper.
SIaves nelicuIousIy poIish lhis nelaI daiIy. CoIden
Moon Cale inpresses visilors vilh lhe grealesl con-
cenlralion of nelaI in Draj oulside lhe paIace and
lhe TenpIes of RaI and Culhay. A corps of guards
discourage lhefl.
squarish cenlraI cily, separaling il fron lhe fieIds.
Lnlry inlo lhis nud noal incurs lhe dealh penaIly.
Beyond Tvo Moon Cily, lhe cily-slale has no for-
l ress vaI I s. I nsl ead, a nud noal surrounds l he
Laynut: Draj exlends over a Iarger area lhan any
olher cily-slale excepl Raan, and Raan nusl ac-
connodale far nore peopIe in ils equaI area. The
luIk of Draj conlains seeningIy endIess henp and
grain fieIds, carefuIIy segregaled inlo pIols and
farned ly sIaves. The Moon Iriesls nainlain a lu-
reaucracy as exlensive as lhe fieIds lhey supervise,
responsilIe for dislriluling sIaves, coIIecling har-
vesls, processing filer, and neling oul cilizens´ ra-
lions of grain. They aIso slage an eIalorale, annuaI
cycIe of ferliIily riles.
¨divine TecluklilIay¨, IIover War IieId, oulside
CoIden Moon Cale, royaI nenagerie, royaI jaguar-
lreeding pens, henpvorks, sIave-povered niIIs.
The Clly
vide Iealher leIls. They fighl vilh reaI veapons, anong lhe sIaves and connoners, and nore eIalo-
vhich are slone-edged cIuls. The vinners gain gIo-
ry, lhe Iosers gel exiIed.
rale anong lhose of higher slalus. By Iav, onIy var-
riors nay vear nore lhan one fealher.
The cily´s synloIs dispIay lhis preoccupalion.
ferocious jaguar, lhough nov aInosl exlincl
oulside lhe Ioresl Ridge and lhe sorcerer-king´ s
lreeding pens, sliII represenls lhe cily´s vicious alli-
ludes, as does lhe fealhered serpenl (prolalIy a
nylhicaI crealure). The snoking nirror, a lradilion-
aI Draji enlIen, indicales a poIished olsidian sIal.
Superslilion says lhal a covard vho peers inlo lhe
snoking nirror sees a dark refIeclion lhal viII ani-
nale, energe fron lhe nirror, slrangIe lhe covard,
and lake his pIace in sociely.
AInosl aII Draj have coppery skin, lIack hair,
lIack eyes, and IillIe or no faciaI hair. Mosl have a
vide face, lhin Iips, and a proninenl chin. SIaves
vear vhile lreechcIouls of henp cIolh. Lveryone
eIse dresses in Ioose, lrighl-coIored shirls and skirls.
AII cilizens excepl chiIdren vear sone kind of head-
dress, as sinpIe as a roII of cIolh or gianl-hair lraid
Draji faniIies leIong lo Iarge cIans vilh Ienglhy
hislories. The eIdesl nenler of each cIan Ieads vilh
unqueslioned aulhorily. CIan eIders galher periodi-
caIIy in Iong luiIdings caIIed tecµans lo delale and
resoIve prolIens loo ordinary and rouline lo con-
cern lhe lenpIars.
The Draji frovn on dance, drana, and nosl nu-
sic as devialions fron purily. They redirecl lhese ar-
lislic inpuIses inlo lhe conposilion and recilalion of
cerenoniaI chanls. The chanls leseech TecluklilIay
or lhe spirils of lhe Iand nol lo harn lhe cily, or
lhank lhen effusiveIy for nol having harned il. Òf
lhe olher arl forns, onIy scuIplure and painling
connand respecl, and onIy vhen lhey gIorify vio-
Ience and var.
ArchI t cct urc: The Draj lui I d I ov, f I al - roof ed
puelIos vilh snaII square vindovs and open door-
vays. Dyed nals or fealher nandaIas decorale lheir
4 O
The 8l ack Cuards
The Draj i onIy caII TeclulilIay lheir hero vhen
lhey see lenpIars in earshol. Bul cilizens voIunlariIy
nane lhree olher fanous residenls of lhe cily as he-
c anpai gn legi ns i n Ni ne-
leenlh While }aguar 84. The nessenger appears in
six years, vhen lhe caIendar is resel al Moon 1.
The caIendar IaleIs each group of nine decades
in a reguIar cycIe of nine synloIs dravn fron lhe
cily´s foIkIore: While }aguar, Moon, Irince, Red
} aguar, BI ood, War, BI ack } aguar, Serpenl , and
Mirror (¨Irince¨ refers lo a sel of Iegends aloul
TecluklilIay lefore he founded Draj ). Hislorians
give each cycIe of 81O years an ordinaI nunler, lul
connon usage seIdon requires lhis.
inconpalilIe, predicl lhe nolions of lhe sun and
noons nore accuraleIy lhan any olher in lhe Seven
Cilies. The Draj caIendar nunlers years in groups
of 9O, apparenlIy a sacred nunler for TecluklilIay.
SchoIars presune lhis cones fron lhe appearance
of lhe nessenger conel every 45 years~for each cy-
cIe legins vilh ils appearance. Draji aslroIogers re-
gard l he conel ´ s onsel as a l i ne of nonenl ous
onens. Cerlain years receive exlra days lo conforn
vilh lhe heavens.
The Draj and Raan caIendars, lhough nuluaIIy
In conlrasl lo ils purilanicaI arls, Draj i cuisine
surpasses aII expeclalions. SIaves prediclalIy receive
onIy pIain lread and rav vegelalIes, lul even con-
non freenen dine veII on heaviIy spiced dishes of
corn, red and green peppers, severaI kinds of grain,
and dried, pennican-Iike erdIu neal. Lveryone
vashes dovn lhe neaI vilh a fernenled caclus juice
caIIed µu|que.
Crafts and scIcncc: Draj shovs proficiency in
sone olher areas. Draj i veavers luiId advanced
Ioons and Ils fealher-vork exceIs aII olher cilies save
vaIIs. roes, lhough lhese ¨heroes¨ serve lhe king. The
l hree BI ack Cuards, enornous olsi di an goI ens,
guard lhe royaI paIace and lhe lvo lenpIes devoled
lo TeclulilIay´ s gIory. The king crealed lhe lhree
guards cenluries ago, and lheir faciaI fealures aII re-
senlIe his: lroad, squal, jovIy, lhick-Iipped, and
fIal-nosed, vilh narrov eyes and sharp cheeklones.
The AIIiance´s sparse hisloricaI records (nov very
iIIegaI) inpIy lhal lhe king originaIIy connanded a
force of severaI dozen goIens. No record leIIs lhe
fale of lhese, if lhey ever exisled. He has nol crealed
any nore goIens for cenluries, and no one knovs
lhe reason for lhis eilher. Sone specuIale lhal lhe
king offended a poverfuI eIenenlaI leing vho for-
lade furlher crealions. WishfuI lhinking, perhaps,
lul no leller expIanalion exisls.
The olsidian Cuards have lecone one nore
synloI of pover anong lhe nany in Draj. The king
parades lhen lefore his pulIic in seni-annuaI cere-
nonies. These parades cuIninale in a secrel rile in-
side lhe paIace (possilIy a nagicaI renevaI of lhe
goIens´ energies) allended onIy ly lhe king and his
highesl lenpIar. TecluklilIay lrusls lhe goIens in-
pIicilIy, lo lhe poinl of enlrusling lhe Iovesl IeveIs of
his paIace enlireIy lo lhen, ralher lhan reIying on
veak and faIIilIe norlaIs.
Draj ´ s exl reneI y renol e I ocal i on expI ai ns l he
youlh of ils AIIiance chapler, lhe nevesl of any in
lhe Tyr Region. HisloricaI records fix ils inceplion
firnIy in lhe year While }aguar 1 of lhe Draji caI-
endar, corresponding lo lhe Tyr caIendar´s ¨Year of
Deserl Defiance¨ in lhe 189lh King´ s Age.
In lhal year lhe nessenger fiIIed lhe sky vilh un-
usuaIIy lriIIianl Iighl, visilIe even in dayline. The
onen pronpled TecluklilIay, for olscure reasons, lo
hunl vizards vilh greal vigor. To escape lhe drag-
nel, lhe preserver DialIaxi fIed ly nighl lo nearly
Raan. There he nel nore danger fron lhe IocaI
4 1
nansaldars, vho al lhe line vere vaging one of
lheir counlIess ninor vars vilh Draj. They aInosl
arresled DialIaxi, lul ly chance a CounciIIor of lhe
IocaI AIIiance happened on lhe scene and logelher
lhe lvo nen overcane lhe lroops and escaped.
DialIaxi lefriended lhe Raanish vizard, naned
Virvidna. The CounciIIor, Iearning of preservers´
prolIens in Draj, shoved DialIaxi secrel Raanish
inleIIigence records lhal loId of a passage (lhen Conlacllng The Alllance
seaIed) inlo TecluklilIay´ s paIace, lhe Ialher and
Masler TenpIe.
Inpressed vilh lhe idea of lhe VeiIed AIIiance,
herelofore unknovn in Draj, DialIaxi joined lhe so-
ciely. Afler a nonlh or lvo, lhough, lhe ¨Iicenlious
and Iilerline alnosphere of AlaIach-Re´s pesliIenl
donain¨ (as he Ialer pul il) forced lhe purilanicaI
DialIaxi lo seek CounciI pernission lo Ieave lhe cily.
He relurned lo Draj and founded lhe chapler lhere.
Afler Iong sludy and pIanning, lhe group secrelIy
enlered lhe king´s pyranid ly lhe Iosl passage, ex-
pIored, and finaIIy sel up headquarlers.
Despile lhis audacily, lhe CounciI never succeed-
ed in allenpls lo infiIlrale lhe paIace slaff. The
Raanish AIIiance couId capilaIize on lhe sorcerer-
queen´ s apalhy lovard her underIings, lul Tec-
luklilIay oversees his Moon Iriesls vilh reIenlIess
zeaI. He vouId spol and deslroy spies vilhin a veek.
The Counci I dares nol nagi caI I y or psi oni caI I y
eavesdrop on lhe king, onIy a fev dozen yards alove
lheir heads, for he vouId delecl lhese and discover
The sociely has lried nuch lul acconpIished Iil-
lIe around lhe cily. Il has successfuIIy pronoled a
fev rivaIries anong lhe Moon Iriesl lenpIars, lul
lhen lhose prolalIy vouId have occurred anyvay.
The vhoIe chapler appears ripe for leller organiza-
UnforlunaleIy, no IikeIy prospecls lo provide lhis
Ieadership have appeared. The founder, DialIaxi,
died of oId age a fev years ago, afler a Ienglhy reign.
He appoinled no successor, for over lhe decades he
grev sliII nore auslere, and no currenl nenler has
salisfied his slringenl lesls of noraIily. (Mosl agree
no one couId have. ) The currenl Ieader, ChinaIi
ZaachiIa, governs veII enough, lul she carries a
deep secrel lhal prevenls soIid aclion. In lhis alnos-
phere, lhe ICs nighl provide lhe firsl decenl Iead-
ership in years.
CIose ly Tvo Moon Cily, hundreds of nerchanls
pilch coIorfuI avnings or lenls. In lheir shade lhey
Iay oul food of aII kinds, cIay pols, fealhered head-
dresses, loIls of cIolh, henp rope, lvisling slicks of
ninl candy, rallil skins, gourds, voven nals, cu-
rios, and spices. Sone offer nany slrange ilens of
nysl eri ous purpose: l ri nkel s, I uck charns. . .
speII conponenls`
A characler vilh SpeIIcrafl proficiency nighl rec-
ognize a conponenl, lhen deIicaleIy queslion lhe
seIIer. Use lhis opporlunily lo luiId suspense. Does
lhe nerchanl hinseIf knov vhal he seIIs` IossilIy,
lul lhe nerchanl nay have picked up lhe conpo-
nenl as a noveIly and nay inslanlIy lurn over a sus-
pecled nage lo lhe cily guard.
A vizard candidale here faces lhe Creen Tesl in
one of lhe henp fieIds oulside lhe cily. Draj´s henp
pIanls lover eighl lo len feel laII, vilh lhick slaIks
and high lranches lhal lear deep green, fern-Iike
Ieaves. Here, in lhe dead of nighl, a veII-arned ceII
asks lhe candidale lo casl a speII. If lhe pIanls die,
so does lhe defiIer. UnIike olher AIIiances, lhe Draji
Ieave lhe lody in lhe open, as an exanpIe.
Afler lhe Creen Tesl, lhe ceII usuaIIy requesls a
furlher lesl. Afler lvo or lhree days, during vhich
lhe requesl fiIlers up ly lhe usuaI channeIs and
lack dovn, lhe CounciI usuaIIy assigns a rescue
Rescue: Al any line nany prisoners avail judg-
nenl on lhe pyranid. Mosl of lhese prisoners con-
nilled eilher najor or ninor crines, any infraclion
in Draj lrings lhe dealh penaIly, excepl in rare
cases (usuaIIy invoIving lhe noliIily) vhen lhe king
connules lhe senlence lo exiIe. Ireservers and aux-
iIiaries never receive lhis nercy, so lhe AIIiance oflen
lakes a hand, lesling candidales in lhe process.
Draj i soci el y has no concepl of ¨j ai I , ¨ so l he
guards hoId prisoners in delenlion pens-Iines of
snaII vooden pens al various pIaces around lhe cily.
Their Iax securily neasures nake rescues easier
lhan lhey sound. Wilh proper laclics and courage,
a parly can spring a prisoner unnoliced.
Iour 4lh-IeveI varriors guard a lypicaI Iine of five
l o 15 pens, a pai r of guards on each end. Lach
guard carries an olsidian svord (1d6-1 dng) and
lhe shorl spear and rope (1d4 dng, largel caughl
on a roII of 3 or 4). They nay aIso carry snaII vicker
shieIds lIazoned vilh lhe varrior´ s faniIy arns.
Lach pair vorks a slaggered, four-hour shifl.
The vooden ceIIs have vaIIs lhree inches lhick,
vooden hinges, and prinilive peg Iocks. Lach ceII
lareIy hoIds one prisoner, sonelines lhe Draj join
lvo or lhree ceIIs logelher lo hoId Iarger prisoners.
ChIma!I ZaachI!a
Hunan IenaIe Ireserver
4lh-LeveI (prelends lo 14lh)
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 12
Dex 12
Co n 1 4
hp: 14
AC: 8 or Iess
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 7
Dng: 1d4 or ly speII
Iroficiencies: Ancienl Hislory, SpeIIcrafl +2.
Inl 2O
Wi s 13
Cha 21
Isionics: conlroI Iighl.
Backgrnund: Like BaIic, lhe Draji AIIiance has a
Ieader of ninor nagicaI aliIilies. UnIike BaIic, lhe
Draj chapler doesn´l reaIize lhis.
Many years ago ChinaIi, an anonynous Ò-IeveI
sage in lhe Tvo Moon Cily, researched lhe cuIliva-
lion of corn. In her spare line she sludied lhe hislo-
ry of nagic and vizards. ChinaIi grev olsessed
vilh Iearning sone reaI nagic. She deduced lhal a
nuI sIave, Cocolon, served as an auxiIiary in lhe AI-
Iiance. She asked lo join and sludy nagic.
Inpressed ly her inleIIigence and personaIily, Co-
colon look ChinaIi lo DialIaxi, lhe AIIiance Ieader.
ChinaIi inpressed hin aIso. He look her on as aide
de canp and apprenlice, and he kepl her Iov skiII
secrel fron lhe CounciI. ChinaIi prelended lo high-
er povers, in order lo serve her Ieader, Cocolon
heIped her conceaI lhe deceplion.
When Di al I axi di ed, Chi naI i loI dI y l ook l he
Iead, lIuffing her vay ly using her exlensive Iore.
She has sulordinales lo casl speIIs as an ¨exer-
cise.¨ Cocolon prolecls her vilh psionics.
Appcarancc: ChinaIi is an inpressive oId Draj
vonan vho appears lruslvorlhy and vise. She usu-
aIIy vears a lrighl snock and fringed poncho. She
dravs her Iong lIack hair up in a lopknol heId vilh
a vide copper land.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: ChinaIi acls in uller confidence,
never uncerlain and seIdon deigning lo offer an ex-
pIanalion for a sIip. Increase her proficiency as neces-
sary lo conlinue her lIuff, a nere Iack of knovIedge
shouId nol lelray her, as lhis Iacks drana.
Nntcs: When ChinaIi casls speIIs (rareIy) her
nagic produces a lrighl yeIIov gIov alove lhe lar-
gel and a deep, irreguIar drunning sound.
Af l er l he f ounder ´ s deal h, Chi naI i pulI i c I y
cIained his rlng of µrotectlon +2. She Ialer cIained
olher ilens lhal provide proleclion and conceaI her
lIuff. Creale lhese as necessary and conlinue lhe
deceplion unliI a pIayer deduces il.
Cncnt nn
MaIe Mu Iighler/Isionicisl
MuIli-CIassed I7/Isi7
LavfuI Cood
Slr 2O Inl 2O
Dex 13 Wi s 15
Con 2O Cha 1 2
hp: 45
AC : 8
#AT: 3/2 rounds
T H A C O : 1 1
Dng: ly veapon +3
Irof i ci enci es: Harness Sulconsci ous, Hypnosi s,
MusicaI Inslrunenl (fIule), Reading/Wriling, Re-
Isionics: 31 ISIs, aII-round vision, conlal nind,
danger sense, poison sense, spiril sense, conlacl,
conceaI lhoughls, LSI, faIse sensory inpul, idenlily
penelralion, nind lar, nindIink, lrulhear, aura aI-
leralion, psychic surgery. Defense nodes: AII lul
lover of iron viII.
Backgrnund: DialIaxi recruiled Cocolon inlo lhe
AIIiance vhiIe lhe nuI vas sliII young. The founder
sav in hin an ideaI varrior and spy. He secrelIy
laughl hin lo read and vrile, and ordered a psioni-
cisl lo lrain his nind.
ÒnIy lhe nuI knovs ChinaIi´s secrel, and he uses
every pover al his disposaI lo conceaI il. Cocolon
serves ChinaIi IoyaIIy, in nore vays lhan anyone
eIse suspecls. He leIieves she can lenefil lhe AIIi-
ance, given experience.
Appcarancc: Big and nuscuIar, Cocolon Iooks
dunl and inpassive, for he conceaIs his nalive in-
leIIigence. He vears padded cIolh arnor of Draj
nake, and has lallooed lolh arns vilh lhe cily´ s
usuaI synloIs of var.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Quiel lul aIerl, Cocolon skiIIfuIIy
avoids arousing suspicions of his psionic aliIily. He
¨relreals lo safely¨ near ChinaIi vhen under al-
lack, shieIding her lul prelending lhal she shieIds
Sone aIerl characlers nay reaIize Cocolon con-
ceaIs his inner seIf if lhey hear hin pIay his fIule.
When nol guarding ChinaIi, lhe nuI sonelines re-
Iaxes al nighl ly silling lenealh lhe noons and
pIaying hearlfeIl, Ionging lunes of greal leauly and
Nauhynt! Cha!ca
Hunan MaIe Ireserver
LavfuI NeulraI
Sl r 13
Dex 14
Co n 1 4
Inl 16
Wi s 1O
Cha 1 2
hp: 35
AC : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 7
Dng: ly speII
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Lliquelle, HerlaIisn, Mod-
ern Languages, Reading/Wriling, SpeIIcrafl.
Isionics: conlroI vind.
Backgrnund: NauhyolI served DialIaxi veII, and
lhe young nan fervenlIy adnired lhe founder´s pie-
ly, even lhough, in lhe eIder´s opinion, NauhyolI
feII far shorl of lhal ideaI hinseIf. Nov, ChinaIi
Ieads lhe AIIiance, and NauhyolI serves her loo, de-
spile her ollrusive nuI guardian. Bul sonelhing
aloul her lolhers hin. . . .
Because of lhis uncerlainly, NauhyolI hasn´l yel
reporled lhe lenpIars´ Ialesl allenpl lo infiIlrale lhe
AIIiance. A nyslerious oId lenpIar visiled Nauhy-
olI in lhe nighl. He hinled lhal NauhyolI knev
sonelhing of nagic, and of nany vho praclice nag-
ic. If so, NauhyolI nighl gain veaIlh and infIuence
in relurn for cooperalion vilh lhe king´ s vorlhy
goaIs. NauhyolI said nolhing, and lhe lenpIar de-
4 4
parled, Ieaving lehind a genuine goId coin.
CoI d! Nauhyol I had aI nosl never seen i l , I el
aIone ovned il. He decided a hundred lines lo
lhrov lhe coin avay, and reconsidered each line.
He hardIy knovs vhal lo do.
Appcarancc: He is a lrighl, upslanding-Iooking
young nan, lhin and viry, vilh an ovI-Iike slare.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: NauhyolI neans veII, al Ieasl for
lhe nonenl. Bul he has unheaIlhy ideas, feeIs sensi-
live aloul his uncerlain slalus, and can ralionaIize
anylhing. Nol yel corrupled, he nay lecone cor-
rupl, especiaIIy if lhe ICs assune grealer favor
lhan he.
Nntcs: NauhyolI´s speIIs creale a shinnering au-
ra, Iike deserl air on lhe horizon, around his hands
and every oljecl in lhe affecled area. His speIIs aIso
creale lhe sound of deserl vind and lhe sneII of
The AIIiance headquarlers resides lenealh lhe
sheII of TecluklilIay´s TenpIe of Tvo Moons. The
king luiIl lhis pyranid five cenluries ago over lhe
sheII of a snaIIer one he had luiIl eighl cenluries
lef ore l hal . He has aI I lul f orgol l en aloul l he
snaI I er pyrani d, and none of hi s Moon Iri esl s
have ever heard of il.
During lhe Iarger pyranid´s conslruclion, a land
of audacious lhieves lriled severaI lenpIar forenen
lo aIler lhe pIans. They luiIl a secrel enlrance fron
lhe paIace grounds inside lhe jaguar lreeding cages
lo lhe inlerior pyranid. They pIanned lo sleaI inlo
lhe nev paIace fron undernealh, lhen Iool lhe pIace
and relreal lhe sane vay.
Afler lhe lhieves escaped lhe paIace vilh lheir
pIunder, lhe lenpIars lurned lhen in lo
TecluklilIay~lhough a porlion of lheir Iool ¨nysle-
riousIy¨ vanished. TecluklilIay had lhe secrel lun-
neI seaIed-lul nol fiIIed in. Ierhaps he ordered
lhis, lul lhe lenpIars faiIed lo carry oul lhe orders.
The lunneI renained inlacl, and generalions Ialer
lhe AIIiance discovered il.
Thc KIng's Pa!acc
The upper IeveIs of lhe Ialher and Masler Ten-
pIe (lhose luiIl on lhe sheII of lhe earIier pyranid)
conlain nany adninislralive ceIIs, a Iarge hoIding
ceII, a kilchen, and doneslic roons. A Iover IeveI
hoIds roons vhere lhe king confers vilh his len-
pIars and generaIs.
The Iovesl IeveIs of lhe ouler pyranid conlain
lreasure roons and Iiving quarlers for TecluklilIay
and his queen, Tionaca, caIIed lhe ¨IIane Won-
an¨ for her red hair. These IeveIs have no Iiving
guards. ÒnIy a BIack Cuard, aided ly Iesser nagi-
caI senlineIs, prolecls lhen.
(Red hair` Tionaca grev up in Raan of BaIiIan
parenl s, ref ugees f ron Andropi ni s´ s occasi onaI
purges. Draji soIdiers look her prisoner during an
incidenlaI var vilh Raan 2O years ago. TecluklilIay
sav her anong lhe prisoners, look her as his concu-
line, and evenluaIIy narried her. He gave her lhe
Draji nane Tlonaca, neaning ¨fireIighl¨, and for-
lade her fron using her given nane, Niole. She
has slrongIy nixed feeIings aloul TecluklilIay.)
The BIack Cuard does nol palroI lhe Iovesl IeveI.
No one enlers lhis IeveI excepl lhe king and queen.
Il conlains j usl one roon: TecluklilIay´s CryslaI
Thc Crysta! Gardcn: Ior 14,OOO years lhe finesl
jeveIers of lhe Seven Cilies fiIIed lhis roon vilh per-
fecl quarlz repIicas of pIanls. Here are ferns, each
liny Ieaf a faceled slone, spike-Ieaved naguey cac-
lus, lheir serraled edges fracluring lhe Iighl inlo
rainlovs, lransIucenl narigoIds and caneIIias, and
lovering paIns, even laII corn pIanls and collon
lushes, every frond and lvig lransIaled inlo gIass.
CounciI nenlers disagree on lhe roon´ s pur-
pose. They knov lhal convenlionaI jeveIers crafled
lhe cryslaI pIanls, and lhey hoId no nagic excepl
curses infIicled upon anyone vho lreaks lhe fragiIe
Ieaves. Sone specuIale lhal TecluklilIay praclices
nev curses here, using lhe cryslaI pIanls as viclins.
The Enlrance
The secrel passage legins in lhe jaguar cages of
lhe Tvo Moon Cily, direclIy alulling lhe pyranid.
XicolencalI, a young AIIiance auxiIiary vho vorks
in lhe lreeding pens (Ra3, 14 hp, LC) aIvays keeps
lhe passage´s cage enply and escorls nenlers lo ils
fIoor lrapdoor. AII nenlers nusl give lhe pass-
vord, ¨Have you fed lhe jaguars lheir erdIu vings
l oday`¨
The unIil passage, lhree feel vide and seven high,
Ieads up a very Iong sIanling slaircase and IeveIs off
afler a rise of 15O', al a 3O' lunneI. Il ends in a 1O'-
square roon Iil ly a singIe lorch lhal lurns end-
IessIy, vilhoul snoke. A narrov (5´ vide) slaircase
Ieads dovn 15 feel.
The open sl ai rs goi ng dovn end i n anol her,
snaIIer roon Iined vilh vooden racks of hunan and
deni-hunan skuIIs of lhose vho have died in service
lo lhe AIIiance.
Belveen lhe racks, on aII sides of lhe roon, run
Iong verlicaI sIols. Cuards slaff lhese arrov sIils,
ready vilh lovs, crosslovs, and nissiIe speIIs.
Iriesls sland ready lo casl sl|ence, 15´ radius, and
olher defensive speIIs.
Òver nany years DialIaxi Iaid pernanenl detect
etl| and a|arn speIIs on sone of lhe skuIIs. The
a|arn does nol produce a Ioud ring, vhich nighl
aIerl lhose in lhe ouler pyranid overhead. Inslead,
il sels lhe skuIIs´ leelh cIallering. As soon as lhe
guards hear lhis eilher lhey open fire or lhey ask for
l he passvord ( ¨Beneal h l he ki ng´ s f eel ¨) . ÒnI y
lhose vho ansver correclIy nay enler. (ÒplionaIIy,
lhis version of lhe detect etl| speII can inslead delecl
onIy defiIers, vhelher neulraI or eviI, and nol olher
eviI leings.)
The roon offers no cover. The onIy exil, a lhick
door of agafari hardvood, Iocks fron lhe olher side,
4 6
and AIIiance preservers can ultard |ock il al shorl
nolice. A sharpIy lending anleroon leyond lhe
door Ieaves inlruders vuIneralIe lo allacks fron lhe
arrov sIols.
The Headquarlers
A round lhe slairveII larricade lhe AIIiance has
laken over a dozen snaII roons, aII on lhe sane fIoor.
The sociely has nol noved furlher inlo lhe inlerior of
lhe pyranid, lecause il does nol need nore space yel,
and lhe Iover IeveIs hoId Iong slanding dangers lhal
rose fron lhe cenluries-oId eviIs of TecluklilIay.
Lach of lhe lveIve roons has fool-lhick sandslone
vaIIs and a Iov arched enlrance vilh a lhick vooden
door. Al any line, up lo a haIf-dozen CounciIIors
nay occupy privale quarlers in as nany roons. The
renaining roons hoId ilens recenlIy acquired, speII
conponenls, a non-nagicaI scroII Iilrary vilh docu-
nenl s dal i ng lac k lef or e l he Dr aj AI I i anc e´ s
founding, and lvo sheIlers for refugee vizards.
Chi naI i di scourages nagi caI experi nenl al i on
here, for fear of deleclion fron alove. Mosl nask-
ing speIIs, such as non-detectlon, require expensive
speI I conponenl s l hal l he AI I i ance can hardI y
spare. In energencies she aIIovs il, so Iong as lhe
speIIcaslers erecl proper nagicaI canoufIage.
Advenlure Hooks
1. King TecluklilIay inslaIIs a nev device in his
CryslaI Carden, direclIy alove lhe AIIiance slrong-
hoId. The eviI device vanpiricaIIy dravs Iife energy
fron everylhing in a Iarge radius lo grov nev quarlz
pIanls for lhe CryslaI Carden. Unknovn lo Tec-
luklilIay, lhe ilen, a cislern or lasin, has veakened
lhe AIIiance in ils headquarlers leIov.
The ICs Iearn of lhis pIighl during a rouline vis-
il. They have IillIe line, hours al nosl, lo lrick lhe
king inlo giving up lhe ilen or lo sleaI il fron lhe
CryslaI Carden. If lhey faiI, lhe AIIiance sliII sur-
vives, lul lhose CounciIIors vho feII viclin lo lhe
vanpiric drain die or Iose energy IeveIs. The ICs
nay have lo heIp find a nev headquarlers.
2. A nev headquarlers` Ierhaps lhe soIulion Iies
leIov. The CounciI nusl cIear oul a nev IeveI of lhe
i nl eri or pyrani d~ei l her lecause i l needs nore
space or lo escape lhe device´s radius of effecl. The
CounciIIors recruil lhe ICs lo expIore and exlerni-
AIlernaleIy, sonelhing eviI escapes fron lhe Iover
IeveIs and paraIyzes or conlroIs aII lhe CounciIIors.
The ICs nusl infiIlrale lhe pyranid vilhoul faIIing
prey eilher lo lhe guards or lhe nev nenace, and
drive il avay.
3. This hook vorks lesl for higher-IeveI characlers.
SensalionaI nevs oul of Raan: Tvo refugee pre-
servers cIain lheir kidnapped daughler lecane lhe
queen of Draj ! They leIieve TecluklilIay has cor-
rupled Tionaca´s fundanenlaIIy good nalure, and
lhey vanl lo confronl her aIone lo svay her lack lo
lhe palh of righl. The CounciI delales slrenuousIy,
lul lhe prospecl of recruiling lhe queen conpeIs
lhen lo allenpl lhe conlacl.
The ICs lecone invoIved vhen lhe CounciI en-
lrusls lhen lo arrange lhe delaiIs. They don´l vanl lo
risk exposure, so lhey enpIoy conpelenl auxiIiaries
vilh lhe arrangenenls. They insisl lhal nolhing in lhe
process reveaIs lhe Iocalion of lhe AIIiance headquar-
lers. Òlhervise, lhey granl lhe heroes vide Ialilude, as
veII as greal revards if lhey recruil Queen Tionaca.
Can lhe allenpl vork` You decide lhe oulcone
lased on lhe direclion you vanl lhe canpaign lo go.
Recruiling Tionaca vouId loosl lhe AIIiance´s for-
lunes lrenendousIy. Bul lo nainlain lhe ¨Aggres-
sive Unknovn¨ lone, you nay vanl lo Ieave lhe
pIayers uncerlain as lo vhelher lheir characlers ac-
luaIIy succeeded. Ierhaps lhe eviI Tionaca onIy pre-
lends lo cooperale, lul she dares nol reveaI lhe
AIIiance´ s slralegy lo lhe king-lecause she hopes
lo enIisl lhe vizards as pavns in her schene lo lake
conlroI of lhe kingdon herseIf and depose Tecluklil-
4 7
CampaIgn sty!c: Aggresslte, Strugg|lng.
CuIg´s AIIiance survives nainIy lecause il avoids
direclIy opposing lhe cily´s sorcerer-queen, LaIaIi-
Iuy. The organizalion does nol see her as a greal
danger despi l e her i nf anous personaI crueI l y~
cilizens recognize her as lhe Tyr Region´s onIy le-
nevoIenl diclalor.
Inslead, lhe AIIiance here pursues a sliII nore far-
f el ched goaI . AI one anong l he seven chapl ers,
CuIg´s AIIiance vorks aggressiveIy lo reslore Alhas
lo ils forner verdanl gIory.
Allainnenl of lhis dreaners´ goaI has nel IillIe
Iuck. The principaI reason Iies vilh ils soIe Ieader,
vho lIindIy foIIovs lhe orders of an enlily caIIed
¨lhe Shadov Tree. ¨ He leIieves lhis tree of |lfe,
hidden underground, represenls a relorn deily.
The lree acluaIIy harlors a dupIicilous, irralionaI
ghosl vhose inslruclions viII drive lhe AIIiance lo
ruin -unIess lhe ICs can heIp.
The Clly
Pnpu!atInn: 8, 5OO (8O° hunan, 5° dvarf, 3°
nuI, 7° eIf, 3° haIf-eIf, 2° lhri-kreen, a fev haIf-
Iings and haIf-gianl sIaves, 5° lenpIars, 15° no-
liIily, 2O° nolIe kin, 6O° sIave). Nalives are caIIed
Emb!cms: The heglo, a Iarge Iizard regarded as a
IoyaI guardian of ils young, aIso nany alslracl syn-
Ec nnnmy: Hunl i ng, I i ves l oc k, f r ui l , vani I I a,
cIoves, spices, nuls, copra, lexliIes, fealhers, sone
furs and hardvoods.
Nntcwnrthy rcsIdcnts: LaIaIi-Iuy (pronounced
¨pie¨), sorcerer-queen 21sl-IeveI dragon), Moda-
gisho, her Iieulenanl and advisor (naIe, Tnp18, 6O
hp, LN), TaileIa, Chief of Thieves, freenan (naIe
haIf-eIf, I9/T11, 35 hp, LN), ¨Agafari,¨ reaI
nane unknovn, IocaI head of The Òrder (fenaIe,
Isi21, 7O hp, NC), Spunl, paIace cIovn and sIave
( f enaI e haI f I i ng, T5, 2O hp, CN) , and Hallan-
Iuy, Ielish Keeper (C8, 25 hp, LC).
Unusua! sItcs: SunIighl Hone (LaIaIi-Iuy´s paI-
ace), Mopli WaII, a niIes-Iong lhorn vaII around
cily (nopli, ¨lhorn lree¨), lhe Crove of Mysleries,
lhe foresl grove oulside CuIg, guarded ly lhe druid
Lxl anloI an ( nuI , Sphere of Larl h, D15, 5O hp,
N) .
Òf l he sorcerer- ki ngs, onI y CuI g´ s LaI aI i - Iuy
genuineIy vanls lo ruIe her cily veII. Though nol
kind ly any slandard, she recognizes lhal her for-
lunes depend on lhe cily-slale´s heaIlh. As a resuIl,
cilizens of CuIg find Iife nore lhan haIfvay IivalIe.
ÒnIy lenpIars and lhe noliIily couId caII lheir Iives
¨good,¨ lul even sIaves Iive loIeralIy veII, con-
pared lo lheir counlerparls eIsevhere.
The reason Iies in lhe sociely´s unifornily, slrong
cuIluraI vaIues, and syslen of noliIily. The cuIlure
reveres lhe visdon of eIders, lhe sanclily of foresl
Iife, arlislic expression in aII parls of Iife, and har-
nony lelveen sociely and lhe viId. NolIes allain
lheir slalus onIy lhrough keen underslanding of lhe
foresl. Their hunling supporls lhe cily and nosl of
lhen reaIize lhe inlerconnecled nalure of Iife. Òlher
cilies on Alhas seIdon reach such enIighlened un-
derslanding. Nilenay, in parlicuIar, regards lhe for-
esl pureIy as a source of rav naleriaIs. This heIps
expIain lhe liller halred lelveen lhe lvo cilies.
Òn lhe olher hand, CuIgs nislrusl foreigners
and shov IillIe loIerance for nonconfornisls, exiIing
such ¨crininaIs¨ for Iife. Those vho connil reaI
crines suffer lorlurous inprisonnenl unliI lhe nexl
Red Moon Nighl, vhen eager hunlers chase freed
prisoners lhrough lhe foresl.
CuIgs prize hunling skiII. Sone oulsiders vho
knov of lheir deep reverence for aninaI Iife find lhis
a curious conlradiclion. LIalorale CuIg foIkIore
juslifies lhe hunl as a conlesl lelveen hunler and
prey. Ònce caughl and kiIIed, lhe prey´s spiril es-
capes lo lhe foresl lo inhalil a nev lody, leginning
lhe conlesl anev. Hunlers lhus feeI a lond vilh ani-
naI prey. In conlrasl, lhey feeI onIy conlenpl for lhe
4 8
hunans and deni hunans l hey hunl eac h Red
Moon Nighl, for lhese opposed lhe sociaI order~
lhe uIlinale crine.
Iron line lo line everyone olserves lhal no lvo
faniIies on Alhas seen lo have quile lhe sane skin
coIor. Though lhis hoIds lrue in CuIg as veII, peopIe
here lend lovard nuch darker skin lhan anyvhere
eIse. They possess viry lIack hair and eyes, excepl
for nore lhan lhe usuaI nunler of aIlinos (lhe
¨noon peopIe¨). CuIgs overaII grov laIIer lhan cil-
izens eIsevhere, and lend lovard lhin luiIds and
Iong necks, vilh a pronounced luIge on lhe lack of
lheir heads.
Bolh naIes and fenaIes dress in lrighlIy-coIored
skirls, vonen vear Ionger skirls hung fron one
shouIder. ÒIder peopIe vear Ioose paIe-coIored caf-
lans, a nark of slalus. Lvery aduIl dispIays sone
sorl of j eveIry, fron heavy earrings lo eIalorale
lead neckIaces.
ArchItccturc: The CuIgs luiId lheir hones vilh
sun-dried cIay lricks and lhalch lheir roofs vilh
slrav and vines. They nodeI lheir hones, caIIed da-
gas, using free curves and circIes. Lach Iooks as
unique and inlereslingIy crafled as a fine pol. No-
lIes personaIIy painl lheir hones ocher and vhile,
and scuIpl nany seals, nooks, and franes in lhe
cIay vaIIs.
Hones sland in nany snaII conpIexes, usuaIIy
around a veII or granary. The Iayoul of lhe con-
pIexes varies videIy. Sone incorporale a snaII gra-
nary in or leside each hone, vhereas olhers cIusler
around one Iarge granary. Sone sland in orderIy
rovs, olhers seen scallered Iike seeds. Lach cIusler
represenls a cIose-knil neighlorhood of peopIe vho
valch oul for each olher. A nix of cIasses inhalils
each conpIex.
Art: CuIg arl dispIays Iess poIish lhan lhal of
Raan or Nilenay. More cilizens here creale arl,
lul viev il as idIe pursuil ralher lhan professionaI
di sci pI i ne. NearI y everyone I earns rudi nenl ary
painling and jeveIry-naking as a chiId and perhaps
veaving or lone-carving in adoIescence. They prac-
lice lhese crafls lhrough Iife and dispose of lhe
producls casuaIIy. ÒnIy in lhe SunIighl Hone courl
do professionaI arlisls sharpen lheir skiIIs lo nalch
lhose of olher cilies.
CuIg has no vrillen Iileralure or drana. Ils foIk
lradilion incIudes nany aninaI falIes and nylhs,
and ils vigorous, rhylhnic percussion nusic has
spread lo olher cily-slales.
CuIg hosls anolher secrel sociely lesides lhe VeiI-
ed AIIiance, lhis one sponsored ly LaIaIi-Iuy. A
snaII nenlership, conprised of lhe nosl favored
nolIes, carries oul one sacred lask: naking paper.
In CuIg as eIsevhere on Alhas, fev cuIlures nake
paper in Iarge quanlilies, and sone knov nolhing of
lhe process. Iaper serves as an enlIen of office and
onIy lhe queen and noliIily nay use il.
The Iaper Nesl, naned for lhe paper vasp nesls
lhal cIing lenealh agafari lrees in lhe foresl, in-
cIudes lelveen one and lvo dozen nenlers al any
given line. LaIaIi-Iuy heads lhe sociely herseIf. As
paper suppIies dvindIe, she aIerls her chief lenpIar,
Mogadi sho, l o gal her l he Nesl . I n l he dark of
nighl, cIoaked ly lhe queen´s speIIs, lhey enler lhe
oresl and vaIk lo a laolal grove no olher cilizen
nay enler. There lhey harvesl nuIlerry lranches
fron ils nany lushes. Back al SunIighl Hone, lhey
legin lhe paper-naking process in a laloo chan-
ler, in lhe lrunk of lhe SunIighl Hone´s lree. The
nolIes vov reneved IoyaIly lo LaIaIi-Iuy, and lhey
Ieave al davn.
The Iaper Nesl´s inporlance Iies nol in ils cer-
enoniaI dulies, lul in ils secrel pover-sharing. Òn-
Iy here does lhe queen, olhervise aulocralicaIIy
careIess of counseI, seek advice fron her underIings
on issues of lhe day. They confer vilh each olher as
veII, selling lhe direclion lhe cily-slale viII lake unliI
Irisoners incIude crininaIs, eneny lroops, and
(lhe naj orily) lhose vho sinpIy said one vrong
lhing in lhe queen´s presence. LaIaIi-Iuy fIies inlo
lerrilIe rages al anyone vho disagrees, nakes an in-
appropriale jesl, or does sonelhing inproper. Be-
c a u s e h e r i d e a o f i np r o p r i e l y v a r i e s vi l h
circunslance, her allendanls Iive in conslanl fear.
ÒccasionaIIy, having condenned lhe naIefaclor lo
run on Red Moon Nighl, she reIenls and forgives
lhe viclin. As a loken of her nercy, she nereIy has
his longue cul oul.
happens lvice a year or nore, LaIaIi-Iuy sends
lhen inlo lhe foresl, unarned and on fool, on a
ni ghl vhen lol h noons are f uI I . The candi dal e
hunlers vail an hour, lhen sel off on fool arned onIy
vilh spear and dagger. Irisoners vho survive unliI
norning go free, lhough lhe queen exiIes lhen for
Iife. Hunlers vho lring in one or nore prisoners´
lodies (or jusl lhe heads) receive nolIe slalus al lhe
nexl High Sun cerenony.
Anong severaI riles lhal aIIov candidales lo enler
lhe noliIily, Red Moon Nighl has lecone lhe lesl-
Whenever lhe suppIy of prisoners grovs Iarge, as
In lhe canpaign, have CuIg nolIes speak vilh
¨l hee¨ and ¨l hou, ¨ and use sl i I l ed speech: ¨I n
lrulh, I lring grave nevs fron our vaIianl varriors.¨
When nol around lhe queen or her lenpIars, a no-
lIe nay reIax inlo ordinary diaIogue.
lhe nexl line lhe queen decides she needs paper.
Thc Nnb!c 5pccch: By lhe queen´ s decree, no-
lIes in CuIg use a consciousIy archaic forn of con-
non speech, laughl lhen vhen lhey achieved nolIe
slalus. This ¨high speech¨ uses fornaI, fIovery
diclion and olsoIele vords. No one has asked lhe
queen vhy she requires lhis, or al Ieasl no one has
survived lhe queslion. LvidenlIy she nainlains lhe
speech pallerns of her earIy courl, nov 1O,OOO years
in lhe pasl.
The Paper Nesl
Red Moon Nlghl
5 O
The frequency of Red Moon Nighls varies as lhe
slory requires. If lhe ICs lecone prisoners or of-
fend lhe queen, lhey viII cerlainIy lecone prey in
lhe nexl hunl, vhich shouId occur shorlIy.
Rlles of Passage
AII chiIdren undergo an arduous inilialion rile al
pulerly. The chiId enlers lhe foresl aIone vilhoul
food or valer, cannol eal, and can drink (if he finds
valer) onIy al sunrise and sunsel. The chiId nusl
vaI k avay fron any palh or cI eari ng and lhrash
lhrough lhe dense underlrush.
Afler lhree or four days vilhoul food lhe chiId
usuaIIy receives a vision, one lhal oflen invoIves
sone leasl of lhe foresl. This aninaI lecones lhe
chiId´s lolen, a source of slrenglh and an onen of
desliny. Ior exanpIe, a chiId vho sees a havk can
expecl lo lecone a scoul, proling eneny defenses.
Òne vhose vision incIudes a shrev lecones a gar-
dener. Afler lhe vision, lhe chiId nay eal and drink
and can relurn lo lhe cily. There lhe nev cilizen re-
ceives a nev nane, lhe so-caIIed ¨honor nane, ¨
and inslruclion in various Iegends and nysleries
fron lhe IocaI sage.
Those vilh nagicaI laIenl can Iearn lo focus lhe
lolen´s slrenglh and nagic in lhe crealion of a fet-
lsh, or enlodinenl of lhe lolen aninaI´s spiril. Il
Insisls of a lone or palch of fur fron lhe lolen
aninaI, oflen decoraled vilh fealhers or carved vilh
Creallng lhe Ilem (Cpllonal Rules)
A vizard vho underlook lhis inilialion rile al pu-
lerly can creale a nagicaI felish al any IeveI. A viz-
ard nol receiving a lolen al pulerly nusl use lhe
usuaI ruIes for enchanling an ilen (lhal is, achieve
11lh-IeveI firsl). In lhal case, ignore lhe foIIoving
ruIes and use lhe DMG procedures inslead. You
nay aIso decide you don´l vanl felish nagic in your
Crealing a felish lakes al Ieasl one year and lhe
vizard nusl carry lhe felish, louching his skin, aII
lhal line. If lhe felish lreaks conlacl vilh lhe skin
for nore lhan a ninule or lvo, lhe process nusl
legin again. AIso, no one olher lhan lhe ovning
vizard nay louch lhe ilen. If anyone does, add an-
olher nonlh lo lhe preparalion line for each for-
eign louch. A vizard nay carry onIy one felish al a
Afler al Ieasl one year, on lhe nighl of lhe viz-
ard´s lirlhday, he or she enlers lhe foresl and lries
lo sunnon lhe lolen spiril. The allenpl lakes lhe
enlire nighl. Slarl vilh a lase roII of 2 or Iess on
1d2O, add lhe characler´s Wisdon saving lhrov lo-
nus and Charisna Reaclion Adj uslnenl nodifier
(if any), and add 1 for each year lhe characler has
carried lhe felish.
A successfuI roII neans lhe vizard has sunnon-
ed an aspecl , or parl , of l he l ol en spi ri l , lhen
lound il lo lhe felish and pul il lo sIeep lhere. If lhe
roII faiIs, nolhing lad happens. The vizard nay lry
again vilhoul penaIly one year Ialer, and prepara-
lion need nol slarl over. (Nole lhal onIy an aspecl of
lhe lolen spiril resides in lhe felish. The lolen sliII
nay appear al olher inilialions, and olhers nay
sunnon il.)
Afler lhe spiril occupies lhe felish, lhe vizard
need no Ionger carry il, gains no nore lonuses for
doing so, and incurs no penaIly if anyone eIse louch-
es il. Treal lhe felish as a slandard nagicaI ilen,
excepl lhal onIy lhal individuaI vizard nay use lhe
During lhal nighl, lhe vizard aIso Iearns and re-
cords in his speIIlook lhe 1sl-IeveI speII sunnon fet-
lsh sµlrlt.
5ummnn FctIsh 5pIrIt (Con]uratlon/Sunnonlng)
Range: Touch
Conponenl s: V, M
Duralion: SpeciaI
Casling Tine: 5
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Saving Throv: None
This speII avakens lhe sIeeping spiril lound lo
Splrll Types
lhe felish. The vizard nusl luiId a skeIelon or
nodeI of lhe lolen aninaI and incorporale lhe fel-
ish inlo il. This requires one lurn per Hil Die lhe
vizard vanls lhe sunnoned spiril lo have, lo a nax-
inun of 5 lurns + lhe vizard´s IeveI.
Al casling, lhe spiril lransforns lhe skeIelon or
nodeI inlo lhe lody il viII use. Then lhe spiril lries
lo carry oul one lask lhe vizard requesls, so Iong as
il can finish lhe lask lefore lhe nexl sunsel or sun-
rise (vhichever cones firsl). Afler al Ieasl one round
of lickering, lhe spiril lries fairIy lo fuIfiII lhe lask´s
neaning. Ior exanpIe, ¨Rescue ne fron lhese ene-
nies¨ or ¨Cuide ne lhrough lhe foresl safeIy. ¨
The spiril has aliIilies lypicaI of an aninaI of lhal
nany Hil Dice, as veII as nagicaI povers.
Afler lhe spiril conpIeles lhe lask, il lries lo es-
cape lhe vizard´s pover. The vizard nusl nake a
Charisna aliIily check (roII his Charisna score or
Iess on 1d2O). If lhe check succeeds, lhe vizard has
forced lhe spiril lack inlo lhe felish, and he nay
relrieve lhe felish fron lhe skeIelon or nodeI. IaiI-
ure neans lhe spiril has gollen free and nay allack
lhe vizard, his conpanions, or sinpIy escape. The
spiril´s physicaI forn vreaks greal danage unliI lhe
nexl sunsel or sunrise, vhichever cones firsl. Dan-
age shouId vork againsl lhe vizard´s inleresls, nol
in his favor. Then lhe spiril vanishes vilh lhe felish,
never lo relurn.
The firsl line lhe vizard sunnons lhe spiril, lhe
Charisna check lakes no nodifier. Òn each sulse-
quenl sunnoning, lhe vizard incurs a -3 cunuIa-
live penaIly lo lhe Charisna check. AIso, lhe spiril
grovs nore quarreIsone, hosliIe lo lhe vizard, and
sIover lo fuIfiII ils lask. The DM nay inpose addi-
lionaI penaIlies if lhe vizard sunnons lhe spiril
nore oflen lhan once a year.
Dlsµe| naglc and siniIar speIIs deslroy lhe spiril,
lul as Iong as lhe felish renains inlacl, lhe vizard
can sunnon lhe aspecl again, lul no sooner lhan
one day Ialer.
The foresl lelveen CuIg and Nilenay can in-
cIude lolen spirils of any or aII lhe aninaIs lhal
dveII lhere. When a IC undergoes inilialion, seIecl
an aninaI lolen appropriale lo lhal characler´s le-
havior. A slrongIy aggressive characler nighl re-
cei ve a panl her l ol en, vhereas a poverf uI lul
peacealIe lype vouId drav lhe lear lolen´s allen-
lion. A sleaIlhy lhief nighl end up vilh a ral or Iynx
spiril. And so on.
Lach lolen spiril has speciaI aliIilies, lul aII have
severaI povers in connon. ÒnIy +1 or leller nag-
icaI veapons can hil a felish spiril, non-nagicaI al-
lacks do no danage. A spiril can lurn invisilIe al
viII lo aII eyes excepl lhe sunnoning vizard´s, lul
lhe vizard vho sunnoned il can aIvays see lhe spir-
il. The spiril cannol allack vhiIe invisilIe.
Desi gn i ndi vi duaI l ol en spi ri l s as necessary.
Connon spirils incIude lear, greal cal, ral, Iizard,
lal, load, and lhe Iike. Slalislics for aII lhese appear
i n l he f i rsl Mcns| rcus Ccnpcnúi un voI une. Use
lhese slalislics, add lhe speciaI aliIilies alove, and
adjusl lhe Hil Dice lolaI according lo hov Iong lhe
vizard spenl naking lhe skeIelon or nodeI.
Sone evidence indicales lhal lhe sane vizard
founded lhe AIIiance chaplers in lolh CuIg and
dislanl Raan. Afler Tyr, Urik, and (prolalIy) Ni-
lenay, CuIg and Raan nay harlor lhe oIdesl AIIi-
ance chaplers in lhe Tyr Region. No one knovs
vhich has seniorily.
Bolh chaplers cIain descenl fron CIennay lhe
Inpeluous, descriled as ¨a viId-eyed foreigner
fron lhe vesl.¨ IossilIy CIennay never exisled ex-
cepl in Iegend, for lhe lvo cilies reporl his evenluaI
fale differenlIy.
In CuIg, AIIiance record keepers cIain lhal CIen-
nay lried lo creale a lear felish lul faiIed lecause
he had nol undergone lhe passage rile al pulerly.
The felish spiril consuned hin, lransforned hin
inlo a lear, and he fIed inlo lhe foresl forever.
In Raan lhey say lhal hunlers fron CuIg spolled
CIennay and hunled hin for sporl during a savage
Red Moon Nighl. CIennay fIed lo safely in Raan
(conspicuousIy avoiding Nilenay, for unknovn rea-
sons) and founded lhe AIIiance lhere. This accounl
nakes no nenlion vhalsoever of felish nagic. In-
slead, il cIains lhal CIennay died in heroic lallIe
againsl lhe sorcerer-queen´ s lenpIars, his spiril
j ourneyed lo CuIg lo curse lhe vizards lhere for
lheir covardice, and lhe repenlanl vizards founded
an AIIiance lo avoid his curse. CuIg´s AIIiance de-
nies lhis slory lul offers no specuIalions aloul lhe
origins of lhe Raan chapler.
In lhe cenluries afler ils founding, lhe CuIg AIIi-
ance espoused no goaIs leyond lhe Iive Ains. In
facl, il paid onIy Iip service lo any goaI leyond pro-
lecling preservers. CuIg had Iess urgenl need lo
overlhrov ils sorcerer-king lhan olher cilies, and
Ni lenay´ s vehenenl prosecul i on of i l s crusade
againsl defiIers reduced lheir nunlers grealIy. The
CuI g AI I i ance pursued a I ov- prof i I e, def ensi ve
slralegy, and in lhis il has succeeded.
Thc sctback: Ten years ago, LaIaIi-Iuy´ s len-
pIars discovered ils headquarlers. They assauIled
lhe slronghoId, laking lhe CounciI ly surprise. Òn-
Iy one CounciIIor escaped.
ÒrdinariIy a survivor vouId relreal for a line,
lhen relurn in secrel and graduaIIy recruil a nev
CounciI. Bul nol lhis line.
The survivor, a young and laIenled nan naned
Aukash-Iad, venl nad fron grief, or perhaps fron
a lenpIar´s curse. Aukash fIed inlo lhe foresl, hid-
ing in lhe queen´ s forlidden laolal grove. Afler
days vilhoul food or valer, he sav a vision of Alhas
reslored lo leauly, ils slark hiIIs shinnering vilh
fieIds of cIover, shaded ly nighly lrees, ils sky fiIIed
vilh cIouds, and lhe Sea of SiIl lransforned inlo a
lIue-green ocean. Wilh lhe vision cane lhe convic-
lion lhal Aukash, hinseIf, nusl Iead lhe AIIiance lo
achieve lhis goaI.
Bul a ghosl resided in lhe laolal grove, an incor-
poreaI defiIer, cenluries dead, in Iife naned Ior-
lynx. Ierhaps lecause he had died lrying lo drain
Iife fron olhers lo nourish his ovn, Iorlynx in dealh
had grovn fond of lhe essence of lhe trees of |lfe. He
deveIoped his lasle in LaIaIi-Iuy´ s ovn orchard
near lhe paIace, lul lhe lenpIars discovered and ex-
peIIed hin.
Iinding Aukash and divining his silualion, Ior-
lynx lhe ghosl psionicaIIy senl a vision inlo lhe pre-
server´s nind: lhe haIIucinalion of a reslored Alhas,
Ioud vilh lird caIIs and green vilh rain foresls of
lroadIeaf ferns, of creeping vines, lovering Iocusl
and cypress and cashev lrees, a vision lo serve lhe
ghosl´s ovn desires for Iife lo drain and deslroy.
Iorlynx canoufIaged his nolive, and Aukash look
lhe vision as a prophecy. SliII deranged, he feII con-
pIeleIy under lhe vision´s svay, never knoving ils
Thc wrnng turn: Iorlynx senl nore psionic in-
ages inlo Aukash´s nind. IoIIoving lhese inslruc-
lions, Aukash used a note earth speII lo hoIIov oul
a space in lhe grove lenealh a dead laolal lree.
Then, guided ly lhe ghosl, he lraveIy sloIe one of
lhe sorcerer-queen´s trees of |lfe and lranspIanled il
lo lhe underground Iair.
Iorlynx has persuaded Aukash lhal lhe tree rep-
resenls a deily of lhe Sphere of Waler, Iong alsenl
fron Alhas lul nov relurned lo nake lhe vorId
green again. The ghosl acluaIIy vanled lhe tree as
an endIess source of Iife energy for ils insalialIe ap-
pelile. Residing in il, Iorlynx has grovn drunk on
ils energies and nov sends inages lo Aukash aInosl
al randon. The deranged vizard oflen reads con-
nands inlo lhese haIIucinalions, lhen sends inslruc-
lions lo lhe AIIiance lased on lhen. The resuIls
vary fron fair (researches inlo high-IeveI speIIs lo re-
slore vegelalion) lo disaslrous (pulIic allenpls lo
grov grass in cily slreels).
Aukash nov Ieads lhe AIIiance aIone. He has dis-
pensed vilh Iieulenanls, giving orders direclIy lo his
conlacls in lhe firsl-rank ceIIs. When recruiling a
nev ceII, Aukash nakes il firsl-rank under hin, lul
never leIIs ils nenlers lhal he hinseIf Ieads lhe AI-
Iiance. Inslead, he conveys orders as lhough ¨fron
lhe CounciI. ¨ Iev suspecl lhal lhe convenlionaI
pyranid slruclure has vanished, repIaced vilh a
dangerousIy Ioose arrangenenl of ceIIs lhal onIy one
Conlacllng The Alllance
Visilors lo CuIg vilh palience and a lasle for for-
esl Iife can find a IocaI nage ly slaking oul a foresl
source of speI I conponenl s. These nay i ncI ude
nushroons, odd- shaped I eaves, hardvood, and
olher ilens. Then lhey vail, evenluaIIy a vizard
shouId cone harvesling.
Ior l hos e vi l h l i ghl er s c heduI es , a j our ney
lhrough severaI cIuslers of houses nay lurn up one
lhal appears nore cIullered and nore slrangeIy dec-
oraled lhan lhe resl. Iev CuIg hones have doors,
vhich nakes lhe search easier. MagicaI decoralions
don´l appear olvious, for olvious vizards suffer in-
slanl relrilulion. Bul advenlurers vilh experienced
eyes nay spol a conceaIed gIyph or vard, a curious
ilen lhal nighl serve as a speII conponenl, or a resi-
denl vho spends nuch line hone, sludying.
A visilor vho finds a presuned nage cannol reIy
soIeIy on lhe usuaI recognilion signs. CuIgs gener-
aIIy nislrusl oulsiders. The visilor nusl presenl
signs of friendship, such as a loken gifl or service (a
rare speII conponenl usuaIIy vorks). The nage nay
lhen offer a rendezvous, oflen in lhe foresl, and pro-
vide lhe requesled assislance.
The CuIgs disIike foreigners as a ruIe, and lheir
AIIiance feeIs nuch lhe sane. ¨ÒulIander¨ viz-
ards receive proleclion as aIvays, lul lhey cannol
usuaIIy gain nenlership unIess lhey have accon-
pIished sone greal deed or olhervise endeared
lhenseIves lo a nenler. In lhis case, lhe nenler
nay agree lo iniliale lhe candidale.
CuI g´ s cuI l ure sl resses l he i nporl ance of l he
hunl. To quaIify for lhe AIIiance, candidales nusl
hunl lhe nenler vho recruiled lhen, or anolher
nage fron lhe sane ceII. Al sunsel lhe vizard sha-
peshifls inlo an aninaI forn, lhen runs inlo lhe for-
esl. (The vizard cannol, under lhe ruIes, lake on a
nev forn during lhe hunl.) Afler an hour lhe can-
didale foIIovs, charged vilh Iocaling and sulduing
lhe prey lefore sunrise vilhoul kiIIing hin.
This poIicy has aIienaled nany nenlers, vho
cile il as evidence of Aukash-Iad´s poor Ieadership.
Since he insliluled lhis inilialion procedure, fev
have lried lo recruil nev nenlers. Aukash hinseIf
lecane lhe nain recruiler, crealing ceIIs ansveralIe
direclIy lo hin, lhough lhe nenlers don´l reaIize
Aukash- Pad
Hunan MaIe Ireserver/Iriesl
DuaI - CI assed W14/Ir3
(Sphere of Waler, unavare of priesl IeveI)
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 13 Inl 17
Dex 12 Wi s 16
Con 13 Cha 1 4
hp: 34
AC : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 6
Dng: ly speII
Irof i ci enci es: Dagger, Ani naI HandI i ng, Heal
Irol ecl i on, Readi ng/Wri l i ng, ReI i gi on, Sonal i c
ConceaInenl, SpeIIcrafl +1, Waler Iind
Isionics: line/space anchor.
Backgrnund: Aukash-Iad grev up in a snaII for-
esl viIIage. He shoved nagicaI laIenl earIy and un-
viseIy, lhen fIed lhe resuIling nol and look up
residence in CuIg. There he joined lhe AIIiance, re-
ceived exceIIenl lraining in nagic, and evenluaIIy
joined lhe CounciI.
This did, in facl, prepare hin for lhe shock of
LaIaIi-Iuy´ s allack on lhe oId headquarlers, and
even for lhe grealer shock of surviving aIone. He
couId have resurrecled lhe AIIiance, given line and
his sanily. UnforlunaleIy, a curse gone vrong look
nuch of his sanily, Ieaving hin open lo lhe ghoslIy
Aukash´s Iunalic allenpls lo reslore Alhas lo ils
forner gIory have produced an unexpecled resuIl.
He sludies lhe ancienl Iore of lhe LIenenlaI IIane
of Waler, hoping lo find vizard speIIs lo lring rain.
He scrillIes neaningIess ¨speII research noles¨
aloul valer, nedilales endIessIy on lhen, and per-
forns purificalions he lhinks lhey require.
Thc rcsu!t: Aukash has lecone a cIeric vilhoul
knoving il! Lach norning he ¨nenorizes¨ lolh
his nornaI speIIs and his scrillIed nonsense, nedi-
laling aII lhe vhiIe upon lhe green visions Iorlynx
has pIaced in his nind. This nedilalion gains hin
lhe priesl speIIs lhal his scrillIes aIone couId never
ollain. In lhe sane vay he ¨sludies¨ lhe speIIs
granled lo hin ly lhe tree of |lfe in his Iair.
Appcarancc: Aukash is aloul 35 years oId, laII
and sIender Iike nosl CuIgs, vilh very dark skin and
shaved scaIp. He vears a Iong Iinen skirl, yeIIov
vilh naroon slripes, and a neckIace of nany snaII
lird cIavs and fealhers.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: IierceIy proleclive of lhe Shadov
Tree and ullerIy connilled lo his vision of a re-
slored Alhas, Aukash feeIs pily for lhose vho ques-
lion. Nolhing can convince hin of lhe lrulh lhal
rejuvenaling Alhas vouId lake lhousands of viz-
ards and lhousands of years. His conpeIIing oralory
has persuaded lhe nore inpressionalIe ceIIs lo foI-
Iov his orders lIindIy. He never reveaIs lhal lhe
¨CounciI¨ does nol exisl.
When anyone allenpls lo reveaI lhe lrue source
of lhe Shadov Tree´s visions lo Aukash, he allacks
l he ¨herelic¨ vilh nurderous fury.
Nntcs: Aukash-Iad´s insanily shouId resisl easy
deleclion and sinpIe nagicaI cures. If lhe ICs con-
vincingIy denonslrale lhe error of his vays, perhaps
ly reveaIing and defealing Iorlynx, he nay sulnil
lo heaIing and lry lo nend lhe danage he has done.
If you use lhe oplionaI felish ruIes alove, Aukash
keeps a snaII elony lear felish lhal he conslrucled
as a youlh. He sunnoned lhe lear once lefore lo
escape lhe sorcerer-queen´ s allack lhal deslroyed
lhe AIIiance. Aukash fears having lo sunnon lhe
spiril again, for he onIy jusl suldued and relurned il
lo lhe felish lhe firsl line.
Thc 5hadnw Trcc (Portµnx)
DefiIer Chosl
12lh-LeveI (in Iife)
LavfuI LviI
Sl r 13
Dex 14
Co n 1 O
hp: 3O
AC : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 7
Inl 16
Wi s 15
Cha 3
Dng: 1d6 or ly speII
Irof i ci enci es: Dagger, Di recl i on Sense, Modern
Languages, Isionic Deleclion, Reading/Wriling,
Riding (Land-lased), Sonalic ConceaInenl, SpeII-
Isionics: conlacl, nindIink, faIse sensory inpul.
SpeciaI aliIilies: innune lo non-nagicaI veapons,
regenerales 1O hp/round vhen in conlacl vilh lree
of Iife, can lurn invisilIe al viII, Conslilulion drain
(see leIov). Takes doulIe danage fron energy-
draining nagic.
Backgrnund: See ¨Hislory¨, alove.
Appcarancc: Characlers shouId nol see Iorlynx,
Iel aIone suspecl his exislence, unliI lhey soIve lhe
nysl ery of vhal drove Aukash- Iad l o hi s nad
Iorlynx, driven fron his haven inside lhe Shadov
Tree, Iooks laII, laId, and enacialed, vilh far loo
lroad a grin and loo nany leelh for a hunan. His
skin, once dark, has grovn paIe. The ghosl vears
proleclive goggIes of lhe kind nany Iiving defiIers
vear (lhey prolecl againsl ash and dusl). Lealher
pouches seen lo dangIe fron a sash across his chesl,
lul lhese have no nore sulslance lhan he does.
A gIoving, prisnalic haze around Iorlynx´s lody
shovs his incorporeaI nalure.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Like nosl lhinking undead, Ior-
lynx lolh craves and Ioalhes Iife. His insanily and
Aukash-Iad´ s reinforce each olher. He sends re-
pealed haIIucinalions lo Aukash so lhal lhe vizard
viII creale nore Iife lhal lhe ghosl can drain. Inside
lhe Shadov Tree, Iorlynx has lecone inloxicaled
and irralionaI, lul lhis effecl vanishes vhen he
Ieaves lhe tree.
Cnmbat: When Iorlynx nakes a successfuI al-
lack roII lo ¨louch¨ a Iiving largel, lhe largel nusl
save vs. speIIs. IaiIure neans lhe largel Ioses 1 poinl
of Conslilulion unliI heaIed vilh renote curse or
higher-IeveI priesl nagic. Sulsequenl louches infIicl
cunuIalive Iosses, and afler lhe firsl faiIed save, lhe
largel receives no nore saving lhrovs againsl lhis
allack in lhal lallIe. Ior each poinl of Conslilulion
he drains, Iorlynx adds 1 lo his currenl hil poinl
lolaI (lo ils naxinun of 3O).
A largel vho Ioses Conslilulion lo lhis allack
dreans oflen lhereafler of trees of |lfe and visions of
a reslored Alhas, unliI cured.
DctcctIng and rcvca!Ing Pnrtynx: Detect etl| and
detect undead lolh reveaI lhe ghosl´s presence, lul
detect naglc onIy reveaIs lhe nagic of lhe tree of |lfe
he inhalils. LSP and siniIar effecls, carefuIIy di-
recled, nay reveaI lhe Shadov Tree´s secrel inhalil-
anl, lul speIIs and devices lhal delecl invisiliIily do
nol, al Ieasl vhiIe Iorlynx renains in lhe lree. CIair-
senlienl psionic discipIines Iike spiril sense and sen-
silivily lo psychic inpressions reveaI lhe ghosl.
MagicaI ilens Iike a uand of enenµ detectlon or a
µotlon of LSP aIso vork.
Ònce lhey find hin, lhe pIayer characlers nusl
drive Iorlynx fron lhe Shadov Tree lefore lhey can
fighl hin effecliveIy. They can deslroy lhe tree of
|lfe´s physicaI forn (an eviI acl), a cIeric can lurn
hin (as a ghosl), and lhe speIIs contro| undead and
exorclsn aIso vork. CIever characlers nighl Iure
Iorlynx forlh vilh iIIusions, lriles, or olher slrala-
gens. Taunling and lhreals, hovever, don´l vork.
Thri-Kreen Druid
Neul raI
This druid guards lhe laolal grove lhal conceaIs
Aukash-Iad´s Iair. An unofficiaI auxiIiary (one of
very fev lhri-kreen in any AIIiance), Chkak cares
IillIe aloul lhe AIIiance. Il respecls Aukash-Iad,
lhe onIy nenler il knovs, and his vision of a re-
slored Alhas has von il over. Il keeps lhe vizard´s
secrels, lul il does nol guard lhe Iair fron inlruders.
CuIg nalives nane severaI foresl preserves oulside
lhe cily as ¨The Queen´ s Croves. ¨ LaIaIi-Iuy has
forlidden cilizens lo enler severaI areas over lhe
cenluries, usuaIIy lecause her arnies von viclories
lhere in ninor vars againsl an arny of Nilenay.
Òne of lhese, lhe Crove of Mysleries, aIso serves as
an inporlanl cerenoniaI sile.
In a differenl, unnaned grove sland nany huge,
odd laolal lrees, sonelines caIIed ¨upside-dovn
lrees¨ lecause lheir lvisling Iinls Iook Iike rools.
Mosl of lhese lrees died 2OO years ago in lhe lallIe
l hi s gr ove c onnenor al es . Sone f ev s ur vi ve,
lhough, and so lhe lhri-kreen druid Chkak-a-chakk
guards lhe grove. The sorcerer-queen loIerales ils
presence. She doesn´l knov lhe druid serves as an
unofficiaI AIIiance auxiIiary.
None nay cul dead lrees in a Queen´s Crove, on
penaIly of dealh, for even dead lrees sheIler aninaIs
in lheir lranches and rolling lrunks. Òne sheIlers
lhe Ieader of lhe VeiIed AIIiance.
5 6
Enlerlng lhe Lalr
Deep in lhe grove slands an especiaIIy Iarge, dead
laolal, surrounded ly a ring of sleriIe dirl-lhe
sign of defiIing nagic. Al lhe lase of lhe nassive
lrunk a jagged crack Ieads dovn lo darkness. No
one suspecls lhal lenealh lhis dead lree, surround-
ed ly dead dirl, Iives Aukash-Iad, lhe vizard con-
nilled lo lhe greening of Alhas.
Using note earth and olher speIIs, Aukash vaslIy
enIarged an exisling grollo under lhe lree. Then he
lranspI anled a tree of |lfe fron LaIaIi-Iuy´s ovn
groves. He casl contlnua| |lght on lhe grollo vaIIs lo
keep lhe tree aIive, and contlnua| darkness on lhe
enlrance lo conceaI il.
Securily: Aukash has conlrived siniIarIy ineIe-
ganl vorkarounds lo prolecl his hone. A snaII iron
needIe, enledded in a knol of vood in lhe enlry
crack, carries an atoldance speII, lhe nagic lhrovs
lack anyone excepl Aukash vho louches lhe knol.
A hunan-sized figure vho lries lo enler vilhoul
louching lhe knol usuaIIy lrushes againsl lhe oppo-
sile edge, learing open a snaII paper parceI lhal
The Cavern Floor
hoIds a pinch of dust of nlnd du||lng.
The sane lrigger aIso aclivales a naglc nouth
speII lhal creales lhe sound of panlhers roaring
vilhin lhe crack. This scares avay aII lul lhe nosl
nolivaled inlruders. Il aIso aIerls Aukash leIov,
giving hin line lo casl nlnor g|obe of lntu|nerabl|l-
tµ and olher defenses.
A lhief can use lhe Iind/Renove Traps skiII lo
delecl and disarn lhe lrap. ÒplionaIIy, non-lhief
characlers vho enler lhe crack vilhoul louching lhe
knol can nake an InleIIigence check lo nolice lhe
paper, and a Dexlerily check lo vriggIe inlo lhe
crack vilhoul lreaking il. They cannol disarn il.
The Viev: Characlers, slruggIing dovn lhrough
lhe dark crack and onlo a vide Iedge shouId find lhe
viev slarlIing. Where lhey vouId expecl a cave, lhey
see (fron alove!) a huge tree of |lfe, lhe Shadov
Tree, groving green under lrighl sunIighl. The ca-
vern´s ceiIing gIovs in perpeluaI noon. The najes-
lic, leaulifuI lree aInosl fiIIs lhe enlire roon, sone
9O´ laII and 3O´ in dianeler.
A yard-vide palh Ieads dovn fron lhe Iedge and
spiraIs in a genlIe incIine around lhe circuIar chan-
ler. This gives characlers a fine viev of lhe tree fron
aII sides as lhey descend. This nay lenpl lhen lo
ignore lhe six palches of vaII vhere Aukash has
pIaced nore nagnelic needIes vilh atoldance speIIs.
Anyone vho louches lhese areas, visilIe on cIose in-
speclion as sIighlIy discoIored palches of rock, gels
fIung oul fron lhe vaII and faIIs al Ieasl 7O feel (7d6
Aukash has pIaced a palch every six feel aIong
lhe palh for lhe firsl 3O´. SecrelIy roII a Dexlerily
check for each characler vho uses lhe palh vilhoul
laking suilalIe precaulions, faiIure neans lhe char-
acler has louched an avoidance palch. Iiendish
DMs nake aII checks sinuIlaneousIy, a nore Ieni-
enl one slops naking checks afler lhe firsl faiIure,
lherely varning lhe viclin´s conpanions.
The palh has no olher lraps. The cavern fIoor,
hard-packed dirl covered vilh shadovs, hoIds lhe
knolled rools of lhe Shadov Tree and a vooden va-
ler lasin, a shaIIov dish aloul 2´ in dianeler. The
lasin, of Iiving vood, grovs oul of lhe lrunk al vaisl
IeveI. Beside il Iies a piIe of incense granuIes.
Aukash uses lhe lasin for lhe naglc font speII
lhal lhe Shadov Tree leslovs on hin daiIy. He
pours cIear valer dovn lhe lrunk, purifying il ly lhe
line il reaches lhe lasin. (If you prefer nore slrin-
genl ruIes for crealing hoIy valer, Iike lhose given in
The ConpIele Iriesl´ s Handlook, assune Aukash
luys lhe hoIy valer lhe speII requires.) The lasin
hoIds up lo 2O viaIs, lul he seIdon uses lhal nuch.
Aukash uses lhe incense for lhe dltlnatlon speIIs
lhal lhe Tree granls hin.
In a Ioose palch of earlh lenealh lhe scrying lasin
Aukash has luried a Iealher pouch conlaining a
5 7
dozen carved vands of laolal vood, each six inch- Advenlure Hooks
es Iong and inIaid vilh snaII gens (vorlh 1,OOO gp
aIlogelher). He uses lhese non-nagicaI lokens in lhe
augurµ speIIs he gains fron lhe Shadov Tree.
Thc Wa!!s: ScravIed vriling covers lhe vaIIs fron
vaisl IeveI lo as high as Aukash can reach. He slud-
ies lhis lareIy IegilIe ness each day lo ¨Iearn¨ lhe
cIericaI speIIs he unknovingIy gains lhrough nedila-
lion or fron lhe Shadov Tree. Much of lhis foreleIIs
lhe days of gIory vhen lhe Shadov Tree viII cause
aII Alhas lo lIoon.
Because proIonged conlacl vilh lhe Shadov Tree
exhausls Aukash, lhe vizard usuaIIy Iives and sIeeps
in a snaII (15´ dianeler) adjacenl cavern. He has
casl contlnua| |lght on an ordinary vooden gIole
lhal he can cover vhen he sIeeps. The cIean, lare
roon conlains onIy a slrav sIeeping nal, a valer
lasin, a cIolhing hanper, and rouline necessilies.
Here Aukash hides his speIIlook, in a vaII cran-
ny conceaIed ly l||uslonarµ ua|| and ly nlsdlrectlon
l o d e I a y d e l e c l i o n . Un I i k e no s l Al h a s i a n
speIIlooks, Aukash´s uses acluaI nuIlerry-vood
paper, piIfered fron lhe slores of LaIaIi-Iuy´s len-
pIars. He lies lhe piIe of irreguIar sheels vilh lhin
henp cords.
The roon connecls vilh lhe Iarger cavern ly an
open archvay and has no olher oulIel. The air can
lecone slifIing, lul Aukash refreshes il vilh can-
trlµs or grealer nagic.
Cnmbat: Aukash relreals lo lhis chanler during
an allack. He casls g|obe of lntu|nerabl|ltµ if he le-
Iieves lhe invaders use Iesser nagic, ua|| of force if
lhey use nore poverfuI speIIs, or Otl|uke´s resl|lent
sµhere againsl nainIy physicaI allacks. Ralher lhan
face heavy opposilion, Aukash te|eµorts ulthout er-
ror (his soIe 7lh-IeveI speII) lo a secondary hone
near his chiIdhood viIIage, niIes avay.
The felish spiril releIs againsl lhe ovning vizard
and sels off lo nenace lhe counlryside. Nov lhe
vizard lries lo enIisl lhe aid of lhe characlers he jusl
lried lo allack, so lhey can heIp suldue and lanish
lhe spiril. (Do lhey reaIize he senl il`) In lhe process
lhey Iearn of felish nagic and lhe cuIlure of CuIg.
Ierhaps l hey nusl pursue l he spi ri l lack l o i l s
hone in lhe foresl norlh of lhe cily-slale.
2. The characlers find a felish anong lhe Iool of a
sIave lrile, landil gang, or anolher defealed eneny.
They cannol aclivale il, lul soon ils forner ovner, a
CuIg sorcerer of greal pover, Iocales lhen ly ils
presence. Supposing lhen lhe landils vho sloIe lhe
felish, lhe vizard sleaIs il lack, lhen sunnons lhe
felish spiril and denands revenge!
Assuning lhe pIayer characlers heIp lhe vizard´s
parly rescue hin fron cerlain doon, lhey nusl
overcone lhe CuIgs´ naluraI nislrusl of ¨oulIand-
ers.¨ They nusl aIso overcone AIIiance nenlers´
suspi ci ons i n order l o I earn of l he ¨Counci I ´ s¨
grandiose schene lo rejuvenale lhe vorId. Reaching
lhe ceII´s nexl conlacl up lhe chain (Aukash-Iad
hinseIf), lhey nay evenluaIIy discover lhe fuII di-
nension of lhe prolIen. If lhey can lrace lhe vizard
lack lo his Iair, lhey can discover lhe ghosl in lhe
Shadov Tree. Then lhey nusl fighl lhe ghosl and
Aukash, cure or kiII lhe vizard, and sel lhe AIIiance
lack on lrack.
1. LarIy conlacls vilh ceII nenlers reveaI lhe
prolIen. The ICs see, oulside lhe Mopli WaII, a
vizard guarded ly AIIiance auxiIiaries as he casls a
re]utenate speII on lhe vaII of lhorns. SIaves al lhe
vaII raise lhe aIarn.
ICs visiling CuIg nay find il a decenl pIace ly
l he Tyr Regi on´ s sl andards, lul enphasi ze l hal
here, as in olher cily-slales, vizards need proleclion
fron lhe vengefuI popuIace. Afler vilnessing or pre-
venling a Iynching, heroes shouId vanl lo reslore
lhe AIIiance lo heaIlh.
Aukush`s Chamber
CampaIgn sty!c: Defenslte, Unknoun.
The AIIiance in Nilenay finds lhe Shadov King
so shadovy, so dislanlIy poverfuI, lhal il hoIds IillIe
hope of fighling hin. No nore couId one slop a
sandslorn, lhey say. Inslead lhey sinpIy prolecl lhe
cily´s vizards as lesl lhey can~Ireserver vizards,
More lhan any olher AIIiance, Nilenay´s oppos-
es defiIers vilh a genuine passion. LIsevhere, AIIi-
a n c e s r e g a r d d e f i I e r s a s c o n p e l i l o r s o r
lroulIenakers. Here, il regards defiIers as an of-
fense againsl lhe universe. The Nilenese AIIiance
espouses lhal raresl of connodilies on Alhas, ideaI-
In ils cause lhe AIIiance enpIoys (or lries lo en-
pIoy) an ancienl spiriluaI force caIIed lhe tuuun.
This leing resides in lhe hol springs oulside lhe cily.
AIIiance nenlers never feeI cerlain of lheir success
vhen enIisling lhis fickIe crealure. The red sun
shi nes on Ni lenay as slrongI y as anyvhere, yel
shadov shrouds lhe resuIls of nany aclions.
The Clly
Pnpu! at I nn: 24, OOO ( 6O° hunan, 1O° dvarf ,
4° nuI , 1O° eI f , 4° haI f - eI f , 12° haI f - gi anl , a
fev lhri-kreen and haIfIings). Nalives are caIIed
¨Ni lenese. ¨
Emb!cms: Many nonslers, lolh reaI and inagi-
nary, highIy convenlionaIized represenlalions of no-
lI es , l he s or c er er - ki ng, and var i ous nal s , aI I
inlegraled in a conpIex foIkIore.
Ecnnnmy: Copper, rice, fruil, vaniIIa, spices, le-
leI nul, linler, hardvood veapons, Iinen and dyes.
Nntcwnrthy rcsIdcnts: Nilenay, sorcerer-king
23rd-IeveI dragon), Sienhouk, chief lenpIar (hu-
nan fenaIe, age fourleen, Tnp15/Isi4, LL),
Thong NaI, allol of LxaIled Ialh nonaslery (aged
hunan naI e, C3, Spher e of Ai r , LN) , and Au
Treng, alloless of Serene BIiss nonaslery (hunan
fenaIe, C4, Sphere of Larlh, LN).
Unusua! sItcs: Naggaranakan, lhe Iorli dden
Doninion (Nilenay´s vaIIed paIace conpIex), lhe
Ònnipolenl Receivers, a Iine of huge slalues of lhe
sorcerer-king lordering lhe nain road Ieading lo
lhe cily, lhe IIain of Burning Waler, an area of lul-
lIing hol springs on lhe cily´s oulskirls.
Nilenese hunans, nuIs, and haIf-eIves Iook al-
lraclive, vilh round faces, lan skin, and (excepl for
lhe nuIs) lIack hair. AII cilizens leIov nolIe rank
vear Ioose Iinen lIouses and skirls, lrighlIy coIored.
They vrap lheir heads in lhe uliquilous krana, a
Iong scarf aIvays narked vilh a checkerloard pal:
lern of liny squares. Sone oIder peopIe have lIue-
slained leelh fron cheving leleI nuls.
The cuIlure slresses seIf-discipIine, quiel accepl-
ance of aulhorily, reverence of lhe eIderIy, and po-
Iileness lo slrangers. IoIileness, lhough, oflen goes
hand in hand vilh rulhIess dishonesly lovard any-
one oulside one´s faniIy. The connon visdon in
lhe Tyr Region has il lhal a Nilenese nerchanl
groveIs as he offers you a hardvood spear, sniIes
and nods fervenlIy al everylhing you say, lhen svin-
dIes you oul of your Iasl ceranic lil. And as he
scurries avay, lhe spear lreaks in your hands.
Nevconers lo Nilenay nay find nany IocaI cus-
lons curious, if nol dovnrighl lizarre. Belrolhed
coupIes express lheir connilnenl ly joining lhen-
seIves al lhe vaisl vilh a Iong scarf. Iriends ex-
change greel i ngs ly yanki ng each ol her´ s hai r.
ChiIdren drag Iife-sized doIIs nade of slrav and
rags, caIIed sanshlta (¨sulslilule nolhers¨). The
Nilenese revere cals as vesseIs of unknovalIe vis-
don, lul despise dogs as vernin.
ArchItccturc: Wilh lhe exceplion of lhe sorcerer-
king´s sul-cily, said lo le conslrucled of nassive
sIals of soIid granile and edged vilh faluIous gens,
nosl luiIdings are sinpIe slruclures nade of cIay
lricks and vood. IaniIies dveII in singIe-roon
hones, parlilioned ly papyrus screens lo creale a
5 9
nunler of variousIy-sized Iiving spaces. Modesl
rock gardens arranged in inlricale pallerns conpIi-
nenl nany hones. WeII-lo-do faniIies enj oy lhe
conpany of pels, lirds and Iizards in parlicuIar, and
luiId speciaI nud houses caIIed nl||a in vhich lo
keep l hen. The nunler of ni I I a erecl ed near a
hone indicales lhe faniIy´s affIuence.
Though quile oId even ly Alhasian slandards,
and cerlainIy predaling lhe cily´s founding, lhe Ni-
lenese cuIlure´s origins have vanished in hislory.
Thal Nilenay hinseIf vouId never, voIunlariIy,
have insliluled sone of lhese cuslons proves lheir
Alhas has no gods, yel lhe cily of Nilenay has
nonks. These honor no deily, ralher, lhey seek a
nyslicaI slale of nirvana, freedon fron physicaI
pain lhrough exlinclion of lhe seIf. Monks of lolh
Slemhouk. lhe Prlesl Chlld
genders shave lheir heads and eyelrovs, and lhey
dress in lrighl orange roles. They grov food, sludy
rigorousIy, and nedilale. In facl, lheir reginen re-
senlIes lhal of a dedicaled psionicisl, lhough lhe
nonks gain no povers. (ÒplionaIIy, you nay aIIov
nonks lo lrain in unarned conlal.)
Cilizens venerale lhe nonks. Lach of lhe lvo or-
ders (LxaIled Ialh and Serene BIiss) pIedges IoyaIly
lo Nilenay, so lhe sorcerer-king loIerales lhen.
Monks oflen lecone lhe arlisans vho carve Nile-
nay´s endIess nuraIs. IenaIe nonks usuaIIy fiII lhe
lenpIar ranks.
Al sone poinl in his or her Iife, each Nilenese
chiId spends lvo 15-day veeks Iiving as a nonk.
MaIe and fenaIe nonks slay in separale nonas-
leries al opposile ends of lhe cily. ChiIdren of no-
lIes, freenen, and sIaves lriefIy ningIe as equaIs, a
phenonenon unique on Alhas.
Visilors express aslonishnenl lhal a chiId has le-
6 O
cone lhe highesl-ranking officiaI in lhe cily. Nalives
do nol express lhis aslonishnenl, for lhey pIace high
vaIue on courlesy. Bul lhey sliII vonder.
Sienhouk, a lhin and speclraIIy quiel 14-year-oId
girI, cane lo Nilenay´s allenlion shorlIy afler her
lirlh lo a high lenpIar in Naggaranakan, lhe Ior-
lidden Doninion (Nilenay´s paIace). The nolher
died in chiIdlirlh, lul ly various porlenls Nilenay
cane lo leIieve lhal lhe vonan´s spiril nigraled lo
her chiId al dealh. He found anazing nagicaI and
psionic polenliaI in lhe infanl girI, and so he hinseIf
look charge of her rearing.
As Si enhouk grev, l he sorcerer- ki ng secrel I y
lraveIIed vilh lhe chiId lo dislanl parls of lhe region,
lhen lo olher pIanes. He laughl her nagic and psi-
onics, as nuch as she couId handIe, lhen prolecled
her as she foughl enenies and gained experience. In
l i ne, vi l h Ni lenay´ s consl anl pressure, young
Sienhouk achieved prodigious skiII in lenpIar nag-
ic, leyond any prodigy Iisled in lhe paIace´s exlen-
sive hislories. In psionics she has nol nade as nuch
progress, discipIining lhe nind caIIs for nalurily,
l aI enl nol vi l hsl andi ng, lul Si enhouk i nproves
Why does Nilenay lake such care vilh lhis girI`
Nol even his highesl lenpIars knov his reason. As
loId in lhe Dragon Kings hardlound, lesliaI rages
seize a sorcerer-king vho lries lo lecone a dragon.
Those rages sliII avail Nilenay, vho has achieved
23rd- I eveI and dreads l hei r i nni nenl arri vaI .
Sienhouk has a viId psionic laIenl, previousIy un-
knovn on Alhas, lhal Iels her caIn lhose rages.
Wilh her, Nilenay hopes lo snoolh lhe polenliaIIy
disaslrous lransilion lo his fuII dragon slalus.
A naj or arl f orn anong l he Ni lenese, dance
narks aII cerenonies, feasls, and even lhe rare so-
ciaI galherings of sIaves. The varied slyIe conlines
sliIled poslures, quick slanping of lhe feel, conven-
lionaIized geslures represenling various enolions,
and fIoving arn and vaisl novenenls.
Three aII-nighl dance feslivaIs (one per phase of
lhe year), caIIed SlarIighl Iageanls, provide Nile-
nay´s chief cuIluraI evenls. Òn lhese feslive nighls,
dozens of young aµsara (fenaIe dancers) cone forlh
fron Naggaranakan. Òn a pIalforn j usl inside
lhe cily vaIIs, in a grove of trees of |lfe, lhey perforn
a laIIel lhal Iasls unliI davn. The laIIels cone fron
a slandard reperloire of 231 ancienl dances, each
sel of lhree associaled vilh one parlicuIar year in a
ki ng´ s age. The sl ori es deri ve f ron f oI kI ore~
nodified, of course, lo praise lhe sorcerer-king. The
enlire cily allends, vilh lhe nolalIe exceplion of Ni-
lenay hinseIf.
A laIIel foIIovs a specific sequence of nove-
neri l s, augnenl ed ly panl oni ni ng acl ors vho
connenl siIenlIy on lhe slory ly faciaI expressions
and hand geslures. Sone of lhe aclors vear gro-
lesque nasks, represenling nonslers and supernal-
uraI forces. WhiIe lhe dancers resl lelveen seclions
of lhe laIIel, aclors enlerlain lhe audience vilh jug-
gIing and acrolalics.
The laIIels faII inlo lhree najor slyIes. The |laka-
lh represenls lhe dranalic slyIe, a connenlary on
lhe lragedy and suffering inherenl in exislence.
Liaka-ih dancers vear veiIs lhal conpIeleIy cover
lheir faces and spol lheir skin vilh red painl lo syn-
loIize lIood. The µrlµtu-lh slyIe ceIelrales joy, a co-
nedic presenlalion vhere lhe dancers decorale lheir
lodies vilh liny leIIs and lIov shrieking vhislIes lo
eIicil Iaughs fron lhe onIookers. The urlquo-lh slyIe
honors var, dancers vieId vooden daggers and
svords, svung vioIenlIy over lheir heads and le-
lveen lheir Iegs.
The snaII orcheslra lhal pIays for lhe laIIels in-
cI udes voodvi nds, druns, f i nger druns, xyI o-
phones, a voodvind caIIed lhe rµ|s, and lhe khong,
a circuIar vooden frane Iined vilh copper gongs. A
nusician sils vilhin lhe frane lo pIay lhe gongs.
ÒnIy lhe sorcerer-king ovns a khong, for ils heavy
nelaI conlenl nakes il priceIess.
During lhe SlarIighl Iageanls, Nilenay´s serviIe
defiIers casl nany coIorfuI iIIusions lo enhance lhe
laIIel. They drav lheir nagic fron lhe trees of |lfe
around lhen, one ly one. Sonelines lhe lenpIars
keep a druid prisoner on hand, lo varn lhen vhen
one tree´s Iife force grovs loo Iov.
Lven Nilenese caravans enpIoy dance. Lnler-
lainers lag aIong vilh nerchanl caravans or slarl
lheir ovn, seeking advenlure (or nayle escape fron
lhe cily guards). They lraveI lelveen lhe cilies, slop-
ping al each oasis for a day or a veek, and perforn-
ing for any audience. Many of lhese gypsy dancers
and nusicians psionicaIIy enlrance vievers, eilher lo
heighlen lheir enjoynenl or Iighlen lheir vaIIels.
Hundreds of years ago, a cadre of poverfuI viz-
ards devised a nelhod lo lie lheir Iife forces inlo lhe
naluraI energies generaled ly lhe IIain of Burning
Waler. Afler lhe vizards died, lheir spirils Iived on,
Iinked lo lhe hol springs. The AIIiance knovs lhe
nanifeslalion of lheir coIIeclive consciousness as lhe
The zvuun appears as a cIoud of slean, dozens
of lransIucenl hunan and denihunan faces drifl-
ing randonIy vilhin. Il has no physicaI sulslance
nor allrilules associaled vilh naluraI or supernalu-
raI enlilies, il has no conlal slalislics or hil poinls,
and il cannol neilher allack nor casl speIIs (vilh one
exceplion, descriled leIov). Magic and olher al-
lacks do nol affecl il.
The zvuun appears onIy lo preservers and lheir
friends, for lhe vizards conprising lhe zvuun vere
lhenseIves preservers. The zvuun never Ieaves lhe
IIain of Burning Waler, lhough il nay nanifesl
anyvhere in lhis area, rising alruplIy fron lhe va-
ler´s surface in a svirI of nisl and vanishing as sud-
de nI y a s i l a r r i ve d. No r e I i a lI e ne l ho d f o r
sunnoning lhe zvuun exisls, lhough il renains
fond of poelry and song, reciling a Ienglhy poen or
singing an especiaIIy lunefuI neIody nay sonelines
enlice lhe zvuun fron lhe hol springs. The zvuun
usuaIIy appears sponlaneousIy, eilher lecause il has
infornalion or lecause il seeks conpany.
The zvuun connunicales ly psionic nindIink. Il
can send and receive leIepalhic connunicalion vilh
an unIiniled nunler of vizards over a vide range,
lul il usuaIIy chooses lo connunicale onIy vilh
lhose adjacenl lo ils hol springs.
The zvuun´s knovIedge knovs no apparenl Iin-
ils. Il nay reveaI lhe Iocalion of lreasure or non-
slers, pass aIong nev speII lechniques, or reveaI a
cryplic piece of infornalion regarding a prolIen
currenlIy laffIing lhe AIIiance. Hovever, lhe nin-
gIing of spirils vilhin lhe zvuun has resuIled in an
inconsislenl personaIily. Aloul four fiflhs of lhe
line lhe zvuun heIps courleousIy, lul al olher lines
il deIighls in naIicious nischief-naking, giving in-
lenlionaIIy nisIeading infornalion. This nanifesla-
lion of lhe zvuun nay leII a parly lhal huge lIack
dianonds can le found inside a nearly cave, vhen
lhe cave reaIIy hoIds iII-lenpered dune freaks.
UnforlunaleIy, preservers have no sure vay lo leII
vhelher lhe heIpfuI or naIicious personaIily currenl-
Iy doninales. The zvuun aIvays connunicales
courleousIy and seriousIy, and nagicaI nelhods lo
delecl Iies give inconcIusive resuIls.
SliII, lhe zvuun respecls a cIever nind, if one in-
lerrogales il inleIIigenlIy and in good hunor, even ils
naIicious nanifeslalion nay respond vilh indirecl
honesly. (¨A lIack dianond nine, you say` Are
you cerlain lhal lhese lIack dianonds don´l have
lony, vedge-Iike heads and sunken, leady eyes`¨
¨Unn~anylhing is possilIe,¨ responds lhe le-
nused zvuun.) Ònce per day, lhe zvuun can casl a
speciaI curse speII on any viclin vilhin a 5O-yard
radius (no saving lhrov). This curse causes any va-
ler lhal louches lhe viclin lo lecone loiIing hol.
( Assess danage lased on l he anounl of val er
louching lhe viclin, a cup of valer nighl cause 1d4
poinls of danage, lul faIIing inlo a slrean couId le
Conlacllng The Alllance
falaI.) The curse Iasls for a fuII day. The zvuun re-
serves ils curse for iII-nannered, profane, or olher-
vise offensive persons.
Nilenay´ s AIIiance chapler, prolalIy lhe lhird
founded in lhe Tyr Region (afler Tyr and Urik),
slarled 3OO lo 35O years ago, aloul a king´s age af-
ler Tyr´s. Ils founder, KhnaI Langgan, apparenlIy
received his earIy nagicaI lraining as a defiIer vilhin
lhe Shadov King´s nassive lenpIe conpIex. In his
youlh he escaped (sone say lhe lenpIars expeIIed
hin), and he gave up defiIing nagic for good.
KhnaI lraveIIed lhe Iand, slarled over sludying
nagic vilh a preserver in Tyr, and Iearned of lhe
AIIiance. Relurning lo Nilenay under an assuned
nane, he slarled a chapler lhere. He apparenlIy
confided sonelhing inporlanl lo his feIIov CounciI
nenlers aloul lhe Shadov King´s aclivilies. Hov-
ever, he inslrucled lhen lo Iel lhis infornalion die
vilh hin, and lhey did so. Nov, evidenlIy, no one
survives vho knovs vhal KhnaI found aloul Nile-
nay´s aclivilies, nor has anyone found a rennanl of
his copious records aloul his days as a defiIer in
Naggaranakan. UnforlunaleIy, KhanaI died le-
fore confiding lo his AIIiance conrades lhe Iocalion
of his records, said lo incIude a delaiIed fIoor pIan of
lhe sorcerer-king´s paIace conpIex.
The Nilenese AIIiance deveIoped ils parlicuIar
halred of defiIers vhen Thagya Ihon rose lo lhe
Ieadership aloul 2O years ago. Lven lhen, he did
nol nolalIy oppose defiIers unliI afler he relurned
fron a deserl sojourn vilh his faniIy, sone lvo years
afler lhal. Òn lhe lrip a defiIer´ s lrile allacked
lhen, he said, and kiIIed his vife. Since lhen, lhe
sociely has achieved significanl success in ils cru-
sade. No one in lhe AIIiance suspecls lhal Thagya
Ihon has dislorled lhe evenls of lhal lrip.
Thagya Phnn
Hunan MaIe Ireserver
LavfuI NeulraI
Sl r 13 Inl 18
Lover-IeveI candidales vho require a Iess slrin-
genl assignnenl shouId lry lo find a lenpIar fron
Naggaranakan and I earn sonel hi ng, anyl hi ng,
aloul ils aIvays-secrel aclivilies. The candidale vho
relurns nev infornalion lo a conlacl nay expecl ac-
ceplance as soon as lhe CounciI can confirn lhe
reporl~a naller of hours or veeks, as circunslanc-
es aIIov.
In lhe Iasl decade lhe AIIiance has asked candi-
dales for inilialion lo sneak inlo a poverfuI defiIer´s
hone. The sociely has Iocaled aInosl aII of lhen,
lul il slays a safe dislance avay. The candidale
nusl appropriale a nagicaI ilen or olher vaIualIe
A characler vho refuses lo underlake lhis risk
nay inslead lry an InleIIigence check lo olserve
soneone al lhe feslivaI vho shovs perhaps loo nuch
inleresl in lhe defiIers. Then a discreel inquiry or
recognilion sign nay produce resuIls~or a sleaIlhy
allack in lhe nighl, for lhe Nilenay vizards harlor
suspicions of slrangers.
In a scenario, lhe dance feslivaIs offer lhe nosl
dranalic vay lo inlroduce lhe ICs lo lhe AIIiance.
The sociely aIvays has severaI nenlers in allend-
ance, olserving lhe defiIers vho casl lhe iIIusions. A
courageous pIayer characler can casl a visilIe speII,
lhen (lry lo) gel avay lefore lhe nol allacks or lhe
defiIers caplure hin. The AIIiance shouId foIIov or
sheIler lhe parly.
Dex 13 Wi s 14
Con 18 Cha 1 5
hp: 42
A C : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 5
Dng: ly speII
Irof i ci enci es: Dagger, Anci enl Hi sl ory, Anci enl
Languages, Direclion Sense, Reading/Wriling, So-
nalic ConceaInenl, SpeIIcrafl, Wealher Sense.
Isionics: sensilivily lo psychic inpressions.
Backgrnund: Thagya´s halred of defiIers lorders
on olsession, lul no one knovs lhe reaI reason vhy.
UnliI recenlIy, he succunled lo depressions lhal
arose fron his vife´s lelrayaI. Thagya conpuIsiveIy
dveIl on lhe nenory of his vife in lhe arns of a
def i I er. CouI d he have prevenl ed l hei r uni on`
Avoided driving her avay lo lhe accursed defiIer`
CouId he rekindIe lheir reIalionship`
In line, Thagya escaped lhe spiraI of depression
and accepled lhe Ioss of his vife. To lhis day, he
nainlains lhal a defiIer nurdered her. He viII never
pulIicIy acknovIedge lhal she has chosen a nev Iife
as an apprenlice defiIer. If any of his conrades sus-
pecl lhe lrulh, lhey respecl Thagya loo nuch lo
confronl hin.
Lxcepl for AIIiance lusiness, he seIdon Ieaves lhe
AIIiance´ s underground headquarlers. He avoids
cIose reIalionships vilh olhers, keeping even his
lrusled advisors al arn´s Ienglh. A IoyaI haIfIing,
Horga-al-Horg, provides his onIy reaI conpanion-
ship. His inleresls incIude nol onIy nagic, lul niIi-
lary hislory, engineering, and nalhenalics. Thagya
finds soIace in nalure, and his conpassion for ani-
naIs nearIy equaIs his conlenpl for defiIers.
A gIeaning olsidian pedeslaI rises fron lhe fIoor
of Thagya´s sparlan quarlers. ¨Thal pedeslaI,¨ he
expIains grinIy lo nev iniliales, ¨avails lhe head of
lhe sorcerer-king.¨
IenaIe HaIfIing Iighler/Isionicisl
MuIli-CIass I5/Isi5
Chaol i c Cood
Sl r 13 Inl 1O
Dex 16 Wi s 15
Con 13 Cha 3
hp: 16
A C : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 6
Dng: 1d6-1 (olsidian shorl svord), 1d2 (lIovgun)
Iroficiencies: BIovgun, Bov, Dagger, Svord, Heal
Thagya speaks in vhispers, his eyes Iocked un-
fIinchingIy on lhe person he addresses. Nevconers
find hin aIoof and coId. Thagya does his lesl lo
conlain his enolions, vhen faced vilh lad nevs, he
Iovers his head, cIoses his eyes, and ruls his chin.
Hovever, lhe nere nenlion of his vife´s nane nay
lrigger his fiery lenper. The raging oullursl nay re-
suIl in a deslruclive ranpage, ending vilh his vilh-
dravaI lo his privale chanlers and his refusaI lo see
anyone for lhe resl of lhe day.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Thagya avoids snaII laIk, recrea-
lion, and olher diversions. He prefers lo spend line
refining his pIans, devising nev schenes, or expIor-
ing nev avenues of nagicaI research.
IersonaI hygiene ranks Iov on Thagya´ s Iisl of
priorilies. He seIdon lalhes, his cIolhes hang on
hin Iike rags, his leard grovs in shaggy slrands,
and dirl cakes his Iong fingernaiIs. Horga-al-Horg
urges hin lo lake leller care of hinseIf, lul Thagya
disnisses nanicures, shaving, and siniIar aclivilies
as a vasle of vaIualIe line.
Appcarancc: Years of depression have laken lheir
l oI I on Thagya. Sl ooped, haggar d, and pas l y
fIeshed, he Iooks nore Iike 8O lhan his lrue age of
54. Òne eye renains pernanenlIy diIaled (lhe resuIl
of an injury), giving hin an unsellIing gaze.
Irol ecl i on, Wal er Ii nd, Weapon I nprovi sal i on, send AIIiance nenlers on a dangerous nission,
Wealher Sense. Horga nay ask hin lo reconsider. ¨Big foIk have
Isionics: doulIe pain. faniIies. Is lask vorlh Iife of a IillIe chiId´s falher`¨
Backgrnund: Aloul f i ve years ago, Horga- al - Headquarlers
Horg vandered inlo lhe foresls near lhe IIain of
Burning Waler and spolled a pIunp lird perched
high in a lree. Horga cIinled lhe lree, lul as she
reached for lhe lird, she pIunneled lo lhe ground,
lreaking her Ieg. Òn one of his rare sojourns oul-
side AIIiance headquarlers, Thagya discovered lhe
noaning Horga, heIped her lack lo lhe headquar-
lers, and nursed her lack lo heaIlh. In lhe process,
Horga deveIoped a slrong adniralion for lhe slran-
ger, vhich soon grev lo a deep affeclion. Horga
asked lo renain vilh Thagya, voIunleering lo serve
as his lodyguard and conpanion. Ierhaps lecause
of an aching IoneIiness, Thagya accepled Horga´s
offer. Soon lhey lecane fasl friends-lul she never
expIained vhy she Iefl lhe Ioresl Ridge.
Horga´s IoyaIly lo Thagya knovs no lounds. She
prolecls hin fron danger, reninds hin of his ap-
poinlnenls, and chaslises hin for going loo Iong
vilhoul resl. Horga underslands IillIe of lhe AIIi-
ance´s goaIs and cares Iess, lul she devoles herseIf
lireIessIy lo lhe cause, lhe enenies of Thagya are her
enenies. A ravenous appelile renains her onIy vice,
she devours anylhing even renoleIy edilIe, and
suIks vhen Thagya refuses lo Iel her feasl on defeal-
ed enenies.
Appcar anc c: Hor ga´ s poc k- nar ked f ac e and
luI ky lody gi ve her a nonsl rous appearance,
sharpI y conl rasl i ng vi l h her ki nd lI ue eyes. A
snock of Iizard hide covers her lanned skin. She
prefers nol lo vear shoes or sandaIs, lhick caIIuses
prolecl her feel.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Horga assunes aII slrangers inlend
lo harn Thagya, unliI lhey convince her olhervise.
Though nol especiaIIy inleIIigenl, she has connon
sense and speaks her nind, even if il neans con-
fronling Thagya. Ior inslance, if Thangya pIans lo
The AIIiance´s headquarlers Iies lenealh an area
of roIIing hiIIs aloul a haIf-niIe norlh of lhe cily,
adjacenl lo lhe IIain of Burning Waler. An opening
five feel vide al lhe lase of a veed-covered hiII Ieads
lo lhe headquarlers. The zvuun frequenls lhe va-
lers near lhe opening, inlrigued ly lhe conings and
goings of AIIiance nenlers. The sudden appear-
ance of lhe zvuun oflen slarlIes visilors. Il rises in a
svirI fron lhe valer´s surface, peers inlenlIy vilh ils
nuIlipIe faces, lhen disappears in a cIoud of nisl.
The opening Ieads lo a Iov-ceiIinged cavern. A
shaIIov pooI of sliII valer, fed ly underground
slreans, fiIIs nosl of lhe fIoor. Bones of rallils,
lirds, and olher crealures Iiller lhe narrov shore
surrounding lhe pooI. The valer enils lhe fainl aro-
na of Ienons, lul olhervise appears nornaI. Hov-
ever, Thagya has poisoned lhe pooI vilh a nixlure
of saIls lo discourage lrespassers. Anyone sipping
fron lhe valer nusl save vs. poison or suffer 2d8
danage ( save f or 2d4 danage) . A f i I l er i n l he
slrean lhal feeds lhe pooI keeps lhe poison fron
spreading lhroughoul lhe valer syslen.
Hnrga-at-Hnrg's quartcrs: Lasl of lhe enlrance
cavern, Horga-al-Horg serves as lhe guardian of lhe
headquarlers. She frighlens avay or nurders lres-
passers vho aren´ l discouraged ly lhe poisonous
pooI. If lhe lrespassers appear fornidalIe, Horga
secrelIy escapes lhrough lhe energency passage lhal
Iinks her quarlers vilh lhe nain chanler and varns
l he Counci I . Horga eal s snaI I ani naI s l hal di e
drinking fron lhe pooI, an anlidole suppIied ly
Thagya guaranlees Horga´ s innunily lo lhe poi-
A Iarge louIder againsl lhe norlh vaII conceaIs a
narrov passage lhal sIopes genlIy inlo lhe earlh for
aloul 2O yards, opening inlo lhe nain chanler of
lhe headquarlers.
Thc maIn chambcr: Here generaI AIIiance neel-
ings lake pIace. Many aIcoves and Iedges serve as
slorage areas and sIeeping pIalforns for guesls. A
cIear pooI provides a source of fresh valer. Long sla-
Iacliles hang fron lhe ceiIing, and lrinned and
sanded sl aI agni l es f orn crude lul conf orl alI e
A sofl yeIIov Iighl lalhes lhe enlire chanler,
courlesy of lhe lhousands of lsha nolhs cIinging lo
lhe ceiIing. The sullerranean isha nolhs co-exisl
peacefuIIy vilh lhe AIIiance. The nolhs share lheir
naluraI fIuorescence, and lhe nenlers grov and
harvesl a speciaI fungus lo feed lhe nolhs and keep
lhen heaIlhy.
A lroad crevasse snakes across lhe fIoor of lhe
easl end of lhe nain chanler. Inslead of fiIIing il in,
Thagya ordered lhe crevasse covered vilh a Iallice
of lranches and a Iayer of dirl spread across lhe
lop. ShouId inlruders invade lhe chanler, lhe AIIi-
ance nenlers lry lo naneuver lhen inlo lhe cre-
vasse, vhere lhey drop 3O feel and Iand on sharp
slones (4d6 danage).
A nelvork of passages Iinks lhe nain chanler
vilh severaI snaIIer caverns, each vilh a designaled
Thagya's Quartcrs: This sparse roon conlains
onIy a fIoor nal, severaI slorage pols vilh Thagya´s
speIIlook (acluaIIy a disordered piIe of non-nagicaI
scroIIs), and lhe dusly olsidian pedeslaI inlended
for Nilenay´s head.
Mnth Hatchcry: CIoving isha nolhs cover lhe
vaIIs of lhis cavern, packed so denseIy lhal lheir
Iighl lurns lhe eyes. The nolhs spin siIken vels Iike
spiders, naking nesls for lheir eggs. The nesls hang
fron lhe ceiIing Iike heavy curlains. ShaIIov pils
dug in lhe fIoor hoId fungus and fresh valer for lhe
Wnrkshnp: Slorage sheIves packed vilh leakers
and canislers, Iong vooden Ial lenches, and lover-
ing slacks of scroIIs fiII lhis cavern. Thagya and his
6 6
aides use il for nagicaI and scienlific research.
Thagya´ s currenl proj ecl invoIves an inlriguing
appIicalion of lhe isha nolh vels. Thagya discov-
ered lhal soaking lhe vels in a soIulion of saIls and
herls nakes lhen valerproof and eIaslic, capalIe
of leing sevn inlo airlighl laIIoons. Thagya envi-
sions innense hol air laIIoons nade fron lhe lreal-
ed vels . Car r yi ng las kel s of pas s enger s , l he
laIIoons vouId nake aeriaI assauIls againsl lhe
Advenlure Hooks
sorcerer-king´s paIace.
Though he has prepared enough vels lo nanu-
faclure a Iarge laIIoon, Thagya has yel lo find a
suilalIe nechanisn lo direcl airlorne novenenl.
Nor has he cone up vilh an aIlilude unil lo Iel lhe
passengers conlroI hov high lhe laIIoon rises. Re-
search conlinues.
Fungus farm: Long lroughs cul inlo lhe cavern
fIoor hoId alundanl cIuslers of greenish fungus.
Thagya´s aides nonilor lhe fungus, adding ferliIizer
and olher nulrienls as needed. Harvesled fungus
fiIIs vheeIed slorage lins, vhich aides push lo lhe
halchery lo feed lhe nolhs.
5tnrcrnnm: This roon hoIds poisonous saIls for
lhe enlry cavern pooI, anlidole vafers for lhe poi-
son, dried foods, nedicines, and veapons.
DnrmItnry: AIIiance nenlers and lheir guesls
use lhe nany lunk leds here. Sone nischievous
nenlers have carved an unfIallering caricalure of
lhe Iriesl ChiId Sienhouk in lhe vaII. Ior anuse-
nenl, lhey conducl nock lrilules in her ¨honor.¨
InfIrmary: This cavern conlains leds vilh sofl
nallresses-of fealhers and nolh vings. The aiIing
and lhe vounded recover here. A slaff of lrained
aides, incIuding cIerics vilh heaIing nagic, allend lo
palienls´ needs around lhe cIock. Bolh nenlers
and aninaIs receive equaI care.
Currenl palienls incIude an innalure kank vilh
a cracked exoskeIelon, an erdIu vilh a chronic indi-
geslion, and an alandoned nekiIIol egg vhich lhe
slaff is allenpling lo halch. HeaIers scaller lhe
lones of aninaIs lhal don´l recover on lhe shores of
lhe poison pooI, in lhe enlry cavern, lo inlinidale
1. Thagya al Iasl finishes a prololype hol-air isha
laIIoon, conpIele vilh a funclionaI sleering device
and aIlilude unil. He asks lhe pIayer characlers lo
lake lhe firsl fIighl, a reconnaissance nission over
lhe sorcerer-king´s paIace conpIex. If lhe pIayer
characlers resisl, Thagya fIallers, lriles, or legs
lhen as necessary lo secure lheir conpIiance.
The laIIoon perforns as designed, lhe pIayer
characlers have no lroulIe gelling il off lhe ground,
and lhe sleering device aIIovs for snoolh changes of
direclion. Hovever, once airlorne, lhe DM nay in-
lroduce a variely of conpIicalions. Ior inslance, a
slrong vind nay lIov lhe laIIoon off course, send-
i ng l he parl y anyvhere l he DM I i kes ( near l he
noulh of an aclive voIcano, over a herd of grazing
nekiIIols, or inlo a deep ravine, vhich nay conlain
nonslers, lreasure, or a connunily of hunanoid
2. The laIIoon nay allracl lhe allenlion of any
nunler of airlorne crealures, fron gianl hornels lo
curious air eIenenlaIs. A hard rain slorn nay pul
oul lhe fire in lhe aIlilude unil, causing lhe laIIoon
lo Iand in lhe Naggaranakan courlyard, lhe ICs
nay have lo slruggIe lo reIighl lhe unil, lhen lake lo
lhe air lefore lhe arrivaI of a paIace securily force.
CampaIgn sty!c: Defenslte, Successfu|.
The AIIiance in Raan negoliales a difficuIl nid-
dIe course lelveen lhe Crand Vizier´s lyranny and
lhe anarchy lhal her releIIious nolIes are crealing.
In lhis lurluIenl cily, AIIiance nenlers have heavi-
Iy infiIlraled lhe nansaldars, lhe IocaI conslaluIary
and soIdiers. When lhe aulhorilies apprehend a
preserver, lhey quielIy funneI lhe vizard inlo lhe AI-
Wilh lhis Ieverage, lhe chapler nighl acl nore
aggressiveIy lhan il does. Hovever, Raan cilizens
have never regarded nundane pover as fashion-
alIe, oulside of AlaIach-Re´s paIaliaI courl. The
AIIiance´s currenl Ieaders (incIuding, lizarreIy, al
Ieasl one eIf) pursue nore inleIIecluaI goaIs, nolalIy
speII research.
}unior nenlers and visilors sonelines feeI frus-
lralion al lheir CounciI´s alslraclion. The Ieaders
nay yel redeen lhenseIves, if lheir currenl research
lears fruil.
The Clly
Pnpu! at I nn: 4O, OOO ( 4O° hunan, 2O° dvarf ,
1O° nuI, 15° eIf, 5° haIf-eIf, 5° haIf-gianl, 4°
lhri-kreen, 1° haIfIing, 5° priesls, 1O° lenpIars
and soIdiers, 2O° nerchanls, arlisans, and Iand-
ovners, 6O° servanls and Ialorers, 5° unloucha-
l I e ) . N a l i v e s a r e c a I I e d ¨ R a a n i l e s ¨ o r
¨Raani s h. ¨
Emb! cms : AlaI ac h- Re´ s f ac e, Badna, a f our -
arned nan in a Iong IoincIolh. AlaIach-Re devised
Badna, lhe ¨grealer pover,¨ lo juslify her aulhor-
Ecnnnmy: SiIver, gens, fIinl, jule, a filrous pIanl,
siIk, carpels, lexliIes, arl.
Nnt cwnrt hy rcsI dcnt s: AlaI ach- Re ( 21sl - I eveI
dragon, LL) , Crogh- Ln, seni or l enpI ar, synpa-
lhelic lo lhe AIIiance (Tnp1O, 27 hp, LN), Yeslera-
Òpik, food vhoIesaIer vho knovs nany runors (I9,
25 hp, LN), Ushuch-Si, renovned scuIplress (Ri´,
17 hp, LC).
Unusua! sItcs: RoyaI Barracks, nuIli-slory niIi-
lary dornilory, CaIIery of lhe Seven Slars, scuIp-
l ur e nus eun, ar l i s an´ s pI aza, vr es l I i ng pi l s ,
I i vesl ock pens, BenevoI ence Cenl er, connunaI
housing conpIex for lhe eIderIy, and lhe Conse-
cral ed SepuI cher of Badna ( ¨l he Bi g Tonl¨) , a
huge nausoIeun hoIding lhe Iasl 3O generalions of
lhe sorcerer-queen´s huslands and olher favoriles.
Raan, lhe nosl popuIous cily-slale, ranks vilh
Draj as lhe I argesl i n area. Raan aI so hoI ds lhe
nosl raciaIIy diverse popuIalion in lhe region, here,
hunans do nol nake up lhe najorily. NonelheIess,
hunans occupy nosl posilions of inporlance. AIso,
lraveIIers face grealer Ianguage prolIens in Raan
lhan in olher cily-slales. Lvery narrov slreel luzzes
vilh conversalions in haIf a dozen Ianguages.
In pasl cenluries Raan earned veaIlh ly nining
aIalasler, sapphires, and eneraIds fron lhe noun-
lains lo lhe soulh. The nines´ richesl find has le-
c one I egendar y~l he ¨Sl ar of Badna, ¨ a lI ue
sapphire said lo veigh over 2OO carals. IoIk laIes of
lhis gen´s hideous curse proIiferale as one nears
Raan. AlaIach-Re and her highesl lenpIars renev
and slrenglhen lhe gen´s curse annuaIIy. Though
any cilizen nay allend lhis pulIic cerenony, no one
does, for lhe gen´s nagic has grovn so lhal nereIy
vieving il al a dislance, vilhoul proleclive laIis-
nans, causes vioIenl iIIness.
The gen nines pIayed oul years ago, conlrilul-
ing lo lhe prolIens lhal nov assaiI lhe cily. This
nay heIp expIain vhy lhe Crand Vizier has resorled
lo cIaining aulhorily in lhe nane of a ficlilious
¨grealer pover, ¨ naned Badna. She coerces lhe
enlire popuIalion inlo pro-forna vorship of lhis du-
lious enlily.
5hrIncs: To lhal end, she has erecled hundreds of
liny shrines caIIed upuladna lhroughoul lhe cily.
Lach shrine consisls of a crude slone repIica of a
grinning sun faslened lo lhe lop of a vooden posl.
Beneal h l he sl one sun hangs a prayer vheeI , a
vooden disk aloul lhree feel in dianeler. SynloIs
cover lhe vheeI´ s rin, each synloI represenling
oledience, charily, or sone olher aspecl of Badna.
Worshippers nusl spin lhe vheeI, lhen inprovise a
lrief prayer lo Badna lased on lhe indicaled as-
A nerchanl can hardIy lraveI fron his hone lo
lhe lrade courl vilhoul passing al Ieasl a dozen up-
uladna. Iev slop al lhe shrines, since no nandale
enforces vorship. Indifference lo Badna increas-
ingIy fruslrales lhe Crand Vizier. She veighs vari-
ous nelhods lo encourage or require cilizens lo lake
her deily nore seriousIy.
Cul lure
In response lo lhe chaos around lhen, lhe peopIe
of Raan have vilhdravn inlo lhenseIves. Worry
creases lheir faces. They vaIk vilh heads loved,
eyes focused on lhe slreel, nodding furliveIy lo ac-
quainlances lul rareIy slopping lo exchange vords.
Iriends share a connunaI slev or pipe of lolacco in
siIence. A Raan sociaI engagenenl lends lo resen-
lIe a funeraI service nore lhan a parly.
The cily suffers fron poor nedicaI care, a lragic
consequence of lhe shaky reIalionship lelveen lhe
cilizens and lheir Ieaders. The sorcerer-queen and
her aides seen indifferenl lo pulIic heaIlh. Sevage
syslens go unrepaired, vernin infecl lhe food sup-
pIies, hospilaIs opened one veek nay cIose alruplIy
lhe nexl. Chronic diseases pIague sIaves and arli-
sans aIike. They die in lhe aIIeys and slreels, and
garlage coIIeclors hauI corpses lo lhe crenalory.
In lhis alnosphere of nisery, visilors lo Raan feeI
underslandalIe surprise lo find cilizens friendIy and
poIile. ÒddIy, lhey reacl nore openIy lo slrangers
lhan lo each olher. They connonIy viev oulsiders
as sources of reIief, ralher lhan lringers of confIicl.
They ask, quile courleousIy, for a scrap of uncon-
laninaled food, heIp vilh hauIing a dead reIalive lo
lhe crenalory, or advice for lrealing an aiIing chiId.
The prevaIence of fine arl in Raan aIso shocks
visilors. Cilizens slruggIe lo creale lheir ovn leauly,
and lhe resuIls appear everyvhere. Òrnale nuraIs
decorale nud huls of sIaves. A siIver lraceIel lear-
ing slrikingIy IifeIike inages of lirds and cals dan-
gIes fron lhe vrisl of a vilhered crone. A fiIlhy chiId
carries a gIeaning tl-shl, a leII slick covered vilh
liny lrass chines. The nusic of Iules and lanlou-
rines vafls fron open vindovs, offering an ironic
counlerpoinl lo lhe nisery in lhe slreels.
ArchItccturc: In sharp conlrasl lo lhe eIegance of
lhe ivory and aIalasler paIace of lhe sorcerer-king,
lhe resl of lhe cily´s luiIdings Iook funclionaI and
sinpIe. Due lo occasionaI niId earlhquakes, lhey
luiId vilh Iighl, cheap vaIIs of vood lhal nininize
harn lo occupanls shouId lhey coIIapse.
AffIuenl cilizens raise lheir hones on slone sup-
porls, eIevaling lhen a fev feel fron lhe ground.
The air circuIaling lenealh provides sone reIief
fron lhe heal of lhe day. SIaves Iive in lenls of ani-
naI skins slrelched over Iong poIes. Deslilule cili-
zens sIeep in lhe slreels.
Laws: Raan has lvo poIice forces. The pulIic en-
forcers, caIIed lhe nansabdars, do a IackadaisicaI
jol, and corruplion ruIes lhen. In conlrasl, a secrel
poIice force caIIed lhe kuotagha lrulaIIy enforces
lhe cily´s Iavs. The kuolagha nove freeIy anong lhe
popuI ace, i ndi sl i ngui shalI e f ron ordi nary ner-
chanls and arlisans. Chosen for lheir lIoodlhirsly
nalure and depulized lo adninisler juslice as lhey
see fil, lhe kuolagha induce lerror in Iav-aliding
cilizens and crininaIs aIike. They presune aII sus-
pecls are guiIly and lreal lhen accordingIy, lhe
kuolagha aren´ l inleresled in hearing excuses or
veighing facls. They nay arresl any suspecl lhey
feeI viII inleresl lhe sorcerer-queen, lul nore oflen
lhey execule lhe prisoner innedialeIy.
The kuolagha carry speciaI veapons caIIed ghl,
lraided slrands of Iealher vilh lhick knols in lhe
cenler. A kuolagha approaches a suspecl fron le-
SIighlIy Iover in slalus, lhe vizier (adninislralive)
casle incIudes lenpIars and nansaldars (poIice offi-
ciaIs and soIdiers). They vear rich cIolhing of dyed
si I k. Thi s cI ol h cones f ron l he Crand Vi zi er´ s
prized siIk vyrns, kepl lenealh lhe paIace and fed
veII on prisoners. Adninislralors, nainIy varriors
and rogues, coIIecl laxes and provide services. A fev
The highesl slalus leIongs lo lhe priesls. (Nole lhal
lhis casle does not nean lhe priesl characler cIass!)
Ils nenlers incIude nol onIy cIerics and druids, lul
aIso leachers and schoIars. They sludy eIenenlaIs
and spirils of lhe Iand, vhich lhey arrange in a con-
pIicaled nylhoIogy. This casle incIudes nany de-
voul cIerics, caIIed µogln or saddhus, vho have
laken vovs of poverly. They usuaIIy vear sinpIe
ocher or vhile garnenls.
le c oni ng unc I e a n. La c h c a s l e na y i nc I ude
nenlers of aII races.
Casles are ranked fron highesl slalus lo Iovesl.
InvioIalIe sociaI slrala, or ¨casles¨, enlrace lhe
vhoIe popuIalion. Cilizens lorn inlo a casle never
Ieave il. Menlers of one casle cannol narry inlo
anolher, nor even associale vilh olher casles vilhoul
(In gane lerns, a kuolagha nakes a nornaI al-
lack roII vhen using a ghi, nodified for surprise in
his favor. A successfuI hil neans inslanl dealh for
viclins vilh fever lhan 6 hp. Viclins vilh nore
lhan 6 hp suffer 1d6 poinls of danage and nusl
nake a Conslilulion check. A faiIed check neans
lhe viclin coIIapses inlo unconsciousness for 3d6
hind, and quickIy Ioops lhe ghi around his neck.
Before lhe suspecl can respond, lhe kuolagha yanks
lhe ghi lighl vhiIe kneeing lhe suspecl in lhe lack.
The knol in lhe ghi crushes lhe suspecl´s lrachea,
vhiIe lhe kuolagha´ s knee snaps his spine. Mosl
suspecls die inslanlIy, and lhe kuolagha lhen disap-
pears inlo lhe crovd.
Soclal Crder
honesl nansaldars leIong lo lhe AIIiance.
Landovners (nolIes), lradesnen, and arlisans
earn hi gh i ncone, lul l hi s carri es no sl al us i n Hlslory
Raan. In lhe cily´ s currenl chaos lhey larricade
lhenseIves in hones jusl shorl of forlresses, vailing
for lhe silualion lo sorl ilseIf oul. They dress Iike lhe
vizier casle, lul vilh Iover-quaIily cIolh inslead of
The Ialorers, lhe Iargesl and Iovesl casle, incIude
servanls of lhe higher casles and vasl nunlers of
sIaves vho vork lhe fieIds oulside lhe cily. Thin, in
iII heaIlh, and sonevhal desperale, nenlers vear
sinpIe vhile Iinen shirls, panls, or IoincIolhs. Won-
en scrinp lo afford a coIorfuI sari, a fuII-Ienglh cIolh
Ior lrue desperalion, lhough, Iook lo lhe oul-
casles, lhose vho vork in lhe despised professions of
norlician, lanner, lulcher, and olhers deaIing vilh
dead creal ures. Menlers of l he casl es consi der
lhen so poIIuled lhal lhey nusl Iive oulside lhe cily
vaIIs in spravIing sIuns.
The Cffsprlng
In her lhousand-year reign lhe Crand Vizier has
laken nany naIe conpanions, for lheir Iife or for a
year (sonelines il anounled lo lhe sane lhing). As
a resuIl, over lhe pasl niIIenniun, she has lorne
innuneralIe chiIdren~sone say over 4OO. Cilizens
AlaIach-Re, hardIy a carefuI parenl, alandons
each nevlorn infanl lo nurses jusl hours afler lhe
lirlh and never lhinks of il again. The chiIdren le-
Iong lo various casles, depending on vho in courl
cares lo adopl lhe chiId~priesls, nansaldars, or
oulcasle servanls.
caII AlaIach-Re´s nany chiIdren and lheir descen-
danls ¨lhe Òffspring. ¨
Iev Òf f spri ng i n hi sl ory have acconpI i shed
nuch, and none ever presenl ed a l hreal l o l he
Crand Vizier´s pover. The AIIiance Ieader, Nanda
Shalri, an Òff spring and oulcasle, has lecone lhe
firsl lo lhrealen her nolher´s reign.
Ior olscure reasons, lhe origin of Raan´ s AIIi-
ance has lecone Iinked vilh lhal of CuIg. ConsuIl
lhe CuIg enlry in lhis chapler for nore infornalion.
Whalever lhe circunslances of ils founding, lhe
Raan AIIiance nade a faIlering slarl. SeveraI lines
AlaIach-Re´ s earIy perseculion aInosl deslroyed
lhe sociely. A succession of Ieaders nade feelIe al-
lenpls lo slaliIize lhe AIIiance, lul lhey lareIy
nanaged lo recruil repIacenenl nenlers for lhose
vho died of oId age, Iefl lhe cily, or feII lo lhe
sorcerer-queen´s lenpIars.
A nev davn for lhe Raan AIIiance cane vilh lhe
arrivaI of Nanda Shalri, a delernined, visionary
Òffspring vho pronised a nev direclion for lhe AI-
Iiance, one lhal slressed Iong-lern goaIs and carefuI
pIanning. The nev AIIiance, she pIedged, vouId
prize inleIIecluaI laIenls as veII as nagicaI skiIIs.
Under lhis sensilIe and inspiring vonan, lhe ranks
of lhe AIIiance soon sveIIed.
Shalri nade lhree fundanenlaI changes in lhe
Raan AIIiance. Iirsl, she has organized lhe chapler
inlo a rigid chain of connand, vilh Shalri herseIf
as Connander. }usl leIov her, lvo aides of equaI
aulhorily, lhe Sul-Connander and lhe Secrelary,
have responsiliIily for adninislralion and generaI
counseI. Shalri divided lhe cily inlo four seclors,
each vilh an overseer caIIed lhe Seclorale. Lach
Seclorale connands five officers, in charge of Re-
search, Securily, Iinance, Training, and Inforna-
l i on. I n l urn, each of f i cer connands a varyi ng
nunler of Iieulenanls.
Second, Shalri cuIlivaled conlacls in every IeveI of
l he governnenl , i ncI udi ng l he sorcerer- queen´ s
courl, lhe arny, and lhe lenpIars. She used various
lechniques lo keep lhe infornanls in Iine, lrilery
proved far and avay lhe nosl effeclive. Shalri aIso
nanaged, ly Iining lhe pockels of lhe proper au-
lhorilies, lo inslaII a fev AIIiance nenlers in key purchase fron a vizard vilh no conneclion lo lhe
posilions. AIIiance.
IinaIIy, Shalri aIIocaled lhe Iion´s share of lhe AI-
Iiance´s resources lo speII research. Shalri hopes lo Leader s hl p
deveIop speIIs lhal viII nake lhe AIIiance invincilIe
in a vioIenl confronlalion vilh lhe sorcerer-queen.
More inporlanlIy, Shalri vanls lo creale a speII lhal
viII faciIilale her lransfornalion inlo an advanced
leing vhose nalure she lareIy gIinpses: avangion.
Conlacllng The Alllance
Shalri has lecone increasingIy fussy in accepling
candidales for lhe AIIiance. She discourages direcl
conlacl, if she vanls lo neel soneone, she arranges
an encounler herseIf. Hovever, delernined search-
ers vho nake sullIe inquiries around lovn evenlu-
aIIy find a crenalory on lhe cily´s oulskirls.
The personneI al lhe crenalory deny knovIedge
of lhe AIIiance, lul if lhe queslioner is persislenl,
Nanda Shal ri of f ers a l enporary posi l i on as a
corpse hauIer. Queslioners vho accepl lhe posilion
lraipse around lhe cily lo pick up lodies for crena-
lion, an avfuI jol designed lo lesl lhe candidale´s
nellIe. Shalri´s aides olserver candidales during lhis
period. IoIIoving a discussion vilh her Sul-
Connander and Secrelary, Shalri nay sel up a
Induclion inlo lhe Iover ranks of lhe AIIiance,
lypicaIIy as a Iieulenanl in lhe Securily or Research
Òffice, requires a rouline lesl of courage and aliIily,
invoIving a quesl for an unusuaI speII conponenl or
expos i ng l he i denl i l y of pr evi ous I y unknovn
Those vishing lo rise in lhe ranks nusl lring
Shalri a speII lhal neilher she, lhe Sul-
Connander, nor lhe Secrelary have ever seen le-
fore. Candidales nay find such a speII lhrough
diIigenl research, in an unexpIored ruin, or lhrough
Backgrnund: An oulcasle lul supporlive faniIy
of paIace servanls adopled lhe 177lh daughler of
AlaIach-Re. Nanda Shalri grev inlo a delernined
and resourcef uI young vonan. She l raveI ed l o
nany viIIages oulside Raan, vhere her IovIy casle
CIairsenlience~ Detotlons: aII-round vision,
knov Iocalion, spiril sense.
TeI epal hy~ Scl ences: ni ndI i nk, prole, Deto-
tlons: allraclion, aversion, conceaI lhoughls, con-
l a c l , i d i n s i n u a l i o n , ni n d l h r u s l , p h o l i a
hp: 4O
AC : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 4
Dng: ly speII
Irof i ci enci es: Dagger, Anci enl Hi sl ory, Anci enl
Languages, AslroIogy, Lliquelle, HerlaIisn, Mod-
ern Languages, Readi ng/Wri l i ng, Sonal i c Con-
ceaInenl, SpeIIcrafl, Wealher Sense.
At t ack/
L c v c ! DI s / 5 c I / Dc v Dc f c n s c 5c nr c P5Ps
5 2/3/1O I I , MT/M- =Inl 44
M B , T S
Sl r 14
Dex 15
c o n 1 7
Nanda 5hatrI
IenaIe Hunan Ireserver/Isionicisl (Òulcasle)
DuaI-CIassed W2O/Isi5
LavfuI Cood
Inl 13
Wi s 18
Cha 1 8
heId no neaning. Larning a fair anounl of noney
lhrough nany enlerprises, she invesled il in lhe fin-
esl leachers of nagic she couId find, graduaIIy le-
coning a nage of fornidalIe skiII.
IoIIoving lhe dealh of her adoplive parenls, Sha-
lri relurned lo Raan and loIdIy requesled an audi-
ence vilh lhe sorcerer-queen. Inlrigued ly Shalri's
audaci l y, l he sorcerer- queen sel up a neel i ng.
Much lo lhe sorcerer-queen´s surprise, Shalri re-
quesled aulhorily over lhe cily´s crenalory. ¨I vas
raised ly oulcasles and have lhe souI of an oulcasle,
despile ny herilage,¨ Shalri said. ¨I feeI no shane
in seeking an oulcasle´s jol.¨ Shalri asked onIy lhal
she le aIIoved lo run lhe crenalory as she sav fil
and keep vhal ever noney she couI d earn. The
sorcerer-queen quickIy agreed, happy lo deIegale
lhe dislaslefuI lul necessary operalion lo soneone
of conpelence.
Wilhin veeks afler assuning conlroI of lhe cre-
nalory, Shalri lurned il inlo a profilalIe enlerprise.
More inporlanlIy, lhe crenalory lecane a lase for
lhe Raai AIIiance, of vhich Shalri had recenlIy le-
cone Ieader. Ior lhe Iasl 2O years lhe AIIiance oper-
aled undelecled fron lhe crenalory, conforlalIy
financed ly ils profils.
A f ev year s ago, havi ng gone as f ar as s he
lhoughl possilIe in naslery of nagic, Shalri discov-
ered vague references lo a highIy advanced crealure
caIIed an avangion. Invesligaling furlher, she found
hinls lhal she herseIf nighl lecone such a crealure.
Bul lhe process required eIalorale preparalions, ex-
lensive line and resources-nore inporlanlIy. she
needed lo cuIlivale lhe vays of lhe nind. ÒnIy a
psionicaIIy luned nind couId handIe lhe vasl nagi-
caI energies lhal lhe lransfornalion required. (ÒnIy
a preserver/psionicisl of 2Olh-IeveI can allenpl lhe
Iong lransfornalion inlo an advanced leing.)
Wilh lypicaI resoIve and secrecy, Shalri alan-
doned deveI opnenl of her consunnal e nagi caI
skiIIs and, al age 53, joined a cIass of seven-year-oId
nolIe chiIdren al a psionics acadeny, as lhey fun-
Ka!Ihana nf thc Ormu!
MaIe LIf Ireserver (Vizier Casle)
NeulraI Cood
Sl r 13
Dex 16
C o n 1 4
Inl 16
Wi s 13
C h a 1 3
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Shalri Ioves lo laIk for hours aloul
nagic. econonics, and lhe dozens of olher suljecls
lhal inleresl her. She has a keen sense of hunor, lul
lakes her dulies as Ieader of lhe AIIiance seriousIy.
She disnisses lhe concern expressed ly sone nen-
lers aloul her groving olsession vilh avangion
lransfornalion, insisling lhal she can run lhe AIIi-
ance as veII as research speIIs. She professes con-
pIele failh in her sulordinales. lhough she does
keep cIose lals on lhen.
Nntcs: Ior fuII ruIes on lhe avangion lransforna-
lion process, consuIl lhe Dragon Kings ruIelook.
na ns .
Appcarancc: She is in her Iale fiflies, snaII and
heavy-sel, vilh unusuaI poise. Shalri nainlains a
shally appearance, appropriale for an oulcasle.
She vears ragged lrovn snocks and scuffed san-
daIs, lying her slringy gray hair inlo a vaisl-Ienglh
pony laiI. She has sparkIing green eyes, a knoving
grin, and a conlraIlo voice aInosl as deep as a
lIingIy legan lheir sludies in lhe vay of lhe nind.
HappiIy, Shalri progressed veII, and nov she lakes
day-Iong personaI Iessons fron lhe AIIiance´s pov-
erfuI psionicisl auxiIiaries
MeanvhiIe. Shalri has sel lhe AIIiance research-
ing avangion lransfornalion speIIs nighl and day.
They hardIy undersland vhal lhey search for, lul
lhey foIIov her vilh ardenl devolion. They race
againsl lhe chaos lhal nusl sureIy enveIop Raan
hp: 36
A C : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 6
Dng: ly speII
Irof i ci enci es: Dagger, Anci enl Hi sl ory, Anci enl
Languages, Arlislic AliIily, HerlaIisn, Reading/
Wriling, Sonalic ConceaInenl, SpeIIer afl.
Isionics: aslraI projeclion.
Ba c kgr nund: Bo r n l o ne r c ha nl pa r e nl s i n
Raan´s vizier casle, KaIihana grev up disconlenled
vilh cily Iife and finaIIy ran avay lo join a nonadic
eIven lrile. Life in lhe deserl proved nore difficuIl
lhan he´d inagined. Afler a year of sandslorns, le-
Igoi allacks, and loo nuch kank neclar, KaIihana
relrealed lo Raan.
Hovever, during his deserl sojourn, KaIihana had
lefriended a preserver and had secrelIy legun sludy
of lhe nagicaI arls. Back in Raan, he conlacled lhe
AIIiance. Ior lhe Iasl six decades he has conlinued
sludy, seeking grealer connand of nagic and aII
knovn Iore of nagicaI ilens.
Il has faIIen lo KaIihana lo Iead lhe AIIiance as
Nanda Shalri´s Sul-Connander vhiIe Shalri pur-
sues her dislanl goaI. KaIihana onIy vagueIy knovs
her purpose, lul he pIeasanlIy accepls il as a sign of
lypicaI hunan insanily.
Appcarancc: KaIihana has a Iean frane, spindIy
arns and I egs, a poi nled chi n, and narrov gray
eyes. He pri des hi nseI f i n hi s appearance and
prinps lefore a nirror unliI every hair on his head
Iies perfeclIy in pIace. He vears slyIish shirls and
lrousers nade fron lhe finesl naleriaI he can af-
Rn!c-p!ayIng: A capalIe Ieader, inleIIigenl and
cooI-headed, KaIiana loo oflen lelrays lhe eIvish
lrails of unreIialiIily and arrogance lovard non-
eIves. SliII, vhen he keeps his fundanenlaI nalure
under conlroI, fev in lhe CounciI can nalch his fine
sense of poIilics and negolialion.
Nolhing upsels lhe nelicuIous KaIihana nore
lhan lhe line he nusl spend in lhe dirly crenalory.
He shares his dispIeasure vilh Shalri, vho leases
hin for il, lul nuluaI respecl linds lhen. Bolh le-
Iieve unvaveringIy in lhe goaIs of lhe AIIiance,
lhough lhey disagree on hov lo achieve lhen.
More lhan once, KaIihana has expressed lo Sha-
lri his concern lhal her research is a vasle of line
and resources, Shalri scoIds KaIihana for his Iack of
inaginalion. So far, KaIihana has deferred lo Sha-
lri´s vishes, lul he grovs inpalienl. If Shalri´s re-
s ear c h does n´ l lear f r ui l s oon, KaI i hana has
l h r e a l e n e d l o I e a v e h i s p o s i l i o n a s S u l -
}usl leyond lhe veslern vaII of lhe cily slands an
inposing granile slruclure, ils vaIIs vindovIess and
fealureIess excepl for a sel of doulIe doors on lhe
soulh side. A cyIindricaI lrick chinney rising fron
lhe lack of lhe luiIding conslanlIy leIches spiraIs of
lhick lIack snoke. The dead of Raan nake lheir
Iasl slop here, al lhe cily´s crenalory.
The oulcasle Òffspring, Nanda Shalri, operales
lhe crenalory, and has for nearIy lhree decades. No
cilizen in Raan has nore jol securily lhan Shalri,
for fev vouId perforn lhe service for any anounl of
noney. Bolh lhe cilizenry and lhe governnenl Ieave
Shalri lo her ovn devices, inspecling lhe crenalory
onIy rareIy. ConsequenlIy, il nakes an ideaI Iocalion
for lhe headquarlers of lhe Raan AIIiance. Thanks
lo Shalri´ s shrevd lusiness sense, lhe crenalory
lurns a profil lhal fiIIs lhe AIIiance lreasury.
Tvo snaII luiIdings sland adjacenl lo lhe crena-
lory on eilher side. The vesl luiIding, a one-roon
shack vilh lrick vaIIs and a lhalched roof, serves as
Shalri´s privale quarlers. Il conlains onIy a sIeeping
col, a sheIf for personaI ilens, and a snaII desk vilh
a rickely chair. The ranshackIe slruclure and nod-
esl furnishings give lhe inpression of poverly, an in-
pression Shalri inlenlionaIIy cuIlivales lo discourage
lhe inleresl of nosy officiaIs.
The easl luiIding houses a pollery shop, slaffed
ly lhree AIIiance nenlers vho nanufaclure and
seII funerary urns. The lack seclion of lhe luiIding
conlains pollers´ vheeIs, larreIs of cIay, and olher
equipnenl. The fronl seclion, lhe onIy parl of lhe
enlire conpIex lhal anyone olher lhan an oulcasle
dares enler, dispIays lhe vares for saIe.
Suldued lorchIighl iIIuninales lhe poIished gran-
ile vaIIs of lhe enlryvay. Tvo huge nenoriaI chan-
lers open on eilher side of lhe enlryvay. Hundreds
of fiIIed urns Iine lheir vooden sheIves fron fIoor lo
ceiIing. A ceranic pIaque secured lo lhe sheIf leIov
each urn idenlifies lhe renains.
Shalri charges a nodesl nonlhIy nainlenance fee
lo slore lhe urns. ShouId a faniIy niss paynenl for
lhree conseculive nonlhs, Shalri sends vord lhal
lhey have 3O days in vhich lo cIain lhe urn and
renove il fron lhe chanler. If lhe faniIy faiIs lo re-
nove il, Shalri enplies and relurns lhe urn lo lhe
pollery shop for resaIe.
Lighl snaII nedilalion roons supposedIy serve
friends and reIalives visiling lhe crenalory. In lhe-
ory, visilors lake urns fron lhe nenoriaI chanler
inlo lhese privale roons, vhich conlain candIes and
lenches. Cily Iavs require lhese roons, lul in prac-
lice, no one lul oulcasles ever use lhen, for fear of
poIIulion. Shalri and lhe AIIiance sonelines ap-
propriale lhen for lhe sociely´s lusiness.
Norlh of Shalri´s office Iies lhe vorkroon vhere
Shalri and her aides process and crenale lodies.
The crenalion chanler consisls of lhree cyIindricaI
iron ovens and lvo snaII aIcoves. Òne slores coaI
for lhe furnace, lhe olher conlains a pil lo hoId ex-
cess ash. (Shalri seIIs lhe ash lo farners for ferliI-
izer.) AII lhree ovens share a connon chinney.
Secrel Chambers
Advenlure Hooks
lhe Iarvae for her speII research. (AIlernaleIy, if lhe
of AlaIach-Re´s personaI siIk vyrns, Shalri needs
1. Shal ri orders her ai des l o sneak i nl o l he
sorcerer-king´s paIace conpIex and sleaI lhe Iarvae
Rcscarch !abnratnry: Shalri and her assislanls use
lhis sophislicaled Ialoralory lo conducl nagicaI re-
search. Il hoIds equipnenl and suppIies for research-
ing lolh nagicaI ilens and speIIs. Slacks of scroIIs,
conprising lhe speII research Iilrary, Iine Iong sheIves
againsl lhe vaIIs. TalIes and sheIves hoId lesl lules,
lurners, leakers, polions, and herls.
nenlers, aIso occasionaIIy used as a guesl roon.
pIanning sessions.
InfIrmary: A recovery area for sick and injured
fornalion aloul lhe sorcerer-queen and her aides,
naps of olher cilies, and reference naleriaI.
5tnragc: Lnergency ralions, veapons, cIolhes for
disguises, and spare Ial equipnenl.
Cnnfcrcncc rnnm: This snaII roon conlains onIy
lalIe and a fev chairs, used ly lhe Seclorales for
LI brary: Neal sl acks of scroI I s f i I I l hi s roon,
sorled ly aulhor and sulj ecl. Ior easy reference,
Iisls of lhe generaI conlenls of lhe slacks cover lhe
vaIIs. The scroIIs incIude research dala, personaI in-
McctIng Rnnm: A Securily Iieulenanl aIvays sils
al desk al lhe lollon of lhe slairvay, noling lhe
conings and goings of AIIiance nenlers. The-Iieu-
lenanl´s nelicuIous records leII Shalri lhe vhere-
alouls of aII high-ranking nenlers al any line.
The neel i ng roon conl ai ns severaI conf orl alI e
chairs, a rosler of lhe nenlers´ code-nanes and
lheir currenl assignnenls on one vaII, and a de-
laiIed nap of lhe cily on anolher.
The cenler oven serves as a lunneI Ieading lo a non-
funclionaI furnace vilh a lrap door in lhe cenler. The
lrap door opens lo a slairvay Ieading dovn lo lhe AIIi-
ance´s secrel headquarlers. These roons incIude:
ICs have aIIied vilh Shalri, she nay send lhen in-
slead. ) Afler successfuIIy navigaling lhe paIace´ s
defenses, lhe aides relurn vilh lhe Iarvae. (If lhe
ICs are sleaIing lhe Iarvae, lhe DM nay deveIop
lhe lhefl inlo a nini-advenlure, fealuring narrov es-
capes vilh lhe sorcerer-queen´s securily guards and
a lrush vilh lhe angry vyrns).
Unknovn lo Shalri, lhe nolher vyrns can sense
lhe Iocalion of lhe Iarvae. The vyrns escape fron
lheir pens and Ieave lhe conpound, delernined lo re-
lrieve lheir nissing Iarvae. The sorcerer-queen´s pan-
icking securily forces cannol slop lhe vyrns as lhey
nake lheir vay lhrough lhe cily, heading direclIy for
lhe crenalory. The ICs nusl inlercepl and slop lhe
vyrns, eilher ly deslroying lhen or giving lack lheir
Iarvae, lefore lhey reach lhe crenalory and expose lhe
AIIiance´s secrel headquarlers.
2. The pIayer characlers agree lo anlush an eI-
derIy defiIer naned Urax vhiIe he lakes his nighlIy
vaIk, in order lo inlerrogale hin aloul a series of
unusuaI experinenls he has aIIegedIy conducled on
lehaIf of lhe sorcerer-queen.
The anlush goes off vilhoul a hilch. Unforlu-
naleIy, Urax has a veak hearl and succunls lo a
hearl allack during lhe confronlalion. UnIess lhe
ICs lhink of il lhenseIves, Shalri leIIs lhen lo lring
his lody lo lhe crenalory. No sooner does lhe fur-
nace legin lo heal up lhan lhe surprised pIayer
characlers hear a langing inside lhe oven! A gro-
lesque crealure shanlIes oul. (Make lhis a zonlie
nade of ash or a fiery skeIelon, lhe exacl nalure of
lhe crealure is up lo you).
Apparenl I y Urax had reI i ed on hi s crenal i on
fires and pre-arranged lhis lransfornalion. The
ICs nusl heIp Shalri deslroy lhe crealure, lhen dis-
cover hov lo pernanenlIy dispose of lhe renains.
This nay require luriaI deep in lhe earlh, seaIing
lhen inside an olsidian crypl, or exposure lo lhe
gIov of lhe Slar of Badna.
7 6
CampaIgn sty!c: Defenslte, Strugg|lng.
TenpIars in Urik leach lhe cilizens lheir sorcerer-
king´s approved doclrine of order and of change.
These alslracl principIes underIie aII of exislence,
lhe doclrine says. Òrder neans dealh or sluIlifying
nisery, vhereas change Iilerales vilaIily. Hananu,
lhe Mighly King, cIearIy has high anlilions lo cre-
ale change lhroughoul lhe Tyr Region.
The AIIiance in Urik concerns ilseIf vilh change
of a differenl kind: overlhroving lhe king. Hovever,
Hananu´s poverfuI arny nakes lhis unIikeIy. Iur-
lhernore, lhe AIIiance´s Iongline Ieader has van-
i shed nysl eri ousI y, I eavi ng l vo ri vaI Counci I
faclions lo slruggIe for lhe sociely´s Ieadership.
The Clly
Pnpu!atInn: 32, OOO (75° hunan, 5° dvarf, 3°
nuI, 2° eIf, 1° haIf-eIf, 1O° haIf-gianl, 3° lhri-
kreen, 1° haIfIing). Nalives caIIed ¨Urikiles¨ or
lhe sIighlIy derogalory ¨Uri.¨
Emb! cms : Hananu´ s f ac e, Hananu i n lal l I e
dress, Hananu surrounded ly red fire, and so on.
Ecnnnmy: Òlsidian, valer, sIaves, siIk, pollery.
Nntcwnrthy rcsIdcnts: Hananu, sorcerer-king
(21sl-IeveI dragon), BalanlyIos, chief aslrononer
(I1O, Sphere of Air, 3O hp, LN), TanarapaI, High
Ir i es l es s ( Tnp14, 2O hp due l o oI d age, LL) ,
Bianeser, priesless and inperiaI consorl (Tnp6, 2O
hp, LN), MuIgan-dur-g an of ZoIpalI, connander
of haIfIing infanlry (I3, 45 hp, LN).
Unusua! sItcs: Desliny´ s Kingdon, paIace con-
pIex, TenpIe of lhe Mighly King, shrine lo Ha-
nanu, LillIe }ungIe, fenced area of arny grounds
given lo haIfIing huls luiIl in jungIe slyIe, RoyaI
Òlservalory, Three Sislers Òlservalory, olsidian
ni nes , Mounl ai n of l he BI ac k Cr ovn, Iol l er ´ s
Courl, pollery narkel.
Hananu´ s paIace conpIex, Desliny´ s Kingdon,
Iies al lhe cenler of Urik, lul nore accuraleIy Urik
I i es al one corner of l he conpI ex. The Mi ghl y
King´s nassive eslale exlends fron lhe hearl of lhe
cily in a lroad vedge oul lo lhe lase of Sunrise HiII,
vhere lhe ancienl Òlservalory´ s nany laIconies
and pIalforns sland lo valch lhe davn.
Desliny´ s Kingdon, caIIed sinpIy ¨Desliny¨ in
conversalion, couId hoId lhe enlire cily of Tyr, vilh
roon Iefl over for CuIg. ÒnIy Raan and Draj cover
nore Iand. Bul lhe vasl conpIex consisls nainIy of
dry deserl, lhe sorcerer-king´s nagic raised ils high
vaII and nany luiIdings, lul his cily has loo fev
peopIe lo nainlain lhe grounds. This denonslrales,
as nany fealures of Urik do, hov Hananu´s anli-
lion exceeds his resources. Òf course, olserving lhis
in a lenpIar´s presence guaranlees an inslanl dealh
senlence. So says Hananu´s Code.
Law: In Urik lhe Iav reigns suprene, or so cIains
Hananu. In facl Hananu diclales aII Iavs and
changes lhen al his need. Bul for civiI nallers in
vhich he lakes no personaI inleresl, lhe Urikile code
slands unsurpassed in lhe Tyr Region for uliIily,
conprehensiveness, and rulhIessness.
Hananu´ s Code, as sone caII il, reIies on lhe
principIe of ta|lon, or punishnenl in kind. If an al-
lacker culs off a viclin´s hand, lhe allacker Ioses a
hand, if a lhief sleaIs food, lhe lhief nusl vork lo
earn lhal vaIue of food for lhe viclin, and nay nol
eal unliI lhen. The Code enphasizes IoyaIly lo Ha-
nanu and lhe lenpIars, and secondariIy a rigid civiI
order. (Hananu´s rheloric as a ¨force of change¨
onIy appIies oulside his ovn cily, il seens.)
Ordcr and changc: The Uri ki l e phi I osophy of
anukash revoIves around an endIess slruggIe le-
lveen lhese lvo alslracl principIes. The lenpIar
schoIars of Desliny´ s Kingdon leach lhal Òrder
currenlIy doninales, and so Alhas is slagnaling,
even dying. The Mighly King viII asserl lhe cause of
change, lhey say, and reslore vigor lo lhe vorId.
So far lhe king has nol eslalIished nuch vigor
even in Urik. His vauIling anlilion has diverled
7 7
esses, and he codifies lhis lehavior ly forcing lhe
nuch of lhe cily´s econony lo lhe luiIding of nonu-
nenls, lhough nol lo lhe ruinous exlenl lhal lhe Iale
KaIak required in Tyr. Hananu al Ieasl keeps his
peopIe fed, if lhe lare sulsislence ralions of noun-
lain viId rice he aIIols quaIify as ¨feeding¨ lhen.
Tcmp! cs: Li ke Tecl ukl i l I ay i n Draj , Hananu
slyIes hinseIf a god. He has erecled a huge shrine lo
hinseIf jusl inside Desliny´s vaIIs. Here his priesls
and prieslesses preach lhe coning gIory vhen he
conquers lhe vorId. Irieslesses oulrank priesls in
lhe lenpIe, lolh leIong lo lhe lenpIar cIass.
The TenpIe of lhe Mighly King hardIy quaIifies
as a hoIy pIace, even ly lhe Iov slandards of Alhas.
Hananu induIges his various vhins vilh lhe priesl-
TenpIe´s slaff lo acquiesce lo parishioners´ desires.
Al aII lines, one priesl and one priesless sil on ol-
sidian lhrones on an aIlar. If any parishioner losses a
goId coin in his or her Iap, lhen for lhe nexl hour
lhal lenpIar nusl oley lhe parishioner´s vishes in
aII nallers, save onIy lhose lhal injure soneone or
confIicl vilh Hananu´s Code. ÒnIy lhe lenpIars of
lhe TenpIe nusl oley lhis slriclure, and lhen onIy
during lheir infrequenl shifls on lhe aIlar. (Adven-
lurers vho lry lo lake advanlage of lhis ruIe nore
lhan once or lvice cerlainIy incur a slern revenge
fron off-duly lenpIars.)
Drcss: Urikiles vear square-cul hair slyIes vilh
eIalorale lighl ringIels, nen have square-cul curIed
leards. Sone vear a lrinned fez.
Lover cIasses vear a vhile Iinen shirl vilh shorl,
lighl sIeeves, knee-Ienglh. Upper cIasses vear lhe
sane shirl lo ankIe-Ienglh, lul vilh a slriped or dia-
nond pallern and lopped vilh a girdIe lrinned
vilh lasseIs. An eIalorale scarf indicales lhe vear-
er´ s slalion, lhe Ionger and richer lhe scarf, lhe
higher lhe sociaI rank. Cilizens vear lhe scarves on-
Iy in lhe evenings and al nighl, afler lhe heal of lhe
Anong aII Urikiles and ly Iav, onIy lenpIars
nay vear a cIoak, and onIy lhe sorcerer-king nay
vear a cIoak vilh a fringe. TenpIars´ cIoaks are
lIeached vhile (anolher unique honor). Hananu
keeps a huge seIeclion of cIoaks and changes lhen
daiIy or nore oflen, popuIar leIief has il lhal he
need never repeal lhe sane pallern in an ordinary
person´ s Iifeline. Sone say presenling Hananu
vilh a fine nev fringed cIoak earns his favor, if he
Iikes il, lul presenling hin vilh a cIoak he disIikes
Ieads lo disasler.
Urikiles enj oy conpelilive sporls, such as arn
vreslIing and a hoop-roIIing gane knovn as pichul,
as veII as slory-leIIing and dancing.
ArchItccturc: BuiIdings range fron crude done-
Iike sIave quarlers nade of lrick and slicks lo lhe
speclacuIar ukrlkets, gIislening olsidian lovers vilh
open olservalion pIalforns al lhe lop. The ukrikels
serve lolh as guard posls and denonslralions of
Hananu´s najesly. Òrnale olsidian slalues of Ha-
nanu Iine lhe nealIy-kepl slreels. So do innense
lrick vaIIs covered vilh vhile gIaze, on vhich arlisls
painl eIalorale scenes of Hananu´s expIoils.
Urikiles consider pollery nol onIy an esleened
lrade lul a fine arl. The vhoIe Tyr region hoIds
Urikian pollery in high regard for ils fine vorknan-
ship, and lraders gel high prices for lhe cily´s
dishes, pIales, and a variely of decoralive pieces.
Iollers nake lheir vares fron lhe sofl gray cIay
found in alundance near lhe cily´s olsidian nines.
They add dyes and ground nineraIs lo produce
crinson, green, lIue, and olher lriIIianl coIors,
lhen knead lhe cIay inlo shape on lhe dozens of pol-
ler´s vheeIs scallered lhroughoul Ioller´s Courl.
The Courl´ s innense slone kiIns raise lhe IocaI
lenperalure lo aInosl unlearalIe IeveIs, so pollers
operale lhe kiIns during lhe evening and al nighl.
Iollers decorale lheir pieces vilh Iuslrous gIazes
(lhe popuIar nelaIIic coIors conlain IillIe acluaI
nelaI), and delaiIed carvings of aninaIs, aslrononi-
caI synloIs, and inages of lhe sorcerer-king.
Urik´ s AIIiance chapler aInosl cerlainIy arose
soon afler Tyr´s. By iII chance KaIak idenlified one
of AveriI´s originaI seven CounciI nenlers in Tyr, a
sunnoner naned VinlaIus. Warned ly his faniIiar,
VinlaIus fIed lhe cily nonenls lefore lhe guard pa-
lroI deslroyed his hide-a-vay. He look refuge vilh
friends in Urik, inslrucled lhen in nagic, and sIov-
Iy luiIl a Urikile AIIiance.
The chapler´s evenlfuI hislory in lhe four or five
cenl uri es si nce enconpasses unusuaI hi ghs and
Iovs. IopuIar Iegend leIIs of a ¨vizards´ var¨ sone
line in lhe foiI oving cenlury, vhen lhe open deserl
lelveen Tyr and Urik fIaned in lhe nighl vilh nag-
icaI Iighls. The nexl norning, invesligalors found
lones, spIolches of odd fIuid, fused lIack gIass, un-
canny cravIing lhings, and olher evidence of viz-
This lallIe narks lhe onIy direcl confIicl recorded
lelveen AIIiance chaplers. Iragnenlary records in-
dicale lhal one sociely vished lo unile vilh (lhal is,
gain conlroI of) lhe olher. Lven al lhis Iale dale,
each sociely lIanes lhe olher for lhe aggression. In
lhe evenl, lolh sides Iosl and relrealed, nol unIike
lhe recenl confIicl lelveen Tyr and Urik foIIoving
KaIak´s dealh. Bolh AIIiances grev periIousIy veak
for a generalion, and no AIIiance has lried lo con-
lroI anolher cily´s chapler since lhal line.
When lhe Urik AIIiance relurned lo slrenglh in
l he f oI I ovi ng cenl uri es, Hananu I earned of i l s
pover and hunl ed i l s nenlers nerci I essI y. He
nade repealed inroads againsl lhen, and lhe Iasl
incursion fragnenled lhe sociely for nany years.
Decades ago, a greal preserver naned MorIak fi-
naIIy reslored lhe AIIiance, and under his Ieader-
ship lhe chapler has laken parlicuIar inleresl in
overlhroving lhe sorcerer-king.
Unf orl unal eI y, MorI ak recenl I y di sappeared
vilhoul a lrace and vilhoul a successor. The squal-
lIe over lhe chapler´s nev Ieadership and direclion
has Ied lo a nev fragnenling~lvo rivaI faclions.
IIayer characlers vho arrive in Urik encounler nol
one, lul lvo AIIiances.
Conlacllng The Alllance
Visilors and novice vizards knov nolhing of lhe
recenl spIil. So far as lhey knov, lhey´re sinpIy con-
lacling lhe Urik AIIiance, vhelher in a lavern, nar-
kelpIace, al lhe Òlservalory (hone of a dovdy and
doddering oId diviner naned Thassaphar), or in lhe
Ioller´s Courl, lhe noninaI headquarlers.
AcluaIIy lhe characlers conlacl onIy one of lhe
lvo faclions, and lhey can´l conlroI vhich one! This
lecones inporlanl vhen lhey choose a side, for
lhey aulonalicaIIy nake enenies in lhe olher fac-
lion. The pIayer characlers can encounler eilher
faclion, choose lhe faclion lhey neel according lo
lhe needs of lhe slory.
Maglcal Pols
Three AIIiance nenlers vork anong Urik´s pol-
lers. Acling on CounciI inslruclions, lhese vizards
casl nagl c nouth speI I s on lri cks and pol s, or
sonelines on lhe governnenl´ s nessage lalIels.
The speIIs convey infornalion lo olher nenlers.
Lvery pol vilh a nessage carries a synloIic pair
Leorlclus`s Facllon
of Iips vorked inlo ils design, eilher enlossed or
painled. A second synloI represenls one AIIiance
ceII, each ceII has ils ovn synloI, such as a dolled
square, a candIe fIane, or a cal´s eye. Afler con-
pIeling lhe pol and casling lhe naglc nouth speII,
lhe vizard carries il lo lhe narkelpIace, vhere one
of severaI nerchanls (aII auxiIiary nenlers) puls il
on saIe al a ruinousIy high price.
A ceII nenler vho sees lhis pol for saIe offers a
price conlaining an agreed-upon passvord~for in-
slance, ¨This pol Iooks IikeIy lo crack around lhe
rin, lul il Iooks vorlh a ceranic piece.¨ The ner-
chanl lhen seIIs lhe pol lo lhe nenler, lhough lolh
nay pul on a shov of haggIing, if olservers nolice.
The nenler carries avay lhe pol lo a safe pIace
and speaks lhe keyvord lo aclivale lhe speII. Lach
ceII has a unique keyvord lhal aIvays aclivales lhe
nessages for lhal ceII. The pair of Iips aninales and
speaks lhe nessage. Then lhe nenler passes aIong
lhe infornalion al lhe nexl neeling.
MyrneIeon infiIlralors sonelines argue lhal lhe
AIIiance shouId use lhe speIIs lo fonenl unresl
anong lhe cilizenry. Ior exanpIe, lhe speII shouId
aclivale vhen anyone approaches, speaking vords
such as ¨Hananu nusl faII!¨ This pIan, of course,
vouId inpIicale lhe pollers´ guiId, vhich has here-
lofore escaped conneclion vilh vizardry.
Though olher chaplers Iike lo offer inilialions
lased on lreaking inlo lhe sorcerer-king´s paIace,
i n Uri k l hi s presenl s I i l l I e chaI I enge. Desl i ny´ s
Kingdon covers a vasl area, and lhe guards cannol
hope lo prolecl every fool of ils vaII. An inlruder
can vaIk aInosl openIy inside lhe conpound vilh-
oul expecling lo see a palroI.
Inslead, each AIIiance faclion has adopled aIler-
nale inilialions designed lo evaIuale a candidale´s
The candi dal e sl ands lef ore Leori ci us and a
cadre of his lrusled aides, or lefore a ceII conlacl,
and ansvers queslions. TypicaI queslions incIude,
¨If nagic lroughl lhis pIighl on our vorId, shouId
ve nol, for noraIily, oulIav nagic aIlogelher`¨ and
¨ShouId a vizard devole nosl of his energies lo in-
proving his ovn skiIIs or shouId he concenlrale on
devising vays lo heIp olhers`¨ Leoricius has no
righl or vrong ansvers, he vanls lo see lhe candi-
dale´s aliIily lo reason. AII loo oflen he hears lhe
vorsl possilIe ansver, ¨I don´l knov.¨
IinaIIy Leoricius gives lhe candidale a snaII fIask
of valer, lhen Ieads hin lo a dying pIanl. ¨Assune
AIIiance,¨ he said cryplicaIIy. ¨Yel I did nolhing.
The lIood of our lrelhren slains ny hands as nuch
as il does Hananu´s.¨
lhis is your enlire ralion of valer for lhe day,¨ he
leIIs lhe candidale. ¨WouId you use il lo revive lhis
pIanl, or vouId you save lhe valer for yourseIf`¨
IdeaIIy lhe candidale saves lhe valer for hinseIf.
( ¨Lven nov, pI anl s oul nunler sl rong nen and
vonen. ¨)
Hovever, a candidale vho ansvers in lhe
¨vrong¨ has lhe opporlunily lo defend his ansver.
A veII-reasoned defense carries lhe sane veighl as
lhe ¨ri ghl¨ ansver.
Inilialion here invoIves a sinpIe lask, conpound-
ed ly an unexpecled prolIen lhal lesls lhe candi-
dale´ s aliIily lo lhink quickIy. Ior inslance, lhe
candidale nay receive a pol inscriled vilh a pair of
Iips, vilh inslruclions lo lake il lo Iollers´ Courl
and give il lo a parlicuIar individuaI, vhon lhe AIIi-
ance lesler descriles in delaiI.
Unknovn lo lhe candidale, no such individuaI
viII appear. Inslead, an aide foIIovs lhe candidale
and olserves hov he handIes lhe silualion. A candi-
dale vho Ieaves lhe pol unallended in lhe desig-
naled Iocalion, or vorse, asks a slranger lo care for
lhe pol, faiIs lhe lesl. ShouId lhe candidale vail pa-
lienlIy al lhe Iocalion for lhe specified individuaI lo
arrive, lhe lesler sends a differenl person vho does
nol fil lhe descriplion given. This nev person lries lo
convince lhe candidale lhal lhe AIIiance senl hin.
A candidale vho refuses lo hand over lhe pol passes
lhe firsl parl of lhe inilialion. A successfuI Creen
Tesl ensures acceplance ly lhe faclion.
IaiIure lo join one faclion acluaIIy increases lhe
candidale´s chances in lhe olher. AIso, each faclion
conpeles slrongIy for lhe aIIegiance of nenlers, or
pol enl i aI nenlers. So a conl acl nay coach l he
pIayer characlers lefore lhe inilialion, saying, ¨We
prize Iucidily of lhoughl,¨ or ¨Don´l lrusl everyone
MorIak seIdon asked olhers for advice. A sniIe
onIy rareIy creased his face, yel he seened lo find
pIeasure in lhe oddesl lhings. He vouId valch in
fascinalion as an anl slruggIed lo drag a crunl lo
ils hiII, or sludy lhe edges of Ieaves for hours. Iaced
vilh a difficuIl decision, MorIak ascends lo lhe sun-
Their confidence Iay in MorIak´ s inspiring de-
neanor, conpassion, and carefuI decisions ralher
l han i n hi s lac kgr ound. Mor I ak had no c I os e
friends and kepl his uplringing and personaI Iife
secrel. He said onIy lhal he had nisspenl his Iife as
a vilhdravn schoIar lefore he joined lhe AIIiance.
¨I knev firsl-hand of Hananu´s pIan lo deslroy lhe
Backgrnund: MorIak assuned Ieadership of lhe
fraclured AIIiance in lhe vake of lhe ¨Week of lhe
Red Hood,¨ an inlensive seven-day sveep of lhe cily
ly a vi ci ous securi l y f orce hand- pi cked ly l he
sorcerer-king. The soIdiers, lheir faces conceaIed ly
red hoods, ferreled oul nenlers of lhe AIIiance
and sIaughlered lhen on lhe spol, kiIIing dozens.
Òulraged, MorIak organized an underground nel-
vork lo hide lhe survivors. Ior sone line afler lhe
Week of lhe Red Hood, Hananu leIieved he had
viped oul lhe AIIiance. In facl, lvo dozen nenlers
hid in safehouses lhroughoul lhe cily. When lhey
energed, lhey procIained MorIak lhe nev Ieader of
lhe revilaIized AIIiance.
Hunan MaIe Ireserver
LavfuI Cood
you see in Ioller´s Courl.¨ Beller lhis, lhey reason,
lhan Ielling polenliaI nenlers gel avay lo lhe rivaI
Thanla`s Facllon
The Tesls ln Pracllce
nil of a high hiII vhere he spends lhe resl of lhe day
aIone, in lhoughl.
During such a period of nedilalion, MorIak dis-
appeared. Òne norning he vaIked lo lhe hiIIlop
and sellIed conforlalIy on a led of veeds, jusl as he
had done counlIess lines lefore. When his lody-
guard, lhe lrusled Leoricius, relurned for hin al
sunsel, MorIak had vanished. To dale, no cIues re-
garding his disappearance have surfaced. Mosl in
lhe AIIiance fear lhe vorsl, lhough sone suspecl
MorIak vanished for reasons of his ovn.
Appcarancc: Caunl and paIe, vilh sunken eyes
and lhin Iips, MorIak resenlIed a corpse as nuch
as a heaIlhy 5O-year-oId nan. He noved sIovIy and
deIileraleIy, speaking in Iov lones, aInosl a vhisper.
He favored Iong vhile govns lhal covered nosl of
his lony lody. So heavy vere lhe govns lhal nosl
vouId find lhen unlearalIe in lhe heal of lhe day,
yel MorIak shoved no disconforl.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Avkvard in lhe conpany of olhers,
MorIak preferred soIilude, avoiding snaII laIk, gen-
lIy sleering conversalions lo poIile resoIulions as
quickIy as possilIe so he couId go his ovn vay. He
lrooded incessanlIy, as if vracked vilh guiIl, evok-
ing lolh respecl and synpalhy fron his foIIovers.
LcnrIcIus thc Untamcab!c
Hunan MaIe Ireserver (Invoker)
14lh LeveI
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 13
Dex 15
Con 2O
Inl 2O
Wi s 12
Cha 1 3
hp: 38
A C : 1 O
#AT: 1
THACO: 16 ( +3 Sl r engl h lonus )
Dng: ly speII
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Ancienl Languages, Lngi-
neer i ng, Heal Ir ol ec l i on, Moder n Languages ,
Readi ng/Wri l i ng, Si gn Language, Sonal i c Con-
ceaInenl, SpeIIcrafl.
Isionics: leIekinesis.
Backgrnund: Leoricius supervised securily for
MorIak. He a vays assigned al Ieasl lvo veleran
guards lo MorIak vherever he venl. Òne norning
MorIak announced he vouId spend lhe day nedi-
laling alop a high hiII oulside lhe cily. Leoricius dis-
nissed lhe securily guards, laking lhal duly on
Whi I e MorI ak nedi l al ed, l he lored Leori ci us
vandered lhe area. He discovered a shaIIov vaIIey
occupied ly severaI sunlalhing naidens. Leoricius
conceaIed hinseIf lehind a rock and valched lhe
naidens for lhe resl of lhe day. Al sunsel, lhe naid-
ens deparled, and Leoricius relurned lo MorIak´ s
hiII. Bul MorIak had disappeared, vilh no evidence
Leoricius lIaned hinseIf for MorIak´s disappear-
of a slruggIe and no sign of a lraiI.
ance. He voved lo lake over lhe Ieader´s responsiliI-
i l i es , an ac l i on he f eI l s ur e vouI d neel vi l h
MorIak´s approvaI. ¨I vas cIosesl lo MorIak,¨ said
Leoricius. ¨I knev hin lesl. He vouId vanl ne lo
carry on his vork.¨ Wilh lhal, Leoricius cIosed lhe
sulj ecl.
Many nenlers of lhe AIIiance, hovever, did nol
share Leoricius´ s assunplion. They leIieved lhal
lhe anlilious Leoricius had disposed of MorIak
hinseIf. Led ly lhe haIf-eIf Thania, lhey Iefl lhe oId
headquarlers in Three Sislers Òlservalory lo forn
lheir ovn faclion in Ioller´s Courl. Leoricius de-
nounced lhen as lrailors, lhey Iikevise denounced
Leoricius and his foIIovers.
The nenlers vho slayed vilh Leoricius hoId hin
in high regard, inpressed vilh his nagic aliIilies.
Leoricius speciaIizes in conlal. He deveIoped a
singIe-ninded devolion lo Invocalion and Lvocalion
speIIs in his earIy years as a sorcerer´s apprenlice.
Appcarancc: In his Iale 3Os, he Iooks younger, he
is of nediun heighl, has a slrong luiId, curIed
lrovn hair and leard, fIaring eyelrovs and inlenl
gaze, lIue eyes. He has a slrong larilone voice and
carries hinseIf regaIIy, he frequenlIy oiIs his snoolh
skin lo give il a Iuslrous sheen. He vears laggy Iinen
lrousers and prefers lo go lare chesled~lo dispIay
his rock-hard nuscIes.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Leoricius connands respecl, and
genuineIy leIieves in lhe AIIiance cause, lul he
shovs IillIe loIerance for disagreenenl. His faclion
allracls foIIovers vho share his connilnenl lo lhe
goaI of overlhroving Hananu. The rivaI faclion le-
Iieves (vilh reason) lhal lhe AIIiance has no chance
lo succeed. Leoricius leIieves lhese nenlers shov
covardice and Iack of inaginalion.
Leoricius, an invoker, lehaves snollishIy lovards
nosl olher schooIs of nagic. He respecls sunnon-
ers and conjurers, and lo a Iesser exlenl lransnu-
l e r s . B u l h e d e r i d e s o l h e r s c h o o I s a s ¨ a i r y
alslraclions,¨ and reserves parlicuIar scorn for en-
chanlers and iIIusionisls.
Nntcs: Leoricius´s speIIs have a sensory effecl of
purpIe rings of Iighl lhal descend vilh a deep hun-
ning and a sneII of ozone. As lhey descend lhey
creale lhe invoked effecl, and louching lhe ground,
lhe rings vanish.
Lndn Gansky
MaIe Dvarf Iighler
LavfuI Cood
Sl r 19
Dex 13
Con 2O
hp: 48
A C : 1 O
#AT: 3/2 rounds
Inl 16
Wi s 15
Cha 1 4
THACO: 12 ( +3 Sl r engl h lonus ) Rn!c-p!ayIng: Wise, caring, and nol inpuIsive.
Dng: 1d6 (foolnan´ s nace, slone) Though he doesn´ l knov il, Lodo vouId nake a
Ir of i c i enc i es : Axe, Dagger , Mac e, Shor l Bov, leller AIIiance Ieader lhan eilher Leoricius or Tha-
SI i ng, Svor d, BI ac ks ni l hi ng, Heal Ir ol ec l i on, nia. Make lhis graduaIIy cIear lo lhe ICs, Iel lhen
Si gn Language, Survi vaI , Wal er Ii nd, Weal her
Isionics: enhanced slrenglh.
Backgrnund: Lodo served MorI ak as ai de and
secrelary, and he nov serves Leoricius lhe sane vay.
Òver 4O years ago lhe dvarf found his focus, ¨HeIp
l he AI I i ance I eader, ¨ vhen MorI ak and severaI
CounciI nenlers saved his Iife.
By chance lhe young Lodo had leen vandering
ly a f orner AI I i ance headquarl ers j usl as Ha-
nanu´s forces discovered and assauIled il. MorIak
and lhe resl drove off lhe allackers al greal cosl,
and incidenlaIIy, MorIak rescued Lodo fron cerlain
dealh al a haIf-gianl guard´ s hands. The young
dvarf, searching for a Iife purpose, resoIved on lhe
spol lo heIp lhe AIIiance in aII lhings, and in prac-
lice lhis anounled lo heIping MorIak.
Wilh MorIak´ s unexpIained disappearance and
lhe nev faclionaI dispule, Lodo endured a lrief per-
iod of doull (a rare and shanefuI experience for a
dvarf), lhen decided lo choose a Ieader and slick ly
hin. Leoricius does nol neasure up lo MorIak in
lhe dvarf servanl´s eyes, for lhe Invoker does nol
have MorIak´s Iong perspeclive and vise nanage-
nenl skiIIs. Yel hov nuch leller a choice lhan
Thania~nol onIy seIfish and shorl-sighled, lul an
eIf! Despile nisgivings, Lodo sliII devoles aII his en-
ergies lo prolecling his chosen Ieader and lhe AIIi-
ance cause. The nenlership Iikes and respecls hin
Appcarancc: Ior a dvarf, Lodo appears ralher
lhinIy luiIl, aInosl Iike a heavysel haIfIing. He
vears a gray knee-Ienglh skirl vilh a vhile leIl~
connoners´ garl. No one ever sees hin vilhoul his
heavy vork gIoves, a lype veII knovn anong Ialor-
ers in Urik.
suggesl lhe idea lo lhe dvarf, and lhen roIe-pIay lhe
process of convincing lhe slullorn dvarf his focus
her as a veakIing. Thania responded ly Ieaving lhe
of ¨HeIp lhe AIIiance¨ need nol reaIIy change.
AIIiance, laking vilh her a Iarge lody of lhe nen-
lership vho feared Leoricius´s headslrong olses-
Noles: Under his righl gIove Lodo vears a rlng of
sustenance lhal MorIak gave hin Iong ago afler 1O
years of IoyaI service. The dvarf nislrusls lhe ring
for ils unreIialiIily (his dvarven nalure al vork), lul
he vears il oul of IoyaIly lo lhe deparled MorIak.
ThanI a
IenaIe HaIf-LIf Ireserver
LavfuI NeulraI
Sl r 14
Dex 14
Con 13
hp: 34
AC : 1 O
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 7
Dng: ly speII
Inl 18
Wi s 14
Cha 1 8
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Arlislic AliIily, HerlaIisn,
Isionics: nindIink, conlacl, LSI.
Backgrnund: The daughler of lvo heaIers, Tha-
nia received an exlensive nedicaI educalion as veII
as lraining in lhe nagicaI arls. Her nedicaI skiIIs
served lhe AIIiance veII in lhe aflernalh of lhe
Week of lhe Red Hood. Thania risked her Iife on
severaI occasions lo lend lo lhe vounded. Òne line
she singIehandedIy drove off a conlngenl of len
Red Hoods lo rescue an eIderIy and ladIy lealen
vizard. Her courage earned her MorIak´s adnira-
lion and an honored posilion on lhe AIIiance Coun-
IoIIoving MorIak´ s disappearance, Thania dis-
agreed sharpIy vilh Leoricius aloul lhe direclion of
lhe AIIiance, advocaling palience and negolialion
inslead of vioIenl confronlalion. Leoricius disnissed
Nntcs: Thania´s speIIs produce an odor of cinna-
non and oranges, aIong vilh a Iov crackIing sound
and a din yeIIov haze. Her nore poverfuI speIIs
creale slalic eIeclricily lhal nakes olservers´ hair
she vilhdravs and vails vhen direcl aclion vouId
serve her leller. Avare lhal sone see her devolion lo
her son as a sign of vuIneraliIily, Thania overcon-
pensales ly loislerous Ianguage and an occasionaI-
Iy sharp longue. She vievs Leoricius as no Iess lhan
a naniac, and sees herseIf as lhe onIy IogicaI succes-
sor lo MorIak.
cy lo hesilale fIavs Thania´s personaIily. Too oflen
lIack scarf enlroidered vilh red Iace. Al jusl over
six feel laII, she presenls an inposing figure, offsel
ly an easy sniIe and neIodious voice.
Rn!c-p!ayIng: Though caring and vise, a lenden-
siIver hair, and snaII ears pressed fIal againsl her
head. She vears a fIoving vhile snock and Iong
Thania leIieves lhal Hananu relains a slrong
grip on pover, al Ieasl conpared lo lhe Iale KaIak of
Tyr or AlaIach-Re of Raan. Therefore she inlends
lo Iie Iov, execuling coverl aclions lo disrupl lhe sla-
lus quo, lul generaIIy renaining oul of sighl unliI
and unIess a fuII-scaIe cilizens´ uprising occurs.
To conpIicale nallers, Thania nusl j uggIe her
AIIiance responsiliIilies vilh raising her infanl son,
a six-nonlh-oId naned Tashan. The falher of her
chiId, a nerchanl naned Runirock, died in a ne-
kiIIol accidenl, Ieaving Thania aIone vilh lheir la-
ly. Though Thania has so far negIecled neilher lhe
AIIiance nor her son a groving nunler of faclion
nenlers vonder if her devolion lo Tashan viII uIli-
naleIy veaken her effecliveness as a Ieader. The
sickIy Tashan, vho seens susceplilIe lo endIess af-
fIiclions, denands nore and nore of her line.
Appcarancc: Thania has snaII lIack eyes, shorl
CounciI Ieaders originaIIy nel in lhe Three Sis-
l ers Òlserval ory. They f ound i l i deaI , f or l he
sorcerer-king´s aslrononers no Ionger used il, afler
lhe conslruclion of lhe nore eIalorale RoyaI Òl-
servalory on lhe opposile side of lhe cily.
Wilh lhe recenl spIil, Leoricius (al Lodo´s urging)
has laken unofficiaI conlroI of lhal headquarlers.
Thania´ s faclion has noved lo a nev Iocalion, a
snaI I shop i n l he Iol l er´ s Courl . Lach f acl i on
knovs lhe olher´s Iocalion, lul neilher has yel con-
lenpIaled any draslic, seIf-deslruclive aclion such
as allacking lhe rivaI slronghoId or reporling ils Io-
calion lo Hananu. If lension escaIales, MyrneIeon
infiIlralors nay counseI lhese disaslrous aclions.
Dozens of crafl shops Iine Ioller´s Courl, rang-
ing in size fron spacious varehouses conlaining pol-
lery of every conceivalIe variely lo snaII speciaIly
slores fealuring onIy a singIe producl, such as ealing
ulensiIs or slorage jugs. Òne shop, lhe King´s Cup,
speciaIizes in drinking nugs, sparseIy decoraled lul
veII-nade and affordalIe for connoners. Localed
in a secIuded corner of lhe courl, lhe shop does a
nodesl lusiness.
Inside lhe shop lhe visilor sees dispIay racks, slor-
age pols, and lvo poller´s vheeIs-one of vhich aI-
vays seens lo le lroken. The lroken vheeI slands
on an frayed nal learing lhe synloI of lvo Iips.
The nal conceaIs a slairvay Ieading lo a lasenenl
roon lhal Thania´s faclion uses as a headquarlers.
Naned for lhe lhree idenlicaI granile hiIIs nearly,
lhe Three Sislers Òlservalory once funclioned as lhe
nain olservalory for Hananu´s royaI aslrononers.
Since lhe conslruclion of lhe RoyaI Òlservalory, lhe
Three Sislers nov officiaIIy serves as a slorage area for
aslrononicaI records and equipnenl.
If lhe slrangers Iook Iike represenlalives of lhe king
or olher officiaIs, Thassaphar peppers lhen vilh fIal-
lery (¨Òh, such handsone sandaIs! Did you pur-
chase lhen in lhe cily, or are you fron oul of lovn`¨),
groveIing requesls (¨Look al lhe shape of lhis olserv-
alory. SureIy, kind sirs, soneone as cIose lo lhe king as
you can puII sone slrings. You can gel an audience
vilh lhe king, can you nol`¨), or friendIy lanler
(¨MiIilary nen I served nyseIf, you knov. Lver
heard of CeneraI }ohorequ`¨). He lries lo Iearn as
If lhe slrangers Iook young, naive, or easiIy inlini-
daled, Thassaphar inpersonales a slern lureau-
cral , denandi ng l o knov l hei r li rl hdays, vork
hislory, and olher personaI infornalion. He slaIIs
lhen vhiIe he nelicuIousIy vriles dovn lheir every
Grnunds: SeveraI slalues represenling sone of
Urik´s grealesl aslrononers circIe lhe olservalory.
Near lhe easl enlry slands a nodesl guardhouse
nade of nud lricks, lhe donain of Thassaphar, an
eIderIy diviner and friend of lhe AIIiance. When
slrangers approach lhe olservalory, Thassaphar in-
lercepls lhen, poIileIy inquiring aloul lheir inlen-
lions. He psionicaIIy lransnils vhal he Iearns lo an
AI I i anc e nenler i ns i de l he ols er val or y, vi a
The olservalory slands on a high hiII knovn as
Sunrise Ioinl. Il resenlIes a squal cyIinder aloul
7O feel in dianeler and nearIy 5O feel laII. Chips
and scralches nar lhe olsidian vaIIs, giving lhe ap-
pearance of decades of negIecl. The AIIiance has
seaIed nosl vindovs lo discourage inlruders, and il
has aIso cIosed off lhe veslern enlrance vilh rullIe.
CandIes, lorches, and ceiIing gIoles inlued vilh
contlnua| |lght speIIs iIIuninale lhe inlerior.
The olservalory lears no resenlIance lo lerres-
lriaI equivaIenls -no leIescopes yel exisl on Alhas.
Inslead, lhe lvo-slory luiIding offers olservalion
laIconies, oversized neasuring devices, and a fIal
roof accessilIe ly a slaircase. Leoricius´s faclion
neels in a hidden lasenenl roon.
The Kl ng` s Cup
The Three Slslers Cbservalory
nuch as he can vilhoul arousing suspicion.
FIrst f!nnr: The easlern enlrance opens lo a Iarge
anleroon. A lIack and vhile ceranic nosaic of lhe
consleIIalions fiIIs nosl of lhe fIoor. ShouId anyone
slep on lhe nosaic, lhe pressure lriggers a nechani-
caI device in lhe AIIiance´s secrel lasenenl roon,
aIerling lhen. WaIking on lhe green ceranic lor-
ders of lhe consleIIalion nosaic avoids aclivaling lhe
aIarn. The AIIiance has inledded siniIar varning
nosaics in lhe fIoors, jusl lenealh lhe seaIed vin-
dovs, in case an inlruder disIodges lhe norlar lry-
ing lo enler lhis vay.
Mosl roons on lhis fIoor originaIIy served as con-
ference and sludy chanlers. Afler lhe conslruclion
of lhe RoyaI Òlservalory, lhese roons lecane slor-
age areas. Sone nov hoId ancienl records (noslIy
oI d and oul dal ed asl rononi caI charl s) or spare
equipnenl (larreIs of graphile for poIishing Ienses,
slacks of lIank papyrus scroIIs, and ruIers of various
Ienglhs). Òne conceaIs lhe secrel veapons cache:
knives, daggers, and lIovguns.
The norlh vaII Iooks Iike soIid lrick, covered vilh
a nuraI of lhe phases of lhe noons. By pIacing a
hand on lhe inage of lhe vaning noon, a visilor can
open a secrel paneI, reveaIing a slairvay lhal Ieads
lo lhe AIIiance´s lasenenl headquarlers.
Bascmcnt: The AIIiance headquarlers consisl of
a singIe roon vilh liIe fIoors and ceranic lrick
vaIIs. Òne vaII lears lhe elched nanes of AIIiance
nenlers Iosl in lhe Week of lhe Red Hood. Lach
neeling legins vilh nenlers louching lhe vaII and
loving lheir heads for a nonenl of respeclfuI si-
A round vooden neeling lalIe slands in lhe nid-
dIe of lhe roon. A lrapdoor lenealh lhe lalIe Ieads
lo an escape lunneI lhal vinds deep inlo lhe earlh,
opening in a veed fieId aloul 1OO yards avay.
5ccnnd f!nnr: The second fIoor has slorage areas
Iike lhose on lhe firsl fIoor, as veII as severaI privale
offices originaIIy leIonging lo lhe olservalory´s one-
line residenl schoIars. Nov lhal lhe schoIars have
died or reIocaled lo lhe nev RoyaI Òlservalory,
lhese offices conlain desks, chairs, enply sheIves,
Vhal Happened lo Morl ak!
calinels, and nol nuch eIse.
The Iargesl office leIonged lo a lriIIianl and ec-
Ieclic researcher naned Ulukez, vhose inleresls in-
cIuded nol onIy aslronony and nalhenalics, lul
nedicine, anlhropoIogy, and neleoroIogy. Aloul a
cenlury ago, Ulukez vandered inlo lhe deserl, pre-
sunalIy on a research projecl, and never relurned.
Mosl of his records renain in his office. AIIiance
nenlers have exani ned Ulukez´ s records, lul
have found nolhing of inleresl. An open skyIighl
Iels olservers sludy lhe skies alove.
Rnnf: Òlsidian liIe covers lhe roof, excepl for lhe
open skyIighl lhal serves as parl of lhe second fIoor
ceiIing. RecIining chairs enalIe aslrononers lo ol-
serve lhe slars vilhoul slraining lheir necks.
Thania´ s laly cones dovn vilh a lad case of
Tok´s Iever, vhich couId prove falaI if Iefl unlreal-
ed. Thania leIieves lhal lhe ancienl schoIar, Ulu-
kez, had deveIoped a cure for lhe fever. Iurlher,
Thania lhinks lhe cure nay Iie in his noles in lhe
Three Sislers Òlservalory. She sends an enissary
lo lhe olservalory lo ask for lhe noles. Leoricius re-
lukes lhe enissary. Lnraged, Thania vovs lo gel
Ulukez´s noles, vhalever lhe cosl.
If lhe ICs have aIIied vilh Thania, she nay order
lhen lo sneak inlo lhe olservalory and sleaI lhe
noles. If lhey have aIIied vilh Leoricius, lhey nay
have lo prevenl lhis lhefl. In eilher case, a vioIenl
cIash prolalIy erupls lelveen lhe lvo faclions al
lhe olservalory. Here lhe pIayer characlers nay lry
lo heaI lhe lreach lelveen lhe faclions, lul lhis
prolalIy cones onIy afler one or lhe olher Ieader
If Thania gains access lo Ulukez´s noles, ollain-
ing lhe naleriaIs necessary lo cure her laly nay
require deIicale negolialions vilh dune lraders or
advenlures in olher cilies.
MeanvhiIe, MorIak pIans lo search for and re-
cruil nev young preservers. His invesligalions nay
inadverlenlIy resuIl in one of lhe lvo oplions dis-
cussed alove.
MorIak appears lo lhe ICs and inpIores lhen lo
acl as inlernediaries in a sellIenenl lelveen lhe fac-
lions. He pronises lo reveaI hinseIf once lhe fac-
l i ons have reached an agreenenl . He vi I I nol
parlicipale in lhe negolialions, leIieving lhal his
presence viII cause Leoricius and Thania lo lehave
as lhey lhink he vanls, ralher lhan as lhey lruIy feeI.
3. MorIak vanled lhe lvo faclions lo cone lo
lerns and lhoughl lhe lesl vay lo achieve lhis vas
lo vilhdrav and Iel lhen reaIize lhey needed each
olher. WhiIe prelending lo nediale, he consuned a
µotlon of dlnlnutlon and hid in a hoIe in a lree. He
has nonilored lhe aclivilies of lolh faclions ever
since, disappoinled lhal lhey have leen unalIe lo
find connon ground.
2. Hear i ng l hal an AI I i anc e under I i ng s av
MorIak in a narkelpIace, lhe ICs inlerrogale ner-
chanls, lrile IovIifes, and evade Hananu´s securily
forces. LvenluaIIy lhey discover MorIak vandering
lhe slreels as a lrainIess leggar, lhe resuIl of acci-
denlaIIy rulling a cursed gen lhal affIicled hin
vilh a feeb|enlnd speII.
The Mighly King hoIds hin hoslage as a lrunp
card in case of an AIIiance uprising. The pIayer
characlers nusl nake lheir vay lhrough a sullerra-
nean cavern nelvork, vinding lenealh lhe royaI
paIace, lo Iilerale MorIak.
Al lhe lehesl of Thania or Leoricius, lhe ICs
nighl search for lhe nissing MorIak. They nay
find one of lhe foIIoving soIulions lo lhe nyslery of
MorIak´ s disappearance:
1. Hananu capl ured and i npri soned MorI ak.
Advenlure Hooks
The VeiIed AIIiance nainlains a slrong presence
in lhe lrading oulposl of AIlaruk and a snaII con-
lingenl in lhe sIave viIIage of SaIl Viev. Urik´s nin-
ing viIIage of MakIa usuaIIy lring in one or lvo
preservers vilh every sIave shipnenl, lul lhese
don´l Iive Iong enough lo deveIop a usefuI supporl
slruclure. No knovn nenlers Iive in lhe viIIages of
Norlh and Soulh LedopoIous, Ugo, or WaIis.
The nany snaIIer lovns lhal dol lhe deserl Iand-
scape nay incIude one or lvo cilizens vho knov lhe
sociely´ s recognilion signaIs, lul lhese ove aIIe-
giance lo no chapler and nake no reporls lo a coun-
c i I . No AI I i anc e nenler s houI d r eI y on l hes e
conlacls, vho oflen prove onIy lenporary.
A caravan slops over in AIlaruk every lhree veeks
or so. Those lhal serve lhe BaIican nerchanl houses
of Wavir, Rees, and TonlIador (lhe viIIage´s spon-
sors) slay for lvo or lhree nighls. Òlhers nusl pay 5
gp per caravan nounl each day- a rui nous l ol aI
lhal reslricls lheir slay lo one nighl per lrip.
Belveen caravans, residenls endure a ledious Iife
of 'lad neaIs, loring guard duly, and rouline nain-
lenance, punclualed ly episodes of slark lerror dur-
ing lhe occaisionaI gianl allacks. In lhis, viIIage Iife
resenlIes lhal in an arny canp or forlress. Cilizens
pass lhe line ganlIing, conpeling in vreslIing or
knife lhroving conlesls, or, renarkalIy, Iearning lo
read. AIlaruk´s Ieader pernils aII cilizens lo read.
He aIso has inlroduced olher radicaI ideas lhal have
nade lhe preservers´ hard Iives aInosl pIeasanl.
The Al l l ance l n Al laruk
ÒnIy in lhis snaII viIIage does lhe generaI popu-
Ious reaIize lhe dislinclion lelveen preserving and
defiIing nagic. This has nade Iife nuch easier for
lhe AIIiance.
A round lhe forlress vaIIs grov laII pyracanlha
l horn lushes. These provi de sone def ense, lul
nainIy lhey serve anolher funclion. Lvery guard on
lhe lallIenenls knovs of lhe Creen Tesl. When any
vizard asks enlry, lhe guard denands lo see a can-
trlµ or olher speII. He olserves lhe lhorn lushes
cIoseIy during lhe speIIcasling. If lhey survive, lhe
guard aIIovs lhe vizard in. Òlhervise he sounds lhe
Òf course, a crafly defiIer can easiIy foiI lhis crude
lesl, lul ils very exislence shovs lhal alliludes in AI-
laruk differ grealIy fron lhe resl of lhe region. Wiz-
ards al lhe oulposl lhank lhe one person responsilIe
for lhis.
Hunan MaIe Ireserver/Trader
DuaI - CI assed W4/Trad12
LavfuI good
Sl r 15
Dex 16
Con 18
Inl 17
Wi s 16
Cha 1 8
hp: 5O
AC : 8
#AT: 1
T HAC O : 1 5
Dng: 1d4 (dagger) or ly speII.
Iroficiencies: Dagger, Appraising, Bargain, Dis-
gui se, Iorgery, Readi ng/Wri l i ng, Sonal i c Con-
Isionics, fealure aIleralion.
Backgrnund: Born lo crueI sIave parenls in BaIic,
Ari sphi sl aneI es ran avay al l he age of 1O. He
pronplIy feII inlo lroulIe vilh a lenpIar, lul a pass-
ing vizard rescued lhe loy and adopled hin. Aris-
phislaneIes deveIoped inlense adniralion for nagic,
lul IillIe laIenl for speIIcasling. SliII, he joined lhe
AIIiance in BaIic and served il IoyaIIy.
His reaI laIenls Iay in lusiness. Afler nanaging
his adoplive falhers´ affairs, lhe youlh joined lhe
nerchanl house of Wavir and rose rapidIy in lhe
lakes seIf-righleous offence al lhe vay nages here
parade around i n l he open. He has roused l he
vralh of his palron, Cecrops Rees, grandson of lhe
palriarch of lhe House of Rees. ¨In lhe lesl inler-
esls of lhe firn,¨ Cecrops has hired a coupIe of haIf-
eI f ner c enar i es l o i nf i I l r al e and s ulver l l he
conpound. The Caplain hires lhese nercenaries
jusl as lhe ICs arrive. Their nischief (arson, salo-
lage, rallIe-rousing) legins shorlIy lhereafler, in-
pIicaling lhe heroes.
Sall Vlev
The Alllance ln Sall Vlev
In conlrasl lo nearly AIlaruk, peopIe in lhis lois-
lerous sIave viIIage hale vizards as nuch as olher
Alhasians do. The uneducaled, even savage resi-
denls forn nols and Iynch lhose even suspecled of
nagicaI aliIily. Belveen Iynchings, lhey spend lheir
Ieisure line in an endIess cycIe of ganlIing, drink-
ing, and lravIing. Ior a change of pace lhey slage
crueI aninaI fighls, nore rulhIess lhan lhose in any
cily-slale´s arena.
Cilizens of SaIl Viev knov of onIy one vizard:
O!d HI!dcra (W3. 8 hp, LN), an aged vonan vho
once Iived in Tyr as an AIIiance apprenlice. Bul
nany decades ago, soneone discovered her povers
and her leacher had lo snuggIe her oul of lhe cily
ahead of an angry nol. He sal her up in lhis dislanl
viIIage, vhere she cIeans shacks and lenls using can-
trlµs and unseen sertant speIIs. In lhe decades since
she cane here, she has never found anyone vho
Advenlure Hook
couId inslrucl her furlher in nagic.
Because of her genlIe nalure and Iov prices, lhe
viIIagers loIerale her, lhough no one viII appear in
pulIic vilh her. DesperaleIy IoneIy, she has Begun
inslrucling a fev viIIage chiIdren in ninor nagic.
ShouId lhe aduIls discover lhis, lhey vouId inslanlIy
hang her.
f i rn. He never I osl hi s conni l nenl l o nagi c,
lhough, nor an acconpanying leIief lhal aII lhink-
ing leings have a righl lo Iileracy. When lhe House
of Wavir appoinled hin lo supervise lheir lrading
posl al AIlaruk sone lhree decades ago, he quielIy
legan inpIenenling his ideas. As Iong as lhe lai-
anle sheels conlinue slrong, lhe sponsoring ner-
chanls Iook lhe olher vay.
Appcarancc: ArisphislaneIes is age 54. He vears
BaI i can cI ol hi ng, l he chi l on and chI anys, and
Iealher arnor. He is of average heighl, nuscuIar
lui I d, l hough paunchy, and laI d- i n f acl , con-
pIeleIy hairIess. Sone specuIale lhal lhe Caplain
nusl have dvarf lIood in his pasl. Hovever, a snaII
proporlion of Alhasian hunans have no naluraI
lody hair.
The Caplain expIoils lhis using his psyconelalo-
Iic viId laIenl, a rare and ninor varianl of nelanor-
phos i s . Ar i s phi s l aneI es c an c hange hi s f ac i aI
fealures and fingerprinls, lhe shape of his hands,
and so on. He can grov vels lelveen his fingers
and loes, or poinl his ears. He sonelines uses lhe
Iasl lrick lo inpersonale a nuI, a handy disguise.
Rn!c-P!ayIng: He is oulspoken, haranguing, cur-
nudgeonIy, lul anusing and charning in his vay.
Alusive lovard lhose vho queslion lhe visdon of
leachi ng sI aves and soI di ers lo read, and harshI y
launling of lhose vho refuse lhe opporlunily lo
Iearn. Bul ArisphislaneIes regards lhose vho shov a
lhirsl for knovIedge as his lIood kin.
Nntc: The lrader characler cIass appears in lhe
Dune Trader suppIenenl. DMs vho Iack lhal look
nay sulslilule ¨rogue¨ for ¨lrader.¨
Despile ArisphislaneIes good offices, sone in AI-
laruk sliII nainlain lhe oId prejudices againsl viz-
ards. Sone of lhese have high-IeveI conneclions vilh
lhe nerchanl dynaslies lhal sponsor lhe viIIage.
Anphiucus, a nuI lrader for lhe House of Rees,
8 9
Losl Casls
Crak`s Pool
Grak (7lh-IeveI fighler): AL LN, AC7, MV 6, HD
7, hp 24, THACO 14 (+2 lo hil fron slrenglh lo-
nus), #AT 3/2 rounds, Dng 1d6+4 (nelaI
norningslar), SZ M, ML 1O, Slr 14, Dex 15, Con
Regg, a 7lh-IeveI diviner, spends nosl of his days
sludying nagic, sonelines via psionic connunica-
lion vilh AIIiance vizards in dislanl cilies. In lhis
vay he Iearned lhe AIIiance recognilion signaIs.
Òul of lor edon, r al her l han l r eac her y, Regg
passes reporls of inleresling or suspicious lraveIIers
lo any CounciI nenler vho asks. He enjoys laIking
vilh visilors and vouId gIadIy reveaI his aliIilies lo
anolher preserver.
Crak lhe haIf-eIf enpIoys nany nercenaries, in-
cIuding one preserver-his ovn lrolher, Regg. The
lvo slick ly each olher in a vorId lhal nislrusls
lhen lolh.
Iev oases supporl a pernanenl popuIalion. Tvo
lhal sheIler individuaI preservers, AIIiance nen-
lers, deserve nenlion: Crak´s IooI and Losl Òasis.
Si nce l hen Andropi ni s has sI ai n nore l han a
dozen lenpIars, ly vay of encouraging lhe survivors
lo hunl Ihrianlus nore aggressiveIy. Bul Ihrianlus
has changed his appearance, aura, profession, and
halils, vhiIe he vails oul lhe king´s vralh and slud-
ies lhe speIIlook. Il hoIds 1Olh-IeveI speIIs lhal far
oulslrip his aliIily-nolhing Iess lhan psionic en-
chanlnenls, lhe nosl advanced nagic on Alhas.
No one knovs lhal anolher, nore poverfuI viz-
ard, Iives in SaIl Viev. Ihrianlus (W 1O, 35 hp, LL)
is a BaIikan defiIer vho once served Andropinis. He
pI unde r e d o ne o f l he ki ng´ s no s l a dva nc e d
speIIlooks and severaI devises lhal hid hin fron
nagi c aI or ps i oni c pur s ui l . He f I ed BaI i c and
reached SaIl Viev lefore discovery of lhe lhefl.
15, Inl 17, Wis 12, Cha 1O.
Rcgg (7lh-IeveI diviner): AL LN, AC1O, MV 6,
HD 7, hp 2O, THACO 18, #AT 1, Dng ly speII,
SZ M, ML 1O, Slr 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Inl 17,
Wis 12, Cha 1O.
Many years ago one Lionus, an invoker fron Ba-
Iil, discovered ancienl scroIIs reIaling lo lhe earIy
hislory of lhe dragon and lhe sorcerer-kings. He
never loId anyone vhal he found, lul he Iefl shorlIy
afler and look up residence al lhis oasis, near lhe
ruins of KaIidnay. The oId hernil has expIored lhe
ruins ever since, groving riper and hairier vilh each
Despile a Iack of resuIls and nunerous cIose caIIs
vilh dealh, Lionus sliII leIieves lhe deslroyed cily
hoIds sone poverfuI secrel. He leIIs visilors, vilh
sone excilenenl if nol coherence, his lheory lhal lhe
dragon deslroyed lhe cily. ¨The sorcerer-king here
lried l´ do sonelhin´. . . againsl lhe dragon, nay-
le. . . dunno. Tried l´ kiII a vhoIe Iol o´ foIks.
Mayle sone kind o´ foIks ve never heard of. Dun-
no vhy. You heIp ne expIore, I jusl knov ve´II find
Lionus has expIored sone of lhe exlensive ruins
and lhinks he nay have lefriended lhe IocaI druid,
lhe lhri-keen DarvadaIa. Though nol quile crazy,
lhe oId vizard ha had IillIe sociaI conlacl for dec-
ades and lareIy resenlIes his oId AIIiance associ-
LInnus (5lh-IeveI hunan invoker): AL LN, AC 1O,
MV 6, HD 5, hp 15, THACO 13, #AT 1, Dng
ly speII, SZ M, ML 6, Slr 12, Dex 13, Con 15, Inl
16, Wis 7, Cha 8.
This chapler discusses sone of lhe issues invoIved
in running VeiIed AIIiance advenlures, eilher aIone
or in a connecled canpaign.
The Alllance In Advenlures
Nob|e Quaestor, at µour lnltlatlon µou asked of
the foundlng of our socletµ, ´What great ultard
brought a|| thls about? What traltor betraµed lts ex-
lstence to the sorcerer-klngs?" and µou uondered
uhµ ue snl|ed. We had no tlne then to exµound
uµon the questlon-the guards attacked then, as
µou no doubt reca||-and thus nµ reµ|µ has had to
ualt. The ta|e beglns ulth Dac|anltus, a nan of sln-
lster nature and dark |ook, of µursed |lµs and nea-
s ur l ng gate , c | oµl ng t o s uµe r l or s and c r ue | t o
under|lngs. The b|ack robes of the tenµ|ar besµoke
hls b|ack heart. But l note ahead of nµ storµ. . .
Manµ kl ngs´ ages µast, Dac| anl tus rose hl gh
anong the tenµ|ars of Tµr. Lten bµ that etl| ca||-
lng´s standards, hls crue|tµ and anbltlon becane
µroterbla|. Hls under|lngs kneu Dac|anltus as a
cunnlng nan, as etaslte as a ]arbo. Hls end|ess de-
totlon to se|f-adtancenent earned hln the nlck-
nane ´the S| eeµ| ess One. " Hl s tea| l n trackl ng
traltors soon brought hln the resµect of Ka|ak, uho
granted hln near|µ un|lnlted µouer as hls senlor
Dac|anltus´s offlce |et hln lndu|ge certaln µrltate
anbltlons, lnc|udlng an lnterest ln rulns and ob]ects
of naglc. Perhaµs he hoµed to obtaln sone detlce
fron anclent daµs that uou|d |et hln rlse farther-
eten to the b|ack throne of Tµr
lt haµµened that a grouµ of adtenturous antl-
quarlans, hatlng studled anclent texts, set forth
across the desert bµ unknoun µaths to search for the
|ost cltµ of Kor. After nanµ nonths, uhen theµ dld
not return to Tµr, Dac|anltus c|alned thelr hones
and goods l n the nane of Ka| ak. But on a daµ
b|ackened bµ the b|oulng sand, theµ returned fron
the uaste|and bearlng a strange he|n.
Dac|anltus ordered the uearµ trate|ers selted
and lnµrlsoned. But torture cou|d not nake then
retea| the he|n´s µouers. Theµ dled µrofesslng thelr
|or a tlne the he|n |aµ uµon Dac|anltus´s desk.
He sensed lts naglc, but cou|d not declµher lts µur-
µose. Hou cou|d he un|ock lts secrets?
At | ast desl re f or µouer otercane couardl ce.
A| one l n hl s chanbers, he µut on the he| n. As
though a curtaln had µarted, he sau the etl| of hls
|lfe. A sµe||blndlng tlslon shoued hou a|| hls actlons
had nade hls heart sna|| and µettµ, hou he had
stanµed out a|| cltltens´ lnµu|ses touard freedon,
truth, and beautµ. The anclent naglc urought uµon
hln changed hln so µouerfu||µ and µalnfu||µ that
he fe|| lnto a suoon |astlng daµs.
When he uoke, he fe|t reborn. He asked hls ser-
tants to brlng hln the he|n, but dlscotered that out
of fear theµ had torn lt fron hls head and ne|ted lt
ln a b|acksnlth´s forge. He forgate then thls and
reso|ted to begln a neu |lfe, redoub|lng hls tea| ln a
hlgh and uorthµ cause: huntlng ultards. He uou|d
rld Athas of the naglclans uho a|nost destroµed lt!
But hls µo|ltlca| acultµ had not |eft hln. He kneu
that dolng thls good uork requlred craft and subt|e-
tµ. lf Ka| ak eter susµected hl s neu nature, the
S|eeµ|ess One uou|d fa|| lnto a µernanent s|eeµ.
|ortunate|µ, hls great abl|ltles ln the arts of the nlnd
concea|ed hls thoughts, and hls skl|| ln duµ|lcltµ hld
hls actlons. Yet hls neufound enotlons betraµed
The uasheruonen and the stab|eboµs sµoke of
the tenµ|ar´s neu klndness, and the ta|e found lts
uaµ to a sku|klng, obsequlous µoung nan, an anbl-
tlous ]unlor tenµ|ar naned Antrlfos. No natter to
uhon ue sµeak, the tenµ|ars hear. Antrlfos began
uatchlng Dac|anltus fron secrecµ.
ln the fo||oulng ueeks Dac|anltus µersecuted ult-
ards ln a sµlrlt of rlghteous tengeance. Lten hls
nane cou|d nake a nage turn µa|e ulth fear. Manµ
of our ca||lng fe|| to hls urath, but theµ dld not dle
taln|µ. |or as he took end|ess tortured confesslons,
the tenµ|ar began to susµect uhat no tenµ|ar kneu:
that naglc take naµ forns and µerhaµs, ]ust µer-
haµs, lt cou|d serte not death, but |lfe.
|lna||µ Dac|anltus heard of a beautlfu| nage-
uonan uho due|t ´beµond sµark|lng uater," a ult-
ard of µouer and µurltµ. He |onged to caµture her.
The tenµ|ar fe|t certaln that her confesslon uou|d
teach hl n, at | ast, the truths of nagl c. But f or
nonths he heard no nore about her, nelther her
nane nor the neanlng of thls ´sµark|lng uater." So
hls µersecutlon contlnued.
One nl ght at hl s µa| at l a| hone hl s guar ds
brought hln a drunken nerchant, a caratan drlter.
The trate||er to|d a storµ of a uaterfa|| g|eanlng at
nlght uµon a dlstant µeak. The nerchant sµotted lt
for on|µ an lnstant, uhen the tuo noons took a cer-
taln µosltlon, and thls uonder energed f|ashlng |lke
a sheet of sl|ter ln the nlght.
Dac|anltus ca||ed astrononers and geograµhers
to hls hone, so that he cou|d flnd thls nµsterµ bµ
square and conµass. Hls eagerness dreu the atten-
tlon of Antrlfos, uho nade dlscreet lnqulrles of a
The µoung nan´s lnfornant to|d hln, ´The hlgh
tenµ|ar seeks a uaterfa|| ln the desert. The sages
µ|ace thls nlrac|e at Rega| Tar, uhlch l knou has no
nore uater than a bone. " Antrlfos thought, ´Mµ
|eader has |earned of great µouer, or he has gone
nad. Llther uaµ, l sha|| exµ|olt hls |unacµ."
Meanuhl|e, Dac|anltus arranged an exµedltlon
to Rega| Tar. Great uas thelr hardshlµ ln the uaste-
|and, but at |ast, ln the co|d desert nlght, theµ cane
to Rega| Tar. Dac|anltus sca|ed the µeak a|one, |est
hls trooµs´ µresence a|ert the ultard. Hlgh on the
nountaln, he sau the tuln noons of Athas hanglng
|ou ln the skµ, |lke g|oulng eµes through dark fabrlc.
Abote hln, a uaterfa|| descended fron the ]agged
sunnlt to a crack ln the dark to|canlc rock. He
µaused, aued bµ lts beautµ, and then, ln |etha| sl-
|ence, c|lnbed uµ to the cretasse.
|l||ed ulth uonder, he uhlsµered Ka|ak´s nane to
sl|ence sµe||s that nlght sound an a|arn. Then he
steµµed through.
As the curtaln of uater µarted, he entered a gar-
den of green de|lght. |erns f|ourlshed ln each cor-
ner, grasses and sedge greu | l ke a carµet, and
sµlderµ alr µ|ants |lnned eterµ crag of the catern
ua||. The µungent alr c|osed ln danµ|µ and |lght
dlffused through the cate fron no c|ear source.
The tenµ|ar sl|ent|µ ua|ked deeµer lnto the cate.
He had neter seen so nuch green outslde Ka|ak´s
gardens. There the µ|ants greu ln order|µ arraµ.
Thls feterlsh grouth, though attractlte, struck hln
He stoµµed ln surµrlse. On a bed of green noss,
surrounded bµ a |lterµ of µlnk orchlds, |aµ a thln
b|ack-halred uonan ulth taunµ skln and flne|µ
draun f eatures. Dac| anl tus stared nesnerl ted.
Cou|d thls beautµ connand the defl|lng naglc that
b|lghted the uor|d? Hou cou|d she nalntaln thls
sanctuarµ? Sudden|µ angrµ at hls oun doubt, he fe||
uµon and gagged her, then bound her hands ulth
|eather thongs.
As she stared ln µanlc, he to|d her, ´Neter |et
µour guard doun uhl|e a tenµ|ar |ltes." He neant
to sound snug, µet as he uatched her strugg|e ulth
her bonds, he fe|t on|µ shane, and hls tolce retea|ed
lt. She fe|| stl|| and |ooked at hln ulth curlosltµ. He
sald, ´l seek-" and then, after a µause, he fln-
lshed, ´|earnlng. " The uord surµrlsed then both.
When he took her fron the cate, she µut uµ no
reslstance. Then he µercelted a dark shaµe agalnst
the darker skµ. A |ou grou|, an odor of sueat-nou,
ln the |lght fron the catern nouth, a sµeck|lng of Slory Devlce
b|ack on µe||ou fur-he kneu the beast. A ]aguar,
fron the |orest Rldge, notlng to attack!
As he µreµared hls defenses, Aterl| nanaged to
strugg|e free of her gag. He µreµared to ca|| for
he|µ, but he stoµµed ln anatenent as Aterl| sald,
´Naurax, back! Don´ t hurt hl n. " The creature
ha|ted and grou|ed ln frustratlon. Then, to the ten-
µ|ar´s astonlshnent, Naurax turned and sl|ent|µ
tanlshed lnto the darkness.
Tenµ|ar and ultard |ooked at each other. ´You
nean to take ne to Tµr, l assune," she sald ln a
coo| contra|to tolce. He nodded, forgettlng to scou|
as beflt a caµtor.
On the |ong nare back to Tµr, Dac|anltus ln-
terrogated the uonan, uho gate the nane Aterl|.
He asked, ´Whµ dl d µou sate ne f ron the ] ag-
u a r ? "
´l ta|ue nµ sanctuarµ," she sald, ´l suore a tou
that no |ltlng thlng uou|d cone to harn there, lf l
cou|d he|µ lt. There l gather eterµthlng l |ote."
On that |ong trlµ he asked nore questlons, and
she ansuered frank|µ. Hls questlons greu |ess hostl|e
and nore far-ranglng. He drank deeµ|µ fron the
fount of her knou|edge, flrst |earnlng of µreserter
naglc and then, before the trlµ ended, reso|tlng
that the uaµ of the µreserters shou|d not µerlsh.
When the reached Tµr, Dac|anltus artfu||µ de-
celted hls under|lngs and brought Aterl| undetect-
e d f r on t he t or t ur e c hanbe r s . He f or g e d t he
etldence of her death. Then he hld her beneath the
sorcerer-klng´s terµ nose, ulthln a secret grotto ln
Ka|ak´s oun gardens. ln hls heart |ote greu for
Aterl|, hls darlng µartner ln cha||englng the etl| of
the uor|d.
But Antrlfos, the anbltlous uatcher, dld not be-
| l ete the record of Aterl | ´ s death. Hou had the
S|eeµ|ess One fal|ed to secure nore lnfornatlon
t han t hl s f eeb| e t r anscr l µt shoued? ´No, " he
thought, ´he contlnues hls schene. " So Antrlfos
contlnued to obserte. . . .
The AIIiance vorks veII as a pIol device lo inlro-
duce inporlanl slory eIenenls or expedile Iogislics.
Ils high-IeveI nages and psionicisl auxiIiaries can
cI ai rvoyanl I y I ocal e dangerous or usef uI NICs,
provide vilaI speII conponenls lo speIIcaslers, or
casl leIeporl nagic lo nove lhe heroes rapidIy lo
lheir deslinalion.
ConverseIy, lhe AIIiance can oppose lhe ICs in
aII lhese goaIs, for ils ovn inscrulalIe reasons. Il
couId nislakenIy leIieve lhal lhe pIayer characlers
inlend harn lo a preserver, or lhal lhe ICs are
agenls of lhe sorcerer-kings. The AIIiance´ s ol-
slruclion lecones a usefuI vay lo deIay lhe ICs or
Ienglhen lhe advenlure. Then, once everyone sorls
oul lhe ness and lhe AIIiance apoIogizes, il nay ask
lhe heroes lo find and rool oul lhe source of lhe lad
infornalion~a MyrneIeon, no doull.
Taloos: Òn lhe olher hand, in a scenario´ s cIi-
nax, lry nol lo send ¨lhe AIIiance cavaIry¨ charg-
Cpponenl !
ing over lhe hiII vilh vands lIazing jusl in line lo
rescue l he hapI ess ICs. Thi s sl eaI s l he heroes´
lhunder, and il nakes pIayers vonder vhy lhey
lolhered pIaying.
AIso, avoid naking lhe AIIiance an aII-purpose
nagic shop. This secrel sociely, fighling for ils Iife,
can´l afford lo provide a handy spol for lhe parly lo
drop in and gel soneone lo anaIyze or luy nagicaI
If lhe pIayers conpIacenlIy reIy loo oflen on lheir
AIIiance conlacls, lry lhis. Òne line, vhen lhey
reach lheir usuaI rendezvous, lhey find a lurnl
vreck, vilh lodies everyvhere and lenpIars vailing
nearly lo allack anyone vho shovs curiosily. This
shovs lhe parly lhal Iife in lhe AIIiance carries as
nuch risk as olher kinds of Iife on Alhas.
The AIIiance offers an exceIIenl vay lo puII lhe
pIayer characlers inlo advenlures. As nenlers of a
ceII, lhey receive nyslerious orders fron a hidden
Ieadership. As oulsiders, lhey gel a nyslerious visi-
lor in lhe nighl, offering a periIous lask for exceIIenl
pay. (This neans lhe visilor, an AIIiance Iieulenanl,
can´ l afford lo risk nenlers on a necessary nis-
Adj usl lhis nelhod according lo your pIayers´
slyIe. If lhey enjoy a sense of nyslery, nol a vord viII
escape lhe palron´s Iips. If lhey suspecl nyslery as-
signnenls, lhe AIIiance palron can le nore forlh-
The AIIiance seIdon pays nore lhan haIf a fee in pIayers lecone avare of lhe AIIiance´ s slruggIe
lhe AIIiance shouId cone lo respecl each olher. The
By lhe line lhey sorl lhings oul, lhe heroes and
Anolher kind of confronlalion can dranalicaIIy
inlroduce lhe AIIiance inlo lhe canpaign. The par-
ly encounlers an NIC fIeeing a pack of AIIiance
assassins. The NIC legs heIp. If lhey heIp lhe fugi-
live, lhe heroes face lhe fuII nighl of lhe AIIiance.
As lhe confIicl deveIops lhough, lhe parly shouId
graduaIIy reaIize lhal lhe NIC Iefl lhe AIIiance for
crininaI or covardIy purposes, and lhal lhe sociely
has good reason lo siIence lhe lrailor.
The AIIiance can conslrucliveIy oppose lhe parly
in a coupIe of vays, lhough. Iirsl, an especiaIIy
snoopy pIayer nay foIIov a Iead nore quickIy lhan
you vish, lhrealening lhe surprise you vanled lo
keep for Ialer. In lhis case, lhe invesligalor nay ¨ac-
cidenlaIIy¨ run inlo an AIIiance nission. Ior unre-
Ialed reasons, lhe preservers have lIovn up lhe
hero´s deslinalion, or have lenporariIy hidden lhe
infornalion source. Do lhey leII lhe hero vhy` Òf
course nol-vhy do lhey caII il a ¨secrel¨ sociely,
Il usuaIIy serves IillIe purpose lo casl lhe AIIiance
enenies of lhe ICs, unIess lhe pIayers pIay defiIers
or lenpIars. Because of ils secrelive nelhods and
rulhIess requilaI poIicies, heroes nay suspecl lhe
AIIiance al firsl (and perhaps al second or lhird).
Bul heroes and AIIiance aIike vork lovard lhe sane
goaIs. Do everylhing possilIe lo snoolh nisunder-
sl andi ngs and di sagreenenl s. They lol h have
enough reaI enenies!
advance, and oflen Iess. This nay Iead lo prolIens
vhen non-nenler heroes, fIush vilh viclory on lhe
assignnenl, lry lo coIIecl lheir fees. The palron nay
have disappeared or leen execuled! Don´l puII lhis
unIess il Ieads lo anolher advenlure lo recover lhe
palron (or lhe fee). Òlhervise, lhe lurned heroes
viII never lrusl lhe AIIiance again.
Mlsslon Source
9 4
againsl an unforgiving vorId. In relurn, even if lhe
heroes heIped lhe lrailor lo escape, lhe sociely can
forgive lhen lecause of lheir ignorance. Nonelhe-
Iess, lhe heroes shouId evenluaIIy hear lhal anolher
land of assassin nages siIenced lhe fugilive.
Hov nany preservers Iive on Alhas` Hov nany
defiIers` The ansvers delernine lhe size and pover
of lhe AIIiance, and of ils enenies.
Numbcrs nf prcscrvcrs: I n l he DARK SUN
canpaign lackground, len lo fifly lhousand peopIe
Iive in each of lhe seven cily-slales in lhe Tyr Re-
gion. ÒnIy a rare fev. Iess lhan haIf of one percenl
of lhe popuIalion, casl preserving nagic.
Lach ci l y has approxi nal eI y 15 preservers of
greal pover (alove 8lh-IeveI), nol counling lhe pIay-
er characlers. These, scallered anong lhe IeveIs
fron 3 lo 2O, Iead lhe AIIiance. UsuaIIy one or lvo
vizards of each lype (preserver and defiIer) foIIov
lheir ovn agendas as independenl agenls. Afler aII,
vho dares order lhen lo do olhervise` Higher-IeveI
vizards, such as lhe ¨Creal Òne,¨ ordinariIy give
up socielaI enlangIenenls and Ieave a cily during
lheir ascenl lo avangion slalus (expIained in lhe
Dragon Kings ruIelook).
BeIov lhis rank one finds perhaps 12-2O accon-
pIished preservers (say, 5lh-lo 8lh-IeveI), again onil-
ling ICs. AI nosl aII preservers of lhis rank have
eilher joined lhe AIIiance or conceaIed lheir pover
fron ils Ieaders. Tone
As for lhe Iovesl rank, lhe sludenls of nagic (1sl-
lo around 4lh-IeveI), acconpIished vizards of lhe
AIIiance keep a lolaI of perhaps a dozen appren-
lices. IrolalIy jusl as nany diIellanles sludy Iov-
I eveI pr es er vi ng nagi c on l hei r ovn. AI I l he
apprenlices and a fev of lhe olhers leIong lo lhe
AIIiance, vhich keeps lals on nosl of lhe resl, lul
pIenly of leginners aIvays sIip ly. ¨Like lrying lo
counl a svarn of lees,¨ says one Iieulenanl.
This census inpIies lhal aloul 4O-6O preservers,
nol counling lhe pIayer characlers, Iive in a given
cily. If lhal doesn´l suil your canpaign, adjusl lhe
lolaIs. CrealIy increasing lhe nunler of high-IeveI
nages creales a nagic-rich canpaign, vilh proIific
vonders and spIendid high-IeveI narveIs. Reducing
lhe nunler of vizards creales a nore reaIislic sel-
ling, and il increases lhe inporlance of IC speII-
caslers. Il nay aIso increase lhe lhreal fron an
angry popuIace: lhe rarily of vizards nagnify lhe
deeds of ICs.
Numbcrs nf dcfI!crs: DefiIers oulnunler pre-
servers in lhe cily-slales ly a faclor of lhree lo five.
DefiIers nay nake up j usl over one percenl of a
cily´s popuIalion.
The di sl ri lul i on of def i I ers across l he I eveI s
nalches lhal of preservers, descriled alove. The
4O-7O defiIers of IeveI-9 or alove nay conceaI lheir
povers veII, lul sonelines lhe IocaI AIIiance knovs
lheir idenlilies. These defiIers have sonehov arrived
al an underslanding vilh lhe sorcerer-king. They
usuaIIy connand so nuch pover lhal lhe AIIiance
nusl lread vilh caulion.
AII defiIers leIov lhis rank (sone 4O lo 1OO of
5lh-lo 8lh-IeveI, and up lo lvice lhal nany leIov
5lh-IeveI) hide lheir aliIilies. Òlhervise, enenies
vouId lesiege lhen. DefiIers, nislruslfuI ly nalure,
do nol lake apprenlices as oflen as preservers do.
Beginning defiIers sonelines discover lheir aliIilies
ly inslincl or accidenl, lul lhis rareIy occurs anong
Alhas encourages advenlures of a far differenl
kind fron olher nedievaI fanlasy vorIds. Harsh
condilions prohilil high poIilicaI inlrigue and inpe-
riaI cIashes lhal span conlinenls. Iev heroes aspire
lo vorId-shaking pover, inslead laking survivaI as
sufficienl revard.
The Alhasian canpaign caIIs for a snaIIer scaIe,
Iike lhal of cIassic svord-and-sorcery fanlasy slories.
In lhese, heroes roan lhe vorId, noving fron one
silualion lo anolher. Iirsl lhey nighl vork as lhieves,
lhen lry a hilch in a landil gang. When everyone in
lhe gang perishes al a nonsler´s hands, lhe heroes
lhen join an arny. Afler a coIossaI lallIe vhere lhey
aIone survive, lhey spend a fev nonlhs connanding
a conpany of nercenaries. And so on.
The VeiIed AIIiance offers an exceIIenl franevork
for lhis canpaign slyIe. The sociely´ s inscrulalIe
nelhods and vide range of operalions can pIausilIy
lring ICs lo aInosl any silualion. The AIIiance
nay connand lhen lo spy on lenpIars, expIore ru-
ins, join a caravan, fighl a lallIe, or kidnap a pre-
server fron a sIave lrile.
The AIIiance aIso suils lhe alnosphere of lhe
Alhasian canpaign in lhal characlers face conslanl
danger. Never forgel lhe nosl inporlanl faclor of a
VeiIed AIIiance canpaign. . .
The characlers gel lheir nission. Iron vhon`
They don´ l knov. Ior vhal purpose` They nay
never find oul. Can lhey gel any heIp` No. TeIIing
anyone, even a casuaI onIooker, couId nean reIenl-
Iess pursuil, arresl, and (al lesl) exiIe. If lhey suc-
ceed, viII anyone knov` Who can say` If lhey gel
lired, can lhey jusl lov oul` No!
The AI I i ance canpai gn has a di f f erenl f I avor
fron aInosl any olher kind of AD&D
Lven espionage or inleIIigence nissions in nore con-
venlionaI canpaigns have an end-lhe heroes reach
lheir hone lerrilory, or escape across lhe lallIe
Iines, and lhey can reIax. Òn Alhas nenlers of lhe
Vei I ed AI I i ance can never reI ax, excepl anong
Sounds grueIing` Yes. Never Iel lhe pIayers forgel
lhe need for secrecy. If lhey do, punish lheir charac-
lers vilh lhe consequences.
Secrecy anong lhenseIves` LogicaIIy, one nighl
expecl such a secrelive organizalion lo fosler para-
noia anong ils nenlers. Il nighl even lurn lhen
againsl one anolher ly giving one nenler of a ceII
secrel infornalion aloul anolher, or il nighl leII one
nenler lo vilhhoId vilaI infornalion fron olhers.
In praclice, don´l Iel lhe AIIiance descend lo such
exlrenes. This vouId danage lhe lrusl lelveen pIay-
ers, a lrusl lhal aIvays proves difficuIl lo repair. A
pIayer nay give olhers cause lo doull, lul don´l risk
lhe canpaign ly encouraging lhis kind of lehavior.
5ccrct p!casurcs: Secrecy lrings salisfaclion as veII
as olslacIes. Belveen avfuI ordeaIs, fosler lhe pIay-
ers´ sense of advenlure. Afler aII, lheir characlers le-
Iong lo a genuine secrel sociely-lhey have secrel
idenlilies. Lncourage lhen lo nake nyslerious jokes
lhal laffIe onIookers. Lxchange signaIs across a
crovded roon vilh a seening slranger, and knov lhe
lhriII of finding a kindred spiril despile lrue danger,
and knov lhe vaIue of lheir high cause. IIayed veII,
lhese lenefils shouId convince lhe ICs lo lehave
even nore secreliveIy, jusl as lhey vouId afler a dead-
Iy raid ly lenpIars or a lerserk Iynch nol.
Inlersperse lhe use of lhe carrol and lhe slick. Re-
nind lhe pIayers al aII lines lhal lhe nenlers of lhe
AIIiance nusl seek lhe shadovs, and lhey nusl
search very hard, lenealh ils nerciIess red sun.
¨The sunner´s nighl al end, lhe sun slands up as
a crovn of hosliIe fIanes fron lhal huge coverl of
inhospilalIe sandslone lergs, lhe deserl day davns
nol IillIe and IillIe, lul il is noon lide in an hour.
The sun, enlering as a lyranl upon lhe vasle Iand-
scape, darls upon us a lornenl of fiery leans, nol
lo le renilled liII lhe far-off evening. . . Crave is
lhal giddy heal upon lhe crovn of lhe head, lhe ears
lingIe vilh a fIickering shriIIness, a sullIe crepilalion
il seens, in lhe gIassiness of lhis sun-slricken na-
lure: lhe hol sand-lIink is in lhe eyes, arid lhere is
IillIe refreshnenl lo find in lhe lenls´ sheIler, lhe
vorsled loolhs Ieak lo lhis fiery ray of sunny Iighl.¨
CharIes M. Doughly,
TraveIs in Aralia Deserla (1888)
Velled Alllance
by Allen Varney
Iev safe havens exisl on Alhas, and fever sliII for pre-
servers. In lhe hidden pIaces of lhe cilies~a poller´s shop,
a crenalori a, even under lhe very paI ace of a sorcerer
king~lhe VeiIed AIIiance alides, aiding and prolecling
preservers and auxiIiaries, and slanding againsl defiIers.
I n Tyr , BaI i c, Dr aj , CuI g, Ni lenay, Raan, and Ur i k,
proleclion fron lhe dark forces of Alhas endures.
Secrel recognilion signaIs preserve lheir idenlilies. Ior
lhose seeking nenlership cones a lesling: afler lrue in-
lenlions are proven, lesls are adninislered and, if faiIed,
Iead lo a lerrilIe dealh. If successfuI, lhe candidale Iooks
forvard lo years of periIous vork and slrife~lhe resuIls of
vhich nay never see lhe pages of a journaI. And no one
quils lhe AIIiance vilhoul facing requilaI.
VeiIed AIIiance presenls lhe DM¯ vilh aII
l he i nf or nal i on r e qui r e d l o c r e al e AI I i anc e -
cenl er ed canpai gns on Al has~del ai I ed
infornalion aloul lhe five ains, adven-
lure hooks for each AIIiance, recogni-
lion signaIs, and naps of various headquarlers. AII lhe
fealures you need lo creale lhriIIing, fundanenlaI
chaIIenges lo lhe AIIiance on lhe rulhIess vorId
of Alhas are nov reveaIed.

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